Next turn we should start using our diplo and intrigue actions to mess with the pirates.
Next turn my preferred actions would be.
A major expansion of our forces. There is a chance that due to Knight Support being overdue for a time out and our large influx of cash that Jeanne will give us a wishlist. There might also be a chance for expanding our navy size with the extra funds. You will have to remember that in this naval battle our forces were the smallest. SIC brought 2 battleships if I remember correctly. New heaven brought 4 battleships and a carrier (1 BS and 1 carrier in the Splinter fleet). We only had a single carrier. If we want to seriously contend with the major pirate fleets we need more ships. I just hope our port won't need another Stewardship action expansion.
There also might be a chance to capitalize on new Heaven weakness. Like a raid to free slaves or just simply limit their fleet.
We have obligated ourself to help with the refuge situation. That will be one action that is practically locked in. The other will most likely be about dealing with the repercussions from the attack. Like SIC presence or other forces contacting us for diplomacy. We have shown that we are a player.
Here we will most likely be working on building up our own costal defenses. I hope the Watchtowers action will rolled into the general defensive upgrade. Either way we need to do it so our port won't be an anchor for our mobile forces. Because every time we send them out our port is mostly undefended. it will make Jeanne really happy and reduce her stress levels. Especially after we expanded our administrative building greatly over what we needed. I don't think she was fully read into our new spy expansion.
There will most likely be actions to take advantage of our expanded trading permits. While we have a rather good port we lack civilian ships under our flag.
We will really need that extra Stewardship action from Duke Stadtfeld for the next 3 years.
We will need to spend one action to get Shadow Administration up and running. The other I would spend to either deal with a problem that pops up or upgrade our bodyguards for our hero units.
Intrigue is where we do crazy things that pull our ass out of the fire. Like stopping Duke Stadtfeld from challenging us to a duel or getting enough intel to be able to actually plan a defense during this conference.
I am for taking Gawain. Even without Ashford support we have a decent chance of figuring it out. And if we manage to figure it out on our own then we will have a stronger position when negotiating with the Ashfords.
Swords. We really need to figure out those swords. We have so many psionic related swords. Shinozaki ancestral blade and other shinobi clan weapons, John's blade, anti psionic swords from OSI, any New Heaven weapons we managed to recover (Nunnally managed to recover some that were stuck in her knightmare if I remember correctly).
The other action I think should either deal with recruitment to expand our psionic talent pool or getting our alchemical program running so it will be mostly self sustaining.