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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


The Pilgrims. Idealists, Dreamers, Inventors. They find a home within the Pilgrims for their ideas, and their drive to create a better world through hard work and ingenuity. The Broken, Scarred, Unwanted, and Mutated. Driven from society by the actions of others, or through birth, forced to eke out an existence barely above starving. Welcomed with open arms, hearths, and hearts. Many of them find their first true home by our side, as we fight for their rights, their dignity, and future...
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Awaking adrift in unfamiliar surroundings, an alien artisan by the name of Klevas Mil'zante must find vaer way as anyone else does. Amidst fluid narratives and folk who trade memories as readily as they trade their bodies vae'll find how vae too may seek fulfillment in vaer new daily life. Questant is an Art Quest that intends to replicate a bit of various games I've enjoyed playing in my life, and an easy comparison is that of an open-world simulator like Dwarf Fortress's own Adventurer...
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I've been fascinated by evolution quests for a hot minute, and decided to draft out two experiments where I play with the formula. This art quest will be divided into three arcs (which will each have their own thread). The starting point will be a biological colony ship that's crash-landed.. but before it can launch it needs to have an audit of all its functions, and all the lifeforms that will colonize a new world need to be loaded on. Follow a low level clerk, Dhiihlitte, as they navigate...
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You are Nammu, daughter of Eresh, sorceress and future inheritor to the leadership of the village of Ebonbrooke. Can you help break the perennial curse that haunts your family and make Ebonbrooke a better place?
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The wounds of the civil war scar and the occult world stirs. How will our protagonist handle themselves in this treacherous land of lakes and monsters.
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Most kids spend their summers hanging out with friends and having fun. Jon Whitaker spent his summer fighting eldritch horrors, cultists, and undead monstrosities to protect a summer camp full of children. He spent it disposing of bodies with a supernatural serial killer, studying magic from a competing witch and dark lord, while also being ripped apart and stitched back together by magic. But no matter how traumatic, he won. He saved the kids, and now he's back home with his Ma and just...
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A girl makes a rather ill advised wish. An Incubator is inflicted with a sense of self and emotions to boot. You find having to navigate the resulting mess staggeringly unfair, especially with the handicap of finding things unfair to begin with.
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In the deep, dark lamp-lit space of Nowhere, the dead gods dream of cool stuff. SV plays the part of a chosen character from some franchise that managed to gain a bit of god-flesh or god-power. Now its up to them to figure out how to ascend to Hour-hood!
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The life of a would be clerk, that picked a bad time to attend a job interview. Welcome to the Lobotomy Corporation. Here is your mug. Here is your suit. Here is your handgun. Prepare to die.
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SV is an Eldritch Abomination who has happened one of those strange peculiarities of the endless great, the crystal spheres. Driven perhaps by curiosity or other, darker appetites, the Sphere has now become the focus, for a time at least.
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Welcome new CEO to Umbrella! After Spencer's untimely death (read: planned death) you are now the new head of Umbrella, ready to take on anything that may bring harm to the company's bottom line, image, or problems that may come your way.
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The Division of Homeland Incursion was created in the 1950s by the US Government in order to combat extraterrestrial threats to the nation. This night, one of their agents is about to embark on a journey that no human being has ever undertaken. One that will change how the rest of the galaxy perceives the human race.
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Imagine the SCP foundation Now imagine that one of their black sites was destroyed, and everything contained within has been let loose into the populous. Now imagine, that some random every day joe manages to get their hands on a powerful Object of Power, and with no else left, it is up to them to take over, to find and gain control of these powerful objects and tools and weapons, all to contain threats to mankind. Now, realize that you aren't imagining that, and that random joe? That's...
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When Miriam tracks down Dominique and her demonic benefactor, things take a turn for the worse as she ends up in a world far different from her own. Dive into the corrupted world of Remnant, once wrought with Creatures of Grimm, now besieged by demons and Dominique's hordes. It's up to Miriam - and whoever survived the initial invasion at the strange tower.
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Hunk has been contracted by the BSAA to kill or capture one of Umbrella's runaway researchers, aboard the strangely quiet Queen Anne. Descending into the depths of the ship, he will complete his mission no matter what dares stand in his way.
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A cooperative effort in creating a chaotic mess. Write a vote, roll some dice!
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The posts containing update content.
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Author's Note: Gonna get rid of some writer's block that's been plaguing me for weeks, so here's...
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I looked straight ahead, because the sterile hospital wall and corporate approved painting of...
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Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap A Dunwall Street Gang Quest With the system shock of Emily Kaldwin...
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In a scintillating flash of eye-searing lightning, the blow was struck, and before the...
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Your name is Dick Grayson. For the last eight years you’ve been Robin: the ‘Boy Wonder,’...
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