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Quests Archive

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Once you were a great master of evil. A commander of vast armies and dark magics that terrified the realms of mortal men. Then the Overlord came. They destroyed your armies and cast you down, binding you to their service and making you one of their commanders. Now, in service to your new master, you most help bring about the destruction of the forces of light. In this conquest there is opportunity to grow your own powerbase and influence, but only at the expense of the Overlord's other...
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So, "Good" rules the land. People have become fat and secure in their lives. Time to give the world a bit of perspective. Because Evil always finds a way. Obviously inspired by the Overlord video game series, you take control of the very first Overlord, guiding him to ascendancy, and charting the path that Evil will take in your wake.
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Humanity has fallen. As the next generation enter maturity, the boot is firmly planted. You are nobody of importance and you have no ability to change the state of things. Be better.
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Welcome to I Shall Defy the Light: An Evil Overlord's Story. Quest content warnings: Violence, injustice, brutality, inequality, lots of other bad stuff. This quest is whatever the opposite of a love letter (hate mail?) is to pernicious fantasy tropes that just won't die. The Hobbit came out 84 years ago and fantasy media is still faithfully replicating all the terrible outdated ideas it peddled. I'm not the first or last person to think this, of course, but this is my quest and I can...
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Emperor Palpatine is Dead, Long Live Emperor Darth Vader! The Galaxy is in a state of chaos and pandemonium it hasn't seen in millennia. Darth Vader made good on both his promises to Palpatine to bring over Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side and to his son about the Emperor's vision of his own death at Luke's hands. With the help of his son, Vader has performed coup d'etat and is attempting to asset control and dominion over Galactic Empire. Emperor Palpatine however didn't build his kingdom...
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Be the bad guy in a broken world, trying to make it better in all the wrong ways.
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Maleficent, Mistress of All Evil? Maleficent, the Misunderstood? Maleficent the tragic? Follow the schemes, adventures of misadventures of Maleficent in whatever medium of DC that players decide she lives in.
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You were one of the twelve Dark Lords of the empire, personally selected by the Dark King Magnos himself. But you were never the most favoured, being a man of government and coin instead of war and sorcery. Eventually you failed in a scheme to build your own power, and Magnos banished you and those most loyal to you for it. Left to rot until Magnos could find someone worthy of taking your title. The Dark King Magnos is dead. His advisers are dead. A knight of pure sunlight and his rag tag...
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You awaken newly born into hell as the lowest level of imp. You know only the seven deadly sins...
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Once... Once upon a time, your name was Mairon. It meant 'the Admirable' -- and so you were...
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Bowser You are the Dark One. It's Season X in Once Upon A Time. It's been around 30 years or so...
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Fu Leng Quest Even demigods of evil have their off days… Welcome to my new Quest, the latest...
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Retired Evil Overlord Quest What was your special power [] Power Source Creation: You were an...
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Act 1 Scene 1: The Royal Court A great sunlit garden, decorated with flowers and tall, white...
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Once. Once, your name was Mairon. It meant 'the Admirable', and so you were admired, envied by...
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It began with the forging of the Great rings <far to close> you thought to yourself back in...
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You did it. You conquered the world. It wasn't easy. It took a lot of hard work, years of...
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You've had to flee the Seven Shining Swords of Albion, run from assassins of the Dark Academe...
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