Typechange Johto

What I'm getting from this is a transformation item gun that someone's going to mistake Digimon as victims of.:V
... Is it more or less funny to have a digimon get adopted by a lost group of Blastoise that genuinely had those?

I think we might have discussed gun transformation somewhere related to this story before, it feels like a familiar conversation to me for some reason.
I find the notion of a gun that transforms its wielder pleasingly novel. I'm very used to the concept of a raygun that transforms its target, but it doesn't quite mesh with this setting. (TF guns are just too easy to use.)
I find the notion of a gun that transforms its wielder pleasingly novel. I'm very used to the concept of a raygun that transforms its target, but it doesn't quite mesh with this setting. (TF guns are just too easy to use.)
TF guns are an interesting concept to build something around, but really they are a topic that is best handled comically from my experience.
... mostly because if you are in a story that needs to be serious then there will not be enough chances to actually fire the TF gun at acceptable targets. See the difference between Addictive Science, and El Goonish Shive.

As for guns that transform the wielder, I have a soft spot for equipment or other items that cause alterations to those who use them. From the simple "merges to be attached" to "changes into new body part" or even the full "transforms user entirely".
... actually, that is probably quite obvious given the entire Typechange premise.
I find the notion of a gun that transforms its wielder pleasingly novel
Technically there's one instance in Kamen Rider(one of the series that has the hero transformations officially be more physical than a suit has a Riderlike who uses a sword/gun hybrid), but I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that fully fits the notion, no.
... actually, that is probably quite obvious given the entire Typechange premise.
Typechange and your other works give the impression that your soft spot is liquids, not equipment.:V
Technically there's one instance in Kamen Rider(one of the series that has the hero transformations officially be more physical than a suit has a Riderlike who uses a sword/gun hybrid), but I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that fully fits the notion, no.

Typechange and your other works give the impression that your soft spot is liquids, not equipment.:V
Hey, I like my characters to be liquids, the stuff that makes them that way can vary.
Still, true enough.
Breakthroughs New
--- Breakthroughs ---

The water didn't actually feel different this time, but Alexa knew how to move as a Lobasalt much better. How the stiffness of hardened lava could best move, and how to use all of her limbs effectively. Admittedly she had not had time to properly swim, and that made her somewhat regret not going across the water to Cianwood, but this wasn't as uncertain of an attempt as the first time.

"You need to find some time to learn to swim properly," William said to her. He had revealed that he typically turned into a Buizel with an illusion to swim when he joined her down there. "It is an important skill. I think I've overheard that even Charizard had lessons on that."

"We had lessons on how to deal with water getting on our tails. I simply took those so far I practically learned how to swim," her Fire/Water typed Starter specified jokingly from next to her.

"I don't trust him on that," Kingler noted dryly. "He was swimming just fine right after his first change to actually be his favorite type."

"Do I need to be down here for this?" the other Buizel shaped pokemon questioned. Chesnaught had to put up with being a secondary target of William's illusion of this kind, apparently for combat reasons Alexa didn't quite get yet. "You don't seem to need a spotter, and Charizard is worrying all the locals enough without me looking like an unevolved pokemon."

"We didn't get a swim across a water Route this year," William half complained as he managed a complicated maneuver that a Lobasalt definitely could not match. "I'm probably not going to get another chance to show Alexa how I handle those. It needs a lot more diving than just a few lakes and rivers to cross."

"I'm a Grass/Fighting type, I'm not supposed to get this waterlogged," Chesnaught complained and made for the surface. "That doesn't change no matter how many times you do this to me."

Alexa went up as well, done with this form and not quite ready to try and switch while underwater. She now had enough of a handle to be willing to try Mephagic in the water without poisoning anyone, and she also wanted to see what Spectslurry or Gatpotear was like in this pond. Only before she could try she ended up saving Bellossom from a conversation that her Grass/Electric pokemon had become stuck in with some traveling trainers on their way to Blackthorn.

"I hope we reach the point where 'talking pokemon' doesn't just mean 'pokemon-trainer' soon," Bellossom complained as the group of trainers left towards Dark Cave with a glare at something the plant-lizard pokemon was holding.

"I'm not sure it really means that right now," Charizard laughed. "You just got cornered by someone who thought it meant that while Alexa was off doing something else."

"You weren't here either," Herman pointed out with a smirk. "You are a talking pokemon-trainer too." Charizard huffed at that, but the point was made. "But honestly they probably will figure it out when they run into what's going on with Dark Cave."

"Alexa, I think I've got something with how to shift the energy," Rhydon cut in happily. "Can you help me go between Ground, Dragon, and Steel for a bit?"

"Sure, what part of those three do you think is the important one?" Alexa asked, and quickly was entirely distracted from what she had been doing before.


The clearing looked unimportant, but ever since they arrived Alexa had been feeling the tension from their attempts to just change types without a substance or item. Rhydon was the only other member of their team that had noticed that sensation, although it was usually only happening when the two of them made an attempt.

"So, back here again," Charizard said uneasily. "And you're trying new stuff again," he added with a glance towards Suicune. "Please tell me you are going to be safe about this. The first time was terrible enough, even if it worked out in the long run."

"Honestly, this doesn't sound like it should be dangerous to Alexa," Suicune specified in response to that glance. "It is actually a bit strange that she hasn't become able to do this yet. It fits with your natures, and isn't that big of a change from what she has been doing. I don't know what else to try if going back to this location doesn't trigger it, but that might be a worse outcome of trying."

"Worse?" Alexa asked, suddenly uneasy with that odd tension. "Worse how?" The fact that she was human shaped at the moment only made the worry greater as she couldn't understand the rest of her team.

"I'd have liked to hear that before we got here," Bellossom complained idly, and the way the words had to be repeated to be understood reminded Alexa that Bellossom had the team's other translator. With how often Alexa could just understand pokemon herself, and how many trainers now had their own translators, it was hard to tell who was using one.

"Worse in that I don't understand why you couldn't pull off that sort of change, and it would mean there is an aspect of your Legendary nature none of us currently understand," Suicune answered carefully. "I don't know what it would mean, and that is much more hazardous than anything else that I could think of happening as a result of trying."

Alexa felt a bit more nervous about trying with that knowledge, but it was still something she at least wanted to see if she could do, and working together was helping Rhydon work out how to properly do the shifts too. "Well, Rhydon thinks that the Mercury Contagion is a good place to start for his own attempts, and I want to try forcing a Vipercury change on myself as part of this," Alexa specified, going back to just trying the attempt. "Then if that works the next bit is to try and shift to Dragon, because the power of that change is a bit stronger than the others and it doesn't last as long. Then shift back to normal."

Rhydon then started to explain what he would be doing, at least Alexa assumed that was what he was saying. He was going to try not to use any Contagions at all while going through the same three changes, although with his Ground/Grass form as a baseline instead of his original one without any changes as his normal. His attempts to change himself had not quite worked all the way yet, but he had reached the point where he could gain a third Steel type without using an external move.

"Okay, Mercury Contagion forced to work on myself," Alexa said as Charizard got out the Pokedex, although this probably would not be data they made public. The drop hit her, and by this point the sensation of melting into flowing liquid metal was actually familiar. Although becoming a large liquid metal snake wasn't the same as a liquid metal Vespikiln or a watery clay Spectslurry. It was thinner, and more notably the serpent form seemed to want to splash across the ground a lot more. "I feel more like a little stream than a snake," she commented as she started to inspect the change itself.

Visually she wasn't much different from the other Vipercury they had met/made so far, but with regards to the energy of the change she could see a difference. There was a 'mark' of sorts on her energy where it had been forced to accept the change, one that was firmer than the change itself. An alteration that Alexa would have to deliberately remove from herself, or presumably anyone else she forced to change, before Mercury Contagion stopped being able to work on her again. It was somewhat familiar, at least in comparison to how the forms she knew worked on herself fit together with the natural shape of her energy.

"I think I can see how to make stuff not work on people," Alexa noted aloud about that last detail. It would be as 'simple' as changing that natural shape in the other way, so the energy didn't 'fit' anymore. "So that is another option for how to handle combat use of changes better when it comes to other trainers." The energy shape was interesting enough on its own, and felt similar to what Rhydon had been trying to make without the details of Alexa's senses for such things. "Hmm."

"Sounds like you have an idea," Rhydon said eagerly at that sound.

"Do we need to back up?" Charizard asked with amusement, although William's team apparently took him seriously as they moved a bit farther away with their own practice.

"Maybe a little, I'm going to try and shift to Crackleling now," Alexa specified and attempted to do something more like what Rhydon had suggested they try next. Instead of just forming the pattern of having the extra type, she tried to specifically form the pattern of being able to change to the specific set of types. It wasn't quite the same as the pattern she could now see to change when exposed to the right substance, but the goal was to change without that exposure.

The tension got slightly worse as she started, and slightly painful as she made a couple of failed patterns. The shape was tricky, but every time she was able to work out a bit better what was needed. Then after a half dozen attempts, and William's team moving closer again, it suddenly dropped away entirely with a pop as her types shifted directly from Steel/Poison Vipercury to Dragon/Electric Crackleling.

"Oh! Oh that makes a lot of sense," Alexa declared as more than just that specific change clicked into place, sparking wildly as she started to poke at other forms. With only a minor effort compared to the first time she shifted to Mephagic next, then Vespikiln, and then- "Oh, well. That's a limit," she stopped herself with a bit of annoyance as going to the Mercury Contagion Vespikiln variant failed to work in a way that would be a lot trickier to get around. "I still need to get other layers the hard way."

"Please go back to human to show you still can," Bellossom requested tiredly as Rhydon eagerly got started on his own experiments.

"Fine," Alexa jokingly buzzed, and then reset her types to her natural even level. Which easily resulted in her going back to human form. "There see?"

"Looks to me like it works," Herman said, and Alexa froze at the still clear and understandable way he spoke. "Um, what's wrong?"

"Charizard, if you're done with the Pokedex I need a scan of how loose my energy is right now," Alexa requested and nearly interrupted Rhydon-

Glowing and growing to the size of his Dragon typed change in a clear show of evolution. The glow receded to reveal a form close to, but quite not the same as, his prior Grass/Dragon typed change. His leaves now seemed to be a wider variety of shapes, and possibly changing shape a bit as he moved. He looked a lot more like a Rhydon actually, with the vines and leaves filling in better than before, and Alexa saw him shift types a few times as various core materials formed at the heart of the collection of plant material that made him up.

"Well. It's a good thing I like being a Rhypiary," Rhydon nervously joked at the result. "Because I think I'm going to need layers to stop being a plant now."

"Are we going with 'Rhypiary' for this one?" Alexa asked a bit nervous herself, and drew attention off the new evolution. "Yeah, I think I understand pokemon all the time now too, but that's not as big as this."

"Rhypiary works," her newly evolved pokemon confirmed as he stretched and moved a bit. "Let me try something." Rhypiary's body then shifted entirely to match Suicune's shape, and then color, while still being a mobile bush that was notably larger than Suicune actually was. "Huh, well I guess I'm able to just do this all the time."

"Well, I'm not sure I should help a potential rival this close to the Tournament," William started with amusement. "But I can help you with that sort of thing if you want. Did you change types for that too?"

"Grass/Water," Charizard answered for Rhypiary. "I think we know what Rhypiary is going to be working on next: how to do something with every type."

"I think that was already his plan," Kingler complained as she clattered over to look at him more closely. "Honestly, I'm more worried about what happened to Alexa. We all knew Rhydon wasn't going to stop looking like that, this just means he'll stop worrying about using Crystal Syrup to stay that way."

Rhypiary then shifted and changed to match Kingler, although still at the same much larger size. "True, but you at least can go back to the way you were before," he half complained in her shape, then went back to his new default shape. "I'm not going to fit into rooms as easily now."

Alexa flinched at that, and then only halfway intending to shifted to Florabedtor. "Okay, that is a problem we need to handle," Alexa said to her pokemon.

"Did you change on purpose there?" Charizard questioned bluntly.

"Kinda, I might need to get a handle on this," Alexa admitted as she waddled over to Rhypiary to get another look at him. "But I can at least change my size when I need to."


"So," Suicune said thoughtfully later that night. "Now that it has had a chance to settle, I want to talk about what happened today." She had misjudged the situation to a degree. "And the mistake that I might have made."

The now Rhypiary looked at her, while Alexa was exploring being a Vipercury and looked unhappy to be distracted from that. "Is this about my evolution, or Alexa's energy?" Rhypiary questioned a bit grumpily.

"The evolution more than the energy, but both to a degree," Suicune answered regretfully. "I had thought this would simply allow you both to develop an ability to expand what you could do, not fully unlock a new aspect of being Legendary. This was the sort of thing that cannot be taken back, and if I had realized it was what was happening I would have instead suggested caution and consideration before continuing with attempts. I'm sorry that I've left both of you altered in ways that cannot be undone."

"Is this a Fire thing?" Alexa carefully asked with a bit of confusion, and Suicune couldn't quite place what the Fire type had to do with this. Even if it made her uneasy to hear for some reason.

"I think that you mean a Vaporeon thing," Rhypiary said, and the meaning became clear. As well as what was actually bothering Suicune, as this was too close to that disaster.

"Yes, it is something I am worried about because it happened to me," Suicune confirmed with a wince. "I have many regrets, even if I also have many joys, from that outcome."

"Kingler wasn't wrong about me wanting this form as my default," Rhypiary specified bluntly. "I'm not upset about being a Rhypiary, I'm upset that Rhypiary are apparently this big. Its annoying, but it isn't bad."

"I'm not sure I understand why what has happened to me is a problem?" Alexa said with more confusion now. "I get why you'd be upset with what happened to Rhypiary, but I can just understand pokemon now. Well, I guess change more easily too-"

"Too easily, she keeps changing on accident. Now Alexa needs to work on holding a shape better," Herman cut his trainer off. "Although on topic, I don't want to be stuck with a bat, I just want to use it for the League. So I'd like to know what went wrong specifically, so I don't end up stuck next."

"It isn't precisely something 'wrong'," Suicune carefully corrected, and tried to remember the last time she had to deal with this. Which now that she considered it might have been when she was changed if her siblings dealing with the issue didn't count. "It is a natural change in this case, and one that took active action to produce. As long as you don't work on that method exclusively in your bat form it shouldn't get you stuck there."

"And if you don't want to be stuck there then don't try it now," Rhypiary warned with a rustle of leaves. "This method does not handle layers past the lowest, so it wouldn't even help with your bat form's other type variants in that case."

"I think working on more layers is my next personal project after the League," Alexa added in response to that, and shifted form again. The main Typechange Legendary was doing that a lot now.


It was technically a problem that her team had just finished fixing. "Technically" because Rhypiary also struggled with this new development as much as Alexa. It wasn't trying not to break a type, but the change made it so types were optional in a too easy to shift way. Florabedtor was the closest single form, and the only one Alexa could manage to control additional type changes for so far, with how that form's secondary type shifted naturally.

"I think we need to face the idea that Alexa isn't having the same problem we were," Charizard mirrored her thoughts on the latest failures to stay stable. "She's just, not fixed in form anymore. Like being liquid, only for full body shapes instead of just how you move." That description actually helped a bit, as holding a form when liquid was a much different problem then not breaking a type.

"Maybe try your Frozen Flame," Kingler suggested thoughtfully. That was a solid enough idea since that form was one Alexa had not tried yet, even if she might not need it anymore to change to Wendrago.

"If it works to keep me one thing for a while, then I guess I can put up with taking it off again," Alexa admitted and opened up the bag to find it. "I nearly lost the thing in Ice Path, but Storm helped me find it to make sure I didn't add another thing to their pile of lost transformation trinkets."

The little box she knew that she put it back into, specifically because of that mentioned event, was quickly found and opened. Only for the stone to immediately begin to melt down into a mixture of water and dragon fire that streamed into Alexa.

"Is that a good sign or a bad one?" Herman asked in the silence that followed.

"Well, the goal was to get Alexa to stay in a single form, so it just doing whatever that was is a bad one for that plan," Charizard pointed out.

"I'm still not sure that I needed that to happen to make this change," Alexa said as she deliberately shifted to Wendrago. "But I think I might just need to practice. Can anyone spot it in me now?"

"Nope, just solid ice and scales where it used to be," Kingler dully noted. "Maybe some flames inside your ice now? Hard to tell in this light."


[Author's Note]
Rhypiary was a goal for me that I knew would still work despite the loss of the Fighting Gym arc, but Alexa's situation here was more of a maybe.
In the end... I had too many people end up self-shapeshifting as a result of doing a lot less than Alexa has in DSS, and I realized that I probably shouldn't make her an exception to that.
Also some more Suicune character moments here that I like how they fit in.
Last edited:
Well his one sure turned out interesting. As always, thanks for the chapter!
"We had lessons on how to deal with water getting on our tails. I simply took those so far I practically learned how to swim," her Fire/Water typed Starter specified jokingly from next to her.

"I don't trust him on that," Kingler noted dryly. "He was swimming just fine right after his first change to actually be his favorite type."
In fairness to Charizard, the Water type itself probably taught him to swim to some extent. On top of him turning "don't die to water" lessons into swimming lessons anyway.
Visually she wasn't much different from the other Vipercury they had met/made so far, but with regards to the energy of the change she could see a difference. There was a 'mark' of sorts on her energy where it had been forced to accept the change, one that was firmer than the change itself. An alteration that Alexa would have to deliberately remove from herself, or presumably anyone else she forced to change, before Mercury Contagion stopped being able to work on her again. It was somewhat familiar, at least in comparison to how the forms she knew worked on herself fit together with the natural shape of her energy.
Okay, so when Alexa forces someone to make a change they aren't naturally compatible with, she isn't just making the change happen then and there. She's permanently altering them to be compatible with that change in the process.
Instead of just forming the pattern of having the extra type, she tried to specifically form the pattern of being able to change to the specific set of types. It wasn't quite the same as the pattern she could now see to change when exposed to the right substance, but the goal was to change without that exposure.

The tension got slightly worse as she started, and slightly painful as she made a couple of failed patterns. The shape was tricky, but every time she was able to work out a bit better what was needed. Then after a half dozen attempts, and William's team moving closer again, it suddenly dropped away entirely with a pop as her types shifted directly from Steel/Poison Vipercury to Dragon/Electric Crackleling.

"Oh! Oh that makes a lot of sense," Alexa declared as more than just that specific change clicked into place, sparking wildly as she started to poke at other forms. With only a minor effort compared to the first time she shifted to Mephagic next, then Vespikiln, and then-
Does this mean she can find a form for basically any type by adjusting her type energy pattern to prioritize that type now? Or is it more specific, and she's only able to emulate forms she's seen the patterns for? Can she attempt to transform into a baseline Charizard or is she limited to human-derived forms?
"Oh, well. That's a limit," she stopped herself with a bit of annoyance as going to the Mercury Contagion Vespikiln variant failed to work in a way that would be a lot trickier to get around. "I still need to get other layers the hard way."
With this, I'm guessing it's not only specific forms, but also only base forms. Layered forms aren't as viable?
"Please go back to human to show you still can," Bellossom requested tiredly as Rhydon eagerly got started on his own experiments.

"Fine," Alexa jokingly buzzed, and then reset her types to her natural even level. Which easily resulted in her going back to human form. "There see?"

"Looks to me like it works," Herman said, and Alexa froze at the still clear and understandable way he spoke. "Um, what's wrong?"

"Charizard, if you're done with the Pokedex I need a scan of how loose my energy is right now,"
Yeah, that's new. Honestly expected her to figure out how to listen to her team sooner, but now that she has shapeshifting it would be weirder if she couldn't still.

Glowing and growing to the size of his Dragon typed change in a clear show of evolution. The glow receded to reveal a form close to, but quite not the same as, his prior Grass/Dragon typed change. His leaves now seemed to be a wider variety of shapes, and possibly changing shape a bit as he moved. He looked a lot more like a Rhydon actually, with the vines and leaves filling in better than before, and Alexa saw him shift types a few times as various core materials formed at the heart of the collection of plant material that made him up.

"Well. It's a good thing I like being a Rhypiary," Rhydon nervously joked at the result. "Because I think I'm going to need layers to stop being a plant now."
Well then. Good thing he was in a preferred form then. I remember all the way back in the beginning they were concerned about Rhydon getting locked into an uncomfortable form due to evolving. Guess that's no longer an issue.

Rhypiary… is that an evolution that exists elsewhere in your world, or is it a unique form for our Legendary plant?
"Let me try something." Rhypiary's body then shifted entirely to match Suicune's shape, and then color, while still being a mobile bush that was notably larger than Suicune actually was. "Huh, well I guess I'm able to just do this all the time."
Neat. Shapeshifting, able to mimic other Pokemon. Not enough to fool anyone up close, but still interesting.
Alexa flinched at that, and then only halfway intending to shifted to Florabedtor. "Okay, that is a problem we need to handle," Alexa said to her pokemon.

"Did you change on purpose there?" Charizard questioned bluntly.

"Kinda, I might need to get a handle on this," Alexa admitted as she waddled over to Rhypiary to get another look at him. "But I can at least change my size when I need to."
Yeah, transforming so fluidly is a bit of a problem if you can do so without fully intending to. Time to relearn how to be one form and stick for a while.
"So," Suicune said thoughtfully later that night. "Now that it has had a chance to settle, I want to talk about what happened today." She had misjudged the situation to a degree. "And the mistake that I might have made."

The now Rhypiary looked at her, while Alexa was exploring being a Vipercury and looked unhappy to be distracted from that. "Is this about my evolution, or Alexa's energy?" Rhypiary questioned a bit grumpily.

"The evolution more than the energy, but both to a degree," Suicune answered regretfully. "I had thought this would simply allow you both to develop an ability to expand what you could do, not fully unlock a new aspect of being Legendary. This was the sort of thing that cannot be taken back, and if I had realized it was what was happening I would have instead suggested caution and consideration before continuing with attempts. I'm sorry that I've left both of you altered in ways that cannot be undone."
I'm guessing that "tension" Alexa felt was her pushing the boundaries, a warning that she was going down a path she couldn't take back. Suicune assumed that more freely changing types without using other substances was simply the next step they hadn't reached yet, but it was a bit more than that.
"Maybe try your Frozen Flame," Kingler suggested thoughtfully. That was a solid enough idea since that form was one Alexa had not tried yet, even if she might not need it anymore to change to Wendrago.

"If it works to keep me one thing for a while, then I guess I can put up with taking it off again," Alexa admitted and opened up the bag to find it.
Considering how stubborn the Frozen Flame is about it's form, that should help stabilize things for a bit…
The little box she knew that she put it back into, specifically because of that mentioned event, was quickly found and opened. Only for the stone to immediately begin to melt down into a mixture of water and dragon fire that streamed into Alexa.
… or not. What? Is she going to absorb all of the random type stuff she comes near? Was she able to turn into Wendrago before absorbing it, or did she just assume she could?
Alexa said as she deliberately shifted to Wendrago. "But I think I might just need to practice. Can anyone spot it in me now?"

"Nope, just solid ice and scales where it used to be," Kingler dully noted. "Maybe some flames inside your ice now? Hard to tell in this light."
Huh. Wendrago normally form with a weight towards one type or the other depending on which Frozen Flame variant you are compatible with. Has Alexa become a blended Wendrago, with both types evened out?
Well his one sure turned out interesting. As always, thanks for the chapter!
It was a planned bit of Interesting Times.
In fairness to Charizard, the Water type itself probably taught him to swim to some extent. On top of him turning "don't die to water" lessons into swimming lessons anyway.
A solid point, although how literal he's being is a bit ambiguous.
Okay, so when Alexa forces someone to make a change they aren't naturally compatible with, she isn't just making the change happen then and there. She's permanently altering them to be compatible with that change in the process.
This is also the moment she realizes that is what she is doing, and a way she could make someone not be changed by stuff if she removes that particular feature of someone.
Does this mean she can find a form for basically any type by adjusting her type energy pattern to prioritize that type now? Or is it more specific, and she's only able to emulate forms she's seen the patterns for? Can she attempt to transform into a baseline Charizard or is she limited to human-derived forms?
So, I'm hoping to clarify this more in future chapters, but the intent is that she can re-take any type change forms she has been changed into before.
She can't become something until after a substance or other source changes her into that thing for the first time.

Which means in most cases she can't become a non-human-derived form, but technically Miltank is probably something she can pull off.
With this, I'm guessing it's not only specific forms, but also only base forms. Layered forms aren't as viable?
Layered forms are a different thing to a degree. Alexa and Rhydon both think they can pull it off, but it isn't as instant as their new level of self change ability.
Yeah, that's new. Honestly expected her to figure out how to listen to her team sooner, but now that she has shapeshifting it would be weirder if she couldn't still.
It has been a planned thing, but also one I always intended to tie into Alexa being more easily classified as a Legendary pokemon. Which means able to turn pokemon without outside help.
Well then. Good thing he was in a preferred form then. I remember all the way back in the beginning they were concerned about Rhydon getting locked into an uncomfortable form due to evolving. Guess that's no longer an issue.

Rhypiary… is that an evolution that exists elsewhere in your world, or is it a unique form for our Legendary plant?
So, this is a long planned change for this point in the story, although the details are more recent.
Rhypiary is a brand new Legendary pokemon species. By which I mean Rhypiary is to Rhydon what Suicune is to Eevee in this story. Technically speaking it is an evolution, but not one a mundane pokemon can just use.
Neat. Shapeshifting, able to mimic other Pokemon. Not enough to fool anyone up close, but still interesting.
An expansion of what he could already do, with the new aspect being that he can automatically match types with the new forms.
Rhypiary is not limited there the same way Alexa is.
Yeah, transforming so fluidly is a bit of a problem if you can do so without fully intending to. Time to relearn how to be one form and stick for a while.
It is fun looking at the difference between ways to have a certain problem. I think the next chapters will show off that bit pretty well.
I'm guessing that "tension" Alexa felt was her pushing the boundaries, a warning that she was going down a path she couldn't take back. Suicune assumed that more freely changing types without using other substances was simply the next step they hadn't reached yet, but it was a bit more than that.
It is indeed that sort of situation. Alexa and Rhydon were both pushing a barrier, and this is meant to deliberately mirror some similar results in DSS with Kari and TK.
Considering how stubborn the Frozen Flame is about it's form, that should help stabilize things for a bit…
… or not. What? Is she going to absorb all of the random type stuff she comes near? Was she able to turn into Wendrago before absorbing it, or did she just assume she could?
Huh. Wendrago normally form with a weight towards one type or the other depending on which Frozen Flame variant you are compatible with. Has Alexa become a blended Wendrago, with both types evened out?
This last part of the chapter has an entire alternate version that I still sort of want to use instead, but that other version is a bit more unclear on what is happening.
Which is that the Frozen Flame is Alexa's and it is merging with her as a result of her new ability to freely shift. If she had not touched the Flame before this development then it would have simply permanently merged with her during that first contact.
This is a contrast to other sorts of change sources, which are not as forceful about things. That Frozen Flame might have allowed some other pokemon to change, but it wasn't really a thing for someone other than Alexa to use.
So, I'm hoping to clarify this more in future chapters, but the intent is that she can re-take any type change forms she has been changed into before.
She can't become something until after a substance or other source changes her into that thing for the first time.

Which means in most cases she can't become a non-human-derived form, but technically Miltank is probably something she can pull off.
Okay, so she can only freely take forms she's been, gotcha. The fact that Miltank is the outlier, in that it's a non-human form she might be able to take is hilarious to me.
So, this is a long planned change for this point in the story, although the details are more recent.
Rhypiary is a brand new Legendary pokemon species. By which I mean Rhypiary is to Rhydon what Suicune is to Eevee in this story. Technically speaking it is an evolution, but not one a mundane pokemon can just use.
Legendary evolution, gotcha. So currently unique, though not necessarily always so.
An expansion of what he could already do, with the new aspect being that he can automatically match types with the new forms.
Rhypiary is not limited there the same way Alexa is.
Considering it's a different mechanism of transformation, makes sense the rules will be different.
It is indeed that sort of situation. Alexa and Rhydon were both pushing a barrier, and this is meant to deliberately mirror some similar results in DSS with Kari and TK.
I might have to reread DSS again sometime, because I can't remember the details there. Oh well, I'll figure it out.
Which is that the Frozen Flame is Alexa's and it is merging with her as a result of her new ability to freely shift. If she had not touched the Flame before this development then it would have simply permanently merged with her during that first contact.
This is a contrast to other sorts of change sources, which are not as forceful about things. That Frozen Flame might have allowed some other pokemon to change, but it wasn't really a thing for someone other than Alexa to use.
Ah, so she absorbed it because it's Alexa's Frozen Flame, specifically, in the same way as Charizard's Clearwater Geode has its own relationship with him.
Okay, so she can only freely take forms she's been, gotcha. The fact that Miltank is the outlier, in that it's a non-human form she might be able to take is hilarious to me.
It amuses me too. I might need to work in her purposefully or accidentally ending up one again for a bit.
Legendary evolution, gotcha. So currently unique, though not necessarily always so.
A part of me is considering having it not even be a Rhydon specific result, as in Rhypiary might not be the sound he is making because the Legendary is a bit more generic than that, but that is not a firm thought yet.
Considering it's a different mechanism of transformation, makes sense the rules will be different.
Yep. Rhypiary has a harder time with going for specific forms and an easier one with different material cores.
I might have to reread DSS again sometime, because I can't remember the details there. Oh well, I'll figure it out.
That was two separate events in two different arcs, but I wouldn't mind if you decided to read my rather long other story again.
Ah, so she absorbed it because it's Alexa's Frozen Flame, specifically, in the same way as Charizard's Clearwater Geode has its own relationship with him.
Similar but not quite the same. Charizard is less likely to absorb his Geode due to it being a thing more associated with changing other pokemon than just him.
I might have to reread DSS again sometime, because I can't remember the details there. Oh well, I'll figure it out.
They both managed to break their humanity somewhat at some point and gained free switching between relevant forms, the former via another legend Halping, the latter from pushing himself too far during...I think it was the Mystery Dungeon trip?
(Joe also seems to have similarly broken his humanity at some point judging by his epilogue, but that's less relevant to this situation as it seems to have been purely accidental.)
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A part of me is considering having it not even be a Rhydon specific result, as in Rhypiary might not be the sound he is making because the Legendary is a bit more generic than that, but that is not a firm thought yet.
Makes sense considering his initial form is very similar to a large Rhyhorn by what I got from the description, aside from the grassy form. So if it's a fairly generic "grass shapeshifter with type shifting elements" legendary evolution, then the Rhypiary form is just his personal default.
That was two separate events in two different arcs, but I wouldn't mind if you decided to read my rather long other story again.
Oh, I'll read it again eventually. I always tend to read good stories multiple times eventually. It's just a matter of doing it sooner so I remember more of the events that have been currently happening an ocean away.
Makes sense considering his initial form is very similar to a large Rhyhorn by what I got from the description, aside from the grassy form. So if it's a fairly generic "grass shapeshifter with type shifting elements" legendary evolution, then the Rhypiary form is just his personal default.
Yeah, not 100% sure about that idea yet, but to add to the comparison I am thinking that Suicune the species isn't always Eevee sourced even if Suicune the character is.
Oh, I'll read it again eventually. I always tend to read good stories multiple times eventually. It's just a matter of doing it sooner so I remember more of the events that have been currently happening an ocean away.
I have worked out how to handle the Adaptation Machine stuff too, and I think it will make a nice little bit to add to the story.
Is it alright that i imagine Alexa's current shapeshifting is only a problem because it looks like badly interpolated animation tweening between keyframes in adobe flash?

You know, the sort of thing where geometry passes through eachother to create the new form instead of changing in place, relative to the center of mass?
Is it alright that i imagine Alexa's current shapeshifting is only a problem because it looks like badly interpolated animation tweening between keyframes in adobe flash?

You know, the sort of thing where geometry passes through eachother to create the new form instead of changing in place, relative to the center of mass?
I think it probably isn't that unusual of an appearance in this case, the issue is mostly that she is changing too often and that is worrying her team a little bit.
Also possibly a problem with confusing people she meets, and some other minor issues that will come up in the chapters to come.

That said, I do like atypical transformation appearances, and Alexa's shift is meant to be fairly rapid, so there may be times it looks rather unusual.
I think it probably isn't that unusual of an appearance in this case, the issue is mostly that she is changing too often and that is worrying her team a little bit.
Also possibly a problem with confusing people she meets, and some other minor issues that will come up in the chapters to come.

That said, I do like atypical transformation appearances, and Alexa's shift is meant to be fairly rapid, so there may be times it looks rather unusual.
Ah, i see, so in a manga, she would be changing in every panel, or even changing with every new speech bubble, or even changing with every set of action-lines.
Back to the Start New
--- Back to the Start ---

Cherrygrove in some ways was the same as when Alexa first saw the city. Still a fair sized city with a focus on growing plants and flowers, with a new Gym that probably wasn't handling the current issues with other Gyms in the region well. However, it wasn't entirely the same, just as now she wasn't the same given she was only human by choice at that moment. As her full team entered alongside her, Alexa could see that Bellossom looked somewhere between amused and embarrassed by the fact that the town was now full of Florabedtor.

"I can't tell if I'm happy or upset that there are a bunch of those here already," Bellossom said, Alexa's Grass/Electric pokemon in her natural form for the moment. "Then again, this is probably the town to end up full of Florabedtor."

"You know, I remember when I thought you were just a somewhat unusual trainer," William said to Alexa, and she gave him a bit of a glare for that. "Okay, a trainer who was as unusual as I was."

"Are you admitting that you are even more unusual now?" Suicune, in human form, suggested to the amusement of Alexa's entire team.

"Yes," William said unhappily after a moment of thought. "I am willing to admit that, but I blame all of you for that," he jokingly added. "I was a perfectly 'somewhat unusual' trainer back then, and now look at me. Openly Zoroark in public."

"Alexa, good to see you again," a nearby Florabedtor said, and Alexa realized this was Rick, the flower shop worker that they had traded some Mercury Contagion to in order to get Bellossom's Chlorophyll Jade. "As you can see there is a bit of an event going on this week."

"Only this week?" Alexa questioned with a new look at the Florabedtor around town, with a notable amount of uncomfortable looking ones now that she was checking for it directly.

"We heard about how you used it to test if a place could handle larger than normal trainers, and that it was a flowery pokemon. It didn't take much for a lot of people to at least want to help out there," Rick specified. "Most of the town is still talking about your Gym battle too. Quite a few of us were worried our new Gym would start off with problems, but instead we're doing rather well as an example of what going up against you in the League might be like."

"I can understand why he was mentioned in the same breath as Whitney if he's close to what we're doing," Charizard joked back at that. "But what about you, are you liking Bellossom's Contagion?"

"It's good enough to use every now and then," Rick answered thoughtfully. "But we are working on that reversal move to turn back ourselves. Not to mention we don't quite have enough Grass types for the Crystal Syrup yet without ourselves too, and this one actually works on us for that, unlike the Jade."

"Well, the Jade helped me make this Contagion," Bellossom pointed out. "So I'm glad you like it, but I also want to thank you for helping with it."

Alexa giggled for a moment as Rick gave Bellossom a rather confused look before she cleared things up, "Bellossom has been using it as an outer layer to be Grass/Electric but shaped differently. It has been working out well for us, although we have been careful with the Jade to keep using that tactic."

"You're using the Jade in combat? Come by later, we have some hardening methods you need to hear about to help with that," Rick immediately noted. "The things are not really made for fighting, but that doesn't mean nobody has worked out how to use them for that."


"Alexa Larch," the local Nurse Joy declared as Alexa went up to the counter. "Come on, we have a solution to the trainer card issue you started." Alexa half expected to get a reaction like this from the next Joy she met, but she assumed it would be after she explained the latest thing she had done to herself. She could hear Charizard chuckle behind her, and William sigh. "Actually, I need all of the pokemon-trainers with you, even if they are human at the moment," the Nurse then added with a glance towards Suicune.

"Ah, so we've caused more changes to the entire region then?" Charizard joked, and earned a sigh from the Joy.

"Well, technically you've made some mages who had a neat idea a lot of money," the Nurse complained. "We're having so many trainers trying so many forms that the normal process isn't working out. If it was just Alexa getting new cards every time she visited a Center it would still be something we suggested to her, but with everyone doing it we might need to outright update the standard for all trainers."

"There is an easy way to deal with that?" William asked a touch harshly, but Alexa could understand that he was likely worried about something that made being an illusion using pokemon harder.

"It counts illusion forms too, we've had enough Zoroark asking about that-" Joy answered more tired than upset, then cut herself off. "I guess I haven't explained. There is a mystical alternative to the standard picture method that was proposed a while back to deal with the increase in Zoroark trainers. To make sure that the ID matched what they currently looked like when they weren't able to safely exit an illusion, but weren't using the one printed on their current card for some reason."

"Wait, you mean Shape Attuned Image cards? Those things are almost as expensive as a high end tent, each!" William then said with a totally different kind of upset tone. "We couldn't get the funds for just the Zoroark Trainers in Kalos when we considered those."

"We've been having enough regular trainer card issues that it is the cheaper option now," Joy admitted, and William shuddered at that idea. "And that is before someone asked what we would need for pokemon-trainers who started out before they were fully evolved. That added a worry about cards being out of date due to an evolution too."

"Ugh, I didn't think about when you evolve to Charmeleon and need to get a new card yet either," Charizard admitted with a huff. "That's a more common one than what I'm doing with other forms."

Alexa shifted from human to Vipercury. "I have a new one, and a new way to change myself," Alexa admitted as the Nurse got out a number of plain metal cards that made Alexa frown. The picture spot on them looked vaguely like the inside of a pokeball. She then shifted to Spectslurry. "Kind of at will."

"I'm so glad we are going through with this," Nurse Joy complained quietly, then more loudly went over the instructions for getting these cards to work. It was more complicated than just holding onto them and putting energy into the area that did seem to be a similar material to what was used in a pokeball, with a good sized machine involved that needed an arm or other body part inside in order to make the connection properly and to write onto it the correct text using another separate method from the picture.

Alexa had tried to get her card to fail to keep up a few times before they were done with the others, but in the end it worked quickly enough and they were able to reserve a room for at least one night. Possibly more if they ended up training locally while they tried to see if the Gym Leader had time to talk again, something the local Joy was sure Douglas could manage.

"If you need to change the text of this card you will need to go to a Center or other facility with the proper equipment in order to make those changes," William summarized a technical detail in tiny print aloud as he looked over his new card just outside the pokemon center. "That's admittedly still better than just needing a wallet full of them, and I mean my wallet. You have a lot more forms than me." He then resumed his default human illusion. "It is neat to finally see the way one shifts match my illusion. After the disappointment of the plan to get one when I started off fell through I figured it would be too much to spend on just a better trainer card."

"I can see some problems with people copying other people," Charizard noted as he used a few layers to get his chosen human form too using his Water/Steel liquid metal form. "Although, I guess these things do have this little glow when their owner holds them."

"Do you want the full explanation for that one?" William asked seriously, and made sure to look at Alexa too. "Because as a Zoroark I definitely know how that works. We need that stuff to deal with each other, let alone everyone else."

"Well, I want to know that," Alexa answered. "Since this is my problem causing this, and we know there are some of these forms that can make illusions too. Even if we aren't talking about the new Zoroark I made."


Alexa smiled at Rhypiary, both of them finally able to get themselves to mostly stay a given type and control when they changed better. Similarly her other pokemon were doing well for their planned methods, and the people of Cherrygrove were more than willing to help out. The Gym didn't have any high end trainers who could use the Gym's unique methods yet, and while Leader Douglas had been too busy to talk for the past two days because of that, the various trainers it did have were happy to work with her team to get both sides of the way of training down.

"I'd say that I'm worried about what your team is going to do to the League, but I am working on getting Golduck to be able to use Douglas' Soaking Mist move," one of those trainers noted as Charizard displayed that he could use Chitin Powder in his base form at battle speed now.

'Soaking Mist' was something Alexa actually liked a whole lot, with Kingler easily agreeing and Bellossom considering trying for a Water type form to use as well. It was a weather change move that made the battlefield into a very damp zone that changed all pokemon present into pure Water typed pokemon over time. First it changed the pokemon within it to have the secondary type of Water, or if their primary was already Water removed their secondary type. Then it removed any non-Water primary type and made the affected pokemon into pure Water types. Technically it started at the least expressed type, as having a third type meant it replaced that one first and needed even longer to reach a pure Water type change.

"I'm hoping that we can learn that some day too," Alexa pointed out, she was currently a Gatpotear to avoid some of the issues with learning that move. Although it took refreshing whenever she turned into a cat purely made out of water. "But I don't know if we will work it out in time for the League."

"I'd be interested in seeing if I could help there," Leader Douglas said in response to that, apparently done for the time being with Gym duties. "If I can't help you with that one then my Gym is going to have problems next year when they expect me to have a backup trainer."

"Leader Douglas," Alexa greeted him. Thankfully the Gym Leader was still human. "I'd appreciate the help, but we really know how busy you are right now. My team hasn't tried to do that sort of move yet, and we might need more of your time than you can spare." She shrugged awkwardly. "I don't want to cause more problems this League."

"I have a new Gym, brand new. I'm actually limited by how many pokemon I have on hand more than my free time," Douglas explained. "I can handle a few days in a row right now, and I appreciate the help getting more pokemon up to my standards, but I've got half a week downtime for any Badges above sixth. Honestly, if you can help out getting me some more pokemon for eighth Badge matches that would be a bigger thing, and working on Soaking Mist is one of the things holding me back."

"We're getting close to the League Tournament," William pointed out carefully from where he was rather Soaked looking himself, although he seemed happy with the training they were getting. "Do you have that much more time to get ready for Badge matches?"

"I cannot say anything about the current situation with the Pokemon League Tournament," Douglas said in a deliberately evasive way, then laughed. "I'm sure I have the time for a bit of help."

"How has the year gone for you so far?" Charizard asked to change topic from what the Gym Leader couldn't say as her team crowded over. "I'm interested in hearing what you've managed with my favorite type."

"I heard that you got a translator, but that seems like a better one than I expected," Leader Douglas noted with a nod. "As for the year, it has been rather nice actually. I managed to finish Soaking Mist in time for my first match high enough to justify it, which was about the time you were in Goldenrod if I have that time right. So plenty of time for rumors about you to have reached the trainer, and the town has been having a lot of fun spreading those."

"The real fun part is how everyone assumes a Greninja with the Protean ability has something to do with you, instead of just being really rare," the other Gym trainer Alexa had been working with before laughed. "It is really funny how they ask about that change in types."

"Rhypiary has something like that now," Alexa noted, thinking on what exactly the trainer meant there. Protean was a natural type shifting ability related to matching your type to your moves, it was not typically controlled beyond using typed moves strategically. "I feel a bit bad about making it look like I helped you with this sort of thing when I didn't though."

Leader Douglas and the trainer both looked at each other warily in response. "I don't think you realize how worried I was that first battle," the Gym Leader said slowly. "I was warned a few times before I started that if we got enough complaints about the Soak tactic I'd have to drop it, 'one Whitney is enough' was how some of the officials I spoke with put it, but after the very first person to go against me actually turned it back on me those concerns basically vanished."

"That rumor helped a whole lot early on," the trainer confirmed. "Mostly because it got trainers thinking of bringing a Water type, or seeing if the Gym had any way of letting them see what Soak is like before the match."

"Honestly, people trying Soak before the match is one reason I wanted to show it off in my first match," Douglas admitted. "That way they could prepare for the idea, and to draw new trainers who were interested in learning how to use the move too. It is in my personal opinion a strong Water type move to learn, and if I had a TM for it I'd give that out as a victory prize to trainers that did particularly well."

"My Goodra has that opinion about Acid Armor for anyone who can learn that," William said with amusement. "But after a year of seeing type changes I can understand what you mean. Although Alexa also tends to find forms that can use Acid Armor too, so Goodra has been happy with this year."

"I'm also pretty sure that most people think I was doing this on my own," Douglas said to Alexa. "Mostly because a lot of people aren't even that sure you are behind the people transforming, and most of the people who do know that know you go much farther than I do."

Alexa almost reacted to that with a bit of disbelief, but she remembered that she was now a shapeshifter who was going to work on how to layer shapes without using outside effects, and her team had multiple members who weren't able to be recognized as their original species most of the time, and they made their opponents a variety of types instead of just one.


"I'm not sure what you did to it," Lilly, the flower shop worker who currently was also a Florabedtor, said in response to looking at Bellossom's Chlorophyll Jade. Bellossom was honestly happy enough to get to ask questions directly instead of needing a translator, and also happy that her team was doing well enough with training for her to spend time in the shop alone for a day. "This- the gold is practically part of the Jade now, and both of them are using your energy to protect themselves. Treated Chlorophyll Jade doesn't usually hold energy like this, and I don't know what that could do to one."

"I have only heard of that when a Legendary gets their hands on one," Rick admitted with a nervous look towards her. Bellossom carefully did not react, although she also sort of just assumed they already knew. "That changes it a bit, makes the band stronger but it doesn't work as well on other pokemon anymore without permission."

"You guys didn't already know?" Bellossom questioned carefully, and checked the little Contagion vials she had with her in case she wanted to show off her other way of being Grass typed. "It has been starting to feel like everyone has figured that out."

"I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'that'," Lilly admitted slowly. "We can tell your trainer is actually a Legendary, and probably your team's Starter, but... I assumed it wasn't all of you."

"You didn't notice that Rhydon became a Rhypiary? He got bigger and can't stop being a plant now," Bellossom pointed out as she worked through thinking about how most people might not be thinking that all of them were Legendary. "Charizard can still go back to normal, and I know you heard that I made the Floral Contagion."

"Okay, 'bigger' at least we have an excuse for," Rick laughed a bit nervously. "It is really hard to judge size when you're looking at the world from a new perspective. I think half the town is complaining about how a pokemon eye view doesn't let you see anything clearly."

"So, it should be safe to use in combat?" Bellossom asked with a chuckle. "Because I will be trying to go with the layered version of myself instead. I can show that one off, too."

"It should be safe enough without that as long as it doesn't take a direct hit, but with that you should be fine with any hit that doesn't take you out of the fight too," Lilly confirmed with a large crocodilian smile. "Although that might be an issue for later fights if you do get hit like that."

"I'm not sure that the pokemon that breaks it on Bellossom is going to be that lucky," Rhypiary then cut in. "We're back early," he then said to Bellossom as she turned to face her much larger fellow Grass type. "Kingler worked out how to make a Dragon Mist before she managed Soaking Mist and it has her angry with herself. Charizard isn't helping because he has Soaking down, and went too far with a joke."

"I think they might be happier if they managed that the other way around," Bellossom considered. "But honestly that isn't a surprise. Kingler has been working on Dragon type stuff so long it makes sense that she gets that before something for her Water type."

"Which she has had less than the Dragon type this year," Rhypiary pointed out with a leafy smile. "Kind of like how I've lost my old Rock type, but I think I haven't used it this year compared to how often she's been a Water type." He went down on all fours and mimicked a Florabedtor topiary rather well. "I think I've used shapeshifting more this League."

"Charizard has used shapeshifting more than you," Bellossom pointed out thoughtfully. "I think I've actually changed my shape more often in combat, you're just always a bush," she then teased him, and Rhypiary did laugh in response. "So, we need to head out then?"


[Author's Note]
A bit of fallout from last chapter, and a cap on the Gym Leader issues arc. We are almost done now, with only 10 planned chapters including the epilogue.
Which is not a hard chapter count yet, I still need to work out if anything needs to add a chapter or if any of the planned chapters are too short, but I hope to wrap up TCJ by the end of the year. It has been fun to write, but I'm honestly ready to reach the ending.
I wonder if, now that she's got her mundane paperwork sorted, the Unown will want Alexa and her team to make another 'appointment'.
The good news for Alexa is that they don't tend to seek out pokemon, and instead just ambush any unfortunate Legendary pokemon that get too close.
So the Unown will not be bothering with Alexa herself for some time, but by the time they do get around to Alexa, Alexa will have had to deal with a lot of other legendaries being very annoyed with Alexa because of the Unown harassing them with questions about Alexa?
So the Unown will not be bothering with Alexa herself for some time, but by the time they do get around to Alexa, Alexa will have had to deal with a lot of other legendaries being very annoyed with Alexa because of the Unown harassing them with questions about Alexa?
Well, more like the Unown are sometimes a malfunctioning scanner system that grabs and analyzes anyone who comes too close.
Not technically concerned with anything happening outside of their area of operations, but possibly giving some more problems to any transformed humans nearby just because they are transformed.
"You know, I remember when I thought you were just a somewhat unusual trainer," William said to Alexa, and she gave him a bit of a glare for that. "Okay, a trainer who was as unusual as I was."
Ah, the early days, when Alexa was just an odd trainer playing with weird type-changing trinkets most people tended to avoid, and William was just a weird trainer who was curious about her weirdness and definitely not a Pokemon.
"You're using the Jade in combat? Come by later, we have some hardening methods you need to hear about to help with that," Rick immediately noted. "The things are not really made for fighting, but that doesn't mean nobody has worked out how to use them for that."
Luckily the Jade's not gotten damaged up to now, so it being a bit fragile hasn't been much of an issue.
"Ah, so we've caused more changes to the entire region then?" Charizard joked, and earned a sigh from the Joy.

"Well, technically you've made some mages who had a neat idea a lot of money," the Nurse complained. "We're having so many trainers trying so many forms that the normal process isn't working out. If it was just Alexa getting new cards every time she visited a Center it would still be something we suggested to her, but with everyone doing it we might need to outright update the standard for all trainers."
Oh, yeah, considering how much of a hassle the nurses treated her needing new cards as early on, I didn't think about how much more they've had to deal with it since transformations became more common.
There is a mystical alternative to the standard picture method that was proposed a while back to deal with the increase in Zoroark trainers. To make sure that the ID matched what they currently looked like when they weren't able to safely exit an illusion, but weren't using the one printed on their current card for some reason."

"Wait, you mean Shape Attuned Image cards? Those things are almost as expensive as a high end tent, each!"
Shape Attuned Images? So images that always match their owner? That sounds very useful, even if you just account for more "common" trainers with one or two extra forms. Let alone Alexa's insanity.
Alexa shifted from human to Vipercury. "I have a new one, and a new way to change myself," Alexa admitted as the Nurse got out a number of plain metal cards that made Alexa frown. The picture spot on them looked vaguely like the inside of a pokeball. She then shifted to Spectslurry. "Kind of at will."

"I'm so glad we are going through with this," Nurse Joy complained quietly
Yeah, after the previous struggles with getting appropriate cards set up, I can see "I can now change forms rapidly at will, and might pick up new ones at a moment's notice" as being a concerning statement.
"Although, I guess these things do have this little glow when their owner holds them."

"Do you want the full explanation for that one?" William asked seriously, and made sure to look at Alexa too. "Because as a Zoroark I definitely know how that works. We need that stuff to deal with each other, let alone everyone else."

"Well, I want to know that," Alexa answered. "Since this is my problem causing this, and we know there are some of these forms that can make illusions too. Even if we aren't talking about the new Zoroark I made."
I want the full explanation for that one. Lol. Definitely interesting, I'm assuming a resonance between the energy held within the card and its holder?
Leader Douglas and the trainer both looked at each other warily in response. "I don't think you realize how worried I was that first battle," the Gym Leader said slowly. "I was warned a few times before I started that if we got enough complaints about the Soak tactic I'd have to drop it, 'one Whitney is enough' was how some of the officials I spoke with put it, but after the very first person to go against me actually turned it back on me those concerns basically vanished."
Yeah, I can see an odd gimmick like that being iffy for a Gym. They've got to make Gyms simultaneously easy enough that challengers can handle them, while being difficult enough to provide a real challenge to a variety of trainers. Becoming "that Gym" with odd and hard to manage situations that nobody's willing to face would be a problem.
Alexa almost reacted to that with a bit of disbelief, but she remembered that she was now a shapeshifter who was going to work on how to layer shapes without using outside effects, and her team had multiple members who weren't able to be recognized as their original species most of the time, and they made their opponents a variety of types instead of just one.
"I'm not that bad, am I? Oh wait, I guess I really am." Considering she faced him fairly early on, long before the team started leaning so heavily on type shenanigans, she probably still remembers him as the tricky fight using strange type changing stuff, and forgets she's now the elite version of that strategy.
"This- the gold is practically part of the Jade now, and both of them are using your energy to protect themselves. Treated Chlorophyll Jade doesn't usually hold energy like this, and I don't know what that could do to one."

"I have only heard of that when a Legendary gets their hands on one," Rick admitted with a nervous look towards her. Bellossom carefully did not react, although she also sort of just assumed they already knew. "That changes it a bit, makes the band stronger but it doesn't work as well on other pokemon anymore without permission."

"You guys didn't already know?" Bellossom questioned carefully, and checked the little Contagion vials she had with her in case she wanted to show off her other way of being Grass typed. "It has been starting to feel like everyone has figured that out."
Guess they don't need to worry as much about the Jade being fragile. And yeah, it does increasingly feel like people are guessing about the team's Legendary status, so it must be strange for someone to be "oh, it's all of you?"
"Kingler worked out how to make a Dragon Mist before she managed Soaking Mist and it has her angry with herself. Charizard isn't helping because he has Soaking down, and went too far with a joke."
Yeah, that sounds right. Kingler may have been a Water type longer overall than Charizard has, but Char's definitely put more effort into the type in the last year.
Ah, the early days, when Alexa was just an odd trainer playing with weird type-changing trinkets most people tended to avoid, and William was just a weird trainer who was curious about her weirdness and definitely not a Pokemon.
It's the place and time for callbacks now. That's a nice part about nearing the end of a story.
Luckily the Jade's not gotten damaged up to now, so it being a bit fragile hasn't been much of an issue.
I think most of the shown fights featuring it have been Bellossom taking it off mid battle.
Oh, yeah, considering how much of a hassle the nurses treated her needing new cards as early on, I didn't think about how much more they've had to deal with it since transformations became more common.
Eventually you need a big change to deal with lots of little problems.
Shape Attuned Images? So images that always match their owner? That sounds very useful, even if you just account for more "common" trainers with one or two extra forms. Let alone Alexa's insanity.
Yep, which nicely fits as something Zoroark trainers wanted even without outright shapeshifting.
Yeah, after the previous struggles with getting appropriate cards set up, I can see "I can now change forms rapidly at will, and might pick up new ones at a moment's notice" as being a concerning statement.
It is the sort of problem that if Alexa started with it, then they probably would have suggested this kind of card first.
... back when Alexa could not have afforded one.
I want the full explanation for that one. Lol. Definitely interesting, I'm assuming a resonance between the energy held within the card and its holder?
Something like that, with the idea being that Zoroark towns use a few different things like that to make sure nobody is pulling a "prank" by looking like somebody else, or somebody else's typical illusion.
Yeah, I can see an odd gimmick like that being iffy for a Gym. They've got to make Gyms simultaneously easy enough that challengers can handle them, while being difficult enough to provide a real challenge to a variety of trainers. Becoming "that Gym" with odd and hard to manage situations that nobody's willing to face would be a problem.
Admittedly, that still sort of happened, but Alexa at least made the general idea seem normal for him.
"I'm not that bad, am I? Oh wait, I guess I really am." Considering she faced him fairly early on, long before the team started leaning so heavily on type shenanigans, she probably still remembers him as the tricky fight using strange type changing stuff, and forgets she's now the elite version of that strategy.
Actually, she was already going farther in that first match, starting with Charizard throwing Soak right back at his opponent, and then going with showing off how to make pokemon into the Steel type mid battle.
Admittedly, that is still minor compared to some of the things they are up to now.
Guess they don't need to worry as much about the Jade being fragile. And yeah, it does increasingly feel like people are guessing about the team's Legendary status, so it must be strange for someone to be "oh, it's all of you?"
It is deceptively easy to tell that Alexa or Charizard are Legendary, which means the fact that the rest of the team aren't as easily identified a bit more of a surprise.
Yeah, that sounds right. Kingler may have been a Water type longer overall than Charizard has, but Char's definitely put more effort into the type in the last year.
He has, which makes it a nice addition to his skill set.
While Kingler probably is going to use the Dragon typed one more than she uses the Water type one even when she knows both.
Yep, which nicely fits as something Zoroark trainers wanted even without outright shapeshifting.
It occurs to me now that even trainers who don't deliberately shapeshift could use them given the number of incidents of accidentally getting changed into a Pokemon that have happened both within this story, and pre-story events that get mentioned from time to time, such as what William's team has run into before meeting Alexa. How many times has a trainer come to a town and had to explain "no really, I'm a human trainer, I found a thing and now I have too many limbs, please help?"
Actually, she was already going farther in that first match, starting with Charizard throwing Soak right back at his opponent, and then going with showing off how to make pokemon into the Steel type mid battle.
Sure, but it was still new having to face those tactics, and even back then she had only recently started folding them into her combat.
He has, which makes it a nice addition to his skill set.
While Kingler probably is going to use the Dragon typed one more than she uses the Water type one even when she knows both.
Oh sure, Kingler can take much better advantage of the Dragon type than she can the Water type.