RexHeller's Plot Bunny Thread

I'm largely uninterested in Magisches Madchen, because broken masquerade is a big turnoff for me when it comes to PMMM.
At least you guys can get interested in stories that don't have Taylor in them.

I can't really complain right now though, I'm not stuck in a psych ward AND I am having fun thinking up ideas for Learning to Sing.
At least you guys can get interested in stories that don't have Taylor in them.

I can't really complain right now though, I'm not stuck in a psych ward AND I am having fun thinking up ideas for Learning to Sing.
Honestly, "yet another story with Taylor" is an even bigger turnoff.
Magisches Madchen Madoka Magie
It was Homura Akemi's first day of school and she was understandably quite nervous. A shy and unassuming girl who stuttered when she talked, Homura had never been the best at making friends even before her extended hospital stay. Now she was going to a new school in a new city and she was going to be meeting entirely new people and probably learning an entirely new curriculum too. Combine that with the fact that her heart was still recovering from surgery and that she was pretty out of shape and all that added up to a lot of stress for the violet-eyed young girl.

However, the thing that worried Homura the most was the specific school she was going to. Mitakihara Private Academy, formerly known as Mitakihara Middle School, was one of the so-called "Magic Academies" that the government had created all across the country. These schools were the best of the best and there were only two ways to get into them. One was to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a tuition fee or to have the potential to become a Magical Girl. That was so that the government would have an easier time of finding Magical Girls and reaching out to them when they made their wishes.

What exactly marked a girl as a potential Magical Girl wasn't public knowledge but it was apparently easy to test for and was actually one of the standard medical tests for any girl between the ages of ten and sixteen years old about to undergo a major surgery, just like the sort that Homura had just been through. Homura had been tested as a matter of course and she was surprised to find that yes, she did have the potential to become a Magical Girl. And with that news came the recruitment pitch. A stern man in a nice suit came and talked to her about switching schools. At the time Homura had just wanted him to go away so she could get some sleep and so had agreed to whatever he had said. Even if she hadn't been recovering from surgery and tired to the bone she likely would have agreed. After all, it wasn't like she had strong personal ties to her old school and going with the flow was so much easier. Attending a Magic Academy wasn't legally required if you had the potential after all, just highly recommended. With her agreement her parents had been contacted and she had been set to attend her new school before she even got out of the hospital.

While it had seemed like a good idea at the time, Homura couldn't help but wish she had said no back then. While it was unlikely that the school itself would be attacked, Homura had done her research and Mitakihara suffered an unusually high amount of Daemon attacks and only had two Magical Girls to defend the town. Of course, those two Magical Girls were very good at what they did according to what she'd been able to look up, if they weren't they would have received back up long ago, but Homura was from Tokyo, where Daemon attacks were rare and they had over twenty Magical Girls all working together to keep the city safe.

Still, it wasn't like Homura could just change her mind and go back home. She had no home to go back too. She lived mostly on her own since her parents spent most of their time on business over seas. Since she had been old enough to take care of herself, Homura had been living on her own in a small apartment meant for one person. It was the only property her family even owned in Japan, that was how little her parents came home. And when her parents received news of Homura's transfer they had sold her old apartment and bought her a new one in Mitakihara and moved her few possessions there, all without actually reentering the country. The new apartment was almost exactly the same as her old one too, which didn't help Homura when she looked out her window expecting to see the familiar Tokyo skyline.

And so with a heavy heart and no other choice, Homura went to school. When she got there she was intimidated by both how large and futuristic the school building was and by the security system out front. If it was ever in doubt that the government wasn't doing it's best to protect potential Magical Girls, those doubts where put to rest by the id scanners, metal detectors and huge steel fence outside the school. Homura passed by them without incident but that didn't mean she enjoyed it.

In the school building proper Homura quickly found the teachers lounge, mostly through luck. Inside was a small, soft looking woman in a cardigan scribbling furiously at some paper or other. Homura was deathly afraid to interrupt but being late for class would be even worse so she bit the bullet and knocked on the door frame. "Um, e-excuse me?"

The woman looked up from her work, looking surprised before smiling at Homura. "Hello dear. Need something?"

"Um… I-I'm Homura A-Akemi… It's my first day here?"

"Oh!" The woman, who is almost definitely a teacher now that Homura thinks about it, gets up and quickly walks over. "So you're the new transfer student. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kazuko Saotome and I'll be your new Home Room teacher."

"Oh. H-Hello." Homura stuttered out before bowing.

"Now, since you're here early, would you like a tour around the school?" Miss Saotome asked and after thinking for a second, Homura nodded. "Okay great. Let's- Oh but I have to get this marking done before class…" Miss Saotome trailed off and frowned for several minutes. Just as Homura was about to ask if something was wrong though, Miss Saotome hit the palm of her hand with her fist. "I know! Just one second Miss Akemi."

Walking over to the door, Miss Saotome peaked her head out into the hallway. Apparently she found what she was looking for because from where Homura was standing it looked like her face broke into a wide smile. "Excellent! Madoka, would you step inside for a moment? I have a task for you."

Homura blinked in surprise when she saw the girl that entered the teacher's lounge. She wasn't exactly what Homura would have expected from a girl attending a prestigious private school. Slightly shorter than Homura, the girl had her pink hair pulled back into a short ponytail with two messy bangs framing the sides of her face. The color of her sharp eyes matched her hair and there was a bandage stuck to her face on her right cheek. In addition to the standard uniform the girl wore dark black stockings with a few tears in them and had a pair of fingerless gloves on her hands. However, what struck Homura most was the girl's attitude. She seemed to radiate lazy confidence and subtle rebellion. This was the sort of person that did what they did because they wanted to, to because someone told her too.

Which was why Homura was surprised when the girl did as Miss Saotome requested. "Sure. What'cha need?"

Miss Saotome gestured towards Homura. "This is Homura Akemi. She'll be joining your class today and I was hoping you could show her around campus before class."

"No problem." The girl, Madoka Miss Saotome had called her, turned to Homura and Homura flinched. "Nice to meet'cha Homura. Name's Madoka Kaname."

"Um…" Homura tried to meet Madoka's eyes but couldn't. Instead she just looked at the floor. "N-nice t-to meet you t-to."

"A shy one, huh? Well that's okay, you'll get used to the school soon. Want to get going?" Madoka asked. "We'll have to hurry if you want to see everything before we need to get to class." Homura nodded silently. "All right, let's go."

As it turned out, Homura had little reason to be scared of Madoka. While at first the girl seemed sort of like some kind of delinquent, Madoka soon proved to be intelligent, friendly and kind. She knew a lot about the school and seemed to know exactly what Homura's questions where going to be before she asked them. On the few occasions Homura did need to ask something, Madoka was always patient with her, waiting for Homura to finish her question with out interruption, no matter how much Homura stuttered. As the tour started to wind down, Homura was starting to think that maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Unfortunately that was when the screaming started.

So this was the first reflection of PMMM I came up with, several months before the Burning Spirit setting, and I wanted to write it. I had intended it to go on quite a bit longer but this was approaching 1500 words already and I have other things to do so I though I'd post what I have already.

Unfortunately, I've lost all my notes on this one but I still remember most of it. In this world Kyubey only found earth thirty years ago and decided to go with a more public plan. Instead of Witches, there are monsters that are called Daemons running about wrecking the place. They live in the physical world and cause physical damage instead of hiding in barriers but particularly strong ones or large groups of them can warp reality around them, turning the area around them into a twisted landscape like a Barrier. Magical Girls are singularly public knowledge and work independently from the government but with government support. For example, they can call for police or military back up without having to obey the military.

Of the main characters, everyone has the flipped personalities to their canon selves, seen here with Moemura (who, while technically canon, doesn't act like that for most of them show while here she's going to stay moe the entire time) and rebel with a cause Madoka.

One of things I'm really missing from my notes is the design for Homura's costume. I can remember everyone else's pretty well but not hers. The magical girl outfits are flipped too. Where as in the show every outfit had a lot of white in it and where fairly traditional, here they're more futuristic, with black body suits underneath high-tech looking armor. For example, Mami's outfit consists of a visor with a HUD, armor on her upper chest as opposed to her corset in canon, bracers covering her entire lower arms instead of detached sleeves, metal boots and Archer's butt cape thing instead of a skirt. If anyone has any suggestions on what Homura's outfit could be I'd be really thankful because right now I'm drawing a blank. I'd like it to be a counter point to her canon outfit if possible.
Madoka turned into Heartfelt Punch!?

(This seems like the premise of Sleepless Domain by Mary Caygle)
Why Taylor in particular?
I just get super invested in characters that I can see myself in. For almost 15 years it was Ranma, I couldn't read any fanfiction that didn't have him in it. I didn't read fanfiction for a while then I read Worm in like 3 days and all of a sudden my focus is Taylor. Ranma was the whole transgender thing and Taylor is the depressed girl trying to do the right thing and eventually learning to live again. The last lines of Worm really resonate with me.

"But I've dealt with worse. If it comes down to it, if this is all I have to worry about, I can maybe deal. I could maybe learn to be okay."

"I think that's all any of us can hope for," her father said.
She had no home to go back too.
She lived mostly on her own since her parents spent most of their time on business over seas.
If it was ever in doubt that the government wasn't doing it's best to protect potential Magical Girls, those doubts where put to rest by the id scanners, metal detectors and huge steel fence outside the school.
was, were
In the school building proper Homura quickly found the teachers lounge, mostly through luck.
I'm Kazuko Saotome and I'll be your new Home Room teacher."
Walking over to the door, Miss Saotome peaked her head out into the hallway.
waiting for Homura to finish her question with out interruption, no matter how much Homura stuttered.
Eh? I mean, I haven't read Ranma, but last I checked he wasn't trans.
I think they were referring to the fact that he does, in fact, switch genders when doused with water of a certain temp (hence the 1/2), and the issues that causes.
Pretty much. I discovered Ranma when I was a teenager and it was literally the first positive portrayal of anything even close to the issues I was dealing with. Also fucking hell I wished I had that curse.
If anyone has any suggestions on what Homura's outfit could be I'd be really thankful because right now I'm drawing a blank. I'd like it to be a counter point to her canon outfit if possible.
well she starts out with a simple but do school girl outfit, moves on to Ice queen outfit, then hits the funeral girl outfit, then hits the demoness outfit......... Really the only outfits she doesn't have is the rock girl / shinning knight outfits.
@RexHeller , if this is german, try:
Magisch Mädchen Madoka Magier

It's not major, but it stuck out.
Actually as a german that is not correct.

If the first three words are supposed to mean "Magical Girl Madoka" then it should be: Magisches Mädchen Madoka. That is the correct declension.

Now the fourth word feels tacked on no matter what, but if it's supposed to be "Magic" then it should be: Magie.
If it's supposed to be "Wizard/Magician" it should be: Magierin. Because Magierin is female and Magier would be male.

So to conclude if you want to translate "Magical Girl Madoka Magic/Wizard" it should be: Magisches Mädchen Madoka Magie/Magierin.

On the other hand Magica seems to be a name that should not be translated so it could also be: Magisches Mädchen Madoka Magica.
This has the best natural sound to it, because the last word does not feel tacked on.
Actually as a german that is not correct.

If the first three words are supposed to mean "Magical Girl Madoka" then it should be: Magisches Mädchen Madoka. That is the correct declension.

Now the fourth word feels tacked on no matter what, but if it's supposed to be "Magic" then it should be: Magie.
If it's supposed to be "Wizard/Magician" it should be: Magierin. Because Magierin is female and Magier would be male.

So to conclude if you want to translate "Magical Girl Madoka Magic/Wizard" it should be: Magisches Mädchen Madoka Magie/Magierin.

On the other hand Magica seems to be a name that should not be translated so it could also be: Magisches Mädchen Madoka Magica.
This has the best natural sound to it, because the last word does not feel tacked on.
Magica isn't a name though. Puella Magi Madoka Magica roughly translates to "girl magician Madoka magic"
Now the first half is rather clearly supposed to be "magical girl", but the later half has no such obvious meaning. It feels tacked-on because it is a tacked-on descriptor, like "lyrical" in "magical girl lyrical nanoha".