Typechange Johto

Love it! Spectslurry seems to take the 'Contagion' part of Earthen Contagion a bit more literally! I wonder if wild Spectslurry trap Pokemon in the non-mobile statues so their vitality can be drained? Like a spider, wrapping up their prey. It does leave me wondering though, there must be some sort of counter, besides 'don't get hit by the clay, dummy,' or else Spectslurry would be more common, due to their success. Maybe it just plain doesn't work on some Pokemon? Obviously, no effect on Ground types, but I'm betting Ghosts usually don't get hit by it unless they want to...Maybe Gengar/Dusclops run them out of the prime territory?

Idk why Spectslurry is the one that's inspiring me to think of the ecology, as opposed to any of the other original Pokemon we've seen so far. I'm just not immune to newt I guess.

Oh god, she can turn people into a newt. Burn the witch!
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A Technical Machine, no. Given this is in the same world as DSS, an Adaption Machine should be showing up soon, however.
We will have to see how exactly the timeline ends up working out. :)
Love it! Spectslurry seems to take the 'Contagion' part of Earthen Contagion a bit more literally! I wonder if wild Spectslurry trap Pokemon in the non-mobile statues so their vitality can be drained? Like a spider, wrapping up their prey. It does leave me wondering though, there must be some sort of counter, besides 'don't get hit by the clay, dummy,' or else Spectslurry would be more common, due to their success. Maybe it just plain doesn't work on some Pokemon? Obviously, no effect on Ground types, but I'm betting Ghosts usually don't get hit by it unless they want to...Maybe Gengar/Dusclops run them out of the prime territory?

Idk why Spectslurry is the one that's inspiring me to think of the ecology, as opposed to any of the other original Pokemon we've seen so far. I'm just not immune to newt I guess.

Oh god, she can turn people into a newt. Burn the witch!
Lily would like to say she didn't have anything to do with the newt transformation.

Spectslurry attacks can be resisted to a degree. A pokemon's energy can fight off the effect if they are able to prevent total conversion, and even in extreme cases they can be restored.
... pokemon would rather not have to be restored from being a fired pot or three, but there are mystical ways to fix that.

The biggest issue for a Spectslurry is that unlike the other human forms it is possible to end up living clay instead of unliving clay with the right resistance. Chesnaught for example could probably stay living clay now that she is stronger and has this new experience with the effect. That makes them immune effectively to the paralysis, with the downside of having to learn to use a clay body for the duration.

In the wild they are mostly humans that ended up like that in very bad mindsets, and who take "I'm a Ghost now" in the worst interpretation... at least when they are transformed instead of just a spirit possessing clay to become one. They rarely fully understand that they can transform other humans, and tend to be territorial when they do so that is actually a bit of a downside here.
Spectslurry Stats by Bugs
- [Redacted] has an ability that causes a paralysis status when it uses physical attacks that can't be resisted, and a specialty attack that is "turn target into [redacted], one hit KO".

I see…

-Ability: Claying
—When the Pokémon uses a contact move on another Pokémon, or vice versa, has a 10% chance to inflict Paralysis. Abilities such as Limber and moves such as Safeguard do not prevent this from happening.
-Stat Total: 570
—HP: 100
—Attack: 120
—Defense: 65
—Sp. Attack: 100
—Sp. Defense: 120
—Speed: 65

-Signature Move: Clay Gorgon
—5 PP
—20 Acc
—Hits one Pokémon.
—Instantly KO's an enemy Pokémon by turning them into a clay sculpture. The move's base accuracy is doubled if the target is paralyzed. The move's accuracy increases based on how weak the target is compared to the user, and decreases the same way if the target is stronger. This move's accuracy cannot otherwise be modified.

Wild Boss Encounter Moveset:
-Clay Gorgon
-Earth Power

Other Moves Learned (not exhaustive):
-Thunder Wave
-Shadow Ball
-Mind Reader
-Destiny Bond
-Shadow Punch
-Phantom Force
-Nasty Plot
-Energy Ball
-Signal Beam
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I see…

-Ability: Claying
—When the Pokémon makes contact with another Pokémon, or when another Pokémon makes contact, has a 10% chance to inflict Paralysis. Abilities such as Limber and moves such as Safeguard do not prevent this from happening.
-Stat Total: 570
—HP: 100
—Attack: 120
—Defense: 65
—Sp. Attack: 100
—Sp. Defense: 120
—Speed: 65

-Signature Move: Clay Gorgon
—5 PP
—20 Acc
—Hits one Pokémon.
—Instantly kills an enemy Pokémon by turning them into a clay sculpture. The move's base accuracy is doubled if the target is paralyzed. The move's accuracy increases based on how weak the target is compared to the user. This move's accuracy cannot otherwise be modified.
Glad to see you noticed I included this one a bit early.
I'm not sure "kills" is the exact wording I'd use for the move, but it does cover the effect nicely otherwise.
"You have a metaphysical scanner," Lily pointed out. "You are expecting to have enough unknown things to need a metaphysical scanner to try and work out durations."

"I have added a metaphysical scanner that is the same kind my dad was already using because he worked out the right settings to get that information," Alexa clarified. "Knowing if an unknown or poorly documented change is permanent or not is critical to asking for volunteers."
Yeah, being able to reassure potential volunteers that they won't be stuck in an unfamiliar form for extended periods likely does help removing the potential part, rather than the volunteer part.
The nearby trainers were now openly staring as Charizard got the Pokedex ready again, Kingler got ready to use Contagion Cure just in case, and Alexa got out the separated vials of the new substance.
The poor trainers are probably just confused, having no idea what's going on with their group. They won't likely get satisfactory answers by watching, either.
The big issue though was that Alexa could feel every living thing around her, and in a way that was clearly different from herself at the moment.
Poor Alexa is never going to be quite comfortable with forms that can sense or manipulate life energy after that first Ghost transformation way back when, is she?
"I hate how the number of Legendary adjacent pokemon I've met keeps going up," William said slowly. "Chesnaught, got more bad news," he added as he let out his Starter.
Wow, William's had a lot of rough encounters in the past. It's actually kind of hilarious just how many weird things he's run into…
It took Bellossom replying to remind her that Charizard could just speak now, mostly because she could not understand her Grass/Electric type. "Let me change again first," Alexa requested and quickly liquefied herself into fluid clay again. With a deliberate move she pushed herself off the ground. Then she began to flail in mid air as she could not quite control the movement yet and ended up quite a bit higher than she expected. Soon she found herself looking at the group while upside down in the air next to them.

"Not so easy is it?" Kingler laughed.

"No, it isn't," Alexa complained and allowed herself to simply splash against the ground. "Alright, Bellossom's turn," Alexa said as she reformed to cut off the slight laughter at the sight.
So, floating is not an easy instinctive skill for her. It's also a very amusing image, getting stuck in the air and fixing it by going splat. Luckily nobody seems to have been accidentally splashed by her landing.
"I distinctly recall you saying you would ask the next Spectslurry we saw if you could be living clay to learn Acid Armor," Goodra firmly declared. The Dragon type had some mystical ability of his own, which had been key to turning her back from a clay statue. Something about how knowing Acid Armor helped with the metaphysical affects.
This is why you don't make promises based on things you think won't happen again. It'll happen, and you'll get called on it. Especially in a world where the act of making the promise likely has some metaphysical impact. And double especially when making the promise on a Legendary's name, whether you know it or now.

So, knowing how to turn liquid helps to reverse effects trying to keep you solid. That makes sense, but still sounds funny to say.
Chesnaught pulled herself back up again, which was not as bad as being inanimate despite feeling stranger. "Right. So, do I need to stay like this longer?" she asked.

"I say you don't," William strongly said mostly to Goodra. "Not unless you want to. Like how we aren't testing if Alexa can do the inanimate one on our team."
Yeah, this goes back to needing comfortable volunteers. Chesnaught's fulfilled her promise, anything else is optional.
Chesnaught considered that. "I'm worried enough about things, I'll stick with this long enough to be able to just melt my legs," she allowed. "With how this League is going I half expect us to find an Acid Armor TM somewhere, and I want to be used to this sooner rather than later."

"Chesnaught, even I know they aren't going to be able to make one of those," Goodra complained. "That one is allowed to stay sarcastic."
*snickers uncontrollably*
"I commonly have my teammates agree to unlikely situations where they would learn Acid Armor from me," Goodra answered for her. "I'm honestly quite happy, if a bit confused, with finally getting to cash in a few of those."
Once again, don't make promises based off odd circumstances if you aren't willing to follow through if they do happen. I suspect in the near future Goodra will have plenty of opportunities to teach Acid Armor.
Yeah, being able to reassure potential volunteers that they won't be stuck in an unfamiliar form for extended periods likely does help removing the potential part, rather than the volunteer part.
It was one of the first things to split things between "stuff Alexa would be willing to try" and "stuff she definitely would not" in the first story, so there has to be some way to know for sure first.
The poor trainers are probably just confused, having no idea what's going on with their group. They won't likely get satisfactory answers by watching, either.
Especially given the results on other pokemon are barely visible up close. So they might have just seen a Charizard somehow turn into a Rhydon and number of other pokemon do some very strange things as well without context for how.
Poor Alexa is never going to be quite comfortable with forms that can sense or manipulate life energy after that first Ghost transformation way back when, is she?
This one is a bit better than some, so she still likes the form well enough, but that is an oddity that hinted at Ghost type right off.
Wow, William's had a lot of rough encounters in the past. It's actually kind of hilarious just how many weird things he's run into…
It has become a bit of a theme for him over time, although he has had three other years of journey so far. It at least isn't as constant as what anime-Ash went through.
So, floating is not an easy instinctive skill for her. It's also a very amusing image, getting stuck in the air and fixing it by going splat. Luckily nobody seems to have been accidentally splashed by her landing.
It is the easy way to get back to the ground. :)
This is why you don't make promises based on things you think won't happen again. It'll happen, and you'll get called on it. Especially in a world where the act of making the promise likely has some metaphysical impact. And double especially when making the promise on a Legendary's name, whether you know it or now.

So, knowing how to turn liquid helps to reverse effects trying to keep you solid. That makes sense, but still sounds funny to say.
Promises like that can be sort of funny things. For instance here I suspect Goodra didn't expect a second Spectslurry to agree when asked.

It also is a neat way to have things fixed for this one.
Yeah, this goes back to needing comfortable volunteers. Chesnaught's fulfilled her promise, anything else is optional.
Exactly, if Chesnaught said "that's enough" here then they would all be fine with her stopping right then.
*snickers uncontrollably*
Once again, don't make promises based off odd circumstances if you aren't willing to follow through if they do happen. I suspect in the near future Goodra will have plenty of opportunities to teach Acid Armor.
The good news is that Goodra as established is an expert at the skill, so it is valuable training as well.
This one is a bit better than some, so she still likes the form well enough, but that is an oddity that hinted at Ghost type right off.
The initial reaction, the first words being "the big issue," definitely make it clear there's a bit of concern over that ability at the first moment. Which is completely fair, since a lot of Ghost Pokémon have life absorption as a trait. Discovering that the new form doesn't absorb life energy, at least not by default, likely helps a lot with making it more comfortable.
It has become a bit of a theme for him over time, although he has had three other years of journey so far. It at least isn't as constant as what anime-Ash went through.
That reminder does help a bit, I forgot just how long he's been a trainer. He's still had a lot happen, but for now at least there's still room for it not being too frequent. Of course, he's also probably retroactively a trouble magnet due to current proximity to Alexa.
It is the easy way to get back to the ground. :)
For this species at least. Some species would have a harder time with "abrupt fall" being a valid landing technique.
Would it help with Rime Dust?
Given I established that trying to stay water when reversing the fast way hurt possibly not, but at the same time that is reversed quickly by being melted.
Probably does allow for non-Legendary pokemon to reverse themselves, but they'd still get their defensive energy broken.
The initial reaction, the first words being "the big issue," definitely make it clear there's a bit of concern over that ability at the first moment. Which is completely fair, since a lot of Ghost Pokémon have life absorption as a trait. Discovering that the new form doesn't absorb life energy, at least not by default, likely helps a lot with making it more comfortable.
Yep, a possible issue that turns out to just be a new sense.
That reminder does help a bit, I forgot just how long he's been a trainer. He's still had a lot happen, but for now at least there's still room for it not being too frequent. Of course, he's also probably retroactively a trouble magnet due to current proximity to Alexa.
It probably isn't retroactive, by this point it is very plausible that he met her because he has built up a history of horror story Legendary encounters and Alexa is just the capstone of that sequence of events.
For this species at least. Some species would have a harder time with "abrupt fall" being a valid landing technique.
It does require a bit of fall protection. Acid Armor and flight aren't exactly common things to have together.
@E.I.G., could I get more data on Aloevona?
Don't have much on that one yet myself. Alexa doesn't like it, and the place I am most likely to write about one is a DSS followup concept.
They are psychic Aloe Vera lizards that are much more well known to be an alternate human form, but other than that I don't really have anything detailed yet.
In Tamora Pierce's Tortall books, Basilisks have an instinctive grasp of petrifying and stone-working magic cast through their voices, rather than simply having a petrifying gaze. They can liquefy and re-set stone so other things can be embedded in it; with practice they can petrify the outer surface of wooden structures to fireproof them without adding too much weight. They do these things by singing at their targets, more or less. They also eat stone, and are entirely capable of turning their stone spell on other living things.

The relevance to Typechange? Well, Specslurry reminded me of them. Possibly there's a related Rock-type species (Basaltlisk?) with a signature move Petrifying Song, which renders the bodies of its foes inert stone. This functions as a Perish Song-style non-damaging knockout for most pokemon, but Rotom simply lose their host appliance (reverting to their Electric/Ghost base form), most other object-possession Ghost types have to deal with a type change (a stone Drifloon is gonna have trouble flying), and Spiritomb are entirely unaffected (because their physical bodies already are inert stones).
Actually, you know what Specslurry's move makes me think of? Buu's Candy Beam. 'Screw you, you're inanimate now ya dingus. Omnomnom'
It is a similarly themed type of move. In this case it is less "omnomnom" and more "get ready for the kiln", but I am trying to keep the actual horror a bit toned down here.
In Tamora Pierce's Tortall books, Basilisks have an instinctive grasp of petrifying and stone-working magic cast through their voices, rather than simply having a petrifying gaze. They can liquefy and re-set stone so other things can be embedded in it; with practice they can petrify the outer surface of wooden structures to fireproof them without adding too much weight. They do these things by singing at their targets, more or less. They also eat stone, and are entirely capable of turning their stone spell on other living things.

The relevance to Typechange? Well, Specslurry reminded me of them. Possibly there's a related Rock-type species (Basaltlisk?) with a signature move Petrifying Song, which renders the bodies of its foes inert stone. This functions as a Perish Song-style non-damaging knockout for most pokemon, but Rotom simply lose their host appliance (reverting to their Electric/Ghost base form), most other object-possession Ghost types have to deal with a type change (a stone Drifloon is gonna have trouble flying), and Spiritomb are entirely unaffected (because their physical bodies already are inert stones).
It is a possibility, to the degree I would not be surprised if there was a canon one somewhere in the generations after I stopped playing that I just don't know about yet.
Transformative Items List
===== Transformative Items =====
These are a variety of substances and artifacts that produce a temporary or permanent change. Evolution stones, forme manipulation objects, and other items already known to induce such changes are the canon examples.
Cleaned for posting 1/1/2023.

--- Type Change ---

- Crystal Syrup (Grass)
Distilled from the sap of multiple pure Grass type pokemon, non-fatally extracted, this substance is a sweet syrup that converts the drinker into a living plant. Pokemon have their secondary type become grass, adding a second type if no prior one exists or changing existing secondary to grass. For example a Charizard that drinks will become a large Fire/Grass plant reptile, losing its Flying type. Crystal Syrup generally wears off after a week, or immediately in any case of evolution including use of a Mega Stone.

- Groudon Ashes (Ground/Rock/Fire)
The volcanic ash from an appearance of the Legendary pokemon Groudon. This substance is either found in some of the deepest caverns and mines where old continent growth periods can be identified, or near the volcanoes that were set off by Team Magma's awakening of the pokemon. When treated by special methods it is able to temporarily change a pokemon into a creature of earth or lava. The pokemon's secondary type is changed to either Fire, Ground, or Rock depending on how their bodies adapt in response to the ashes. The effects are consistent for individual pokemon on different uses, but not all members of the same species take on the same type. Pokemon that already posses the Fire and/or Ground type as one of their own tend to not be affected, instead gaining more power while holding the ashes. Transformative effects generally last about a month.

- Clearwater Geodes (Water)
Found deep under the ocean these stones are energized with the power of the Water type during Kyogre's rages. When water is placed into one that has been opened it is converted into a trasformative substance able to add or change a pokemon's secondary type to Water. The effects duration is based on the amount of altered water consumed, with larger amounts or repeated consumption extending the time. For typical amounts this can be as short as one hour.

- Tainted Geodes (Poison)
Sometimes these stones are filled with substances other than water after retrieval. Exposure to toxic materials can lead to the resulting water converting the drinker to the Poison type instead of the Water type.

- Wisp's Breath (Ghost)
A slightly poisonous purple gas found underground in areas that are commonly traveled by Ghost types, similar to the physical form of the Ghastly line. When filtered through a mixture of water and certain minerals the gas creates a drink that causes a pokemon to have the secondary type of Ghost. The effect does not end on its own, however there are a number of healing items that return the affected pokemon to their original typing, the most common of which is the humble Oran berry. Repeated use or extremely long term instances of over a year can cause the change to be permanent.

- Frozen Flame (Dragon/Ice)
Blue and purple flames frozen in an unmelting ice crystal. Found in Flameheart Glacier, a location where Dragon and Ice type pokemon were said to have fought long ago. When in contact with a pokemon the crystal will make their secondary type into either Ice or Dragon, depending on the amount of flame contained in the specific piece. In the case of an Ice transformation the fragment will form a layer of ice around various parts of the pokemon using it, including a thick portion keeping the crystal in place. If the pokemon gains the Dragon type hard rocky spines will form along the body with the crystal embedding itself inside of one. Transformation can only be undone by removing the crystal from the new covering, a process that is moderately painful to the transformed pokemon. Should a pokemon evolve while in the transformed state the change will permanently alter their evolved form, and typically the crystal itself will fall out during the process.

Wendrago, Ice/Dragon type. An increadibly rare Dragon pokemon found in the Flameheart Glacier region. According to local legend these pokemon are travelers possessed by spirts of the ancient battle that formed the glacier. Current speculation on their origin points to a currently unidentified pokemon coming into contact with the Frozen Flame crystals found in the area and then evolving. Two variants known, one Ice/Dragon type with white scales beneith ice armor and the other Dragon/Ice type with grey scales benieth stony purple armor

- Mundane Clay (Normal)
A soft brown clay found rarely in areas downstream from large evolutionary stone deposits. When rubbed into the skin of a pokemon it changes their primary type to Normal. Pokemon with a secondary type retain it. Any body parts related to the pokemon's original type, such as flame vents or electrical pouches, are either removed or modified to be safe for the new typing. In an extreme example members of the Charmander line lose their tailflames for the duration, but do not suffer any health issues as a result. Effect typically lasts around a week. Any pokemon transformed by the clay is unable to evolve while effected.

- Capacitance (Electric)
An orange moss found in areas around the nests of Zapdos or other Legendary Electric types. When eaten produces electricity storage pouches causing the pokemon to gain the Electric type as their secondary type. These pouches are typically visible on the skin of the pokemon, usually of a yellow or dark orange color. The number and size of the pouches depends on the kind of pokemon effected, although the locations where they form are usually the same as any prior secondary type charicteristcs that are lost in the transformation. Initial charge for the new organs is quite low, and they will at first generate additional power far more slowly than in a natural born Electric type. Should the charge be completely expended the pokemon will return to their previous form and typing, although as their rate of electrical generation increases this becomes more difficult to achieve.

- Nightmare Fragment (Dark)
A misty black almost cloth like material, said to be created by Darkrai and very rarely found in the ruins of abandoned buildings after disasters. When worn by a pokemon it gives them the Dark type. Pokemon wearing the fragment will typically change to have harsher claws and spines, and also take on a darker coloration. Removing the item reverts the changes.

- Stable Cloud (Flying)
A fluffy white cloud that is firm to the touch and stable in all conditions. Found high in the sky in areas with unusual weather patterns. Collecting this material is incredibly difficult as only the most skilled or powerful flying types can maneuver in these areas, and only ones who are both can do so with a passenger who can more easily collect a portion of the material. Few direct uses are known, but it does cause some pokemon that come into contact with it to have their bodies changed into a flying type. This change generally occurs after an hour of direct contact with the cloud, and the pokemon generally reverts to their normal form after only a day. Evolution of any kind removes the change immediately.

- Chitin Powder (Bug)
A grainy blueish grey powder that is found in fossilized ruins of the nests of an ancient insect pokemon called the Vespikiln. When a non-Bug type pokemon is exposed to this substance it causes them to be altered to an insectoid version of their selves. The change gives them the Bug type, with the possibility of this overwriting either their primary or secondary type. If a type is highly tied to the pokemon's form being non-insect like it is more likely to be overwritten. The effect normally lasts around 3 days, with any possible evolutions being unavailable for the duration. Pokemon under this effect have been known to produce more of the powder.

- Toxin Contagion (Poison)
This deep purple semi-liquid is found in areas that have been inhabited by Poison type pokemon for many years. Normally quite poisonus itself when touched, with only natural poison types safely handling it. Mixing the substance with certain powerful anti-toxin medicines creates a new substance that has altered properties from both its origins. The resulting lighter purple substance causes the type of any pokemon that comes into contact with it to add or change to the Poison type if it was not already. The change typically creates areas on the effected pokemon's body to produce the original toxin, while there are some cases of the pokemon becomming able to re-create the anti-toxin as well. This change can be undone by using specialized cleaning materials to wash the pokemon's body throughly.
[Not sure how to clean this one up from original concept]

- Oxide Berry (Steel)
A large tough red berry very rarely found growing in rusty ruins. Eating the berry causes a pokemon to become immune to Poison for a time. Making jam out of the berry creates a substance that adds the Steel type to a pokemon, typically adding or replacing their Secondary type. This berry's effects, either normally or as jam, typically last 4 or 5 days. Berries require rusty metal to grow and take six days to reach maturity and produce two to four berries.

- Heat Protection Spell (Fire)
A magical spell cast by drawing the proper symbols in a circular pattern out of charcoal made using a Fire type's flames, having the subject stand within the large open space at the center, and having the same Fire type breathe smoke over the subject. Intent of spell was to make it safe for a subject to travel in hot areas such as deserts and volcanos, but instead it changes the subject into a Fire type for the duration. Lasts until the subject is sprinked with water by a Water type. Subject's skin/fur changes to an orange or red color, and may change texture. Subject might gain flame vents at some part of their body. Either adds a secondary type or replaces existing secondary. Humans are known to be effected, with most common location of flame vents being the palms of their hands.
[this one has not made it into a story yet]

- Loam Berry (Ground/Grass)
Small soft brown berries that are rarely found in locations inhabited by Grass type legendary pokemon. The shear variety of berries in these locations makes finding these specific ones difficult. When eaten by a non-Ground type pokemon they change them to have that type, typically by adding or replacing their secondary type. Pokemon transformed by these berries tend to have portions of their bodies made into rich soil that is good for growing plants, although harvesting it safely is not always possible and great care should be taken during any attempts. If a pokemon that is already a Ground type eats a berry they will gain the Grass type instead while retaining all other types. In this case the change will consist of not just the formation of portions of soil on the pokemon's body, but will also grow plants from these locations that produce more Loam Berries. The transformation lasts one day per berry eaten, with any berries eaten while changed extending the duration. These berries require two days to grow fully from being planted, or one day to produce berries for the plant portion of a transformed Ground type, and produce one to three clusters of four to six berries. As they grow well in the soil they produce on the pokemon that eat them getting more is a simple task.

- Regirock Candy (Rock)
Light grey crystals that can be eaten by many kinds of pokemon. Rock type pokemon enjoy the taste, and generally have their Rock type abilities improved for the next two days after eating some. Non-Rock types become the type, mainly by growing rocky armored areas on their bodies. This change typically grants or replaces the pokemon's secondary type. The change also lasts for two days. The crystal grows when left in water infused with minerals for a night, and any Rock type pokemon that have eaten some are able to easily determine the right mix of minerals, and typically can produce them from the proper stones.

- Mercury Contagion (Steel)
Developed by Alexa Larch and her pokemon team this silvery liquid is created by pokemon under the effect of Toxin Contagion and Oxide Berry Jam. Pokemon that come into contact with this substance become the Steel type, typically with patches of skin or body parts becoming made out of the same toxic metal liquid. Effect lasts until either the pokemon is cleaned or a duration of one week, although only the most potent of cleaning substances works to end the effect early. Pokemon are able to produce more of the substance while transformed like with Toxin Contagion.

- Forme Amulet (Prevents Change/Reversal)
A large black crystal cut from an Everstone set in a chain with small markings carved along the links. These rare and difficult to make items work to lock a pokemon in a given forme or evolution. Mainly used by researchers for long term projects and some higher end Contest participants these are primarilly to refine the effects of an Everstone. When placed on a pokemon they link to the current forme of the pokemon and lock that state. The effect lasts unless the chain is broken, even if the amulet is removed from its wearer. Unlike an Everstone these can only effect one pokemon, the one it is placed on, and will not work to hold the forme of a second one if simply removed from the first. The lock on evolution is the main usage, allowing a trainer to have a pokemon experiance the effects of an Everstone without needing the creature to hold the stone directly, and as a result have less chance of accidental loss resulting in the unwanted change in shape. The hold is broken upon any break in the etched chain, and precise repairs are needed to use the item again.
[another one that never made it into the story, mostly because it did not fit the first part and is too easy to solve things for the second]

- Chlorophyll Jade (Grass)
A rare green mineral sometimes is made into jewelry. An ancient method of treating the stone causes the resulting items to change the primary type of a pokemon to Grass if it isn't already. No effect on natural Grass types. Typical effect is a change in primary color to green, growth of leaves, and change of blood to sap.

- Magma Contagion (Fire)
Developed by Alexa Larch and her pokemon team. A thick red lava like substance that is very hot and does not cool normally, but changes a pokemon's type into Fire instead of burning them. Pokemon grow pits to collect the material and may have parts of their body changed entirely into the lava like material. Can replace an existing type, and lasts for a week or until undone with same method as other Contagion substances.

- Rime Dust (Ice)
White crystal powder made from ice that forms in elementally charged areas. Converts pokemon used on into living ice sculpture version of themselves. Shifts primary type to secondary, if pokemon has secondary makes into third type, and makes Ice the primary type. If pokemon already had the Ice type as a secondary it becomes primary, but no effect if primary is already Ice. Effect lasts for either one month, or the case where the pokemon is melted entirely. If a pokemon is melted they immediately reform into their prior state, although this typically breaks their defensive energies.

- Earthen Contagion (Ground)
A thin watery clay like substance developed by Alexa Larch and her team. Changes pokemon into clay version of themselves, with the ability to harden/soften their body at will. Typically replaces primary type with Ground, if no secondary old primary only shifted to one. Can be undone by standard Contagion Cure technique, but normally lasts one week.

- [Type] Heart (Varies)
A set of spells that give a short term boost of a typed energy to the target pokemon. If used on a pokemon without that type they gain it as an extra type, with some physical changes as well, for the duration. Requires use of a depleted type crystal of the matching type as a focus, and access to a source of the desired type, typically the pokemon themselves in normal use of the spell. Requires a complicated mixture of herbs that varies slightly for each type.

- Sludge Slide (Poison)
A spell that causes the caster and a small number of other targets to turn into toxic sludge until they come in contact with fresh water. Changes anyone affected into pure Poison type pokemon, although not technically Grimer or Muk. Specifically requires Toxin Contagion as part of the spell. Made to get through toxic areas or reproduce the effects of Acid Armor.

- Sand Slide (Ground)
A spell specifically made to be Sludge Slide without the poison. Causes the caster and a small number of other targets to turn into sand until they come in contact with fresh water. Changes anyone affected into pure Ground type pokemon. Requirements are easier to get, but result is less combat capable.
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Shouldn't this be downstream? The clay gets washed out and collects downstream of the deposit?
It is upstream because the clay is made when the typed energy is washed downstream out of the material that stays upstream.
I'm fairly sure I settled on that when we got to the Ruins of Alph bit of this story, but if I remembered wrong feel free to point it out.
Character development for chesnaught... soon she'll be corrupted into being a type change maniac like the rest of them

Idea for a transformative item:

Reversion Fluid
Made from Contagion Cure and Everstone Powder, mixed together using alchemy, Reversion Fluid can reverse level-based evolutions.
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Character development for chesnaught... soon she'll be corrupted into being a type change maniac like the rest of them
As she said, she is coming to terms with her life now.
Idea for a transformative item:

Reversion Fluid
Made from Contagion Cure and Everstone Powder, mixed together using alchemy, Reversion Fluid can reverse level-based evolutions.
Oh I like the complexity of making that one. It works very well for something to cause that particular outcome.
Reversing an evolution is a bigger deal and needs a bit more oomph behind it.