One Giant Leap: Exodus Quest(Dropped)

-[][Unit] 5# Jammer
-[][Tactic] Regular Attack
-[][Movement] Move
--[] F
-[][Weapon] Assault Rifle
-[][Target] Enemy Unit #5

-[][Unit] 8# Mulan
-[][Tactic] Regular Attack
-[][Movement] Move
--[] F
-[][Weapon] Assault Rifle
-[][Target] Enemy Unit #5
Do we need to units in region F? Perhaps we could have one cover C1 and target EU 4 instead?
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We Bones taking #7 Zorra and climbing up to C1. Since he forgot to specify which target, I'm just assuming he will target EU #4.
Crap, crap, you are right. I would really prefer that we don't send 2 people to F, but there aren't any other good targets.

Only other useful thing I can think of is a guy moving into B, and going into overwatch towards anything happening in region E. That alleyway is a great killzone, and its possible those guys might try to flank us.
Crap, crap, you are right. I would really prefer that we don't send 2 people to F, but there aren't any other good targets.

Only other useful thing I can think of is a guy moving into B, and going into overwatch towards anything happening in region E. That alleyway is a great killzone, and its possible those guys might try to flank us.
Update! Lord Necromancer took #2 Big Iron and is climbing up to C1 to shot EU #4. So after updating the orders, if 3 other people were to take the remain slots and not change the orders, we would be doubling up on EU #13 and one will be going to area F.
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Three more slots left, if they don't end up being used than your benevolent QM will control them and by control I mean that I will roll the dice to determine EVERYTHING they do.
...I thought they were just going into reserves?
3# Any units that are not used in the battlefield, will be placed under reserves which can be called upon if; a) an active player loses its unit or b) support player or quester wishes to become an active player.
If I change do I need to edit my old votes?

[X] Jack727
-[X][Unit] 8# Mulan
-[X][Tactic] Regular Attack
-[X][Movement] Move
--[X] F
-[X] [Weapon] Assault Rifle
-[X] [Target] Enemy Unit #5
Yeah, I'll be changing my orders. Probably gonna head into B unless there's objections. In theory it should be possible to dash through B to rush to the big chieftain fight, but I wouldn't consider that without support.

And yes, whatever I end up doing, I will specify a target.
Also like...we have no way of choosing relative position inside a zone (other than maybe being melee engaged v. not), that was just creative flourish on CoW's map. We're not going 'past' thirteen. We're going into the same zone with them.
Vote closed
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Scheduled vote count started by ProjectUnidad on Jul 15, 2022 at 8:26 AM, finished with 98 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Tarumath
    -[X][Unit] 9# Harambe
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] B
    -[X] Grenade
    --[X]targeted throw
    -[X] [Target] Elder Guardian
    [X] [A-G] G
    [X] LordEdric
    -[X][Unit] #10 Shepherd
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Climb
    --[X] A1
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    --[X] [Target] Enemy 11
    [X] Crafter of War
    -[X] [Unit] 12# Geronimo
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] B
    -[X] Grenade
    --[X] Indiscriminate throw
    -[X] [Target] Enemy Unit #14
    - [X][Unit]Ghost
    -[X][Tactic] Covering Fire
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] E1 B
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    -[X][Target] Enemy Unit #17
    [X] Bones
    -[X][Unit] #7 Zorro
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] B
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    -[X][Target] Enemy Unit #13
    - [X][Unit]Ghost
    -[X][Tactic] Covering Fire
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] E1 B
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    --[X] Covering Fire
    [X] Archivist Grim
    -[X] 1# Krieg
    -[X] Assist
    --[X] #10 Shepard
    -[X][Movement] Climb
    --[X] A1
    [X] Just Some Guy
    -[X][Unit] 4# Soap
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Climb
    --[X] A1
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    --[X]Enemy Unit #6
    [X] Tarumath
    -[X][Unit] 9# Harambe
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] B
    -[X] Grenade
    --[X]targeted throw
    -[X] [Target] Elder Guardian
    -[X]+10 Attack Roll
    [X] Potato Anarchy
    -[X] Widow
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] B
    -[X] Grenade (Indiscriminate Throw)
    -[X] Enemy Unit #18
    [X]Lord Necromancer
    -[X][Unit] 2# Big Iron
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Climb
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    -[X] [Target] Enemy Unit # 4
    [X] Jack727
    -[X][Unit] 8# Mulan
    -[X][tactic] Regular Attack
    -[X][Movement] Move
    --[X] F
    -[X] Assault Rifle
    -[X] [Target] Enemy Unit #5
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Alright everyone and welcome to your first round of combat! So let's not waste time and roll the dice! But before you do that, you first have to make a post with the following…

you then make an edit and roll the dice, I will instruct further on what to label on those to each player, that being said please follow the instructions carefully, I am also keeping in track of modifiers so don't worry about it. So let's begin!

First Patch to Roll: Climbers

Please label your dice "climb" and roll a 1d20. You want to beat a 10, if you fail label the next dice "fall" and roll a 1d5 for fall damage. And you will have to choose a new target if you don't have line of sight from your previous target.

@LordEdric roll a 1d20 twice because one of your allies is assisting with your climb.

@Archivist Grim roll a 1d20

@Just Some Guy roll a 1d20

@Lord Necromancer roll a 1d20

If however you guys succeed with your climb check than proceed to label your next dice "attack unit #" and roll a 1d100. If you beat their armor class of 45 than roll the damage from your weapons while labeling your dice "weapon type".

Current modifiers:

+5 attack roll(armed volunteers)
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I will post the next patch of players when the first patch finish with their rolls. I'm doing this for my mental sake and keep track of things more easily
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1st Round

Edit: looks like I did pretty good for first round, 19 damage
LordEdric threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: The Climb Total: 18
13 13 5 5
LordEdric threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Attack unit #11 Total: 71
71 71
LordEdric threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Damage +10 Total: 9
9 9
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"Shepherd" proceeds to climb the nearby small building. With the help of its comrade "Krieg" it was able to reach the roof with ease. Upon being atop of the building it sees its first target along with another engaging a sole village defender. Not wasting time it pulls the trigger and with high precision the bullets find their mark and delivers a head shot to the invading warrior, causing it to collapse.

Enemy Unit #11 is dead
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Rolling Round 1

For fucks sake my character's name is soap and I'm really dropping the soap.

edit: for fucks sakes 3 bad rolls in a row.

edit2: well good thing we had a +5 mod in attacking so I manage to hit the enemy, unfortunately he survived with 3/18 HP left.
Just Some Guy threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: The Climb Total: 8
8 8
Just Some Guy threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Fall Damage Total: 5
5 5
Just Some Guy threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Attack unit #12 Total: 41
41 41
Just Some Guy threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Damage+10 Total: 5
5 5
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