Turn 1.1

There was always something almost erotic about the act of communion with a mech via MMI. While the obvious symbolism of the feeds being inserted into the sockets implanted within your body was obvious, there was so much more than that. The curling of the body within the protective restraint harnesses of the armoured cockpit so that it couldn't move had undertones of both a lover's embrace and of some pretty hardcore bondage. The ignition of the reactor is like the quickening of the heart and it fills the new, expanded body with heat and awareness. The start up of the sensors floods the senses like the dilation of the pupils in excitement. The whole experience is one of passion and fire and quivering anticipation.

Ella loved it and there was little doubted in her mind as to why her grandmother was considered addicted to the war machines. While her mother had had her own influences on her, it was undeniable that her grandmother forcing her to get into the officer program and pursue a career in mech command from an early age hadn't left a major and welcome mark upon her.

The fact that her grandmother, Duchess Anna Stone of Green Owl, had shown up to give her a personalized beat down for graduation was something that brought mist to Ella's eyes and a grin to her teeth. She knew well enough that her grandmother was simply more skilled than her by an enormous margin, but Ella had her pride, and in any case they were both using trainer models. The Duchess had her own custom heavy mech that had a completely different layout, while Ella had spent years working with the exact unit she would go through this little graduation ceremony in, even she had had to share it with other students.

Anna 45 + 60 = 105
Ella 49 + 34 = 83

Unfortunately, whatever theoretical advantage Ella might have had in terms of equipment familiarity was more than made up for by decades of experience and a borderline sadistic streak towards sparring. While her grandmother's opening moves were obviously rather standard to compensate for unfamiliarity with her machine, they were expertly executed and had a degree of aggression that Ella wasn't quite prepared for, even if she was trying to push her machine as hard as she could early on. Virtual hits registered all over her machine as her grandmother raked her with simulated fire, and Ella could only grit her teeth in frustration and hope that she got lucky.

Anna 20 + 60 = 80
Ella 91 + 34 - 10 = 115

Like say her grandmother getting over aggressive and pressing forward too hard while Ella made sure to keep her main cannon protected. These old trainers had a slight differential in turning between left and right, so as Anna pressed in she managed to lure her into a turning duel where Ella intrinsically had an advantage to swing about faster than her grandmother, unloading a burst of virtual 55 mm shells at close range, inflicting major damage to the weapons on the left side of her grandmother's mech.

Anna 70 + 60 - 10 = 120
Ella (100+22) + 34 - 10 = 146

This... irritated... her grandmother. The older woman decided to use her now dead arm as a combination of shield and club with which to physically beat Ella into submission. Just barely keeping her head about her in the face of the unexpected storm of attacks, Ella chose to sacrifice one of her own arms to the onslaught, allowing her to slip the other in under her grandmother's defences and fire her cannons into the hip joint. The systems immediately caused her grandmother's mech to seize and topple over face first. There was silence for a moment before the radio crackled to life with the welcoming laughter of Anna Stone.

"Well now, if anyone ever had any doubt that you were a Stone that fear should be waylaid now! Going to have to make sure I log some time on the lighter units, make sure I don't forget how they fight. For a second there I thought I was in my Monster and that I could just take the damage. Also, a good reminder to treat every challenge with full respect. Well done Ella, well done!" Anna proclaims, and while Ella knows that she is going to get rewarded for this, she is also proud enough that this is probably going to come back to bite her at some point in the future. Probably another sparring match where Ella would be the one riding in an unfamiliar machine.

Still, returning to the docking bays and hearing the cheers of those observing, Ella couldn't help but exult in the moment. This was going to be an incident she would savour for a long time.

Once the general round of congratulations were done with and the technicians had helped unfold Ella from her cockpit - her grandmother had the somewhat easier task of changing the connections from her restraints to her artificial limbs, something she had many decades of experience in doing - and they both had a chance to change into something more formal, Ella couldn't help but give her grandmother an utterly cocksure grin. The steel haired and limbed duchess just gave her a look brimming with the self confidence of age and power and said, "Grin it up little bitch, we both know what the rematch will be."

"Yeah grammy, keep telling yourself that," Ella replied jokingly.

Moving up to inspect her dress uniform with familial familiarity, Anna noted, "Damn girl I always forget that you're a hot one. Get that from your mother, and from me picking a smoking piece of ass to have my first daughter with. You use protection right?"

Rolling her eyes, Ella answered sarcastically, "Why no, I choose to ignore the thing that resulted in my life being so much harder than it needs to be by risking getting pregnant before I'm even an adult."

Her face like a steel trap and as always strangely unreadable in times like these, Anna said with military firmness, "Don't you even joke about that shit."

Sighing, Ella replied earnestly, "Yes grandmother, I make sure to use contraception, one way or another. Kind of hard form sperm to reach the egg when there is no egg and the sperm is dissolving in acid."

Patting her on the shoulder, Anna said, "Good girl." Her face goes a bit grim after a second and she asks in a dead serious tone, "At least tell me that after you finish blowing a paramour you sit on his face. Wouldn't be a proper Stone girl otherwise."

"Oh no, I like to just submit to all of the men at once and let them do whatever they want to me," Ella answered with utterly dry sarcasm.

Sarcastically aghast, her grandmother just shook her head and said with mocking sadness, "Well, you're an adult now, so if you want to break with family tradition so badly, I guess its just this grandmother's place to stand aside and let you make poor decisions. However, since you're an adult now, I suggest that the next time you let a group of men make you firestorm safe you do the responsible thing and make sure they're all political allies. You'll need all the help you can get where you're going."

"I take it you've decided upon the destination of my 'exile'," Ella replied.

"Yup! I'm going to throw that pretty face of yours into a den of vipers on this one. Razorleaf Meadows, resurrected playground of the rich and bored, seeing as how the only major thing its got are its indoor parks, flashing lights, hotels and casinos. Officially I am sending a member of the family to offer protection for the wealthy patrons that visit there. Unofficially I am of course getting you away from the rest of the family - especially your uncles - and to keep an eye on the nobles who visit the place. Actually, speaking of that, shove out your tits girly, I've got to stick something on them," Anna explained before she began to rummage about in her pockets for the necessary decorations. Rolling her eyes at her grandmother's lack of propriety, Ella did in fact puff out her chest.

Pulling out the appropriate medal and collar tabs, Anna said, "By your accomplishments in the academy I name you 2nd Lieutenant Ella Stone. By right of the fact that I am the baddest mother around and everyone agrees with me, I name you Knight of Green Owl, with the right to pilot and maintain mechs, and governorship over the community of Razorleaf Meadows."

Standing quietly while her grandmother and duchess finished irreverently pinning the metal to her green fabric uniform, Ella then gave a crisp salute and said, "I am honoured!"

Casually returning the salute, Anna said, "Go get 'em girl."

You grin at that. Your mother was the one who really got you into politics and you had been sending out feelers as to where you might be posted and what the issues were there. You already have a plan of attack in mind for when you arrive.

Turn 1

Available Influence
Culture 14
Economy 11
Science 8
Military 5

You have five settlement actions available to you. Available options are...

[] Advertise for business - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Economy influence
[] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[] Promote innovation - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Science influence
[] Additional military spending - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Construct building
  • Hab (+1 Culture, +1 Economy, +1 Science, +1 Military) [Cost: 25 culture, 5 economy] [Note: new buildings cannot be constructed unless Habs compose at least ⅕ the active buildings]
  • Entertainment Complex (+3 Culture) [Cost: 20 culture]
  • Trading Post (+2 Economy, +1 Culture) [Cost: 15 economy, 5 culture]
  • Factory (+3 Economy, also required to produce more advanced goods) [Cost: 25 economy]
  • Reactor (+2 Economy, +1 Science) [Cost: 15 economy, 10 science]
  • Research Lab (+3 Science) [Cost: 15 science, 5 economy, 5 culture]
  • Proving Grounds (+1 Science, +2 Military) [Cost: 10 economy, 5 science, 5 military]
  • Barracks (+3 Military) [Cost: 15 military, 5 economy]
  • New Building Slot [Cost: 30 economy, 30 science]
4 buildings of the same type can be combined for the cost of one of that building type into a block, giving a 50% bonus to the total output (some advanced buildings give different benefits when upgraded to a block)
4 blocks of the same type can be combined for twice the cost of the building type into a district, giving a 100% bonus to the total output (replacing the 50% bonus from the blocks)
  • Foundry (allows production of light mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires at least 1 Factory)
    • Foundry Block (allows production of medium and heavy mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires 4 Foundries + 1 Factory Block]
  • Mech Tilting Grounds (+3 Culture, +2 Military, improved mech forces) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires at least 1 Entertainment Complex + 1 Barracks]
    • Mech Arena (Mech Tilting Grounds Block) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires 4 Mech Tilting Grounds + at least 1 Foundry)
  • Network Center (up to four buildings per centre that produces +1 <Influence> produces +2 so long as the +3 producing version is also in the settlement) [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 +3 generating building and 1 +1 generating building]
    • Network Block (up to four blocks produce an additional 50% Influence so long as they each have a paired building (or potentially a paired block), i.e. a Trading Post Block would produce 100% of its total normal influence with 1 Factory building present. Special: A District and its paired Block both receive the benefits, i.e. A Reactor District would produce 150% Influence and its paired Research Block would produce 100% Influence. Special: Habs can only be paired if they are the larger of the pair and their pair has to be a +3 type building [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 Block and 1 Building that can be paired with it]
  • College Campus (Research Labs produce +1 Culture) [Cost: 50 culture, 20 science; requires at least 1 Research Lab block and 1 Entertainment complex)
  • Rail line caravan (+2 Economy, do not occupy building slots but are more vulnerable to attack) [Cost: 15 economy; requires at least 1 Factory and each caravan also requires a Trading Post (extra caravans can be supported by blocks and districts using the same bonus multipliers)]

[] Initiate research project
[] Donate science - Send Science influence to the duchy level, generating goodwill

[] Build new military unit (3/3 currently supported)
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 5 economy, 3 military, 2 culture]
[] Requisition new military unit (3/3 currently supported)
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 20 military]
  • Artillery company [Cost: 50 military]
  • Light mech squadron [Cost: 50 military]
  • Medium mech [Cost: 60 military]
  • Heavy mech [Cost: 100 military]
  • CAS fighter-bomber [Cost: 80 military]
[] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH
[] Establish intelligence network - Get people in place to supplement the local security forces in dealing with intrigue and subterfuge
[] Initiate Sociology research - Because of buildings and skills possessed, you may spend Culture influence as Science on Sociology projects

You also have the time for two personal actions...
[] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[] Study politics - Chance to advance Politician education
[] Study <stat> - Chance to advance selected skill. Specialty stats are easier than secondary stats are easier than primary stats

[] Get to know people - Make personal introductions to the movers and shakers of Razorleaf Meadows
[] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[] Seek allies - Look for people among the community and in the wider polity
[] Seek a husband - Among the nobility one's spouse(s) is of importance for establishing allies and pedigree

[] Hunting - On Dandriss hunting animals with war machines is considered fair to all parties involved
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Question: did we lose tech from the 40k version or not? I'm not sure whether we lost tech or if it was that all of it was rolled up into super-techs or something?
"Well now, if anyone ever had any doubt that you were a Stone that fear should be waylaid now! Going to have to make sure I log some time on the lighter units, make sure I don't forget how they fight. For a second there I thought I was in my Monster and that I could just take the damage. Also, a good reminder to treat every challenge with full respect. Well done Ella, well done!" Your grandmother proclaims, and while you know that she is going to reward you for this, she is also proud enough that this is probably going to come back to bite you at some point in the future. Probably another sparring match where Ella would be the one riding in an unfamiliar machine.
You're slipping between first and third person here.
[X] Advertise for business
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Patrol forest x2
[X] Establish intelligence network

[X] Get to know people
[X] Throw a party

We should definitely be advertising for business. We'll hit enough Culture for a second Entertainment Complex in two turns with 2 overflow. If we manage to spend 2 Culture now and get 1 Econ, we can build a reactor next turn (As is we're slated to come up at 14/15 econ needed and 10/10 science)

We should spend NO OTHER INFLUENCE this turn.

As such, the rest of our focus is going to be Special Actions and Personal Actions. We've gotta get our economy up to speed ASAP before we start trying to leverage it. It's absolutely critical that we not spend the resources we'll need to build a reactor on Turn 2 and an Entertainment Center on Turn 3.

As for the personal actions this turn? Given that we've gone with a ladder climber build, it's pretty essential that we get the lay of the land. Throw a party and meet all the people we're going to be interacting with. Pretty much a mandatory start.

Break out the champagne and let the Gatsbying begin.
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[X] Advertise for business
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Patrol forest x2
[X] Establish intelligence network

[X] Get to know people
[X] Throw a party
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[X] Advertise for business - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Economy influence
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH
[X] Establish intelligence network - Get people in place to supplement the local security forces in dealing with intrigue and subterfuge

[X] Get to know people - Make personal introductions to the movers and shakers of Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
AN's confirmed that we can do 3 patrols per turn, not 2, so I've edited a bit! 2 Patrols of the forest since that's a bit more dangerous at the moment.
Facepalming over the obvious influence of lust in this post.

I still think a management of 17 would have been better than an intrigue of 12.

I wonder how greedy would have presented itself in-text?

As for our actions...

It costs influence of a type to buy a building that increases says influence. We need culture to buy any building that increases culture, economy for economy, etc.

If we have a surplus of one type of influence, we can exchange it for another type. The exchange rate is unknown, and doing so costs an action, so generally better to simply use what we produce.

Looking at the building lists, Culture and Economy come up most often, and are therefore most important.

Current Influence
Culture 14
Economy 11
Science 8
Military 5

Culture +4
Economy +3
Science +2
Military +1

One of the most important buildings, and one which gives good output as well, is the Hab. We can build two buildings before being forced to build another Hab, but we can build another Hab before then.

I'm posting this now, it's basically just to let me help organize my thoughts by putting this all out there. If it helps you guys, so much the better.

I'm going to try figuring out the fastest possible route for filling up those two available building slots, and then getting that new Hab. It probably means a focus on culture, but given the probable loss on exchanging influence types, I dont want to go overboard on culture to the detriment of other types.

Be back in a bit.
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Perhaps there should be some kind of explanation above the intro page about age of strife and how this quest came into being? Otherwise, new people will be excluded.
One of the most important buildings, and one which gives good output as well, is the Hab. We can build two buildings before being forced to build another Hab, but we can build another Hab before then.
As I outlined in my plan, we can afford a reactor next turn if we trade 2 Culture for 1 Econ, and then an Entertainment Complex the turn after that. At that point, we start saving up for a Hab. (We'll have 7 culture coming in per turn so it will take 4 turns and we'll have 4 extra the turn we build it) After the second Hab we build two more each of Reactors and Entertainment Complexes and upgrade them to Blocks.

Then we get two more Habs, block all 4, get a Network Center, a Lab, A Factory and A barracks. From there we'll see what our needs are, probably trading posts and labs. But for the starting build 2x EntCent & Reactor -> 2x Hab -> Entblock & Reacblock -> HabBlock -> Network + Boosters is the fastest way to build up.

Right now we're at the faintest skeleton economy. We need MORE.
As I outlined in my plan, we can afford a reactor next turn if we trade 2 Culture for 1 Econ, and then an Entertainment Complex the turn after that. At that point, we start saving up for a Hab. (We'll have 7 culture coming in per turn so it will take 4 turns and we'll have 4 extra the turn we build it) After the second Hab we build two more each of Reactors and Entertainment Complexes and upgrade them to Blocks.

Then we get two more Habs, block all 4, get a Network Center, a Lab, A Factory and A barracks. From there we'll see what our needs are, probably trading posts and labs. But for the starting build 2x EntCent & Reactor -> 2x Hab -> Entblock & Reacblock -> HabBlock -> Network + Boosters is the fastest way to build up.

Right now we're at the faintest skeleton economy. We need MORE.
We could also build a trade post, 15 economy and 5 culture.

Do the culture to econ trade this turn like you're proposing, but the trade post gives econ and culture where the reactor gives econ and sci.

However, it would cost a bit of culture and probably delay the entertainment complex...

I haven't actually had a chance to start mathing at it, I'm booting up my laptop now. And eating.
We could also build a trade post, 15 economy and 5 culture.

Do the culture to econ trade this turn like you're proposing, but the trade post gives econ and culture where the reactor gives econ and sci.

However, it would cost a bit of culture and probably delay the entertainment complex...

I haven't actually had a chance to start mathing at it, I'm booting up my laptop now. And eating.
Yeah but we're going to get the same amount of Econ from Reactors and we have plenty of culture coming from our Entertainment Centers. We shouldn't push Culture to the detriment of other things.

We WILL need science (it goes to things like the network centers, and as I mentioned they're gonna be our bread and butter as we get bigger. Research, too). Remember, the reason that we have more economy and culture options right now is probably because those are the resources we're best at producing.

We should build more of what we have, take advantage of the efficiency upgrade from blocking (4x Entertainment Centers and 4x Reactors will let us put out the output of 6 of each instead) and move to Trading Posts when we start to run low on Building Slots (that'll let us keep building trading caravans while we expand into new slots. We'll keep patrolling the Rail Lines in future turns consistently to make sure that we're prepared for that day).

I'll also point out that it's 30 economy and 30 science to excavate new building slots as of right now.

So yeah, you're definitely undervaluing science. Reactors Forever.
So yeah, you're definitely undervaluing science. Reactors Forever.
Calm yo snake parts. I just suggested an alternative off the top of my head, before actually having a chance to look at the math or the long term effects.

I'll present you with the results of my efforts later, you can tell me if I'm undervaluing science then.
Calm yo snake parts. I just suggested an alternative off the top of my head, before actually having a chance to look at the math or the long term effects.

I'll present you with the results of my efforts later, you can tell me if I'm undervaluing science then.
Fair enough! I've been playing around with the numbers though and I think that the Reactor Path is faster. That way the only one we're really neglecting is military and we can make that up pretty quickly later (also we can just pay to hire out troops if we're ever in a real pinch. Money makes the world go round).

Network Centers and Building Slot Excavation (and research, I suppose :p) are the main reasons I don't want to let our science budget go anemic.

I'll wait and see what you come up with though. If you can find a better path, I'll gladly jump on it.
I know you don't want to spend resources we don't have, but the double forest patrol worries me a bit. This is Dandriss, after all. Maybe we could double up on establish intelligence network instead?
I'm actually pretty sure the double patrol should mean that it's us out in our mech along WITH a jaeger unit. Should be safer than a single patrol, actually. Maybe @Academia Nut can confirm though?

Not sure what's going on..
This is a sequel to AN's older Age of Strife quest (although that was WH40K and this has been scrubbed into an original setting). Nonetheless, this is following the plot 2 generations later (it was a generational game then and it still seems to be now!)

I'll not spoil any of it in case you decide to go read it (and I recommend it. It's a fun ride)
[X] Advertise for business
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Patrol forest x2
[X] Establish intelligence network

[X] Get to know people
[X] Throw a party

Here's hoping for Dark Eldar evil aliens in the forest.
Fair enough! I've been playing around with the numbers though and I think that the Reactor Path is faster. That way the only one we're really neglecting is military and we can make that up pretty quickly later (also we can just pay to hire out troops if we're ever in a real pinch. Money makes the world go round).

Network Centers and Building Slot Excavation (and research, I suppose :p) are the main reasons I don't want to let our science budget go anemic.

I'll wait and see what you come up with though. If you can find a better path, I'll gladly jump on it.

Just looking short term, and assuming a perfect 2 to 1 exchange rate using our actions to exchange influence, I came up with 4 paths.

Reactor turn 2
Ent Comp Turn 3
Hab Turn 6

(4 actions remaining on turn 6, possible to build Proving Grounds or another reactor. Can build trading post on turn 7, or factory on turn 8)
Trading post Turn 2
Ent Comp turn 4
Hab turn 7


Do note that these are the resources as of turn 7. It can build a reactor, but who cares it's a turn behind.
Ent Comp turn 2 (2x econ to culture exchange!)
Reactor Turn 4
Hab Turn 6


You can see how reactor first and not this crazy idea leaves us with more econ and science, military untouched, and this route only has 3 culture bonus. Totally not worth unless we really need 10 culture on turn 7 for some reason (protip we don't)
Ent Comp turn 2
Trade post Turn 4
Hab Turn 6


Still vastly inferior to your path. Slightly better cult income, slightly worse sci income, and it can't actually build anything else on turn 6

So yeah, Ekans all the way, baby.
How do you know that the exchange rate for resources is 2:1 instead of, say, 5:1 or 10:1? Have I missed a post on rules guidelines somewhere?
How do you know that the exchange rate for resources is 2:1 instead of, say, 5:1 or 10:1? Have I missed a post on rules guidelines somewhere?
I wrote 'Assuming' for a reason. I suppose it's all the more reason not to bet on those crazy alternative paths. I do however think that 2:1 or maybe 3:1 are far more likely, else we'd never bother to use those actions at all.

If it is 3:1 instead of 2:1, Ekans' route is still managable with a small conversion from econ to culture on turn 5 to meet the 25 culture cost on the Hab (since it'd be down 1 from the initial exchange on turn 1)

I'm not sure if the other routes can be corrected as easily, and I don't think it's worth checking since Ekans' route is better in every possible way.
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Settlement Actions
[X] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[X] Initiate research project
-[X]Chemistry and Materials I (0/1000)
[X] Establish intelligence network - Get people in place to supplement the local security forces in dealing with intrigue and subterfuge
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH

Personal Actions
[X] Get to know people - Make personal introductions to the movers and shakers of Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Seek allies - Look for people among the community and in the wider polity

Instead of building Reactors, I'd rather invest in going straight for Habs. Building a Hab costs 25 Culture(C) and 5 Economy(E). At 14C with +4/turn 11 E with +3/turn, we have the best starter build to start pumping them out. Doing nothing we reach 26C and 20E in THREE years. If we instead invest most of that Economy in producing Culture we can get the funds we need to produce even faster. Even with a 2:1 exchange that allows us to build a new Hab in TWO years.

Right at the beginning we need to start research. Building material is the biggest problem in Dandriss and the sooner we can fix that, the cheaper buildings will get. It will be slow now, but we have to start somewhere.

Establishing intelligence network and patrolling rail lines will give us information on our immediate surroundings and something that bit us in the butt, in Age of Amber.

I agree with 3kans that getting to know the people is important, but I'd rather begin seeking allies before we throw a party of people that we potentially don't know.
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