How To Rule the Multiverse (Evil Overlord Quest)

Lateral thinking, I like it!

You can teleport, but that sort of thing is pretty easy to track, magically speaking.

(Easier to track than a giant, magical technorganic lizard that breathes tiny death machines? Yes.)

On a meta level, I think that opening up the option of SPACE INTERROGATIONS! is unnecessary right now. If I keep things grounded, I can introduce more plot events. In space... ehhhhh. It's space.

Maybe if Demiurge starts annoying you.
How about doing multiple teleports doing one after another. Also can we do clones
Multiple short-range teleports are quite doable. Long-range is a little trickier though if the suitable infrastructure isn't in place.

Can you instantly create a clone out of nothing? No. Can you create a clone if given incentive and suitable equipment? Absolutely.
So nothing similar to shadow clones is possible.
Hang on, we have some breathing space right now, right?

[X] Find something nearby to perch on, then pull out and brain-scan the frog dude right then and there.
-[X] If and when your pursuers arrive, rear up to your full, terrifying height, and tell them "Go ahead, punks, make my day" in your newly-stolen language, re-potting the frog and demolishing your attackers if they are uncowed.
heh, i really dont want to give Momonga time to prepare, after all he have lots of world-lvl item waiting to be used making our attack incredibly dangerous to our MC, only if we have good resources available to create things to prepare for the imminent battle, i will be confident to take them on.

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[X] back towards the heroes! This fight isn't over!!!

Let's kick them while they're down so they're not a problem later.
Annnd that's a wrap. Looks like we're off to the mountains!

As per usual, this is the dice rolling post.

[X] back towards the heroes! This fight isn't over!!!
No. of votes: 4
Loktarogar, RandomLurker, WanderingEye, Ultra Meh

[X] deep into the forest
No. of votes: 2
Gunman, silentspirals

[X] towards the mountains
No. of votes: 5
Unelemental, veekie, Lord Samiel, wingstrike96, hcvquizibo

[X] Find something nearby to perch on, then pull out and brain-scan the frog dude right then and there.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] If and when your pursuers arrive, rear up to your full, terrifying height, and tell them Go ahead, punks, make my day in your newly-stolen language, re-potting the frog and demolishing your attackers if they are uncowed.
No. of votes: 1
FixerUpper threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: random encounter Total: 32
32 32
1.6 World One: Overlord
[x] towards the mountains

You head towards the mountains, gloating over your win.

No specialized prep, no specific countermeasures, no intel, and you still completed your objective (sort of) and then knocked the local heroes silly. That's what they get for being stuck in the middle ages. Mystic staves, magic arrows, and enchanted plate armor. Puh-lease. Like that could take out a dragon made of nanotech and ten thousand years of advances in demonology.

You put some of those to use obscuring your trail, and by the lack of pursuit you're pretty sure you've succeeded.

You attune your advanced senses towards the mountains. They're fairly standard as mountains go, maybe in the 70th percentile height-wise, high enough to produce snow at the tops, but there are no other obviously off-model characteristics. Your wings beat silently as you glide over plains, then forest, then a lake. You spot actual huts down there : this really is the middle ages.

Or maybe someone let their highschool project loose and now there are sentient lizard people living in the local ecosystem, whatever. You ignore them: whatever advantage they might hold would be obviated by leaving obvious clues as to where you went and cutting into your schedule. Primitives they might be, but you're not going to make the mistake of underestimating them. Project Helios was powered by the sun and had the superpower of 'punch things really hard' and she still beat you more times than not. You're off to the mountains. There will be caves, warrens and (hopefully) an adequately powerful magical signature, one that can help mask your own nefarious activities.

Just thinking about it makes you shiver in pleasure. A base! Starting from scratch! Oh, how nostalgic! It's like the winter of 53B all over again when you had to dive into the Lethe River to escape the Seven Shining Sabers, and woke up shivering along the banks of Kletchian wilderness.

Well. Not quite like that, but the comparison holds. You'll be doing truly diabolical things in the next few days. Muhahahaha.

You make your way into the mountain range where summer suddenly shifts into a brutal, grueling winter, but you are barely affected by the change in temperature. Much of the place is uninhabitable or at least uncomfortably habitable, so you spend some time looking for a proper roost. A skull fortress built into a mountainside might ooze style, but it's simply not practical with the tools and material at hand.

Now that you've kidnapped frogface, you might as well go about building a proper interrogation room (and an evil lair to go with it) instead of some slapdash, inadequately defended hole in the ground.

You scan for unusual thermals, and then make your way to one mountain in particular. It looks like it might have an active geothermal source that you can use to recoup some of your energy expenditures. Speaking of which: you turn off your Wi-Fi, from what you've seen of this world, the chance of it possessing IT is pretty slim.

Somethings dives down towards you from above. Something about the clouds somehow hid it from your scanners. You switch from auto to combat ready in under a millisecond, scanning for weaknesses, body type, probabilistic threat rating...

And then you discover it's a cloud.

A cloud shaped like a dragon. A dragon cloud. A cloud dragon?

No wonder your sensors were confused. You have to admit, even you've never tried to beat up a cloud before. Today is just full of surprises.

"Hello," the dragon-shaped cloud says in a soft, feminine voice. This completely unexpected event derails your train of thought so completely it jumps to another track. From the subtitles, the actual audio is not hello, but rather fssssssssssssssss with some minor variation in tonality on some of the ssssssssssss.

Which means...

You smile roguishly, or so you hope: it's not like you've had much of an opportunity to interact with clouds on a social level before.

"You can understand me?" you ask pleasantly.

"Of course," she tells you.

Which means you're either hallucinating, or this cloud has some sort of ability to communicate with just about anything.


Time to...

[] try kidnapping the cloud! (intrigue option) You're honestly not sure how you'd even do that without harming whatever passes for a brain. S/he's a cloud for crying out loud!
[] continue talking to the cloud. (diplomacy option)
[] beat up the cloud! (martial option)
[] leave. (retreat option)
[X]continue talking to the cloud. (diplomacy option)

I want to see if it is possible to seduce a cloud. :D