Voting is open for the next 9 hours, 21 minutes
Cycle 12.13
[X] Plan Vascular Organs and Nervous Systems.
-[X] [Stratagem] Discourage Dissidents. Broadcast on all frequencies and all stations that the current conflict is not worth dying for. It is better for those prospective patriots on the opposing side to stay at home and watch from the sidelines to see how it all unfolds. Costs two (2) Command Points. Will increase the opposing side's Militia Level depending on chance.

You double-checked to make sure the voice masking program was online along with your other precautions, then pressed forward with the communication request. Fingers anxiously tapped against the arm of your chair, every cycle of the loading circle marking another second of delay. When the system finally reported somebody picking up on the other side, you almost suppressed a frustrated sigh to open up the discussion.

Almost. The noise was a perfect way to match with your anonymous employer mask, so you let it play out before speaking curtly. "Just what do you think you are doing?" You harshly demanded from the representative of the sellswords. "I have reports saying that you are moving erratically. Are you breaking our contract of cooperation with House Iris?"

"It is nothing of the sort," They stiffly replied with a low growl. "We still have a portion of our number committed to the taking of the city and working closely with their command. However, those who unneeded for the battle are being tasked with a different objective."

"One that is beyond the stated terms," You gritted out and eyed Dorothea's data feed. "There is well-justified concern now, especially with your sudden increase in numbers. Yes, that has been passed to me, and no, I will not be paying for them!"

"We don't expect you to, but we will be taking them along regarding the other terms of provision." They didn't even wait for your affirmative on that before continuing with their explanation. "Our and their goals align anyhow. What's more, it should also correspond with yours about ending this conflict as soon as possible."

"How so?" You demanded, entirely waving aside the matter of payment. They'd still fit anyway on the provided ship. "Will you be launching an attack on the untouched reserves?'

"No. We will go instead for the head." They finally revealed and your eyes widened when you caught on. "Our returned comrades know where the 'governor' is. We will remove her from play."

This...was an unexpected development. Your sister had, like any leadership figure, wisely withdrawn from her usual haunts to take command from an undisclosed location, one likely hidden in plain sight among the many smaller settlements that dotted the planet. It was hardly anything new or surprising when one's planet came under attack and it usually was more effort than it was worth to track it down to assault, especially when there were other defenders to consider dealing with first. Plus it was easy to waylay decoys or bounce signals about to complicate the search, leading to a frustrating game of cat and mouse one usually didn't want to bother with unless they wanted to rattle their opponents.

But if those turncoat Brilliance Knights actually knew the current location, and were willing to lead their comrades to it? Well, it would definitely be a masterstroke way to end this all, one that was quite convenient without needing to put in that much more effort on your part. In fact, the more you thought about it, the more you realized with a growing grin that you actually didn't have to do anything extra. What with your regular forces currently tied up fighting in Bastion, meaning that you had a perfect excuse to not risk your soldiers...why in fact, you could even spin this more!

You cleared your throat to help quell the eagerness to keep up the dour mask. "This is an...appropriate adjustment to your contract," You ponderously declared. "I will in fact even support it so and communicate with House Iris about keeping a diversionary effort going in Bastion. They will hopefully understand and give you the opportunity to raid the governor. Do not waste this chance."

There was an undeniable sigh of relief from the mercenary representative, followed by a deep note of gratitude that made you want to cackle. "We understand and are grateful for your employment. You will be remembered as a friend of our organization after today."

Idly, you wondered it if wasn't too late to slip some observation bugs and information taps into their equipment before you sent them off into the wider galaxy. Well, there could be time for that later, especially after you cleaned up this entire mess and made sure everything was nice for whatever incoming inheritance crisis House Iris was probably going to face soon. That made you blink and quickly tack on an additional order with a cough. "Oh, and try to capture the lady alive. I'm quite sure that the Solar Princess will be quite pleased so."

"Understood, we will try our best."

You gave it a full minute after the line disconnected, then quickly made sure your private room was still sealed. Then you raised both your arms up to the stars with a wide smile. Soon, soon! Your heart sang. Soon, I can shove this all off to somebody else and get back to my quiet darkness! It'll just be me and Radana, doing nothing but wasting time for fun! Ah, blissful days, await my coming!

"Nothing can go wrong now!" You cheered and threw yourself into eagerly sharing the news with your best friend, along with a quick ask to keep an eye on them. After a moment's thought, you also began to contact the attached media. You wanted this moment recorded to rewatch to your heart's content in the future.

House Iris Stratagems:
- Discourage Dissidents (88): Feeding into the growing anti-war sentiment has greatly reduced enthusiasm for supporting the war on the ground. Only the truly zealous would volunteer now.

House Iris (Separatists) Stratagems:
- Raise Supporters (Partial Success): A greatly reduced pool of bodies amid desperate times has led to the formation of half-strength militia units, useful for garrison duty but nothing else. It is strongly suspected that some are perhaps survivors or kin of the tragedy on Andernia III.

No enemy movement detected between planets.

Section D4: Signals indicates the formation of the 3rd Home Guard.

Issue a Plan Order!
-[ ] [Unit] 1st Andernian Guard
--[ ] Destination
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[ ] Destination

-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments

-[ ] [Unit] All Airwings

-[ ] [Unit] All Ships

-[ ] [Unit] All Units

-[ ] [Unit] 1st Andernian Guard (92%)
--Current Position: Andernia III, Bastion

-[ ] [Unit] 2nd Andernian Guard (97%)
--Current Position: Andernia III, Bastion


-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria (100%)
--Current Position: Andernia III orbit

-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya
--Current Position: Andernia IV orbit

- There is a half-strength militia unit raised on D4, it'll probably be wiped to a gentle breeze. But it is bodies to garrison the airbase to make opportunities elsewhere.
- What is stronger? Violet's delusions, or Murphy's invocation? Let's see.

12 hour moratorium to dream of shadows
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Aaaaand jinxed it.
Continue fields repairs/retreat for Callerya, Wisteria... We could repeat the last bombardement (hopefully the civilians have gotten the memo and scarpered by now), or attempt a targeted strike on the militia HQ.
All regiments hold their positions and prepare for the last leg.
I basically agree. Bomb D4 again in order to hit the air wing. The fact that sat. bombing got civilians hurt is a damn shame. If we sat bomb, then we're still unlikely to have a war crime happen, but I do want to tac. bomb in this case. Looks better for PR, and maybe for Violet's conscience. We also might want to just tac. bomb most of the time. Even on empty tiles saturation bombing is either a 1/10 or 9/100 chance of a war-crime for only double the damage of a tac. bomb. It is a tool we can use, but it is a very brutal one and I will probably advocate we avoid it whenever possible. Tactical bombing is only a 1/100 chance of a warcrime however so I think we should do it every turn and every tile whenever the enemy makes the mistake of stepping outside of a city.

Elsewise keep fighting in the city. We have all our numbers out, and even if they move in reinforcements we still have them outnumbered. Even if the secondary objective changes I'm fairly sure we can take 2 extra sectors at a moments notice, even without using the pelicans. Hopefully that can at least give us a stalemate, then we can claim the final round next time around. The main difficulty will be in ensuring we can get the knights into melee without pelicans. If people have ideas I welcome them even more so than usual.

I'm fairly sure any units they have in sector 2 are going to get wiped out due to our concentration of fire. Particularly if we plan for them to try and retreat.

[ ] Plan Quieter Conscience
-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments
--[ ] Hold Position
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[ ] Orbital Bombardment (D4)
---[ ] Tactical
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya
--[ ] Hold Position
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I basically agree. Bomb D4 again in order to hit the air wing. The fact that sat. bombing got civilians hurt is a damn shame. If we sat bomb, then we're still unlikely to have a war crime happen, but I do want to tac. bomb in this case. Looks better for PR, and maybe for Violet's conscience. We also might want to just tac. bomb most of the time. Even on empty tiles saturation bombing is either a 1/10 or 9/100 chance of a war-crime for only double the damage of a tac. bomb. It is a tool we can use, but it is a very brutal one and I will probably advocate we avoid it whenever possible. Tactical bombing is only a 1/100 chance of a warcrime however so I think we should do it every turn and every tile whenever the enemy makes the mistake of stepping outside of a city.

Elsewise keep fighting in the city. We have all our numbers out, and even if they move in reinforcements we still have them outnumbered. Even if the secondary objective changes I'm fairly sure we can take 2 extra sectors at a moments notice, even without using the pelicans. Hopefully that can at least give us a stalemate, then we can claim the final round next time around. The main difficulty will be in ensuring we can get the knights into melee without pelicans. If people have ideas I welcome them even more so than usual.

I'm fairly sure any units they have in sector 2 are going to get wiped out due to our concentration of fire. Particularly if we plan for them to try and retreat.

[ ] Plan Quieter Conscience
-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments
--[ ] Hold Position
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[ ] Orbital Bombardment (D4)
---[ ] Tactical
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya
--[ ] Hold Position
Agreed, a tactical strike on D4 should be enough.
We are aiming at targets that have already been tenderized last round, plus a militia regiment that is already at half-strenght.
[X] Plan Quieter Conscience
-[X] [Unit] All Regiments
--[X] Hold Position
-[X] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[X] Orbital Bombardment (D4)
---[X] Tactical
-[X] [Unit] HMS Callerya
--[X] Hold Position
maybe we could get the Callerya to pull escort duty on the Wisteria, as a precaution. other wise the only other thing I'd change is making it a sat.bombing, if only for the damage. though that's is not a priority for me.
[x] Plan Quieter Conscience
maybe we could get the Callerya to pull escort duty on the Wisteria, as a precaution.
That's fair. I just don't personally find it worth it given how damaged the Callerya still is.

other wise the only other thing I'd change is making it a sat.bombing, if only for the damage. though that's is not a priority for me.
Sat. bombing is... it's in a slightly odd place for us. Compared to a tac bomb, a sat bomb has basically ten times the chance of resulting in a war crime, for only double the damage. That's true for both cities and open tiles. It's just that tac. bombing a city already has either a 1/10 chance or near-to-it, so ten times more is just a guarantee of war-crimes.

There might be some conflicts in which the quest chooses a strategy of "total war", wherein we simply seek to maximise the damage inflicted to the enemy and their capacity to wage war - think of the bombing of cities carried out by both sides of the second world war. This is arguably valid, but I don't think I will ever advocate for it in future. I believe that most-if-not-all conflicts will be winnable if we prepare well enough. Or else, perhaps defeat is a better choice. Particularly if it will not equate to our total destruction.
Cycle 12.14
[X] Plan Quieter Conscience
-[X] [Unit] All Regiments
--[X] Hold Position
-[X] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[X] Orbital Bombardment (D4)
---[X] Tactical
-[X] [Unit] HMS Callerya
--[X] Hold Position

The crew of HMS Wisteria were definitely more reluctant and hesitant when the order to resume bombardment came down from on high, but the declared lesser scale were eventually received with muted relief. Even though they knew that it was simply the fortunes of war, the pictures and videos of the bombed refugee convoy still haunted their dreams so. It wasn't especially something that many could shrug off, not when their opponents were their own people.

Still, they had their orders and their duties to carry out. Soon, the missile silos opened up and a new salvo of rockets was launched at the planet below, albeit at a more sedate and cautious pace. This time, only confirmed military targets were targeted, a revision that greatly reduced effectiveness in favor of safety and public optics. Perhaps also soothing the conscience of those pulling the trigger.

(HMS Wisteria (Arrowhead Missiles): 56 +10 (Attack) = 66)
(Damage: 2 +9 = 11)
Total: 11 Damage!

There was a chorus of dark chuckles amid the artillery officers when one of the confirmed military targets turned out to be a hanger where enemy jets were visible moving in and out in a hurry, likely to arm and prepare for launch. Within minutes, a batch of missiles came screaming down and impacted the flimsy building. The result was a massive explosion that a few could swear they felt from orbit, the payload from HMS Wisteria likely igniting the arms within. No doubt, those planes were no longer a threat.

However, that didn't stop those already in the air. There was a bark from the radar officers, hostile bogeys approaching! Likely the few survivors of the squadron, furious and wanting to take a pound of flesh in return for their comrades' dishonorable death on the ground. The anti-air turrets of HMS Wisteria began to quickly spin up, ready to defend against yet another air attack.

Airstrike at Andernia III Orbit (Cycle 12, Subcycle 3)

"There," The last officer of the 92nd Intercessors breathed over the radio, "That's her. The one that's been shelling us."

"Those monsters, give us a good death!"

"You killed some of our youngest pilots too!"

"Ah, we should've sunk your sister the first time!"

"It doesn't matter who we're fighting, if I'm going to die, it's going to be while I'm in a cockpit!"

The squadron leader pressed their lips together and barked the order. "All units, clear comms. Look carefully for a path in and if you see it, take it. Commence the operation."

(Anti-Air Interception: 57 +10 (Mage Turrets) +5 (Diamond Formation) -20 (Directed Airstrike) = 52)
(Evasion: 93 -10 (Agility) = 83)

(Damage: 2 +10 = 12)
(Mitigation: 10 +6 = 16)
12 -16 = -4 (Minimum 2)
Total: 2 Chassis Damage.

(Naval Strike: 32 -10 (Naval Attack) -20 (Directed Airstrike) = 2)
(Damage: 0)
(Mitigation: 0)
0 -0 = 0
Total: 0 Hull Damage.

It was too much. The starsailors of HMS Wisteria had seen how devastating a few good missile strikes could be against a ship their size, and were quite determined to ensure that there was no such similar misfortune wished upon them. The turrets began to fill the void with a hail of metal, each projectile capable of penetrating the frame of any unfortunate aircraft that would drift in the bullet's way. Soon, it became painfully clear that there was no straightforward way in and out without being exposed to fire in some way.

Yet still, a few brave pilots dared and raced in with war cries that echoed through the radio network. These were almost immediately focused down by the turrets which swiftly tracked and unleashed targeted streams of lead at them. Even when they tried to jink and throw off the aim, the sheer volume was far too much.

But there was joyful laughter from the cockpit. "That was a blast! It was great flying with you all one last time-" The undeniable sound of an explosion filled the headsets, followed by a burst of static, and then nothing but a silence like a cold splash of water to the face.

"...a fine last flight," The squadron lead somberly called and banked their craft away to take a final overview of the turrets, the shrapnel, and the destroyed planes. As determined as they had been only moments prior, even they knew now it was unfair to order more to their certain death with how focused the ship's defenses were. HMS Wisteria showed no sign of letting up either, the gunners likely ready to track and fire at a moment's notice.

It was over, and they didn't even get to fire a damn shot. A heavy hiss escaped the officer and they slumped slightly in their chair, now feeling their age. "All units, the mission is a failure. Abort your runs and get into formation. We're going to RTB."

"What?! Sir, what are you saying?!"

"Are you kidding me! After we saw the death of true heroes-!"

"At least let me fire this missile, we have to show our determination!"

"Clear comms!" They repeated again and tightly gripped their sticks. "Listen up. This fight, it's all but over now. Dying now and trying to take somebody with you, it has no glory in defeat. So it's time we landed back in reality and realize that our wings have been clipped long ago. Our war's over..and it's been for a while," They tiredly finished, the burst of youthful energy now truly sapped of them.

The officer pilot was really feeling their age now, all the years of intense flying catching up.

There was nothing on the comms until another tired voice chimed in. " nuggets are lucky. You can fly again, maybe under a better flag this time. But us? We're done. Dammit, those lucky bastards are going to laugh at us when we finally get there, huh?"


"I...sir, it was an honor learning and flying with you!"

"Clear comms," Once more it was weakly repeated, and the aircraft was turned about, away from the destroyer and back to the planet. "And return to base. Our flight's over."

But while what remains of the 92nd Intercessors came back from war, another was racing to join in. The 628th Frontier Guard had been saddled with the unenviable job of garrisoning and guarding friendly assets for most of the conflict, unable to participate in being anything other than an orbital bombardment target. But now with a militia garrison to take over their roles, they now piled into whatever transports they had left and raced to join the Battle of Bastion.

One last charge then to dislodge the invaders from the city.

Battle Report
House Iris:
HMS Wisteria: No Damage. Combat Effectiveness 100%.

House Iris Separatists:
92nd Intercessors:
- Omega Squadron. Heavy Damage. Combat Effectiveness 20%

- Alpha Squadron was annihilated by the way, no survivors. Those planes really went up like a fireworks factory.
- With that, it's probably safe to say the air/navy war is over. Time for likely the last ground battle turn.
When the civil wars finally over we should put up a monument to those civilians we accidentally hit. Then we should have Violet give a speech alongside it that accidentally only makes her more popular, something like.

"This was not just a mistake, this was not just miscommunication, this was not just an accident, this was a tragedy. This. This death. This pain. This, the unreasonable, horrible price of not just war, but war between siblings. Brother against brother. Sister against sister. We know this already, for we have seen it before. And like those who came before, after the dust is gone, the guns are silent, and our swords are sheathed, we rebuild. And we remember. We remember those who died for us, we remember those who died against us, we remember them all. For they were family. And in the end, we continue on, in remembrance, and the hope that we will never have to raise sword nor spear against those we love ever again. We continue on to build a brighter future for those who come after, just like all those who came before."
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There's something very grim about legions of our own people going to their near-certain death and defeat... against us. Such is the nature of civil war, I suppose. Pray we do not have to fight any more in future. Wisteria is certainly gonna go down in the history books - both for her valour and her infamy. Imagine someone who had family in that convoy, who is later assigned onto Wisteria. Just... a very strange spot to be in. At least Andernia III, and Bastion for that matter, aren't going to make up a majority of our population base. It will be interesting if Bastion and New Helm develop something of a rivalry as to which is the "true" capital of the system.

EDIT: Also I understand why, but fuck the 92nd Intercessors. They didn't deserve what happened to them but neither did the Callerya. Its war. You're military. The whole fight isn't between you and the other military. It's between Violet and her Sister. If you want to get pissed, get pissed at her or us. In particular, get pissed at our Sister for starting this shit by imprisoning a diplomat.

EDIT 2: The 92nd, what little remains of them, used their sortie this subcycle. So afaik we can use our pelicans to our hearts content. The enemy, on the other hand, has to be careful of our Lily Guard AA.
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Cycle 12.15
The Governor's hiding spot was admittedly somewhat clever but not at all unusual, Radana reflected. It was a sleepy looking homestead complete with a small attached village, a fairly common sight across the stars for well-off estates beyond the city. After all, when the price of land beyond the urban space was dirt-cheap, there was no excuse to buy up as much and then rent or subsidize some out for family servants or adjacent business workers to live on. A few even generously donated said space to those willing to live in the rural countryside, so far away from many commercial conveniences and dependent on irregular shipments.

Ironically, the Camellia Knight was quite sure that her best friend couldn't bear to live like so. "She'd probably get bored and go mad when there is actual peace and quiet- she likes the noise to work her schemes," Radana muttered and then blinked, toggling her helmet's optic systems. Her view of the scene swiftly cycled between different modes and filters until settling on one showing detected life signs, which scanned the area before her to helpfully tag any suspected humans within the land. It was a function that had originally been implemented in the original Guardian Suits as a disaster relief measure, but like many things had since been repurposed for the many wars humanity so loved to wage against one another.

She could see them now, highlighted bodies seemingly going about their business around...but in a pattern. Her suit's computing systems helpfully mapped out their seemingly random wanderings to reveal a tight patrol path, one that regularly swept the perimeter for any signs of intruders. Radana then sighed as, on cue, one of them noticed the host of mercenary knights approaching and the entire compound became alight with activity.

"So it begins," She intoned and removed the filter at a blink. "Kat, how goes the breach?"

A loud swear opened up the Hyacinth Prism's answer. "I fucked up their outer firewall, but they slammed the gates hard down when the alarm came through!" She growled, her customized suit letting out a noisy groan when the cooling systems kicked in to temper the heating hardware. "Going to have to force this shit apart now, unless we kick their arse quicker!"

"Unlikely," Radana replied after a moment of study and shook her head. She could see Dorothea taking the lead in the battle, but it was augmented human against augmented human. They did have the numbers, but they were fighting undoubtedly some of the true elites in service of House Iris, those loyal and fanatic knights who served the Solar Princess just as passionately as Radana and the others did with theirs. "It's going to be a while if we want to do this right instead of rushing in and taking unnecessary casualties."

"Damn right," Kat grunted and grumbled when she began to warm up another set of breach scripts. "Nothing to it, other to say fuck it, we ball. Let's try our best to support from afar, but be ready to haul arse the moment we can get closer. I don't want to deal with this shitty connection any longer than I have to."

"We'll do so. I'll protect you then."


The Invasion of Bastion (Cycle 12, Subcycle 3)

Enemy Infantry Battalions detected in the following locations:
- Sector 1: F6
- Sector 2: A2, F5
- Sector 5: E7, F5
- The 628th Frontier Guard is now joining the battle!

Strategic Objectives Located!
- Frontier Headquarters. A mockery or tribute to those who had braved the unknowns of space, it is difficult to determine. But it is known to be central to the coordination and cohesion of the auxiliary soldiers that make up the bulk of the Frontier regiments, so removing all enemy forces from Sector 5: E6, E7, F7, F6 will surely deplete enemy morale of these auxiliaries.

Tactical Objective Located!
- Protect Refinery. Continue to maintain control over Sector 2 B4 to stop the flow of resources into enemy coffers and hurt their supply lines. This objective is worth 1 Bonus Victory Point.
- Crossroad Domination. With the northern highway into the city destroyed, it makes the southern crossroads a critical junction over which control in and out of Bastion hinges upon. Quickly move to secure a superior commanding position at Sector 2 I1 before the opposition has a chance to maintain a front. This objective is worth 2 Bonus Victory Points.

Alert: Incoming Transmission from Knights of the Last Bloom
"Too many flowers in a garden cannot grow together. Only one may bloom beautifully."

Issue a Ground and Air Battle Plan!

[ ] Plan Ground Attack
-[ ] [Battalion] 1st Battalion
--[ ] New Location
-[ ] [Battalion] 2nd Battalion
--[ ] New Location- Pelican
-[ ] [Battalion] 3rd Battalion
--[ ] Reserves- Pelican

[ ] Plan Air Attack
-[ ] [Squadron] 1st Squadron
--[ ] Fighter Duty
-[ ] [Squadron] 2nd Squadron
--[ ] Bomber Duty
--[ ] Directed Airstrike: Target Location

1st Andernian Guard
-[ ] [Battalion] 1st Royals (Combat Efficiency 93%)
--Current Location: Sector 1 F7
-[ ] [Battalion] 1st Tigers (Combat Efficiency 97%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 B3
-[ ] 1st Easters (Combat Efficiency 85%)
--Current Location: Sector 1 G6
-[ ] [Battalion] 1st Panthers Battalion (Combat Efficiency 91%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 C5

2nd Andernian Guard
-[ ] [Battalion] 2nd Royals (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 C4
-[ ] [Battalion] 2nd Tigers (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 C3
-[ ] [Battalion] 2nd Easters (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 A3
-[ ] [Battalion] 2nd Panthers (Combat Efficiency 97%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 B4

Knights of the Last Bloom
-[ ] [Battalion] 1st Black Roses (Combat Efficiency 93%)
--Current Location: Sector 2 B4

Available Pelicans: 5


- Decided to lean a little bit harder on the battle map being the 'scenic' view and remove the hex/terrain markers from that. The tactical map still has all of that, but the battle map is all about looking nice. Hm, maybe I'll improve on that in the future.
- The dice really wanted to make one last interesting clash with a new objective up for grabs. Let's see how you deal with this.

16 hour moratorium to make a battle plan.
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- Crossroad Domination. With the northern highway into the city destroyed, it makes the southern crossroads a critical junction over which control in and out of Bastion hinges upon. Quickly move to secure Sector 2 I1 before the opposition has a chance to maintain a front. This objective is worth 2 Bonus Victory Points.
Wouldn't it be G3-H3 though? That's the actual crossroads junction.

Anyway, regardless of the exact location, we should Pelican the Knights and possibly the 1st Royals/Easters to secure that area. With Sector 2 completely controlled and the crossroads bonus objective added onto the Refinery, our victory is guaranteed.
[] Plan: Grand Finale
-[] [Battalion] 1st Royals (Combat Efficiency 93%)
--[] Transport: Sec 2 C3
-[] 1st Easters (Combat Efficiency 85%)
Transport: Sec 2 A3
-[] [Battalion] 2nd Tigers (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--[] Transport: Sec 2 I1
-[] [Battalion] 2nd Easters (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--[] Transport: Sec 2 I1
-[] [Battalion] 1st Black Roses (Combat Efficiency 93%)
--[] Transport: Sec 2 I1

Put the Black Roses and two undamaged unit in to hold I1, and swap in the units from Sector 1 to take their places.
So... I might have driven myself a tad nuts trying to figure out what the OPFOR should do in this, frankly, very difficult situation. I was working on the assumptions that their priority now is to drag the battle out for as long as possible, so they can raise more militia, and potentially turn the tide. Also that they know we're going to use our knights on that new objective, and that they therefore DO NOT WANT to contest that objective. Because they think they'll lose. Rightfully so. I also assumed the 4th Militia is, in fact, in the city. If they were ever going to deploy it, now would be the time.

KEY (OPFOR plan):
Red Triangles: 3rd Militia redeployment.
Red Arrows: All other OPFOR pelican deployments.
Red lines and circles: OPFOR ground movement.
Green arrows: Redeployment of the Black Roses (According to OPFOR).
Blue arrows: Guards redeployment (According to OPFOR).
Blue lines and circles: Guards ground movement (According to OPFOR)
Green lines and circles: 1st Royals ground movement, where it does not overlap with 1st Easters (According to OPFOR).


After going over the earlier analysis, to be honest, I am still very unsure if OPFOR will play in this manner. To the extent that we have seen them, they have consistently played for the secondary objectives... admittedly whilst holding much of their forces in reserve. Perhaps they did not deploy all their forces initially in fear of our anti-air capabilities and wished to remain tactically flexible. If so then they made the wrong decision, but understandably so.

Analysying OPFOR's behaviour based on their previous actions is flawed however, as the refinery was previously much more valuable. If you held the refinery, as well as one sector, then you were guaranteed to win that round. As such, it probably distorted OPFOR planning style, in the same way that it distorted our plans. There are no longer any secondary objectives of such critical importance, so holding a dominant position in a sector has become relatively more valuable.

I am unsure if this is widely known but, if OPFOR is able to claim sectors 1,3,4, and 5, then they will have us at a tie. I believe that trying to claim either of the secondary objectives is not a path they will take as, whilst they might be able to overwhelm us for a single round, the damage that they will take from our concentration of forces, or from our AA, will likely make any future rounds completely untenable.

I do not believe OPFOR will contest either secondary objective. I also do not believe that they will seek to overwhelm us in sector 2. I do believe that we should take this opportunity to redeploy two units to sector 5, just outside the range of the battalions in the fort. I do not believe they will see this coming. Us having two battalions in sector 5, along with their two battalions, will mean that the sector is contested. This will give them 3(three) points from sectors controlled, and us 4(four) points from controlling sector 2, and both secondary objectives. Even if we fail to win this round, us sieging that militia stronghold will put them on the backfoot in sector 5. If they sought to reinforce, they would likely have to do so by Pelican which would give us a free AA attack as well.

If anyone has questions or critiques they would like to share, please do so. This OPFOR plan is based on several assumptions about what OPFOR is likely to do. If anyone is able to effectively undermine those assumptions, then I would particularly appreciate that.

EDIT: The notes on what I think OPFOR thinks we will do aren't perfect, but it communicates the same idea. I did this in paint, and by the time I got to the end I could not be bothered to clean up minor elements. But where they think we will deploy around the overwatch, including in sector 3 and 4, is correct. Just how we'd juggle our units in the rest of sector 2 isn't right.
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So... I might have driven myself a tad nuts trying to figure out what the OPFOR should do in this, frankly, very difficult situation.
Wow, this is some pretty detailed analysis work that really makes me happy about how hopefully engaging it all is. All I'll say is a reminder that infantry have movement 3, and that if they are using Convoy Move with roads, they have to begin/end movement on a road.
Got round to grabbing a block-out mesh, so I could actually try my hand at trying to design what the Guardian Suit used by Brilliance Knights could look like. This is only the top and bottom piece complete so far, still need to do stuff like the arms and legs. Feel free to give feedback or suggestions.

Since the 16 hours have come and gone...

[X] Plan: Grand Finale
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Royals (Combat Efficiency 93%)
--[X] Transport: Sec 2 C3
-[X] 1st Easters (Combat Efficiency 85%)
Transport: Sec 2 A3
-[X] [Battalion] 2nd Tigers (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--[X] Transport: Sec 2 I1
-[X] [Battalion] 2nd Easters (Combat Efficiency 100%)
--[X] Transport: Sec 2 I1
-[X] [Battalion] 1st Black Roses (Combat Efficiency 93%)
--[X] Transport: Sec 2 I1
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