One Giant Leap: Exodus Quest(Dropped)

I guess for the future we should be looking closely at space stations for our people unless there's a resource we need/really want on planet. Also talk to the imperium about the deer people
I guess for the future we should be looking closely at space stations for our people unless there's a resource we need/really want on planet.
A space station is definitely something we want. It should give us a bonus to space actions I believe. The problem is that like everything else we want, it's going to take resources. Completing for that are habitat actions, military actions, and mining actions. It hurts how much stuff we have to do and not having the resources to rush through all of them.
Also talk to the imperium about the deer people
I'm heavily against that though. We know of the Imperium's origin from a bunch of megacorporations. I think it would be safe to say that they will exploit the living hell out of the native to the point of making the colonial empire blush.
I'm heavily against that though. We know of the Imperium's origin from a bunch of megacorporations. I think it would be safe to say that they will exploit the living hell out of the native to the point of making the colonial empire blush.
They can be our guest. As a country we now have a habit of getting involved in situations like that so by all means they can give us a reason to work against them. Otherwise we don't really get anything by keeping them hidden and if we put it all on the table we might earn some good will and more importantly set up some rules/guideline/threats for interacting with them

Your ears are still ringing and your hands still bleeding from the thunder these strangers called down with stones from their hands when Eki' sara points her spear at the one that saved her life.

"What? No!" you call out, tone pained and urgent though you can't bring yourself to be loud amidst the village's eerie tensions. "Eki' sara, they saved our lives!"

"No, they killed the Yun' gon," she says sharply, keeping her spear's head between her and the stranger whose knife had killed the invader between them. "I don't think it's the same thing. Or else they wouldn't have hurt you like they -"

"They did to help us," you plead, slowly stepping off to the side and moving around towards the blank-faced visitor. "Their other stones only hit the horde! I think it was a mistake, and one they made up for. With blood."

The other stranger moves a split second after you did, hands going back to the weapon that looks like a thunder staff assembled out of harsh metal runes rather than sleek wood. The first one turns its head towards them at the movement, then looks back to you. The four of you form a square, staring at your friend and opposites in turn, confused and still flush with the heat of battle.

You pull the knife back out of the corpse, wipe the blood off on your sleeve, and slide it back into its holster, and your gaze wanders the village. The battle flew by so quickly, but you've found yourself back by the alley you'd rushed at the beginning with Ghost, and it seems like the fauns you saved there have been drawn back too. You look them over with the frankness that comes easy from the inside of a dark helmet, curious. They look younger than the other fauns. Less developed. You wonder if they're children. You think of your own and your gaze goes soft, and you take a slight step towards them - more idly than intending to go anywhere - and that's when the tall one levels her spear at you like she means to push you back.

You stop your movement, eyes flicking warily between the aliens. "Easy there, Widow," Ghost's voice urges crisply over local comms. "Looks like the village idiots don't appreciate a good thing when it literally drops from the sky into their laps…"

"It's just nerves," you tell him promptly, surprised by your own hard-edged confidence. "They're kids whose village just came close to getting wiped out.

You spread your hands out to the side, fingers flaring a little bit to emphasize how empty they are - not quite hands up, but still a universal sign language for 'not doing anything,' you figure. The fauns don't seem to notice much as two of them talk quickly back and forth in a language you can't even begin to understand. One starts to move off to the side, and Ghost grunts over the open line and starts to move to match him.

"Widow, they're trying to flank you," he adds as he unslings his rifle again. "This isn't going anywhere good." You hear other voices saying similar things as local starts to heat up.

"No!" you insist. "Ease off! They saw us save them. This doesn't have to be a problem, we just all need a minute to breathe."

"I'll breathe when we're back in the merely underdefended and isolated colony on an alien world rather than in the middle of fucking Evil Disneyland," Ghost snaps back.

"Your blood is still on your hands from what they did to you!" Eki' sara snaps, her usual flinty resolve cracking into something more jagged and obviously upset. "You don't know anything about them! You don't know what they want! Why do you trust them?"

"Because I prayed for them!" you splutter, and she stares at you like you've grown a second head while more words tumble forth in a rush you can't stop. "We were going to die and I swore myself to the gods of sky and thunder and then their death-music came on the wind and they struck down the horde with the gods' own tools and…and it worked. It worked, Eki' sara, and I promised -"

"I don't see the mark of the gods on them, just strange metal and no explanations," Eki' sara grinds out with a glare, raising her spear tip another inch. "Get behind me until they leave."


The four strangers stand in a circle, and no one moves.
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This is a good omake and tensions are pretty high at the moment. Now choose your bounty.

  • +10 on your dice roll
  • 1d10 Deduction on a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
  • -5 lower the DC from the vote of your choosing
  • Remove a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
Stop: Apologies for the interruption
apologies for the interruption
As a note, suggesting that all peoples and groups who live within a tribal social structure are some form of savages who will kill and cannibalize people as a rule is hateful towards those peoples and groups, violating Rule 2: Don't Be Hateful, and untrue besides. @Just Some Guy has received an infraction for doing so in this post.

Please have a pleasant day~
Vote closed
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Scheduled vote count started by ProjectUnidad on Jul 19, 2022 at 12:17 AM, finished with 142 posts and 23 votes.
Friends, humans… doggies (a dog is with me)

It is time to make first contact… let us prey that the sun looks down on a peaceful world.
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Well folks this is it, the moment of truth. Will humanity and the alien natives reach to some understanding and commence a new beginning of coexistence and cooperation. Or will humanity repeat the past sins of human colonizers.

Starting fresh on the new world, the human volunteers that are currently in a middle of a standoff with the alien villagers, wanting to defuse the situation were given the orders to lower the weapons to indicate to the natives that they mean no harm, hoping that a peace
solution comes from this.

Stand By:

General Modifiers: this are shown in all the votes

+15 saviors
+10 killed only the invaders
+10 omake reward
+5 didn't attack the village's chief
-5 armed foreigners
-10 harmed villagers removed by omake reward

Unique Modifiers: this are exclusive to the particular vote
+5 staying put
-10 unknown intentions

Total: +30 to your roll

AC: 50 situation is resolved peacefully
If they fail on the 1st AC:
AC: 1-49: half are imprisoned, 50-99: everyone is imprisoned

As always to avoid culpability from the dice rolls, I will ask one of you to roll me a 1d100.

Good luck and may the stars be with you! :3
Last edited:
Let the Magoose dice save us:

Edit: they have once again saved the day.
Magoose threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Magoose Dice save the day! Total: 99
99 99