Cost: 1-5m;
Mins: Firearms 3, Essence 3;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Holistic Bullet Methodology
Cushion yourself all you like, the world is full of hidden sharp edges. The Sidereal acquires and readies a mundane firearm from somewhere nearby, spending motes equal to the weapon's Resources value. Perhaps she finds a pistol conveniently discarded in an alley, or pulls a shotgun from beneath a sofa pillow. The weapon is clearly pre-used, though any official identification (serial number, etc) has been destroyed. Its clip holds ammunition equal to her successes on a Valor roll, up to the weapon's usual maximum.
The Sidereal does not retain the weapons this Charm presents to her. At the end of the scene, they are left in the area she first "found" them - with their original complement of ammunition. If she does not discard them herself, chance or inattention takes them from her hands (or those of her allies). If the Sidereal deliberately damages or discards one of these firearms in a way that makes it unusable, she loses access to this Charm and its prerequisite for the rest of the week - one who takes advantage of the world's capacity for thoughtless harm cannot guard others against it.
Cost: 3m;
Mins: Firearms 4, Essence 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Storm Clouds and Ravens Prophecy
Bullets don't care about allegiance or intent. In this, they are honest. The Sidereal can use this Charm in Step 9 after dodging a ranged attack - the projectile flies on and strikes another character of her choosing. This unintended target must be within the attack's original range, but need not be in the projectile's apparent path - untimely richochets are what life is made of. The attack is resolved using its original traits and rolled successes, including any magic - though it is considered a counterattack, the Sidereal herself cannot enhance it except with Capricious World Roulette, which she may use at a three-mote discount.
A second purchase allows the Sidereal to take a special Defend Other action, targeting any character she can perceive (in person). This does not let her offer them any actual support, but instead allows her to use this Charm whenever they dodge or miss a ranged attack, redirecting it as described.
Sidereal Firearms. No sense of right or wrong.