I genuinely do hope for a better ending than Rhaegar dying. He could be a great King.
He's the guy who decided it's a fine idea to elope with a girl half his age... when he's already married to the daughter of one lord paramount, the girl is the daughter of a second, and the girl's betrothed is a third lord paramount. He offended three out of seven kingdoms in one single move, I agree that takes some talent, but not the talent you want sitting on the throne.
He's the guy who decided it's a fine idea to elope with a girl half his age... when he's already married to the daughter of one lord paramount, the girl is the daughter of a second, and the girl's betrothed is a third lord paramount. He offended three out of seven kingdoms in one single move, I agree that takes some talent, but not the talent you want sitting on the throne.

Completely missing the context that he's obsessed with a prophecy. I'd still say him living and being king would lead to a better Westeros than whatever Robert could manage to scrounge up in his debauchery.
Completely missing the context that he's obsessed with a prophecy. I'd still say him living and being king would lead to a better Westeros than whatever Robert could manage to scrounge up in his debauchery.
Rhaegar was obsessed with prophecy and Robert was both a hedonist and suffering from severe depression. I'd say they're both pretty terrible choices. Rhaegar as a ruler may have been more fiscally responsible than Robert, but 'better' is debatable.
Rhaegar was obsessed with prophecy and Robert was both a hedonist and suffering from severe depression. I'd say they're both pretty terrible choices. Rhaegar as a ruler may have been more fiscally responsible than Robert, but 'better' is debatable.

No. He 100% would have been a better ruler for the realm. He made a few really bad decisions, but that doesn't just completely negate the fact that he is literally the best candidate to be King that is actually realistically possible in this scenario. He's intelligent, brave, loved (before he fucked up) and just has so many more ups than downs compared to Robert who ran the Kingdom into the mud.

He got hit with the idiot stick by GRR martin in my opinion. It shouldn't have happened with how the character was portrayed up to that point I believe. It's happening in this story too of course, but I just hope for a better and different result than Robert being on the throne again with dead infants thrown to his feet.
They're making Aurelian a knight and giving him a horse? The fools, he'll be running the kingdom within a decade.
I hope to see more of the MC's perspective in future chapters. For some reason, GoT/ASOIF fics spread the PoVs so much that it's usual for the MC to become just one of the cast which sucks since the point of the fic was to see what he would do if he were in that world in the first place.
No. He 100% would have been a better ruler for the realm. He made a few really bad decisions, but that doesn't just completely negate the fact that he is literally the best candidate to be King that is actually realistically possible in this scenario. He's intelligent, brave, loved (before he fucked up) and just has so many more ups than downs compared to Robert who ran the Kingdom into the mud.

Rhaegar a better ruler than Robert? Sure, I can see that, at least initially. Probably a good chance of him going off the rails like Aerys in later years.

Rhaegar a better ruler than Tywin Lannister, Doran Martell, or Jon Arryn? If any of them were in Rhaegar's position they would've "retired" Aerys a few years back.
Rhaegar a better ruler than Tywin Lannister, Doran Martell, or Jon Arryn? If any of them were in Rhaegar's position they would've "retired" Aerys a few years back.

I did say realistically possible did I not?

Rhaegar a better ruler than Robert? Sure, I can see that, at least initially. Probably a good chance of him going off the rails like Aerys in later years.

Or he may not go crazy like Aerys.
Realistically possible my friend. :cool: He can't be King unless he takes the title by force.

You say that like it's not in Aurelian's character to seize power. All he needs to do is be so ridiculously good at his job that everyone realizes he's a far better choice to rule than the guy currently in charge and bam, he's in, just like what historically happened. Of course it should be noted that I know basically nothing about how politics work in ASOIAF so I don't know how actually viable that strategy is.
You say that like it's not in Aurelian's character to seize power. All he needs to do is be so ridiculously good at his job that everyone realizes he's a far better choice to rule than the guy currently in charge and bam, he's in, just like what historically happened. Of course it should be noted that I know basically nothing about how politics work in ASOIAF so I don't know how actually viable that strategy is.

ASOIAF has this traditional game they play called the Game of Thrones. Might've heard about it. :V

But seriously idk how someone without targ blood is gonna sit on that throne without a massive war and several paramounts supporting them.
The only complaints I have about this otherwise excellent story is the consistent run-on sentences.