The Leech Lord (ASOIAF/SI) - Complete

I'm interested in seeing a continuance of this. Though I'm not sure if I'd prefer Robb (I am curious about just how much Droose influenced him) or Drobb.
This is a great story, and has been on my phone for days as I binge read it. but I have one request @Droman . Please remove the QUOTE boxes around the chapters. The thread is about the writing, the chapters should stand out. Also, when I turn my phone off then reopen the page later, these boxes are collapsed and I have to spend a few minutes finding the post again, then where in the chapter I last read. Ruuns immersion into your story.
Especially since, you know, he was bringing quite a lot of stuff back to the North. Big stuff at that.

And Robb goes and hacks his head off based on the word of a hooker and some idiotic bannermen who made quite a leap of logic. Bannermen who jumped him in the middle of the night, without bothering to hear out his side of the story at that. I'm sure that'll do wonders for motivating them to take risks, given how he was rewarded.

Oh, and let's not forget Lord Frey. I'm sure he'll be thrilled at Black Walder's death, especially given the circumstances.

Bear in mind that Lord Frey is kin by marriage to Bolton in this fic. He was hoping for the next generation of the Boltons to be half-Frey, but that hope is now dashed. Of course, the whole Frey thing is very much different than it was in canon, with different marriages and so on. So we'd have to see.
Frankly, I like Droose far more than the others, so him being killed wrongfully...if you make a continuation, I want it to end badly.

As in, the Northmen running around like headless chickens, fucking up all over the place, and realizing they did a big, big mistake in killing Droose and regretting everything.

Give them some karma.
Well that ended poorly.

Understatement of the century yes but... Yeah.

I'm not sure what else to say. Like there was literally no way that could've gone worse for Droose. Mmph.
Dunno. Obviously this ending wasn't smooth. Odran made some good points. Maybe popping back and rewriting would be a better idea. This is more of a writing exercise than anything else, after all.

This is a great story, and has been on my phone for days as I binge read it. but I have one request @Droman . Please remove the QUOTE boxes around the chapters. The thread is about the writing, the chapters should stand out. Also, when I turn my phone off then reopen the page later, these boxes are collapsed and I have to spend a few minutes finding the post again, then where in the chapter I last read. Ruuns immersion into your story.

It's an asthetic choice, as said before when this has come up. I'm a bit anal about how my shit looks, all puns intended.
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Hmm... Varys threw a wrench into Droose's plan. It would be a shame if he returned the favor. Like Aegon, Danaerys and Mereen, the wildfire in Kingslanding. Maybe back it up with things at the wall like Jon becoming commander, or asking about Ygritte, or Arya being with the Kingwood Brotherhood.
Nah be better if it continued with just Robb but have Kings Landing go up in Wildfire with Droose's last words being a mix of gloating and cursing House Stark with wildfire and the Others for the gross injustice. The visceral pleasure I'll get when everyone hears KL went up in green flames would get me banned if I describe it.
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Rage, rage against the dying of the light...oh wait. That sounds tiresome.
You missed the point Jean. The SI suicided. There's no one coming to do anything.

It ended with a yawn.
You missed the point Jean. The SI suicided. There's no one coming to do anything.

It ended with a yawn.
The depressive SI lost his will to fight for his life after doing everything in his power to make the situation better and being solemnly shat on? THE SHOCK

Doesn't. Matter. Got to risk a name in the Tully genealogical tree. BETTER DEAD THAN RED. Tully colors go great with with the rich red of blood, specially the deep red of arteries blood. Vital blood.
I'm conflicted. I want to see more of the SI, but having him take over Robb (immediately) or get shoved into his head feels like it's throwing away what has been built up with Robb.

If ROB is doing this, then distance shouldn't matter. Why not drop Droman into Joffrey or something?
Hmm, I'm conflicted, on one hand I like the idea of Drobb, but on the other hand I really really like the idea of Droose becoming a voice in Robb's head his 'WWRBD* ideas'.

*What Would Roose Bolton Do
I don't now if Ramsey is alive but it would be pretty cool if he transfered and took over his body. Taking all his father's men and soldiers with him. They would be within there rights to leave. He could stay in the dreadfort while watching rob fuck himself over.
I don't now if Ramsey is alive but it would be pretty cool if he transfered and took over his body. Taking all his father's men and soldiers with him. They would be within there rights to leave. He could stay in the dreadfort while watching rob fuck himself over.
He died in the OP.

Seriously, read the damn thing. Like one of the first things that happened. Guess Droose wasn't a fan of sausage.