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Two primarchs were erased from Imperial record. All that they were: their names, their deeds, even their legions, lost to time. This is the story of the 11th primarch, on the oceanic knightworld of Tabgach.

Captain Ching Sun-Sin was found by the great Reaver Queen, ruler of the greatest pirate armada in the world. He has slaughtered slavers on their own misbegotten ship slain ancient krakens, fought off a Dark Eldar raid, and destroyed a Chaos cult within an eternal storm. Now, however, the valiant captain has found his way to the Temple of Perpetual Devotion, of the enigmatic Tech Monks, and complications begin to rear their ugly head...
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Prologue: i - From The Stars He Fell


Only half sane (it's less cringe)
Valkyrie, Primus
It is the thirtieth millennium.

The Emperor of Mankind has begun his Great Crusade to unite all of humanity's lost colonies among the stars. At his command are 20 legions of bio-engineered super warriors, the space marines, a force unmatched in all the galaxy. And for each Legion, there is a primarch, one of the Emperor's own gene-crafted sons, a myth made manifest to lead them.

But not all has gone well with His great plan. By fate or by trickery or by artifice of alien monsters, the 20 primarchs were stolen from the emperor's gene labs and scattered across the galaxy while in their infancy. Now, the legions crusade not only to unite mankind, but to find their gene fathers. The Imperial Truth was the manifest destiny of mankind, to conquer the galaxy as its highest power, for there were no gods, no spirits, no great divine plan. There was only mankind, their birthright among the stars, and the greatest man of them all, the Emperor.

Or so He told them.

In truth, the games of thirsting gods and the machinations of the darkest powers of the warp are very real, and horrifically malevolent. In their fear and hatred of the so-called Anathema and his great plan to starve them, the Ruinous Powers of Chaos reached into the Emperor's labs and scattered the primarchs across the galaxy while still in their infancy.

Some primarchs' dooms will be sealed by this scattering. Others will be empowered to defy the fate set before them. And some will return to the fold as if they had never left it. In another time, two of their number would be lost forever.

It is a time of trials, and a glimpse of the wonders to come, or horrors to plague the galaxy.

The Age of Strife will soon give way to the time of glories…

The Lost (30k Primarch Quest)

From the Sea of Stars He Fell

In the Dark Age of Technology, even before the discovery of the warp drive, humanity had attempted to spread across the stars. Vast colonization ships spread far across the stars with all the needed resources and technology to tame a world. These Long March fleets were supplied with STC databases and fabrication facilities to deal with most any threat. With the coming of the Age of Strife, many of these worlds regressed; the wondrous technology began to fail, leaving only scattered remnants.

Tabgach was an ocean world with no true continents, merely large islands and long archipelagos. It spins through the void, a blue marble spotted with green. Swirling clouds and storms crossed the oceans, legendary monsoons and hurricanes that would be the storm of the century on any other world. Tabgach long ago lost contact with any other human colony, and has since regressed to a feudal world in almost constant strife.

On the largest island – Zhongua – Shenzhou the Indomitable, Divine Empress, the Emissary of the Heavenly Court and blood of the Jade, ascended to the throne twenty years ago. This ascension was mired with scandal and accusations of patricide that she has always fervently denied. However, these suspicions lead her greatest general, one Chan Len, to break away from her rule and rebel.

The rebellion has not gone well for anyone. House Chan had many allies and more Knights, but the Empress had access to the Staff of the Azure Sky, an irreplaceable machine that dwarfed of all the planet's knights. The slow grind of a global war has destroyed House Chan and its allies, leading from a war between two sides into a war of bitter, widespread conflict across the planet between various Houses and Lords. Allegiances and battle lines shift daily, and there is no clear victor, or even a clear goal for victory.

The Kuji-nan (technology monks) have always remained neutral in this conflict, assisting anyone that requires help in fixing their errant machines, including the knights. However, this has not won them any favors. If anything, it's made all other sides angry, and each of their temples are pressured to pick someone and reject all further requests for aid. Some have allied with one lord or another, but most remain independent.

The peasantry suffer most of all. Though the Knights do not deliberately target the peasantry (with some notable and dishonorable exceptions), war is a messy affair at the best of times. It's hard to have a proper harvest when there's every chance a giant robot will rampage across your fields of rice, or start a fire that destroys your home. As such, many have simply taken to the rivers and seas, raiding supply lines for food, water, and any other valuable shipments. The greatest of these bandits – a woman calling herself the Reaver Queen – has gathered a fleet of warships under her banner, flying an ancient symbol near-forgotten on Tabgach: the jolly roger.

You know nothing of this yet, of course; your pod tumbles through the void of space, and begins to burn on re-entry…



Where do you land? Who finds you first, among all the planet's inhabitants?

[] – Divine Empress - The palace of the divine empress, whose ascension was mired in conspiracy and treachery…

For twenty long years, the newly arise Divine Empress has fought a civil war against those who foolishly believe she killed her father to ascend to the throne. On the anniversary of his death, a pod containing a small child crashes into the very palace of the divine empress herself, destroying the shrine dedicated to her father. Could this, perhaps, be the reinforcements she sought from the stars?

Your miraculous arrival and proximity to the Empress will grant you immense global influence from the get-go. You will be raised among nobles and highborn officials, all jockeying for your favor and approval, as kin to the Empress.

As (adopted) kin to the Empress herself, you will immediately have near-global influence, with only a few pockets of true resistance. Your role will be advisor and influencer, but a good chessmaster always comes out ahead…

(Vizier. Forge alliances, manipulate factions, and maybe discover the truth of your adoptive mother's actions that night.)

[] – Tech Monk - Near the shrine of a humble machinist, doing his best to maintain what cannot be understood…

Although most STCs have been lost or destroyed, there are orders of monks dedicated to protecting the few that remain. Though the monks maintain and use the machines, and fight off all those foolish enough to try to take them, they have lost the ability to innovate or change. But one fateful day, the machinists find a pod…

You will be among Knights and machines all your life, and will understand them perhaps even better than you understand humans. However, your life in a monastery will leave you with few people skills and no influence outside the monastery.

You will be a scientist and machinist, born to tinker and upgrade. The world around you may be a storm of chaos, but your intelligence and discipline are unparalleled…

(Cyborg Warrior Monk. Fix problems through inventing/improving on technology. A primarch's fists are great, but his mind is even greater.)

[] – Rebel Nobles - Near a noble, yet failing household in rebellion…

For twenty years, an old noble house has lead a rebellion against the Empress after an act of patricide, and though they know they are right, they are losing. The night before the noble lord found the capsule, his wife had lost her newborn son. Both distraught, a grieving father chose to wander what was left of their estate in thought. A healthy child that fell from the sky seemed almost too good to be true…

You will be found by a noble line, but one long in decline due to rebellion. You will quickly become a leader of men, but with few other resources to call upon. You will have some Knights, and a loving family, but you will have little influence outside your small area.

You will be a guerrilla fighter, a sneaky tactician. You will take control of the rebellion, and possess the pride of a righteous cause: the removal of the patricidal Empress…

(Warrior-king. Lead battles and war against the tyrannical divine empress.)

[] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…

During the siege of the Broken Isles, your pod crashes through the knight leading an attack against a port claimed by the pirate queen herself. You will be inducted into her fleet, which has been on the run for years, but is not without strength.

You will have a strong connection to the dregs of humanity, a talent for inspiring them, and a strong connection to the sea (and later, space). However, you will be vastly outgunned; you've landed on a Knightworld, but you have no Knights and no way to make use of them even if you did. Your technology is lacking, but you are a primarch; all can be solved with the proper application of time and being awesome.

You will sail the seas, with little care for the world of politics, this rebellion against the Empress, or anything else. But above all, you will be free...

(Pirate. Swashbuckling high seas adventure. Piracy, sailing, treasure, and maybe hunting sea monsters. A pirate's life for thee~)

[] – Eldar - In the water during a storm… and as you fight for your short life against the churning water, a slender hand grasps yours…

Your pod lands in the ocean water, and after a time, you are found by one of the alien Eldar.

The Eldar are a doomed and dying people; they know it, as do all who know anything of them. But not all is lost. This human experiment, this great hero, this primarch… she is not sure why, but he holds the key to her people's future. He will kill many Eldar, like all of his brothers, but in the end he will save countless more… if she can get to him before the humans do, and lead him right.

You will start out with an alien advisor whispering in your ear, granting you knowledge of the future. However, following that advice will always be to the aliens' benefit in the end, and you will have problems connecting with humanity. You will attempt to pierce the veil of fate that blinds you to the future of your deeds.

You will be a manipulator, with knowledge of the future whose source you cannot reveal. Something in your bones tells you that you cannot trust her to have your best interests in mind, but if she speaks true…

(Mysterious Stranger/alien focus. Lots of visions, prophecies, and using details you would otherwise have no way of knowing to get what you want.)

[] – Write in

This option will usually be open and if an idea gets more popular support than anything I put I will probably use it.

From @SpacePaladin

[] Raised by sea creatures.

Your pod crashed into the sea with no human contact whatsoever. However, your incredible physical abilities allow you to extract what oxygen you need from the water and your Psyker abilities allow you to bond with the animals.

From @yannoshka

[]Among the lost, wretched and forgotten...

Within the heart of a perpetual hurricane, surrounded by reefs more deadly and treacherous than on any other part of Tabgach, and smack dab in the middle of the intersecting breeding grounds for the planet's deadlines aerial and marine apex megafauna, there exist an island where humanity never intended to habitat, but through fate and ill fortune people had survived shipwrecks and getting washed out and had managed to eek out a miserable existence. There amongst the castaways and their descendants do you land...


As you can probably tell if you're familiar with 40k at all, we're doing a bit of alternate continuity with the Lost and the Purged: the primarchs erased from Imperial history in the most thorough purging there ever was. There is little to no canon information on either of these two primarchs or their legions. So, let's build one of them from scratch.

The plan for this quest right now is to cover the time from the primarch's landing to being found by the Imperium. We might continue with this boi, or we might cover the other lost primarch before moving into the Crusade and elsewhere.

Character sheets will not matter here (you're a primarch, no one is going to be able to match you on this flooded rock) but your decisions will affect the primarch's beliefs, skills and attitude going forward, and if/when we meet other primarchs, it will affect how he interacts with each of them.


Welcome to Primarch Quest!
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Pirate Queen
Adhoc vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 6, 2022 at 5:58 PM, finished with 67 posts and 61 votes.

Note to self: Make the vote JUST the name next time so the vote doesn't split up.

Seems Pirate Queen won, with Eldar a close second. Voting will be closed here.
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ii. The Seas Called Him Home

Pirate Queen

ii. The Seas Called Him Home

Ching Shin pulled the sergeant off of her sword, shoving his body with a roar of frustration onto a pile of other bodies. She pulled her pistol off of her belt and shot the last of his bodyguards. The man crumpled like a bag of oranges. Deep ones, she could use one of those right about now.

"Alright who's not dead?" She asked, wiping her blade.

A number of groans answered her. Cao had survived. Oda was pulling himself up from the ground, wounded but not fatally. Xin, forever silent, held up a fist. Injured but mobile. And Hana was reloading.

Four left. Out of twelve that had come with her to loot. Not great.

Shin knew she wasn't at her best, either. Her shirt was red when she got it, but had been considerably cut up throughout the battle. Her long black hair wasn't tied back anymore, and she'd lost one of her gold earrings in the brawl. Worst of all, she'd lost her tricorn. Her favorite hat and some asshole had blown it off of her-

Hana tossed something to her. Oh. There it was... but it had a hole through the top, fuck.

She went to the window and looked out the hab into the night.

The port town was surrounded. She could see four knights from her vantage point alone, and a few dozen bright fires down below hinted at many normal troops.

She bit her lower lip. Even if she was seeing everything, odds weren't great. The leader of the knights was flanked by two other, smaller machines with multi-barreled cannons she'd seen roar like lightning.

This was supposed to be a quick stop to resupply and do some repairs. The small hab she'd taken shelter in was abandoned. That should've been a sign, she knew that; there was barely anyone in the port, they'd obviously evacuated. But how had they known she was coming? The blockade on one side and the knight siege on the other suggested it. But neither seemed like a big enough threat to her or her crew, and they'd made no demands.

Shit. Maybe she'd just picked one of the rebel ports at random? That would explain things; they didn't have the resources to spare. Could they have evacuated for another reason? Her timing was awful.

Or maybe, she thought bitterly, they know you're here and don't think you're as much of a threat as you try to be.

Seven ships. She had seven ships now, harassing trade between the noble houses. And they'd sent one knight and her detachment, and a dozen war junks to blockade the harbor.

She was almost insulted. Almost, except it was working. Whoever was leading the groups knew what they were doing. They'd struck only after the pirates had begun looting the city properly. From the sounds of cannonfire back towards the harbor, she could tell her own ships were keeping their enemies at bay, but with knights moving into the town, that wouldn't last.

She couldn't be cornered, could she? No, no there had to be a way out of this place. They could abandon the cannons, run for the ships, and punch through the junks. But they wouldn't make it quickly enough with the knights chasing them down.

Speaking of the devils…

One of them – a big, ornate thing, no doubt one of their leaders – strode into the town with the ease and confidence of a king returning to his palace. This one had a large chainsword for a left arm, bigger than a man, and cannons mounted on its back. Its right arm was a gauntlet that crackled with eldritch energy. As it stomped through the streets, she could hear laughter coming from the machine. Its pilot was shouting with glee as buildings before her were blown to bits.

"THE RATS HAVE GONE TO GROUND?!" She laughed, the cannons on her back silenced for a moment as she gloated. "FACE ME, COWARDS!! SHOW ME WHAT PASSES FOR HONOR AMONGST YOU THIEVING MURDEROUS DOGS!!"

Like the nobility or their lapdogs could speak of honor.

She thought of her husband; Yisun. One of the Empress' greatest admirals, once upon a time; betrayed by bureaucrats that were never brought to justice. Forever lost to the Storm, if he was lucky.

"I am sorry, Yi," she whispered. "I couldn't take more of them."

Then a miracle came.

The largest and most ornate of the knights buckled and exploded as something bright and fiery smashed into it with the force of an artillery strike.

Before she could even process what she'd just seen, cheers went up from her men across the port, and she bellowed a command to fire. Rifle and pistol shots rang out everywhere, accompanied by the demented laughs of the looting pirates and the screams of dying bluebloods.

They weren't much for fighting, but oooh, how they bled…


In the aftermath, she ordered the knight be inspected. The machine was broken beyond repair, and the less said about the distressingly young pilot's remains, the better. The crew gathered what little could be salvaged; some components and ammo. However, whatever had struck the knight had gouged a large crater into the streets.

Shin had voluntold Cao to get into the crater and see what exactly had struck the thing. Yes, normally one would assume a meteorite, but she could see something glowing down there. It wasn't merely a meteor, but some sort of pod. Maybe they could hand it over to one of the tech temples, get a bit of a payday out of this mess.

Cao stared at the pod.

And stared.

And… kept staring "Look mate I'm sure it's a very lovely bit of loot but tell us what it is so we can decide whether to kill ye for it or not!"

Cao looked up at his admiral, his expression confused more than afraid. "… there's a kid down here."

Shin almost asked him to repeat himself, but it was too ridiculous to be a lie. She went up to the pod to look for herself anyway.

The pod was an impressive piece of technology, something the Kuji-Nan would surely pay for with an entire ship, or perhaps advanced weapons. She didn't understand any of the lights and symbols on it, but the machine had opened to reveal a small boy in his birthday suit. He was supremely healthy, the kind of child that would surely grow to have the strength of ten men.

"Well…" Cao's voice was hesitant, but he forced himself through anyway. "Should we shoot him?

Shin raised an eyebrow at her first mate.

Oda was more emphatic. "By the storm, Cao!!"

"Yeah I didn't think so either." He admitted. He didn't mention that this wouldn't have been the first kid any of them had killed. "Okay. So do we leave him behind?"

"That's as good as shooting him." Oda pointed out of the town, towards where the knights had retreated. "Even if they don't know he smashed through their leader, with a destroyed knight the Empress will probably bring the Staff of the Azure Sky here to make an example. This port'll be a glassy crater in a week, tops."

Shin wasn't sure the Empress would go so far, but she'd been wrong a lot, and Oda was usually not. She never asked why he could predict the Empress so readily; she'd never wanted to know.

"Then we gotta take him with us." Cao gestured to the child, who was sitting silently and observing them.

Shin almost shot him on the spot. "We aren't slavers."

"That's not what I meant. Look at him, he'll grow up strong. He'll make a good shang wei one day"

The Reaver Queen turned to look the child in the eye. Now that she got a close look… those eyes pierced her soul, in both good and bad ways. She could almost feel the danger, the power that this child possessed, and would possess. It was like looking into the eyes of a shark.

And yet… there was understanding there. She couldn't put her finger on why but she could tell the child was far, far smarter than anything that age should be.

"… you might have a point." She conceded, taking the boy's hand. The boy didn't protest and walked with them. "All hands, return to the ship. We're punching back through the blockade before those robot bastards gather their courage."

"What about the rest?" Cao asked.

"Signal to them. If they can't keep up, they can't keep up."

As she looked down at the child, she smiled as she noticed something. The boy was too young to even hold a gun, and yet… those eyes were darting around the ship, taking in every detail that they could. He focused on the crew's activities; pulling ropes, adjusting sails, yelling out directions and seeing where people went…

He would be brilliant, she could already tell. All he needed was a way to learn.

"We never did have a son…" she murmured. "Did we, Yi?"


Of the Reaver Queen's seven ships with her that day, only three broke out. But her survival, and the destruction of a knight, rallied pirates across the globe to her banner. Before long, her three ships became seven once more. Then twelve. Then thirty.

And one of those would eventually come under your command…


VOTES (yes two)

Two votes this time. Firstly! A name for this primarch (I reserve the right to veto, and please be aware Tabgach is a pastiche of China, Korea, and Japan. Also, family names first). Obviously this one's a write-in.

I will also take suggestions for your physical appearance.

[] - Write-in: A name

Submissions so far:

[] - Write-in: Takehaya Furyu (from @NinetyNineLies )

Takehaya, taken from an epithet of Susanoo, meaning brave and swift for take and haya respectively. Furyu, taken from a TCG, means sealed dragon. The brave and swift dragon under a seal.

[] - Write-in: Ching Sun-Sin (from @<o>U<o> )

To go with his perpetually searching look, Ching has striking sea blue irises, which shift like the waves. They practically glow when Ching sails. Smooth skinned, with a body sleek enough that one would think it was designed to be as streamlined as possible…

Has Korean facial features. Not a blemish or wound to be seen.

[] - Ching Long Auramite (from @yannoshka )
a) Keep our adopted mother's family name
b) Invoke the most legendary literary pirate - Long John Silver
c) Our name would literally be "Dragon", how cool is that?


You're not sure why and neither is your crew, but from an early age you've had skill that goes beyond the ability of any mortal man. Strength, intelligence, speed… and something beyond any simple explanation beyond 'your pod, maybe'. What is it?

[] – Machine repair

From an early age, you've always had a knack for the machines and technology you encounter on Tabgach. Sometimes you're able to fix the entirety of a ship or a machine's systems with a single touch, as if blessed by a divine god of the machine itself.

[] – Weather Sense

You've got a knack for navigating harsh weather, and knowing when it's going to turn. You sense storms coming hours in advance of anyone else. The winds are always at your back, and sailing is always smooth.

(Note: this will also apply to the currents of the warp and space travel when we get there)

[] – Beast Affinity

The primarchs all have naturally overwhelming charisma when it comes to other humans, but you've got the same knack for animals and beasts. Wolves, sharks, giant squid, doesn't matter, they'll listen to you as easily as any man.

[] – Write-in
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Ching Sun-Sin, Weather Sense
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 8, 2022 at 4:57 PM, finished with 67 posts and 52 votes.
Act 1: I. Born to Command

Act 1

Ching Sun-Sin, Weather Sense

I. Born to Command

You've always loved the sunrise over the sea.

The perfect reflection of orange and red over the water, the deep navy blue of the sea of stars giving way to the bright blue of morning… You breathe deeply of the briny air from your position at the bow of the Cutting Dagger. The smell of salt in the air tickles your nostrils, and you grin wide. There's not a cloud in sight today, and the sea is beautiful. She beckons to you with the ease of long practice and familiarity. You've loved the sea from those first, early days.

You've loved her, but every sailor knows you can't trust her.

"A storm's coming." You mutter to yourself.

"…Shang-wei?" One of the men asks, glancing up at the cloudless sky. He doesn't say anything but you can feel his confusion.

"Not for a few hours yet." You assure him.

You're pulsing with excitement. You've been fighting for this sort of chance your whole life. The Queen may have brought you on, and she might think of you as a son, but on the sea that doesn't matter. You work or the Storm takes you, and while you managed to make your way through ten times the work of his fellow sailors, it was only now, ten years after you were found that you were given your own ship to command.

Not that anyone would know it from looking at you. You've grown into a full man in that time. Your entire body (save for the very short black hair on your head) has been clean-shaven and smooth your entire life. You've grown into a supremely lithe and athletic man, as if you'd been born for swimming. Sea-blue eyes rake across the watery horizon, drinking in all the day has to offer. You're wearing a black longcoat and a white shirt, with boots that haven't seen a proper shine in years. At your side is the biggest sword the fleet has, which still manages to look like a short cutlass in your hand.

And of course, a navy blue tricorn. What pirate captain doesn't have a big hat? An idiot captain, that's who. You just wish it had a nice feather in it.

After a few minutes of enjoying the breeze you whistle up to the crow's nest. "Seen anything good yet, Han?"

"Nah, boss." The young man calls. "Just some 'gauls. The day just started!"

Well that was disappointing.

For your first raid, you wanted to grab something impressive, something that would show the entire fleet just how worthy you were. So you'd looked over the maps and picked something juicy.

Usually singular ships didn't target this particular route for trade, least of all singular corvettes like yours. But you're good. No, not just good, you're the best, and by the time you're done here everyone else is going to know it too.

At the wheel of the ship is a short redheaded woman whose hair is tied into a singular long braid that falls down her back. She wears a coat as red as her hair, and wields a pair of pistols she apparently took from a dead noblewoman with too much carnal appetite. She glares at you with her one good eye. Caihong is your first mate, and the woman who most likely would have captained this vessel had you never been found.

She also tried to kill you twice, which is why she only has one eye now. Mother was… emphatic, to be polite about it. No matter how many times you apologize.

"Two days." Caihong muttered without preamble. "Not a single vessel on this 'prosperous trade route'."

You shrug. "Keep looking, something'll show up."

"Didn't you just tell Hideyoshi that there's a storm coming?

Hideyoshi. You'll have to remember that.

"Not for a time. We'll be gone long before it breaks proper."

"Or we're on the wrong part of the ocean."

You frown. You know you're in the right place. You've never gotten lost on the sea.

"Look, kid- shang-wei, this is getting us nowhere." she sighs as she turns to you, rubbing her eyepatch. "Let's turn back towards the mainland. Kahng's nearby, and harvest just came in for them. Food would serve the fleet as fine as any booty."

Your frown turns into a death glare. She raises an eyebrow at your look. "You only get angry with me when you know I'm r-"

"Shang-wei!" Han yelled. "Vessel on the horizon! Starboard bow!!"

You pull out your spyglass and smirk at Caihong as she scowls.

You grin at what you see. It's a triple mast galleon, flying the Reaver Queen's jolly roger. Only problem with that is you know every single ship in the queen's fleet. The only one of that size is the Rising Sun, her personal vessel, and this isn't it. You glance at its side. The Rude Awakening.

She's floating slow, too. The wind is full in her sails and yet her movement is sluggish. Whatever she's carrying, it's a lot, and it's big. It's gotta be full up on treasure.

A fat, juicy target ripe for the taking…

You turn to Caihong and grin wide. "You did say you deserved a bigger ship."

She looks something between apprehensive and intrigued. "How much bigger?"


She blanched. "Ship of- kid we've got maybe a hundred men here, that ship's hundreds, maybe a thousand. What're we supposed to do against that?!"

"That's Sun-Sin Shan-Wei." You jab your thumb at yourself. "You've got me and 98 others, that should be more than enough."

"You're mad!"

"You're mad. I'm just crazy."



You've seen a target: the Rude Awakening. It's big, but very slow. Your ship, the Cutting Dagger, is more than capable of catching up to it.

This first action of yours will affect how you're seen for the rest of your career with the Reaver Queen. How do you handle your first big act of piracy?

[] – Challenge the captain

The sea is beautiful and the treasure's fine, but what you love more than anything else is the challenge. The swashbuckling. The ring of blade against blade. No one ever defeats you, of course, but some come close to nicking you. Those are fun.

You'll leap from the ship and swim over to challenge their captain to a duel for their ship and crew. Treasure, food, AND men for the plunder; and with no casualties, eh?

(Kill the captain in a straight fight, take the ship and its whole cargo with minimal casualties. Some of their men will no doubt want off, or will be disloyal curs, but it'll be fewer than if you'd come in to fight.)

[] – Make them surrender

You want your enemies to submit to you. You'll let them live, if they surrender, and they'll spread your legend across the seas. This battle will be over quickly, and others against both you and your queen's fleet will as well.

Bring the storm in a little early. Go to them as a devil in man's skin. Let their fear paralyze them, and claim whatever you desire.

(You'll take less plunder now, but once the story of what you've done spreads, all the Queen's crews will have an easier time on their own raids.)

[] – Ram their ship and fight with your men

The most important thing is your crew. You're their boss, they put their trust in you, and you're to bring them the plunder same as any other. There's nothing you love more than getting stuck in with your fellow sailors.

You'll collide your ship with theirs and board the enemy vessel, daring anyone to stop you. It won't take long with you.

(Your crew will take casualties, but you'll have forged a bond in blood with them. They'll see you as one of their own, as will the fleet.)

[] – Write in
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Ram their ship and fight with your men
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 9, 2022 at 7:37 PM, finished with 65 posts and 45 votes.
II. Blood in the water

Ram their ship and fight with your men

II. Blood in the water

"All hands!! We've got us a big fat catch!"

You grin wide, draw your sword, point it towards the enemy and shout "LET'S GUT 'EM, BOYS AND GIRLS!!"

Cheers go up around the ship.

Caihong turns the wheel, bringing your ship onto a heading that follows your sword.

The wind has always been in your favor, and today is no exception. The sails of the Cutting Dagger filled nearly to the brim, and the deck lurches beneath you, the ship cutting through the waves like its namesake. Surf and spray leaps onto your face as you grab one of the ratlines; you don't need to – the wind barely shifts your position - but you feel better with your hand on the rope.

It isn't long before you see the ship. Your eyes are better than most of the crew's (though Han's spyglass can see a bit further) so they generally have to trust your word that it's out there. Before long, though, they can see it too, and they also see the enemy's sails begin falling slack.

"Load cannons!"

"Grape shot?!" Caihong yells. Thinking about the enemy's numbers, probably.

"Chain!" You yell back, holding down your hat. "We gotta catch 'em first!"

Your first mate isn't happy but she doesn't show it. She shouts down to the cannon crew, and they load up.

The Rude Awakening is turning, presenting its port side to your ship.


"On it!" She swings the wheel to starboard, right as the Awakening opens its gunports.

"BRACE!" You yell, not bothering to do so yourself.

A moment after you yell, white powder blasts out of the side of the enemy ship.

You catch one of the cannonballs in your hand and crush it. "FIRE!"

Your port cannons fire, sending pairs of chained cannonballs hurtling through the air. The moment after they do Caihong swings the ship back to port, moving serpentine through the water to catch the enemy vessel. Your starboard cannons fire, sending another volley.

The port shots mostly fell short, but the starboard's shots tear through the mizzenmast. Caihong steers the ship straight and true, heading right for it at an unmatched speed. The wind fills your sails and yet the enemy's is dead limp.

You couldn't have asked for better weather to take your first target. Maybe the captain has a nice hat. If you're lucky it'll have a nice big feather you can add to-

The Awakening's cannons fire again, and this time you hear wood splinter and men scream behind you.

You raise an eyebrow at that. That was a quick reload time for a ship of the line. Your own starboard cannons wouldn't even be ready yet. And… now that you look, the ship isn't trying to turn or find the wind again. It's just sitting in the water. It was never going to get away, of course, but it's too soon to hold and do nothing. Unless…

"Can we do grapeshot now?!" Caihong yells.

"Yes!" You call back, and she blinks at your sudden change in attitude, but doesn't question it as she relays your orders down to the gun crew.

You grin as you look at that big, beautiful "merchant ship". They weren't planning to run. They'd come prepared for a fight. And they wanted it with the Reaver Queen's fleet.

Well. Challenge accepted.

Your cannons roar again, and with your eyesight you see several dozen people turn to red jelly on the deck of the Rude Awakening.

"All hands on deck! Prepare to board!!" you shout, and roars go up from your crew.

The Rude Awakening stops firing as they seem to realize what you're doing. Ropes and hooks fly from your ship and your men begin to board.

"Eun!" you yell to one of the grapplers. "Bet I kill more than you!"

She laughs, climbing a bit faster now. "From what I hear you couldn't hit water if you shot off the boat."

"I'll even give you a head start!" You bend down, getting ready to leap up.

"That's no fair, I can't-" She begins, then yelps as someone above cuts her line and gravity takes her.

Oh. Right, they weren't just going to sit there.

You leap forward, catching her with one hand and grabbing on to the hull with the other. Someone - Han, you realize - yells as he falls towards the sea and lands with a splash. You grit your teeth and quickly get Eun to one of the other ropes, jumping down into the sea. He's already sunk a bit, but you kick down and shoot past him, faster than a dolphin.

When you shoot out of the water, you bring yourself and Han all the way up to the Rude Awakening's deck with a loud splash. Two enemy sailors have just enough time for their jaws to drop before you drop both of them. Han coughs, but is okay.

Eun pulls herself onto the deck and holds out your hat to you. "You dropped this."

You put it on. "Thanks."

She winks at you.

As your crew piles onto the Rude Awakening, they're met with stiff resistance. Swords ring against swords and gunshots fire off, staining the air with the smell of blackpowder. Someone falls from the boat screaming. And yet, where you go, the enemy parts like water before the keel. One man loses an arm, another you crush his skull. Your crew hoops and hollers as they press in with you, driving the enemy crew back.

"Now where's the shanwei?" You yell, as you choke out another sailor. "Or did she run off?!"

"He's right here, reaver filth."

You turn to face the enemy shanwei, grinning even wider as you take his measure. He's walking right towards you from across the deck as your crew and his die around him. He's got a red longcoat, and you're almost jealous of the magnificent beard that tapers to a single point on his chest. The red bandana on his head-

Hold on.

The fucker's wearing a bandana?!

"The fuck is this?"

"What?" The man spread his arms wide. "You asked for the shanwei. Here I am. They call me Yamato Kensei."

"Where's your hat?" You ask.

"What kind of question is that?" The Kensei sneered. "It's in my quarters. Who would bring such a ridiculous thing to battle… besides you, apparently?"

"Damn." You sigh, shaking your head. "And after laying a trap for us. I almost liked you."

He pulls his pistol and shoots. In the same motion you dodge out of the gun's firing line and pull up your own pistol, shooting him in the shoulder. The man grits his teeth against immense pain and draws his sword as you draw yours.

Yeah, you could've just shot him in his stupid bearded face, but you're gonna win anyway, no need to be rude about it.

As you duck away from his sluggish strikes, you idly check out his sword. It crackles with eldritch energy, a strange sea green that makes you feel ill just looking at it. You whistle; power sword. The weapons aren't unknown, but they are uncommon, especially within the fleet. You think the Reaver Queen has one but you can't think of anyone else who does.

You're glad you have right to first plunder. That sword is yours.

"I'll be taking that." You say, grinning as his next swipe goes right past your nose.

"You ain't taking-" The shanwei begins before you punch him square in the face and he crumples.

"Well that was boring." You mutter, picking up the sword and carving a bloody path through the crew.

Seeing their captain crumple, the Awakening's crew yells and charges at you again as one mob. Others break and try to flee, but where are they going to run on a ship?

You grin. "That's slightly less boring."


You've tied the crew up, most of them on the deck. Others are being brought up from below, escorted as prisoners. Your men have gone below with Caihong to take the cargo from the ship, but your corvette can't possibly hold it all. Which means you're taking the ship.

"Now, normally," you muse aloud, walking down the line of prisoners, "since you fought us from the start we'd just kill you. You understand, of course, it encourages others to surrender immediately."

The enemy crew glares at you. The first mate holds a dignified stance even though she's got a blade to her throat. Nerves of steel, that one.

"But I saw how deep this boat was sinking and how slow she was floating. You've got a lot here." You muse, getting close to the first mate's face, glaring right into her brown eyes. "With a haul like this I'm feeling generous."

She raises an eyebrow but doesn't answer.

"So." You clap your hands together and rub vigorously. "First thing. How many of you ever wanted to be a pirate?"

None of them answer, though a few are glancing at the ring of guns around them. Those'll be the ones to sell it to.

"Come on." You grin, patting your chest. "I've got a word in with the Reaver Queen herself."

"You've killed a lot of our crew already." The woman says, her voice even.

You hold up your hands, bright charming smile still on. "Hey, you flew the Queen's flag. That's not something that can go unanswered. But let's say that you lot wanted to join and there was just a mix-up. Bring your ship in under my command."

"This is my ship." The first mate - no, you suppose, shanwei now - growls.

"That so? And what's your name?" You ask, stepping closer.

She keeps quiet.

"Well I'll just have to give you one. How about-"

"Kid!" Caihong's come back up from belowdeck.

"No kids here, ma'am." You say, nonchalant.

"No one can know we hit this boat. Kill them all and sink it."

It takes you a moment to process what she just said, and in that same moment all eyes turn to her. The crew doesn't move to obey, looking to you. The Awakening's crew is on edge, no one making a move but everyone looking for one.

"… I stand corrected, there's an idiot child here and she's apparently my first mate." You turn to her, both angry and baffled. "No, we're not sinking this ship."

"Ki-" Caihong shakes her head. "Shanwei, we need to talk. Privately."

"First mate Caihong, the queen likes you," you say, letting a low level of threat slip into your tone, "but she put me in command. If you-"

"Sun-Sin, please."

The rest of your retort dies in your throat as you see her wide eye, the way she's biting her lower lip.

She's afraid. But not of you or your queen's reprimand.

"…Eun, keep everyone up here from doing anything stupid."

Eun nods, though the prisoners don't seem convinced. You step away from them, below deck. The single swinging lantern casts a soft yellow glow in the small hallway.

You wait until the two crews can't hear you to speak. "I take it there's no sails."

"Sails?! Who cares about the sails?!"

You bite back your comment that she's about as white as a sail. Even though it's true… wow those burns around her missing eye are dark in this light.

"Well," you're not in the mood to grin, "What is this about?"

"There's little plunder." She growls. "We were baited, Sun-sin."

Your frown deepens. You already knew the captain had tried to bait you into boarding, but… "What do you mean no plunder? This ship was moving like an old man with no cane before we hit the sails. It's hold's full of something."

"I mean it's not being weighed down with gold."

"So supplies then? Food?" You raise an eyebrow. "No, no… whatever it is, it's scaring you."

She doesn't say anything.

"… Caihong." You say, stepping closer to her. "What happened? What did you find?"



Whatever Caihong found below decks, it's freaked her out. You'll take it anyway - damage has already been done - but what did she find?

[] – Locked up Kuji-Nan Tech

The ship was transporting a vast treasure trove of technology, stuff you and the pirates you're with have barely dreamed of. They're all locked in some way – that's probably why they didn't use any of it against you – but a vast store like this doesn't just appear on the sea out of the blue. This ship was on its way to deliver its cargo to a Kuji-Nan temple.

So much tech would be amazing for the fleet. And you never liked the stuffy self-important monks anyway.

(Threatening such a trove of technology will provoke the Tech Monks.)

[] – Crates with the Empress' personal seal

There's technology, strange glowing jewels, even food, but what matters is the seal. This shipment was promised the personal protection and approval of the Empress, something that usually gives the fleet pause. It doesn't matter if the ship was flying the Reaver Queen's flag; you've all but declared war against the Divine Empress herself.

Well, it's still a great haul. And if you piss off the Empress, hey, bonus.

(This will infuriate the Empress and those who worship her.)

[] – A Rebel Knight's weapon

Most of the cargo isn't anything noteworthy; food, a bit of treasure, ammo. However, there is a massive cannon in the cargo hold, one painted in the colors of the rebel house Chang. The cannon seems to have been under repair, but the bigger issue is that you've already attacked the crew.

A cannon like this could be repurposed, made into something to protect your home port of Shang. And you're the real rebel, anyway.

(Attacking a ship lead by the rebels will anger them, especially House Chang.)

[] – Write In


[] - Imprisoned Psyker children. (Submitted by @SpacePaladin )

We'll bring in the Cult of the Drowned a bit earlier than I was thinking, that could be fun~
(This could piss off whoever took these children to begin with... but you can't just abandon them. And if they can learn to use their abilities they'd be a massive asset.)
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Imprisoned Psyker Children
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 12, 2022 at 11:25 AM, finished with 50 posts and 46 votes.
III. Beyond the Pale

Psyker children

III. Beyond the Pale

For a moment, you're silent. Caihong's fists are clenched. Something in the boat creaks as the light above you sways back and forth.

"… say that again?"

She's silent.

"Caihong…… show me."


The cargo hold is full of cages.

They're made of some strange black material you don't recognize, and staring at any one cage for too long makes your skin crawl; it's disconcertingly dark, like it absorbs all the light that hits it.

The children are from all walks of life from what you can tell. Some of them are wearing some massive metal hood that has iron pins poking right into their skulls; it looks almost like a torture device. That one has the rich finery of a noble house, albeit dirty and ruined from the horrific conditions he's in. He's probably the oldest one among them all, but he still looks no older than twelve. Another has the dusky skin of a sailor, or maybe someone on a farm. His eyes are midnight black, and you can see the suckers of an octopus on his fingers. He's muttering, though you can't hear what through his helmet.

Caihong has her hand over her nose and eyes watering. Either from the horror or the smell, you're not sure. You've never had a problem breathing anywhere, and you still don't, but you know what neglect and poor hygiene smell like. Even for a ship this is disgusting.

One child is alone, tied between two cages instead of in either of them. She has blonde hair, a rarity on Tabgach, and couldn't have been older than six. Each arm is out, chains stretched taut. Her eyes are blindfolded, her legs are tied, and a gag is in her mouth. You notice that the other children are actively avoiding her or even where her chains grab the cage. It's not until you start moving towards her that you understand why.

As you step closer, the air grows… you're not sure what. Ill. Sticky. Dead. Like walking into a room and finding out you just missed a murder. The feeling of the storm starts to fade from your senses.

Every eye in the room is on you.

You take the rope off her mouth, ignoring the scared gasps and whispers around you. "What's your name?"

She coughs, and you can hear the dry rasp that comes with dehydration in her voice. "Fan."

You draw your new sword and cut both of the chains, catching her before she falls. Her legs are weak and far too skinny; it's been a long time since she was allowed to walk. You take a moment to untie her, ignoring the revulsion filling you to stand so close. You can't feel the wind as much as you usually do down here.

"Fan. I need you to stay down here with this nice lady a little longer. You'll be leaving soon. Okay?"

Caihong looks like she's taken ill but doesn't argue. Fan whimpers.


You return to the deck, and to the surprise of everyone but you, a storm has begun to gather overhead.

"Mei, get some fresh water below decks. Immediately. Ping, food." You stalk towards the former first mate. "I'm done being patient. Your name or your head."

The former first mate raises an eyebrow at you, surprised by the sudden change in your attitude. "Yingyue."

"Okay Yingyue. Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you and your crew with my bare hands."

The first mate's eyes narrow. "What, does my cargo disturb you, pirate?"

"Children aren't cargo." You note mentally which members of your crew rightly react with horror and which have enough discipline to maintain their posture. You're not entirely sure which is better.

"They are, all of them, witches." She says, speaking a bit louder to make sure both crews hear. "Youth does not prevent the danger they pose."

You raise an eyebrow, unsure if she's trying to justify it to you or herself. There are many who would rightly call you a witch, too. Han's eyesight borders on magical. And while Caihong is tight-lipped about it, you know she's had run-ins with genuine witches in the past.

"What are those metal things some of them are wearing?"

"Neural dampeners, for the more potent. It prevents them from manifesting their powers."

"You have a child in there tied between two cages. Why?"

The woman looks up at the darkening clouds. "The hoods are good at what they do, but they are rare, imperfect and expensive. The blonde muffles the witches with her presence alone. Quite remarkable, really. She was a temporary solution; we were taking them somewhere safe for their kind."

"A safe place, huh? And where is that?"

"Oh for the love of- Shanwei," the woman says, her voice urgent, "There's a storm coming, surely you can see that. We don't have time for-"


Your crewmate pulls one of his own guns (wood and bone with Truth scrimshawed into the side, as he'll gladly tell you or anyone else who didn't ask) puts it against the new shanwei's head, and she stops talking.

"It'll break when I'm good and ready, not before." You say, blue eyes piercing her very soul. "As far as you're concerned, I am the storm."

She looks at you like you're crazy. Which, to be fair, she has every reason to think you are.

"Talk, slaver. Where were you taking them?"

Still, she says nothing.

"Fine. Kill her."

Han pulls the trigger, and there's a wet click.

"… Oh. Right." You mutter. "You fell into the water."

"… yessir."

You punch the shanwei in the face.

"Get your navigator out here," You growl, letting her body crumple to the ground. She might be dead, you don't know or care. "Now."

A small man with spectacles larger than a palm comes to the front, hunched over and eyes wide with fear. "Jiang Wei, sir."

"Good. Get your maps, Eun will escort you. I want to know where this ship was heading and why."

Eun grabs the man by the arm and leads him back towards the stern of the ship, a grave look in her eyes. You look over the remaining crew. Most of them aren't worth the trouble, really. You were feeling generous when you offered them all jobs in the fleet. Now… you'd rather be generous to the sharks.

"Crew!" You shout, wiping some blood off your collar. "What do you think?"


Voting (Crew)

This time, you'll be voting as the crew. What you write in is what they suggest to Sun-Sin.

Ching Sun-Sin is angry. Fighting back against pirates is one thing, but trafficking children is low even for the life he leads. Even if you could ignore the trap, this cannot stand. He won't let them go free or untouched, and would rather just kill them all with his bare hands and not waste the ammo.

However, Sun-Sin values the input of his crew, and he's willing to hear what they have to say on their punishment.

[] – Write in a punishment or suggestion from the crew. Preferably something horrific.

NOTE: I'm trying to keep this list up to date. Key word: trying. I gotta sleep sometime.

Submitted by @Parzival95
[] Death by keelhauling

Submitted by @Tabascoheath
[] - Bullets and blades are to good a fate for them. Tie their hands and feet and let'em drop, one by one, slavers deserve nothing more than the cold depths of the sea. Let the captain be the last, let her watch what happens to man-catchers and flesh peddlers.

Submitted by @Makie
[]-tie them naked to the side of our boat and leave them be. let them die from dehydration, drowning or being cut to shreds through a combo of the barnacles and the sea

Submitted by @yacov
[] These people steal the sense of thought of children? Then steal their senses right back. Take their eyes and tongues and leave them on the life boats. Let them experience the clouding of senses they inflicted in their last moments.

Submitted by @Haruhi is Waifu
[] A form of decimation with their own hands (literally)! They were so eager to shackle children, executing adults should be no problem! Declare that they shall fight amongst themselves and the last alive shall be given freedom (by being tossed overboard to die in the storm)!

Submitted by @KnightDisciple
[] Hang them, bury their bodies in the ocean.

Submitted by @NinetyNineLies
[] Split their heads in two, straight down the middle, between their eyes. Fast and certain to be dead.

Submitted by @ConfusedPotato
[] Supposedly witches float in water. 'Check' that none of the crew are witches. Throw them overboard, if they float or resurface, shoot them for 'hypocrisy'.

Submitted by @SpacePaladin
[] Nail helmets onto their skulls like the children, stuff them in the cages (break bones to make them fit), give them no food or water and leave them to die in the hold.
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Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 13, 2022 at 7:13 PM, finished with 48 posts and 37 votes.