The key to happiness is low expectations.
I'm just glad his character doesn't share his name (like the attempt at a wizard) or be a literal old, black janitor who offers words of wisdom and works to help kids get out of the Projects.
@Chloe Sullivan is basically the only player that doesn't make me go "oh, god" at least every other session. I don't think I would have lasted this long without him. Half my players are terrible at roleplaying (but improving), one is okay but occasionally gets stubborn about doing something stupid/weird (you can't fucking surf on a laser beam! Catapulting your Timburr at the Pidgey more than 100 feet above you using a tree limb won't work, and would probably kill your Timburr if it did!) and has uttered the sentence "let's use his blood as lube!" with apparent total sincerity. And then there's Chloe who actually listens to important bits of information, helps me wrangle the others a bit, and doesn't have a character straight out of Chejop Kejack's nightmares.
Tonight, I had Cilello (apathetic bard using Three-String Sword Prana, whose player actually walks away from his computer while I explain setting details) and Dewnes (aforementioned dongcopter) decide the best way to get the information they wanted out of a prisoner they took was to torture her. So they did a little torture, then realized they forgot the "try and get information" step.
So they decided that obviously this was too much effort, so they should just execute the unarmed prisoner who was bound with rope and magic.
The prisoner was only saved because Morning Dew decided to heed her Compassion (despite the lack of compulsion; she failed the Compassion roll when the torture started) and step in. Oh, I should mention that Morning Dew tried to play tic-tac-toe with the prisoner - without untying her.
Compared to that, having to scramble to figure out the structure of the anuhle brood infesting the library when Dew on the Blossom (Chloe's character) decided to use diplomacy instead of my plan of swords was actually enjoyable.
I'm pretty sure the Usurpation happened because my players were in control of most of the Deliberative.
It's a good time.