One Giant Leap: Exodus Quest(Dropped)

To play devils advocate there's no witnesses if there is no one to witness and we can make contact with a new village without this mess.
Yes! This is what's laid out in the post: they are nervous about us and in response we (re) drew weapons, and we have a choice between a provocative response that risks losses (retreat), a conciliatory response thar risks imprisonment (holding), and an insane response that no one wants (massacre). You don't need to like their analysis but it is what we are dealing with. It is the choice that risks violence. You really hate imprisonment and think it's worth the risk, but this is the provocative choice, and you can't avoid that.
Lastly, if you react to everything like it could end up in the worst possible way of what you remember, you'll just end up going in a downward spiral.
So be it then, let the dirt run red if they wish to infringe upon our freedoms. They'll either attack or not attack. The dice will decide.
So be it then, let the dirt run red if they wish to infringe upon our freedoms. They'll either attack or not attack. The dice will decide.
The dice can also decide whether or not they imprison us. One choice has the chance of bloodshed and misery. The other choice only has the chance of us being imprisoned. In other words. Choice one has a chance of permanent losses. The worst that choice 2 can do is have us temporarily lose stuff that can be resolved at a later date.
We don't have an inherent freedom to be violent in their own village however we want. It's their land and their injured.
So you propose we shouldn't have provided armed intervention to prevent further casualties they would have been guaranteed to have suffered if we didn't help? Either way, it's their land and their injured. We are leaving their land and didn't harm any of their injured. Didn't you also vote for this to go through as well?
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So you propose we shouldn't have provided armed intervention to prevent further casualties they would have been guaranteed to have suffered if we didn't help? Either way, it's their land and their injured. We are leaving their land and didn't harm any of their injured. Didn't you also vote for this to go through as well?

Yes, I voted for the intervention and I still think it was the correct choice. I didn't say we shouldn't be violent ever, I said we have no right to be violent on their land however we want. They can take issue with specific choices and not embrace us as saviors.

I still want the outcome with the least unnecessary death. It is why I wanted to intervene and it is why I don't want to throw away peaceful outcomes for fear of imprisonment, which is much less final than death.

Sometimes you do the right thing and people don't reward you for it. Shit happens. "Freedom or death" is a response to tyranny, not to not getting what we wanted.
Sometimes you do the right thing and people don't reward you for it. Shit happens. "Freedom or death" is a response to tyranny, not to not getting what we wanted.
Good samaritans especially don't complain when the good work doesn't get recognized. They accept and move on to do more.
Oh yeah, I understand not being rewarded for doing the right thing. We also shouldn't be punished for it as well especially when we are the ones in a position of power. And yes, guess what falling back is doing. Accepting and moving on. Literally.
Whiskey's Salsa Recipe
Whiskey flew low over the mountains. Behind him 12 former military operators huddled in the shuttle looking over their equipment with what little time they had while music blared in the background.

"3 clicks till arrival" he announced over the coms. Switching to a private channel he spoke to 'krieg'

"Do you have any plan for this besides grabbing all the security guys you know and a shuttle?"

"I'm working on it" a notification pinged in his HUD with the map "Drop in on A, take out the wendigos and work it out from there"

"Maybe we should hover around and find a better spot"

"No, we can't sit this out again. Remember Munich"

Ahead the village rapidly grew in size and he started spooling the gun. "Only every time I close my eyes. Still this is fucking crazy" he swiched back to the general channel where he announced "Get ready for a hot drop in 1 click"

With a deft flick of the controls the shuttle cut its main thrusters as he sent it into a controlled spin so the bay door faced the village proper. A short burst of the engines turned for a second afterwards bleed off the unneeded momentum. A short drop then he opened the bay doors as he hovered a foot above the ground.

"Go Go Go" he shouted over coms as the nose mounted gun unleashed its rounds onto the wendigos across the river with a loud Brrt. In only a few seconds the bay was emptied as they sprinted out the door. The sound of rifle fire bringing to mind several different battles. A slight increase to the secondary thrusters and he was hovering above the houses.

"Where do you need me"

"There's some natives in E, we won't be able to reach them for a while"

"On it"

He brought the shuttle around and thumbed on the autopilot. He was good but didn't have enough hands to fly and shoot at the same time. He watched a native try to stab a wendigo before centering his targeting and turning the torso of two wendigos into chunky salsa. Several operators eliminated some of the other wendigos in the areas and the natives took advantage of the wendigos' shock to finish the rest off. As he rotated to look for new targets a horn sounded as the wendigos ran.

"Great, now for the fun part" he muttered sarcastically as he maneuvered the shuttle to the center of the village.
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Oh yeah, I understand not being rewarded for doing the right thing. We also shouldn't be punished for it as well especially when we are the ones in a position of power. And yes, guess what falling back is doing. Accepting and moving on. Literally.
No it isn't. It's very much using violence to get out our way.
Good samritans should not expect to be punched in the face and spat on for doing good work.

If they don't get recognized fine but they shouldn't be punished for it.
People that give up doing good right after hitting the first snag aren't good samaritans. So many good samaritans do good even knowing it can bring harm and misfortune to them. They do it knowing it's the right thing to do. So many people smuggled out Jews from Nazi Germany even knowing they could get killed for doing so. They still did it knowing it was the right thing to do.
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People that give up doing good right after hitting the first snag aren't good samaritans. So many good samaritans do good even knowing it can bring harm and misfortune to them. They do it knowing it's the right thing to do.
By the end of the day what matters is you are alive and not a punching bag.

example 1: You help a person in china after he gets run over by a car, suddenly you are forced to constantly pay to take care of it and you can't leave the country without paying all of his medical bills.

example 2: A karen does her usual spiel and made a mess, you clean it up she complains to the manager about you or the store or whatever and the manager fires you.

example 3: You save someone from drowning and they sue you.

What I'm trying to say is morality doesn't do jack squat in some places no matter what good you do.
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May I remind everyone that while I appreciate the passion in this discussion I want it to be civil…I will bring the ban hammer if it gets out of control.

As for another thing usually I don't announce the omake rewards prior to posting but since this vote is such "high stakes", might as well give you guys an incentive.

Omake rewards:

  • +10 on your dice roll
  • Insight on one of the votes(I will reveal you the rolls, DC and modifiers for the particular vote)
  • 1d10 Deduction on a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
  • -5 lower the DC from the vote of your choosing
  • Remove a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
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Omake rewards:

  • +10 on your dice roll
  • Insight on one of the votes(I will reveal you the rolls, DC and modifiers for the particular vote)
  • 1d10 Deduction on a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
  • -5 lower the DC from the vote of your choosing
  • Remove a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
Huh, this is big. @Just Some Guy do you want to put a pin in our discussion? This can change some stuff. We have 2 omake so far, yes?
[X] stand by (this action will likely or not lead to the imprisonment of the team)

The best way to avoid violence is to simply be calm. For our long-term goals, the most important immediate task is to start building some basic rapport, so the villagers will talk with linguists, so we can start communicating with them.
The possibility of having a few of our people temporarily "imprisoned" (when the villagers know perfectly well that we both saved their asses and have massive military superiority) is not a big deal. This paranoia is just bizarre, especially when the description of the options makes it clear that falling back is the option that puts our people at risk of injury/death.
Huh, this is big. @Just Some Guy do you want to put a pin in our discussion? This can change some stuff. We have 2 omake so far, yes?
I'll stop my argument then for now.
1d10 Deduction on a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing

Remove a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
Wait what? wouldn't people just choose to remove the highest negative modifier rather than a 1d10?
[X] fall back (this action will likely or not provoke them and some team members not surviving)