A Dark Lord Is YOU! (Once Upon A Time)

Because Once Upon A Time is a story that takes the serious interpretation of stories. Everyone is used to serious, the villains are Evil, they are concoting some serious plan and they don't want to be friends.

We aren't like that, we totally want to be friends DESPITE being Evil. Sure, we kidnap people the princess, but we never treat her badly. Usually, it's quite the opposite, she is living in just as much luxury in our castles as she tends to in her own. We don't kill people, most of the people who die tend to have Extra Lives, and even then we still tend to take non-lethal actions against norms, such as turning them into bricks, or trapping them in crystal, or something. We don't hate the good guys we are battling against, we often go out and play games and party with them between schemes to take over. We cause the bare minimum suffering during our attacks, when Bowser Jr was taking the crack at being the Main Villain in Sunshine, the most he did was dissappear people/things, or cover them in icky goop that was fairly easily washed off. We are an E-Rated Villain, and we aren't even an Evil For Lulz one.

I appreciate all this feedback I'm getting.
Hey can we get a hint to who our True Love is.

A power like that is a trump card in OUAT and it'd be extremely useful, especially with Cora in town....
Do we have a True Love? In Once Upon A Time, is a True Love something to do with destiny, so it's always one person in particular?
Because if it's just someone we love in a true manner, then the closest candidate is Peach. Bowser would happily marry her, as he almost did in one game. Though I don't think it'd be actual True Love, he has many reasons to want to marry her beyond personal infatuation.
Do we have a True Love? In Once Upon A Time, is a True Love something to do with destiny, so it's always one person in particular?

Regina's True Love was murdered by Cora, so she lost it. But there's also the thing that you love most, which for Bowser is probably kidnapping Princesses.
Regina's True Love was murdered by Cora, so she lost it. But there's also the thing that you love most, which for Bowser is probably kidnapping Princesses.
She had a second True Love as well, so people can have multiple True Loves (although due to being Regina her second True Love died via Hades with Zeus' lightning bolt).
Do we have a True Love? In Once Upon A Time, is a True Love something to do with destiny, so it's always one person in particular?
Because if it's just someone we love in a true manner, then the closest candidate is Peach. Bowser would happily marry her, as he almost did in one game. Though I don't think it'd be actual True Love, he has many reasons to want to marry her beyond personal infatuation.
True Love is a person, it can be family, such as a son or mother or sister, or it can be romantic. I was questioning whether Bowser has a familial and romantic True Love
I'd say our True Love is, in number of importance:

1) Our Children
2) Our Money
3) Kidnapping
Can selfishness be a true love in OUAT?
I've never seen hobbies or emotions made into True Loves, only ever people.

Hell we don't know if animals can feel True Love, and we've never seen True Love between friends depicted before. OUAT has only ever depicted True Love as between Family and Romantic partners. People who can deliver True Loves kiss, which breaks all curses and seems to be very powerful when it's essence is used in potions.

But we have to remember OUAT doesn't run on logic as much as it does Drama and what makes a good story sometimes, so really take everything in the show with a pinch of salt.
I've never seen hobbies or emotions made into True Loves, only ever people.

Hell we don't know if animals can feel True Love, and we've never seen True Love between friends depicted before. OUAT has only ever depicted True Love as between Family and Romantic partners. People who can deliver True Loves kiss, which breaks all curses and seems to be very powerful when it's essence is used in potions.

But we have to remember OUAT doesn't run on logic as much as it does Drama and what makes a good story sometimes, so really take everything in the show with a pinch of salt.

To be honest, I've always seen OUAT as a Soap Opera that I actually like.
To be honest, I've always seen OUAT as a Soap Opera that I actually like.
Yeah. I've always thought that was part of its parody of normal Fairy Tails. Most Disney movies are parodied or subverted in the show, and it's Soap Opera esc nature seems to stem from its mockery of the over-dramatisation we see in Disney movies all the time from its characters.
I'll retconn the reason why we weren't able to Gokart with anyone and open it as an option in a couple of more turns.
Question, who here is more of a video game person or a tv person. This is important?

Koopa Citadel, and the Casino is a massive Keep with a wall surrounding Storybrooke, a down of around 10,000 inhabitants. The walls and the Keep it'self is unusually large for such a small town. You'd think that this small down were ten times the size it should be, but thanks to Koopa magic, the miracles of engineering have begun to build it in a fraction of the time it should be constructed. It's still not finished though. The walls, it should be mentioned, are wide enough for automobile traffic. The Keep is three times the size of the original Malbork Castle, in northern Poland, around the size of 900,000 meters. Just wait till the rest of the country hears about this!

You begin to build a castle around Storybrook, it's not even finished yet but it's more like a citadel connected to Storybrooke. People are beginning to fear you more than they ever have. Meanwhile Mister Gold shows up at your house. "We need to talk, mister Bauer. You've attracted some . . . unwanted attention. Cora Mills, Regina's Mother, has gotten her eyes on you. She has her eyes on me as well. With her uniting with Regina, she could actually be a threat to one of us." Bowser looks towards Rumplestiltskin and rolls his eyes. "They've not less of a chance as a Bob-Bomb in Pakistan!" Mister Gold, also known as Rumplestiltskin, is insistant. "Listen up, deary! Cora Mills is a threat to me all by herself. Regina might be a small fry compared to her, but I wouldn't underestimated either of them when they have come together. It's certainly not something you should just sweep under the rug. If Cora can threaten me, she can threaten you."

You roll your eyes again. "Oh, give me a break. What am I supposed to, quake in my shell!? I'm the biggest baddest meanest Koopa the world will ever see!" The goblin like Dark One shakes his head. "See that's what you keep saying but if I know right that plumber, Mario keeps beating you ever time in every confrontation except for Go Kart and Party Games." He's beginning to piss you off. What do you do?

[X] You're not ready yet to kidnap anyone! You've only got 1 "castle", and it's a puny one at that! Only two stories! You need AT LEAST 7 more before you are ready to kidnap anyone. Get your minions started on fixing that. In the mean-time, challenge the local do-gooders to some golf or go-karts or something. Been a while since you had some good fun.
[X] No one is a cartoon character or a video game character and thus, no one is willing to play go kart with you. They see you as strange and even threatening.

-[X] Be sure to invite the kids, don't want them getting grumpy.
[X] You bring your kids to the castle, and they are all receiving their own chambers. Their own sections of the castle which are by themselves, large enough to be castles. Everyone is still selfish and vain however, and aren't satisfied.

[X] "Open the Casino anyway!"
[X] You open the Casino and notice that revenue is beginning to flow. Your casino is rigged. Maybe like all casinos, thus, you are making a ton of money in the opening weekend. People from all over Maine are beginning to flock to your literally magic Casino. Uh oh. You've been found. . .

"It's a me, Mario!"

Without warning, your gains have been cut in half. This man, Mario Bouscalia is a short, five foot eight and a half nightmare. He's kind of fat but he has an Olympian athletic body and performance level. He's armed too, with his hammer, and Kamek is asking you to save the Casino from Mario! (No sign of Luigi has been found).

Meanwhile in Storybrooke. . .

[X] Confront Mister Gold. "Gimme that knife!" You demand, pointing at The Dark One's Dagger.
[X] Cora's only one witch. Kamek and the other Magikoopas can do a patrol. "Your majesty. I suggest we do as Rumplestiltskin advises. I've done my research on Cora, and although you'd probably defeat her, it might be a good idea not to put yourself in harm's way!"
[X] No time for Mister Gold! More important things have come our way! ((But you haven't technically done anything wrong. You can still try to kill Mario, however)).
Credits where credit is due, you are improving. Each consecutive update is beter then the previous.
My thoughts are still what stated before. You are just gliding across all the interaction, giving us a summary of what happened without showing us what happened. Show, Don't Tell. We chose Bowser to see how everyone reacts, and it'd be nice to see more than "We confused the heck out of them". Actually see the confusion, see the dialogue go between them and how it slowly dawns on them we are a completely different type of character than they've delt with before. We are a Bad-Guy, but that doesn't mean we are a Bad Guy.

Look, we are even there in the meeting where it's being discussed.
Although I have to agree, it is still more a list, a summary, then a story.

I'd say our True Love is, in number of importance:

1) Our Children
2) Our Money
3) Kidnapping

I'll retconn the reason why we weren't able to Gokart with anyone and open it as an option in a couple of more turns.
Question, who here is more of a video game person or a tv person. This is important?
I kind of disagree the list given. I think saying that Bowsers true love are money adn kidnapping turns Bowsers personality into that of a typical medival dragon. Those who hoard gold and kidnap princesses. Although Bowsers tough-guy attidude is sufficiently shown, Bowser is not shown to be obssesed with money and kidnapping on it self.
Bowser does not like kidnapping princesses, he likes kidnapping *Peach*. He take pride in kidnapping her and gets pissed when someone else does it or harms her.
I'd argue that he truely loves Peach.

From what I gather, true love is a true bond with someone. A connection that causes you to think deeply about someone in your heart.
You can love someone and it not being true love, I'd say that Bowser in his own way loves Kamek, but it is not true love. Kamak is trusted advisor and the closest thing Bowser has to father figure, but even then Kamek is a tool to him.
I think he truely cares about his childeren though (and vice versa), he truely loves peach (as he is gueninely happy to marry her and even works with Mario to save her).
I could be humorous and say it's Mario.
This, although meant as a joke, can be argued for.
Bowser loves Mario as a rival. Mario is constantly in his thoughts as the thing he has got to beat, the thing he has to be stronger then.
Bowser grows and plots to kidnap peach and defeat Mario. These two things are Bowsers obsessions.
So yeah, in my opinion his true loves are:
Familiarity bond with his childeren (especialy Junior)
His romantic bond with Peach (although it probally started as a way to give his childeren a mother and take over the muschroom kingdom)
And his rivalry bond with Mario.
I guess Im more of a Video Game person, in that I spend more time playing Video Games than watching TV.
When I was younger more TV then games but nowadays I barely watch TV and play Video Games almost each day.
I still watch TV tho if it catches my attention.
[x] We're gonna kidnap Peach, known here as Ms. Adrienne Rousseau

We're Bowser, this is our thing.
Turn Three
Meanwhile in Storybrooke. . .

Regina has gone bonkers now that Cora is back, and Cora could very well start trouble with you. You're competition for Regina after all, and she wants what's best for her. One day you have an idea, but before you can actually do anything, you receive a visit from Kamek. "You're majesty! Cora, The Queen of Hearts is causing havoc in Storybrooke!
Cora . . .
Cora has murdered Jiminy Cricket!
You need to get rid of her somehow. The town is busy, people are flocking to Storybrooke, and the town is no longer invisible to outsiders. This could bad. Could be good. Who knows?

Or maybe. . . ((Choose two))!

[X] You could Confront Mister Gold. Mister Gold might stand no chance with you. You know this, if you can splatter him right now. Or, you could just steal his Dagger from him.

After visiting Mister Gold's Pawn shop, you notice him admiring the Dark One's Dagger. "Gimme that knife!" You demand, pointing at The Dark One's Dagger. You could take it from him right now. You could rip his arm off and bite his limbs off, then steal his Dagger for the hell of it if you're fast enough. He'd stand no chance in hand to hand, but then again, he's more powerful than you with magic. Is it a gamble you want to take? You could effectively double your power in one fell swoop. If you fail, you'll be an enemy of Rumplestiltskin, probably for good.

[X] You attempt to steal Rumplestiltskin's Dagger. You're faster than he is, and he needs a cane, but you are on the other side of the table.

[X] Cora's only one witch. Kamek and the other Magikoopas can do a patrol. "Your majesty. I suggest we do as Rumplestiltskin advises. I've done my research on Cora, and although you'd probably defeat her, it might be a good idea not to put yourself in harm's way!" Kamek is right. You might not want to care, but he's right. If Cora's a threat to Rumplestiltskin, he's a threat to you. Someone that powerful is BAD NEWS!

[X] Mario has been a thorn in your side for far too long! Once you find him, you can decide what to do with him! No time for Mister Gold! More important things have come our way! ((But you haven't technically done anything wrong. You can still try to kill Mario, however, but you don't have any plans to do so now)).

[X] "I'm KING BOWSER OF THE KOOPAS! I'm gonna show them all how big and bad I am!" ((Take over the town forcefully)).

[X] Your army has began to build a Go Kart Course. It's pathetic right now. ((Improve the Go kart Course)).

[X] Write in. . .
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I hope we get more than two player votes. -_-
I was waiting for you to do that Go Kart retcon you said you'd do.
[X] You could Confront Mister Gold. Mister Gold might stand no chance with you. You know this, if you can splatter him right now. Or, you could just steal his Dagger from him.

After visiting Mister Gold's Pawn shop, you notice him admiring the Dark One's Dagger. "Gimme that knife!" You demand, pointing at The Dark One's Dagger. You could take it from him right now. You could rip his arm off and bite his limbs off, then steal his Dagger for the hell of it if you're fast enough. He'd stand no chance in hand to hand, but then again, he's more powerful than you with magic. Is it a gamble you want to take? You could effectively double your power in one fell swoop. If you fail, you'll be an enemy of Rumplestiltskin, probably for good.
So, again it's unclear. Have we already gone in there to demand he give us the knife? Or is that one of the vote options?
I was waiting for you to do that Go Kart retcon you said you'd do.

So, again it's unclear. Have we already gone in there to demand he give us the knife? Or is that one of the vote options?

The option means We went in there, and demanded the Dagger. This option means we duel or murder him for it.
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You said "the option means" twice, and as such is still incredibly unclear as to what you mean. Did we already go in there to demand the dagger, or is that one of the options we can vote for?

Insomnia aside, all I mean is that IF we choose that option, we enter the Pawnshop, and duel and/or kill him for it.
Insomnia aside, all I mean is that IF we choose that option, we enter the Pawnshop, and duel and/or kill him for it.
So it's an option to vote for. Alright.

[X] Cora's only one witch. Kamek and the other Magikoopas can do a patrol. "Your majesty. I suggest we do as Rumplestiltskin advises. I've done my research on Cora, and although you'd probably defeat her, it might be a good idea not to put yourself in harm's way!" Kamek is right. You might not want to care, but he's right. If Cora's a threat to Rumplestiltskin, he's a threat to you. Someone that powerful is BAD NEWS!

[X] Your army has began to build a Go Kart Course. It's pathetic right now. ((Improve the Go kart Course)).

If we ever really want to take Rumplestiltskins dagger, it'd be better to have our minions steal it for us. After all, that's what minions are for. Stealing stuff for us so we don't have to get off our butt.