A Dark Lord Is YOU! (Once Upon A Time)

So that was a fair bit of effort, and it sounds like while it didn't initially take all of her magic maintenance of it slowly drained it away.
What spur of the moment spells did she have? Stuff she could cast with a simple sweep of her wand? Kamek can summon large lightning clouds and blasts of magic that can (and have) destroyed an entire stonework bridge.

Edit: Correction, rewatching it it was BOWSER that summoned the lightning clouds, which actually seemed to have been a side effect of summoning his space saucer. I assume if Bowser can do it, Kamek, the wizard, can do it.

Regina could usually form fire balls from her hand and shoot it. She didn't need wands for spells but she sounds generally like she couldn't have the power of Kamek. Right now though Kamek's only advantage over Regina is that he has a magic wand. Regina doesn't. So Kamek is probably slightly more powerful.
Regina could usually form fire balls from her hand and shoot it. She didn't need wands for spells but she sounds generally like she couldn't have the power of Kamek. Right now though Kamek's only advantage over Regina is that he has a magic wand. Regina doesn't. So Kamek is probably slightly more powerful.
Another advantage Kamek has, underlings. Magikoopa usually don't work together, but I imagine they totally could. Especially if Regina is a jerk in her attacking us. We fight Heroes one way, we fight upstart villains trying to muscle in on our territory a completely different way.

Also, a magic artifact of Kameks which might be in our vault is his Crystal Ball. 'Ah, an orb of oracular ocularity! In short, this ball sees all. Well, not everything. Which is good, given it belongs to nasty Kamek.'
Here's the read out of what Full Power Kamek can do, according to the Wiki
Kamek displays powers commonly associated with Magikoopas, including teleportation, creating beings from inanimate objects, pyrokinesis, firing magical blasts from his scepter, summoning enemies and the ability to create multiple copies of himself. These are assumed to be much more powerful than those of a regular Magikoopa, because of his top rank. The evidence of this is in Mario and Luigi: Dream Team where Kamek created an army of Dry Bones surrounding Mario, creates different colored clones of himself with unique properties, and being able to fire a gigantic magic blast with other Magikoopas at a Giant Dreamy Luigi during the battle against Giant Bowser, despite being fatigued from previous battles with Mario and Dreamy Luigi. Kamek is also capable of flying on a broomstick, being the first ever Magikoopa to display such an ability.

Aside from the aforementioned powers inherent to all Magikoopas, Kamek is portrayed as having powers unique to himself, the most prominent of which is his ability to shrink and grow other creatures (including himself) to extreme proportions. Kamek is also capable of psychic powers, such as divination, brainwashing, foreseeing events in the future, and manipulating objects with his mind. These he does without using his scepter, although he does utilize a crystal ball for precognition and divination. He also has the ability to Paperize.

Kamek also displays some expertise at mechanics, supposedly building the apparent time travel device he and Bowser utilize in Yoshi's Island DS; Kamek's ingenuity at mechanics remains in the Club Nintendo comics, with one story even having him create a vacuum cleaner-like device which can absorb color and emotions. Kamek is also a master at various types of games, pertaining such skills at them that he has been given the coveted title of Game Mage.

Although not usually shown in his appearances, Kamek has been shown to have superhuman strength. This is revealed in Yoshi's New Island, as for many times throughout the game, Kamek has been able to lift and use a giant magical hammer many times his size to power the game's bosses with little to no effort. He also has been shown to have significant levels of durability and is capable of enduring lethal situations as he survived being knocked into lava by Giant Bowser in New Super Mario Bros Wii and Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, even after being weakened in the latter game, and appearing in the ending of Paper Mario: Sticker Star after being dissolved into ashes.

Edit: An ability not mentioned there is his skill with disguises. He has disguised himself as Peach several times in Dream Team, fooling everyone at least twice.
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Kamek nor Bowser has received their full power yet though. Magic works differently than in your native lands. At least for a little while.
Kamek nor Bowser has received their full power yet though. Magic works differently than in your native lands. At least for a little while.
Oh sure. But I'd imagine that everyone will be feeling that debuff roughly equally. So knowing how strong Kamek CAN be will let you better understand how strong he is currently.

Also, my earlier extended questions on Extra Lives
Hmmm. . . I'm leaning towards yes. Extra lives, though, are rare, and can actually happen. They will work even if the body is annihilated. They can work indefinitely, even well into old age but have a finite number in total. Meaning it doesn't matter how old you are, an extra life will work, but it can only work a certain number of times. In your world someone could have up to 100 Extra lives. In this world, who knows?
In the Mushroom Kingdom, one can have a 100 Extra Lives at a time, or 100 Extra Lives ever? Because if Death is not really a thing for those well connected, that would allow for much more hazardous mini-games. Like the ones we see in the various Mario Party games. Crushing each other flat isn't really a problem if people don't die from being killed, removing the significance of death allows for keeping closer to the cartoony feel.
How rare are we talking? We kinda are The King.
If ones body is killed, where do they respawn?
The Dark One's Sword is the only thing that can kill us currently, but is it GOOD at killing us, or the only thing that is capable? Like, stab our foot, are we gonna die? Or does one have to inflict an actually lethal blow with the sword? Do Extra Lives save us from such a death? How does our ability to become Dry Bones Bowser factor into this?
Oh sure. But I'd imagine that everyone will be feeling that debuff roughly equally. So knowing how strong Kamek CAN be will let you better understand how strong he is currently.

Also, my earlier extended questions on Extra Lives

In the Mushroom Kingdom, one can have a 100 Extra Lives at a time, or 100 Extra Lives ever? Because if Death is not really a thing for those well connected, that would allow for much more hazardous mini-games. Like the ones we see in the various Mario Party games. Crushing each other flat isn't really a problem if people don't die from being killed, removing the significance of death allows for keeping closer to the cartoony feel.
How rare are we talking? We kinda are The King.
If ones body is killed, where do they respawn?
The Dark One's Sword is the only thing that can kill us currently, but is it GOOD at killing us, or the only thing that is capable? Like, stab our foot, are we gonna die? Or does one have to inflict an actually lethal blow with the sword? Do Extra Lives save us from such a death? How does our ability to become Dry Bones Bowser factor into this?

The Dark One's Sword is one of the only things that can kill us. Even Rumplestiltskin is almost invulnerable to conventional weapons, but as Bowser, only powerful magic or the Sword can Kill us. By the way, for the sake of simplicity, I mean 100 lives ever. Also, 100 lives Ever is a number that's shrunk dramatically. I'm gonna tell you right now that it's either 10 lives in total or less. Thanks To The Dark Curse. Your ability to become Dry Bones Bowser, thanks to the Dark Curse, means it would probably take the Big Bads of OUAT, and visiting Big Bads from Other settings to kill you for good.
Yes I know that, but what I asked is if it's good at killing us, or if one still has to land a fatal blow with it having gained no advantages to doing so beyond our Dark One-ness not getting in the way.

Someone, if they had it, could control us. . . so they could get us to kill ourselves.
Someone, if they had it, could control us. . . so they could get us to kill ourselves.
... COULD we kill ourselves? Thought only the Sword could do that. If they hand us the sword they don't exactly control us anymore, meaning they'd have to do the dirty work themselves. And we'd have a pretty high passive defense that makes doing said dirty deed not exactly easy. Especially since even when killed we aren't dead, Dry Bones Bowser and all, before getting into our extra lives.

So yeah, back to the origional question. Do they need to land a lethal blow? Or is the sword inherently ultra-lethal to us? Is killing us with the sword easy, or do our passive defenses still apply?
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... COULD we kill ourselves? Thought only the Sword could do that. If they hand us the sword they don't exactly control us anymore, meaning they'd have to do the dirty work themselves. And we'd have a pretty high passive defense that makes doing said dirty deed not exactly easy. Especially since even when killed we aren't dead, Dry Bones Bowser and all, before getting into our extra lives.

So yeah, back to the origional question. Do they need to land a lethal blow? Or is the sword inherently ultra-lethal to us? Is killing us with the sword easy, or do our passive defenses still apply?

The sword is basically powerful as Excalibur. It has to actually hit us and Bowser isn't exactly easy to land a hit on when he's throwing war hammers, breathing fire, conjuring Big Boos, throwing chomps, etcetera.
The sword is basically powerful as Excalibur. It has to actually hit us and Bowser isn't exactly easy to land a hit on when he's throwing war hammers, breathing fire, conjuring Big Boos, throwing chomps, etcetera.
But once it DOES land a hit on us, we are pretty much a goner. Well, a few hits to kill Dry Bones as well.

What happens to the sword/dagger after it kills the dark one? Curious if they'd find out about our extralives before we re-reveal ourselves.
[X] You're not ready yet to kidnap anyone! You've only got 1 "castle", and it's a puny one at that! Only two stories! You need ATLEAST 7 more before you are ready to kidnap anyone. Get your minions started on fixing that. In the mean-time, challenge the local do-gooders to some golf or go-karts or something. Been a while since you had some good fun.
-[X] Be sure to invite the kids, don't want them getting grumpy.
[X] "Open the Casino anyway!"

Again, it is beter but the turn is hard to read and there is not much in the way of character interaction. Its reads more like a summary than anything else.
But once it DOES land a hit on us, we are pretty much a goner. Well, a few hits to kill Dry Bones as well.

What happens to the sword/dagger after it kills the dark one? Curious if they'd find out about our extralives before we re-reveal ourselves.

The sword is the same thing it was before it killed us, but whoever kills us becomes the Dark One.
The sword is the same thing it was before it killed us, but whoever kills us becomes the Dark One.
So they would notice that we aren't actually dead, by virtue of having not became the Dark One?
What if we kill Rumplestiltskin, or he kills us? Would we/he become a Double Dark One? Can only be killed by the Dark One's Dagger AND the Dark One's Sword simultaneously?
So they would notice that we aren't actually dead, by virtue of having not became the Dark One?
What if we kill Rumplestiltskin, or he kills us? Would we/he become a Double Dark One? Can only be killed by the Dark One's Dagger AND the Dark One's Sword simultaneously?

It's pretty much Canon that if there are more than one Dark One, then the one who kills the other inherits the victim's power. In our case yeah, the Dark One's Dagger could kill us, but it would have to hit a sweet spot or somehow penetrate our shell, not likely. Rumplestiltskin is one of if not the most powerful villain on the show though. Watch out.
Lizard Knight
[X] You're not ready yet to kidnap anyone! You've only got 1 "castle", and it's a puny one at that! Only two stories! You need AT LEAST 7 more before you are ready to kidnap anyone. Get your minions started on fixing that. In the mean-time, challenge the local do-gooders to some golf or go-karts or something. Been a while since you had some good fun.
-[X] Be sure to invite the kids, don't want them getting grumpy.
[X] "Open the Casino anyway!"

Koopa Citadel, and the Casino is a massive Keep with a wall surrounding Storybrooke, a down of around 10,000 inhabitants. The walls and the Keep it'self is unusually large for such a small town. You'd think that this small down were ten times the size it should be, but thanks to Koopa magic, the miracles of engineering have begun to build it in a fraction of the time it should be constructed. It's still not finished though. The walls, it should be mentioned, are wide enough for automobile traffic. The Keep is three times the size of the original Malbork Castle, in northern Poland, around the size of 900,000 meters. Just wait till the rest of the country hears about this!

You begin to build a castle around Storybrook, it's not even finished yet but it's more like a citadel connected to Storybrooke. People are beginning to fear you more than they ever have. Meanwhile Mister Gold shows up at your house. "We need to talk, mister Bauer. You've attracted some . . . unwanted attention. Cora Mills, Regina's Mother, has gotten her eyes on you. She has her eyes on me as well. With her uniting with Regina, she could actually be a threat to one of us." Bowser looks towards Rumplestiltskin and rolls his eyes. "They've not less of a chance as a Bob-Bomb in Pakistan!" Mister Gold, also known as Rumplestiltskin, is insistant. "Listen up, deary! Cora Mills is a threat to me all by herself. Regina might be a small fry compared to her, but I wouldn't underestimated either of them when they have come together. It's certainly not something you should just sweep under the rug. If Cora can threaten me, she can threaten you."

You roll your eyes again. "Oh, give me a break. What am I supposed to, quake in my shell!? I'm the biggest baddest meanest Koopa the world will ever see!" The goblin like Dark One shakes his head. "See that's what you keep saying but if I know right that plumber, Mario keeps beating you ever time in every confrontation except for Go Kart and Party Games." He's beginning to piss you off. What do you do?

[X] You're not ready yet to kidnap anyone! You've only got 1 "castle", and it's a puny one at that! Only two stories! You need AT LEAST 7 more before you are ready to kidnap anyone. Get your minions started on fixing that. In the mean-time, challenge the local do-gooders to some golf or go-karts or something. Been a while since you had some good fun.
[X] No one is a cartoon character or a video game character and thus, no one is willing to play go kart with you. They see you as strange and even threatening.

-[X] Be sure to invite the kids, don't want them getting grumpy.
[X] You bring your kids to the castle, and they are all receiving their own chambers. Their own sections of the castle which are by themselves, large enough to be castles. Everyone is still selfish and vain however, and aren't satisfied.

[X] "Open the Casino anyway!"
[X] You open the Casino and notice that revenue is beginning to flow. Your casino is rigged. Maybe like all casinos, thus, you are making a ton of money in the opening weekend. People from all over Maine are beginning to flock to your literally magic Casino. Uh oh. You've been found. . .

"It's a me, Mario!"

Without warning, your gains have been cut in half. This man, Mario Bouscalia is a short, five foot eight and a half nightmare. He's kind of fat but he has an Olympian athletic body and performance level. He's armed too, with his hammer, and Kamek is asking you to save the Casino from Mario! (No sign of Luigi has been found).

Meanwhile in Storybrooke. . .

[X] Confront Mister Gold. "Gimme that knife!" You demand, pointing at The Dark One's Dagger.
[X] Cora's only one witch. Kamek and the other Magikoopas can do a patrol. "Your majesty. I suggest we do as Rumplestiltskin advises. I've done my research on Cora, and although you'd probably defeat her, it might be a good idea not to put yourself in harm's way!"
[X] No time for Mister Gold! More important things have come our way! ((But you haven't technically done anything wrong. You can still try to kill Mario, however)).
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[X] No one is a cartoon character or a video game character and thus, no one is willing to play go kart with you. They see you as strange and even threatening.
... What is this even voting to do?
[X] You open the Casino and notice that revenue is beginning to flow. Your casino is rigged. Maybe like all casinos, thus, you are making a ton of money in the opening weekend. People from all over Maine are beginning to flock to your literally magic Casino. Uh oh. You've been found. . .

"It's a me, Mario!"

Without warning, your gains have been cut in half. This man, Mario Bouscalia is a short, five foot eight and a half nightmare. He's kind of fat but he has an Olympian athletic body and performance level. He's armed too, with his hammer, and Kamek is asking you to save the Casino from Mario! (No sign of Luigi has been found).
Is all of this part of that vote, or is Mario here whether or not we vote for that?
. The Keep is the size of the original Malbork Castle, in northern Poland, around the size of 300,000 square kilometers.
Unless our castle is big enough to encompass Portugal, our castle is not that big. I'm pretty sure you mean square meters, not kilometers. MUCH smaller. Still big though. Though not THAT big, going by how it's being described.

Edit: Comparing to a map again, 300k square meters really aint that big. It neatly encloses the OSU Football Stadium, but most of the campus is left out.
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... What is this even voting to do?

Is all of this part of that vote, or is Mario here whether or not we vote for that?

I edited the format, you should see what I wanted to do.

Unless our castle is big enough to encompass Portugal, our castle is not that big. I'm pretty sure you mean square meters, not kilometers. MUCH smaller. Still big though. Though not THAT big, going by how it's being described.

Edit: Comparing to a map again, 300k square meters really aint that big. It neatly encloses the OSU Football Stadium, but most of the campus is left out.

Hmmm i didn't realize how powerful Koopa magic was. Malbork castle is like half this size.
I edited the format, you should see what I wanted to do.

Hmmm i didn't realize how powerful Koopa magic was. Malbork castle is like half this size.
Should probably remove the [x]s then. They usually denote stuff we can vote for. If you want us to vote for something to do there, can do a [X] write-in afterwards or something like that.

Malbork isn't 150k square kilometers in size.

Also, I imagined people would go Go Karting with us half BECAUSE of us being threatening. They'd assume that something is at stake or something. After all, there's no way we were just challenging them to have fun right? Clearly they must win to stop some evil plot or something.
Should probably remove the [x]s then. They usually denote stuff we can vote for. If you want us to vote for something to do there, can do a [X] write-in afterwards or something like that.

Malbork isn't 150k square kilometers in size.

Also, I imagined people would go Go Karting with us half BECAUSE of us being threatening. They'd assume that something is at stake or something. After all, there's no way we were just challenging them to have fun right? Clearly they must win to stop some evil plot or something.

That's true, but they can't do that AND deal with the events on the show that happen at the same time. No, I'll edit it, you're right.
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That's true, but they can't do that AND deal with the events on the show that happen at the same time.
What, is the stories time-line so jam-packed that they can't spare maybe 4 hours to "have fun"? And our presence is not disrupting or stopping said events of the show enough that we can shoe-horn ourselves in? Because I'd figure that MANY plans would have to be remade and revised to account for us, and our indirect take over of the town and the unknown powers and abilities we can bring to bear, and with 2/3s of the town's population reporting to us and willing to fight for us.
Interested what people think of this. IS this too dry and cut and boring for people or do t hey think it's fine so far?
Interested what people think of this. IS this too dry and cut and boring for people or do t hey think it's fine so far?
My thoughts are still what stated before. You are just gliding across all the interaction, giving us a summary of what happened without showing us what happened. Show, Don't Tell. We chose Bowser to see how everyone reacts, and it'd be nice to see more than "We confused the heck out of them". Actually see the confusion, see the dialogue go between them and how it slowly dawns on them we are a completely different type of character than they've delt with before. We are a Bad-Guy, but that doesn't mean we are a Bad Guy.

Look, we are even there in the meeting where it's being discussed.
My thoughts are still what stated before. You are just gliding across all the interaction, giving us a summary of what happened without showing us what happened. Show, Don't Tell. We chose Bowser to see how everyone reacts, and it'd be nice to see more than "We confused the heck out of them". Actually see the confusion, see the dialogue go between them and how it slowly dawns on them we are a completely different type of character than they've delt with before. We are a Bad-Guy, but that doesn't mean we are a Bad Guy.

Look, we are even there in the meeting where it's being discussed.

Alright. I see.
Because Once Upon A Time is a story that takes the serious interpretation of stories. Everyone is used to serious, the villains are Evil, they are concoting some serious plan and they don't want to be friends.

We aren't like that, we totally want to be friends DESPITE being Evil. Sure, we kidnap people the princess, but we never treat her badly. Usually, it's quite the opposite, she is living in just as much luxury in our castles as she tends to in her own. We don't kill people, most of the people who die tend to have Extra Lives, and even then we still tend to take non-lethal actions against norms, such as turning them into bricks, or trapping them in crystal, or something. We don't hate the good guys we are battling against, we often go out and play games and party with them between schemes to take over. We cause the bare minimum suffering during our attacks, when Bowser Jr was taking the crack at being the Main Villain in Sunshine, the most he did was dissappear people/things, or cover them in icky goop that was fairly easily washed off. We are an E-Rated Villain, and we aren't even an Evil For Lulz one.