The Leech Lord (ASOIAF/SI) - Complete

So just as a major sidenote, but I'm been promoted at gunpoint to the role of Quest Pimp, so my pimp for the week is Rep's The Second Uchiha Quest, which focuses on a socially maladjusted, neurotic, troubled Sasuke Uchiha.


And before you ask, no it's not adhering directly to canon events. For one thing, this Sasuke has mommy issues rather than brother issues.


Yes, Itachi was still a shit and killed people. That's not why he has mommy issues.


Look, just go read it it's pretty good and Rep is a decent writer who could do with a bigger followship. I mean for now he has my axe, but he could really do with someone else's bow and a third person's sword. The hobbits are cool but they're not enough to defeat the forces of evil, you know what I mean?

I would have read this and moved on, but someone *cough*Droman*cough* asked me for a long review.

Well, you're not getting a word dump. I think. You're getting a review though.

So, in the end, even though Hash claimed that the ending was rushed, I have to admit, that this outcome does make some sense. Becoming a spy is hard, and becoming a double spy in the way that you still have one side trusting you is even harder, so it makes sense to die when trying to prove your, effectively unprovable loyalties.

Overall impression is good. The way I see it, the story has a begining and an end, and with Song of Ice and Fire spirit, it ends in a bad enough ending.

The last lines were, perhaps, a glimpse at the author, more than any reaction of the character. "I want this to end", indeed.



What else. I won't rant about SI's, as I suspect that you already know my opinion about it. I liked that Bolton influenced the inserted personality, at least (maybe instead I should be worried that if you are a serial killer, you haven't been caught yet).

When religion was brought to the forefront, I expected some confrontation about it at a later point, but it never came up. (Unless I missed a scene accidentally)

I liked that the setup developed and changed, leading to a completely different situation, with the siege of King's Landing to be resolved in some sequel.

This was a fun ride, thanks for that, Droman.

On to catch up with your other works.
Roose was never the type to inspire real loyalty and most likely people will write this down to Robb's grief and move on. Robb might lose a lot more rep to the upcoming King's Landing disaster but the worst that comes from Roose would be people wondering if he knew and just decided not to warn them because he was dead either way.
Droose was key to smoothing out Robb's political ineptitude and rough handling of vassals and allies while heading off the King of the North and the Trident idiocy.

Not to mention he left behind a Frey wife and if she is pregnant a heir to his fief along with ALOT of resentful bannermen.

Robb is back on track for a knife in the back and this time the Freys may even have the moral high ground.