Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

re reading this but in Turn 4 (Phase I) Results are destroyers bigger then cruisers I thought it was the other way round from destroyers to light cruisers to heavy cruisers?
That's what I was going for, yes. So at least someone can make sense of it even with the mistake. So changing it to Decade II should fix it then...

To be fair I only figured it out because of a Java script from a website I keep bookmarked.

Honestly... screw the French Republican Calendar, and Decimal Time. It must be a freaking nightmare for people in universe to convert between the Europan Calendar and the Brittanian Calendar. I'm sure both Brittania and Europa have Cesium clocks its just they fundamentally disagree on when... Time well officially began. Philadelphia Coordinated Time, and Geneva Mean Time are probably even off by some difference of like 11 minutes and 42 seconds or something. This assumes that all parties can agree on Time Zones... which might not be much of an issue since Europe only covers two or three...

If this shows one thing, it is that we don't nearly appreciate the ISO, ITU, or UN enough in our world.
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On sad news the EU is upping the persecution against psionics.

Great job taking advantage of ours and Cornelia's moves Schneizel, I wouldn't expect any less from you.
You know I just realized Europa's plan is quite a bit more insidious than I thought. They are creating new crimes that only mentalists can commit. I was originally thinking that there could be judges that could be lenient in sentencing... However I forgot that the Napoleonic Code usually has set fines, imprisonment and forfeiture of civil rights as set punishments. This is assuming my rudimentary knowledge of the Napoleonic Code is correct.

In effect, all that Europa would need is an overly enthusiastic gendarmerie or regular police force to go after the mentalists, and prosecutors to secure a guilty conviction. That's it they removed the possibility of a light sentence from the equation
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You know I just realized Europa's plan is quite a bit more insidious than I thought. They are creating new crimes that only mentalists can commit. I was originally thinking that there could be judges that could be lenient in sentencing... However I forgot that the Napoleonic Code usually has set fines, imprisonment and forfeiture of civil rights as set punishments. This is assuming my rudimentary knowledge of the Napoleonic Code is correct.

In effect, all that Europa would need is an overly enthusiastic gendarmerie or regular police force to go after the mentalists, and prosecutors to secure a guilty conviction. That's it they removed the possibility of a light sentence from the equation
Might be an idea to setup an underground railroad. Lots of people will be eager to jump ship with the threat of sterilisation hanging over their heads.
On sad news the EU is upping the persecution against psionics.
Might be a good time to recruit some ex-euro psionics. They certainly would be more welcome with Lulu.

You know I just realized Europa's plan is quite a bit more insidious than I thought. They are creating new crimes that only mentalists can commit.
The problem is on the face of it is it makes sense. You technically do need laws on psionic use, that by definition only they can break. Sounds like they will be some harsh and/or arbitrary in practice though.
You know I just realized Europa's plan is quite a bit more insidious than I thought. They are creating new crimes that only mentalists can commit
The problem is on the face of it is it makes sense. You technically do need laws on psionic use, that by definition only they can break. Sounds like they will be some harsh and/or arbitrary in practice though.

Plus, the EU have recently been given an excuse to implement these new Anti-Psionic laws. They can point at what the New Heaven group did during the Indonesian Conference, as a reason why psionics need to be controlled.
Plus, the EU have recently been given an excuse to implement these new Anti-Psionic laws. They can point at what the New Heaven group did during the Indonesian Conference, as a reason why psionics need to be controlled.
I wonder how the Psionic school Jaeger has planned would effect Europe's own perception about the psionics in the long run? Them becoming people who use their mental abilities to directly benefit the society, and not just war, might make some elements of their societies to latch onto the idea of doing the same. If only to keep up with the Britannian, especially considering that it would be revealed publically at that point that sakuradite can be made through the correct application of psionic power.
You know, I'm just fine with this? Cornelia is throwing gas at the fire, and Schneizel gets to fuck with the EU some more, which seems to be his favorite hobby. Both should be fairly happy that Lelouch just sort of pulled this out of thin air for them. We might get another favor or two. As a bonus, the Armenians might actually catch a break. It's a shame that the EU isn't making any real mistake outside of the mentalist discrimination, but that's still something to take ruthless advantage of. Sterilization incentives are pretty much the tipping point before outright genocide gets put on the table as an option, and these assholes seem like they'll be interested in taking it. The EU has tapped out of any mentalist win-con.

If discrimination against mentalists does start to go nuts, we can use our ninjas to start funnelling them to safety - as well as just calling them over outright. Call it 'taking responsibility' for unveiling to the world what mentalists can do if they go to war, and establish a safe haven for them (don't call it a penal colony). Every community we've found so far has had some nice tricks, and we could probably find a few more by gathering refugees. It'll be a neat diplo / intrigue option set up.

All according to Keikaku.
Umbraisis snorted. "We're looking at this the wrong way. This is an opportunity."

Gustav understands what Einstein and Churchill understood in every Crisis this is an opportunity.

"Ambassador Yurislov oversaw the treaty that ensured the Rus wouldn't start an open war with Cornelia's expeditionary force," Hensen observed. "Are you saying that he's on the Britannian payroll as well?"

Smilas paused, then shook his head. "At least, not that I've been able to prove.

General Gene Smilas is probably the type to blame the Britannian Empire for Bad Weather and any illness he might contract.
Yeah, the EU has basically just ensured that Psionics are straight up going to be a loyal minority of any Brittanian Occupation. We should sponsor a law in Pendragon that grants citizenship to any Psionics who wish to flee the EU and live in the Empire.

We do not see a need to fear and suppress Psions. We instead fear and respect them...Yes, we still fear you. But that's because Psions can be dangerous. But we respect power in the empire and Psions have power by birthright. Power by Humanity's Birthright.

Alas that birthright was so broken by the monsters born of another world.
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In regards to Psionics I can't imagine Lelouch would be okay with Europan "mentalists" coming to New Caledonia, but there MIGHT be another option and relieve a potential headache in Australia. Have the Southern Independent Colonies take them in. It allows the SIC to put some distance between themselves and Europe, it gives them a possibility of creating a homebound psychic resistance to New Heaven, and keeps them relatively close so that we can keep an eye on them.

Normally I would suggest that we could have Euro-Brittania reach out to allow refugees but I recalled from one of Jeanne's segments that the EB's don't like Psionic much. I suspect it might be because of this man, who likely developed a reputation for leading Nicholas II astray and through dumb luck and Charles Zi's bravdo, saved the Princess of Russia. Alongside Aleister Crawley, Rasputin could be a psionic here...
remember we did promise to take (cant remember how many) refugess from ethopia I think it was.
Also yes psionics are considered witches in eurobritannia
We could covertly tell the emperor of the new Sakuradite manufacturing and get him to sign off on more incentives for mentalists to immigrate. Then after a while, we would have a massive monopoly on the production of renewable Sakuradite using our spies and the ISB to keep it. It'll secure us a massive favor in so many sectors.
CC: Oh lovely, the Europians are proving to be the same kind of trash here as they are in our version. 🙄

Cornelia: Seems that I'm hard at work with some sort of plot here. I look forward to seeing what develops. :evil:

Kaguya: It also seems that we are doing the White Prince's dirty work, that's troublesome.

Trollouche: Can't be helped, we're on the same side here, nominally. :rolleyes:

Trollouche: And you have no idea how galling that is to say.

CC: A black sea port is worth it's weight in gold to a Baltic state. The Russians fought several wars just to get access. I'm certain Armenia has a silent agreement with Bulgaria regarding shipping.

Trollouche: It's always the fucking Balkans. :facepalm:
Wait until they see Cornelia become the first Romanov Tzarina called Catherine to actually be of Romanov blood (yup Catherine the First was Peter the Great's Wife, and the Great Catherine the wife of Peter III the Really Not Great)...
In regards to Psionics I can't imagine Lelouch would be okay with Europan "mentalists" coming to New Caledonia, but there MIGHT be another option and relieve a potential headache in Australia. Have the Southern Independent Colonies take them in. It allows the SIC to put some distance between themselves and Europe, it gives them a possibility of creating a homebound psychic resistance to New Heaven, and keeps them relatively close so that we can keep an eye on them.
Regarding this, hey Slayer? What is Lelouch's understanding about the current attitude of the SIC when it comes to mentalists/psionics? Because I would imagine that the cult of psionic zealot-pirate-raiders right next to them haven't exactly made the SIC warm up to the idea. Even less so after the very recent (if ultimately failed) invasion by the New Heaven to Indonesia, where psionics were seen the first time in the known history being used effectively in warfare.
Let's see, so current plans are to make a personal demesne out of Australia, take over Japan and likely have Kaguya as an Empress, probably get in a political marriage with her friend in China, build an anti-orbital defense system, fly to the moon, and, most difficult, actually be a dad.

The rest sound reasonable, but that last one is going to have Lelouche panicking, especially with his lack of male role-models.

We'll probably make Schneizal double-take in surprise while dear old dad bursts out laughing in the middle of high court at least.
Regarding this, hey Slayer? What is Lelouch's understanding about the current attitude of the SIC when it comes to mentalists/psionics? Because I would imagine that the cult of psionic zealot-pirate-raiders right next to them haven't exactly made the SIC warm up to the idea. Even less so after the very recent (if ultimately failed) invasion by the New Heaven to Indonesia, where psionics were seen the first time in the known history being used effectively in warfare.
Well, 'effectively.' They did lose, after all.

Anyway, hmm... The SIC does not like psionics, no. They tend to be ostracized pretty strictly from society, but the SIC has also developed a certain appreciation for their capabilities, living as they do with the pirates nearby. There's also been some engagements where the SIC has seen psionic warriors before this. Rarely, but it does happen.

The result is that the SIC government has a strict testing policy for all citizens and children found are almost always removed to government-run facilities both for the "protection of the public" and for their own protection from the public.

There's a vocal minority in the colony that still calls for euthanization or sterilization, but the SIC tends to be more liberal than mainland Europa in this regard.

There's a lot left unsaid here, of course, which Lelouch suspects as regards child soldiers and government experimentation with psionic powers, but he doesn't have anything in the way of hard proof. Or 'soft' proof, even. Just circumstantial logic.