So, for the few uninitiated who've never heard of the Lobotomy Corp...

What happened?

Did we voluntarily turn into one of the exhibits?
Nevill is pretty close actually.

I wont go into much detail as I would like to leave most of the why and how up to interpretation, but due to a string of events during the quest Sarah has become an abnormality.

I will also leave its nature up for interpretation, but rest assured that I put much effort into making sure it matched Sarahs motivations and journey, as well as at least trying to convey all of it with the final chapter.

Feedback would still be appreciated.
I will also leave its nature up for interpretation, but rest assured that I put much effort into making sure it matched Sarahs motivations and journey, as well as at least trying to convey all of it with the final chapter.

Feedback would still be appreciated.
But was there a point? There is no lack of entities who are dangerous to the Lobotomy Corp, or even the world beyond, but the corporation still stands. She has just become another anomaly to be cordoned off, examined, and then put behind a RESTRICTED button. Where would she find the souls to test and train?

What makes her different from an already existing entity made of souls hell bent on making the corporation pay, who are yet to find success?

Her creed that carried her through since the very beginning was this:
I am Sarah Nuln.

I have trained my entire life to become the very best of the best.
My mind is as steel, and I am it´s master.
And... that thing is not Sarah Nuln.

But I suppose that's why it is a bad end.
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Where would she find the souls to test and train?
That's actually answered in the chapter.

That which remains of her plans on luring in targets by providing "buffs" to put it in game terms, only to do its thing in a manner it hopes will be stealthy and succeed at infiltration.

What makes her different from an already existing entity made of souls hell bent on making the corporation pay, who are yet to find success?

A number of things such as different end goals and a different approach.

But I suppose that's why it is a bad end.
I was gonna say.

Whether the new abnormality will succeed or not, this was a kind of death.

And irony is a type of match, one rather common with abnormalities and their backstories for that matter.

But was there a point?
That's a good question, and one of the questions I tried to put as a central theme of the story.

Dunno if I succeeded though.
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