What is our secret victory condition regarding the New Heaven pirate faction?
New Heaven's secret victory condition, unsurprisingly relates to their religious indoctrination.
very bluntly, their secret condition is that Lelouch defeats their Messianic Leader in a 1v1 battle of psionic power and skill. It would help
a great deal if Lelouch had a lot of information about the intricacies of making such a challenge from someone who knew their culture intimately. Given that you have a very powerful psionic who was destined to be consumed by their leader in your custody, grinding his Social Link or giving custody to someone who
can in the event you don't believe you have the time would get you the requisite information.
If you can manage to do it, New Heaven automatically switches loyalties in every way that matters. While many of the upper-tier of their religious hierarchy won't like it, the lower castes will consider it to be the
literal mandate of heaven that you are now in charge and there's always something to be said for the mandate of the masses.
You'll likely have to spend a few actions consolidating control over the region, but it would give you one hell of a power base.
Don't do this unless you're certain you'll win, though, given their leader kind of makes the casters look like chumps.
It's the only thing that makes sense to me, because there's nothing else to fight except EU/Rus, and if Cornelia isn't planning to wage another war, why be so secretive about her plan to use ships? Lelouch is taking Australia, Indonesia is back under the Chinese fold, Japan is too industrialized to conquer, Ethiopia is an ally, China is too big to eat, Africa is already uniting into one, and anything left is just some Neutral nations like Portugal or Anarchic Territories like Kazakhstan/Cambodia.
@Slayer Anderson Am I on the right track here, or did I completely miss the target? Hopefully it's a good way to kickstart the page 400 OOC Questions.
Asked by
@meianmaru -
<Slow Claps for Cleverness>
Cornelia is, as you finalize your victory in Indonesia, making her way to the southern coast of the Black Sea near the Caucasus mountains southern boarder. She had a
very successful year. Her presence there is a plan to agitate the border between land boarder between the MEF and the Rus Repbulic. While she'll only stay there for a little while, she's going to make her way along the southern coast of the Black Sea towards the ancient cultural heartland of the MEF: Constantinople.
There, she will be baptized in the Eastern Orthodox faith within the Hagia Sophia Cathedral to take up a new Regnal Name as Catherine III, renounce her place in the line of Britannian succession, and declare war on the Republic of the Rus in the name of her holy Romanov ancestors with intent to retake her throne.
Cornelia does not plan to become the Britannian Empress.
She plans to become the Russian Tzarina, then wed Schneizel to give him extra clout to become Emperor himself.
That's right, Cornelia went through the NAL & the MEF all so that she could
flank a third nation. These last eight years have been nothing but grinding experience and building reputation for her.
This has been her plan from the
very beginning and it is only now entering the important stages where she will be requesting help from you. Specifically, naval transports and deniable arms so that she can make a crossing of the Black Sea to invade around the army she'll have lured into a trap by seizing the North Caucasus Economic and Industrial heartland.
These events will be
just as, if not
more important than your own event at the Indonesian Conference and hold the potential to shake the world, redefine relationships within the empire, and potentially allow you to garner even more support for yourself.
There's also
even more outside the scope of what Resonant managed to deduce. Cornelia is a major character in CG and I wanted her to have one of the big arcs in the quest, even if it was out of narrative focus.
What is Guinevere planning? 'What are Guinevere's immediate plans regarding obtaining the throne for herself?'
Currently she's the main alternative to Schneizel and, as such, still building her domestic powerbase.
Guinevere doesn't have much of a 'plan' beyond being ready for anything her brother pulls. Part of that is why she got pregnant this year, so as to present herself as someone who is creating a line of succession and, therefore, more reliable and dependable than the still-single and rumored-to-be-gay Schneizel.
If pressed for an answer, she'd resolve to marry Odysseus to consolidate their two power blocs into a single foundation of support that Schneizel would be hard-pressed to counter. However, she doesn't really
want to do that because she enjoys younger men (and older boys). She'd much rather select an obedient lover from her stable of consorts to take up the position of puppet Emperor (or Consort-Emperor) while she holds the true reigns of power.
Tied in with all of this, she's been extending feelers to the various other upper-tier royal children to see if they'd be willing to ally with her. Particularly, she want to get Euphemia in her corner so that she can align herself with Cornelia's powerful militant bloc of support, which is why she's been trying to get you to 'crash' one of her parties. While she would publicly disdain your support, she'd be willing to pay rather handsomely for it as well, particularly as you are now the gatekeeper to Euphemia.