I'm against party automation too
We simply do not have the resources or knowledge to mono focus on that so much.

Especially with random events every turn (like the Nomads)
Revisit this in 5-10 years when we have a couple Blocks set up
[X] Construct Building (Reactor)
[X] Patrol Rail Lines
[X] Patrol Forest
[X] Investigate Rumours
[X] Nomad Diplomacy

[X] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[X] Solidify allies - Bring Samantha Sea and Massi Sturgeon into your corner

Yeah, Ella was going to make sure that she had all of her diplomatic ducks in order this year, and one of the first things she could do was go out and have a talk with the nomads. She was planning on doing regular patrols of the forest anyway, so she could accompany the first one in her mech and go say hello to the people wandering through and set up a dialogue. Showing up with a mech and a company of soldiers would also be a good reminder that this was Green Owl territory and, while they didn't mind the presence of the nomads, she was the one responsible for this region.

As always it was a joy to climb inside her mech, tying her nervous system into the monster of metal, feeling the thrum of power as she willed her machine to stand and stride as she willed her own body to move. Despite the size weight she was graceful - she in fact often felt clumsy within her own body immediately after piloting because her awareness was so much greater, and the difference in stride lengths made walking around on her own two legs a slow motion act.

Also, she couldn't kick through the equivalent of steel beams with her bare shins like she could in a mech. There was a certain heady rush to being able to simply smash through the majority of the dangers of the forest instead of having to be careful. Oh, there were a few species of plant and animal that she had to be careful of because the forest had a few dangers capable of damaging even heavy mechs, but for the most part the things that troubled infantry were utterly inconsequential to her.

The tonnes of armour wrapped around her body and sensor suit also allowed Ella to get a picture of the forest that few people actually got. Instead of the deep shadows intercut with the occasional shaft of light leaking down from holes higher up in the canopy to illuminate the grey-blue and dark green world of the forest floor, she got treated to multi-spectral scans that made everything light up in impossible colours, a chaotic, twenty hued rainbow that was like nothing else Ella had ever experienced. Her grandmother had become obsessed with mechs as a way of overcoming her own illness and frailty, but the technology certainly had a way of growing upon those who were exposed to it.

Leading the stride out into the forest, keeping her pace with her troops as they flanked her or occasionally followed in her wake of ruined stranglevines or detonated grenade fruit. The nomads were still fairly distant and it would be a few days travel out to where their outriders had indicated they would be roughly during this stage of their migration. Everyone would be pretty ripe by the time they got back to Razorleaf Meadows, but fortunately the nomads weren't big on traditional hygiene anyway.

Complications 100

The fifth day out on the excursion things went sideways in a hurry when they came upon the burnt out wreckage of a vehicle that vaguely looked like a bike without wheels made of something that looked disturbingly like bone sculpted like clay and had a durability in excess of most forms of armour anyone on the planet could produce. While the forest always sounded distantly like a battle, the smoke was still curling off of this thing and Ella's systems were registering that the rate of explosions was above normal. That could only mean one thing...

"Reavers!" Ella announced over the radio even before the analysis program finished telling her mind the probabilities. "We have evidence of reaver activity, most likely an active battle. Full combat readiness everyone, and remember your psychic combat protocols."

With but a thought the weapons on Ella's Centurion went from active standby to full combat readiness, additional power flooding them and their circuits snapping to full integration with the sensor network, adding their own targeting data to the multi-spectral overlay. Without an MMI it would have been far too much, and even with it the amount of information became taxing on the mind after prolonged use. The EM weapons also could only remain at a combat charge for so long before the additional wear and tear wasn't worth it. Still, as the safeties came off, Ella felt something like cold fire seep into her veins. While her own muse formed part of the interface, the mech itself had a number of LAI programs specifically for combat that had a certain methodical bloodthirstiness to them.

Right arm 84 mm EM main battle cannon? Full charge, a flechette shell loaded for anti-infantry work.

Left arm dual 45 mm EM autocannons? Prepped for anti-vehicle interception duty.

Left shoulder MLRS box? Cycling anti-personnel options into the firing tubes.

"Chin" mounted EM MG? Warmed up and tracking.

Ella grinned within her own coccoon, and as her muse tracked the signals indicating that the troops were also at full readiness. With a mental nod, she sent the advance signal over the comms. She would take point, moving as fast as she could without outrunning her infantry support, both moving to get into contact with the enemy and clearing a path for her men. Letting out a low pitched but incredibly loud mechanical battle cry over her war siren, the nearly subsonic wail carrying far in the forests, she pressed forward. Her sensors picked up more crashed reaver vehicles, but also the still bleeding remains of nomad warriors and their mounts, butchered by atom sharp blades or cooked by psychic fire. Time was sap slow as she held back the urge to break into a full sprint, her heartbeat feeling like it was synchronized to the thrum of her fusion reactor on full war output. Instincts honed in the academy coupled with the finest programming the nation could afford, and Ella practically salivated at the hunt.

One moment she was tracking the echoes of explosions about the trees and heat signatures, the next she was suddenly in the midst of a running battle. It took a second to process everything, there were so many contacts, and she had to make sure that they got the right IFF tags. Speedy alien jet bikes zoomed in and out of formations of riders on various Dandriss animals, cutting people down as they passed and leaving openings for those on foot to dart in and out, flashing blades across critical points of blood vessels and tendons. Against any other foe who insisted on fighting with melee weapons, even the slower firing long rifles of the nomads would have been more than sufficient to turn it into a one sided slaughter, but against the reavers the nomads were only barely holding their own. The fact that the metal and glass darts they fired had a bit of a splash effect on impact did help them compensate for the raw speed of their foes somewhat, as evidence by one warrior managing to put a shot into a tree right as a reaver zipped past, the corrosive liquid within bursting out to cause flesh to ignite in actinic white flames, the alien screaming almost sensually as it lost control of its bike and crashed.

Ella had experienced simulated combat with reavers before, but in this first instance of seeing them in the flesh she lost half a heartbeat once what her sensors were telling her actually sank in. As expected the nearly nude and uncannily lithe, pale and unsettlingly beautiful aliens seemed to wear their forms in mockery of humanity, because they weren't entirely there. With eyes one could catch moments where they seemed to flicker in the peripheral vision, revealing something without form, but under her sensors their outlines were blurry and lacked the solidity of everything else in the forest. There were theories that these monsters were so blase about the possibility of death because they weren't actually there, and in that moment Ella could definitely believe it.

Still, despite the blurriness, half a heartbeat after the realization struck her, Ella got a good lock and opened fire with her autocannons, turning one of the jetbikes to shredded bone shards and its rider to pink mist. While the arrival of a six metre tall war machine spitting hypersonic rounds was sort of hard to miss, she did have to admit that she got lucky with the way the battle moved so quickly into her line of fire as to get that initial drop on the enemy. All around her the troops following her began to open up with their own automatic weapons, not necessarily hitting any of the fast moving enemies in specific but certainly creating an unhealthy atmosphere all around them.

A warrior, his nearly three metre tall frame perched atop a diamondback tiger actually "eye-level" with the primary sensor cluster that formed the "face" of Ella's mech, rode up to her and shouted while gesturing in the distance, "Owl soldier! We fear for our families! Press on and we will finish here then join you!"

[] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)
[] Moved her soldiers through the running battle towards the rest of the people (Medium speed, medium safety)
[] Finished this battle first and then moved with the warriors and her soldiers (Slow, safest to self)
[x] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)

1) There's worse ways to make a first impression with people than by playing the role of the cavalry against horrible aliens who derive amusement from your pain
2) Killfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykill
3) Stone genetic programming when confronted with hostile Eldar; see point 2
We are a Stone, grand-daughter of the Mecha-Princess Anna

[X] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)
[X] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)
They requested this assistance so they're gonna fuckin' owe us. I can be persuaded not to take the risk though.
[x] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)

The first and the third increase the odds of the nomads actually beating the reavers here, while the second could result in all the warriors dying and reavers at our backs.

The third option is uncomfortable because it places military lives ahead of civilian lives, when the whole point of the military is to protect the civilians.

So option 1 it is.
[x] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)

The first and the third increase the odds of the nomads actually beating the reavers here, while the second could result in all the warriors dying and reavers at our backs.

The third option is uncomfortable because it places military lives ahead of civilian lives, when the whole point of the military is to protect the civilians.

So option 1 it is.
But they're our military lives above their civilian lives. Without a treaty we don't have that obligation.
2) Killfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykillfrenzykill
You rang?

[x] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)

We're in a mech and therefore immune to most raider weaponry - especially ones hunting nomads - but there will probably be a psyker and maybe a blast pistol or something.

Question, why is this now 'original'? It seems to have all the 40K stuff it used to, and it isn't like GW fluff hasn't been twisted every-which way by their own writers, so I'm not sure how much literary freedom you gained.
So wait. Was that a 100 on Complications? ...Nat 100 good or bad in this case? Seems like bad, but I'm too use to 100s being good things.
So wait. Was that a 100 on Complications? ...Nat 100 good or bad in this case? Seems like bad, but I'm too use to 100s being good things.
Massive opportunity.

Consider how trade and diplomacy would go for the girl who just saved your whole family from sadistic alien raiders.
You'd probably overlook a fair number of indiscretions.
In regards to automating holding a party:
The earlier we get it done the earlier and longer we can profit from holding a party and not needing to spend an action to do so.

If we wait we will miss quite a few opportunities that having an automatic party and two personal actions will give us.
Let us assume that we need four more actions as a high case estimate, which is two actions above what Academia Nut said was the minimum amount of actions. The investment ends in turn 6 and the parties become automatic at turn 7. This costs us four actions, a loss we will have recouped by turn 11. Because beginning with turn 7 we run effectively three personal actions, one of which is commited.

Ekans in contrast wants to start automating parties in turn 15 or 16. (The decade and a half comment from here. Correct me if that timetable is wrong.) Which would finish in turn 21 or 22, if we assume the same six year figure as above. By that time we would have gotten fourteen to fifeteen parties that we don't need to spend an action on. And we would need to invest six actions instead of four. That basically gives us eight to nine turns where we run with effectively three personal actions. We also don't need to use a personal action to organise a party in turns where we have more reason to throw a party than to have fun, see and be seen, mingle and network.

We should start early while we don't have much on our plate and before Academia Nut throws too many wrenches at us. The chances that we get enough uninterrupted consecutive years to hold parties aren't very good, in my opinion.

I also think that we can afford the costs, Academia Nut said we need economical and cultural growth and we are getting that. This turn we are building a Reactor and plan to build another Entertainment Complex next turn. Long term we plan to build both a Reactor Block and an Entertainment Block. To me this growth rate seems sufficient to sustain the profits needed to continue holding parties. @Academia Nut, is this assumption correct?

Furthermore I don't see the problem in engaging in Mutual Assured Profit with our allies, if we can't pay for the parties ourselves. The whole point of having allies is doing things for each other. If we don't propose deals, they will and the power imbalance won't go away quickly. Remember both are high ranked company executives and we are the exiled bastard of the Stones and the military govenor of a small town in the middle of, more or less, nowhere.

Also we aren't loosing our ability to do other options, we are limiting doing other option for four turns. This limiting is inherent in all actions that need a committment and we should not discount one of them and not others.

So, I think the cost/benefit profile of getting automated parties now is better than that of getting them later.
Question, why is this now 'original'? It seems to have all the 40K stuff it used to, and it isn't like GW fluff hasn't been twisted every-which way by their own writers, so I'm not sure how much literary freedom you gained.
He gets donations from people for writing stuff. So this is now Original so GW doesn't think of suing him.
[X] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)

Silly AN! Like we'd vote any other way than full greed!
[X] Pressed on on her own to the rest of the people (Fast, risky to self)

I had this flashback to the ground battle in Avatar reading this, only with the Na'Vi and humans working together against attackers, with MC as Colonel Miles Quaritch.