I kinda want to go hunting in turn 2, but we don't have the time for that between a fancier and or wilder party and finding allies.

Probably doable in turn 3 or turn 4, if nothing derailing comes up. Which likely is going to happen. Though encouraging hunting tourismus would be a good thing.
I see no reason to throw a party two turns in a row.

We should start focusing on some kind of skillup (probably intrigue or willpower) along with finding allies.
I kinda want to go hunting in turn 2, but we don't have the time for that between a fancier and or wilder party and finding allies.

Probably doable in turn 3 or turn 4, if nothing derailing comes up. Which likely is going to happen. Though encouraging hunting tourismus would be a good thing.
I'd actually prefer not to have a party next year.

I want to throw parties on two occasions:

1- celebration
2- regularly scheduled get-together

This year could be considered to have met both conditions, but unless our 'scheduled get together' happens every year, then a party next year wouldn't meet either condition.

And I'd really like to avoid locking in 1/2 of our personal actions on partying permanently.

Next party should be on turn 4 or 5, imo.
Don't let the decedance meter get to high! Just some Ck2 wisdom.
Please shut up before I burst more blood vessels.

Idiots that have sacrificed long term stability and unique aspects of the Virtue Path Philosophy that would have gone supermonks for decadence bullshit to abuse in order to dethrone our sisters. And no the extra +5 Learning was not it because both of them had it just the Philosophy not under trait but under achievements. I really hope that did not make it through to this one, for it was a blight! Yes,


Jokes aside i really hate the decadence mechanic and we really shouldn't have pursued it., especially with the vice virtue path as something already present and towards what we were working, with implementation proposals for the whole range in our future culture.
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I just can't get into this, It feels like half of what we did in the original was pointless,
I'm guessing that Mirande never woke up.
And the massive amount of effort that went into trying to make stable psykers doesn't really seem like as big of a deal without the 40K setting.

Honestly this just feels like a generic sci-fi post apocalypse empire builder right now with a few things stolen from 40k

I was really excited to see this setting back but honestly, this is like getting a glass of cheap store brand diet cola when you were expecting coke.

*Edit: I was posting from a phone before, honesty Academia's signature just adds to that, the "Same great flavour" part just reminds me of companies that replace products with 'New and improved' versions that are in fact worse.
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I see no reason to throw a party two turns in a row.

We should start focusing on some kind of skillup (probably intrigue or willpower) along with finding allies.
In my opinion there are several good reasons to do a yearly party.
This a party town and we don't want people to get bored, waiting to long between parties would do that.
More importantly yearly parties are a good way to maintain and improve our relations with people like Messi and Samantha. The parties also are a good way for them to introduce us to their contacts, just like Samantha introduced us to Messi. Or just make contacts on our own, which we can do better the more known our parties are.

Besides I thought the whole point of this place was to party, mingle, make contacts and backroom deals? We should capitalize on the success of this years party to work towards that goal.
Guys it's the first turn. We don't know how hard/easy Psykerhood is and there are plenty of our touches here and there.
The South Woods trading company for one
The liberal attitude due to us fostering Anna's Lust
The entire Grave religion

So we lost our Super Psyker. We could get her back later. She disappeared and that happened in the previous quest too

So, our goal in this little resort is to turn it into Los Vegas/Silicon Valley right?
Because well, SV always has tech, the Stones revolutionise whatever tech they set their minds too (see: Mirande and psychic, Anna and Mechs, Dia with well everything) and it's the best way to generate luxury and attract more rich nobility (having the very Best)

Which means we will be getting the Rich, the Famous and the Genius.

Hmm. We should also try and ressurect the Path child-rearing.
Obviously Ella is too old, but her children can get the Mirande experience.
So we need to find a good husband(s) with the very best inherited traits.

@GM: How good are our iron wombs? How soon are pregnancies transfered? Are there any side-effects in general or for early transferral?
Does more time in the iron womb result in better gene mods due to more time to adjust the genome? Or perhaps just less risky due to fixing mistakes?
Anna prioritised Health and Mechs due to her birth defect like the previous quest right?
Also, permission to have 'Branch' replaced with 'Vein' of the Stone family?
In my opinion there are several good reasons to do a yearly party.
This a party town and we don't want people to get bored, waiting to long between parties would do that.
More importantly yearly parties are a good way to maintain and improve our relations with people like Messi and Samantha. The parties also are a good way for them to introduce us to their contacts, just like Samantha introduced us to Messi. Or just make contacts on our own, which we can do better the more known our parties are.

Besides I thought the whole point of this place was to party, mingle, make contacts and backroom deals? We should capitalize on the success of this years party to work towards that goal.
Aye, hosting a yearly party is ideal considering the locale we're in. The real question is whether or not we go for something higher or lower on the debauchery scale. I had originally thought 'oh, the rave would be way too extreme' but now I'm wondering if the dance would be too mild. I am certain, however, that there's no need to get more formal than the masquerade (the people we cater to probably get enough of that shit in their own courts).
Guys it's the first turn. We don't know how hard/easy Psykerhood is and there are plenty of our touches here and there.
The South Woods trading company for one
The liberal attitude due to us fostering Anna's Lust
The entire Grave religion

So we lost our Super Psyker. We could get her back later. She disappeared and that happened in the previous quest too
Those are really just minor issues to tell the truth they were just the ones I thought of just after reading.
Half the fun of the original for me was imagining just how we could effect the future of a known setting.

I was honestly really looking forward to running into the crusade and the Emperor, whether we fought them or allied with them.

We knew there was this great threat or opportunity ahead of us that we had to prepare for, but now it just feels like this will be one more of the fairly standard sci-fi empire builders that crop up on SV fairly often.
Aye, hosting a yearly party is ideal considering the locale we're in. The real question is whether or not we go for something higher or lower on the debauchery scale. I had originally thought 'oh, the rave would be way too extreme' but now I'm wondering if the dance would be too mild. I am certain, however, that there's no need to get more formal than the masquerade (the people we cater to probably get enough of that shit in their own courts).
I don't know there's demand for both the rave and the formal ball:
There was a definite demand for something a little more extravagant next time though, either more formal where people could go ridiculous with aristocratic airs, or something wilder where they could be ridiculous in their behaviour and fashion.
Of course we could just combine the two and go with the elegant masquerade, which has elements of both the formal ball and the debauched rave.

Though going with the rowdy dance could also be worthwhile as it is wild, but not too wild.
Wait, is each turn really a whole year? The update seemed more like a month to me.

Also, does our research list contain things that other settlements already have? Just seems off to have some of them as options considering I'm pretty sure the main colony already had some of those techs, and others from Indigo.
In my opinion there are several good reasons to do a yearly party.
This a party town and we don't want people to get bored, waiting to long between parties would do that.
More importantly yearly parties are a good way to maintain and improve our relations with people like Messi and Samantha. The parties also are a good way for them to introduce us to their contacts, just like Samantha introduced us to Messi. Or just make contacts on our own, which we can do better the more known our parties are.

Besides I thought the whole point of this place was to party, mingle, make contacts and backroom deals? We should capitalize on the success of this years party to work towards that goal.
The 'point of this place' is getting cash money.

The whole debauchery angle is merely a means to an end. We want power, we need wealth to get that power, and so we want to capitalise on the existing infrastructure and reputation of this town to expedite our acquisition of wealth and power.

That doesn't mean 'hey we need to party erryday because we in partytown!

It does mean that partying is a tool we can use, if we think it's profitable.

Aye, hosting a yearly party is ideal considering the locale we're in. The real question is whether or not we go for something higher or lower on the debauchery scale.
No that's not the real question. The real question is how can we profit most?

If we see profit in hosting a party, then we should do so. I haven't seen any argument that suggests that holding one every year would be better than holding one every other year, or third year, or...

Please don't just skip that argument. Our personal actions are valuable, don't throw half of them away.
but now it just feels like this will be one more of the fairly standard sci-fi empire builders that crop up on SV fairly often.
Ah but this one is written by Academia Nut!

I got into his quest with absolutely no knowledge of warhammer, and to this day all of my knowledge of warhammer comes from his quest.

If he wants to make his own story out of it, then I'm looking forward to it. 40K was filled with holes anyways.
I don't know there's demand for both the rave and the formal ball:

Of course we could just combine the two and go with the elegant masquerade, which has elements of both the formal ball and the debauched rave.

Though going with the rowdy dance could also be worthwhile as it is wild, but not too wild.

My current plan for our next few dances is to go in one direction, then the other, then back in the middle.

We sound out the reception after each time, and work from there.
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Ah but this one is written by Academia Nut!

I got into his quest with absolutely no knowledge of warhammer, and to this day all of my knowledge of warhammer comes from his quest.

If he wants to make his own story out of it, then I'm looking forward to it. 40K was filled with holes anyways.
Honestly I'm just going to drop out if this thread for now, I know you are trying to calm things down/make me feel better.
But something about that post just really... never mind.
Honestly I'm just going to drop out if this thread for now, I know you are trying to calm things down/make me feel better.
But something about that post just really... never mind.
Not really trying to make you feel better, though I'd be happy if that happened.

I'm just providing another perspective for you to consider. You say it'd be just another sci-fi quest, I'm saying it's THE sci-fi quest, and the inclusion (or lack thereof) of 40k doesn't affect me much.

You sound like a 40k fan, and the inclusion of 40k clearly does affect you, but in the end it's still a good-quality AN quest that I think deserves a chance.

Sorry if I've upset you though.
Advancing our personal abilities is ultimately more important than the well-being of Razorleaf Meadows (which only really matters for giving us an initial power base and raising our prestige). Of course there are advantages to yearly parties, but we only have two personal actions. We should dedicate at least one of them to advancement in normal years, if we can't do that we'll be stuck at our current level indefinitely and won't be able to move on to greater things. So yearly parties only if you think that's the only other thing we should do with personal actions.
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No that's not the real question. The real question is how can we profit most?
The easiest way to keep raking in profits is to ensure that the constituents are pleased with how we're running the place, and if that means we keep inviting the extremely high powered CEO and assorted hangers-on to parties, then I think we should do that.
Advancing our personal abilities is ultimately more important than the well-being of Razorleaf Meadows (which only really matters for giving us an initial power base and raising our prestige). Of course there are advantages to yearly parties, but we only have two personal actions. We should dedicate at least one of them to advancement in normal years, if we can't do that we'll be stuck at our current level indefinitely and won't be able to move on to greater things.
YES. This is what I'm saying, thank you.

Ultimately I'm against locking in either of our personal actions in advance, we should consider them on a turn by turn basis, with long-term & short term goals in mind.

But it's a lot easier to sacrifice some study time if we decide we want to do something else than it is to cancel a tradition of parties. Cancelling the latter would cause rumours and have other consequences.

We should also consider it's effect on our traits. Partying every year would inevitably lead to various sins when virtues are usually preferable.

The easiest way to keep raking in profits is to ensure that the constituents are pleased with how we're running the place, and if that means we keep inviting the extremely high powered CEO and assorted hangers-on to parties, then I think we should do that.
This is one argument, yes.

Have you considered any other arguments, or are you just trying to justify a decision you've already made?
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The 'point of this place' is getting cash money.

The whole debauchery angle is merely a means to an end. We want power, we need wealth to get that power, and so we want to capitalise on the existing infrastructure and reputation of this town to expedite our acquisition of wealth and power.

That doesn't mean 'hey we need to party erryday because we in partytown!

It does mean that partying is a tool we can use, if we think it's profitable.
Yep and that's why we need to throw a party every year. Afterall a you need to use a tool to benefit from it and we don't have any other tools here. This place was build as a tourism spot for the rich and powerful and we need to encourage them to come here. Whether we promote this as a party spot, a place to hunt or both doesn't matter as long as we do one of those things.

Like you said the parties are an end leveraging the existing infrastructure and reputation of this place. We should do our best to maintain this reputation and yearly parties are best suited for that.

Advancing our personal abilities is ultimately more important than the well-being of Razorleaf Meadows (which only really matters for giving us an initial power base and raising our prestige). Of course there are advantages to yearly parties, but we only have two personal actions. We should dedicate at least one of them to advancement in normal years, if we can't do that we'll be stuck at our current level indefinitely and won't be able to move on to greater things.
I'm pretty sure there's something like a socializer trait here and throwing yearly parties will do well in acquiring it. That or hedonist, which does give good stat improvements as well.
Getting and maintaining contacts easier is an advantage of yearly parties though and those are important. Making this place profitable and prosperous fast is also good for our reputation.
YES. This is what I'm saying, thank you.

Ultimately I'm against locking in either of our personal actions in advance, we should consider them on a turn by turn basis, with long-term & short term goals in mind.

But it's a lot easier to sacrifice some study time if we decide we want to do something else than it is to cancel a tradition of parties. Cancelling the latter would cause rumours and have other consequences.

We should also consider it's effect on our traits. Partying every year would inevitably lead to various sins when virtues are usually preferable.
Going by CKII, the only sin we don't already have which we might aquire by partying hard and often is gluttonous. Other traits that we might pick up are socializer, hedonist and master seductress. The only one that's fully negative is gluttonous, while the others at least give three additional stat points distributed between diplomacy and intrigue, as well as opinion bonuses and maluses with people of the same or opposing trait.
We could also grab Gregarious if we take the more out there party options (Masquerade, Rave I think) or just pile on the party actions.
Only my opinion and the traits may have changed in the transition (I hope not, I want to have our children walk the Path)
[] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[] Study politics - Chance to advance Politician education
[] Study <stat> - Chance to advance selected skill. Specialty stats are easier than secondary stats are easier than primary stats

[] Get to know people - Make personal introductions to the movers and shakers of Razorleaf Meadows
[] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[] Seek allies - Look for people among the community and in the wider polity
[] Seek a husband - Among the nobilityone's spouse(s) is of importance for establishing allies and pedigree

[] Hunting - On Dandriss hunting animals with war machines is considered fair to all parties involved

There are 8 actions we could preform.

It's actually more like 11 or 15 depending on what could be considered a 'stat' that we could study.

I have two problems with the proposition wetthat we should party every year:

1- opportunity cost
You're suggesting that a party is more beneficial than any of these other options. That self-improvement, private meetings with allies or potential allies, or profitable hunting are all less valuable than holding a party every year.

Not to mention actions we don't have available yet, it's only the first turn after all...

2- ignoring the risks or flaws inherent in the option itself.
We rolled multiple times for this party and got lucky where a single bad roll could have given us a net negative effect. You really want to test the dice?

Wear a bad dress - become a laughing stock
Make a bad impression - become enemies
Unfortunate random encounter - get stuck with possibly anything

Too many parties - attendants before scarce and/or accustomed, they expect a party and so it becomes routine instead of entertaining

Hard to break tradition - if we ever actually have two things we want to do, we could face consequences for cancelling a party that no longer even benefits us.

Almost all of the benefits of holding a party remain the same if we hold it once every second year instead of annually. Or once every third year. Or on a year where we celebrate personal success (you want a party, make me happy) etc.

So far I've seen those in favour of the proposition say 'this is a single benefit to this action' without addressing any other aspect of that action, or the actions it's competing against!

I brought up trait gain, and the party faction has simply said 'oh, yeah, we can gain traits too!' Without making any effort to convince anybody that these are the traits we want or that these are the best ways to gain those traits.
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If this war 40k I'd be so scared of a slaneeshii cult there and then.

Luckily, we have a different setting. One where rich people need to be a bit more conservative because they sound like 15 year old teenagers at a friends party *shudders*.

Perhaps we should focus on building up monuments of tourist attractions?