Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

And now we know what the letter resulted in. There is only one problem.
Li Xingke: Captain. Where is the pirate armada?
Captain: Already sunk.
Li Xingke: Prepare to land the troops.
Everybody fighting: At least the pirates don't have any more Gun Ru so there will be less of a friendly fire risk.
Lol. Slayer Anderson, how much fighting does Li Xingke have left to actually participate in?
...Also, it seems to be that the canon "The shitty uninteresting mass-produced Gun-ru units are always the mooks that get slain in droves by the more glamorous units or interesting characters with actual character development" leaking through cannot be stopped.
Well, I mean they kinda are shit. They were literally designed to be used in zerg rushes. We might want to look into helping the Empress with that. And damn, Li Xingke is going to kick some ass next turn I think.
Hmm... Suzaku is present right? He's bound to be an absolute monster in single combat, even without psionics. He'll help if someone comes to take us hostage.
Lol. Slayer Anderson, how much fighting does Li Xingke have left to actually participate in?
A great deal, actually. His arrival is actually the central reason why the battle is ending after only three turns of combat.

While what Lelouch and the forces under his command have accomplished here is incredibly impressive, the fact remains that you are just now beginning to truly bloody the core of this invading army. Your forces are lacking a great deal of heavy weaponry, true coordination, and logistical support that would have made bringing this battle to a conclusion an utter bastard.

Against the defenders of the city, caught unaware, New Heaven had a significant chance of actually accomplishing their goals. Against one of the main Chinese fleets and attached infantry/marine divisions? Next turn, the Xingke is going to begin landing troops, once he finishes, he will be putting more boots on the ground than every other faction here combined. That's just foot soldiers, not even touching on the Gun-Ru units, crew-served weaponry, artillery, and the hundreds of thousands of metric tons of ammunition they brought with them.
Splinter Fleet: 15+10= 24

Literally only a single point, but this should add up to 25.

edit: the massive damage to the Chinese garrison is obviously bad in terms of cost to the CF, but it might be political boon if the show of willingness to defending their vassal despite extreme danger outweighs the negative evaluation of their ability to actually do so. Li Xingke's arrival to close out the fight will probably be even more important as a clear demonstration of the CF's will and ability both to defend Indonesia, which should be major stabilizing influence politically.
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...You know, in hindsight I think it was really good that we didn't blow up the harbour, even if I voted for that in the end. If we had done so, the Chinese would have had a rather hard time landing their troops.
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I'm glad we trusted Kaguya-Hime with info regarding the invasion beforehand, otherwise we would be f*cked!
...You know, in hindsight I think it was really good that we didn't blow up the harbour, even if I voted for that in the end. If we had done so, the Chinese would have had a rather hard time landing their troops.
Which was the argument I gave against blowing it up but I was thinking about SIC marines and our own marines from the fleet opening a second front.
With our forces holding a strong line together with the IC and Li Xingke forces landing in the harbor together with our own reinforcements and SIC marines New Heaven is about to find itself between a rock and a hard place. And Nunnally's forces got a break so enemies attacking the fortifications during the last push will get a -10 debuff. With the damage inflicted on enemy psionic forces this turn thanks to our shinobi interrupt it really is almost over.
We will have one very smug Kaguya on our hands after this.

I'm rather happy about how this conference is turning out. With the forces brought by Kaguya's letter and the garrison's sacrifice it should be a lot easier to return to a status quo ante which was our goal. Our reputation will get a very large boost since due to our impressive rolls we are getting compared to Cornellia when it comes to martial ability. With us using multiple languages fluently during the combat and conference we will also gain some reputation with diplomatic corps both in the homeland and abroad.
We managed to most likely improve the results of our future refuge action. We got an agreement of working together with the IC military. We also most likely will be making gains towards a diplomatic solution in term of the SIC.
And on the military side we managed to get out of this combat without major losses on our side while crippling New Heaven offensive capabilities. We have a real chance of taking their cities for ourself if we can get some extra troops under our command. For example by gaining more control over the Crowns. Or getting some Indonesian or Chinese forces to aid us (less likely since the Chinese will be busy in India unless the rebellion was called off which is harder to do than start one).
The upcoming Tunguska conference will be practically a vacation and more about finding out if we have competition in getting into space.
The reactions of everyone who didn't know about the attack in advance around the world will be amusing.
And on the military side we managed to get out of this combat without major losses on our side while crippling New Heaven offensive capabilities. We have a real chance of taking their cities for ourself if we can get some extra troops under our command. For example by gaining more control over the Crowns. Or getting some Indonesian or Chinese forces to aid us (less likely since the Chinese will be busy in India unless the rebellion was called off which is harder to do than start one).

We could also change favors from stewardship actions, to some of the military boosts that were offered.

I do wonder if there's any diplo/religious method we could try by exploiting Lelouch's massive piety and this victory. Spread propaganda amongst them that he's actually the one with divine favor.
Well, they are childhood friends tho? Idk, i think i remember that.
While what Lelouch and the forces under his command have accomplished here is incredibly impressive, the fact remains that you are just now beginning to truly bloody the core of this invading army. Your forces are lacking a great deal of heavy weaponry, true coordination, and logistical support that would have made bringing this battle to a conclusion an utter bastard.

Makes sense. It was an adhoc defence of our own smuggled troops, the Indonesian Confederation forces and recently the Chinese Garrison. We would be lacking in a lot of ways. Well it's okay. We still proved to the world that Lelouch vi Brittania can fight and win.
Makes sense. It was an adhoc defence of our own smuggled troops, the Indonesian Confederation forces and recently the Chinese Garrison. We would be lacking in a lot of ways. Well it's okay. We still proved to the world that Lelouch vi Brittania can fight and win.
And maybe even better, they will not know that he actually has more raw psionic power than even the best of invading supersoldiers, heightened by ancient psionic knowledge. So if there is an assassination attempt against Lelouch the future, at which point we might have had the time and the chance to perfect psionic infantry combat past what we have seen (and anti-psionic combat) to a whole new level, well. That might be kind of a rude awakening to those unlucky assassins.
We could also change favors from stewardship actions, to some of the military boosts that were offered.

I do wonder if there's any diplo/religious method we could try by exploiting Lelouch's massive piety and this victory. Spread propaganda amongst them that he's actually the one with divine favor.
Honestly I am starting to lean towards using our favors this time for the military options (or options along that way)
-[ ] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[ ] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[ ] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
Mostly because with how much of New Heaven fighting force was crushed here it is a case of striking while the iron is hot. And most importantly before anyone else decides to take advantage. We can't forget that the SIC has a long standing hostility against New Heaven and they might try to take land from them. While New Heaven left some naval forces behind I doubt they were prepared for total loses among the invasion forces.
Also while Australia is our goal and we got support for our territorial claims from the Area Governor action New Heaven is a really tasty morsel for Area 9 governor with her martial bent.
There is of course the fact that the Chinese will need to mount some kind of response to such an attack on their vassal state. I really hope trouble is brewing in India so we might get a chance of attacking New Heaven first.
Even if we can just put the three New heaven cities under siege it will still help with our claim.
...By the way, just noticed something. Not to sound too greedy, but shouldn't Nunnally also benefit from the +40 Lelouch-bonus?
If it will apply then Nunnally managed to redefine the concept of a fighting retreat. As in post battle analysts will be extremely confused how she managed to inflict such horrendous casualties on the enemy while retreating. They will have to double check if someone didn't mix up the direction of her movement.
So convincing the Empress to bring out the big guns is Kaguya's reply to our rebuke about not having influence over the great powers...
No, that was before our talk with her. Her message followed after the interlude, before we choose her as one option for Phase III. Furthermore, this is not something amazing. It was providing the Tianzi with information. No diplomatic scheming or any shenanigans. The moment the Federation would have known about this they would have needed to act. It was imperative for keeping the Federation stable. If this situation had gone badly, they could have lost India. Of course, they would act.
For us this was a side-theater turned big, but for the Federation it was always a matter of national concern. We were just there to say our piece and maybe granted some say-so. The Chinese Federation was the major party at the table.

This was not Kaguya bending the world to her will. What she did is lay the groundwork for it. Her informing the Tianzi of this, must have scored her a major favor and "friendship" points. How she takes advantage of that, will show if she can truly bend the world to her will.
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I wonder how the other pirate groups (aside from those involved in this battle, aka New Heaven and Blood\SIC) will react to our exploits here...

Also, if we do plan to invade New Heaven, there are some other things to account for, aside from getting enough military strength to be able to attack them:

1. The pirate dossier that we have mentions that occupying New Heaven is going to be extremely difficult, given how zealous they are. To that end, we may want to contact Dr. Dolores Murrow, one of our neighbours and the person in charge of the Lifou Island, to see about aquiring her expertise in sociology so we can pacify the New Heaven much easier.

2. Commiting to an invasion might spook some of the other pirate groups into starting to act against us. While we do not care about all the pirate groups, we may want to consider opening a diplomatic channel to La Cosa Nostra sooner rather than later in order to make sure they do not act against us, as they could easily cause us problems, given that the two leaders in charge of La Cosa Nostra are specialized in Diplomacy and Intrigue.
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...By the way, just noticed something. Not to sound too greedy, but shouldn't Nunnally also benefit from the +40 Lelouch-bonus?
No, it was moved to Kallen's unit. Nunnally's retreating and no longer pursuing combat. The roll was mostly to determine whether or not her KMFs took any further damage as they escaped.

I'll have to figure out the exact tactics involved, but Nunnally probably decided to 'retreat' through the largest block of enemy forces she could find.
Considering how long it would take to make good on their losses, I don't think New Heaven is in any need of a quick invasion. They lost their major forces. The warrior and casters caste will be wrecked. To replenish these numbers they would need decades.

We have seen how much of bunch of fanatics they are. Collective guilt and little children thinking of us as the demon lord. That is the worst target for an occupation. Worst of all we utterly lack the manpower to pull it off. Maybe we would be able to take the land, but I seriously question our ability to hold it.

I wonder how the other pirate groups (aside from those involved in this battle, aka New Heaven and Blood\SIC) will react to our exploits here...
I think the ones most reactive will be the Children and the Blades of Saladin. The former obviously banked on New Haven being enough of a nuisance to disrupt the Federation and allow them to go forward with their own rebellion. With this outcome it is unlikely to work. The Federation may even come out of this crisis looking better than they did before, because in the moment of true crisis they were there and delivered.

Now the Children will have to think about how to best go forward. Their rebellion would be a futile effort and only granting them low chances of success. Wasting the blood and tears of their fellow countrymen seems wrong to me. An idealistic faction like they are would not normally do something like that. They may be fine with sacrificing other nation on the altar of their nationalistic dreams, but sacrificing fellow Indians for no gain should be below them.
They are quite close to New Haven and their commander has a piety and diplo focus. So I could see them trading something with the New Haven. Their clandestine support to allow them to rebuild for some psionic technology. The two factions are known trading partners.

The other one are the Blades of Saladin. With the other major pirate faction in their region put out of focus, the anger of the surrounding factions can easily be directed to the one still attacking all their shipping. Having already lost Ethipioa as patron, they got another one. Likely India or an African Union. Personally, I think it is India. Having close ties to the Children and India has a substantial Muslim population. After having witnessed how much even a "minor" Britannian prince can accomplish in their region and with the Federation raising their head, I would say if they are smart they lower their attacks and lie low.
Of course, they are not smart. Their patron will not change their mind that fast and therefore they will continue their current actions. Greed is a powerful motivator.

Other options are the Freelance Raiders taking a shot against New Haven in revenge or trying to hit the Children in fear of them trying to expand. Else I don't think many will have big reactions, except to make a big big detour around our forces.
Has anyone mentioned the attention New Heaven will get from showcasing their physic super soldiers? Because if nothing else The EU and the Praetorians would have an excellent reason to interfere with that very visible showing of those "horrible psychic pirates".
Considering how long it would take to make good on their losses, I don't think New Heaven is in any need of a quick invasion. They lost their major forces. The warrior and casters caste will be wrecked. To replenish these numbers they would need decades.

We have seen how much of bunch of fanatics they are. Collective guilt and little children thinking of us as the demon lord. That is the worst target for an occupation. Worst of all we utterly lack the manpower to pull it off. Maybe we would be able to take the land, but I seriously question our ability to hold it.
It is not a case of dealing with them before they regain their strength but dealing with them before another group moves in while they are weakened and we are building up our forces.
Will the occupation be easy? No.
But it will still be easier than taking them from another group. Not to mention the fact that psionic tech might be lost to us if another group takes it and decides to sell their spoils to the Praetorians for example.
That is why I am contemplating getting some mercenary forces to increase our numbers for taking them and then work on replacing them with our own dedicated occupation forces over time to decrease costs.
Now the Children will have to think about how to best go forward. Their rebellion would be a futile effort and only granting them low chances of success. Wasting the blood and tears of their fellow countrymen seems wrong to me. An idealistic faction like they are would not normally do something like that. They may be fine with sacrificing other nation on the altar of their nationalistic dreams, but sacrificing fellow Indians for no gain should be below them.
They are quite close to New Haven and their commander has a piety and diplo focus. So I could see them trading something with the New Haven. Their clandestine support to allow them to rebuild for some psionic technology. The two factions are known trading partners.
The Children are not Indian. They are very multicultural and their interest in India is recent. They were even raiding Indian and Indonesian shipping until recently in addition to their main target which was Chinese. They only stayed away from Britannian merchant ships according to the Pirate Dosier. Their help with the rebellion is to hurt the Federation which is their major goal.
Other options are the Freelance Raiders taking a shot against New Haven in revenge or trying to hit the Children in fear of them trying to expand. Else I don't think many will have big reactions, except to make a big big detour around our forces.
This I'm not sure about. They are rather unorganized and already got burnt once when they ran into Nunnally defending the ports when we lent our KMF forces for security and our pet shark also took a bite out of them. I'm talking about when they raided due to being hired by the Chinese Eunuch which started this diplomatic mess.

EDIT: And now I remembered that not taking the extra Stewardship action from the Duke will result in us loosing a Personal Action until we get a Stewardship Advisor. Ugh. The easy way to gain troops for taking over New heaven just got a lot more costly.
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Has anyone mentioned the attention New Heaven will get from showcasing their physic super soldiers? Because if nothing else The EU and the Praetorians would have an excellent reason to interfere with that very visible showing of those "horrible psychic pirates".
I noted that way earlier, but the fact that it was made public and the psionics made such a strong showing here means the Praetorians will absolutely lose their shit.
It is not a case of dealing with them before they regain their strength but dealing with them before another group moves in while they are weakened and we are building up our forces.
Will the occupation be easy? No.
But it will still be easier than taking them from another group. Not to mention the fact that psionic tech might be lost to us if another group takes it and decides to sell their spoils to the Praetorians for example.
That is why I am contemplating getting some mercenary forces to increase our numbers for taking them and then work on replacing them with our own dedicated occupation forces over time to decrease costs.
Till now the New Heaven could stand as one of the big three while only fielding raiding fleets led by non-professionals. Their psionic troops never left home. From the Interlude we know that they can easily replenish any losses in vessels. Their psionic workers allow them to build at an astonishing rate and speed. I don't see any other force ready to take them on, considering their low end was enough to be considered one of the big three. Before this invasion, no one knew about the psionic soldiers, and they still did not attack New Heaven.

The Children are nominally neutral and politically motivated against playing the game with the other pirate groups. Blood is a democratic nation and how good bloody occupations go over there, everyone knows. Before trying to take land, they would use the time to focus on an easier target. Like the Sons of Teach. Additionally, I would not declare them as expansionists.
Blades are overstretched right now and face many outside forces, including a Britannian one. I don't see them focusing on taking land. They seem far more focused on loot. The same goes for Sons of Teach, first them going for a big target would break their modus operandi and secondly they have no interest in holding land and would just loot. Freelances are the same. This only leaves the Crown and I seriously doubt they will do that. Their owners would have some problems with that. Far more likely for them to pursue things with the Blades in retribution for their acts against Britannian shipping.

Furthermore, no one except us knows how depleted New Heavens pool of psionic super soldiers is. Meaning no one else knows that they just lost their major ace in the hole. For an outsider after hearing and seeing pictures of their powerful soldiers, the first reaction is not "hey let's attack that" but let's stay the fuck away. They don't know that New Heaven has lost most of their special soldiers. For all they know, New Heaven could have more hidden in their fortress cities.

I would state the exact opposite of what you are saying. It would be far easier, to break a tenuous occupation force then a fanatical one, standing with the back to the wall defending their home. Considering how doubtful I am of one pirate group being able to take even one harbor/city, I am even more doubtful of them taking all. Therefore, I do not see the chance for great loot in any way threatened. The only way that could be, if the EU gets seriously involved there and takes the harbors. But that would be a completely different kind of disaster. Such a move would be counteracted by the other big three and could easily escalate things on the world stage. Assuming a decent amount of skill in professional EU politicians makes such a course of action from the EU more than unlikely.
The Children are not Indian. They are very multicultural and their interest in India is recent. They were even raiding Indian and Indonesian shipping until recently in addition to their main target which was Chinese. They only stayed away from Britannian merchant ships according to the Pirate Dosier. Their help with the rebellion is to hurt the Federation which is their major goal.
This is nitpicking, there is obviously a big group of Indian inside the Children. Their targets from Indonesian and Indian shipping is explained away as being more targets of opportunity than deliberate acts. That is a difference, an important one. Then how do you know their interest in India is recent? I would say they always had an interest in India considering they most likely have major backers from there. It is the best explanation for their parity with Federation technology. Their infiltration of the upper echelons is recent, but that is a little bit more than interest.
Currently, there is a major faction inside the Children, including Rakshata, that is interested or has the goal of Indian Independence and some of their biggest backers are from India.
Jack is more about encouraging independence and nationalism in some of it's larger member states by showcasing their powerlessness.
Yes, the Children want to hurt the Federation, but they are not bloodthirsty edgelords that just want to see the world burn. Jack obviously has an interest in the independence of India or all states inside the Federation.

I don't think the obviously influential group of Indians inside the Children and the overall group would be okay with jumpstarting a rebellion, that is doomed to failure, just for fucks sake. You can only hurt the Federation by showing them as weak. Them easily crushing a rebellion, showcases the exact opposite.