Voting is open for the next 2 days, 2 hours
That actually prompts a couple questions. Celeshiro, will it be possible for us to build a monument on Andernia III in the future if we don't take the option now?
No, it's a unique thing that makes it special to pick now instead of getting it later. If it helps, I'll mention that part of your unlocks include your Data Vault on Andernia being upgraded to a unique "faction capital" version thanks to publicly revealing the Solarium Codex.
Similarly, will we have the ability to expand our cadre of aides through research or something? Maybe as a diplomacy/intrigue action-chain?
Characters are super powerful assets as you can tell, so they're very much tied to narrative progression. Having them be readily recruitable would also unfortunately be too much in this system.
Well, now I'm all caught up again. I was only like 16 chapters behind, which was a rollercoaster to all read in one go.

At least United Empire Bet's (or whatever we're calling this new home of ours) version of the good Dr Trench will have a lot of fun delving into House Iris and the Helmsmen.
At least United Empire Bet's (or whatever we're calling this new home of ours) version of the good Dr Trench will have a lot of fun delving into House Iris and the Helmsmen.
I was hoping you'd notice that! I'd actually like to say that because of how it is set up and the other iteration kept vague, it could still be Dr Trench herself. Meaning that all the other stuff she reviewed could also happen to be somewhere in this version of the United Empire as well.
I was hoping you'd notice that! I'd actually like to say that because of how it is set up and the other iteration kept vague, it could still be Dr Trench herself. Meaning that all the other stuff she reviewed could also happen to be somewhere in this version of the United Empire as well.

Yea, I kinda hope we'll actually get to see fan created civs in-story later down the line.

Also, look forward to the upcoming release of Dr Tamara Trench's Guide to the Realms and Peoples of the United Empire 150th Edition! Sadly the Helmsmen will have to be added in the 151st edition, since the good Dr Trench is planing on another visit to Sidun Station and could use a bit more spending money sooner rather than later.
Voting has opened up!

[X] Solar Queen. May the stars bless the first Solar Queen of House Iris!
[ ] Plan Building the Vanguard
-[ ] [Medal] Bastion Victory Medal (x2)
--[ ] [Battalion] 1st Royals
-[ ] [Medal] Iron Hornet
--[ ] [Battalion] H.M.S. Callerya
[ ] [Separatists] Integrate Followers.
-[ ] Lawrence, Marigold Knight.

H.M.S. Callerya has no dark deeds attached to her, and she is mechanically identical to H.M.S. Wisteria. We may as well pick her for her crews ability to adapt after losing their bridge.

It was very useful having the Black Roses as an elite unit that we could more or less rely on to seize objectives. This plan focuses on making a single powerful and reliable battalion that we can use in a similar way to an Elite battalion. Don't forget that orders will be limited going forward so having stronger individual battalions will be even better.
You can make a good case that having the prism as a dedicated researcher is a better pick. I believe stewardship is a better overall stat however since Wealth boosts every roll, and Wealth comes from development. Also having Lawrence rebuild Bastion immediately is, to my mind, a "best of both worlds" for rebuilding a sense of Unity in our people.

[X] Plan Raising the Royals
-[X] [Medal] Bastion Victory Medal
--[X] [Battalion] 1st Royals
-[X] [Medal] Bastion Victory Medal
--[X] [Battalion] 2nd Royals

-[X] [Medal] Iron Hornet
--[X] [Battalion] H.M.S. Callerya

I was going to award the Iron Hornet to H.M.S. Wisteria but I'm frankly just not comfortable with it. I don't judge people for whether the think Callerya or Wisteria should get the medal, it's a hard question.

I don't think 1st Royals did so much better than her cousin as to be the only unit decorated. Plus, I do fully intend to raise "actual" Elite units by creating a regiment of knights before our next conflict. This way we can send 1 Battalion of Royals to accompany 1 Battalion of knights and provide AA support. Alternatively we can send both Royals to secure a lesser objective whilst the knights go for the most valuable point, e.g. the enemy HQ.

[X] [Separatists] Reinstate Bastion.
I doubt this is the best option, but it is the one I am most comfortable with. I would much prefer people be able to immediately return to their homes. Plus I like building Tall. You can use Resources from other systems, but afaik they don't count for that system's stockpile. This will let us build a stronger and more self-sufficient capital system. Plus Influence is generally a tier 3 stat. That is to say that it requires Wealth to generate and Industry to be housed in. Both of which sre built using Resources. Military is kind of a tier 4 stat since it requires Wealth and Industry like Influence does, but also requires Influence itself.
[X] Solar Queen. May the stars bless the first Solar Queen of House Iris!
The best option in my opinion get that first to do this under our belts.

[X] Plan: Get the Mad Scientist
-[X] [Medal] Bastion Victory Medal (x2)
--[X] [Battalion] 1st Royals
-[X] [Medal] Iron Hornet
--[X] [Battalion] H.M.S. Callerya
[X] [Separatists] Integrate Followers.
-[X] Nami, Blossom Prism.

I don't think we have a learning specialist yet.
I told myself I'd take a break today before getting back into my other quest, but I still really wanted to do a quick introduction for the following civilian associations. These are wholly neutral organizations within the United Empire that don't care much about whatever the Houses are doing and do their own thing, sometimes even benefiting from the chaos or peace in the wake of whatever goes on. You'll more than likely encounter these organizations and more in time.

War Net
A freelance network and connection system that is used by private citizens or corporations of the United Empire to handle all their mercenary dealings. It is a middleman that aids in matching employer to mercenary and helps to mask all financial transactions to guarantee contract anonymity. As such, even the Houses of the United Empire can utilize it to hire deniable assets, much to the delight of the network's shareholders and investors.

Starblazers Guild
Unlike its sister the War Net, the Starblazers Guild is more focused on smaller and personal groups of individuals than any organized military unit. It is a self-professed 'adventuring' organization that offers jobs such as stellar exploration. escort protection, or bounty hunting, though at a rather generous pay rate through sponsorship by House Sol. Many individuals who depart their homes to journey among the stars find themselves working through the Starblazers Guild to pay for their expenses.

Imperial Saints
A charity that was founded by a disillusioned member of House Sol, who renounced all their titles in protest about the laws of war, namely in their very existence to validate them so. The organization's members take an oath of non-violence alongside their usual vows to ease suffering wherever they go, and are often the first to immediate provide humanitarian aid to refugees of any conflict. This has resulted in a popular support from the average citizen, but the organization is greatly disliked by the Houses for their constant demands of disarmament.
[X] Solar Queen. May the stars bless the first Solar Queen of House Iris!
[X] Plan Raising the Royals
[X] [Separatists] Reinstate Bastion.
solid plan
[X] Plan Raising the Royals
feel like getting an other aide is so much more important than the other choices
[X] [Separatists] Integrate Followers.
-[X] Lawrence, Marigold Knight.
[X] Solar Regent

Govern from our desk, a few steps below the throne and to the left, Vetinati-style.

[X] Plan Raising the Royals

[X] [Separatists] Reinstate Bastion

People first.
[X] Plan Raising the Royals

[X] [Separatists] Integrate Followers.
-[X] Lawrence, Marigold Knight.

[X] Solar King

A Solar King shall always rule Helm!
United Newsroom (Cycle 13)
United Correspondance: The Frontier just got Weirder!
The Frontier, the massive expanse of unclaimed or undiscovered space, has long been considered the breeding grounds for some of the most volatile incidents and scenarios. But now people can officially tack 'esoteric and bizarre' to the list, thanks to the mysterious and sudden appearance of House Iris.

Claiming to be from a universe so similar and yet different from ours, our investigators at least took a look at their records. Then they took another hard look. Then they started consulting our in-house experts. Then the experts started drinking because FTL drives are not supposed to work that way.

"This is an absolute anomaly that doesn't even make sense from analysis of their engines," Dr. Reeds of the Venus Academies tells us. "The architecture is too similar to ours, yet not once have we had a recorded instance on our end of an entire people vanishing in a routine jump. I don't mean to call their story and tragedy into question, but this really scratches all our heads"


Pluto Exchange News: Sol Waters Iris!
In a stunning announcement that has shocked the financial managers of the Pluto Exchange, House Sol has commited a measure of wealth to honoring the financial records that House Iris claimed to have with Sunrise Banks.

It is a momentous vow that sends investors scrambling and cursing. "They're just giving away money to people who claim they had it once!" An anonymous trader rants to our correspondence. "So was that the *expletive* trick all along? I'll just go ahead and say I have a trillion credits now, so give me my money! What a bunch of *expletive* *expletive*-"

Thank you for reading the free trial of Pluto Exchange News! Please enter in your starmail address to continue reading on a subscription account!

JumpDrive Forums: News Topic: Solarium
solstudent365 said:
So there's suddenly there's some new folk in the Frontier, House Iris. Whatever, new Houses emerge or appear in the Frontier all the time, it's the fucking Frontier, shit happens. But then I got reading and oh fuck they have a Grade 3 mat.
count_of_bums said:
Bull. Shit. A Grade 3? In the fucking Frontier?! That shit's reserved for unique stuff that usually makes a Great House like Ababil's potions. And even then, that has the asterisk of their ingredients being only a few Grade 2s, most of it is Grade 1 commons. That Grade 3 better be something absurd, because it's now a restricted and regulated trade good.
solstudent365 said:
This Solarium is actually both Grade 2 and Grade 3 after poking around. Something about their purity making a difference. Jeez, I want a few drops now to write a thesis on.
CenturiiRover3 said:
What I want to know is how the Grade 3 affects their body. We've seen the shots of those fine-looking dragonfolk from across the border, they seem to have something similar. But then we take a look at our own and man, I'm sorry, but full lab suits in power armor do not do anything.

Tf you'll never have an ice dragon gf.
Rerelease Skyrim said:
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What do the materiel grades being mentioned mean? A measure of rarity/utility of exotics?
Basically how significant the good is, thus necessitating trade regulation to keep it local/limit spread/maintain significance. It's a way for the United Empire to make sure that a member House doesn't lose it's critical unique resource to others and thus significantly fall behind others. But it also means that it's very difficult to acquire significant numbers of a special resource outside a direct trade agreement.

Grade 1: Regular resource, can be found and harvested anywhere with the right equipment and method. Almost no restrictions on trade, the makeup of majority merchant routes.
Grade 2: Special resource, usually a local curiosity that is difficult to replicate elsewhere but isn't that special. Minor to medium restrictions and regulation on trade, maybe a nasty tariff or special license at most.
Grade 3: Unique resource, a critical resource or product that wholly is dependent on a people's mastery of its creation with matching return significance. Incredibly heavy restrictions and practically banned on the open market.
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[X] [Separatists] Integrate Followers.
-[X] Lawrence, Marigold Knight.

[X] Solar Queen.
May the stars bless the first Solar Queen of House Iris!
[X] Plan Raising the Royals

I keep going back and forth. I love games that have more "texture" to them with unique elements, things like that building, but Aides are just... so good. Its more of everything and anything. You can kinda rationalise it in-game as expanding our administration to govern Andernia III as well. Oh... fun fact that means we have one planet per aide, if we get one more this update.

Which planet would "belong" to each?

Oh, or now I'm curious where each of our characters live long-term. Obviously they move around for work a lot but where is their little patch (or patches) of the frontier? I imagine Radana has a place in New Helm due to it having our main marketplace, but I also reckon a rich donor gave her a residence in The Marquisate. Lily and Lily maybe?
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Jul 6, 2024 at 3:03 AM, finished with 17 posts and 7 votes.
So the medal plan is clear, the title is a close lean towards Solar Queen, and the Seperatists...are tied.

I'm going to roll a die here then to function as a tiebreaker. This is how willing Lawerence could be persuaded to serve. Anything above a 50 is a success, below or equal to is him departing elsewhere for the city to build a special memorial.
Celeshiro threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: The Path Total: 33
33 33
A New Star Above
You had to admit, you really owed Radana a good vacation after all this. Or perhaps just a very nice trip somewhere, get away from having to deal with seemingly everything about here. She truly must be a saint to not crack or complain about it once in public, you reflected. You certainly would've already snapped already from the constant pressure and panicked subordinates.

After all, there really was no established procedure or tradition for crowning the first Solar Queen of House Iris.

Just the name alone would have made your younger self shriek in horror. It still did but by now, you've already gotten over the shock and dread, your emotions currently somewhere between 'numbed senseless' and 'already dead' on the matter. If it weren't for your very convincing public mask and face, you were sure your disdain for your new role was going to be very clear.

You could only hope that you could maybe downplay it to something like reluctance. Not exactly the best show a ruler can muster, in your opinion, but one you unfortunately would have to play with if you didn't want to bottle it up even more. You could only hope that your subordinates could hopefully conceal or disguise their own feelings about this wasteful ceremony-

One of your little information taps suddenly lit up and you raised your arm to bring the tablet in your suit gauntlet to bear. A quick study and analysis had an eyebrow rising up in a mix of surprise and concern. "A last-minute guest and witness," You muttered with a groan. "Is it too much to ask them be the main stars of the event? No, it wouldn't work. Oh, forget it, Radana, let them through, I just don't quite care anymore. I honestly wouldn't even feel anything if the Stellarch himself came now."


"Good to know," Radana quietly replied before reaching up to pull off her helmet to directly look at sudden arrivals with her own eyes. It was also a way for her to buy a few scant seconds to spin this in Violet's favor. "You are very lucky. My Lady has so graciously decreed that you will be permitted to take part in today's ceremonies. Please follow these set directions."

After making sure they have received the instructions and understood breaking them was only going to earn them significant enmity from all Helmsmen present, the visitors were sent off and the noble diplomat hid a quiet sigh. She had to admit, organizing this event on top of everything else so far had been quite stressful. Many times, she confided to her best friend, that it was quite a tiring challenge indeed.

Yet, and she hoped this had come through, she absolutely wanted it to be perfect. Not just for Radana's own personal sake, but that of all the Helmsmen and most especially, the star of today's festivities. A historic event that would forever be imprinted in the memory of her countrymen and perhaps echo far into the future, depending on how things unfolded from here. Radana could feel it, the electric chill that surely ran down all the aides and retainers of House Iris.

They were making history right now, the very sort of knowledge that was revered and worshiped for generations to come. Today was a holy ceremony, the likes of which had been held only once before and never since. Even now, despite notable similarities and parallels to that in the past, so many things too were considerably different to suit their new head and title. In short, it was a new and unique occasion now, and it felt like the universe wanted to make it so with how the literal stars have aligned.

Radana shook off her thoughts and swiftly donned her helmet before checking the time. Then she spoke through the shared communication line to her colleagues. "The predicted moment is approaching. Is everything ready? Are the observers reporting it's happening?"

Kat immediately responded. "T-they are saying it's a-actually happening!" She squeaked, a mix of nervousness and amazement. "We...we might actually have them cross!"

"Simply more proof that above all, our lady truly was the chosen one," Dorothea told in a rapturous tone. "We mustn't waste this blessing from the stars. I am ready."

"S-so am I! I think!"

"Very well then." Radana closed her eyes, then nodded. There was no need to send a plain text, not when her best friend undoubtedly already had bugged it all. "Let us begin the coronation for the next leader of the Helmsmen."


The event was naturally being broadcast and streamed live across every single media outlet, and everybody knew just how significant it was. There was not a single screen not tuned into one of the broadcasting cameras, even in the most remote homestead within the Andernia system. Non-essential workers were being given a brief break to gather around these screens, and those who were still at their stations had personal devices to watch from instead.

Even in Bastion, the reconstruction effort was paused for construction worker, resettled citizen, and peacekeeping soldier alike to watch. The city was still once again but unlike last time, there was still life within with all eyes glued to the open space before the Data Vault on New Helm. When nothing at first happened for the first few minutes after going live, low murmurs and whispers began to circulate, many wondering if there was a delay or incident that had occurred. The presence of three armored individuals standing at the end simply generated more questions than answers.

Then there was a collective gasp when at the scene, the natural sunlight suddenly began to fade and dim. Lens swiftly panned up and loud exclamations were heard when people realized that, of all the times, a solar eclipse had begun on Andernia IV! The way it was cast as well was like a growing shadow moving to envelop the ceremony itself, a consuming maw that devoured the light.

Stepping and keeping in pace with this advancing darkness was another armored figure, but one whose distinct armor and style identified them a member of House Iris. All the previous noise from worry and surprise was cut right there and then, the attention of an entire people devoted to a single person approaching in the shadows. By the time they reached the others at the end, the star was fully eclipsed, only the faintest hint of illumination coming through to barely provide enough for others to see what was going on.

A voice then spoke, a feminine one that did sound slightly distorted through helmet speakers. Listeners leaned in, holding their breaths while words of an era bygone were uttered to all. "In times of despair, in times of loss, in times of darkness, it is only natural for one to give in. To concede that they have no more life left to live, no more fight to fight, no more light to give. After witnessing the horrors of what light unchecked has wrought upon our ancestors, to seek the eternal darkness of the night would be a logical conclusion to survival.

"And yet..,even in those days, bereft of what made us great, we still clung on. Dying embers on burnt logs, trying futilely to not just survive- but to thrive. To rebuild what we have once lost, to attain that which now was beyond our grasp. Perhaps the long night would eventually end...but we would not wait for it. No, instead, our people plunged into the darkest recesses of our ancestral home, delving into the graveyard of our forebears. And there, where no star would have touched, did they find it.

"Light everlasting."

The speaker then tugged on a simple cloth covering reverently and there was no denying the way many sucked in their breath as one. Those present at the scene and watching from the sides immediately fell to their knees, on the verge of prostration, when their people's most sacred artifact was unveiled. An electronic tome, a digital repository that glowed so brightly, it was as if the eclipse never occurred. As if the knowledge within had not lead them to near-ruin once before, before becoming the very same catalyst that rose them back up.

Moments later, it dimmed and the Solarium Codex was held out to the member of House Iris, who had too taken a knee in reverence of the holy symbol. "Now it befalls upon us to ensure that what we once wielded against one another is not misused or misappropriate again. Now it becomes a righteous duty to guard sacred knowledge from falling into the wrong hands. Yet trust is hard to come by to undertake this oath the bloodline of the one who had first discovered it.

"The bloodline who had first consumed it," The waiting Prism echoed.

"The bloodline who had first used it," The other Knight added.

"That of noble House Iris," All three of them chorused as one and their helmets so minutely tilted to face the kneeling individual. "Now one of them stands before us, willing to bear the responsibility. Make your oath here and now, to safeguard that which will make us whole...or tear us apart once more."

Slowly, hands reached up and gently tugged at the helmet before lifting it up when the seals deactivated. The last member of House Iris tugged her head free from the piece of armor and reverently placed the helmet to the side, the gesture clearly indicating a degree of respect for the custom-forged Guardian suit. There was a long moment of silence that had the watchers on the edge, then she spoke with a note of reluctance in her voice. " not think myself as the best one to carry on the legacy of House Iris. Were you to ask me truthfully, I would name so many others I would rather take my place here instead of me. But tragically, none are with us now, so it falls upon me.

"Yet I will say I do so with great protest, the belief that I could ever live up to the glorious and illustrious history of His Late Majesty. So instead, I will not dare invoke comparison to my father's great works and make my title distinct from his. I will not be the Solar King.

"I shall be the Solar Queen, and this shall be my oath." A hand reached out and pressed against the Solarium Codex, a swearing-in occasion that coincided with the eclipse slowly receding. "I will be shield of the innocent."

Her fingers tightened into a fist. "I will be the sword of the just."

Her head raised up to stare straight at the holder's helm, catching it right at the moment a sunbeam fell across her features. "I will be the light that banishes the darkness."


Even if I am the shadow to make it so.

"I am Violet d'Iris, and I make this oath here and now to all who bear witness here!" You rose to your full height and almost regretted it with how it just barely matched the one in front of you. To distract from that, your head turned to survey the bystanders who began to cautiously rise. "That I shall be the Solar Queen and safeguard our people into a prosperous future in these troubled times!" You threw out as a cliched finale that hopefully indicated the end of your speaking portion.

It thankfully seemed to be bought like so when Dorothea stepped up and almost giddily attached a sheathed blade to your armored waist."With your oath, you shall have the sword of the Brilliance Knights at your side," She vowed a bit too enthusiastically.

Kat was a sharp contrast to her, her hands visibly shaking when she draped a thick symbolic coat over one arm. "With your oath, you shall have the armor of the Prisms at your side," She managed to get out without stutter, though you were fairly sure it was a prerecorded.

Finally, there was Radana who softly pressed the Solarium Codex into the crook of your arm. "With your oath then, you shall have the Solarium Codex and with it, the right of leadership for all our people," She told warmly and stepped back to let the others have a look at your complete image, complete with snagged helmet in the other arm. "May the stars above burn bright, and may the knowledge you carry light the way should they fall. Long live the Solar Queen!"

"LONG LIVE THE SOLAR QUEEN!" Jubilant cheers took up and the solemn spell of the ceremony was broken here, with people crying and hugging each other wildly in celebration. No doubt that the very same scene was being repeated throughout the entire system, probably bringing work to a crawl. Well, that aligned up with your plan of 'today is already likely a waste, just declare it a holiday' to begin with a hopefully popular public opinion.

You were sure your teeth were grinding against one another either way, and you resolved to find some way to find a nice quiet room to relax in. Maybe you could excuse it as needing to pray for guidance. That probably would work-

"Not yet over. Keep it up," Radana muttered while stepping past you. You immediately refocused and made sure your mask was still in place while she gently guided you to walk past waving watchers. "You already have an audience."

"Oh, right, the party-crashers," You mumbled back and focused on the upcoming section of the audience now. "I only lightly skimmed it, they're from elsewhere?"

"They're our galactic neighbors, we're literally in the same constellation."

Ah. Your immediate and direct competition that wasn't the looming giants of the Great Houses. You plastered on the best 'royal' face you could muster in the moment and greeted them with a simple acknowledging nod. "Greetings, from House Iris."

"Greetings, from House Archon," The leader plainly told with a sweep of the arm. "I care well-wishes from my master, who sadly could not make the occasion. But we bring well-meaning gifts, sourced from both our lands and that of our stalwart ally, Great House Tyto. Please consider them gift, as well as sympathies for your current struggles."

"I see. I gratefully accept," You smoothly replied, half wanting to shove Radana into them and tell your best friend to work her magic here, because you sure couldn't. So you hastily crafted an excuse. "Perhaps we can talk at lengths sometime soon, after these celebrations calm down a bit. Do feel free to join in and partake in this joyous occasion however."

"We shall consider it." With that, you were able to successfully end the conversation and step away. You toyed with the idea of shoving your helmet back on and beeline it back to your private quarters. Then you decided you didn't care and wanted to make it so, giving a general order to return to your base of operations.

You were then surprised when instead of surprise, your retainers nodded along and then began to chat about moving the schedule upwards. Your mind fizzled for a moment, then you recalled that there was to be an...evening feast and ball?! One that you had just elongated?! Oh, you weren't going to put up with that-!

Suddenly Radana's grip on your arm was iron and she leaned in to hiss at you. "You are not disappearing now. Not before you publicly make a token dance around the room for an event about you."

"I'm not going to dance with somebody I don't know!" You muttered back and you could feel the diplomat's eyes almost rolling out of her head beneath her armor.

"You are dancing with me. Unless you want to start rumors of you seeking a life partner already."

That...definitely sounded worst. You realized you were quickly losing the argument and tried your best to not scrunch up your face, not in front of the cameras. "...I'm the Solar Queen, and I can do whatever I want?"

"One. Dance. That is all I'm asking. If you don't, I will ask the cooks to withhold your velvet cake."

You nearly fainted at the threat. "Okay, okay! I thought you were a diplomat, aren't you supposed to play nice? I'm the manipulator, I should be using threats to achieve my goals."

"Diplomacy is all about using words to get what I want. Intrigue is all about pulling strings to get what you want," Radana simply told and you sniffed, strolling arm in arm with her.

"Fair, but I'm having an entire cake later then. And you're not stopping me."

"If that is what Her Majesty desires, then I'll prepare a suitable pot of tea for it."

- Long Live the Queen!
- Quick little brief intro on your new (current) neighbors:

"Of those who declare their allegiance to Great House Tyto, few invoke the same amount as dread as House Archon when they announce themselves to participate in any conflict. They trace their origins to a reclusive research enclave that still maintains a firm distance from others, far preferring to enjoy their wealth in private. But should they be roused, so too are the fearsome avatars of war they maintain and few can match their raw destructive power when deployed."
i think we should infiltrate house Archon with the long term goal of turning them to our side, and the short term goal being advance warning of attack.
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They trace their origins to a reclusive research enclave that still maintains a firm distance from others, far preferring to enjoy their wealth in private. But should they be roused, so too are the fearsome avatars of war they maintain and few can match their raw destructive power when deployed.

So, essentially the Culture.
Goodwill and Standing
Diplomatic relations to other powers is broken down primarily into two aspects: Goodwill and Standing. The former is used to represent how much sway or political favor you have built up with that particular people, while the latter is a measure of the general attitude that the people have towards your own.

Both are important and will define what sort of allies or enemies you make as a result of your decisions.

This diplomatic resource is a general representation of political support you have among a foreign people. Gaining Goodwill indicates growing support for favorable relations, but losing Goodwill is often a precursor to worsening relations and should it get bad enough, a loss in Standing.

There are a few ways to gain Goodwill including a direct diplomatic mission, but a significant way to shift it so is through voting in the Senate. Each power will tend to have their own beliefs and preferences when it comes to the various topics to vote on, and they will wish for things to either pass or fail appropriately. Voting on a topic they care about will either generate or lose Goodwill based on their desires. Consider wisely when to support, when to oppose, and when to abstain.

Accumulated Goodwill can then be spent on securing a number of deals and agreements between your people and theirs. Enough Goodwill will even open up the option to directly meet with a people's leader to petition for a change in relations, which could just be a simple agreement or a more complicated task to prove your sincerity for a new bond.

Note that actions that spend Goodwill have different costs, especially increasing in price the larger a power is.
Regular House: ×1
Free State: x1.5
Great House: ×2
Council State: ×2.5

Each power will eventually develop different attitude to your people, depending on how your and their efforts align or oppose. Standing is a simple measure of this, broken down into five variants.

Hostile: Your people are at war! Do not expect anything but steel at your arrival until heads and hearts have cooled.
Unfriendly: It isn't subtle, the way your traders or diplomats are turned away or forced to endure humiliation and difficulties whenever possible. Relations are breaking down and people are getting very aggressive on both sides.
Neutral: Neither friend or foe, expect only what is expected but nothing more. They are watching your carefully to evaluate if you are with or against them.
Friendly: Through your words and actions, you have proven yourself worthy of their support and they will give you as such. It is a relationship built on mutual trust and hope that together, perhaps you can both profit.
Allied: There exists an iron bond between your people, your beliefs and ideas lining up for very close and natural collaboration. Though you may still disagree over topics from time to time, it is a testament to true friendship to still support each other despite it all.
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Voting is open for the next 2 days, 2 hours