Retired Evil Overlord Quest (Temp Title)

Plan Phantomdemon2 wins
[X] Sit in on Titania and Luce's Class
We may have to explain about Titania's new job
[X] Sit in on Tacitus and Victoria's Class
[X] Sit in on Alex and Ashe's Class
[X] Investigate the school (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] The Greenhouse. There is something…familiar
Day 3 Part 4
[X] Sit in on Titania and Luce's Class
-[x] We may have to explain about Titania's new job

Event Roll 32 Nothing special

When you stood in the back of the class you felt like you were missing something. The teacher was explaining the history of classical music and something felt familiar.

You frowned and thought about where you might have seen him. Not at work, not around the city, what else had you been doing? You had been studying up on idols before that and….


This guy was a former idol! Akabane Ichigo, one of the members of the top male idol band five years ago. What was he doing teaching at a school? Well it was something to tell Titania on the way home.

Luce started snoring.

You sighed.

Ichigo groaned. "Yamato please wake up your brother for the fifth time this week."

Titania held onto her brother's nose until he flailed awake and shouted. "It totally wasn't my fault that they all were mummified!"

[X] Sit in on Tacitus and Victoria's Class

Event roll 2

The next class you sat in on was Victoria and Tacitus's biology class. The teacher looked oddly young to you but little surprised you now. They had been assigned into groups while dissecting frogs.

Tacitus looked incredibly bored while deftly pointing out the organs for the assignment sheet. The boy assigned as their partner clenched and unclenched his left hand several times while writing everything down.

Victoria stood back with a mask covering her face, her mouth and nose crinkled in disgust. Smelling formaldehyde and other preservatives so close was incredibly uncomfortable for her due to her enhanced senses.

A shadow passed the windows. You could sense a powerful and incredibly hateful magical presence.

The boy stood up and growled. A scalpel in his hand as he took a step forward. Misty black material formed into a huge hound that leaped forward, the boy sidestepped and tried to stab Victoria in the throat. She caught the scalpel and wrenched it out of his hand.

The teacher shouted. "Cease and desist!"

Suddenly the classroom was gone and you saw the burning city once again. The boy who had just tried to kill Victoria was nowhere to be seen. The teacher, yourself, your children, and the black dog were all that could be seen.


The White Beast descended upon you.

That kid had been the asshole who traumatized Diva and ate your car. And now he had tried to slit your eldest child's throat. His death would be long and painful.

[] Write In Battle Plan and any quips

Note: Due to previous actions you have +2 to planning against Kresniks and +20 to rolls against Kresniks
No votes. Okay well

plan Phantomdemon2 wins

[X]Seal the White Wolf. not just chains this time but slam him in something that he can't leave, even by calling back his soul.
-[X]Restrain the Inugami
--[X]Take a look at the Inugami, see if we can't break the seals on him
---[X]If we can't break them, transfer them over to yourself
-[X]Once the Inugami problem is done turn back to the Wolf.
-[X]Rip out all his teeth and use his own teeth to carve curses into his astral flesh.
-[X]Have it so his ears hear nothing but the Black Speech, he can taste nothing but rotting flesh of his own soul, his sight seeing into the abyss but with none of the filters needed for sanity.
-[X]Strip him of all dignity, Shed his fur, strip his flesh, make him a mockery of his self.
-[X]Make this soul forever sealed in this form, never able to go back to his human body.
--[X]Then, maybe let him kill himself.

SB is apparently full of sadists.
Day 3 Part 5
[X]Seal the White Wolf. not just chains this time but slam him in something that he can't leave, even by calling back his soul.

-[X] Restrain the Inugami

--[X] Take a look at the Inugami, see if we can't break the seals on him

---[X] If we can't break them, transfer them over to yourself.

-[X] Once the Inugami problem is done turn back to the Wolf.

-[X] Rip out all his teeth and use his own teeth to carve curses into his astral flesh.

-[X] Have it so his ears hear nothing but the Black Speech, he can taste nothing but rotting flesh of his own soul, his sight seeing into the abyss but with none of the filters needed for sanity.

-[X] Strip him of all dignity, Shed his fur, strip his flesh, make him a mockery of his self.

-[X] Make this soul forever sealed in this form, never able to go back to his human body.

--[X] Then, maybe let him kill himself.

60+40 OA+20 Anti Kresnik=120 crit roll 87+20=107 2nd crit 55+7=62

You pushed your glasses up. "Bad dog." The Kitab Ea-im appeared in your hand. "Trying to lay those dirty paws on my children…I will throw you in the pound." You stared at the White Beast in contempt. "Bound Spirit, I charge you with the duty of devouring. Slake your endless gluttony upon my enemy. Their soul nourishing you within the prison of your body-"

The Black Hound and White Beast clashed. Moving at incredible speeds as they attempted to claw and bite each other to death. Plantlife and flames tried to attack the Black Hound while everything that entered its sphere of influence rotted away or was snuffed out by its power.

Victoria rushed forward with the scalpel in her hand. Tacitus took a step forward with his hand out. The air in front of Victoria turned into an earthen ramp which she ran up. Leaping off of it she was at head height with the White Beast.

Black and white flames roared forward. Crackling and flickering they reached towards her, and met scalpel blade. The flames were extinguished. "Thou hast angered one above your station," She spoke as if scolding a child while slamming the entire scalpel into the beast's eye.

Transparent fluid burst out of the spiritual eye as a thin line opened up and caused it to split. The pieces of the eye fell out, trailing an optical nerve before splashing onto the ground. The Kresnik roared.

You finished your chant. Over the years you had fought many creatures and found it useful to bind spirits to your grimoire. It cost less energy than summoning them from other realms.

Black mist spread out of the book and formed skeletal hands. Dragging itself out was a horned skeleton the size of your apartment building with orbs of light for eyes. It reached for the White Beast as it writhed in agony from the fact that a piece of its soul had been removed.

The massive hand gripped the beast and brought it up to its lipless mouth before swallowing it whole.

Now part of your issue was dealt with. Ethereal chains formed and bound the Inugami to hold it still.

Roll: Nat 100! Crit roll 69+40 OA=109 2nd crit 63+9=72

By its very nature the Inugami was both a curse and a familiar. Should it slay its master there is still the possibility of another of that bloodline controlling it through their bond. That bond in their bloodline bound it to them unless every member of it was slain. This bond is what gives it energy outside of harvesting the fear of humans for sustenance.

So then, you would need to transfer that bond.

You walked to the Inugami, its fur bristling as it gave a low growl due to what it expected, and put a hand on its currently massive paw. "I do not believe one should serve an abusive master. I pity you, so understand that this is to lessen your suffering."

Victoria seemed to understand what you meant. She pressed the flat of the scalpel to its fur and you felt the familiar bond be severed between the Inugami and its master. Your magic grabbed the severed thread and linked it to you.

The canine stared at you while growing smaller and backing away from you. You knelt down and held your hand out low to the ground. Slowly you reached up and began to stroke its fur. The dog screamed and curled in on itself. Whimpering and barking while you massaged its cheeks. It began to calm down and let out a low whine before falling silent and rubbing its head into your hand.

Turning to look at the White Beast, still petting the Inugami, you frowned while thinking about how to punish this one.

The teacher took a step between you and the Kresnik. You raised an eyebrow and blinked when a massive amount of psychic energy burst out from him. It was god-leveled power, but still below yours.

He would need great control to have hidden that from you before. His eyes were level with yours despite your height due to the power having lifted him into the air. "That is a student, I will be taking him to the principle for what has occurred."

"He is also a serial killer who has targeted another student, my daughter," You pointed out. Nothing was going to stop you from dealing out a punishment to this beast.

He turned his head to the trapped beast. Changing from form to form, still missing its eye, as it tried to escape the ribcage of the spirit. "Just make sure he is still alive."

You walked past him and pushed up your glasses. "Oh he will not thank you for that." Ethereal threads were formed and reached through the spirit's ribcage to grab a hold of each of the Kresnik's teeth and began to pull them out one by one.

Once its mouth was empty the threads used his own teeth to carve curses on the inside of his spiritual flesh. All sounds would be translated into the Black Speech, he would forever stare into The Abyss, he would feel his soul slowly dying from age without having his numerous ways of extending it, and he would hallucinate the pain of rotting flesh. Due to the spirit he was within his own soul could not escape to his body. So that gave you a very important window.

The ribcage opened up. "Victoria, this is your chance." Your daughter smiled before flipping the scalpel in her hand and throwing it into the White Beast.

With that, the connection between body and soul was broken. More threads formed and began a new process. Skinning him alive. Due to all of that fur he had you were certain you could make coats for both your entire family and idols with still having plenty to spare.

You scratched the Inugami's ear. "Big Poppa's getting a new fur coat."

[x] Ashe and Luce's class

Roll: 97 crit roll 93

As it turned out the teacher for their current class, Computer Technologies, was run by the teacher who supervised Ashe's robotics club.

She was red-faced and gushing about Ashe's ideas of how to use robots to mine asteroids. Robots that could turn into spaceships that link together to create an even larger robot capable of destroying planets to mine them.

Ashe buried her face in her books. "Miss Lovelace!"

Luce laughed.

She was another mad scientist wasn't she?

[x] Investigate the Greenhouse: Something feels familiar

After that class you walked to the Greenhouse and used your mystic senses to figure out just what felt familiar here. As you approached you heard the sounds of battle. Ground being destroyed and fists slamming together with great force.

Upon entering you saw a girl with a beautiful smile laughing as she fought a man you couldn't quite see through the foliage. "I will Pulverize you like I did sensei. There only needs to be one person to learn the arts you hack!" Her fist touched the ground by the man and the earth exploded into dust. That wasn't magic, it was Ki enhanced physical force to an absurd degree.

Well looking good on the outside didn't mean it was the same on the inside.

The man dodged a kick which turned the trunk of a tree into sawdust and you saw.

[Will Roll to remember: 7+15=22 Failure]


It was Eliwood! You refused to let him die again!

What do you do?

[] Write In

AN: The last teacher introduced is Maria Lovelace (named after Maria Mitchell one of the first female American astronomers, and Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer who worked with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine. Her notes include making the first algorithm to be followed by a machine which makes it so she is the first computer programmer). The man you saw last is a reincarnation or alternate version of Eliwood, the will roll was for Yamato to come to that conclusion and not be overwhelmed by the need to protect his dead friend.
[] Plan: Samething we always do
-[] Bind her with mystic chains.
--[] If that doesn't work, Freeze her in a solid block of ice and deal with the issue later.
[] Talk with Eliwood.
[] Try to talk with her.
Interlude: Claudia's Disaster
You stared in horror at the sight before you. A young girl was impaled with a blade as red as blood. There was a searing sound as it pushed deeper into her and she cried out in pain. A suit of armor with a red diamond emblem on the faceplate held the girl's throat as he pulled the blade back out only to stab her once again. Her flesh, it was smoking.

Floating above you both a pale girl with pupilless red eyes looked down upon you. "Hmm, I probably shouldn't have you around." Two more knights wielding halberds appeared, an ace and club emblem replaced the diamond the other had. They wielded black halberds, a purple fluid dripped from the edges.

"So die for the queen," She spoke with a disinterested monotone.

You needed to live. In that instant several skills were thrust to the forefront of your mind. Multiple martial arts, track running, and acrobatics. You dodged to the side as the two suits of armor smashed into the ground.

Red petals rained down upon you. The girl frowned as an older woman appeared. Her clothes were of a style you could not properly identify and she had held onto a sword hilt with no blade. "Aconite," The newcomer spat like it was a curse.

The girl, now identified as Aconite, smiled and an enormous black key appeared in her hand before she descended to the ground like a cannonball. "Leopard's Bane!" The key slammed into the street and turned, rumbling sounds like gears moving beneath you emerged as the road erupted. Black, red, and purple leopards with poison dripping from their pores growled as they clawed out of the earth.

Red petals began to glow and spin. The woman swung her hilt. "Die." Poisonous blood painted everything as the petals turned into a tornado of razor sharp blades.

Armored figures formed a ball around the girl with the key and petals flowed into the gaps between the suits. You saw pieces of it disappear with teeth marks around the edges. Blood spurt out as the girl screamed. Her hand lost as the petals grew larger and mouths full of teeth gnawed on her.

The girl disappeared before she could be devoured, and the one who had been impaled fell to the ground as the weapon faded from existence.

A luminous scarlet crystal shaped like a rose formed from bloody pustules flowing from crevices in the wrecked street.

AN: Magical girls with horror powers. Aconite is a flower with names such as wolf's bane, leopard's bane, mousebane, women's bane, devil's helmet, Queen of all Poisons, and blue rocket. Its meaning in the language of flowers is Misanthropy.
Plan Samething we always do wins.
[X] Plan: Samething we always do
-[X] Bind her with mystic chains.
--[X] If that doesn't work, Freeze her in a solid block of ice and deal with the issue later.
[X] Talk with Eliwood.
[X] Try to talk with her.
Day 3 Part 6
[X] Plan: Samething we always do
-[X] Bind her with mystic chains.
--[X] If that doesn't work, Freeze her in a solid block of ice and deal with the issue later.
[X] Talk with Eliwood.
[X] Try to talk with her.

Chains flew to the girl and encircled her. Her fist flew out and crushed the ethereal chains, motes of light flying as your conjuration was broken.

You frowned and the sparks reformed into threads that bound each of her fingers, pulling them to the point of dislocation, before cocooning her in the threads. Without the ability to move she could not crush your spells.

With that dealt with you turned to Eliwood. "What exactly are-"

[2nd Will Roll: 85+15=100 crit 36]


It obviously wasn't the Eliwood you knew. He had been murdered by Musashi over a thousand years ago. So you obviously were not speaking with your former Chair of Warfare.

Composing yourself you smiled and held your hand out. "I am Yamato Kenji and-"

Steam rolled off of the Eliwood lookalike's body. Was…was he okay? There was a poof of smoke and a still muscular, but much smaller, teen stood in his place. He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry if you thought I was older. I can enhance my body with a special technique but it makes me huge and buff. I hope to one day naturally attain that level of strength but-"

This was definitely an alternate Eliwood. You remembered meeting him looking like this back when he was an adventurer. You just hoped he didn't have the same quirks.

He guffawed with laughter. "Anyways I hope you have a 'NICE DAY! But I better..." He sweatdropped and grabbed his head. "Sensei is dead what am I supposed to do with Ni?"

You sighed. "So I take it she is some disciple that turned to darkness, killing your master to prove her power after mastering either a forbidden technique or the ultimate skill? Then you swore over his body or grave to avenge him and take her down?"

He struck a pose with one eye gleaming. "WOAH are you an Esper?"

"No, just incredibly used to this type of thing." You raised a hand and began to walk toward the girl.

"You are that bastard that's been carving through our ranks!" The girl roared in anger.

What was she talking about?

[Awareness Roll: 4+40=44 Failure]

Blood began to pour from her mouth and creatures burst out of her throat. Bloodsplatter hit your face as the snakelike creatures flew out.

"And that is going to give me nightmares," The Eliwood lookalike deadpanned while you wiped blood from your face. Your threads lashed out and eviscerated the creatures.

You checked the time, club activities would be ending soon.

The man picked up his enemy's corpse and held it in a princess carry. "I am Corentin Garrick, but most people just call me Coren."

Choose 4

[] You should probably go home and make sure Diva isn't having problems with Yosuke

[] Ask Coren about how he learned to use Chi.

[] Go to work, you think this week has some kind of company trust exercise

[] Take your kids out to eat (can combine with the kids option)

[] Take the idols out to eat (can combine with the kids option)

[] Meet the parents of one of the idols

-[] Claudia

-[] Aika

[] Spend time with someone one on one

-[] Write in

[] Investigate something

-[] People who have been dangerous around idols

-[] Deadly Joker

-[] Write in

[] Write in something else
Day 3 End
[X] Plan: Same Stuff, Different Day
[X] You should probably go home and make sure Diva isn't having problems with Yosuke

Event Roll: 12

Diva PoV

You stood between Yosuke and the strange man. A gaping hole had been created by a garbage being thrown into the window. Now an oddly calm man stood in the room with a smile on his face as the dust settled. Owl feathers were strewn about the floor.

The smell of blood hung around him so it was a safe guess that he was a vampire. If so….he was a Strix. A vampire capable of turning into an owl and bringing bad luck, more important was their preferred victim, babies.

He clapped his hands and held them behind his back. "I had not expected another vampire to already be conducting their meal here. The wards made me absolutely thrilled when I sensed the heartbeat of a baby. A mage's child, magical energy in their soul, feeding me as I drink its blood. An appetite wetter if I ever saw one, I would probably end up draining it dry. I am Quatro, my real name is of no importance for now."

You were going to rip his fingers and toes off first, then the legs piece by piece, then open the chest and rip out the organs. Draining each and every piece one by one in plain view of him after putting Yosuke to bed.

He blinked before laughing. "Ahahaha, you hate me? For interrupting your meal? Well continue, I feed on that too."

You stared at him.

The beast took a step back. "What? So cold now after that burning hatred what are you-"

"Ripping apart a beast for your meal is common sense," You let yourself get ready to hunt. First you picked up Yosuke and put him in the next room. Then you stood in the moonlight and felt it all, everything you had been keeping control of, snap into place.

You finished the thought while running your hand on a piece of your inheritance, gleefully coming to your side. "And I will enjoy every moment of it."

Normal PoV

Wards had been broken, you could tell as soon as you entered the apartment. Nothing seemed out of place though. Diva helped Yosuke fill in a coloring book. You noted that he had yet to cross the lines laid out in it.

"There was a gluttonous pest, I sliced it apart before disposing of it," Diva explained while cooing to Yosuke.

She reeked of blood. Well if you needed a battle nanny you knew who to call.
[X] Go to work, you think this week has some kind of company trust exercise

Event Roll: 80

You drove her to the office building. Having a replacement car for free was a very nice thing.

What was not nice was the trust exercises.

The man you were paired up with, well he reminded you of several of the overlords who had propagated over the millennia who went to great lengths to get you to acknowledge them despite having never met you.

And where did he keep getting those roses? It made no sense.

Once again you were forced to fall and let him catch you, and unlike everyone else who was paired up, Mirek French Dipped you instead of simply catching you.

Aika struggled while attempting to catch Claudia. "You are too heavy," She gasped.

"You are too short," Claudia retorted sharply. You think she took it the wrong way.

Diva gave no effort in catching a blue haired girl who had entered the room with Mirek. The girl stared up at Diva. "You are surprisingly strong Miss Diva." Diva pushed her back up, seemingly lost in thought.

Hmm how were you supposed to reward someone for babysitting? Money was the normal thing correct, but she had plenty of it so…hmm.

Finally the time to switch came. This time you had to catch Mirek. The man made a rather odd remark. "You may be somewhat unassuming but you easily be an idol Yamato, of course both of us are a bit old for that. I am sure we can both still bring some adoring fans."

"I am more interested in managing and writing," You pushed him up.

Mirek spun on one foot. "Perhaps so, I too am a manager, and an artist as well. I have been drawing illustrations for a new Light Novel about an immortal mage's journeys through the millennia. I was surprised I was put on board for a new writer."

They…they had made this guy your illustrator?

You began to scream internally.

[Gain Miroslav 'Mirek' Cruz: Bond 1]

[X] Take your kids out to eat (can combine with the kids option)
[X] Take the idols too, If you're going to be spending so much time with everyone, we should try to maximize familiarity and minimize potential friction.

Event Roll: 91

Well this was certainly a strange sight for most people. Luce, Ashe, and Alex were scarfing down burgers while Victoria and Diva had some form of staring contest over who got to hold Yosuke. Tacitus paged through a book, making notes in pen whenever there was a misspelling or other error. Charlie was using a paintbrush to put decals on one of his toys in the middle of dinner. Vatista laid on your head, Titania fawned over Aika's hair for some reason, and Claudia was having a hard time explaining to Fortuna the greatness of braided buns.

Overall you could consider this a success on your part. You sneaked a burger underneath the table when no one was looking so the invisible Inugami could devour it.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this picture.

Ashe finished her food and groaned. "One of my clubmates is a complete cheater. Going around maintenance and labor by using esoteric codes programmed into electronic devices, a complete cheater avoiding the scientific method." It devolved into ramblings about not respecting physics enough to deal with them the normal way and speaking in multiple languages to express the great deal of hate she had for whoever this was.

The idols, and everyone else other than Tacitus, Vatista, and yourself blinked as she ranted. So someone in her class used magic to make mechanics easier. It was somewhat rare for that to occur but you had no problem with it.

Rewards write in for both

[] One Child Bond Up (which one)

[] One Idol Bond Up (which one)

Choose 4 for the beginning of the next day

[] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)

-[] Write In who and about what

[] Research something (can be taken multiple times)

-[] Write In

[] Track down one of those hooligans before you have to deal with them again

-[] Which one?

[] Perhaps you should look up if there are any dangerous people that have obsessions with one of your idols?

[] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?

-[] Which one (Claudia or Aika)

[] Write In
[X] Plan Cogi
[X] One Idol Bond Up (Clauida)
[X] One Child Bond Up (Luce)

[X] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Ashe, about this cheater
-[X] Charlie, his Fiance and the club
[X] Perhaps you should look up if there are any dangerous people that have obsessions with one of your idols?
[X] Perhaps you should try to meet with the parents of one of the idols?
-[X] Claudia
I think i'm gonna stop pointing out this is a crosspost.
Day 4 Part 1
[X] Plan Cogi
[X] One Idol Bond Up (Claudia)
[X] One Child Bond Up (Luce)
Claudia Bond 2, Luce Bond 1

[X] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Ashe, about this cheater
-[X] Charlie, his Fiance and the club

That morning you cooked spaghetti and meatballs for breakfast. Yosuke was not on solid foods yet and he stared at the meal while glaring at his hands and chugging grape juice from his crystal sippy-cup with a grimace.

He knew what he was missing.

Everyone sat in their seats, the first thing Victoria did was sneak a meatball to the Inugami under the table. You were not going to complain about that.

Turning to Ashe you steepled your fingers. "So who is this cheater?"

Ashe puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms. "He is some white haired punk looking kid who mixes magic and science together when no one else in the club is looking. Using magic makes it so it isn't real science."

As someone who had studied all the magic systems of your home dimension and some from others you disagreed, but would not be speaking up about that given how she and her mother could get about magic.

And that kid was probably Riko's older brother.

"Stupid Takeshi and his stupid laser drones flying around and letting him ride them while projecting hard light constructs," She grumbled.

Was this that rival and love relationship so many heroes ended up in with their childhood friends? You shuddered while thinking of the possibility of Ashe becoming a modern tsundere.

Hopefully they could punch each other and come to an agreement. On that note you turned to Charlie. "So how are things with your fiancé?"

Charlie looked up with his food and deadpanned. "Her brother pointed a lasergun to my face and said if I hurt her he would kill me. Also things about how people become parents and how I am not allowed to do that for a long time."

"Then he is a smart man," You stated.

"You have problems," Charlie replied.

"I grew up in caves and forests in a prehistoric tribal society," You stared at him duly.

"Point," He brought food to his mouth. "So you'd use a club or flint-tipped spear instead of a gun."

"You keep dolls in your pants," You sipped tea.

"Action Figures," He retorted sharply.

"Charlie, that word was made after thousands of years of their not being a distinction. Do I look like I care what people rebranded something for stupid reasons?" You stared at him over your glasses.

[X] Perhaps you should look up if there are any dangerous people that have obsessions with one of your idols?

Roll: 59+80 OA+15 Idol Expert+20 Chessmaster+15 Working Overlord=189 crit roll 4+89=93

Oooh. Well this made sense in a way.

A forum devoted to idol stalkers on the Deep Web.

That man called Constantine used the handle Uno. Diva had told you about someone named Quatro that she stomped into the ground. Sechs, Connell also known as Drie, and that martial artist girl named Ni. One, two, three, four, and six. All five of them were members of a chat group that seemed to double as a cult.

Well only a few could be considered real cultists worshipping idols, others like Connell were there to get money from the others by stealing things from the idols they liked.

Apparently getting into highly guarded places was enough of a thrill to him to consider it something of a hunt, plus killing witnesses.

There were three other members. A man who also frequented cannibalism sites with the handle Hachi, a rather prideful idol expert called Go, and someone who called himself Siete. The last only seemed to have a profile on that one site, the eight had handles based on who met who first. Hachi being the most recent addition.

Page upon page of conversations on this forum were about three specific idols. Aika, Claudia, and Diva.

Well you had people you needed to kill.

[Gain Goal: Eliminate Idol Cult]

From Last Day. Completed Goal, kill White Beast. Choose One

[] Diva Double Bond Up

[] Stat +1 (Which one?)

Claudia's Parents

[] Write-In what you want to talk about.

Choose 4 for Work

[] Speak with Claudia
-[] About
[] Speak with Aika
-[] About
[] Speak with Diva
-[] About
[] Speak with Mr. Yorozuya
-[] About

[] Speak with Mirek

-[] About
[] Take the idols out to eat? (Can't Be Taken with Hunting)

[] There are people who are stalking your idols. They need to be erased (Can't Take with Hunting)

[] Check in with one of your kids
-[] Which one?
[] Write In
Day 4 Part 2
[X] Diva Double Bond Up
[X] Ask if Claudia has ever had any unusual hobbies, like if she was ever in an occult club or such.

Event roll: 37+10 Exalted=47 some help

You returned to the Aeneas home and found the two of them bathing in the Jacuzzi they had placed in the front foyer. Why, oh why could your idols not have normal families? You were dreading meeting Aika's parents if this was going to be the norm.

With a sigh you asked the main question you had come up with. Asking specifically about the Black Speech was unlikely to get you anywhere so you danced around it. "Did Claudia have any strange hobbies as a child?"

Caesar hummed in thought. "Claudia didn't have anything like hobbies. She tried plenty of things and never enjoyed them despite being great at anything she tried. I would say she loved singing despite how horribly that went, dancing and acting as well. She performed little plays and operas all by herself. When her cousin was around she'd rope her into it as well."

Vitalia smiled. "We should invite Annabella over sometime soon."

You frowned. "Nothing odd?"

"Well there was one play she kept repeating, I forget the name though" Vitalia rubbed her temples. "What was it again, hmmm?"

[Knowledge Check: 20 needed 10]

Could it…please oh Abyss let Claudia not have repeatedly staged a one woman performance of the King in Yellow multiple times over the course of her childhood. If she did how had she stayed sane?

[X] Speak with Claudia
-[X] Work on Singing a bit more

Roll: 46+80 OA+15 Idol Expert+15 Overlord Tutor+15 Working Overlord=171 crit roll 7+71=78

Aika: 50+10 Pride+80 Singing=140 crit 70+40=110 2nd 78+10=88

Diva: 5+40 Pride+80 Singing=125 crit 60+25=85

Claudia: 42+10 Singing+10 Pride=62

Reward: Claudia's singing goes to C (+20). Aika and Diva gain the trait Tutor (+10 to teaching rolls)

A water bottle snapped open as you sighed and sank into your chair. Singing for hours parched your throat to the point where you remembered the times you had to make treks through deserts in your first century of life.

Alternation between extreme heat and cold with little water except for what you could get from sometimes hallucinogenic cacti was not an enjoyable experience.

You checked the newspaper.


Apparently there were serial murders going on in a thankfully far away section of the city. At least the police were on it….and those biker heroes that kept doing flips and riding up buildings.

One of them had a skull for a face and was on fire while screaming about Justice for some reason.

Did a Lich decide to be a superhero?


You grabbed your pounding heart when Mr. Yorozuya pulled down your newspaper and stared at you. A keening deathrattle escaped your throat as his blank eyes stared deeply into yours. "We have a new album."

You blinked, "What?"

He continued to stare at you. "Wasn't that dozen new covers by the group and you an album? We recorded it all."

Did you just accidentally an album? That was stupid hero level luck. And you hated those people with a rage that burned like a thousand suns. Those stupid heroes going around shouting about you being evil while butchering thousands of men and women with families and trying to kidnap your daughters and or kill your sons.

Thankfully they all died by the hands of either your subordinates, yourself, your children, or your....late wives.

You turned around and started writing the next volume of your book while fuming.

[X] Speak with Aika
-[X]Ask about Book

[???: 23 No Effect]

[Aika Roll: 98 nat crit 95 another nat crit 2nd 90+10 Pride+20 Singlemindedness=120 3rd 83+20=103 4th 30+3=33]

You had typed one hundred pages when there was a knock on the door. Aika opened it slowly while holding the manuscript you had given her in a folder. You saw color coded notes and slips of paper. It must have had twice the volume from loose-leaf pages added into it.

She sat across from you, her arms folded over the manuscript. "This is about you right?"

What? You put your face into an expression of embarrassment. "Oh the character, well like many people I write myself into my characters at some points. Obviously I am nothing li-"

"No," Her eyes were wide and clear. "This is you, this happened to you. That is why you are different. You are Yam Ludari Urusilim also known as Alalngar the founder of Eridu the home of Ea."

You had not used that name since long before you had ever founded the kingdom that currently stood in your home dimension. It had been used by you when founding the first city.

The book, you had not written that part yet and you had used a different name in it. It was not possible for her to know this, but she does know it.

Aika continued to speak. It was not in a language used in this world. It was a language gods had erased from human memory despite all understanding and following it when spoken.

She spoke in what could be considered the First True Language, the Universal Language. It was all things the Black Speech was not. She communicated with you.

Feeling-Nothingness-Void-Unknowable-Impossible-Hollow, and now she felt Joy when around you despite Pain-Erasure.

Aika returned to speaking normally and pulled her collar down, showing you something. Blood was soaking into the edges of her undershirt from a black and red tattoo on her chest. "This has always been there, and it is hurts. It has become different, like being stabbed through the chest and feeling everything come out from it. I think…I know something is wrong with me." Where was the blood coming from, there were no physical wounds?

[Knowledge 20 needed 9]

That was a spiritual curse impressed on the physical plane.

Its sole purpose was to Erase and Destroy things. What the ever-loving fuck was going on with her?

The door opened and Claudia stared at the two of you. "Ummmmm…….I will just….yeah I will see you later Umu."

"Wait!" Both of you cried.

How and What Do You Explain to Aika
[] Write in

[Gain: Aika Bond 2]

[X] Speak with Diva
-[X] Inform her of Wolf's death in Gruesome detail. Also, Side job as Nanny, she's Hired

[Event roll 95 nat crit 52+40 Pride=92]

"-And then I flayed his wolf soul so that Titania and I could make these nice coats," You pulled a fur coat out of your suitcase and handed it to Diva.

She stared at the ruffled sleeves and high collar made of 90% Wolf Soul hair and 10% Glamour.

"So how exactly did you know-" You were about to ask about her connection to the Kresnik when she tackled you to the ground in an embrace. Her tears running into your suit.

"There there," You began to pat her head.

The door opened. Claudia stared, your eyes widened and for the second time today a deathrattle escaped your throat.

"I…will just be leaving," She slowly closed the door.

[Diva Bond 5]

[X] Take the idols out to eat? (Can't Be Taken with Hunting)

Event roll: 51

Oddly enough this time nothing strange happened while you ate with the idols. What a fun surprise that broke the utter insanity of the day so far.

Of course there was the other issue. Diva and Aika glaring at each other with visible sparks of lightning on either side of you while Claudia nonchalantly ate her burger. "So what is the perfectly reasonable explanation for what I have seen today Mr. Producer?" She asked.

"Aika had a rash on her chest that was bleeding so she asked me how to take care of it and Diva had family issues which I resolved," You deadpanned while bending the truth like it was putty. It was technically true but a massive understatement of everything that had occurred in the last few days.

"Of course," She nodded while speaking dryly.

"I have ten kids I cannot afford to be a womanizer," You stated.


Aika and Claudia stared.

"Oh and his baby is absolutely adorable," Diva clapped her hands. "I babysat him last night and beat a stalker to death."

It was safe to say that Claudia believed you now.

Restraunt ten minutes later: Tanuki PoV

Those girls….all you were supposed to do was take photos of them for the media. You had been stabbed, drained of your blood, had a safe dropped on you, dipped in acid, and had HORRIBLE THINGS that you could not describe bind you and do unspeakable things to your soul.

You hated this city.

Claudia Aeneas: Bond 2:
A prideful idol under your care. You think she is an ESPer and know for certain that she somehow knows the Black Speech without noticing it. She seems to have a sheltered personality.

You know she is an esper and whatever power she has is growing stronger.

Sajyou Aika: Bond 2:
A reclusive idol. She is fairly helpful but you haven't noticed any significant emotion from her, including while black fluid spurt out of her mouth from Claudia's singing. Oh wait there was the one time she asked if you were a fairy godfather. She has a curse that seems to have been meant to utterly destroy her.

She trusts you and has figured out your identity.

For some reason she understands the Universal Language and has an affinity for the element of Nothingness. This seems to have given her some kind of unconscious ability to learn from The Abyss.

Diva: Bond 5 (Witness the OPness of Bond Level 5)
A newbie idol who tries her best to act normal despite a few hints of an incredibly vengeful and overprotective personality. A Kresnik hunted her and slaughtered her family.

Diva is a vampire who was born with two special abilities. She is empowered by the moon, night gives her more power and on nights of the full moon her powers are boosted by an incredible degree. This is somewhat common among older vampires, which is odd given actually being around the age she looks.

Diva's truly special power is Counter: She has an instinctive ability to avoid, defend, and reflect attacks of almost every form. This has advanced to the point where as long as her power is within 5 points of her enemy she can block even conceptually based attacks. Counter can act in a way similar to Nullification as long as the target is someone who has made a move she considers to be 'against her.'

Diva is a Vampire Lord, a being with inherent command of the undead and dark magic, and much stronger powers in comparison to normal vampires. The majority of traditional weaknesses of vampires are unknown to her except for an aversion to sunlight. Holy weaponry is less effective against her in comparison to other vampires. Even should she die there are many ways for her to resurrect.

Choose 4

[] Speak with Claudia
-[] About
[] Speak with Aika
-[] About
[] Speak with Diva
-[] About
[] Speak with Mr. Yorozuya
-[] About
[] Speak with Mirek
-[] About
[] Plan Something For Work
-[] What (ex: An event like an interview)
[] Check in with one of your kids
-[] Which one?
[] Write In
Cogi276 said:
[X] Tell Aika the truth
She knows the universal language and she trusts us. We can trust her, since we're going to try to cure her.
[X] Check up on Coren.
We should get to know what not-Eliwood is up to.
[X] Look into the housing market, preferably a big well defensible house.
It's time to step it up. We can get a new defensible house with all our visitors and foes showing up. We need something better than our current apartment.
[X] Speak with Mirek
Better now than later I suppose.
[X] Plan Something For Work
-[X]We made an Album by accident, so let's start working on a music video to go with it. Our Daughter will be the seamstress for the video and you'll be overseeing the Dance Moves, the Visuals and the camera work. Lesser men would crumple under that weight but we're the fucking Overlord.
Last edited:
plan Phantomdemon2
[] Tell her that yes, this book is about you. Ask her if she would keep it a secret for you. We don't want to order her around if she knows are true identity and as the universal language, and that curse means something else is at play. And that something is messing with one of yours.

[] Speak with Claudia
-[] Inform her about the Black Speech, Use some Random Shmuck to show how devastating it is. Say how you've helped her.
[] Speak with Aika
-[] Tell her about the curse, Research it with her, her connection to the Abyss may be helpful, both to the research and your own understanding of the Abyss
--[] Use 1 point of Power to try and give Aika something. The curse will probably destroy it soon but it will give her a small buffer.
[] Speak with Diva
-[] Ask how's she's doing? The last couple of days have been an emotional roller-coaster and it is your job to see that she is in top form.
--[] Speak with all of them about what they want to focus on. Claudia's singing is improving and they accidentally an Album so they have music to help their fame. What do they want to focus on?
[] Plan Something For Work
-[]We made an Album by accident, so let's start working on a music video to go with it. Our Daughter will be the seamstress for the video and you'll be overseeing the Dance Moves, the Visuals and the camera work. Lesser men would crumple under that weight but we're the fucking Overlord.
Day 4 Part 3
[X] Tell her that yes, this book is about you. Ask her if she would keep it a secret for you. We don't want to order her around if she knows are true identity and as the universal language, and that curse means something else is at play. And that something is messing with one of yours.

You sighed after Claudia left the room. Well the cat was out of the bag when it came to Aika. "Yes this is autobiographical," You were unsure where to start. "Please keep this a secret though." For a moment your eyes drifted back to the mark. "I will find out why that mark is on you, and I will save you."

Her eyes widened.

You smiled. "And that language you spoke in earlier is The Universal Language, you might want to keep that to yourself. Even though it is rather beautiful." She blushed.

[X] Speak with Claudia
-[X] Inform her about the Black Speech, Use some Random Shmuck to show how devastating it is. Say how you've helped her.

Roll: 94+15 Idol Expert+10 Exalted+15 Working Overlord+100 Teaching=234 crit roll 9+134=143 2nd crit 66+43=109 3rd 16+9=25

You decided to take this situation like you did ones with your students back in your old world. By that you meant to get to it quick and rip it off like a band-aid so she has to understand it quickly.

Taking Claudia outside for a moment you coughed and patted a stranger's shoulder. "Would you like to hear an idol sing?" You wordlessly removed the spell on Claudia.

Her eyes sparkled. "Oho so the Producer wants an impromptu performance well then I shall give one."

[9+10 Singing+30 Pride-80 True Black Speech=-31]

The man began to bleed from all of his pores before falling to the ground and convulsing, black and red foam bubbling from his mouth as he was wracked with seizures. You placed a hand on him and healed the damage while erasing his memories of the last few seconds.

Claudia stared.

"You see when you sing you tend to do it in….well a language you really shouldn't be speaking or knowing. It is the language of rather alien gods that have a tendency to damage the sanity of lesser beings with their mere presence. I used a spell to prevent you from using that language and removed it to show you what it really does."

A green haired woman poked her head out of a hole that suddenly appeared in reality. "Excuse me you called?"

You blinked at her appearance. She wore a suit and tight shirt, for some reason the first few….well several of buttons of her undershirt were left open. "Cthulhu why are you an office lady showing off her sex appeal?"

She stared. "Why are you dressed like a salaryman?"

"I am one currently," You deadpanned.

There was a long silence between the three of you until Claudia pointed at her and made a monotone statement. "Why is Cthulhu a sexy woman?"

"Because the human unconsciousness has managed to fetishish them to the point where often they get forced into that since so many people are thinking of them in terms of pretty girls, husbandos, and traps," You explained. "The transcendental human will is odd like that, I blame Japan and Korea. Try google image searching Cthylla and you will find more images of her as a cute anime girl than as an octopoid creature."

You think she was in the Blue Screen of Death, such things had happened to you, mostly when you accidentally walked in on people.

Actually now that you thought about Cthylla. You turned to Cthulhu and gave the current her your card. "In case you ever want your daughter to be an object of worship without using mind control, magic, and tentacle fish sex."

"….ah," She slowly took the card. "Thank you?"

[Claudia Bond 3]

[Cthulhu Bond 1]

[Did you just ask Cthulhu to let you turn her daughter into an idol?]

[X] Speak with Aika
-[X] Tell her about the curse, Research it with her, her connection to the Abyss may be helpful, both to the research and your own understanding of the Abyss
--[X] Use 1 point of Power to try and give Aika something. The curse will probably destroy it soon but it will give her a small buffer.

You returned to the office building with a dumbstruck Claudia and asked Aika to enter your office.

She sat across from you with her hands folded in her lap.

"I am going to try to give you a magic ability, it should help prevent the progress of the curse," You explained while placing your hand on her head.

A power was created. Aika blinked and frowned. "I feel strange." You hadn't thought of anything in particular so it was random and-

You heard screaming outside. "The Sky is raining fire! Someone call the fire department!"

"The fire department is on fire!"

Both of you looked at each other. "I will not tell anyone," You chorused.

[Aika Roll: 95 crit roll 5+20 Pride=25]

Thankfully one of the signs of the apocalypse ended quickly from Aika getting a handle on her power.

Gain new research option.

Aika has Pyrokinesis, and can make it rain fire at will.

[X] Speak with Diva
-[X] Ask how's she's doing? The last couple of days have been an emotional roller-coaster and it is your job to see that she is in top form.
--[X]Speak with all of them about what they want to focus on. Claudia's singing is improving and they accidentally an Album so they have music to help their fame. What do they want to focus on?

Roll: 23+100 WA+15 Idol Expert+15 Working Overlord+10 Exalted=163 crit roll 53+63=116 2nd 68+16=84

"So what is it that all of you want to focus on?" You asked.

"Dancing," Aika and Diva sighed. You blinked at that, while it was their weakest subjects neither of them were particularly bad at it, in fact they were wonderful dancers.

Claudia was currently still BSODing over her realization of her foreign language skills.

Well now you can schedule dance classes.

[+40 to next work roll]

[X] Plan Something For Work
-[X]We made an Album by accident, so let's start working on a music video to go with it. Our Daughter will be the seamstress for the video and you'll be overseeing the Dance Moves, the Visuals and the camera work. Lesser men would crumple under that weight but we're the fucking Overlord.

Your plan: 44+100 WA+15 Working Overlord+15 Idol Expert+20 Exalted+20 Chessmaster+40=254 crit roll 54+154=208 2nd crit 47+108=155 3rd 44+55=99

Titania: 3 Fairy Luck reroll 91+100 Sewing+50 Glamour Weaving+10 Pride=251 crit roll 92+151=243 2nd 36+143=179 3rd 67+79=146 4th 64+46=110 5th 33+10=43

[I am just going to leave it at that]

The girls, film crew, and Mr. Yorozuya all stared at what Titania had made inside of the studio.

Your boss grabbed your arm. "There is an amusement park in the studio."


A roller coaster shaped like an Eastern dragon rolled past leaving behind a trail of multicolored light, mist, and clouds.

"How?" He choked out as animated life-sized teddy bears in various costumed danced past while shouting 'Mofu mofu mofu.'

"Absurd reality warping psychic powers," You nodded sagely. People did not know about magic here, but the public knew about Espers so things like this could easily be explained.

Titania rode a unicorn past with a trail of dresses flying behind her.

Claudia and AIka walked after her in a dazed state with their hands outstretched. "Unicorn."

Fairies flitted back and forth around your hair.

Mr. Yorozuya stared.

"Absurd psychic powers," You nodded gain. Ignoring the Neman Lion roaring behind you in an enclosure that had its very own miniature mountain and waterfall. "Also anyone who is not a virgin should stay away from the unicorns since otherwise they will brutally kill you by impaling you on those horns and swinging their heads around until your limbs fly off."

Everyone stared at you in horror.

Titania swung her unicorn back and threw three dresses into the air. The camera crew shielded their eyes. "They're too bright!"

Well on one hand yes the sparkles and portions of it was that absolutely, but the majority of the clothes were made out of solidified shadows that absorbed all light that touched them.

"So none of the budget for the majority of effects will need to be used," You surmised.

Claudia put her dress on and blinked. Two of the leading trains of the dress fluttered and became animated scarlet wings that left trails of fire. "Ummmmm."

"It is supposed to do that," Titania smiled.


Mr. Yorozuya stared at you. "What were those demon horses?"

"Nightmares and puuka, the former are water fey that get you to ride them and then they jump into the water and drown you to death," You explained.

"Fire was raining from the sky again," He deadpanned.

"It was not me nor was it my daughter."

"And blood," He continued.

"That might have been Titania," You shrugged making yourself some tea.

"There were black wolves made of shadows, fangs, and claws lifting the girls up to a blood red moon as a staircase of crystal formed out of the air."

"Absurd. Psychic. Powers." You sipped your cup.

"The sun was the eye of a gigantic monster with its other eye being held down by demons," He stared at you, his eyes wide and bloodshot.

"That was an illusion of Balor, an Irish Sun God. He represents the worse things involving it such as droughts." This was sweet tea.

"Why did the cute fluffy dogs turn into-"

"Those were cats…technically….fey do not particularly make sense," You corrected him.

"It was bigger than a skyscraper," He began to shiver.

[Titania Bond 2]

Choose 4

[] Talk to one of your kids (can be taken multiple times)

-[] Write In who and about what

[] Work on Figuring Out Aika's curse

[] Go out for a bit you need 'me time' (Random Encounter)

[] Research something (can be taken multiple times)

-[] Write In

[] Track down one of the hooligans

-[] which one?

[] Do something special with your kids

-[] What?
[] Something Else (Write in something you want to do)

[You have the album completed and the studio is going to pointedly ignore anything strange you do since they have a company retreat for free that has endless supplies]
Cogi276 said:
[X] Work on figuring out Aika's curse
[X] Go out for a bit you need 'me time'
[X] Do something special with your kids
-[X] Take them to the new theme park Titania made. That should be fun. Invite Riko and her brother too.
[X] Something Else
-[X]Find a mansion or house or something to buy. We need better wards and such and more room means more places to put them.