Voting is open for the next 2 days, 2 hours
Oh... title is an interesting question to be honest. I mean she is, unquestionably, the leader of her people in this new galaxy. But they are also adrift from their kin and ancient home. I feel like maintaining their traditions is best, so I will vote for Solar Queen, but I am very interested to see what other people will suggest.

To note: Violet did reveal herself as probably a descendant of House Sol.

Once we get back into civilian gameplay, I hope we have the option to build a memorial to the people lost when the colony ships failed, and to the Home that is now beyond our reach. Maybe one in relation to the battle of Bastion as well.
on the topic of aid i do hope we get all the guns, because, Christ all those warmongers. we need anti-orbital, anti-armour, anti-pysker, anti-everything.

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Direct teleportation and private automated transportation, it;s the whole red carpet treatment that House Sol is doing for us right now."

Should be an apostrophe.

"I'm actually surprised it went that well, especially given the white glove treatment we're getting now! Direct teleportation and private automated transportation, it's the whole red carpet treatment that House Sol is doing for us right now."

"Is it?" Radana innocently asked with a casual press of the finger to her lips. "I wouldn't know, I've never been to Sol."

You blinked, then coughed. "At least, that's what I think," You quietly amended and she nodded, the reminder to stay on your toes well-heeded. You supposed that being in such...achingly familiar environments after so long loosened your tongue a bit too much.
So, we can basically have confirmation that Violet at least grew up in the Martian Palace of House Sol, if she wasn't born on Mars.

I'm guessing our Sire used these privileges very extensively, for reasons.

"Naturally." He closed his eyes and when they next opened, you knew for sure who you were talking to. There was too much weight in those eyes, too much responsibility, too much of what you saw in your own reflection. "I heard that House Iris requests aid to stabilize. If I were to provide it so, could you make an oath to me?"

You silently considered it over, then dropped to a knee before him. "If you were to give us the recognition we need, that we are who we say we are to validate our records, then yes."

"Then please." The Stellarch raised his hand and pressed it over your head, a secret pact made without the knowledge of any other in the galaxy. "Help me ascend to justly rule this United Empire. Do...whatever needs to be done. Through whatever you see fit, even if it may hurt the others."

Huh so the 'current' Stellarch probably isn't our mother Gender transition/Body surfing/Nanite Reconstruction shenanigans not withstanding. Wonder if she exists in this mirror universe.

And how much we're betting that the Stellarch is going to push responsibility as possible to 'Aunty' Violet?

Violet, meanwhile, goes off into a corner to weep at the slightest possibility that this could ever come to pass.

EDIT: I feel like energy weapons could be an interesting and synergistic path for us to take with our weapons development. Solarium is all about energy storage and generation right? Energy weapons using impure solarium sounds like a good use for excess and an excellent way to exploit an area of space combat that people are unlikely to have defenses against. Remember, our options for designing star ships were the "standard" at the current level of development in the United Empire. If we don't have way to counteract energy weapons then I doubt most of the Empire does either. Plus "Solar Laser" or "Solar Plasma" weapons sound cool af.

If we're lucky, we might even be able to integrate them into the Guardian Suits.
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@Celeshiro what were the Great Houses' response when the planet takeover plot failed? Were they seeing it as a monumental fuck up of their rival and preparing to pounce on their seemingly vulnerable peer? Or were they freaking out how a small regional power were able to punch up way above their weight?
A mix of all of the above. Do remember though that it wasn't just House Iris, but also with the backing of House Sol. Still a very impressive blow given that House Iris back then was just barely integrated into the United Empire.
EDIT: I feel like energy weapons could be an interesting and synergistic path for us to take with our weapons development.
I'll actually come out and say that that for that avenue of progression, you're going to have to team up with somebody who already has laser weapons to get something like that through trade and exchange. Though maybe you could get something small going internally for your Brilliance Knights.
I hope there is at least one house that is powerful and open to trade and peace. How has the Empire kept itself together with the Great houses being warmongers?
I hope there is at least one house that is powerful and open to trade and peace. How has the Empire kept itself together with the Great houses being warmongers?
Because there so happens to be convenient 'rebel states' to beat up instead. Speaking of which, why not have a preview of those now? These specifically are the equivalent of the Great Houses in the Free States, being basically the biggest backers/organizers against any incursion or occupation by the United Empire. Note that true to their word, they do not have an overarching House Sol to rule above them all hence the presence of five recognized council states.

Council State of Takigawa
"What was originally a simple mining operation subsidiary has since expanded to become a corporate-state entity that fiercely fights against the notion of any higher power attempting to regulate them. This is because almost all higher management is a single logic machine, a terrifying one that the United Empire would refuse to accept. To that end, what few humans that are capable are given cost-efficient mech suits that run off a mysterious spice resource, assisted with an AI core that optimizes their function. Nothing is left to waste to the Takigawa."

Council State of Hayha
"A fiercely isolationist people that has often akin to a slumbering dragon, not least of all due to their people's biologically modded draconic traits. When they are provoked, they strike quickly and relentlessly, flashing in and out of reality to move about as if in flight. Then they unleashed concentrated beams of energy, as if breathing flames themselves. Indeed, it is as if the stars themselves bless the scale cells that they jealously hoard and fight so preciously to protect."

Council State of Humes
"Among the Hume, there is an ironclad belief that their greatest fighters must become immortalized in a digital cloud. This only occurs when they die in a blaze of glory, which is why the revived digital minds tend to be highly aggressive and wanting to get back into the thick of it. Which is why they then are implanted into fast moving battlesuits to return to a life of war."

Council State of Delis
"A self-professed learned people that are eager to push to boundaries of science and understanding, driven by a mania spurred on by the hallucinogenic gases they regularly inhale. They are pushed to make into reality what they see in their dreams and have their entire society built around wanting to make their wishes become true. This has resulted in their great breakthroughs in many areas, though definitely with a tinge of mad science to it."

Council State of Hecia
"To steal the power of the stars themselves have been the Hecia's eternal obsession, and they have done so by capturing plasma straight from the source to fuel their esoteric inventions. Now their people can conjure fire at will and bend the laws of reality to accommodate their needs, becoming almost one with the devices they use to do so in a near maniacal manner. But never do they question if arcane chants or rites are needed so, only that it works so."
Council State of Takigawa

Council State of Hayha

Council State of Humes

Council State of Delis

Council State of Hecia
Were these ones also randomly rolled for or were they more pick and choose? Because we seem to be the only somewhat sane people among both "allies" and enemies.

Also, are we ever possibly going to fight them in the future?
Great House Tyto sounds like they specifically have a counter to spying on communications. Outwardly they appear to be the least-bad great house, but we don't really know.

I'll actually come out and say that that for that avenue of progression, you're going to have to team up with somebody who already has laser weapons to get something like that through trade and exchange.
What about stealing technological knowledge through spycraft and espionage?
Were these ones also randomly rolled for or were they more pick and choose? Because we seem to be the only somewhat sane people among both "allies" and enemies.
Randomly rolled. If it helps, remember that these are the large and big states of each side, the ones who've climbed their way up through the ranks to achieve their current influential status.
Also, are we ever possibly going to fight them in the future?
These are the Free States, they already reject the notion of the United Empire and believe it to be a tyrant's galactic empire. So they're going to fight for people to be freed of the imperial shackles.
What about stealing technological knowledge through spycraft and espionage?
It'll fall under the same category of smaller techs that could be uniquely applied, but cannot be replicated/produced without some sort of relation to the originator. So either an alliance of equals or a vassalage/tribute arrangement.
Honestly the Council states, as a whole, sound far more reasonable. None of them are actually inherently expansionist. I hope we can work with the dragonfolk! Not only because that's cool af but because they also have energy tech.

It is probably a different story in the galaxy we came from, but in this galaxy the United Empire seem, quite definitively, to be "the bad guys". To people so tightly woven into it though, that just means we need to overhaul it. Maybe we'll be able to make peace with the Free States eventually. They don't sound like bad people.

EDIT: Only Hecia sounds outright "bad". The rest range from... "we can work with this" to "normal folk, just with their own traditions and abilities."
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Can't help but notice that in the opposition, there are two factions that are thematically adjacent to us. Which, means either we will end up 'honorable enemies' tiptoeing around the geopolitical divide between us, or mortal enemies with little in between.

Council State of Hayha
"A fiercely isolationist people that has often akin to a slumbering dragon, not least of all due to their people's biologically modded draconic traits. When they are provoked, they strike quickly and relentlessly, flashing in and out of reality to move about as if in flight. Then they unleashed concentrated beams of energy, as if breathing flames themselves. Indeed, it is as if the stars themselves bless the scale cells that they jealously hoard and fight so preciously to protect."
Dragons to our knights, which prefers to keep to themselves, but are also fierce protectors. Which, amusingly isn't that far off from the codes we adhere to at least on the surface level…
Council State of Hecia
"To steal the power of the stars themselves have been the Hecia's eternal obsession, and they have done so by capturing plasma straight from the source to fuel their esoteric inventions. Now their people can conjure fire at will and bend the laws of reality to accommodate their needs, becoming almost one with the devices they use to do so in a near maniacal manner. But never do they question if arcane chants or rites are needed so, only that it works so."
We would likely go on like a house on fire. Either far too well or far too badly, with little in between.
So, what are the odds we've not just traveled to a universe... but back in time? Violet, I think, is taking on her father's place.
I just realized something.
He removed his hand and turned to the room door. "Here. Let me open up the door for you, it's coded to only House Sol-"

"No need. Please, relax, simply agree to all that my friend mentions, and entrust it to me." You rose up and pressed your hand against the pad again. The door opened up and you slipped through with a casual wave to the watching young Stellarch.
Dear violet was soo giddy seeing a possible escape that she just casually confirms that the systems in place recognizes her as part of house sol.:lol::rofl:
I just realized something.

Dear violet was soo giddy seeing a possible escape that she just casually confirms that the systems in place recognizes her as part of house sol.:lol::rofl:

I feel like that would be a security flaw that is just asking for a disgruntled bastard of Sol to attempt some shenanigans.

Although, if all known children of Sol were raised within the House to minimize this possibility ... this would explain why Violet was raised on Mars now that I think about it.
The Fate of House Iris
"You, Violet d'Iris," Radana began with a scowl that didn't quite hide her blush, "are a horrible boss."

"It was the best I could come up with in the moment!" You justified with crossed arms. Adding to the image was you kicking up your feet and laying them to rest on your desk in your private office. "You know, by pretending to me, I got to make an appeal directly and get what we need! You didn't have to do anything but repeat what I told you, right?"

"Which made me so worried!" Your friend hissed, putting a hand up to massage her furrowed brow. "Negotiations and diplomacy aren't supposed to be so one-sided or easily accepted, let alone with a knowing smile and wave! I was so sure I had accidentally doomed us with the lack of push-back, that usually means a total blunder in demands and offers!"

"Oh, so that was why you were quite stiff when we met back up," You realized with a rub of the chin. "Probably also explains why you also suddenly passed out afterwards-"

"That didn't happen,= and if I hear of it, there'll be one less extraordinarily reclusive royal in the galaxy."

"Hm, better found another who likes to plot in the shadows then," You chuckled and relaxed in your chair, basking in the moment of success about this entire affair. Well, as best a success there was, all things considered. It wouldn't do to remind yourself of what you had managed to wrangle out of House Sol. "Right, enough fooling around. Do you have the complete list of aid that we're getting provided?" You asked while taking your legs off your desk, all business now.

Radana similar sobered up with roll of the shoulders that had her take on the role of trusted aide once again. "Yes, here's the signed agreement in writing. This is our copy to prove the promised aid." She presented you with a small folder that featured the emblem of House Sol and you took it to begin flipping through. "Much of it should be self-explanatory, but if you'd like, we can go line by line."

You nodded and began to go through with her.

Sunrise Banks now increases Wealth by three (3) and decreases Resources by one (1).

"Immediate monetary aid and remuneration that would honor prior financial records that we keep. It'll be heavily scrutinized for truthfulness but assuming that it clears, then people will be able to regain the wealth they previously held before our trip. We could call it insurance being honored, and that should immediately quell majority of people's worries. In short, we're finally linked again to the galactic banking system."

"You seem quite pleased by that. I suppose it means you can continue buying extravagant tea leaves then."

Chrysanthemum Scales now increases Wealth by eight (8) and decreases Resources by two (2).

"Our brief flash of fame in the cameras has immediately drawn a number of private firms to petition for trade. While we naturally won't be selling them any solarium, anything else that our people produce is still fair game and can still speak of novelty. We can even make do with superior import substitutes to save on costs domestically."

"I won't say no to more in our coffers, and you won't say no to more pastries at teatime."

Stratagem System overhauled. There is now a stratagem deck system to collect new stratagems and swap between inactive and active tactics.

Raise Supporters will now increase Militia level by two (2).

Transit Overtime has been separated into Planned Invasion and Transit Jump.

"Curiously, our military systems and theirs are almost immediately compatible, albeit with a necessary updates and adjustments. I'm sorry, but I'm not an expert on these, so I don't know if what we got was good or bad."

"It's certainly different from what we once knew. But we'll put up with it and see where it goes."

Orders overhauled. Orders will now be generated via the deployment of a FOB on the battlefield that can then be upgraded. Moving troops and deploying planes will now consume an amount of orders respective to their type.

"More military jargon I'm afraid, though I am curious. What's so wrong with our old equipment that House Sol is providing replacements?"

"They're from the same era as that of the Hornet, which I'm trying my damn hardest to phase out. They worked, but if we're going to have a fresh start, might as well go all the way and get used to whatever they use here."

Intrigue on other powers now works based off a resource system. Infiltrate Spies or Create Cells to sneak operatives or establish sympathizers in an target, then slowly grow them to your heart's content. Then when the time comes, tug on the strings to start the chain of dominos of your conspiracies.

"This is...what? Dossiers on the various powers?" Radana fell silent, her gaze slowly rising to meet yours. There was a moment of silent communication before she sighed and closed her eyes. "No. I don't know anything, least of all whatever grand conspiracy you're hatching now. It's better that way, so that I don't have to lie as much in diplomatic meetings."

"I speak nothing but the truth when I say that the work I do is going to be for the better of the United Empire." You hesitated, then quietly admitted your secret. "And for me too."

"Then that's good enough for me to say whatever you tell me to say to the others." She took a seat at the chair in front of your desk and exhaled softly. "Lies and truths, diplomacy and intrigue, all swapped around. It's almost like our new situation."

"There's quite a bit of poetic irony there indeed," You muttered with a shake of the head. "I plot to get out of the way, only to find myself now thrust into actual leadership without any competition. I can't even step down now without causing panic or worry."

Slowly, Radana's hand reached out to gently cover yours. "If you ever need me to take your place as the public speaker, just ask. I am far more at ease at the podium than you, and don't mind all the attention."

"Thank you, but I'll keep you as just the common spokesperson for House Iris for now. The one that talks with the outlets and reporters on everyday briefings, handling their questions however you can. Is that okay?"

"That's more than fine." She smiled. "If anything, I'd almost say it was a dream job, being that sort of gossip that could lead others about while knowing the truth. But this is certainly no dream, otherwise if I could, I would have you nowhere near the mantle you are being asked to take up now."

You listened to her words and felt your chest tighten at the reminder now. It was hard to believe you were once the disinterested daughter, the one who didn't care at all about the squabble for the throne compared to your siblings. Yet now, circumstance and mystery has placed you in charge of whatever remained of House Iris, and no suitable other to instead push into the role that you so dearly didn't want to do.

Just abdicate, A tiny voice in your head whispered. Or tell the truth. You're a bastard, aren't you? Just say so and disqualify yourself. Cast it all away and just go find that nice dark place you so yearn for. Nobody's going to stop you, especially when you put your mind to it. House Iris means nothing to you, not with the other bloodline that flows through you!

You idly listened to this internal monologue, the truly greedy and selfish part of you that was the epitome of your fantasies. The voice was right...almost. There was something that did tie you to House Iris, one thing that did keep you from ditching it all for just traveling the wider galaxy.

"The proof that I choose you in the end. The one...who was truest of them all, and so I...I bestow. Violet d'Iris...please...lead our people. Protect House Iris. Protect the Helmsmen. Protect...your story."

Much as he wasn't blameless for all this trouble, your sire still was the one who took you away from Mars when the time came and you asked for it so. Even with dealing with the constant suspicion and paranoia from your half-brothers and sisters, it was the sort of upbringing that you yearned for so badly. To repay that now by abandoning House Iris to the wolves, it just didn't sit right.

At the very least, you wanted it nice and stable so you could eventually disappear and nobody would go looking for you, not when you had nicely propped up the Stellarch to gaze upon instead. Though you weren't quite sure how long it'd take, but surely, it wouldn't be that long. Well, worst came to worst, you had a lot of time thanks to the your circuits.

That, and good companions to help you along the way. "Even if I don't want it, the fact that you- and everybody else- is there to help me along, it makes it bearable. So thank you."

"Would renaming the title help?" Radana offered and you blinked at the sudden idea. "Considering that there likely will be a grand speech and coronation of your ascension per the traditions, but we could perhaps rework it somehow. The people are more willing to listen and accept whatever you set forward now, such is their current adoring attitude to you. Best make use of it quick before returning to the reality of the situation, and the turning of the galaxy at large.

That was an interesting idea. Combined with all the other affairs you had to deal with, it certainly would be a little nice way to begin your official control over House Iris. For any traditionalists, you actually had the Solarium Codex to help shut them up also. It all just depended on what you wanted to do with it all.

Award Medals to units deemed worthy of them!

[ ] Plan XXX
-[ ] Medal (x?)
--[ ] Recipient

-[ ] [Medal] Bastion Victory Medal (x2). Bastion may be a name with strong connotations, but before your armed forces, they mean nothing. Effect: Battalion Attack +5.

-[ ] [Medal] Iron Hornet (x1). The Hornets were once fearsome craft in their time, and even now should be afforded a degree of a degree. Effect: Ship Anti-Air Attack +5.

Decide the fate of the House Iris Separatists

[ ] [Separatists] Reinstate Bastion. Despite everything, the city is still adequately developed and well-suited for Andernia III. After making sure local leaders have flipped to you, restore their offices and bring them into your government. A monument or two about the conflict wouldn't hurt either. Gain a Size 10 city on Andernia III with a unique building that boosts Resources and Influence.

[ ] [Separatists] Relocate Survivors. It's best that you break up the monopoly and hold that your sister once held over the people by making sure they never have to worry or think about her again. Thankfully, some of House Sol's package involves ways to expand your holdings to accommodate them. Aid in dispersing the population of Bastion across the system, and grow your planets a bit. Increase a city on each planet by two (2) Industry and increase the planet size as well, granting more total building space.

[ ] [Separatists] Integrate Followers. They fought for the House Iris they believed in, and there is no shame in that. Reach a hand out to formally welcome your sister's lost followers into your service, and be sure to stress that you hold no grudge for their perceived duty. This is sure to reveal any talent that may have otherwise quietly departed for the wider galaxy. Pick and gain one of the following aides.

-[ ] Lawrence, Marigold Knight. The only surviving officer of the 92nd Intercessors through a mix of skill and luck. He looks his age, a rare occurrence among Brilliance Knights, but the fact he can still pilot an aircraft with deadly precision and grace is a testament to his experience and ability. You have a feeling that he simply needs to 'knock the rust off' to get back into things and serve you in the same manner he had served your sire. Focus: Martial, Stewardship.

-[ ] Nami, Blossom Prism. When it came to sourcing and maintaining unorthodox weaponry, Nami was practically the perfect choice. She is a self-professed enthusiast of everything that could see use on the battlefield and is a talented hand at arms development. There are even mutterings you've picked up on how she herself would willingly step into battle to see her works in action, with little regard to her own safety. Focus: Martial, Learning.

-[ ] Scyla, Lilac Knight. Scyla possesses an impressive force of will and determination, leading to her having been assigned to take command of the converted colony ships. When your forces launched an orbital bombardment of the grounded vessels, she insisted on staying behind to maintain her command and direct damage control teams. Even when she lost an arm from the attack, she remained in active command of the situation until the end of hostilities. You could do with somebody that stubborn and committed to a cause. Focus: Martial, Diplomacy.

Decide upon a Title for Violet d'Iris

[ ] Solar Queen. May the stars bless the first Solar Queen of House Iris!

[ ] Solar King. In the name of your predecessor, you will not break the old ways and keep it so.

[ ] Solar Regent. The throne shall be guarded until a true and rightful heir is recognized by you.

[ ] Solar Prism. The new faith of a people stranded and far from home.

[ ] Solar Princess. It is, and it has always been.

- I've updated the stats for Andernia system with these balance tweaks. The idea is to make Resource consumption a little less intense overall, and boost Sunrise banks just a tad.
- This doesn't include new features you've unlocked with the unification of House Iris, such as a Solarium Forge construction option that will kick open your doors of research. Yay.
- You will acquire Anderia III as a planet after you have decided what to do with the surviving Separatists.
- If you wish to change any last minute names such as the Brilliance Knights or your cities, put it under your title decision.
- You can award multiples of the same medal to a single unit, just make it clear so.
- There are three separate vote topics here. Please keep the separate, unless you are all in agreement about it. Then well, it doesn't matter.

16 hour moratorium to prepare for coronation.
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Wow that's a lot to cover! Im very excited to get into the new changes, and to get to building! Let's go through our options piece by piece.

There's no question in my mind that 1st Royals should receive a Bastion victory medal, and that Wisteria should receive an Iron Hornet medal. If we had a medal for valour under fire, then those would go to Callerya and 2nd Panthers, but these are medals for recognizing effectiveness. I'm unsure where the 2nd Victory medal should go. 2nd Royals is also a tempting choice as they were real killers like their sister, but I feel like there is another unit we could honour. There might also be wisdom in stacking our medals onto the 1st Guards regiment so that we have one relatively "Elite" regiment.

So, my favourite option is probably restoring the city. I want people to be able to return to their homes, and to honour the lives lost on both sides.

But there is no question in my mind that getting another Aide is the best choice mechanically. Free resources and influence is very good, but Aides are actions, and even an Aide that isn't very good at what theyre doing gives us a minimum 1 extra progress. I'm really undecided as to which of these I will vote for, but I do think the city is "morally" the best choice. If we do choose the Aide, I think rebuilding Bastion should be one of our first civilian actions. But picking Bastion now means adding resources and Influence to our system cap which means we get more wealth and we can build taller...

Oh also the Pilot is probably the best choice. Stewardship is the stat we've used the most, on average. Him or the Prism to free Kat up to permanently do Stewardship.

I do like Solar Regent, quite a lot. I think it's definitely Iris' favourite choice. But I don't think it's the best choice. To ensure stability and a sense of continuity, I think Solar Queen is still my favourite. Solar King is a neat nod to nations like Poland and Ancient Egypt though where female rulers held the title of King or Pharaoh respectively.
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I do like Solar Regent, quite a lot. I think it's definitely Iris' favourite choice. But I don't think it's the best choice. To ensure stability and a sense of continuity, I think Solar Queen is still my favourite. Solar King is a neat nod to nations like Poland and Ancient Egypt though where female rulers held the title of King or Pharaoh respectively.
While I agree with other stuff I think that
Solar Princess. It is, and it has always been.
Would be better
Wisteria has carried the day, but is also responsible for the bombing of the refugee column... Giving them a medal for their actions will be a difficult balancing act if we want to avoid breeding resentment among Bastion survivors.
Wisteria has carried the day, but is also responsible for the bombing of the refugee column... Giving them a medal for their actions will be a difficult balancing act if we want to avoid breeding resentment among Bastion survivors.
while true, they did fuck up the Intercessors and the other air-wing (forgot their name) royally so it would fit quite a lot
Oh also the Pilot is probably the best choice. Stewardship is the stat we've used the most, on average. Him or the Prism to free Kat up to permanently do Stewardship.
agree, we need that sweet stewardship, we need boost our econ so hard we'll be able to drown our enemy's in blood and metal

[ ] Solar Queen. May the stars bless the first Solar Queen of House Iris!

[ ] Solar King. In the name of your predecessor, you will not break the old ways and keep it so.

[ ] Solar Regent. The throne shall be guarded until a true and rightful heir is recognized by you.

[ ] Solar Prism. The new faith of a people stranded and far from home.

[ ] Solar Princess. It is, and it has always been.
the empire was always yours, but none may deny it now.

please dear god, do not vote for my joke, we are going to die faster than you can say violet.
While I agree with other stuff I think that

"Solar Princess. It is, and it has always been."

Would be better

I'm afraid I really don't see why we would remain a Solar Princess. Violet is the undisputed leader of an entire solar system of people. We could go for the "principality" angle but I don't see why we'd pick that over continuing with our people's traditions and naming a monarch. If it's your favourite then go for it, for sure, but I don't see how it's better.

So, remember how I mentioned it was very useful having a single "Elite" battalion that we could more or less rely on to seize objectives? I think that, mechanically, putting both Victory Medals onto the 1st Royals might be our best option. Then they can be our vanguard, until we can create a proper Elite regiment. Plus, they arguably deserve it. First for their conduct in seizing the airport, then for that raid on the officer corps of the 2nd Settlers that ended up with that unit being annihilated (They did 26 damage!). Finally, for sending half the enemy packing from their HQ. If the battle had continued I have no doubt 1st Royals and 1st Easters would've seized that objective for us. Giving them a +10 will mean they have a +25 in total, which means they will literally always do at least their minimum damage, unless the enemy gets more than 100 for their mitigation roll.

1st Tigers also conducted themselves well during the battle. They didn't have anything too flashy but they did good damage and took almost no casualties. Out of the 1st Guards, I'd say they did the best besides Royals. Out of 2nd Guards I would definitely pick 2nd Royals. They did 19 damage both times they fired, plus 8 in CQC. Oh also they didn't take a single casualty in the entire battle. Them and 2nd Easters. Check the battle summary in cycle 12.16. They ended the battle at 100% effectiveness.

Wisteria has carried the day, but is also responsible for the bombing of the refugee column... Giving them a medal for their actions will be a difficult balancing act if we want to avoid breeding resentment among Bastion survivors.

while true, they did fuck up the Intercessors and the other air-wing (forgot their name) royally so it would fit quite a lot
You both make good points. Ultimately I will still go with Wisteria. She was following our orders to conduct that orbital bombardment, and she was the only one of our destroyers that really made an impact in the battle. Callerya sat the whole thing out. Under our orders, yeah, but she still didn't do anything. Wisteria was the one that almost wiped out the 92nd Intercessors.

[ ] [Separatists] Integrate Followers. They fought for the House Iris they believed in, and there is no shame in that. Reach a hand out to formally welcome your sister's lost followers into your service, and be sure to stress that you hold no grudge for their perceived duty. This is sure to reveal any talent that may have otherwise quietly departed for the wider galaxy. Pick and gain one of the following aides.
-[ ] Lawrence, Marigold Knight. The only surviving officer of the 92nd Intercessors through a mix of skill and luck. He looks his age, a rare occurrence among Brilliance Knights, but the fact he can still pilot an aircraft with deadly precision and grace is a testament to his experience and ability. You have a feeling that he simply needs to 'knock the rust off' to get back into things and serve you in the same manner he had served your sire. Focus: Martial, Stewardship.
I am still convinced that the Aides are the best long-term choice, mechanically. It kinda hurts me to pass up the opportunity for a unique building and a monument to the battle, but I think immediately assigning Lawrence to resettle Bastion is still a pretty good way to repair the ties within our people and honour those that gave their lives. Maybe building some kind of monument will be a research option later. In theory, we can always get more Resources and Influence by expanding our domain. We have no idea how to get another Aide. Maybe it would be a research option eventually.

Plus, as far as I can tell, he's the only one of the potential aides who popped up in the story before this. Given that he served under the Solar King, I also think he might be a good mentor for Violet, given enough time. It does break our theme of all-girls, but he's cool and I like him. Plus stewardship is the best stat, fight me.

... I still really want to take the unique building and use it to build tall though. Concentrating on Andernia means we have fewer systems to defend.

That actually prompts a couple questions. Celeshiro, will it be possible for us to build a monument on Andernia III in the future if we don't take the option now? Similarly, will we have the ability to expand our cadre of aides through research or something? Maybe as a diplomacy/intrigue action-chain?
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oh shit, i didn't get that we had to choice between getting more aides or the other. in that case i'm in favor of taking the aide, specifically the pilot.

also, in case i wasn't clear enough about it, i support Wisteria getting the medal
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