Im 99% sure that it's due to the power of belief on the part of the Mechanicus that infuses spirits into machines. So if the Tech Monks produces stuff - the machine spirits will be drastically different, if they exist at all; I know Squats don't have machine spirits.
Most likely.

[X] – A Tech Monk, looking for your same target…

Kung fu techno-wizard sounds cool as hell.

"This orb from an unknown xeno species can access a dimension where darkness is a solid, moldable thing. Which is how we're able to create fields of darkness that obscure sight!"
"... that's just magic."
"It's not magic, it's technology"
"You have a staff that shoots lightning and you do martial arts techniques that in holovids would require wire work."
All the more reason for us to befriend our own techno ninja!

And also to inevitably piss of the Mechanicus. Their aesthetic is mid.
[X] – A Tech Monk, looking for your same target…

Friar Tuck-Your-Spine-Into-A-Pocket-Dimension. Junior.
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Sep 21, 2022 at 8:10 PM, finished with 50 posts and 33 votes.
Yeah not shocked by that. It's an eye to future interactions with the Eldar, and maybe making our boi less of an absolute Xenophobic asshat.

Still bummed we didn't get to see an alternate interpretation of technology worship though. Hopefully we get a future option for that, I kinda want to have an answer to the mechanicum.
I'm just glad there was an actual split this time; it really could've gone the other way. Means I came up with some good options.

Or at least two of them.
[X] – An Eldar, asking for a trade…

Believe it or not, the Eldar did try to stop the Horus Heresy or atleast Eldrad did.
[X] – An Eldar, asking for a trade…

Believe it or not, the Eldar did try to stop the Horus Heresy or atleast Eldrad did.
vote already closed and that option won. Now the eldar have been known to help but just like the humans they look down on they so rarely ever do it (the interex might be one of the few times) cause they look down and hate others (just like the humans most of them dislike)
vote already closed and that option won. Now the eldar have been known to help but just like the humans they look down on they so rarely ever do it (the interex might be one of the few times) cause they look down and hate others (just like the humans most of them dislike)

I think the reason the Eldar hate the Imperium so much isn't just racism on their side, the Imperium tends to kill them on sight and act dickish to them back. I think the Intersex proves they are atleast capable of forming an alliance with Humanity.
I think the reason the Eldar hate the Imperium so much isn't just racism on their side, the Imperium tends to kill them on sight and act dickish to them back. I think the Intersex proves they are atleast capable of forming an alliance with Humanity.
not saying they aren't cause they had trading deals with the leagues (like volken) but well the leagues didn't get involved with the wars between the eldar and orks (they traded with both sides) but when the orks attacked them they expected the eldar to help but didn't get a response (which for all they knew it never reached the eldar but they grew to hate the eldar)
The Eldar have always looked at humanity the same way humans look at chimpanzees.

"Aw, you put a little spear together, you think you're a warrior, that's so cute."
XII. Aggressive Negotiations
An Eldar, asking for a trade…

XII. Aggressive Negotiations

It looks almost like a human, but it's too tall, too slender, with all the wrong proportions. Female, yes, but with an elongated skull (or is that the shape of the helmet?). Its armor looks like bone, much of it colored black. Strange runes are etched on the armor and its strange staff. It is standing in the clearing, patiently waiting. For what, you're unsure, but the creature's posture indicates expectation. Your crew surround the clearing in near-perfect silence.

You're just about to step out to confront the alien, but before you do, she speaks.

"Ching Sun-Sin, shanwei of the Cutting Dagger, I seek parley with you and your…… 'crew.'"

Her voice is… strange. You can't quite put the sound into words, but it's both too ethereal and too material. Like it was artificial, but also organic.

You hesitate a moment, thinking it may be a trick.

She sighs. "Even if your men weren't about as stealthy as one of your archaic machine walkers, your mind blazes to me like a star. Come out so we may speak as civilized beings."

You sigh and step from the brush, and though she certainly expected it, her grip on her staff tightens.

You fold your arms, frowning. "I ain't making promises here. Just speak. I'll hear what you have to say, slaver."

"That is all that is required." She removes her helmet. Her long orange hair, a familiar shade, tumbles from her head. Her green eyes hold the penetrating countenance of the panthers you slew more than any human you've met. You didn't notice at first, but she's taller than most of your crewmates, and only slightly shorter than you. Every step and movement is controlled and elegant.

"I am Belathala, and I am Aeldari."

"Okay, I'm gonna call you Bel."

"Please don't." Bel says, her voice clipped and cold. "I will lead you to the cultists you seek."

You raise an eyebrow at that. "I thought you were one of them."

She scowls. "Never."

Fan looks over your shoulder, her eyes full of genuine curiosity. Bel blanches and backs away from Fan, instinctive revulsion on her face. Yet there's something else there, too; pain. Like the very knowledge Fan was there was giving the Aeldari a migrane.

"She's like fire…" Fan whispers, stepping closer. "Fire full of night stars…"

"Please keep her away from me." Bel says, and to your surprise her voice is trembling and pained. She's not demanding as she has so far, she's pleading.

Her pleading snaps Fan out of her dream-like fugue, and as she backs up to get behind you again, you see she looks crestfallen.

You pull her back up onto your back. "So. What exactly do you want in exchange? A cut of their treasure?"

She cleared her throat, rubbing her temple. "I have no need for gold or silver. However…"

You give her a clever grin, resting your chin in your palm and your foot on a log. "They have something else you want."

"The tears of my goddess as she watched the destruction they wrought."

That sounded like a very poetic way to completely avoid answering the question. "You're after tears?"

"You would recognize them as… stones, perhaps. Jewels of immense import. Aeldari lives are at stake."

You frown. "Any life that rests on stones is already screwed."

"Somehow correct and incorrect." The Aeldari sighs, rubbing her temples. "It's like talking to a slightly more coherent ork…"

So. One, orks are real. Two, the A in Aeldari stands for Asshole.

"All you want is some weird jewels, then?"

She nods and taps a large gemstone set into the center of her chest. "They look like this. Do not let the soulless one touch them."

You look to the gemstone. It's unnaturally smooth, but it otherwise doesn't seem special.

You frown and fold your arms. "And what's in it for me, exactly?"

Her face twitches in what you can only assume is annoyance. "I offer my services in finding and eliminating the-"

"Not good enough." You interrupt. "You clearly find me repulsive and would not be talking to me if you had another choice. You're not here to offer help, you're here asking for mine."

She scowls. "You are going to attack these cultists anyway."

"Yes, but nothing's stopping from, say, shooting all of the 'Tears' I find there."

Her eyes flash white, and her fact twists with rage. "You dare?"

You yawn. "I don't need your help and I don't particularly want it. You want to help me. So. Bribe me."

"You want me to give you a bribe to help you?!"


She doesn't say a word for a few moments, then sighs, her tone losing much of it's edge. "Fine. I'm here asking for your help. I need the tears returned to me unbroken and unmolested. What do you want in exchange? I have no treasures that would be of interest to you."



Bel has admitted that she needs your help rather than the other way around. Which means you can grill her for information or favors.

[] – Demand a service from her in the future.

Leave it vague as to what exactly you'll want from her. Keep this idea in your back pocket for later, if things get a bit hairy.

[] – Ask her to elaborate on the stones

She was rather evasive about what exactly the treasures she's looking for are for.

[] – Ask what the Aeldari are

You've never heard of any creature like her. Supposedly there's alien life among the stars but you've never heard of one on Tabgach. Information on her and her people would be interesting, if nothing else.

[] – Ask about Fan

The Aeldari seems to have a grasp on what exactly Fan is. If you ask for more information, you might be able to learn more about her condition and what you can do to help her. It'd be best if she could learn to switch that nullification power of hers on and off at will.

[] – Write-in

Submitted by @HalfTangible (I thought of this immediately after posting)

[] - Ask how she found you

She knew you were coming this way. Until today, you didn't know that. Ask her how she could possibly have done that and how it might help you in the future... or at least get some clues on how to avoid it.

Submitted by @Tabascoheath

[] - Ask for a weapon

Figure our boy here is smart enough to know that whoever this lady is, she isn't something to easily kill, and as such probably has a real pointy stick we could use to kill the cultists.

[] - Ask about how she got here

WEBWAY SHENANEGANS, decent idea OOC but this only really works out two ways, either we find out about the webway or we find out about her ship. either is decent enough.
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[X] – Demand a service from her in the future.
This is a given, having the Eldar in our service for later is very nice indeed.

[] – Ask what the Aeldari are
Really feeling this one, basic knowledge of the eldar is a decent thing to have. (and might actually surprise this willowy nerd)

[] – Ask about Fan
Also real good, getting preemptive knowledge of blanks and what they do.

As for write-ins

[X] - Ask for a weapon
Figure our boy here is smart enough to know that whoever this lady is, she isn't something to easily kill, and as such probably has a real pointy stick we could use to kill the cultists.

[] - Ask about how she got here
WEBWAY SHENANEGANS, decent idea OOC but this only really works out two ways, either we find out about the webway or we find out about her ship. either is decent enough.

Any other ideas?

@HalfTangible I messed up some spelling of my write-in Ask for a weapon, only saw it when you added it to the post, its fixed now if you want to change it
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[X] – Demand a service from her in the future.

[X] – Ask what the Aeldari are

[X] – Ask about Fan
a favor isn't worth the words used to get it, even if she was bound to do it, it'll probably fuck us