May I get the story behind that?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when the 3e Kickstarter was going on, one of the goals met rewards was a recorded conversation between the devs about stuff they were planning for 3e, possible setting books, new content, etc.

One of the things mentioned, and mentioned with a preface of "We haven't even pitched the idea up the proper channels yet" was the possibility of eventually doing a "Exalted vs World of Darkness" book with a new system to work with everyone's powers and an explanation for how this happened.
May I get the story behind that?

Others are perfectly free to correct whatever I get wrong, but way way waaaaay back when Exalted was first published it was decided to try and spin the gameline as the ancient pre-history of the World of Darkness, which is why when you look at oWoD stuff you may see familiar names and such, like Stygia being the capital of the Underworld, Autocthonia being an old Technocracy haunt and such things. Most importantly, the original Splats were written to be the mighty ancestors of the original splat groups.

I'm not sure WHEN it was decided this was a terrible idea, but it was ultimately decided it was, but not before Lunars go hit with the Werewolf stank and all the baggage that came from it from the oWoD. Want to know why Lunars are so heavily tied to animal themes, despite some arguing that it makes absolutely zero sense? That's why.
Er, what? Death Parrying Stroke has a flat 4m cost. And it's a step 7 reflexive that takes your PDV out of the raw damage inbound (since it is step 7, its only applicable if they hit in the first place) and drops a single dice of post soak damage.

Also, always check the Scroll of Errata for MoEP: Sidereals. Always.
My bad. I thought the link he provided was up to date.
Others are perfectly free to correct whatever I get wrong, but way way waaaaay back when Exalted was first published it was decided to try and spin the gameline as the ancient pre-history of the World of Darkness, which is why when you look at oWoD stuff you may see familiar names and such, like Stygia being the capital of the Underworld, Autocthonia being an old Technocracy haunt and such things. Most importantly, the original Splats were written to be the mighty ancestors of the original splat groups.

I'm not sure WHEN it was decided this was a terrible idea, but it was ultimately decided it was, but not before Lunars go hit with the Werewolf stank and all the baggage that came from it from the oWoD. Want to know why Lunars are so heavily tied to animal themes, despite some arguing that it makes absolutely zero sense? That's why.

Exalted was originally legitimately the prequel to the World of Darkness, which is kind of why you see a lot of thematic overlap of people whose hubris leads to hilarity and everything going to shit. They separated it when the line became popular enough to stand on its own two feet. Also, Lunars are badly designed because Lunars are badly designed, not because of Werewolf. :V

I mean, as much as I enjoy blaming werewolves for everything the werewolf tie isn't actually a problem, especially because in many ways Werewolf Gifts were often way more bullshit than people give them credit for. ("Hi, I'm George Garou! And now I've stripped you of the ability to use fucking knives.")
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So, my GM has decided that Tiger Warrior Training Technique is too good.

Our group has come to the... stewardship(?) of a large group of refugees (Over 100,000) and we've set our current goal to leading them to recapture their homeland. The first restriction was that not everyone is a valid target for the charm and, fine, I get that trying to turn the octogenarian with a crippled leg into a SEAL is maybe not what the charm was intended for. Thing is, he's ruled that there are people fit enough to join our regular army, but for whom the Tiger Warrior Training would be too stressful. I didn't really fight him on it 'cause it wasn't that important to me and honestly it made my strategic problem more interesting (how do I make best use of my limited supply of Tiger Warriors vs regular troops). NOW he's insisting on instituting a yearly cap on the number of times a training charm can be invoked any given person. Basically, no one can put themselves in more than 35 points of XP debt, extra or not. >.<

I never really got the impression that TWT was considered a problematic charm, and I'm kind of mystified why he's so eager to kneecap it. Then, this is also the GM me and Matsci were talking about a while back who hates perfects and a whole lot of other shit.

Ideas on how I can convince him this really isn't a problem?
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Ours was originally billed as a very non-combat game (My Zenith is the most fight-y of the group and I have a total of 3 combat charms (not counting my War charms)), and our GM hates combat besides. So, I'm not sure how much of a solution that is in this specific instance.
We only talked about it a few minutes during tonight's session and I wasn't exactly taking notes... I'll see if I can get him to put his concerns down in writing but that'll probably be a tomorrow thing.

Broadly though? It seems like he just has a problem with the overall power level of basically everything. To the point where I've been legitimately curious at some points why exactly we're playing Exalted and not some other game system. Perfect defenses are gone (I have Protection of Celestial Bliss, but I think he just didn't quite remember that it had the PD as a rider to it when I picked it up), there's the TWT stuff I was just talking about. He hates Wyld Shaping with a passion that surprised me, and it was only after I showed him the Holden version that he (very) reluctantly said it'd be alright (with the implication that I'd better have an army watching my back due to the 'alerts nearby fae' clause). Almost noped the Grief-Choking Lance that Aleph posted a while back because "he doesn't like killsticks".

At one point during the conversation I pointed out that TWT was less powerful than, say, Solar Socialize, and he said that if I were trying social bullshit that'd be getting nerfed too.

Basically, any of the really big effects, and anything to do with combat seems like it has to tread real damn lightly.
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If he doesn't want to you to do magical hax, why is he even allowing Solars in his game? Solars, Abyssals, and Infernals are defined by, among other things, their ability to break the setting.

You could have an interesting and more down to Exalted earth game as a dragon-blooded party adventuring in the threshold.

You could have a weird game with minimal permanent large scale hax as a Sidereal and Nocturnal party.

You could have a communist robot adventure as a Alchemical party.

It might not be a good question if you want to keep playing this game, but you deserve to know what he wants to be playing and why he is using Exalted. I do think gamers should spend more time getting on the same page about the game they want to be playing before they start playing a game. It would probably help avoid situations like this.
If he doesn't want to you to do magical hax, why is he even allowing Solars in his game? Solars, Abyssals, and Infernals are defined by, among other things, their ability to break the setting.

Part of that might be my fault... ish? This is my first real exalted game so when he was asking me what kind of character I wanted to play, I only really had the resources to play a Solar. Now, once the game started it turns out one of the other players had copies of a bunch of books and so I could have done something else, but hindsight and all that. I talked my concept over with him in the pre-game and he seemed cool with my concept (super inspiring ex-Realm Talon-Captain).

Our circle is one Solar (my character), Two infernals (one sorcerer/crafter, one merchant/bureaucrat), an Abyssal (Doctor/secondary crafter with Necrotech) and a Lunar (hasn't really finished his character, but is a Crafter/Alchemist as a secondary thing). So, if he didn't want Solaroids in the party it seems like he would have said something at some point.

So, I dunno, maybe it's a special brand of hate for Solars? Everyone kind of felt the 'no PD' thing, but most of the other stuff has been against Solar BS.

It might not be a good question if you want to keep playing this game, but you deserve to know what he wants to be playing and why he is using Exalted. I do think gamers should spend more time getting on the same page about the game they want to be playing before they start playing a game. It would probably help avoid situations like this.

The thing is (and I said this last time @Matsci and I were bitching about the game) that the actual game sessions have been fun as hell, it's just that getting my Charms nerfed all the time is getting kind of old. >.<
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oh god you've got a mixed party

i mean, they're all Celestials, but no wonder your GM is tetchy
So, my GM has decided that Tiger Warrior Training Technique is too good.

Our group has come to the... stewardship(?) of a large group of refugees (Over 100,000) and we've set our current goal to leading them to recapture their homeland. The first restriction was that not everyone is a valid target for the charm and, fine, I get that trying to turn the octogenarian with a crippled leg into a SEAL is maybe not what the charm was intended for. Thing is, he's ruled that there are people fit enough to join our regular army, but for whom the Tiger Warrior Training would be too stressful. I didn't really fight him on it 'cause it wasn't that important to me and honestly it made my strategic problem more interesting (how do I make best use of my limited supply of Tiger Warriors vs regular troops). NOW he's insisting on instituting a yearly cap on the number of times a training charm can be invoked any given person. Basically, no one can put themselves in more than 35 points of XP debt, extra or not. >.<

I never really got the impression that TWT was considered a problematic charm, and I'm kind of mystified why he's so eager to kneecap it. Then, this is also the GM me and Matsci were talking about a while back who hates perfects and a whole lot of other shit.

Ideas on how I can convince him this really isn't a problem?
Walk him through the implication of a little spell called Summon First Circle Demon? Some of them have better stats then the Tiger Warrior baseline before they add their excellencies in (you need Legendary Warrior Curriculum to really get up to that level, and even then, mortals are operating at a fair disadvantage without things like DB War Charms).

Beyond that, I got nothing. I mean, you can point to the other Training charms, (Verdant Emptiness Endowment in particular) but I suspect he'd just respond with blanket nerfs. As basically everyone else has noted, a lot comes down to why he doesn't like the charm. Balance wise, its more 'this is what you need to survive' against the upper level armies (demons, fae, jadeborn) then 'your army is OP'.
Anyone have a copy of Sigh of the Dragons Style?
It was apparently written for Dragonbloods and seems to use Elemental/Essence bolts as a form weapon.

The closest I can come in my google-fu is an annotated list of the techniques, but I can't find the full style anywhere.
Mela's Swift Sanction (Join battle boost, first action must be an Elemental Bolt not from surprise)
Stern Mercy of Sextis Jylis (Swap to bashing damage, with knockback)
Inescapable Draconic Castigation (Range boost!)
Blossoming Elemental Wrath (Target is engulfed in a bonfire)
Sigh of the Dragons Form (Elemental Bolt can be flurried! 5m simple form-type)
Da'naad Yields To None (Block attacks using Elemental Bolt)
Restrained Fury of Hesieh (DOOM FLURRY)
Pasiap's Illimitable Might (Greatly increases damage)
Inexhaustible Rage of the Dragons (Scenelong elemental buff on punches, discount on bolts)
are you saying there's something that's not the werewolve's fault?

I know, right? It's astonishing.

But seriously, Werewolves did not go "raargh raargh we have gifts because we are associated with animals and shapeshift" (the problem with 1E Lunars and 2E ones as well) it was more "raaargh raargh we are the chosen guardians of this world, half spirit and half flesh, and this gives us a huge arsenal of hilarious bullshit." Last I checked, inciting riots isn't something you can do by being SO FURRY (and that is an actual Werewolf Gift), nor is "turning another supernatural's power used against you into another Gift (again, another Werewolf Gift)."
One of the weird things is that he hasn't the Infernal in the party with any nerfsticks, and We have both Slave Spawn Summons, and What lurks beneath.


summon a swarm of flying air-breathing poisonous siaka

: 3

(totally possible with WLB if you're using Revlid's mutations - Glider+Flier is 8 points, Air Breather is 2; as long as you have WP 7-8 and Essence 2-3 you can get both. Stack on some negative ones like a vulnerability to fire and you can pretty easily make them poisonous as well. And unlike demon-summoning, there's no cooldown, so you can cast it every two hours or so and get a dozen of them within a day.)