Has his player been taking inspiration from the Celts? :p
I don't think so. He never described any clothing his character was wearing during his introduction.
He decided this meant he was naked.
I let him take an Oath flaw for this, so if he puts clothes on he faces divine retribution. His Motivation is to combat shame, because reasons.

The part of me that realizes what a clusterfuck depicting people reacting organically to his constant nudity earnestly wants it to end.
The greater part of me wants to see where things will go, kind of like watching a train-wreck. Except I'm probably the conductor in that metaphor.

I've kinda concluded that Bulwark Stance is the "push to negate coordinated attack" button, and not much else. anyone want to comment on what else it's good for?
It prevents wrecking your Parry DV with a massive flurry. It doesn't exclude any penalties from being negated.
Bulwark is pretty much there to negate overwhelming attacks, yes. This is a good thing when overwhelming is one of the best ways of forcing you to burn motes on a PD.
It prevents wrecking your Parry DV with a massive flurry. It doesn't exclude any penalties from being negated.

Protection Celestial Bliss or Five Fold Bulwark Stance does that better and cheaper, IIRC. And onslaught penalties can be handled with a flurry breaker if they start stacking up. Bulwark Stance basically has Coordinated attack is it's niche thing it handles.
Protection Celestial Bliss or Five Fold Bulwark Stance does that better and cheaper, IIRC. And onslaught penalties can be handled with a flurry breaker if they start stacking up. Bulwark Stance basically has Coordinated attack is it's niche thing it handles.
Both of those are down the tree from Bulwark Stance. There are also situations where Bulwark Stance is a better use of motes than Five-Fold Bulwark Stance, and Protection of Celestial Bliss can burn out.
But coordinated attacks are the only use that's unique to Bulwark Stance, yes.

Bit late here, but ...

A bit back, there's a bit where your ST said something like "Exalted is meant to be Romance of the Three Kingdoms, not DBZ."

And... well. People have been saying this, but no. Lu Bu, Zhuang Yu? Those are particularly skilled Dragonblooded. Exalted is Journey to the West - Sun Wukong is a Lunar, the Buddha is a Sidereal. I'm not sure there is a Solar analogue - I can't really think of one with those thematics... maybe Hou Yi, though his whole "shot down the farking sun nine times" is probably better suited to an Abyssal.
And... well. People have been saying this, but no. Lu Bu, Zhuang Yu? Those are particularly skilled Dragonblooded. Exalted is Journey to the West - Sun Wukong is a Lunar, the Buddha is a Sidereal. I'm not sure there is a Solar analogue - I can't really think of one with those thematics... maybe Hou Yi, though his whole "shot down the farking sun nine times" is probably better suited to an Abyssal.
I though that legend involved there being nine suns, and the archer in question shooting down the surplus ones before they burned the world to a crisp.
*sigh* Most of the reason I focus more on exalted now instead of D&D is because exalted starts right off by casting you as a Superhuman being with flashy magic that is potent and effective. I came here to get away from numbnuts telling me "No, you should be playing Mortals: the Dysenterying" modbannit!
I'd just like to note that 'modbannit' is now my new favourite forum swear.

EDIT: This is just going to keep happening, isn't it?
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Does anyone have suggestions for how to name a manse?
I'm building a character and have a pretty good idea of what the manse is, but I'm drawing a blank for the name.
Then whoever created the eight additional suns was the solar.
Look, it was perfectly understandable, it was winter, it was cold, the Twilight got snowed in and then we have to save Creation from destruction again.
Does anyone have suggestions for how to name a manse?
I'm building a character and have a pretty good idea of what the manse is, but I'm drawing a blank for the name.
Name it after a geographic feature. I'd be surprised if there weren't a bunch of one or two dot manses named "Riverbend" or something like that.
Figure out a theme. Name the manse after the theme and its features.

et voila!
So, the manse is Earth-aspected (2 dots), and is basically a stone pyramid. A Terrestrial god has set up its sanctum at the peak, and under the light of the full moon can be called with a minor sacrifice to adjudicate disputes, which the local tribes use pretty on a regular basis. It's basically a hidey-hole, and its features consist of intricate stone patterns to meditate on (Archive: Supernatural etiquette (Occult) and Old Realm (Linguistics) for specialties you can learn) and a hidden entrance to the rooms it contains, and it was designed to hide the existence of those rooms (Geomantic Subtlety to prevent people from realizing the hearthstone room is in the hidden section).

So... I guess the theme is justice/arbitration, with a side of disguise.

Name it after a geographic feature. I'd be surprised if there weren't a bunch of one or two dot manses named "Riverbend" or something like that.
Three Hills Hideaway?
I was thinking there would need to be some way to find it in the middle of the massive forest that is the East, and three big-ass hills works pretty well as a landmark.
Fuck it, that'll do for now.
So, the manse is Earth-aspected (2 dots), and is basically a stone pyramid. A Terrestrial god has set up its sanctum at the peak, and under the light of the full moon can be called with a minor sacrifice to adjudicate disputes, which the local tribes use pretty on a regular basis. It's basically a hidey-hole, and its features consist of intricate stone patterns to meditate on (Archive: Supernatural etiquette (Occult) and Old Realm (Linguistics) for specialties you can learn) and a hidden entrance to the rooms it contains, and it was designed to hide the existence of those rooms (Geomantic Subtlety to prevent people from realizing the hearthstone room is in the hidden section).

In this case its likely to be named more after its resident than its properties, as those are what is important to the locals.

The Arbiter's Reach. Earth and Moon Bridge. The Library of (insert god here).
It's still better than his last character, who was trying very hard to be a AD&D wizard. Mechanically anyway. I'm not a fan of the dongcopter.
I've actually been amusing myself by pondering how D&D wizards could be converted to Exalted mechanics for a while. Totally unusable outside of an idiotic troll campaign, of course. (Sidereals, go investigate this big disturbance that turns out to be Elminster, who is in Creation because reasons.)
The key to happiness is low expectations.
I'm just glad his character doesn't share his name (like the attempt at a wizard) or be a literal old, black janitor who offers words of wisdom and works to help kids get out of the Projects.

@Chloe Sullivan is basically the only player that doesn't make me go "oh, god" at least every other session. I don't think I would have lasted this long without him. Half my players are terrible at roleplaying (but improving), one is okay but occasionally gets stubborn about doing something stupid/weird (you can't fucking surf on a laser beam! Catapulting your Timburr at the Pidgey more than 100 feet above you using a tree limb won't work, and would probably kill your Timburr if it did!) and has uttered the sentence "let's use his blood as lube!" with apparent total sincerity. And then there's Chloe who actually listens to important bits of information, helps me wrangle the others a bit, and doesn't have a character straight out of Chejop Kejack's nightmares.

Tonight, I had Cilello (apathetic bard using Three-String Sword Prana, whose player actually walks away from his computer while I explain setting details) and Dewnes (aforementioned dongcopter) decide the best way to get the information they wanted out of a prisoner they took was to torture her. So they did a little torture, then realized they forgot the "try and get information" step.
So they decided that obviously this was too much effort, so they should just execute the unarmed prisoner who was bound with rope and magic.
The prisoner was only saved because Morning Dew decided to heed her Compassion (despite the lack of compulsion; she failed the Compassion roll when the torture started) and step in. Oh, I should mention that Morning Dew tried to play tic-tac-toe with the prisoner - without untying her.

Compared to that, having to scramble to figure out the structure of the anuhle brood infesting the library when Dew on the Blossom (Chloe's character) decided to use diplomacy instead of my plan of swords was actually enjoyable.

I'm pretty sure the Usurpation happened because my players were in control of most of the Deliberative.

It's a good time.
It's a lot harder for me to condemn my ST for automatically assuming we need to be policed when I read shit like that.
Sadly thats the type of thing that can happen in any game... almost nothing about those particular problems are uniquely exalted. I'd have had an infernal and offered to make the prisoner leader of their organization in return for the information and a favour to be named later.
My players normally don't go too far beyond minor silly shenanigans most of the time, and the freedom I allow them tends to lead them to some interesting choices like ignoring my nudges toward combat and convincing a brood of anuhle to pay rent to live in a First Age fortress infested by demons that they don't even control yet.

It's just some nights... things like tonight happen.
Sadly thats the type of thing that can happen in any game... almost nothing about those particular problems are uniquely exalted. I'd have had an infernal and offered to make the prisoner leader of their organization in return for the information and a favour to be named later.
So Bestowal of Accursed Fortune? What's wrong with that, exactly?
Pretty much what it sounds like.

If you whirl 'it' around real fast that's totally like a helicopter right?

@azoicennead felt obligated to award a stunt die, because that guy so rarely bothers to actually stunt, but held fast at only awarding one die (for the sake of his own dignity) until it was pointed out that this stunt resonated with the guy's motivation of "convincing people to wrap being ashamed of their bodies by going around in his magnificent nakedness and setting a grand example," whereupon the stunt was grudgingly upgraded to two die.

... I am so sorry.

I'd just like to note that 'modbannit' is now my new favourite forum swear.

As a member of the First Gaian Church of the Mods, I am totally allowed to swear like that. It's the Admin's name we don't take in vain.
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