Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[x] Plan slowburn
-[x] Knight Support
-[x] Staffing
-[x] Resource Scouting
-[x] Administrative Structures

While I would prefer to expand our fleet, I do agree with winking sequence. We shouldn't leave our knightmares, Nunnally especially, vulnerable to a pirate counterattack.
[X] Plan slowburn
-[X] Knight Support
-[X] Staffing
-[X] Resource Scouting
-[X] Administrative Structures
Is it possible to switch over to Plan KMF & Navy? Resource Scouting is not a priority, and taking Enlarge Docks now means that we can finish both enlarge docks & fleet expansion simultaneously.
Plans slowburn, KMF and Navy and To Rule the Waves all leave us vulnerable to having our food supply cut off by our enemies by not taking Domestic Supplies, which is something we do not want. The authors of those plans should really consider taking Domestic Supplies as one of our Stewardship actions this turn to secure our food situation.
Plans slowburn, KMF and Navy and To Rule the Waves all leave us vulnerable to having our food supply cut off by our enemies by not taking Domestic Supplies, which is something we do not want. The authors of those plans should really consider taking Domestic Supplies as one of our Stewardship actions this turn to secure our food situation.
Why will the pirate attack us, when they can attack the indonesian port cities, which suddenly became more vulnerable?

We have, as of yet, not made any enemies. Securing our food situation is urgent only if we are expecting a naval blockade. Still, I am willing to compromise with the stewardship action, if you are willing to compromise with the martial action.
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"And I suppose you'd also say that we should expand fleet basing as well." You sighed, then paused. "Jeanne... is that perfume?"

Your military advisor shifted, straightening with awkward quickness. "Ah, yes sire. I was... trying something... different."

"I see." You state, inhaling. "It's quite nice."

Jeanne blushes. "Th-thank you sire." She clears her throat.
Me thinks the arrival of Euphy will start motivating the other girls. Let the harem wars begin:).

[X] Plan: Naval Superiority and Expanding Opportunities
-[X] Fleet Expansion
-[X] Staffing
-[X] Administrative Structures
-[X] Resource Scouting

My plan is focusing on expanding our opportunities while not locking down our choices for the next year to much.
From all the force expansion options I am going for the naval option. First of all our territory is an island so our fleet is our first defense. If our enemy is landing troops on our shore we have really done something wrong. Second is that we are greatly outnumbered. New Heaven still had 3 Fleets after their attack on us while we have 1 Flotilla. We need to get at least to a full fleet before our technological superiority will come into play.
Unless something blows up next turn we will need a Martial action to put out (of its misery) I would prefer grabbing Knight Support next turn.
I am honestly against grabbing either Area Governor option unless we are really strapped for money. The limitations on our actions that would come with them are not really worth it. Euphy with her focus will offer us better money making diplomacy options next turn. That is also why I want to set up her staff before she starts working so she can hit the ground running.
Here the choice was a lot harder. As I wanted to keep an option open for next year just in case the first choice was between Resource Scouting and Watchtowers. While increasing our island security would be nice I think Resource Scouting is the victor here. First of all it will allow to finish our island's survey. Knowing where not to expand because there are resources that we might want to exploit in the future is important. Not to mention knowing what there is to exploit. And that leads us to my second point on why Resource Scouting will be more useful. Euphy will have a focus on gaining investors with diplomacy. I think it would be probable to use a Diplomacy action to make a deal with for example the Ashford Conglomerate with us supplying the funding and mineral rights and them supplying equipment and expertise to exploit the resources. It would not bring us as much money as going at it alone but it could free up Stewardship action and expand any industry faster.
My second slot is for multi year actions since all are really attractive but I didn't want to block all our Stewardship actions next year just in case the situation changes drastically.
First we have Enlarge Docks. While it was recommended by our military focused advisor I think we can put it off. As Areas 8 and 9 are more developed we can use their facilities for now. Especially Area 9 that won't give us much trouble as long as we are going after pirates even if they want us to focus on the Blood. There is also the fact with our letter from the Tianzi we can at least resupply in Chinese bases even if we need to fix battle damage in Britannia port facilities. We can wait with the expansion until we start seeing more action or develop some serious industry that needs expanded civilian shipping.
Second option is Domestic Supplies. While I would like to secure our food supplies I think we can wait 1 more year with starting this project. Especially if we expand our navy to secure our supply lines.
The third and the one I have chosen is Administrative Structures. First of all Slayer stated we will need to still do some work to get a 3rd Intrigue action from our super critical success that gave us ninjas. Action economy is king as some have repeatedly stated. Then there is the fact that with a staff in place we might be able to be more efficient in our projects. A crit here might even give us a staff on the level of the one the Duke is supplying us freeing up some favors early. I am also not discounting this action cutting into the time required for our bigger projects. If we can cut the port expansion to 2 years from the current 3 I would be happy.

It's quite plausible for Nunnaly to be attacked by a much stronger force this turn. It's worth it to take the knight support action.
Why will the pirate attack us, when they can attack the indonesian port cities, which suddenly became more vulnerable?
Taking into account Nunnally was protecting a border island between the Indonesian Confederation and Area 9 she is not as vulnerable as you might think. There is also the fact that unless she crit fails (which might only happen if Slayer will be rolling again this turn instead of using the results from last turn) the only pirate group that might have something to take her on does not attack Britannian targets (Children of Ching Shih). Basically the attack last turn was a group of bandits trying to rob a warehouse thinking it is protected by an old night guard but stumbled on grinning Space Marines in Power Armor. You are really overstating the danger here.
Plans slowburn, KMF and Navy and To Rule the Waves all leave us vulnerable to having our food supply cut off by our enemies by not taking Domestic Supplies, which is something we do not want. The authors of those plans should really consider taking Domestic Supplies as one of our Stewardship actions this turn to secure our food situation.
Expanding our fleet to secure supply lines takes the same time as building up our domestic supplies.
Taking into account Nunnally was protecting a border island between the Indonesian Confederation and Area 9 she is not as vulnerable as you might think. There is also the fact that unless she crit fails (which might only happen if Slayer will be rolling again this turn instead of using the results from last turn) the only pirate group that might have something to take her on does not attack Britannian targets (Children of Ching Shih). Basically the attack last turn was a group of bandits trying to rob a warehouse thinking it is protected by an old night guard but stumbled on grinning Space Marines in Power Armor. You are really overstating the danger here.
The question essentially depends on whether the pirates action will trigger a change or not. @Slayer Anderson, if the pirates decide to go on the offensive against the Indonesian Confederation, will the Unit Leasing option dice rolls change?

Any martial actions involving Nunnaly has 2 rerolls, though. I guess it really depends on how great a penalty not having support will be. If it becomes a square off between the pirate's roll & our roll, getting rid of the penalty will be important.
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Is it possible to switch over to Plan KMF & Navy? Resource Scouting is not a priority, and taking Enlarge Docks now means that we can finish both enlarge docks & fleet expansion simultaneously.

I can go along with that. You can let me know if I need to switch back, but I won't be able to respond for awhile. I really need to get to bed.

[x] Plan KMF & Navy
-[x] Knight Support
-[x] Staffing
-[x] Administrative Structures
-[x] Enlarge Docks
[x] Plan: To Rule the Waves
-[x] Fleet Expansion
-[x] Staffing
-[x] Administrative Structures
-[x] Enlarge Docks

Rather important to listen to our advisor on this sort of thing. Nothing really takes priority over expanding the navy; whether it be patrolling, defense, or attacking a base, the fleet will inevitably be the backbone in any anti-piracy operation. KMF support doesn't hold much value without first securing naval dominance.

Resource scouting or domestic food supplies are likewise odd things to prioritize; our income is fine, and the best defense against a blockade is to simply have the ships needed to break it in the first place.
[X] Plan Support and Foundation
-[X] Knight Support
-[X] Staffing
-[X] Domestic Supplies
-[X] Administrative Structures

We have a temporary increase in money, that is not going to last so taking actions to unlock. Fleet Expansion, Docks, Staffing and Admin Structures adds 900 to our upkeep dropping our margin to 1850 plus any more actions we take during the following phases that incur increased upkeep we can quickly find ourselves short on funds again.
We have a temporary increase in money, that is not going to last so taking actions to unlock. Fleet Expansion, Docks, Staffing and Admin Structures adds 900 to our upkeep dropping our margin to 1850 plus any more actions we take during the following phases that incur increased upkeep we can quickly find ourselves short on funds again.
Domestic Supplies does increase our income, but Resource scouting (if successful) will likely give us better options. And thanks for the Knight Support!
@Slayer Anderson, we seem to have taken multi-term options only in the last turn (Unit leasing & Psionic Energy Studies). Is there going to be another roll for these options in this turn?
I had intended to in regards to Unit Leasing, but I think I'll let the results ride as far as multi-turn actions go. It'll cut down on the rolling I have to do a little bit.

The results as established the year prior will carry over. You will be getting the income boost again from Unit Leasing. Psionic Energy Studies didn't offer anything like that, but it will positively conclude this year and you'll be receiving all of the rewards as scheduled.

I'll check in on the voting after I get home from work. At this point, I'm signing off for the night.
I had intended to in regards to Unit Leasing, but I think I'll let the results ride as far as multi-turn actions go. It'll cut down on the rolling I have to do a little bit.

The results as established the year prior will carry over. You will be getting the income boost again from Unit Leasing. Psionic Energy Studies didn't offer anything like that, but it will positively conclude this year and you'll be receiving all of the rewards as scheduled.

I'll check in on the voting after I get home from work. At this point, I'm signing off for the night.
Thanks! It's paranoia to stick with knight support at this point, so:

Plan To Rule the Waves ties down one martial action for two turns & all stewardship action for two turns. Our income will collapse from 4850 to 950 next turn (Loss of 3000 income +900 additional upkeep). We will be really strapped for cash next turn (Unless we repeat unit leasing. We should do knight support before doing unit leasing).

[X] Plan: Naval Superiority and Expanding Opportunities

I think we should postpone building the docks, until our income grows. Or else we diplo area 8 or 9.
[x] Plan: To Rule the Waves
-[x] Fleet Expansion
-[x] Staffing
-[x] Administrative Structures
-[x] Enlarge Docks
If we're going with heavy expansion this turn, it might be an idea to do the action that has the pirates fight one another this turn. Pirates aren't about to sit back and let us have our way whilst we plot on exterminating them.