Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor relations between the governors of Area Eight and Nine when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

While this might be a bit premature to ask... what should we do with Xiǎobāo? On the one hand, keeping him around would provide more intel to us regarding New Heaven (and, in the far future, we may be able to use him as a hero unit), but on the other hand handing him over to the OSI would net us some serious favors with them, which could potentially allow us to get our hands on Bertrand Smith (and we can not deny that he would be a nice hero unit to have, given his specialization in Cyber-warfare and Cyber-security; also, who knows what we could get from the OSI as favors...)
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[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
Goddamn, Lulu. You're a smooth friggin' operator. Also, the visual gag with the kabedon and manga is something I wish I could see animated.

[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
@Slayer Anderson this first half of the update reminded me of Kaguya Sama Love Is War so much it's ridiculous. If you haven't I suggest just watching the opening + soundtrack track of the first episode on YouTube. It is hilariously on point for this.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will serve as Xiǎobāo's minder when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
Also we might be the only ones able to negotiate something like this, Indonesia wouldn't be crazy about Area 9 patrol groups, but we could smooth it over as a trading defense (given we have a very good example of someone blowing up a Sakuradite freighter).
While your ideas are good I don't think we would need to get ourselves involved in getting permission for Britannian escorts in Indonesian waters since we already managed to secure that and a lot more with the following option. At worst we would only need to get the Area 9 governor to play ball.
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
Milly has, of course, returned to one of her family's properties in the homeland, inevitably reaping the rewards of being the date of a now-international celebrity on a social level and the personal benefits of the in-process deal between the Ashfords and Steiner Konzern for a proposed high atmosphere delivery system.
I wonder if Hashima's new propulsion system can be used for this. If yes then we already have a buyer. Especially after Milly starts settling in and notices our brand new lab for developing engines.
@Slayer Anderson Did we mention to Milly what we are working on after she accepted her new position? Since the project will be ready in the year she is taking over.
Approaching the diminuitive Japanese woman rapidly within the hallway, you discreetly signaled here security detail. It wouldn't do for them to open fire because of a simple misunderstanding. Kaguya turned, blinking as she caught your aggressive advance, taking an unwitting step back as you failed to slow. Finally, you stepped into her personal space and, in one smooth movement, slammed your open palm against the concrete wall behind her in such a way as to produce a thick, deep sound which numerous sources assured him would be pronounced 'don' in Japanese onomatopeia.

Kaguya's eyes widened, the bridge of her nose stained with red as she looked up into your eyes, your face looming over her. Your strike was further punctuated by her sudden gasp, one hand coming up with the sleeve of her long robe to cover her open mouth instinctually.

You let those few seconds hang for an infinitely long moment, before you cracked a smirk, raising an eyebrow as you spoke. "Well, I do hope I performed the technique correctly."

The foreign princess blinked several times, obviously attempting to reboot her brain in the wake of something so fundamentally bizarre happening so suddenly. "T-t-technique?"

Okay, perhaps the Japanese were onto something.

The way she had just squeaked was cute beyond words.
And Lelouch starts his assault. Shock and Awe are in full effect.
Simply put, you place your glass back down on the table and look her directly in the eyes. "I wanted to see you smile again."
Another direct salvo.
"Did I not already say?" You ask, frowning as you attempt to convey care for the woman in your every movement. Perhaps you do not love her, if two of your peerage are allowed that luxury, but you can at least express concern for her. Beyond the use she has in loyalty to you, your own decisions have engendered this situation, such that you owe something to her. "Please, smile for me at least, and me alone, if you feel no one else deserves to see your happiness."

A shiver seems to run through her body, something she guards well enough that you only feel through the connection of your hand with hers. A shuddering breath produces another whispered rebuke, this one traced by a wet half-sob. "You absolute cad, your highness," she repeats, "you utter and absolute cad."
Critical hit. Heart to Heart is really working here.
You deny her with a shake of your head. "If I did not, then who would?"

Kaguya's smile turns helpless and she sighs again.
If this keeps up we will get a Casanova perk. Or some kind of reputation. At least no one will be worried about us producing heirs like they would be in Schneizel's case due to his reputation.
[ ] Kaguya will serve as Xiǎobāo's minder when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
An attractive option. I don't want to turn him over to OSI since to be honest they wouldn't be able to utilize him. And in the long run he will give us a lot more than OSI would as I am sure we will need strong psionics for some projects. The problem is gaining his trust. And I'm not sure Kaguya would be the best option here for the simple reason she is a single child with rather bad parental figures.
If we could get Marianne to help it would be best. But I am thinking on sicking Euphy on him with some interactions from us. Because from previous discussions I doubt I can get enough people to agree to a long term commitment of Lelouch being the primary caretaker. There is also the fact that Euphy has two sub hero units to aid her in her official duties.
[ ] Kaguya will monitor relations between the governors of Area Eight and Nine when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
Not really something I would see for Kaguya. It wouldn't be the best use of her talents.
[ ] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
This is a lot of trust but also the best use of her talents. This could also help us in our potential side goal of marrying the Tianzi. It is an unlikely goal but unless Li Xingke presence will cause an international incident in the near future it could be in the realm of possibility.

[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

Either way I am looking forward to the rumor mill and seeing what is happening around the world and how we influenced the events by making tsunami sized waves in politics.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

Because of the understanding that we both have, we'd need to do something pretty damn dire and/or she needs to be offered something extreme to consider burning her bridge with the Empress. So long as we don't go playing war crimes Olympics I don't see this blowing up in our face, a stubbed toe or two but nothing disastrous.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

While this might be a bit premature to ask... what should we do with Xiǎobāo? On the one hand, keeping him around would provide more intel to us regarding New Heaven (and, in the far future, we may be able to use him as a hero unit), but on the other hand handing him over to the OSI would net us some serious favors with them, which could potentially allow us to get our hands on Bertrand Smith (and we can not deny that he would be a nice hero unit to have, given his specialization in Cyber-warfare and Cyber-security; also, who knows what we could get from the OSI as favors...)
Trade him. Our action economy is shot enough as is.
Particularly as we basically just volunteered to champion a space race.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses
[X] Kaguya will monitor relations between the governors of Area Eight and Nine when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

Simple personal preference. I know that the bandwagon for the Chinese Federation is unstoppable, but still don't see it being the best option.

Kaguya is in my mind one of our worst option to entrust Xiaobao with. Skilled political operator, silver-tongued diplomat, but not the character to pick up a deeply indoctrinated child and coax him out of his shell.

I think the two governors are prime targets to either be assets or problems in our immediate future. With Australia being our goal for the immediate future, they are important to either get on board or out of our way. I don't think this assignment will be for eternity, but this looks like a good starting place. I am highly doubtful of Kaguya going against our interest, except if we go after Japan or strong Japanese interests. In this case there should be no conflict of interest, and she herself will try to prove herself to enter our true inner circle.

Then the CF, I don't want to give Kaguya this influence right now. Her goalpost has not shifted in the slightest way. Her dream is still Japan, how she imagines it. She doesn't need to betray us or do something harmful to us to tread her chosen path right now. But CF is at the moment on the verge of a power struggle or the power struggle is over. Regardless, which point we are at now, there is no end to this infighting till one faction reigns supreme. Personally, I really do not think getting involved in that is a good idea. It goes more in the direction of horrible idea.
Kaguya has a stake there and some personal involvement. With her information leak, she got some favor from the Tianzi, but I seriously doubt that she would spend that on favor on us. More likely it is used to her advantage. And that is what this will boil down to in my mind.

While she will do a fine job on the first look, Kaguya will still work for her own interests. Like in the case with the last leak, she will act on her own. This time it was to our absolute advantage, this was mostly because we seriously underestimated the enemy and miscalculated our prime targets. There is no reason to believe it will be so the next time. She has already shown that she is willing to leak secret information and I think she will do so again. Her motivation for that is two-fold, on the one hand the personal stake with the Tianzi and hoping to get a "friend" into a true position of power and the other the Japanese interest in the superpower at their doorstep.

She would only burn the bridge to the CF if she sets them deliberately up for conflict with us, that is stupid and a near suicidal move. Not something Kaguya would do if given the choice. But harming our interest indirectly, possible. Acting independently of us a near certainty. I don't need such a factor, I don't want such a factor.
[X] Kaguya will monitor relations between the governors of Area Eight and Nine when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.