Voting is open for the next 9 hours, 16 minutes
[X] Plan Nate than Lever
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Royals
--[X] S1 F7 -> S5 C4 - Pelican
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Tigers
--[X] Hold (S2 B3)
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Easters
--[X] S1 G6 -> S5 E3 - Pelican
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Panthers
--[X] S2 C5 -> S2 C4
-[X] [Battalion] 2nd Royals
--[X] S2 C4 -> S3 E9 - Pelican
-[X] [Battalion] 2nd Tigers
--[X] S2 C3 -> S2 F2
-[X] [Battalion] 2nd Easters
--[X] S2 A3 -> S4 A1 - Pelican
-[X] [Battalion] 2nd Panthers
--[X] Hold (S2 B4)
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Black Roses
--[X] S2 B4 -> S2 I1 - Pelican

Green Arrow:
1st Black Roses Redeployment
Purple Arrows: 1st Easters and 1st Royals Redeployment
Blue Arrows: Standard Redeployment (2AE and 2AR in this case)
Blue lines and circles: Guards movement.
White lines and circles: Errors. Please ignore.


I'll be honest I had this plan in mind since I did that analysis, but something about it kept bugging me plus I had some RL stuff to deal with. I hope it doesn't go too poorly for us. If anyone notices something they don't understand or disagree with please do let me know and I'll be happy to talk about it. I have notes below.
This plan was gamed out on a few assumptions:
  1. The enemy can't take a tile from the Black Roses. This isn't certain but it's about as close to certain as we can be.
  2. The enemy won't try and dislodge us from the refinery (S2 B4) if we leave a few battalions there. This is based on the secondary assumption that doing so would be very costly for them because of their lack of forces in the area and the fact that dropping in new forces will leave them vulnerable to anti-air.
  3. Despite assumption 1, there is a good chance the enemy will try and take S2 I1 regardless, as it's the most points-valuable objective and they have showed a history of committing to said objectives. The 2nd Tigers are there to punish them for this by hitting at least one of their pelicans, and possibly one of their battalions.
There are also a few "contingencies"/back-ups built into the plan:
  1. If the enemy neglects S2 I4 entirely and acts in a way similar to how I gamed out earlier. This plays to their strengths of having many low-strength and low-power battalions, and plays against our strengths of a single high-power battalion, and ubiquitous anti-air coverage. In this case, I doubt they expect us to go for sector 5. In fact they might have moved one of their battalions out of the sector. Moving our two in will probably deny them that sector, possibly gain it for us, and will allow us to create pressure on the HQ if we fail to win this round. It will be difficult for them to alleviate this pressure as they cannot air taxi units in to reinforce without being vulnerable to our AA. Their only succour would be if they deploy their units onto the roads this turn, or otherwise close enough to pressure us next sub-cycle.
  2. Deploying a single battalion into both sector 3 and sector 4 is also an attempt to counter this. If they fail to deploy/end-up with two or more battalions in each of those sectors, then we will prevent them from claiming the sector. If we can hold sector 2 and both secondary objectives, and we prevent them from claiming at least one sector, then we will win the battle this sub-cycle.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Jun 27, 2024 at 11:58 PM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Nate than Lever
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Royals
    --[X] S1 F7 -> S5 C4 - Pelican
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Tigers
    --[X] Hold (S2 B3)
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Easters
    --[X] S1 G6 -> S5 E3 - Pelican
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Panthers
    --[X] S2 C5 -> S2 C4
    -[X] [Battalion] 2nd Royals
    --[X] S2 C4 -> S3 E9 - Pelican
    -[X] [Battalion] 2nd Tigers
    --[X] S2 C3 -> S2 F2
    -[X] [Battalion] 2nd Easters
    --[X] S2 A3 -> S4 A1 - Pelican
    -[X] [Battalion] 2nd Panthers
    --[X] Hold (S2 B4)
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Black Roses
    --[X] S2 B4 -> S2 I1 - Pelican
    [X] Plan: Grand Finale
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Royals (Combat Efficiency 93%)
    --[X] Transport: Sec 2 C3
    -[X] 1st Easters (Combat Efficiency 85%)
    --[X] Transport: Sec 2 A3
    -[X] [Battalion] 2nd Tigers (Combat Efficiency 100%)
    --[X] Transport: Sec 2 I1
    -[X] [Battalion] 2nd Easters (Combat Efficiency 100%)
    -[X] [Battalion] 1st Black Roses (Combat Efficiency 93%)
While I'm chugging away on working on the hopeful finale of this battle, I would like to share some thoughts about a major revision to doing battle orders. The number of orders going about is indeed a mess that I think needs to be addressed first of all, especially if we begin to scale up. However, I'm very loathed to rightfully deny player agency, especially when it really is just a matter of complexity and ease. After a lot of thought, I think I can crack it perhaps with an expansion to the battle system.

- As shown, tactical and strategic objectives are a very enjoyable concept and dynamic to keeping the battle going, while also not getting too much in the way of simple field domination. In particular, strategic objectives to inflict penalties to opponents is very fitting to help the push and pull of battle. So in a way, perhaps tying available orders to strategic objectives is the best way to go about this.
- This leads into the creation of a 'fob' marker or unit, a static entity that represents where a base of operations has been set up with a limit of one per sector. It is from here that orders from the rear get transmitted to the front and then are distributed among the units. It generates a random number of orders per turn to represent a variety of factors, from unit morale to current readiness. Sometimes a front is discouraged and the soldiers are reluctant to move much, while on other times they are highly motivated and ready to go at a moment's notice.
- These actual number of orders generated that turn by both sides is shared as general radio traffic, so as to ready for an assault, redeployment, or counter. It's a way to hint into what the enemy could be prioritizing, but nowhere near exact as to what they're doing.
- The larger a battle is looking, the more fobs can be deployed to generate more orders. But at the same time, there is risk with fobs being strategic targets. It means that you could put them in the rear for safety but risk a raid, or you could put them near the front and have nearby troops ready to assist. It is my hope that this is another way of having units converge and fight over points on the battlefield, which is the big key to avoiding static standoffs.

I apologize as this might come out as a rushed rambling of thoughts, but I'm actually intrigued by this. Do let me know if you have questions or comments about this new expansion and limitation.
- As shown, tactical and strategic objectives are a very enjoyable concept and dynamic to keeping the battle going, while also not getting too much in the way of simple field domination. In particular, strategic objectives to inflict penalties to opponents is very fitting to help the push and pull of battle. So in a way, perhaps tying available orders to strategic objectives is the best way to go about this.
Yeah, I agree with this. Simple field domination is boring and doesn't correspond to modern warfare that much.

- This leads into the creation of a 'fob' marker or unit, a static entity that represents where a base of operations has been set up with a limit of one per sector. It is from here that orders from the rear get transmitted to the front and then are distributed among the units. It generates a random number of orders per turn to represent a variety of factors, from unit morale to current readiness. Sometimes a front is discouraged and the soldiers are reluctant to move much, while on other times they are highly motivated and ready to go at a moment's notice.
Also very appropriate. Morale, fatigue, communications issues, there are all sorts of things there.

- These actual number of orders generated that turn by both sides is shared as general radio traffic, so as to ready for an assault, redeployment, or counter. It's a way to hint into what the enemy could be prioritizing, but nowhere near exact as to what they're doing.
This is the one part that feels a bit unrealistic. Yes, there are idiots who don't use secure lines, but a disciplined professional military should as a matter of practice have protected comms. I can understand if you want to do it this way anyway for easier gameplay though.

Or wait, do you mean just the numbers themselves, going off rough intensity and locations?

- The larger a battle is looking, the more fobs can be deployed to generate more orders. But at the same time, there is risk with fobs being strategic targets. It means that you could put them in the rear for safety but risk a raid, or you could put them near the front and have nearby troops ready to assist. It is my hope that this is another way of having units converge and fight over points on the battlefield, which is the big key to avoiding static standoffs.
Also very true to life (see the Russo-Ukrainian War) and definitely another element to offer dynamic situations.
Or wait, do you mean just the numbers themselves, going off rough intensity and locations?
Yeah, just raw numbers in terms of how active the enemy seems to be. Nowhere near the actual orders or even the locations, just radio traffic levels in the opposite front. Both sides could at least tap that passively, so that if there is a spike in activity, the other side knows to brace with perhaps a bad order roll that symbolizes tired or inexperienced troop cycling (see the Americans leading up to the Battle of the Bulge). Or perhaps a lack of activity on the other side is a good opportunity for an all out assault? Yet even low activity could simply be the prelude to a raid.

It's another layer of strategic thinking, at least in my head.
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I think it could work for sure, but they would be very vulnerable to pelican raids. Drop pods would probably be... very good. Its worth a test at least, I reckon.

EDIT: How would this work with the start of a battle? Would vessels in orbit also be able to act as FOBs? Maybe one ship per tile on the planet map, with a bonus depending on its size/loadout? That could be part of a ship's orders, to bomb, FOB or both.

Would deploying a FOB be a free order you can give as part of a battalions movement?

Somewhat related, is there a way to ever deploy reinforcements that doesn't involve pelicans? e.g. if they wanted to could the OPFOR reinforcements come in from the side of the map via convoy move or something?
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You say FOB as creator of orders and creation of points of strategic push and pull, I think:

In seriousness: Perhaps they would work as a unit we can design and upgrade much like our infantry? Like for example:

Forward Operating Base
Defense Unit: Autoturrets (Unrepairable static emplacements, but usable against ground and air units for limited self-defense)
Command Gear: High-power radios (50% chance of generating bonus order, higher aggro of enemy units/harder to hide)
Utility: Hack and Crack Teams (Chance of intercepting and jamming enemy orders)

Hammerdown Command Post
Defense Unit: Lily Guard Reservists (Third-line infantry tasked with defense duties.)
Command Gear: Hammerdown Satellite (The CP is paired with a orbital laser satellite that can perform small artillery strikes with order-spend. Warning: FOB capture risks enemy using the satellite)
Utility: Forward Ordinance Spotter (Can call down aerospace and orbital strikes with more accuracy)

Militia FOB
Defense Unit: Militia grunts (Lucky sods that drew defense posts)
Command Gear: Secondhand Gear (Encryption on these things is a bad joke, and the operators are even worse. These orders are not hidden from the enemy)
Utility: Militia Rally Point (Militia units can get replacements here from the loose odds and ends of the callup)
EDIT: How would this work with the start of a battle? Would vessels in orbit also be able to act as FOBs? Maybe one ship per tile on the planet map, with a bonus depending on its size/loadout? That could be part of a ship's orders, to bomb, FOB or both.
It'll probably depend on who is attacking/defending, but there'll probably be the ability to "drop" a free FOB to start with along with the first wave of a planetary invasion. Up to you then to decide if it's worth sending some protection along with, or if blitzing an objective is more important.
Would deploying a FOB be a free order you can give as part of a battalions movement?
In the larger battles, deploying an additional FOB would probably involving spending an order to send out engineers to build another FOB, which must be then protected during the process.
Somewhat related, is there a way to ever deploy reinforcements that doesn't involve pelicans? e.g. if they wanted to could the OPFOR reinforcements come in from the side of the map via convoy move or something?
Yes, depending on the battle and the conditions, there should be a way to have units come in from the map's edge to join the battle without using Pelicans. I think it'll be a number defined by the number of secured sectors and FOBs on the field.
You say FOB as creator of orders and creation of points of strategic push and pull, I think:
Yeah, a lot of this inspiration came from stuff like Wargame (the series) with its command units and HOI3 with its HQ system. Lots of ways to play around with and refine it so.
In seriousness: Perhaps they would work as a unit we can design and upgrade much like our infantry? Like for example:
Right now, the major difference in FOBs is probably going to be a generic selection of battlefield features accessible to all. Something like a Pelican airbase, a central command hub, a fortified position, etc. I really do like the idea of further customization, but we'll have to see how the base systems works out first. Maybe something like an upgraded version for larger battles that is its own unit in retrospect, complete with builders? Ah, bit ambitious that, again base system first!
Cycle 12.16
[X] Plan Nate than Lever

The deserted city was soon a mecca of noise, the roar of Pelican engines filling the air while they ferried troops to new battle positions. There was a tense atmosphere as well, a determined nervousness on both sides at this stage in the battle. Everybody knew that those defending Bastion were on the verge of defeat, the stranglehold of resources resulting in stretched and depleted supply lines. It was likely that if not remedied soon, the defending troops would have to enact a full withdrawal from the city. A grievous, but not insurmountable defeat in most occasions.

Yet this was their only city, their only power base. There was nowhere for them to retreat to. So they grimly boarded their Pelicans and were hurled towards the battlefield, last-minute reinforcements to a losing fight. They expected a rough welcome, but the opportunity to perhaps die honorably with their comrades at their sides, and the enemy before them.

What they got instead was the high pitched squealing of warning klaxons and the panicked shouts of pilots when anti-air missiles streaked towards them.

(2nd Tigers (Seeker AA): 13 +15 (Attack) = 28)
(11th Pioneers (Armor): 46 +0 (Armor) = 46)
(Damage: 4)
(Mitigation: 0)
4 -0 = 4
Total: 4 Strength Damage.

(2nd Tigers (Seeker AA): 94 +15 (Attack) = 109)
(22nd Settlers (Armor): 81 +0 (Armor) -9 (Overkill) = 72)
(Damage: 4 +10 +1 = 15)
(Mitigation: 6)
15 -6 = 9
Total: 9 Strength Damage.

(2nd Tigers (Seeker AA): 12 +15 (Attack) = 27)
(44th Settlers (Armor): 96 +0 (Armor) = 96)
(Damage: 4)
(Mitigation: N/A)
4 -N/A = 4
Total: 4 Strength Damage.

The missiles struck true in the first wave of exhausted Pelicans, sending them to make emergency crash landings into buildings to arrest their descent. It was a heat of the decision moment for the pilots, whose cockpit likely wouldn't survive such a frontal collision and burial by the walls of the urban environment, but it meant that their passenger complements would mostly survive. Mostly.

After that, the other Pelican pilots swiftly swapped to evasive jinks to minimize lock-on time and missile accuracy, greatly reducing the interception effectiveness. Most were able to get away after dropping their cargo with only slightly shredded airframes, the sort that was easy enough to patch-up. The 2nd Tigers grumbled about these lackluster results and threw away their spent launchers with disgust before picking up their rifles. These, they knew at least, they could trust to do their job.

More Pelicans arrived, but this time it was from the attacker's side. They rappelled or even leapt from their transports, storming buildings that was only moments earlier taken by the defenders. It seemed that both sides had indeed realized and identified this simple urban junction as the new critical linchpin of the city, the last remaining intact road into Bastion. Now both jealously fought over it to have a final say on who could feed their soldiers in the city.

(1st Black Rose (MBR): 16 +15 (Attack) = 31)
(11th Pioneers (Armor): 30 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 35)
(Damage: 3)
(Mitigation: 0)
3 -0 = 3
Total: 3 Strength Damage.

(1st Black Rose (Circuit Blades): 44 +5 (Attack) +15 (CQC) = 64)
(11th Pioneers (Armor): 58 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 63)
(Damage: 4 +4 =8)
(Mitigation: 8)
8 -8 = 0 (4 Minimum)
Total: 7 Strength Damage.

(11th Pioneers (Militia Weapons): 85 +10 (Attack) = 95)
(1st Black Rose (Armor): 70 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) +10 (Evasion) = 85)
(Damage: 3 +7 +5 = 15)
(Mitigation: 2 +9 = 11)
15 -11 = 4
Total: 4 Strength Damage.

(Critical Check (11th Pioneers): 44 -7 (Last Hit) =37)
(Random Critical Effect: Hasty withdrawal. The unit makes an orderly retreat.)

Tile Victor: 1st Black Rose

(2nd Royals (MBR): 43 +15 (Attack) = 58)
(22nd Settlers (Armor): 36 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 41)
(Damage: 3 +5 = 8)
(Mitigation: 0)
8 -0 = 8
Total: 8 Strength Damage.

(22nd Settlers (Militia Weapons): 9 +10 (Attack) = 19)
(Damage: 0)
(Mitigation: 0)
0 -0 = 0
Total: 0 Strength Damage.

(Critical Check (22nd Settlers): 39 -8 (Last Hit) =31)
(Random Critical Effect: Primary weapons destroyed! Unit cannot attack until withdrawn.)

Tile Victor: 2nd Royals

Even though they arrived later, the planetary invaders showed no hesitation in storming possibly fortified rooms and it showed. The few scant seconds the defenders had were definitely not enough to prepare and in wake of this furious assault, they faltered. It wasn't long before harried officers frantically ordered retreats to hopefully better firing positions, conceding the ground and hoping to turn it into a killzone later. Yet they didn't seem quite eager for the later, especially those of the 22nd Settlers.

"This...this can't be all our ammo!" The hastily promoted militia sergeant sputtered at the count. "What the fuck have you been carrying?!"




"The hell? Were we supposed to setup a base? Shit." A final check, then a bitter hiss. "Right. Conserve ammunition, but we're fucked when that goes out. We might have to throw it in if we don't get resupplied soon."

Moments later, that was brutally put to the test at the sound of whistling bullets and the 22nd Settlers soon found themselves indeed in dire straits when the battle refused to pause for their mishaps.

(1st Tigers (MBR): 32 +15 (Attack) = 47)
(3rd Militia (Armor): 29 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 34)
(Damage: 3)
(Mitigation: 0)
3 -0 = 3
Total: 3 Strength Damage.

(Critical Check (3rd Militia): 53 -3 (Last Hit) =50)
(Random Critical Effect: Commanders Killed! Critical bonus damage!)
(Bonus Damage: 3 +7 =10)
Total: 13 Strength Damage!

(Cohesion Check: 77 -13 (Last Hit) = 64. Passed)

(3rd Militia (Militia Weapons): 54 +10 (Attack) = 64)
(1st Panthers (Armor): 31 +0 (Armor) +10 (Cover) = 41)
(Damage: 3 +3 = 6)
(Mitigation: 0)
6 -0 = 6
Total: 6 Strength Damage.

(Critical Check (1st Panthers): 39 -6 (Last Hit) =33)
(Random Critical Effect: Officers Killed! Major bonus damage.)
(Bonus Damage: 10 +2 =12)
Total: 18 Strength Damage!

(2nd Panthers (MBR): 5 +15 (Attack) = 20)
(Damage: 0)
(Mitigation: 0)
0 -0 = 0
Total: 0 Strength Damage.

(1st Panthers (MBR): 79 +15 (Attack) = 94)
(3rd Militia (Armor): 72 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 77)
(Damage: 3 +8 +3 = 14)
(Mitigation: 5 +2 = 7)
14 -7 = 7
Total: 7 Strength Damage.

The soldiers of 3rd Militia knew that they were being left to the wolves with their orders to buy time for 1st Militia to link up with the others. This was only darkly reinforced when they were hurrying through a city intersection, only for a loud shot to ring out and their commander fell. They had to leave the body there, still in the middle of the crossing and slowly being coated in ash. A few more fell to whatever snipers the invaders had put up.

Then they decided they had enough and tightly gripped their mismatched weapons. A few of them had been given civilian rifles and they made do with these, giving them to their best shooters and sending them grimly off to repay the act. By now, there wasn't a full squad among them, so no backup or support was sent along with them. They had to hopefully find targets of opportunity and then take them down alone.

It was a suicide mission, but 3rd Militia already were to be honest, and it was also a ridiculous long shot. But by chance, it was their commander's death that created the opportunity when the 1st Panthers came up to check their kill. After realizing that the uniform was much more fine than those of the others, the commanding officer came along with other officers to see in person the kill. This was an arrogant breach of operational protocol, which would have instead just taken pictures to send back to confirm safely. But by now, with reports of most defenders retreating out of Bastion, a false assumption was made that it was just low-motivated stragglers left in need of cleanup.

The milita snipers couldn't believe the pins they saw through their scopes, and took the opportunity for what it was. When the word was given, their death song echoed through the streets and while some of the shots were way-off, others found their marks and officers went down. Only the happenstance moment of a junior officer stepping in front at the last moment meant that the bullet was lodged in a subordinate's body instead that of the commanding officer, who swiftly realized their mistake and hastily retreated as soldiers swiftly advanced on the revealed positions.

It wasn't long before all the snipers were dead or captured, but their impact was already left on the 1st Panthers. A good portion of their command staff was wounded, and some were already laying dead there, joining the militia commander as an unasked honor guard to the afterlife. It was, without doubt, the worst loss of the 1st Lily Guard in the conflict so far.

(1st Black Rose (MBR): 37 +15 (Attack) = 52)
(1st Militia (Armor): 27 +0 (Armor) = 27)
(Damage: 3 +1 = 4)
(Mitigation: 0)
4 -0 = 4
Total: 4 Strength Damage.

(Critical Check (1st Militia): 2 -4 (Last Hit) = -2)
(Random Critical Effect: Commander Killed! Critical bonus damage!)
(Bonus Damage: 6 +4 =10)
Total: 14 Strength Damage!

(Cohesion Check: 66 -14 (Last Hit) = 52. Passed)

(1st Black Rose (Circuit Blades): 45 +5 (Attack) = 50)
(1st Militia (Armor): 100 +0 (Armor) = 100)
(Damage: 4)
(Mitigation: 1 +7 = 8)
4 -8 = -4 (0)

(2nd Royals (MBR): 82 +15 (Attack) = 97)
(1st Militia (Armor): 5 +0 (Armor) = 5)
(Damage: 3 +10 +6 = 19)
(Mitigation: 0)
19 -0 = 19
Total: 19 Strength Damage!

(Unit Fate: 8 +19 (Last Hit) = 27. Annihilated!)

It was then with great irony that though they were guarded by the sacrifice of the 3rd Militia, the 1st Militia never got a chance to fight. The moment their convoy arrived at the intersection and the soldiers hastily disembarked, they came under immediate fire and were ripped apart as they were out of cover. To their horror, they saw the feared helmets that crowned those who wore Guardians Suits and panicked, trying to focus them down. It was a single-minded focus especially when their commander was picked off, the shooter able to place the shot squarely in the head using their optical targeting systems. This left them blind to the real threat, that of 2nd Royals who were grimly determined to prove themselves not the lesser sister to their illustrious predecessors.

There were no survivors from the 1st Militia, not even their officers.

(2nd Easters (MBR): 46 +15 (Attack) = 61)
(2nd Settlers (Armor): 69 +0 (Armor) = 69)
(Damage: 3 +10 = 13)
(Mitigation: 3)
13 -3 = 10
Total: 10 Strength Damage!

(Critical Check (22nd Settlers): 24 -10 (Last Hit) = 14)
(Random Critical Effect: Running Retreat. The unit withdraws!)

The bolt cycled into an empty chamber and the militia swore. The cursing grew even worst when their colleague right besides them was hit and went down screaming, their weapon spraying wildly in their hand and wasting all the last bullets. That was the final straw for many in the unit. "Frag this!" A cry rose among them and weapons were thrown furiously away to be rid of the weight. Then, without any further consideration, the volunteer soldiers turned about and ran away from the fight. No amount of screaming for discipline from the officers could force them back into position and they didn't even have enough ammunition for all the fleeing troops. In the end, there was nothing they could do but try to make it look like an orderly retreat to an allied unit. Perhaps they could beg for bullets for them, assuming that it wasn't immediate granted at barrel-point for cowardice.

(44th Settlers (Militia Weapons): 46 +10 (Attack) = 56)
(2nd Tigers (Armor): 90 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 95)
(Damage: 3 +2 = 5)
(Mitigation: 5 +7 = 12)
5 -12 = -7 (3 Minimum)
Total: 3 Strength Damage.

(11th Pioneers Settlers (Militia Weapons): 78 +10 (Attack) = 88)
(2nd Tigers (Armor): 81 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 86)
(Damage: 3 +1 +4 = 8)
(Mitigation: 10 +6 = 16)
8 -16 = -8 (3 Minimum)
Total: 3 Strength Damage.

(2nd Tigers (MBR): 58 +15 (Attack) = 73)
(2nd Settlers (Armor): 81 +0 (Armor) +5 (Cover) = 86)
(Damage: 3 +2 = 5)
(Mitigation: 5 +4 = 9)
5 -9 = -4 (3 Minimum)
Total: 3 Strength Damage.

Even while they were outnumbered, the 2nd Tigers valiantly held their ground against the combined attacks of the 11th Pioneers and 44th Settlers. But such was the intensity of the attacks that they could not make any significant gains themselves. The conflict at the center of the battlefield has ground to a standstill for the moment, with little movement going on. It was unlikely to be resolved by itself in the near future.

(1st Easters (MBR): 38 +15 (Attack) = 53)
(4th Settlers (Armor): 62 +0 (Armor) +10 (Cover) = 72)
(Damage: 3 +3 = 6)
(Mitigation: 3)
6 -3 = -3
Total: 3 Strength Damage.

(1st Royals (MBR): 77 +15 (Attack) = 92)
(4th Settlers (Armor): 32 +0 (Armor) +10 (Cover) = 42)
(Damage: 3 +7 +1 = 11)
(Mitigation: 0)
11-0 = 11
Total: 11 Strength Damage!

(Critical Check (3rd Settlers): 16 -11 (Last Hit) = 5)
(Random Critical Effect: Panicked Withdrawal. The unit retreats.)

The defenders at the Frontier Guard Headquarters had been forced to listen to the string of defeat after defeat being reported over the radios but unable to do anything all the while. They had been ordered to protect and hold their position at any cost, meaning they were unable to muster out to respond to all the screams and pleas for aid from their comrades in the fight. This inactivity slowly and gradually began to wear at the soldiers, glumly taking in news of their friends dying out and forced to sit there. It then morphed into an agonizing tense and loaded atmosphere, that sort of razor's edge between stoicism and hysteria.

So when they were finally fired upon, half of them simply snapped and immediately deserted their positions. The 1st Royals blinked in surprise when they observed their opponents immediately running like the dogs of hell were upon them, not a single shot fired in response to their attack. A few among them dared joke that perhaps their reputation had already gone ahead of them to work wonders, earning a few tired laughs. But still, they waited and watched, ready to react in case of a trap.

But it was no trap and soon, observers reported the defenders beginning to sluggishly make a sluggish withdrawal, if not outright surrendering. Indeed, attempting to escape the encircled city seemed to be half-hearted at best and there was audible relief when captured soldiers were informed they would be treated according to the laws of war. Now came the hard part of identifying and burying the dead of both sides, who were now at least brothers and sisters in death.

House Iris both won and lost today.

Sector 1: House Iris Separatists (1)
Sector 2: House Iris (1)
Sector 3: House Iris (1)
Sector 4: None.
Sector 5: None
Tactical Objectives: House Iris (1), House Iris (2)

Total House Iris: 5
Total House Iris Separatists: 1


Battle Report
House Iris:
1st Lily Guard: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 88%
-1st Royals: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 93%
-1st Tigers: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 97%
-1st Easters: Light Damaged. Combat Effectiveness 85%
-1st Panthers: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 77% (Medical Recovery 4%)

2nd Lily Guard: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 98%
-2nd Royals: No Damage. Combat Effectiveness 100%
-2nd Tigers: No Damage. Combat Effectiveness 94%
-2nd Easters: No Damage. Combat Effectiveness 100%
-2nd Panthers: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 97%

Knights of the Last Bloom: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 83%
-1st Black Rose: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 83%

House Iris Separatists:
627th Frontier Guard: Moderate Damage. Combat Effectiveness 58%
-1st Pioneers: Moderate Damage. Combat Effectiveness 59%
-2nd Settlers: Annihilated. Combat Effectiveness 0%
-3rd Settlers: No Damage. Combat Effectiveness 78%
-4th Settlers: No Damage. Combat Effectiveness 94%

1st Bastion Home Guard: Critical Damage. Combat Effectiveness 27%
-1st Militia: Annihilated. Combat Effectiveness 0%
-2nd Militia: Destroyed. Combat Effectiveness 0%
-3rd Militia: Moderate Damage. Combat Effectiveness 6%
-4th Militia: ???

628th Frontier Guard: Moderate Damage. Combat Effectiveness 64%
-11th Pioneers: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 76%
-22nd Settlers: Critical Damage. Combat Effectiveness 26%
-33rd Settlers: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 80%
-44th Settlers: Light Damage. Combat Effectiveness 72%


Looking over the final compiled report, you closed your eyes and soaked in the 'victory' for a moment. It was honestly hardly a challenge to conquer your sister's base of power, with how already stacked the deck was in your favor. There had been brief flickers of resistance here and there, spurred on by soldiers doing their job well, but even then, your 'heroes' had won the day in the end. Already, there was an abundance of smiling and posing troops amid the battered city circling through the various media channels. More than likely, there was going to be a damn celebration that the people would insist on throwing.

Urgh. You shuddered and tried to put your mind off the idea of being required to attend those festivities. Already, your mind was thinking hard on how to avoid it so and it settled on a simple solution. Have my sister go after I straighten her out or if she's still resisting, angle it like I'm busy 'reeducating' her, You plotted with a much lighter expression. Yes, with her power base now destroyed and your mercenaries currently storming her hiding place, it wouldn't be long now.

So already, you were pulling strings to quietly set up the follow-up, a smooth transition from 'unruly rebel' to 'rightful governor.' A sham trial with two lawyers more interested in billable hours than actual case logic. An ornery and stuffy judge that would nitpick every single breach of protocol. A jury filled with secret House Iris glory-hounds that would think two was better than one, especially in these trying times. All of them, unknowingly playing into your hands.

That, you told yourself, was going to be the big and satisfying pay-off for having to deal with all this. You may have gotten a little lost in that fantasy, so much so that it took more than a few minutes to notice a sudden and drastic spike in your information taps. Only the urgent pinging of an incoming communication line shook you out of it, and made you realize something was going on.

"What's going on?" You muttered and accepted the connection. While it loaded, you began to open up your media taps, wondering if already a parade was being organized. What you saw being broadcast across all channels made your jaw drop and your eyes widen in horror.

Radana voiced it best the moment the line was established, a panicked look on her face. "Somebody set your sister's mansion on fucking fire!"

- 3rd Militia really went "I didn't hear no bell" when they passed that cohesion check.
- 2nd Royals, proving that they follow their older sibling's steps in having no chill.
- 2nd Panthers are the first to use their medical utility! The amount replenished is already added to their total combat effectiveness.
- We didn't start the fire...
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Go-Go gadget Surprise Missiles! I had a feeling 2nd Tigers were going to do the funny but I didn't realise they'd get to do it three times lol. Good job on 'em.

I know that this was an awful loss for House Iris, in many ways, but also holy shit we fucking rinsed them. They had bad troops and they conducted themselves quite poorly, but we also worked well.
If we can get even a single battalion of elites, we really can build the battle-plan around them. Artillery and all that is good, for sure, but Knights kick ass and we should lean into our people's strengths.
Easters remain the forgotten middle-child in both regiments, and the CO of 1st Panthers is going to have a hearing for sure.

Burning mansion is going to be... well it's going to be an update. Grab the tissue boxes, I reckon.
A sham trial with two layers more interested in billable hours than actual case logic.
A sham trial with two lawyers

The spoiler for 2nd Royals CQC'ing 22nd Settlers was also posted twice.

Also I didn't say it explicitly but great update! I'm actually so excited to get rebuilding : )

EDIT: Where the hell are the 4th Militia? That is... that's really odd. I have a bad feeling that sister dearest has something strange planned. Or maybe they were helping guard her mansion. I hope that's all it was.
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God, they just kept fighting even past it being a hopeless cause, the fuck is that morale.
Ok, question about pelicans, do we have individual pelicans or are they squadrons? Like narratively, when it say we have 5 pelicans do we have 5 squadrons of pelicans to ferry troops, or do we just have 5 giant transport ships to ferry troops?
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God, they just kept fighting even past it being a hopeless cause, the fuck is that morale.
Yeah, they kept rolling stupid high even as they lost their commanders. The die just seemed to have a thing for killing COs this round, but the infantry are apparently okay.
Ok, question about pelicans, do we have individual pelicans or are they squadrons? Like narratively, when it say we have 5 pelicans do we have 5 squadrons of pelicans to ferry troops, or do we just have 5 giant transport ships to ferry troops?
The later, I just keep it abstract to avoid hard numbers. The number of Pelicans necessary to transport an infantry battalion can be very different from the number needed to transport an armored battalion, so best just to keep it less concrete.
One thought in review, I'm not sure how you're deciding when and how to critical check, but those things seem to be happening a bit much.
One thought in review, I'm not sure how you're deciding when and how to critical check, but those things seem to be happening a bit much.
It happens every 10 points lost total by the unit. The reason behind it happening regularly is to avoid attritional numberfest slugging because at that point, I may as well just round it down to a single die roll between two sides. I think it's okay right now, especially when there's planned ways have an innate modifier against crits.
The later, I just keep it abstract to avoid hard numbers. The number of Pelicans necessary to transport an infantry battalion can be very different from the number needed to transport an armored battalion, so best just to keep it less concrete.
If you want to be able to be less ambiguous you could make them Pelican Squadrons, as with squadrons it's already assumed there is more than one, and you still still wouldn't have to specify, but it seems like it would just make it a little easier narratively. you wouldn't really have to change anything mechanically either unless you wanted to.

But really that depends more on whether you want them to act more like the big Boeing planes that the military currently uses or more like pelicans from the halo universe.
...shall be Alone...
Back in the early and rather hedonistic days of solarium's experimentation, the still-abundant and plentiful resource was readily sprinkled into everything in an effort to elevate these products. The tradition heavily dropped off following the first collapse of society when the material became scarce, and never recovered to those old levels of decadence. But it still did exist on the fringe, usually involving the dregs of impure solarium, that which was not fit for greater purpose.

One of these was so-called 'solar brew,' an alcoholic spirit that boasted about distilling the drink from a mixture that included drops of solarium. The process was hardly an exact science and few actually knew the method in full, not to mention that the taste was rather..unique. 'Like drinking a brew of hot sauce mixed with energy shots,' One bold critic described after trying it on a dare. That, combined with its rather exorbitant price, meant that it was a near-exclusive novelty item to demonstrate extreme wealth, just like the old days. Naturally, your sister had an extensive collection of it so, one painstakingly collected over the years as a personal vice and hobby to show off.

Oh, and it was also quite highly flammable.

Nobody knew how it started amid the fighting. Perhaps it was a grenade thrown into cellar. Perhaps it was a firefight in the basement. Perhaps it was done accidentally. Perhaps it was done on purpose.

Either way, by the time both sides fighting realized that a fire was beginning to spread, it was already too late. The solar brew had accelerated the flames into a raging inferno that couldn't be stopped, not without teams of firefighters and adequate support. Both of these were unfortunately scarce in the ongoing conflict, and the dry, volcanic air of Andernia III did not help one bit.

It wasn't long before the mansion was a total write-off, Brilliance Knights of both sides stumbling out with shaky steps. Some even had to dive to the ground and roll about to extinguish the flames engulfing them, so intense was the flame that it latched onto Guardian Suits. Whatever protections solarium blessed were nullified by the equally potent solarium flames, resulting in the mansion being ultimately unapproachable from all sides. All the Knights of the Black Rose could do was stand to the side and lick at their burns, watching silently while the home of their former master burned.

Radana mutely watched in silent horror while Kat frantically tried to juggle between completing the breach and aiding in treating the injured. "What the hell," She heard her best friend croak through the connection. "Wha- oh no, it's being broadcast?!"

The Camellia Knight's head snapped to the side to see that yes, some bystanders were numbly recording and likely uploading the event for all to see across the system. She was so tempted to storm up and snatch the devices out of their hands, but knew that being clad in her customized Guardian Suit right now, it was a bad idea as it would only draw attention to Violet. That was something she dearly hoped to avoid inflicting on her best friend, so she racked her mind for a way to try and get away with it otherwise. Perhaps she could task one of the mercenaries to-

Then the recording devices all turned upwards at the same time, grabbing a new angle to focus on something going on in the flames. Radana followed and gasped when she saw what they had noticed- a figure stumbling from the mansion at the highest balcony of the burning building. The distinct suit was a dead giveaway of who it was, none other than the upstart sister, the rightful Governor.

She didn't look the part anymore though. Her own suit was blackened and warped from the flames and her helmet was sparking .She tore it free and cast it aside with a shout, revealing a face darkened with soot and ash. Hands tightly gripped the railing and deep breaths were sucked in, squeezed between hacking coughs. When she finally weakly raised her head, it was then that she spied all those down below and surrounding her crumbling abode.

There was a mixture of expressions that flashed across her face. Anger. Outrage. Pain. Despair.


Her eyes finally fell onto Radana and seemingly, a decision was made. Her hand reached up and ripped something from her neck. It was hurled at the diplomat who dexterously caught and held it up, revealing a data crystal that shone in the amber light. Then without further comment, the Solar Princess held her head up high...and walked back into her home.

Moments later, the balcony crumbled and collapsed when the foundations failed, leaving no way in or out. That was the last ever public appearance of the appointed Governor for Andernia III.


A hand shakily tugged open a desk drawer and withdrew an innocuous looking earpiece, one that could be so easily mistaken as a hairclip or ornament. It was what that diplomat had been wearing that alerted her to a possible manipulator in the shadows, the ever shy sister of the bunch. With a heavy press, the device was activated and then casually tossed onto the smoking desk. Already, embers were smoldering at the legs, so there wasn't much time.

She opened her mouth, paused, then coughed when she inhaled some of the ash. Sweat trickled down her face while she stared blankly at the activated earpiece, then she let out a heavy sigh. " and I know now that there's no point in pretending I've been anything but an awful half-sister to you," She frankly admitted. "It's not like me finally admitting it will fix anything now, nor will it change how I will be remembered. A selfish, egotistic, and blind daughter of our shared father.

"Yet even though I and the others were the rightful line, still did he dote and give more attention to you than the others. Than his actual partner that he swore to-" The cough returned with vengeance and her shoulders slumped. "No, dammit. No, there's no point in referencing your illegitimacy again. Not that it ever was, when you had nobler blood than all of us...and that raked us greatly when you acted not to.

"In you, dear sister, is a line that would see our House truly ascend...and us left behind. That was we saw and feared and hated, this cruel irony that unfaithfulness would be the true and uncontested heir would it ever to come to light. Even when you and father never acted on it so, everybody was waiting, anticipating for the moment to come...and when the signs looked like it so, then you cannot fault my assumption."

"So there." Her legs finally lost the last bit of strength and she collapsed into her chair. There was a sea of black tugging at the edge of her vision, the air now a noxious mix of heat and soot. " it. Why you and I will never see eye to eye, no matter whatever we let the other get away with. That constantly creeping fear that I...and the others...are unworthy compared to you. A self-fulfilling prophecy at that, one that is now come true with the last of us.

'So damn you, Violet d'Iris. I curse you now with what you have always run away from- responsibility." The ceiling beam above her creaked and began to splinter. "Enjoy leading House Iris...sister."

With a crack, the beam gave way and the flaming roof fell down.


The ashes had barely cooled before Radana was already back in your office, pale-faced and looking quite shaken up. You grimaced and directed her to sit first, making the tea instead yourself this time in a rare instance. There was no doubt you probably steeped the leaves too long and didn't let the boiling cool off sufficiently enough, but she wordlessly accepted the drink all the same.

You took your own sip and let the horrible taste flood your mouth. It felt like the perfect representation of your current situation- gone to shit. "They haven't found the body yet," You finally suggested, the weak note in your tone suggesting strong doubt. "So there's a chance. Because otherwise, with such a publicly televised demise, any surprise 'survival' will be carefully scrutinized with demands for full tests. Unless we let enough time pass, then perhaps we could create an adequate double-"

Radana swallowed and placed the cup down on the saucer. Then she withdrew a data pad and held it out. "We might not have that t-time. Have a look, Kat was able to use the data crystal to crack the FTL beacon."

The unusual stutter was what alerted you to a very serious situation and you took the datapad. After confirming your credentials, you opened it to what seemed to be a list of transcripts. Communications between your late- absent- sister and others in the general sector area, or with the United Empire at large.

The first conversation made you pause.

The second conversation made you stare.

The third and onwards, your chest tightened and your grip on the datapad intensified, circuits beneath your skin activating. There was a loud crack and the screen shattered, just like the world about you. "No," You insisted with a shake of the head. "This is a trick."


"A plot."

"My Lady."

"A conspiracy-!"

"Violet!" Hands reached out to grip you by the arms and you raised you head to meet Radana's watery gaze. It was a sight that made your blood freeze, the sight of your normally composed childhood friend on the verge of breaking down herself something you never wanted to see again. "I-I know it''s absurd! Ridiculous! Kat said so herself, screaming and throwing her equipment! B-but she ran it again, and again-!"

She would have likely continued blabbering on had you not pulled her into a tight hug, your emotions now firmly back in check. Now you were the anchor that held her together, that let the noble diplomat vent all her fears and horrors into you. It wasn't an enviable role, but you knew deep down, in your heart, you had to be the one to do so for her. And likely for your people.

Especially when Helm was...gone.

That had been what you picked up from all the interactions your sister had. Each and every conversation partner had expressed thorough confusion about the existence of House Iris, claiming that they have never heard the name before or even about a system called Helm. That was already a very unbelievable state of affairs given the glory your sire had accomplished that echoed through the stars, acts wrought in the grand name of House Sol.

Then House Sol directly responded with similar confusion, claiming that according to their personal records, there had never been a House Iris. Nor a Helm. Nor a Solar King.

Worst of all, any and all names that your sister had attempted, previous allies or even rivals? Unfamiliar and alien to any of their records. It was as if the colony expedition had stepped into another galaxy, one so achingly familiar with House Sol and the United Empire still there, but everything else...changed. Nothing was familiar, nothing was the same, and none knew of your name.

You and your people were alone, without any aid or support, starting from scratch once again.

No, it was even worst than that. All that invalidation of your history meant that your people were facing a number of immediate crisis, from humanitarian to financial. Your mind was racing quickly along the track, trying to swiftly identify and list the likely result of the impending chaos. It wasn't pretty- in fact, it could make the recent internal dispute look rather tame when anarchy settled in.

Immediate action had to be taken, without even a period of mourn or grieve for your lost family. You needed a strong backer to immediately step in, one that the people could innately trust without doubt or fear. But one that would also be more than willing to understand and respect your independence in spite of the quite lengthy aid. Which innately meant somebody who could taken on the burden with hardly a shrug.

Your mouth twisted in a very thin line, your sister's words echoing in your ears when you came to the natural solution to all these woes. Oh stars. I'm going to hate this. You sucked in a deep breath and gently pulled at Radana, seeing her wipe the final tears from her eyes. "Are you okay now?" You asked in a low voice, one that hinted that there was work to be done.

She took in a deep breath, then nodded. "As I will ever be," Your closest friend replied with set shoulders. "What do we need to do?"

"I am giving you authority to act on behalf of House Iris to reach out and petition House Sol. We will need their aid."

"That's quite a long shot," She replied after taking a moment to consider. "It'll have to go through and get mired in the Senate-"

"No, we're not petitioning the United Empire." You looked at her squarely. "We're petitioning House Sol. Do I make myself clear?"

Radana's eyes widened. "We're...going to ask the Stellarch?! But without His Late Majesty, or even a record of his deeds in their name, on what basis will we act upon?"

"Just trust me. Try to get that audience however you can." You grimly smiled and patted her shoulder with a free hand. She stared for a few moments longer before bowing her head in acknowledgment of your command. You watched her leave, then looked down at your other hand holding the broken datapad. Without the circuits enhancing the skin, pieces of it had pierced your skin and now droplets of red blood trickled down and around your wrist.

How fitting. "It always comes down to the blood I carry, doesn't it?" You idly mumbled. So you set about cleaning the mess, and planning to clean up the next one as well.

- We're approaching the moment soon. I may already upload the profiles of immediate known other powers that you would be aware of, just so people can start having a gander.
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Especially when Helm was...gone.

That had been what you picked up from all the interactions your sister had. Each and every conversation partner had expressed thorough confusion about the existence of House Iris, claiming that they have never heard the name before or even about a system called Helm. That was already a very unbelievable state of affairs given the glory your sire had accomplished that echoed through the stars, acts wrought in the grand name of House Sol.

Then House Sol directly responded with similar confusion, claiming that according to their personal records, there had never been a House Iris. Nor a Helm. Nor a Solar King.

Worst of all, any and all names that your sister had attempted, previous allies or even rivals? Unfamiliar and alien to any of their records. It was as if the colony expedition had stepped into another galaxy, one so achingly familiar with House Sol and the United Empire still there, but everything else...changed. Nothing was familiar, nothing was the same, and none knew of your name.

You and your people were alone, without any aid or support, starting from scratch once again.

Da fuq?

Did we cross self-similar space to arrive in a parallel universe with a precise historical rewrite to exclude Helm and House Iris? i think we need to have another look at that FTL drive failure, because this is beyond weird.

Sure is one way to make a 4X game start from square one on the big map.
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