[X] Remember your DEFIANCE.
[X] Engage in Player Killing.

I'm pretty torn on the upgrade path but losing a weakness is pretty nice. As for the ambush - given we're going to be entering the BoB and facing (or trying to face) Sinon this feels like something Hiyori is going to have to face and better to do so here in a more controlled environment. I'm a little tempted to embrace our inner Haseo and become a PKK but nah.
[X] Remember your RESISTANCE.

I just like the poison snake pit okay.

[X] Engage in Player Killing.

And Argo's proselytizing continues to be annoying and this option is far more worth the stress. Really wish we didn't vote to take her social link even more now.
Hmm, I think it's better to let out part of what I think.

I want to start by saying EXACTLY what we collectively think of Argo: that she's an idiot with her head up her ass. She's chasing an ideal of justice that is just black and white, and just that. No mercy, nothing.

She has a point that the next Coffin may not come from SAO Survivors, yes. But her justice is biased. Rosalia was no saint, but Argo's own views stopped her from seeing the entirety of the scenario. Her guilt, her sense of duty, wishing to punish people only by measuring their acts rather than reasons. Killing a man is wrong, but what if that saves ten people? Or the Trolley situation? Regardless of what a person does, she will be directly responsible for killing someone.

It sucks balls that the world works like it does, where bad people can escape and let good men be punished. But, sometimes, there is this thing called a 'Necessary Evil.' For Japan to move onward from it's hyper-traditionalist roots, a man like Oda Nobunaga had to rise to power. His actions still cast a shade in the modern world...but it doesn't have to be this way. People like Kayaba dictated their actions in the past, revealed the true self of many, and their impact is felt in the present. But now, they can decide their future. Be better. Or maybe there are people truly unforgivable, but she won't ever discern a unforgivable criminal from an innocent if she only labels people by how they act rather than by their personalities. To see beyond the mask and reach out for the truth.
[X] Remember your DEFIANCE.

[X] Write In: Join the Raid and Kill the Boss
Join the raid and attack the boss, in order to ruin the ambush.

This feels like the best option, because it completely rejects GGO, and the idea that you need to take what you want by force. All of these options give in to the fantasy of GGO, whether by doing nothing and gaining nothing, or by taking what you want by force.
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[X] Remember your DEFIANCE.

[X] Join the Raid and Kill the Boss

Is this how you do a write in?

This feels like the best option, because it completely rejects GGO, and the idea that you need to take what you want by force. All of these options give in to the fantasy of GGO, whether by doing nothing and gaining nothing, or by taking what you want by force.

Okay, first, you really should probably preface your write-in option with 'write-in' so that people know it's, well, a write-in.

Second, I had to read it three times before I realized what you wanted to do with it. Please give a description of what you're going to do in a write-in, don't rely on the title to convey its meaning.
...if you want to do something to deliberately reject the premise of the game, then you should probably be playing a different game. This isn't a situation where anyone has to be here or has anything really to lose. They are here because they buy into the fantasy.

I am very suspicious of the velvet room dude because he seems to think that fun and escapism are bad in and of themselves- real puritan/capitalist exploitation vibes. I'm not interested in killing worlds for him unless there's actually have being done. (ALO's mind control lab, SAO's death and trauma. I'm not seeing that in GGO yet.)
I'm not seeing that in GGO yet.
Well, Shino has started to go crazy. And we have reasonable cause to suspect that someone is engaged in a plot to exploit the supernatural aspects of the setting to turn it into a second SAO death game. You can say that neither of those things is necessarily GGO's fault but the former provides a personal reason for Hiyori to want to take it down and the latter a pragmatic/moral one.

Though I do largely agree with you that Nyarly and his ideal set that he keeps pushing is not one to be lauded or followed blindly here. (Neither is Philemon.) If our interests align - and in taking down SEED VRMMOs it has so far, so be it, but that's about where it ends with me.

On a pragmatic level, and someone who has played some WoW over the years, my immediate concern was the mechanics of trying to join the boss hunt. We'd have to drop our party with LLENN and join the other players... in the middle of the ambush or something when things would be very hectic. Otherwise our actions would almost certainly be construed as trying to killsteal for the loot. At least, that's how I would view such a scenario if it took place in World of Warcraft. :V
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...if you want to do something to deliberately reject the premise of the game, then you should probably be playing a different game. This isn't a situation where anyone has to be here or has anything really to lose. They are here because they buy into the fantasy.

I am very suspicious of the velvet room dude because he seems to think that fun and escapism are bad in and of themselves- real puritan/capitalist exploitation vibes. I'm not interested in killing worlds for him unless there's actually have being done. (ALO's mind control lab, SAO's death and trauma. I'm not seeing that in GGO yet.)

I wouldn't even say anyone is buying into a fantasy here or even taking the game too seriously like the some ALO players did even without the brainwashing. They're just...playing a video game here.

For GGO all it's top players are being indoctrinated into that 'real deal' mindset and it's not going to be long before they decide that killing people is a great way to prove how strong they are. I'd go as far as to say that the main reason why GGO isn't as bad as ALO is because the SEED hasn't selected a Chosen yet. The SEED is an utterly insidious poison pill in how it encourages extreme individualism and solipsism in general.

For ETTEILLA he does have a sense of fun, just as Tatsuya and Jun. He can be a riot at parties.
I wouldn't even say anyone is buying into a fantasy here or even taking the game too seriously like the some ALO players did even without the brainwashing. They're just...playing a video game here.

For GGO all it's top players are being indoctrinated into that 'real deal' mindset and it's not going to be long before they decide that killing people is a great way to prove how strong they are. I'd go as far as to say that the main reason why GGO isn't as bad as ALO is because the SEED hasn't selected a Chosen yet. The SEED is an utterly insidious poison pill in how it encourages extreme individualism and solipsism in general.

For ETTEILLA he does have a sense of fun, just as Tatsuya and Jun. He can be a riot at parties.

See, thing is...

I don't trust ETTEILLA. Nor Philemon.

One wants to rip away all fantasies -and yet forgoes to say that is when we dream that we aspire to reach greater heights. Meanwhile, the other wants to drown humanity in their ideal lands, but without act, what is the purpose of such device? What is the value in it?

They are two sides of a coin, wanting to desperately win this game of theirs. We must make sure that the coin lands in the middle for the best possible result.
The SEED is an utterly insidious poison pill in how it encourages extreme individualism and solipsism in general.

Personally I see the creation of individual worlds tuned to reflect us and bring out all the traits within us that we value most to be a good thing.

Not a huge fan of the real world, certainly not enough to idealize it in the sense of 'suffering together is good, actually' that ETTEILLA exudes.