[A bunch of the sample Solars, (Dace, Panther, Etc) and their DV's of ~5. I made a comment about them not being optimized]
Optimized...I said I wanted an unoptimized game. I straight said min/maxers could find the door. People starting the game with 15 acc. and 10 D.V. is total bs. I don't kill people for nothing - I just want the Exalted PC's to reflect as the same thing, in the same ball park, as the other Exalts. They are supposed to be equal.
Not saying that's the case here.
Just, fuck, 5 DV is the norm.
Optimized characters is why this game is broken under so many ST's. Why people say Dragon Bloods suck and are worthless.
People bend and stretch the mechanics rather than playing towards the fluff.
Exalted was a WhiteWolf game. Storyteller system. Story is what its all about.
I don't know where so many got lost.
I've seen a lot of games where Infernals become Devil Tigers and then become Immortal Primordial things in like 1 year. Its stupid Gurren Lagann'esk stuff. I'm telling a Conan/Romance of the Three Kingdoms game. It's deeply sunk into Sword and Sandals style of play, grity and mysterious. The game is more like World of Darkness. A vampire is stronger than a man, most see them as beneith notice. Yet, the vampire still hides and knows several could slay them and have killed their kind. Exalted are far above men, but still have so many of mens weaknesses. It's more Vampire level than Superhero level (bullets plinking off the chest - immune to all harm...as many play Exalted. There are no stories like that in cannon)
Turning farmers, people with ribs showing, feet broken and bleeding from a thosand mile march where half their number died...their spirits strained to the limit. Turning them into the greatest warriors in Creation in a couple months is...insane. Immaculate Monks train decades of their lives using very developed systems with an impressive support structure.
[My reaction to being told that trying to turn these people into the greatest army in creation was insane: "Worthy of a Solar

[another player chimed in here]
I think the point is that it doesn't thematically make sense for near-new Solars to roll up and stomp the forces of two great houses within a handful of months with their super army
If it was that easy, it'd have been done already
[GM again]
The satus quo is being upset. Big names are moving, refuges have hope, but even Jesus did not destroy Rome. Even god in the freaking Bible did not destroy Egypt. I mean there are limits.
PC's get none. [referring to XP debt]
Debt is stupid
Its a childish thing of wanting your cake now - it must be earned.
Pretty much everything in the book has been on the block for bs. BP's are one of the big ones. Causes 60+ expereince swings and locks people into one true builds.
That is why the ST must lead the group through all the bs that breaks the game.
Lend some realism to it all.
[At this point I took a page from the first round of responses and asked why we weren't playing a Terrestrial game or something]
Players have to check themselves or most of the charms can break the game, yes. I've seen plenty of games, at the solar level, run well. It just takes self policing.
I've never seen a game run well that allowed the PC's to face roll Creation. The Realm has a grip on all of Creation. They are, fluff wise, supposed to be able to deal with young Solars forever (up to several years old in the past). Lunars often get into the hundreds, they still swat them down without the Realm missing a beat, the world blinking.
[On the subject of demons, since at this point I brought up the sorcerer in the party]
Demons are ok because they chafe at their collar. They have their own desires that will cause problems for the summoner. They have limit breaks. The world often turns on those that use them.
[sometime later in the conversation]
Defeating 2 dragon blooded houses - heralds the end of the realm. Their power is forever crushed.