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New thread as the last one reached 1,000 pages. Previous Thread TVTropes Link
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At a young age, Harry encounters the extraordinary realm of magic and unveils its hidden depths. Guided by steadfast allies, he ventures into the heart of the wizarding world, aiming to influence its political landscape. Alongside confronting formidable figures such as Dumbledore and Malfoy, he forges an independent path, determined to leave his indelible mark.
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There's a very old concept in magic: Never call up that which you cannot put down. Shame the Death Eaters didn't know that... Now they have Skitter. Whoops...
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[An SI Harry Potter Fanfiction] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: Harry Potter was an odd boy, everyone knew it. His eyes were too aware, he was too calm, too intelligent for it to be natural. This remained a mystery, even to the boy himself, until one day he remembered the man he used to be. Alas, The magical world is far more treacherous than the one from his past life and he must either succumb or rise above them all. Will he rise to the...
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A man fills out a CYOA to become a seer. He ends up as Blaise Zabini, the *other* blank slate Slytherin. Definitely not a serious story, mostly written to murder some of my plot bunnies.
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Reality unraveled, and Luna with it, the tapestry of cosmic power and mortal memory that was her everything scattered and erased from existence. A death so complete, so magnificent, that even gods would have stopped to watch in awe. And when the light flickered out, and the clearing settled, Luna Lovegood was gone, and not even dust remained. ... Somewhere, far away, a child was born anew.
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With his initial time in Hyrule completed, Magnus sets out for some traveling. With his memories, ship and sister back, he's sure all will go well... Let's hope he knows he's just asking for it. Second part of the Venturing series, so go read that part first before starting this. Different from the first part, this one will have a lot of settings being visited. Not all of them will get much attention, sometimes they will be just pit stops, and sometimes the crew decides to barrel through it...
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A collection of random snippets from the mind of CmptrWz. Some may be funny. Some may be horrifying. All are probably a touch insane in their own ways. Don't expect much follow-up on them. Which are which is an exercise left to the reader. See this post if you want to use snippets.
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The Harry Potter Vegas Vacation challenge. But I don't write fanservice, and I tend to write characters as... you know people. As in the kind of individuals who don't wake up married to a stranger and decide that everything is perfect. Harry gets what he really needs. A young woman that can kick his ass, give him some backbone, and be terrifying enough to give his enemies nightmares. Taylor might just get a chance to destress in a "relatively" low risk environment for a bit while finding...
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Harry Evans faces a magical world that is both familiar and different from what he remembers. Is it worth the risk of losing everything to try and save it? Does he even have a choice? What binds us to a place are the people that inhabit it and Harry is forced to walk the knife's edge between fear and responsibility as he starts his first year at Hogwarts.
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Prophecies are fickle things. Two young men marked by fate lay dying, one slain by knives in the dark, the other laid low by a fearsome foe of legend. The two shall become one, and as Harry Potter struggles in his final throes in Salazar's Chamber, he becomes more. (Will be epic in length)
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Harry knows he's different. Animals are always frightened of him. A live wire is always running throughout his body making him become stronger on command and when he's emotional it burns like fire within him, causing dangerous and unnatural effects. Now he has been introduced to the world of magic and he is still different from his peers around him. He has lots of questions and many mysteries to solve; Why is he like this? Why did Voldemort come after his family that night? Why did he...
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A man who's dedicated his life in the pursuit of some measure of equality in law - even through darker means. Suddenly finds himself in the Magical world. In place of one man who could have changed so much had luck been different. He had the name, the blood, the money, the reputation. What could he do with such a boon? Only there is one... Slight problem.. OC/SI into Sirius Black.
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Reincarnating into the wizarding world is nothing but surreal, and petty things such as shame and safety become easy to ignore. To Lyra and James all the world's a stage for fun and drama. Though, perhaps, they should not have looked behind the curtains. For as Dumbledore says, there are far worse things than death. (Double SI, powerful magic, no bashing, Lovecraftian divergence)
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A dumping ground for scenes, shorts, one-offs, and other detritus from what passes for my mind...
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Hazel Potter has always been strange. People say she knows too much and says too little. When Aunt Petunia utters that forbidden word, 'magic', it sends Hazel on a hunt for the truth. If only the Wizarding World could have guided the direction of her search… Crossposting from FFN
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Eleven years after Harry Potter is retrieved from Godric's Hollow by Black Canary and Zatara and is taken into a very different family, it is time for him to return to the Wizarding World... but this just the beginning of his adventures and those of his friends as they grow into the people they are destined to be. SuperMartian, Clois and others.
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Young Hermione Granger is curious about all sorts of things. This leads to discoveries and oddness that is likely to only increase with time...
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When Harry decided to board a train at King's Cross station, he didn't expect to be plunged into a world of war, politics and end up bodyguard to the Princess of a nation. Now at the Officer's Academy of Garreg Mach, it's his job to ease the bomb that will inevitably go off when Edelgard makes her move.
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Getting back to life had consequences, rejecting the Hallows even more; Tired and wasting away, taking one last step into his next great adventure, Harry finds himself in a world not his own, a time not his own, a body not his own. With a new world to explore, with new magic to learn, secrets to discover and most importantly, a family to call his own, his next great adventure begins
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Harry Potter-Dursley was content with his life in Whinging Village. He would work in the forge with his uncle, explore the played-out mines with his cousin, and was generally content with a fairly peaceful future. But then, during the Summer Awakening Ceremony following his 14th birthday, the Psyenergy Stone reacts, marking Harry as one of the newest Psyenergy Adepts of Albion. Now, Harry will be heading to the mysterious Castle Hogwarts, to be trained in the use of Psyenergy and what it...
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Tanya Degurechaff finds herself reincarnated into the World of Harry Potter with an invitation to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. How will this adult veteran of a magical global conflict trapped again inside the body of a young girl navigate the social interactions, the school lessons, and the yearly dangers that fills the school years?
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Harry Potter thought he died when he fell into the Veil. But he ended up becoming a Shinigami. What is a sorcerer to do other than join the parade and make something of himself in Soul Society?
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A place to keep my fragments and little ideas that aren't big enough to make a full story. Some of these may grow into complete stories down the line... who knows?
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Ah, the classic tale of an American (clueless SI) wizard seeking refuge across the pond! Fleeing a dodgy situation back home, he thinks, "Why not dabble in the noble art of molding young minds?" Not out of a burning passion for education, mind you. It's more of a way to kill time and stack some Galleons until things cool down Stateside. And hey, it's a golden opportunity to catch up with old friends and maybe charm a few new ones along the way. Keeping a low profile? Piece of cake! After...
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How will Alden Potter traverse through the unfamiliar world of wizards, especially when he finds himself entangled in plots and schemes of love, war, and treachery?
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Harry was born different from other kids. He spent his childhood posesseeing suits of armor and wandering Hogwarts. He made friends with students of all grades and Houses, now it was time for him to officially join Hogwarts
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Dumbledore develops a ritual which he thinks can gain him a valuable ally in their upcoming battle against Voldemort. Things, naturally, don't go as planned.
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Voldemort was going to use the Triwizard cup to dispose of the bodies by sending them into the ocean. A slight miscalculation sees Harry landing in front of the Stepford Cuckoo's the day after Mindee's boyfriend was killed in a riot. The cuckoo's initially attack Harry's mind, but when they find a broken boy they try to pull him into their gestalt to replace what they lost. Harry's magic responds to make it happen in truth.
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After losing everything that makes life worth living and wreaking vengeance on everyone responsible, Severus Snape, the latest Dark Lord, and his right hand, Narcissa Malfoy use a ritual to get back in time and be with the people they loved. The ritual gives them what they want, not quite in the way they intended, letting them merge with their counterparts in an alternate world, over nearly two decades before everything went to hell. Now, they have to struggle with being among the few...
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