The Leech Lord (ASOIAF/SI) - Complete

@Droman the real solution is to have Droose go in Robb's head but not totally subsume his consciousness. Instead, Robb gets a new advisor all to himself that he can't shut up! It would be fitting in a funny way.
Eh, that wouldn't be nearly as tense as Drob totally subsuming Robb, and doing his best to keep people from noticing the change. Just having Droose as an advisor, kind of recudes him and whatever effects he may have, since he's gated by Robb.
Regardless of how Droose becomes Droob, one thing is certain.

It would be entrtaining to see his interactions with Grey Wind. If anyone could figure out if somethibg's afoot, it would be him.
My complaint isn't about Droose being killed off, so don't misunderstand my criticism here for that.

My complaint is how quickly it happened. Not to mention how what Varys said, just before he killed Sansa, is taken into account as anything valid. Really, they should treat that kind of shit as suspect, given what he did. And anything else as well, if he did say anything more which wasn't mentioned. Also, the Bracken thing. They say that Droose killing him like it's something horrible, when they themselves attacked him in the middle of the night while he was sleeping, without even attempting to capture him and bring him to Robb.

Another complaint: why would they try to pull this off in the middle of the journey? Why not wait until they reached Robb's camp? Bolton didn't have enough men to cause trouble once there. He could literally do nothing. Was this a subject of the roll as well, them deciding to take action or not?

But anyway, I'm not here for that. It's over and while I did suspect it would end in Droose's death, I didn't really think it'd be at Robb's hand. Then again, Tully shits.

I'm here to cast my vote for you not to do a SI Robb. It would sort of defeat the purpose of what Droose tried to instill in him, to think differently than his canon self. Not to mention, it would just pull him out of the situation that was made by his grief-stricken mother, his foolish sister, himself and some amazingly short-sighted bannermen of his.

I want to see him how he handles Droose's wife and her unborn child. I want to see him rethinking his decision about Droose's execution as he cools down and ponders all the factors in, why Jeyne was brought along, why Ice and his father's body were as well. I want to see him show some regret for what he has done - not out of compassion, but from realization that he was too hasty, too consumed by his emotions, too eager to believe what a small girl, broken from her experiences, and some idiotic bannermen who leaped before looking, believed about Droose, with only (at best) circumstantial evidence. You jumping into his skin would just rob us of that.

And no matter that Bolton might have not been liked, he was still one of the more powerful lords of the North. His execution should bring some unrest to the other lords, though I also fully expect to see them trying to grab portions of his lands, if not all of them, and divide it amongst themselves.

Oh and a word of warning: remember kids, don't mix with southron shits, it dilutes the bloodline and makes mongrel idiots of your children.
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And no matter that Bolton might have not been liked, he was still one of the more powerful lords of the North. His execution should bring some unrest to the other lords, though I also fully expect to see them trying to grab portions of his lands, if not all of them, and divide it amongst themselves.
Especially since, you know, he was bringing quite a lot of stuff back to the North. Big stuff at that.

And Robb goes and hacks his head off based on the word of a hooker and some idiotic bannermen who made quite a leap of logic. Bannermen who jumped him in the middle of the night, without bothering to hear out his side of the story at that. I'm sure that'll do wonders for motivating them to take risks, given how he was rewarded.

Oh, and let's not forget Lord Frey. I'm sure he'll be thrilled at Black Walder's death, especially given the circumstances.
The old Droose is dead, Long live the Drobb!

While I'd stick around for either option I rather like the idea of Drobb making all these anti-Other contingencies...only to get killed by an Other and have to wade through all the wildfire trenches and obsidian-tipped pitfalls he had scattered around as that very Other.:V
My complaint isn't about Droose being killed off, so don't misunderstand my criticism here for that.

My complaint is how quickly it happened. Not to mention how what Varys said, just before he killed Sansa, is taken into account as anything valid. Really, they should treat that kind of shit as suspect, given what he did. And anything else as well, if he did say anything more which wasn't mentioned. Also, the Bracken thing. They say that Droose killing him like it's something horrible, when they themselves attacked him in the middle of the night while he was sleeping, without even attempting to capture him and bring him to Robb.

Another complaint: why would they try to pull this off in the middle of the journey? Why not wait until they reached Robb's camp? Bolton didn't have enough men to cause trouble once there. He could literally do nothing. Was this a subject of the roll as well, them deciding to take action or not?
Well shit, Odran. Why do you have to bring up good points now and not three days ago? What was so bloody important three days ago that you weren't online, huh?



But anyway, I'm not here for that. It's over and while I did suspect it would end in Droose's death, I didn't really think it'd be at Robb's hand. Then again, Tully shits.

I'm here to cast my vote for you not to do a SI Robb. It would sort of defeat the purpose of what Droose tried to instill in him, to think differently than his canon self. Not to mention, it would just pull him out of the situation that was made by his grief-stricken mother, his foolish sister, himself and some amazingly short-sighted bannermen of his.

I want to see him how he handles Droose's wife and her unborn child. I want to see him rethinking his decision about Droose's execution as he cools down and ponders all the factors in, why Jeyne was brought along, why Ice and his father's body were as well. I want to see him show some regret for what he has done - not out of compassion, but from realization that he was too hasty, too consumed by his emotions, too eager to believe what a small girl, broken from her experiences, and some idiotic bannermen who leaped before looking, believed about Droose, with only (at best) circumstantial evidence. You jumping into his skin would just rob us of that.

And no matter that Bolton might have not been liked, he was still one of the more powerful lords of the North. His execution should bring some unrest to the other lords, though I also fully expect to see them trying to grab portions of his lands, if not all of them, and divide it amongst themselves.

Oh and a word of warning: remember kids, don't mix with southron shits, it dilutes the bloodline and makes mongrel idiots of your children.


Mm. Dunno, maybe I could go back and rewrite the chapter this weekend. Make things a little better, a little more nuanced. Maybe even give Droose more of a lifespan.

Oh, and let's not forget Lord Frey. I'm sure he'll be thrilled at Black Walder's death, especially given the circumstances.

House Frey's kind of in a bind, NS.
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Thoughts? The other idea is a straight play as Robb himself.
@Droman the real solution is to have Droose go in Robb's head but not totally subsume his consciousness. Instead, Robb gets a new advisor all to himself that he can't shut up! It would be fitting in a funny way.
I like this idea. The Starks' practice of the Lord being the headsman would make a hilarious amount of sense, not in that they should not only be able to look the criminal in the eye, but that they should be prepared to have the guy reside as a ghost in their head :lol
While both would be funny, if you're writing only one, it's more thematically fitting to write Droose as dead and Robb as dealing with the aftermath of everyone's choices.
The ending to this fic came across incredibly contrived. As for a sequel, personally, I find I have little interest in reading about Robb fucking everything up, and that's leaving aside the fact that I now know you're the sort of author who will slap down contrived and unsatisfying endings to your fics, I'm even less interested.
The ending to this fic came across incredibly contrived. As for a sequel, personally, I find I have little interest in reading about Robb fucking everything up, and that's leaving aside the fact that I now know you're the sort of author who will slap down contrived and unsatisfying endings to your fics, I'm even less interested.
It does read as mild diabolis ex machina for things to go downhill right at the last second, but the only real issue there is Varys's motivation for killing Sansa being very slightly uncharacteristic- what does he gain out of it, except sabotaging Roose and spreading discord as well as ensuring that the North will never bow to any faction he's associated with- everything else is really just them making a scapegoat of Roose Bolton, someone who the ruling council of the North dislikes for all that the man had Frey-assisted respect before his capture. I think Roose Bolton alienating people and having powerful enemies was set up fairly early on.

As I see it, the rest makes perfect sense for the characters given what they knew and their personalities (Starks gonna Stark) and honestly, the reason IC it even is an ending is that Roose was too sick of all this shit to take the out Robb offered with the Wall and was too disoriented to even remember to warn Robb about the Others or the wildfire.

Maybe it could have been stretched out a bit further and fleshed out more? It did feel slightly rushed, which might contribute to the negative impression.
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Yeah, this was frankly, a shit ending. There's little to no build into it; a well done BAD END doesn't just suddenly happen; you have to come into it and let it happen. That doesn't mean you can't keep the same general skeleton for events, but over the course of a short chapter everything goes to hell, has the denouncement, and the ending simply doesn't function as a satisfactory conclusion.
Eh disembodied Droose in Robb's head?

"You killed an innocent. Do it with your hand and accept the concequences boyah!"

It would be hilarious :p

But please keep it light and no rolls? There are quests for rolls. I am here for the fic not lolcrapdice :(

Nuking Kings Landing once is enough thank you very much.

Why the huge surprise guys? It was pretty obvious where this was heading once the Sansa hears Droose's evil monologue scene was tucked in :p
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Varys stabbing Sansa was... odd, but we can't really say it was out of character, because who the fuck really knows what Varys wants, really?

The rest was going to happen from the moment he started helping the Lannisters.

Not sure why they didn't consider he was lying to the Lannisters, but then again, Boltons always betray Starks, and I'm sure the Honourable(tm) Starks can't even begin to conceive of more than one, possibly two, layers of deceit.

Basically, I don't see a problem with the most recent chapter. It's a shame the SI is dying, but Westeros gonna Westeros.
Varys stabbing Sansa was... odd, but we can't really say it was out of character, because who the fuck really knows what Varys wants, really?

The rest was going to happen from the moment he started helping the Lannisters.

Not sure why they didn't consider he was lying to the Lannisters, but then again, Boltons always betray Starks, and I'm sure the Honourable(tm) Starks can't even begin to conceive of more than one, possibly two, layers of deceit.

Basically, I don't see a problem with the most recent chapter. It's a shame the SI is dying, but Westeros gonna Westeros.
As I see it, Bolton got screwed over by residual distrust that's been established from early in the story, a need for a scapegoat, flimsy evidence and idiot witnesses, and basically...yeah, that.

That isn't to say some elaboration wouldn't help, but it ending like this isn't unjustified even if it's a Ned Stark type ending.
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I don't know, I think I'll be very satisfied reading about the Northerner and Riverlander idiots having endless Oh Crap moments after realizing that they've screwed up. Bonus points if Droose uses his final words to warn about the Others.
I agree with the idea of seeing Robb deal with the aftermath of executing his only straight man, the only one willing to look past all the grievances, glories and other bullshit and ensure that the North is safe.

Drobb just seems.... cruel? I dunno, like things get even worse for Droose and Robb gets off free by being dominated by another mind.
If we're looking for someone to insert the SI into, then how about Drorio Naharis, the King Consort of Mereen? I want to see him beat some leadership into Daenerys.