"Can you tell me about the heretics?" Palais asks, her voice tight.

"I didn't see much. Just explosions, and las fire. Saw old Brigitte, cut right in half by some big gun of theirs," The woman says, stumbling over every world.

Some of the PDF branch off at her words, moving to look down their sights for contacts, whilst a sergeant pulls out his magnoculars for a better view. The crowd trembles in the rain, staring at your carmine armor. In the distance, the banner flutters mockingly, the aquila tattered and bloody, yet still waving.

"Where along the bridge did take fire from the heretics?" Caelia asks, coldly. She towers over the trembling militia. "Have they shot at you in this position? If, so with what? Were the heretics dug in?"

She doubted they'd have of much use to say, but it was better to try and learn nothing that not to try at all. She triggered her internal combead.
Depending on the weaponry hidden opposite them the sight of the weighted down servitors may provide the foe sufficient motivation to try for the distant targets. "We may want to keep the lockers out of sight. If I was watching our column across the river, those would be targets worthy of a risky barrage. High risk, but high reward."

"If so, we may want to advise the PDF to take cover and spread out. They'd be more useful assisting us in a push across it then trying to assault it themselves." Caelia comments across the squad link. She doesn't even consider the militia in the tactical equation. They were broken and useless, and it was up to Sister Superior if she wanted to bother trying to rally them.
"Have mercy upon us, milady! As unworthy as we are!" She cries, a few of the other men and women following her example and falling pleadingly to the ground. Some freeze in place, like an animal caught in the headlights of a truck, whilst others slink back, nervousness wrought in their features. Palais shakes her head as the rain patters against her helmet.

"So, what am I supposed to be offering mercy for, again?" She asks, her voice rendered harsh by her suit's vox.

The woman hesitates, lowering her eyes. "W-We heard about Father Tibim's commands, and we tried, I mean, we followed them. Attacked the heretics like he told us, but we just, we couldn't beat them. There was so much screaming, so much blood..." She trails off, shaking.

"And then you ran," Palais says, for it is not a question.

"Y-Yes, we did. And we lost, well, they..." He hesitates, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. Her shoulders slump. "They took our banner. We tried and tried to get it back, but we-we couldn't."

Palais glances across the flowing river to the other side where the tattered aquila flag visible through the rain. Her fingers clench, chainsword guttering for a moment before she releases the pressure. Your Sister-Superior points her sword onward. "You lost that banner? You let the enemy take the Aquila from you?"

The woman on her knees can only nod her head, a pleading look on her face. Behind, you hear some of the PDF troopers muttering among each other. You can make out the words clearly enough through your auto senses: Cowards.
Ilana sighed sharply, as much in disappointment as anger at the thought of the Emperor's Aquila to be left desecrated. The craven hid behind the faces of all mortal men and women, but it was examples like these that led to her brethren in faith in the Covenant to hold the underclasses as undeserving. "The blood of your ancestors flow through your veins. The Emperor himself calls all those who bear faith to the glory of arms. Yet you spit upon them both the moment you chose to leave the Emperor's very own Aquila behind! You approach us playing shame, yet if you truly felt such you would be across that river instead of these insulting pleas for mercy! When your fellows approach you, seeking to emulate the ideal of service, will cowardice be the only alm you offer? I do not blame thee retreat in the face of superior firepower, but faith holds itself higher than the mere fear of death."

She extended a hand out in the direction of the flag. "It is not our place to grant you redemption, for that is forever the Emperor's domain alone. Yet if you have any honour that had not fled from your display, any faith that has not so easily crumbled with the whisper of death, then you will follow us. Onwards in the face of the death you so fear, onwards to the honour you once lost, and grab that tattered banner and hold it high until either death or the battle's end. Perhaps then the Emperor shall judge you redeemed for your error in judgement."

OOC: Radiant Presence, the Angel Pattern special, and Smooth Talker are likely relevant talents in this instance.
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"Sister Eriko, this is not pedantry. I would not call you 'the ex-hospitaller' when you are my sister. The spirits of our equipment deserve the same consideration for the sake of their good functioning. It can be the difference between life and death."
"I do not know why you are bothered, Sister," Eriko says as a hidden smile slowly spreads at Maria's discomfort. "I addressed it properly. The machine spirit is an honored auspex or is there more that you wish spoken?"

Eriko shrugs and faces away from Maria, the better to hide her own humor.
Ilana sighed sharply, as much in disappointment as anger at the thought of the Emperor's Aquila to be left desecrated. The craven hid behind the faces of all mortal men and women, but it was examples like these that led to her brethren in faith in the Covenant to hold the underclasses as undeserving. "The blood of your ancestors flow through your veins. The Emperor himself calls all those who bear faith to the glory of arms. Yet you spit upon them both the moment you chose to leave the Emperor's very own Aquila behind! You approach us playing shame, yet if you truly felt such you would be across that river instead of these insulting pleas for mercy! When your fellows approach you, seeking to emulate the ideal of service, will cowardice be the only alm you offer? I do not blame thee retreat in the face of superior firepower, but faith holds itself higher than the mere fear of death."

She extended a hand out in the direction of the flag. "It is not our place to grant you redemption, for that is forever the Emperor's domain alone. Yet if you had any honour that had not fled from your display, any faith that had not so easily crumbled with the whisper of death, then you will follow us. Onwards in the face of the death you so fear, onwards to the honour you once lost, and grab that tattered banner and hold it high until either death or the battle's end. Perhaps then the Emperor shall judge you redeemed for your error in judgement."
"Sister," Eriko says, playing the bad Arbiter to Ilana's fiery speech. She gives one dismissive glance at the crowd and turns away from them. "Leave them. They are nothing now and will forever be marked as nothing."

She joins Caelia and Maria in assessing the bridge, sword laid over her shoulders. This was nothing more than an exercise to stretch her joints. If they were to vommit themselves to this then it should be quick and decisive.

"Agreed to everything the both of you said. We should be the point of the spear, breaking through the enemy's ranks. Let us crush the heretics quickly so we can return to our real objectives."
"Where along the bridge did take fire from the heretics?" Caelia asks, coldly. She towers over the trembling militia. "Have they shot at you in this position? If, so with what? Were the heretics dug in?"

She doubted they'd have of much use to say, but it was better to try and learn nothing that not to try at all. She triggered her internal combead.
There's a bit of a murmur at this. A few people mention seeing barricades, others say the fire 'came form everywhere', whilst others mention engaging cultists in hand to hand. Some even mention repelling a counter-attack.

"The first time, they ambushed us as we exited the lip of the bridge. On our second go, we thought that meant they didn't have range. But then when we brought in the trucks-" One man says, waving at a flipped over wreck. "And it took a hit near as soon as it got on. We just got wrecked-Didn't even see what blew up Thule's truck. That said, they don't really shoot at us on this end."

One woman groans as she sits up, the right side of her face covered in bloodied rags. "Only because you were so happy to run into their guns, Eirik! Me and some of the lasses tried popping at 'em with our ol' Rosesworn rifles from o'er here, and next thing I know, Lydia's got no head no more."

Another would-be militiaman speaks up. "Last fight we had they tried coming across the bridge, group of baying maniacs. We took a few rounds from across the river, but it was mostly hand to hand work there. They ended up running, thank the Throne. We were on our last legs."

One older woman speaks up. "Didn't feel like they were running to me."
"If so, we may want to advise the PDF to take cover and spread out. They'd be more useful assisting us in a push across it then trying to assault it themselves." Caelia comments across the squad link. She doesn't even consider the militia in the tactical equation. They were broken and useless, and it was up to Sister Superior if she wanted to bother trying to rally them.
"Agreed," Palais replies.
"Cut how," Maria interjected, not deigning to so much as look at the miserable souls. Her boots crunched as she stepped up next to the sergeant and peered in the same direction. She was done with the militia. Not everyone was called to martial service, and these wrecks ought not to have forced the issue. "Do you mark the range sergeant?"

Depending on the weaponry hidden opposite them the sight of the weighted down servitors may provide the foe sufficient motivation to try for the distant targets. "We may want to keep the lockers out of sight. If I was watching our column across the river, those would be targets worthy of a risky barrage. High risk, but high reward."
"By...A big gun?" The woman replies, twisting her hands together in clear uncertainty.

"About a hundred meters across. Don't really see much activity on the other side of the bridge. Only thing I see moving out there is a canid picking among the dead," The sergeant replies. "Call it a hundred and twenty meters for them."

The man lowers his magnoculars for a moment, staring, his expression unreadable through his gasmask. He brings them back up, staring through them for a long moment. He drops them, shaking his head. "Flag's still in good shape. Looks like it was just left where it fell."

Maria took a long, deliberate series of breathes and then began her prayers over the device again. When she finished the flash of irritation was gone.

"Sister Eriko, this is not pedantry. I would not call you 'the ex-hospitaller' when you are my sister. The spirits of our equipment deserve the same consideration for the sake of their good functioning. It can be the difference between life and death."
"I do not know why you are bothered, Sister," Eriko says as a hidden smile slowly spreads at Maria's discomfort. "I addressed it properly. The machine spirit is an honored auspex or is there more that you wish spoken?"

Eriko shrugs and faces away from Maria, the better to hide her own humor.
Palais' voice is a low hiss over the vox. "Sisters, so help me, if I have to discipline you in front of the PDF..." She trails off, a long sigh echoing through the vox. "Eriko, you called it an explosive auspex. It wasn't. Honour your wargear. Maria: Next time, just say straight what the issue is."

Her vox cuts off with a snarl.
Ilana sighed sharply, as much in disappointment as anger at the thought of the Emperor's Aquila to be left desecrated. The craven hid behind the faces of all mortal men and women, but it was examples like these that led to her brethren in faith in the Covenant to hold the underclasses as undeserving. "The blood of your ancestors flow through your veins. The Emperor himself calls all those who bear faith to the glory of arms. Yet you spit upon them both the moment you chose to leave the Emperor's very own Aquila behind! You approach us playing shame, yet if you truly felt such you would be across that river instead of these insulting pleas for mercy! When your fellows approach you, seeking to emulate the ideal of service, will cowardice be the only alm you offer? I do not blame thee retreat in the face of superior firepower, but faith holds itself higher than the mere fear of death."

She extended a hand out in the direction of the flag. "It is not our place to grant you redemption, for that is forever the Emperor's domain alone. Yet if you have any honour that had not fled from your display, any faith that has not so easily crumbled with the whisper of death, then you will follow us. Onwards in the face of the death you so fear, onwards to the honour you once lost, and grab that tattered banner and hold it high until either death or the battle's end. Perhaps then the Emperor shall judge you redeemed for your error in judgement."

OOC: Radiant Presence, the Angel Pattern special, and Smooth Talker are likely relevant talents in this instance.
"Sister," Eriko says, playing the bad Arbiter to Ilana's fiery speech. She gives one dismissive glance at the crowd and turns away from them. "Leave them. They are nothing now and will forever be marked as nothing."
The crowd of would be militia shrink under Illana's gaze and words, the shame clear in their expressions as she condemns them. Some begin to stand up and take up arms again, men and women murmuring among one another that they can't disappoint an Adepta Sororitas. For an instant, it seems some may be shamed into joining you in the fray.

And then you hear the stamp of boots and splashing water behind you. The PDF lieutenant, flanked by her command squad, glares at the crowd of civilians though her gasmask.

"We ill have need of cowardly, plagueridden dregs, Sister," She says at Illana, her tone cold. "Let alone potential heretics in our midst. Your other Sister is right-They're nothing. Worse than nothing. I'd sooner have them shot than tolerated in my battleline."

Any fire in the crowd goes out under the hard gazes of the PDF troopers. Fear replaces it, fear of the soldiers' guns and bayonets and the ruthlessness with which they had held the quarantine line.

"You'll do no such thing, lieutenant," Palais intones. "But I understand your wariness," She turns to address the crowd. "Stay or disperse, it matters not! But stay out of our way."

[Command check and reroll failed. Note this was a harder check due to the presence of the PDF]
Palais' voice is a low hiss over the vox. "Sisters, so help me, if I have to discipline you in front of the PDF..." She trails off, a long sigh echoing through the vox. "Eriko, you called it an explosive auspex. It wasn't. Honour your wargear. Maria: Next time, just say straight what the issue is."

Her vox cuts off with a snarl.
Eriko murmurs a hasty apology as Palais cuts off, leaving her with only a snarl as response. She glances at her Sister-Superior and Maria and, suitably rebuked, walks the rest of the way in silence.

"You'll do no such thing, lieutenant," Palais intones. "But I understand your wariness," She turns to address the crowd. "Stay or disperse, it matters not! But stay out of our way."
"With your leave Sister-Superior I would like to lead the advance," Eriko says. As if to hint at her intentions, she slides the greatsword across her shoulders, hefting the overly-large weapon like a girl would a toy sword.

Her back was to the crowd as if she had already dismissed their worth. There were no fighters among them, only broken spirits and wasted potential.

"We could move in formation forward, with Squad Palais at the forefront," Eriko continues. "If anyone would be foolish enough to challenge us then I welcome their retort. If not, then it would be a simple enough matter to take the sign of the Aquila and return it to loyal, if cowardly hands."
There's a bit of a murmur at this. A few people mention seeing barricades, others say the fire 'came form everywhere', whilst others mention engaging cultists in hand to hand. Some even mention repelling a counter-attack.

"The first time, they ambushed us as we exited the lip of the bridge. On our second go, we thought that meant they didn't have range. But then when we brought in the trucks-" One man says, waving at a flipped over wreck. "And it took a hit near as soon as it got on. We just got wrecked-Didn't even see what blew up Thule's truck. That said, they don't really shoot at us on this end."

One woman groans as she sits up, the right side of her face covered in bloodied rags. "Only because you were so happy to run into their guns, Eirik! Me and some of the lasses tried popping at 'em with our ol' Rosesworn rifles from o'er here, and next thing I know, Lydia's got no head no more."

Another would-be militiaman speaks up. "Last fight we had they tried coming across the bridge, group of baying maniacs. We took a few rounds from across the river, but it was mostly hand to hand work there. They ended up running, thank the Throne. We were on our last legs."

One older woman speaks up. "Didn't feel like they were running to me."

Caelia listened as patiently as she could, stoic and silent before the militia. As they finished, she didn't bother to address them, simply turning back to her sisters.

"There certainly seem to be a number of these cultists, and they seem to have at least some heavy weapons. Besides that, I think we have learned nothing." Caelia says, to her sisters, sighing slightly.

The crowd of would be militia shrink under Illana's gaze and words, the shame clear in their expressions as she condemns them. Some begin to stand up and take up arms again, men and women murmuring among one another that they can't disappoint an Adepta Sororitas. For an instant, it seems some may be shamed into joining you in the fray.

And then you hear the stamp of boots and splashing water behind you. The PDF lieutenant, flanked by her command squad, glares at the crowd of civilians though her gasmask.

"We ill have need of cowardly, plagueridden dregs, Sister," She says at Illana, her tone cold. "Let alone potential heretics in our midst. Your other Sister is right-They're nothing. Worse than nothing. I'd sooner have them shot than tolerated in my battleline."

Any fire in the crowd goes out under the hard gazes of the PDF troopers. Fear replaces it, fear of the soldiers' guns and bayonets and the ruthlessness with which they had held the quarantine line.

Caelia's heartrate spikes as the PDF Troops step up, rifles held at half arms.

Despite her derision and her dismissal, she steps halfway between them and the civilians. Half instinct, half conscious thought, but now that she was there, she supposed it was necessary. Failures they may be, cowards perhaps, they were still Imperial Citizens. Her muscles tensed, and she consciously reattached the Slayer of Ten Thousand to it's position on her hip plate.

"You'll do no such thing, lieutenant," Palais intones. "But I understand your wariness," She turns to address the crowd. "Stay or disperse, it matters not! But stay out of our way."

Caelia let out a breath she'd been holding, her muscles relaxing. She took a step closer to the bridge, silent.

"With your leave Sister-Superior I would like to lead the advance," Eriko says. As if to hint at her intentions, she slides the greatsword across her shoulders, hefting the overly-large weapon like a girl would a toy sword.

Caelia stepped forward to interject-she should lead! Then she reconsidered. Eriko had been getting negative attention from her fellow sisters in the mess-something about dishonoring the order?

She forced herself to stay quiet. It was hardly her place to deny Eriko her chance to make up for whomever she had slighted. At least for the first time-she couldn't let her hog all the glory after all...

"We could move in formation forward, with Squad Palais at the forefront," Eriko continues. "If anyone would be foolish enough to challenge us then I welcome their retort. If not, then it would be a simple enough matter to take the sign of the Aquila and return it to loyal, if cowardly hands."

"With respect sister, as I pointed out earlier, the PDF are as useful providing us support fire from this side while we secure the opposite bridgehead. They're not as well armored and they'll suffer unnecessary casualties bunched up in an assault column." Caelia interjected, this time. Letting her have the vanguard (if Palais approved) was one thing, but this was a practical matter, which she knew she knew better.
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The crowd of would be militia shrink under Illana's gaze and words, the shame clear in their expressions as she condemns them. Some begin to stand up and take up arms again, men and women murmuring among one another that they can't disappoint an Adepta Sororitas. For an instant, it seems some may be shamed into joining you in the fray.

And then you hear the stamp of boots and splashing water behind you. The PDF lieutenant, flanked by her command squad, glares at the crowd of civilians though her gasmask.

"We ill have need of cowardly, plagueridden dregs, Sister," She says at Illana, her tone cold. "Let alone potential heretics in our midst. Your other Sister is right-They're nothing. Worse than nothing. I'd sooner have them shot than tolerated in my battleline."

Any fire in the crowd goes out under the hard gazes of the PDF troopers. Fear replaces it, fear of the soldiers' guns and bayonets and the ruthlessness with which they had held the quarantine line.

"You'll do no such thing, lieutenant," Palais intones. "But I understand your wariness," She turns to address the crowd. "Stay or disperse, it matters not! But stay out of our way."

[Command check and reroll failed. Note this was a harder check due to the presence of the PDF]
Ilana tensed as the PDF marched up, heated glares searing into the crowd of failed Frateris and their hands clenched tight around the grips of their rifles. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Caelia stepping in beside her, her sister interposing herself between the lasguns of the PDF and the crowd of frightened civilians. Her appreciation for the chivalry of her sister was drowned out however at how the Frateris shrank away from the hostile looks and lasgun barrels of the PDF, and before the event itself she already anticipated how the hesitant murmurs of recovering their lost honour died away into a fearful hush.

"So be it." Ilana didn't even bother to hide the disappointment in her words. Whether it was at the PDF denying the Frateris the opportunity to redeem themselves or the Frateris for the cowardice that led to this situation in the first place, she herself couldn't tell. Without another word she stomped off, up next to Maria and the PDF sergeant, where she stared acidly at the fluttering banner in the distance as a personal offense. If the commoners were to be denied redemption, then the least she could do in their stead is to reclaim the Aquila.
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"With your leave Sister-Superior I would like to lead the advance," Eriko says. As if to hint at her intentions, she slides the greatsword across her shoulders, hefting the overly-large weapon like a girl would a toy sword.

Her back was to the crowd as if she had already dismissed their worth. There were no fighters among them, only broken spirits and wasted potential.

"We could move in formation forward, with Squad Palais at the forefront," Eriko continues. "If anyone would be foolish enough to challenge us then I welcome their retort. If not, then it would be a simple enough matter to take the sign of the Aquila and return it to loyal, if cowardly hands."
Caelia stepped forward to interject-she should lead! Then she reconsidered. Eriko had been getting negative attention from her fellow sisters in the mess-something about dishonoring the order?

She forced herself to stay quiet. It was hardly her place to deny Eriko her chance to make up for whomever she had slighted. At least for the first time-she couldn't let her hog all the glory after all...

Maria felt the servomuscle around her still in anticipation and response to her own forced quietude. This was what she, what they were made for. The advance in to fire, the storm of battle, her birthright both old and new. Maria's jaw clenched until she tasted hot, trickling metal and eased up on the clamp upon her tongue. She would not shame her sisters. She would not shame her Sister Superior. She was the rock against which the tides of iniquity crashed. She was the foundation upon which holy sisterhood was raised up.

"Whatever you command Sister Superior, we obey."

"With respect sister, as I pointed out earlier, the PDF are as useful providing us support fire from this side while we secure the opposite bridgehead. They're not as well armored and they'll suffer unnecessary casualties bunched up in an assault column." Caelia interjected, this time. Letting her have the vanguard (if Palais approved) was one thing, but this was a practical matter, which she knew she knew better.

"The supplies are of prime importance," Maria spoke slowly, wishing she could remove her helmet to spit rather than swallow. "And the PDF are their guardians. This obstacle is not the mission, 'Seek first to serve the Throne, and all glory you deserve shall flow henceforth,' as is written in Macharians. I agree with Sister Caelia."
"With respect sister, as I pointed out earlier, the PDF are as useful providing us support fire from this side while we secure the opposite bridgehead. They're not as well armored and they'll suffer unnecessary casualties bunched up in an assault column." Caelia interjected, this time. Letting her have the vanguard (if Palais approved) was one thing, but this was a practical matter, which she knew she knew better.
"The supplies are of prime importance," Maria spoke slowly, wishing she could remove her helmet to spit rather than swallow. "And the PDF are their guardians. This obstacle is not the mission, 'Seek first to serve the Throne, and all glory you deserve shall flow henceforth,' as is written in Macharians. I agree with Sister Caelia."
"Against autoguns and a heavy stubber?" Eriko glances at her sisters before returning her gaze to the far end of the bridge. "We'd be seeing bruises, several broken limbs at the very worst. But if we decide prudence is the best course of action then I won't naysay you."

She twirls her greatsword in a lazy arc and catches it on the palm of her hand with a heavy clang. She was ready and she could feel Storm of Summer tense, like a large cat about to pounce on its prey. "In any case, I believe we've dallied enough here. By you leave, Sister-Superior?"

Her boot took one step forward.
Caelia drew Slayer of Ten Thousand once more, racking back the slide to let the machine spirit know violence is near. She nodded absently to herself as her Holovisor's spirit came to life once more, connected to the Boltgun's own sights. She tapped the magazine to make sure it was full, even though she had not fired a single round yet.

Her personal ritual complete, she found herself watching the PDF as she awaited the order. The troopers were setting up for battle, finding cover, checking their weapons much as she had, and gazing across the river. She nodded once to them, a wordless approval of their preparations, whatever the decision of their Lieutenant and the Sister Superior. Dreverarch, for all It's many....problems, seemed to have a good PDF at the very least.

Somewhere to the south, she saw another squad, watching the few remnants of the Militia filter away. Their weapons were raised, and bayonets fixed. That pleased her less-though she could not say whether it was the "Miltia" or the PDF's behavior towards them. She turned away, back to the bridge.
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Of all the ostentatious, ridiculous displays.

Maria took pride in her good works, no one could begrudge a sister that. But to toss weaponry around like it was some kind of children's toy? To act like...like such an utter ass? She felt the irritation boiling out the top of her head and did as Palais had admonished. Her boots crunched as she stepped back a little from Eriko and her bravado, sidling up closer to where Ilana had joined her.

"So be it." Ilana didn't even bother to hide the disappointment in her words. Whether it was at the PDF denying the Frateris the opportunity to redeem themselves or the Frateris for the cowardice that led to this situation in the first place, she herself couldn't tell. Without another word she stomped off, up next to Maria and the PDF sergeant, where she stared acidly at the fluttering banner in the distance as a personal offense. If the commoners were to be denied redemption, then the least she could do in their stead is to reclaim the Aquila.

It was hard to be truly delicate with the gauntlets on, but Maria did her best. Obviously not the same as actual flesh to flesh, but a reassuring pressure, a friendly presence, sometimes that was all you needed. She gently clapped her armored fist on Ilana's shoulder, giving it a pat that was as well-intentioned as it was awkward. She racked her brains for anything to say, anything sociable. Somehow quoting scripture felt like it'd have the wrong effect.

She was still resting her hand there, still with the firm pressure. Still clawing for the words. What would she want to hear?

"We'll...we'll kill them all sister. This will all be behind us before long."

Nailed it.
It was hard to be truly delicate with the gauntlets on, but Maria did her best. Obviously not the same as actual flesh to flesh, but a reassuring pressure, a friendly presence, sometimes that was all you needed. She gently clapped her armored fist on Ilana's shoulder, giving it a pat that was as well-intentioned as it was awkward. She racked her brains for anything to say, anything sociable. Somehow quoting scripture felt like it'd have the wrong effect.

She was still resting her hand there, still with the firm pressure. Still clawing for the words. What would she want to hear?

"We'll...we'll kill them all sister. This will all be behind us before long."

Nailed it.
Ilana froze at the touch, standing for a moment like a frayed instrument on the verge of snapping. A moment, then two, Ilana stood stiff-backed as she struggled with some inner strife of the mind, before she gradually relaxed and unclenched the hands she unknowingly balled into fists. Eventually she shook her head and barked out a laugh.

"I cannot help but be humbled by your eloquence in the matter. Drill-Abbot Moria always said it was defined by knowing which words to pick for a given situation." Ilana chuckled. "No, you are right Sister. Soon the heretics will be dead, and honour restored to the Aquila. Thank you Maria. For caring. The Golden Throne has blessed me to serve alongside a Sister such as you."
"We will follow you into the fray!" A voice shouts from the midst of the PDF unit. You half-turn to see several of the local guild mercenaries (Brass-collars, you recall) arrayed in a loose formation, looking equally miserable in the rain and awed by your presence. All of them are big and bulky men and women, heavily tattooed-mostly religious-and blunt faced and the truncheons and shock mauls at their sides are clearly well loved. Beneath their soaking coats, their flak jackets and bowl helmets have been reinforced with lengths of mail and brigadine splints that run about halfway down to their iron-shod boots, with raised brass collars protecting their throats and cheeks. They are heavily adorned with cheap purity seals and holy scrolls that are clearly counterfeit to your experienced eyes. They cradle their autoguns and shotguns protectively, their sergeant smiling wide beneath her helm as she taps a mono-sword against her thigh.

It takes you a moment to recall they're Zayneth's bodyguard, having missed them completely in the hubbub of an entire infantry platoon. Their employer gives a loud cough from standing in the doorway of a Taurox APC. The rugged wheeled transport idles behind the corner of a building, having continued after the PDF transports and your own Rhino carried back. It's trailed behind you a little ways, due to the poor terrain, and you wonder how long until the witch-finder will have to abandon his protection from the rain.

"We'll have our role later, sergeant. For now, let's enjoy a rare show of the Daughters of the Emperor in action," Vahn says, glancing at the back of his nails. The sellswords hesitate, then filter back toward the APC. Vahn gives you a little wave. "The Emperor protects!" He says, eager to see the show.

The Sister-Superior snorts and raises her chainsword forward, gunning the throttle. "Let us give a demonstration. Quick stride, no cover. Let us give a song to the Emperor's glory as the enemy awaits us."

And so, you march forward through the slashing rain, each drop rattling against your armor. Your carmine figures stand out amidst the grey and brown, the light of the fire glinting almost daemonically off your helmets as you march forward. You begin to sing, a battle song from the Rebuke. Bodies and ruined vehicles line your path, armed militiamen and women torn apart by gunfire, explosives and blades. Many bear the signs of severe injury burns, the stumps of severed limbs scorched black. Vehicles, mostly trucks and other lesser civilian vehicles are pitted by round impacts or burning from explosives. Some of the bodies bear the winding tattoos of the cult, as well as those you believe are used by the native people, but these seem to have been largely stripped of their gear and they have been moved from the places of their death so their eyes may be closed and bodies moved into a more relaxed position. Eriko notices scarification that appears post-mortem from these fallen heretics-Given the nature of the cuts, she suspects they were removing their deads' livers. Perhaps a local superstition.
(Perception [Medicae] check success)

The bridge creaks and whines ominously as you make your way across it. Many of the support beams are exposed, and in places the rockcrete has been damaged to the point of exposing the waters below. Yet, your weight seems to make little impression upon the bridge. Perhaps if you were driving a noble Rhino, you may have some trouble-An errant slip on the water laden bridge could cause a vehicle to drop partially into one of the holes, perhaps getting stuck or losing a wheel. As is, you pick your way across the bridge with only some difficulty, keeping a careful distance from the holes that could drop you into the river below.

It is thanks to the noble Machine-Spirit of Maria's auspex, and its attentive user that the mines are detected. Each is expertly emplaced, military grade fragmentation charges almost perfectly obscured beneath piles of rubble and corpses, or hidden among shattered metal that would disguise it. Were it not for Maria's careful interpretation of the obscure runes running across the Auspex screen, there is no doubt the squad would have blundered into the explosives. It is all too easy to imagine the casualties the PDF may have suffered.

"Anti-infantry mines. Careful Sisters, they might tickle us to death," Palais says dryly. "Sister Maria, could you give a wider scan?"

Another careful examination. With the rain and metal, the auspex throws out all number of false readings, but Maria grew up in the tunnels of Geldovan. She decipters the errant signals readily and soothes the frustrated Machine-Spirit with a hard-earned expertise (War-Born background negates Awareness penalty). There are more mines and booby traps across the bridge, yes. And curiously, she detects some explosives set across the bridge's support beams and girders. If those went off, they could well bring the entire bridge down with the Sisters upon it.

There is a crack of a lasround, whipping right past her auspex closely enough its spirit quails in arm and throws out a flurry of warning runes. More shots suddenly flash from the gloom and rain, as Maria brings up her heavy bolter, squinting as her armor struggles to lock onto the blurred shapes in the mist. Her helmet throws out flickering targeting runes as it struggles to lock onto the indistinct shapes, and her return fire tears chunks from the side of a building and little more. Ilana's struggles herself, the Predatory spirit of her armor perhaps allowing her to score a hit as she thinks she sees a ghostly target drop, but it's hard for her to tell. Return fire is heavy, if sporadic as hostiles shift between firing bursts. They're well entrenched, and clearly wearing cameleoline.

A pair of fragmentation missiles strikes into the midst of the formation, one detonating before Eriko and knocking her back a step with a wave of fire and shrapnel. Another missile clips off Caelia's left sabaton and detonates against the road just behind her. The ensuing blast sends the Sister off-balance, making her pirouette about ill-gracefully before she recovers her balance, but her armor systems read all green as bits of shrapnel fall off her armor. Fire from a particularly large stubber hammers Palais, a pair of rounds ricocheting off her right pauldron and third putting a dent in her cuirass. Palais and Caelia regain their balance and return fire, struggling to make out their targets. Caelia's system registers a hit, taking off the head of the stub-cannon's loader, and sparks fly as she clips what might be a gunshield, but it remains firing.

Your vox crackles with the PDF officer's voice. "Sisters, be advised, multiple hostiles have exited the western tenement and are making toward the aquila. Appear to be converted laborers," She says, pausing briefly. "Having trouble getting eyes on hostile shooters. Requesting permission for indiscriminate fire."
"We will follow you into the fray!" A voice shouts from the midst of the PDF unit. You half-turn to see several of the local guild mercenaries (Brass-collars, you recall) arrayed in a loose formation, looking equally miserable in the rain and awed by your presence. All of them are big and bulky men and women, heavily tattooed-mostly religious-and blunt faced and the truncheons and shock mauls at their sides are clearly well loved. Beneath their soaking coats, their flak jackets and bowl helmets have been reinforced with lengths of mail and brigadine splints that run about halfway down to their iron-shod boots, with raised brass collars protecting their throats and cheeks. They are heavily adorned with cheap purity seals and holy scrolls that are clearly counterfeit to your experienced eyes. They cradle their autoguns and shotguns protectively, their sergeant smiling wide beneath her helm as she taps a mono-sword against her thigh.

It takes you a moment to recall they're Zayneth's bodyguard, having missed them completely in the hubbub of an entire infantry platoon. Their employer gives a loud cough from standing in the doorway of a Taurox APC. The rugged wheeled transport idles behind the corner of a building, having continued after the PDF transports and your own Rhino carried back. It's trailed behind you a little ways, due to the poor terrain, and you wonder how long until the witch-finder will have to abandon his protection from the rain.

"We'll have our role later, sergeant. For now, let's enjoy a rare show of the Daughters of the Emperor in action," Vahn says, glancing at the back of his nails. The sellswords hesitate, then filter back toward the APC. Vahn gives you a little wave. "The Emperor protects!" He says, eager to see the show.
"Adorable," Eriko says with a drawl in her voice. She turns her head from the enthusiastic mercenaries to the bridge ahead. "Simply so. An audience completes a performance, makes it all the more real when a performer shares her talent."

She was fine with the PDF and the Brass-collars staying behind to watch them. For a bunch of ill-trained rabble, the heretics may as well have seemed an insurmountable monster but for even a demi-squad of power armoured Sisters there was little in this city that could be considered a speed-bump. Let the men without her and her sisters' blessings watch in awe of them. She relished the opportunity to demonstrate the Emperor's gifts in full.

She takes a step beside Palais. A predatory smile graces Eriko's features and her sisters could hear the call for blood as Storm of Summers broadcasts her voice. "And so we share our talent for war-making. Liberally, generously to those who would lock swords with us."
The Sister-Superior snorts and raises her chainsword forward, gunning the throttle. "Let us give a demonstration. Quick stride, no cover. Let us give a song to the Emperor's glory as the enemy awaits us."

And so, you march forward through the slashing rain, each drop rattling against your armor. Your carmine figures stand out amidst the grey and brown, the light of the fire glinting almost daemonically off your helmets as you march forward. You begin to sing, a battle song from the Rebuke. Bodies and ruined vehicles line your path, armed militiamen and women torn apart by gunfire, explosives and blades. Many bear the signs of severe injury burns, the stumps of severed limbs scorched black. Vehicles, mostly trucks and other lesser civilian vehicles are pitted by round impacts or burning from explosives. Some of the bodies bear the winding tattoos of the cult, as well as those you believe are used by the native people, but these seem to have been largely stripped of their gear and they have been moved from the places of their death so their eyes may be closed and bodies moved into a more relaxed position. Eriko notices scarification that appears post-mortem from these fallen heretics-Given the nature of the cuts, she suspects they were removing their deads' livers. Perhaps a local superstition.
(Perception [Medicae] check success)

The bridge creaks and whines ominously as you make your way across it. Many of the support beams are exposed, and in places the rockcrete has been damaged to the point of exposing the waters below. Yet, your weight seems to make little impression upon the bridge. Perhaps if you were driving a noble Rhino, you may have some trouble-An errant slip on the water laden bridge could cause a vehicle to drop partially into one of the holes, perhaps getting stuck or losing a wheel. As is, you pick your way across the bridge with only some difficulty, keeping a careful distance from the holes that could drop you into the river below.
Eriko lends her voice to impromptu choir they find themselves in. While not a complex song, more a mixture of psalm and battle-march, Eriko adds to the musical depth as a mezzo-soprano. It is a song that thrums in beat with the crush of their boots on gravel. Their voices, synthesized through their vox-casters, creates a harshness to the sound.

All too fitting for what they were about to do.

The song continues as they march and reach the places of battle. They were Adepta Sororitas and they breathed hymns of praise, could do so as they drowned and fought and died and performed a million other things for the Emperor and Mankind. It continues as Eriko notes how the corpses around her died and the wounds they sustained, before and after death. It continues as her eyes search for signs of the heretic or a bold scheme from them.

But soon the song ends and Palais does not call for another one and silence replaces the melodies.

She holds her blessed weapon at the ready.
It is thanks to the noble Machine-Spirit of Maria's auspex, and its attentive user that the mines are detected. Each is expertly emplaced, military grade fragmentation charges almost perfectly obscured beneath piles of rubble and corpses, or hidden among shattered metal that would disguise it. Were it not for Maria's careful interpretation of the obscure runes running across the Auspex screen, there is no doubt the squad would have blundered into the explosives. It is all too easy to imagine the casualties the PDF may have suffered.

"Anti-infantry mines. Careful Sisters, they might tickle us to death," Palais says dryly. "Sister Maria, could you give a wider scan?"

Another careful examination. With the rain and metal, the auspex throws out all number of false readings, but Maria grew up in the tunnels of Geldovan. She decipters the errant signals readily and soothes the frustrated Machine-Spirit with a hard-earned expertise (War-Born background negates Awareness penalty). There are more mines and booby traps across the bridge, yes. And curiously, she detects some explosives set across the bridge's support beams and girders. If those went off, they could well bring the entire bridge down with the Sisters upon it.
"An unfortunate situation," Eriko says as Maria finishes giving her assessment. The former hospitaller is not as sardonic as she sounds. The explosives were not a threat to them bodily but they did prevent Squad Palais from advancing forward into the teeth of the enemy.

She leaned on her backfoot, swaying slightly back and forth as if she were a tree in a gently wind. She would wait for orders or a clever suggestion.

"Then the blessed auspex saved us from humiliation," she says, making sure her terminology was correct so close to Palais and Maria. "Should we head back and find a way around or--"

Then her words were so rudely interrupted.
There is a crack of a lasround, whipping right past her auspex closely enough its spirit quails in arm and throws out a flurry of warning runes. More shots suddenly flash from the gloom and rain, as Maria brings up her heavy bolter, squinting as her armor struggles to lock onto the blurred shapes in the mist. Her helmet throws out flickering targeting runes as it struggles to lock onto the indistinct shapes, and her return fire tears chunks from the side of a building and little more. Ilana's struggles herself, the Predatory spirit of her armor perhaps allowing her to score a hit as she thinks she sees a ghostly target drop, but it's hard for her to tell. Return fire is heavy, if sporadic as hostiles shift between firing bursts. They're well entrenched, and clearly wearing cameleoline.

A pair of fragmentation missiles strikes into the midst of the formation, one detonating before Eriko and knocking her back a step with a wave of fire and shrapnel. Another missile clips off Caelia's left sabaton and detonates against the road just behind her. The ensuing blast sends the Sister off-balance, making her pirouette about ill-gracefully before she recovers her balance, but her armor systems read all green as bits of shrapnel fall off her armor. Fire from a particularly large stubber hammers Palais, a pair of rounds ricocheting off her right pauldron and third putting a dent in her cuirass. Palais and Caelia regain their balance and return fire, struggling to make out their targets. Caelia's system registers a hit, taking off the head of the stub-cannon's loader, and sparks fly as she clips what might be a gunshield, but it remains firing.

Your vox crackles with the PDF officer's voice. "Sisters, be advised, multiple hostiles have exited the western tenement and are making toward the aquila. Appear to be converted laborers," She says, pausing briefly. "Having trouble getting eyes on hostile shooters. Requesting permission for indiscriminate fire."
"Annoying." Eriko shakes her head against the cloud of debris pushed up from the explosion by her feet. She swipes the smoke with her free hand as if that would clear it faster. "These heretics truly want to be swatted like the insects they are."

Rounds bounce off the road and around her but she does not heed it as the others quickly think of a plan. Maria would cover their supposed retreat and they would make a show of being beaten before jumping off the bridge and taking the heretics unawares.

A good plan as any.

Another several rounds bounce off her chestplate and ppauldron and this time she makes a show of being hurt, taking a few stumbling steps back and raising an arm to ward off more bullets. And then she is steadily moving backwards through the debris and corpses as the heretic fire continues, but she speaks calmly on the vox channel with the PDF officer.

"Do so, officer. With our utmost gratitude if you can without scouring our battle-paint more than you have to. These heretics prove to be annoyingly clever with their use of explosives so--" An explosion catches her at the edges of its blast radius and her hand smacks her faceplate unceremoniously, jolting her head around. She forces herself to swallow a curse before continuing.

"So, officer, we are doubling back to come at an oblique angle lest they blow this bridge and our chances of retrieving the holy Aquila to kingdom come."
The Sister-Superior snorts and raises her chainsword forward, gunning the throttle. "Let us give a demonstration. Quick stride, no cover. Let us give a song to the Emperor's glory as the enemy awaits us."

And so, you march forward through the slashing rain, each drop rattling against your armor. Your carmine figures stand out amidst the grey and brown, the light of the fire glinting almost daemonically off your helmets as you march forward. You begin to sing, a battle song from the Rebuke. Bodies and ruined vehicles line your path, armed militiamen and women torn apart by gunfire, explosives and blades. Many bear the signs of severe injury burns, the stumps of severed limbs scorched black. Vehicles, mostly trucks and other lesser civilian vehicles are pitted by round impacts or burning from explosives. Some of the bodies bear the winding tattoos of the cult, as well as those you believe are used by the native people, but these seem to have been largely stripped of their gear and they have been moved from the places of their death so their eyes may be closed and bodies moved into a more relaxed position. Eriko notices scarification that appears post-mortem from these fallen heretics-Given the nature of the cuts, she suspects they were removing their deads' livers. Perhaps a local superstition.
(Perception [Medicae] check success)
A lifetime of church-hymns bubbled to the fore of Ilana's lips as she was drawn to the song like a moth to light. It was hard to restrain herself from the lure of song, the few envoys of memory that wasn't filled with the spector of night terrors from then. Her voice wavered at the thought, going slightly higher-pitched than necessary. It was just as well that the hymn in question was adhoc in a manner that would make any choirmaster tut in disapproval
There is a crack of a lasround, whipping right past her auspex closely enough its spirit quails in arm and throws out a flurry of warning runes. More shots suddenly flash from the gloom and rain, as Maria brings up her heavy bolter, squinting as her armor struggles to lock onto the blurred shapes in the mist. Her helmet throws out flickering targeting runes as it struggles to lock onto the indistinct shapes, and her return fire tears chunks from the side of a building and little more. Ilana's struggles herself, the Predatory spirit of her armor perhaps allowing her to score a hit as she thinks she sees a ghostly target drop, but it's hard for her to tell. Return fire is heavy, if sporadic as hostiles shift between firing bursts. They're well entrenched, and clearly wearing cameleoline.
Ilana whispered a benediction to the machine spirit for its blessing of alacrity, for she doubted she could've made that shot without its aid. The shifting shadows seemed endless, a flash of laslight here, a shimmer of camoline there. It was nigh-impossible to aim accurately in all of this damnable rain. Her blood ran hot, and some predatory aspect of herself desired desperately to charge at the cowards who hid behind shadows reveal unto them the Emperor's light, but with Maria's warning she knew they were counting on bringing herself within range of those accursed explosives.

She spied a cadre of heretics charging towards the aquila and narrowed her eyes. No, this called for a change in tactics.

"Lieutenant!" Ilana called over the PDF's frequency. "Requesting smoke from your trooper with the launcher to obscure our movements. Heretics have placed explosives on the bridge supports."
A pair of fragmentation missiles strikes into the midst of the formation, one detonating before Eriko and knocking her back a step with a wave of fire and shrapnel. Another missile clips off Caelia's left sabaton and detonates against the road just behind her.

Caelia bites back a yelp of surprise as the rocket deflects off her foot-forced herself to keep marching forward, nonplused. She forced herself to not look down at the armored boot. She could almost convince herself she had not reacted at all.

She glanced to the side to see heavy shells richocheting off the Sister superior. That wouldn't do.

She snapped up her boltgun and fired at the muzzle flashes, compensating for the long range, visor spirits trying to track down the shape of human beings. A thin splash of crimson, and a heatsource disappearing on her visor.

More bolts missed or deflected off cover.

Satisfying ,but not getting anywhere.

"Lieutenant!" Ilana called over the PDF's frequency. "Requesting smoke from your trooper with the launcher to obscure our movements. Heretics have placed explosives on the bridge supports."

"So, officer, we are doubling back to come at an oblique angle lest they blow this bridge and our chances of retrieving the holy Aquila to kingdom come."

"Sister Superior, Eriko has the right of it, despite her presumption. This isn't getting anywhere." She calls over the coms.

"Through the River perhaps?" She suggests, scanning futily for a better sightline on the hostiles.
It is thanks to the noble Machine-Spirit of Maria's auspex, and its attentive user that the mines are detected. Each is expertly emplaced, military grade fragmentation charges almost perfectly obscured beneath piles of rubble and corpses, or hidden among shattered metal that would disguise it. Were it not for Maria's careful interpretation of the obscure runes running across the Auspex screen, there is no doubt the squad would have blundered into the explosives. It is all too easy to imagine the casualties the PDF may have suffered.

"Anti-infantry mines. Careful Sisters, they might tickle us to death," Palais says dryly. "Sister Maria, could you give a wider scan?"

Vindication of a sort--though a small, less that sisterly piece of Maria wished to have heard Eriko's shock upon stepping on one. Penance for that later.

The placement, the sophistication did not inspire a great deal of confidence in her as she scanned wide. Especially not when the runes returned their dire conclusion about the supports. If these foes were between Squad Palais and the enforcer post, and deployed in such force and aggression it would not seem to bode well for the survival of those loyal souls.

"Bad news sisters. Very bad news."

Your vox crackles with the PDF officer's voice. "Sisters, be advised, multiple hostiles have exited the western tenement and are making toward the aquila. Appear to be converted laborers," She says, pausing briefly. "Having trouble getting eyes on hostile shooters. Requesting permission for indiscriminate fire."

Forward. It was the most natural of reactions to fire, and servo-muscle snapped her in to motion. One mine to her right, but plenty of cover in the wreckage of vehicles, or even vantage from on top. That it put her closer to the edge of the bridge in case those sapping charges blew was a small benefit, but one she refused to consider. The bridge would stand. The heretic would not succeed.

"Lieutenant!" Ilana called over the PDF's frequency. "Requesting smoke from your trooper with the launcher to obscure our movements. Heretics have placed explosives on the bridge supports."
"Through the River perhaps?" She suggests, scanning futily for a better sightline on the hostiles.

"The holes in the deck sister," Maria snapped, crisp and focused on the field ahead. "Doubling back wastes time." She scanned the rain-blurred lines ahead, trying to pick out the scuttling cultists, and most importantly her trigger-man. "Superior's permission to keep their heads down and disguise the flanking movement. The Emperor protects."

Move up to the wrecked cars on the west side of the bridge, direct aimed fire at the cultists and heretic forces in cover, try to spot their leader/demolitions person and kill them.
"Damnable cowards!" Palais' voice snarls as rounds whip overhead. "Sister Maria, the Emperor protects! Keep their heads down. Squad, wait for that smoke!"

Your helms crackle with the PDF officer's voice. "Acknowledged. Fire support and smoke cover inbound. The Emperor protects!"

A few moments later, the first missile screams overhead, crashing into the enemy positions. You see a fireball engulf a roofbound heavy stubber position, sending pieces of indeterminate meat and chunks of debris raining down from above. Smoke grenades slam into the bridge just ahead of you a few moments later. Smoke begins to rise up, despite the efforts of the pounding rain to beat it back down. Palais motions for you to make for a hole in the bridge as a second rocket whips overhead. In the seconds before the smoke completely obscures your true sight, you witness the enemy stub-cannon gunner leap up and throw himself from the parked goliath truck a moment before the rocket slams into it like the first of the Emperor Himself. There is a flash of light and heat, and the vehicle is ripped open, its interiors shredded and fuel tanks cooking off. The shockwave rushes over the traitors' position, bowling cultists over. As the dust clears, you witness some of the enemies resolve themselves as they fall back, dragging wounded along with them. The PDF's lighter arms follow suit, lasgun rounds lighting up the enemies positions and sending a sniper toppling from thier perch minus a head, as the Heavy Stubbers scatter the uncamouflaged cultists charging

Maria moves up as high powered lasgun fire and heavy stubber rounds crash against her armour plating. Nothing gets through Indomitable's plate and she does not even give the enemy the grace of seeking cover. She stands tall and proud, mocking their futile efforts. She barely flinches as the first RPG flies several meters past her left, ripping a crater into the bridge. She ignores the shot crashing against her front as she scans the enemy positions. It is hard for her to make out the enemies, rendered near invisible by their cameleoline, but she spots one hostile as they duck back from a burst of PDF lasgun fire. She notes the combat rig they're decked out in, laden with explosives and primers, perhaps even what looked like a trigger device. A moment later, their camo-cloak has kicked in and they fade into the background but she memorises their position. A second target presents itself, made plain by its cavorting as it shouts and gestures with a large chainsword in the direction of the Imperial lines. THe flickering camo cannot disguise the heavy robes they wear, nor the ritualistic icons and fetishes that along with their matter, mark them as a priest.

A second RPG takes her from her scouting, the flash of its rocket almost blinding as it screams toward her. With no chance to dodge, Maria holds her ground, praying to the Spirit of her Armour to hold. There is a loud bang, a sudden impulse of force across her gut. A moment later, her auto-senses clamp down as blinding light and deafening sound surround her, tangible even with her helmet's actively attempting to dampen the storm of fire and sound.

Then the smoke clears. Still standing. Still unscatched. The pouring rain washes away the soot along her left side, revealing the scraped line along her left plastron where the warhead struck and deflected along the thick ceramite armour plates.

Faintly, likely through an accidentally pressed key, you hear Vahn Zayneth over the vox. "Sacred feth, I can't believe it. Hahaha...By the Throne..." You hear him, faint murmurs of prayers from the other mercenaries also audible. Almost casually you turn your heavy bolter foward and empty a burst toward the demolitionist's position. You're pretty sure that spray of red was you getting a hit. An additional burst of fire tears chunks out of the barricades the Cult Priest is using for cover, but fails to exact a kill.

@greendoor @Zeitgeist Blue @SirLagginton
Meanwhile, the rest of the squad drop down through one of the holes in the bridge. Their controlled fall has them crash through the roiling surface of the river and into the darkness beneath. You crash down to the bottom, shock absorbers jolting at the impact against old debris and broken patches of rockcrete. PItch darkness falls upon you, only the occasional flash of movement or beam of light visible beneath the water's surface. Unseen objects bounce and smack against your armour.

"Sisters, engage photovisors and advance," Palais calls out over the Vox. Your helmets Machine-Spirits illuminate the bottom of the riverbed in ghostly green, though even with photovisors active you struggle to make out more than a handful of meters in front of you. Objects carried by the current rush past you, everything from lost magazines and dataslates to signs and the broken remains of old bridges. This debris thuds against you as you trudge along the river's bottom. It's clear there was once a street here, but it's long gone, largely overtaken by mud that you sink into up to the poleyns. Each step is made harder and harder as the mud sucks at you, trying to drag you down into the abyss.

"Keep it up, Sisters! We're almost-" Palais begins. Then there is a sudden impression of large, dark shape, perhaps a sunken car or boat in your Photovisors, and it slams hard into Palais. Then, she's gone. The sound of the impact rings loud through your shared Vox, and for the first time in your service alongside her you hear your Sister-Superior cry out.

"Gah! Shite, shite!" You hear her curse in a distinctly impious fashion as you see her flung from the riverbed, carried by the impact and the river's force downstream. Before you can even consider rendering aid, more shapes suddenly appear from the darkness, closing in on you with great speed. But it no debris.

Your vision fills with webbed claws, misshapen fangs, and blubbery flesh covered in pustules and rot that seem to seep out of the twitching gills on their too-thick necks. The same mutants that Maria faced the day prior you realize as the first blows crash against your armour. Illana's jerks back as rows of shark like teeth bite down toward her throat, the snapping jaws closing in a rush of bubbles. A blubbery claw slams into her right arm before she can bring her weapon up, the force of the blow jolting up her arm. A moment later the claws scrape along the soft-seals in the armour's joints, warning flaring as corrosive fluid begins to burn at the joint. Faintly recalling that a boltgun will struggle to fire underwater, Illana grasps for her gladius blade and stabs out again and again at the creature as it claws and bites at her. Everything is a flurry of motion, bubbles and whipping claws and unclean flesh all she can see as she cuts and slashes out. She feels her blade catch flesh, and she throws her force behind the blow, digging deep into the meat of its groin. The creature's talons slash weakly at her pauldrons as she rips the blade upward, dragging it through the creature's flesh up to its neck. Unclean blood and organs spill out as the dying creature is dragged away by the current.

Caelia a few steps distant staggers back under a power blow to her torso, almost losing her footing as her sabatons sink in the mud. Nonetheless, she cuts out with furious rage, cutting the Beast across the chest with the axe bayonet of her boltgun, biting into its ribs. Before it can retreat she tries the blade free and hammers a second blow into its prodigious gut. She barely jerks the Sarissa out of its wound in time as the creature is taken by the current.

Meanwhile, Eriko feels the claws and teeth scrape against her greaves. But the blow is glancing, and does not forestall her return strike at all. Eriko cannot hear the roar of her chainsword over the noise of the river, but she sees its effects well enough. The mutant jerks back at her blade, narrowly avoiding a strike that would've bisected it. Nonetheless the monomolecular teeth rip into the blubbery meat of its chest just beneath on its gills, popping boils and shredding through meat as it skims across the creature's thick chest. It swims backward, leaving sickly clouds of toxic blood and other unnameable fluids in its wake. It flees out of the range of her chainsword, disappearing into the darkness.

With the ambush dealt with, Palais' voice crackles over the vox. "Sisters? I'm alright, what's your situation? I've managed to regain my footing by a tree downstream. Keep advancing, I'll catch up!"

Wearily, you pull yourselves from the sucking mud onto dry land. Finally, you see the enemy. They wear ballistic padding beneath their camo-cloaks, each festooned with tattoons and strange charms to whatever foul gods they worship. They react instantly.

Lasgun fire smashes into you as you sprint up the staircase onto the courtyard, flashing off your armour as the traitors' seek a weakpoint. Just ahead, a heretic levels an RPG and fires but in their haste the missile goes wide and whips past Caelia by more than a car's span. Eriko and Caelia charge together, vaulting over the sandbag barricades and hacking out with their weapons as the cultists turn to flee. Neither makes it, as Eriko's blade slices one practically in half at the hips, whilst Caelia disembowels the other. The remaining heretic leaps out of Caelia's reach, and raises their lasgun. She fires a burst straight into Caelia's throat, trying to pierce the thinner armour there but the blast flashes off the side of her gorget. Weapon clicking dry, the heretic snarls in some pagan tongue and makes to flee. Eriko moves to follow, but a krak grenade glances off her helm and throws her to the ground, ears ringing.

Behind the two Sisters, Illana rushes toward the flag. She sees the aquila sodden and soaking in the rain. She sees the seams of the poor stitching and where the banner has begun to tear from cheap cloth used. But nonetheless, she sees the twin-headed eagle, proud and uncorrupted. She steps past the bloody carcass of a fallen cultist and grabs the banner by its steel pole. Then, she sees the demolition charge attached to it. She turns trying to drag the banner away, to shield it with her body. Then the explosive goes off.

Ilana is thrown through the air and slams hard into the rockcrete, scraping along the sidewalk before she slows to a halt. She blinks away black spots in her vision as warning runes flash across her visor. Minor damage, all told, but she was lucky. The banner was less fortunate. The pole is still locked in her grip, battered and bent, but the banner itself is in tatters from the shrapnel. The remains of a half head of the aquila, eye wide, stares up at her.

More PDF ordinance strikes the center of the heretic line. Though most seem to escape the barrage intact, they begin to abandon their positions, dragging their wounded along. A number begin to lay down cover fire as improvised smoke grenades land and spit up smoke.

On the other side of the plaza, you see Palais emerge up a stairway, cutting through an RPG team with her chainsword. She stops for a moment, watching as the cultists flee.

"Huh. Well, they didn't last long. Chase them off Sisters, then regroup." Palais voxes.
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"Keep it up, Sisters! We're almost-" Palais begins. Then there is a sudden impression of large, dark shape, perhaps a sunken car or boat in your Photovisors, and it slams hard into Palais. Then, she's gone. The sound of the impact rings loud through your shared Vox, and for the first time in your service alongside her you hear your Sister-Superior cry out.

"Sister Superior? Sister Palais?" Emotion cracked in Maria's voice before she remembered herself and killed her vox. Mission critical only. Focus was paramount. She was the bleeding edge, the unbreakable wall. Her heart pounded as she waited praying for some sign from the Almighty or her leader's voice. Flashes of their conversation in the chapel floated back to her as she scanned the enemy lines, watching muzzles turning, sights training on her from their positions. Palais would be alright. They'd all be alright. The Emperor had work for them.

She almost missed the first RPG, autonomous responses jerking her away. The trail of smoke and bloom of fire weren't important now--gone wide. The hail of las-fire flickered and dimmed as autosenses compensated, casting the rainy lumps of sandbag and broken rockcrete in glowing grey half-light. There, motion, enough to give her the target she needed, and a second soon after. The saboteur vanished in rain and cameleoline, but she burned the shape in to her mind. The dancing lunacy of their priest was tempting, but beside the point. Primary, secondary, limited fire while she carried holy rounds intended for far fouler than these capering scum. Just aim and--

Red flashed across her vision. Fire blazed, streaking toward her, at her, to her. No time to do anything but grit her teeth as a vision of the Legatine's metallic fingers clutching a tea cup came up unbidden and Maria prayed Indomitable would stand fast. The impact battered her inside the armor--and then black. Silence. Autosenses doing the only thing they could and sparing her the cacophony and brilliance of the detonation, but she felt it thunder through her skull and down her spine, and impact slamming back in and through her hips with bone-rotting force. Every muscle in her body was like tensioned razor wire, but she couldn't have that. She was upright. She was whole. Thank the Emperor and the madmen that laid down the Macharius pattern.

"Huh. Well, they didn't last long. Chase them off Sisters, then regroup." Palais voxes.

Maria did one last scan, but these weren't the undisciplined rabble that'd linger for futile potshots and overextend their orderly withdrawal. "Sisters, I need confirmation on a kill. I believe I dropped their trigger-man for the bridge charges, please verify."

Skirting wide of mines and wreckage she trudged back the way they'd come. She ran her fingers over the groove in her armor, halfway between annoyed and resigned at the need to consider patching already. The hand dropped the instant she recalled Eriko's vainglory and Vayneth's awe at her own...stubbornness.

"Lieutenant," she called, "My sisters are confirming the enemy's ability to take the bridge down has been neutralized, but we'll need a trained demolitionist to disarm their charges and the mines will need clearing before we can move the supply lockers forward."
Meanwhile, the rest of the squad drop down through one of the holes in the bridge. Their controlled fall has them crash through the roiling surface of the river and into the darkness beneath. You crash down to the bottom, shock absorbers jolting at the impact against old debris and broken patches of rockcrete. PItch darkness falls upon you, only the occasional flash of movement or beam of light visible beneath the water's surface. Unseen objects bounce and smack against your armour.

"Sisters, engage photovisors and advance," Palais calls out over the Vox. Your helmets Machine-Spirits illuminate the bottom of the riverbed in ghostly green, though even with photovisors active you struggle to make out more than a handful of meters in front of you. Objects carried by the current rush past you, everything from lost magazines and dataslates to signs and the broken remains of old bridges. This debris thuds against you as you trudge along the river's bottom. It's clear there was once a street here, but it's long gone, largely overtaken by mud that you sink into up to the poleyns. Each step is made harder and harder as the mud sucks at you, trying to drag you down into the abyss.

Caelia already was activating her photovisor even as she hit the bottom. Silt and mud exploded out from under her boots, and the world was cast in sickly green. Still, she was glad for the Sister Superor's command. She could barely see her sisters and it was good to hear their voices.

She shouldered forward to the other side with the casual determination one might walk into a hail of enemy fire, as debris thudded off her armor.

"Keep it up, Sisters! We're almost-" Palais begins. Then there is a sudden impression of large, dark shape, perhaps a sunken car or boat in your Photovisors, and it slams hard into Palais. Then, she's gone. The sound of the impact rings loud through your shared Vox, and for the first time in your service alongside her you hear your Sister-Superior cry out.

"Gah! Shite, shite!" You hear her curse in a distinctly impious fashion as you see her flung from the riverbed, carried by the impact and the river's force downstream. Before you can even consider rendering aid, more shapes suddenly appear from the darkness, closing in on you with great speed. But it no debris.

"Sister Sup-Contact!"

Caelia called out in alarm as suddenly their superior was ripped from them in seconds, then they were set upon. She snapped up her boltgun, sighting down the creature instinctually. Useless she knew, and it cost her precious seconds.
Caelia a few steps distant staggers back under a power blow to her torso, almost losing her footing as her sabatons sink in the mud. Nonetheless, she cuts out with furious rage, cutting the Beast across the chest with the axe bayonet of her boltgun, biting into its ribs. Before it can retreat she tries the blade free and hammers a second blow into its prodigious gut. She barely jerks the Sarissa out of its wound in time as the creature is taken by the current.

Then the foe was on her. Even as the creature hammered a blow into her torso, she is more struck by how extraordinarily ugly they were. She had seen mutants in her life, but nothing quite so malignant as this, so extreme in it's deviation from humanity's holy form.

She hated it, she realized with more fervour than before.

Especially because one of these creatures was possibly attacking her Sister Superior, had assailed her and her sisters from ambush.

Hatred, first raw, then focused drove her forward. She knew somewhere in the back of her mind that she should be using the Axe-Bayonet's reach to her advantage, but instead she drove the axehead home at point blank. Homicidal rage and the power of her armor drives the blow deep into rotted flesh.

The creature shuddered, tried to run. She ripped the axe head free and forced it in again through the creature's gut, spilling sickly green entrails and rotted organs into the water. Satisified, she let the dying body be taken from her by the current.

With the ambush dealt with, Palais' voice crackles over the vox. "Sisters? I'm alright, what's your situation? I've managed to regain my footing by a tree downstream. Keep advancing, I'll catch up!"

Wearily, you pull yourselves from the sucking mud onto dry land. Finally, you see the enemy. They wear ballistic padding beneath their camo-cloaks, each festooned with tattoons and strange charms to whatever foul gods they worship. They react instantly.

Caelia breathed in deeply, letting the rage flow out. "The rest of these things dead, Sisters?" She asked rhetorically, glancing around to see Eriko and Ilanna free from their own attackers. Good, they were all alive. Then the vox crackled, the Sister Superior's voice.

She replied immediately. "Ambush by river Mutants, Sister Superior. We saw them off, no casualties."

She didn't dare to give orders for her sisters, but she strode forward and ahead, Slayer in hands.

Wearily, you pull yourselves from the sucking mud onto dry land. Finally, you see the enemy. They wear ballistic padding beneath their camo-cloaks, each festooned with tattoons and strange charms to whatever foul gods they worship. They react instantly.

Lasgun fire smashes into you as you sprint up the staircase onto the courtyard, flashing off your armour as the traitors' seek a weakpoint. Just ahead, a heretic levels an RPG and fires but in their haste the missile goes wide and whips past Caelia by more than a car's span. Eriko and Caelia charge together, vaulting over the sandbag barricades and hacking out with their weapons as the cultists turn to flee. Neither makes it, as Eriko's blade slices one practically in half at the hips, whilst Caelia disembowels the other. The remaining heretic leaps out of Caelia's reach, and raises their lasgun. She fires a burst straight into Caelia's throat, trying to pierce the thinner armour there but the blast flashes off the side of her gorget. Weapon clicking dry, the heretic snarls in some pagan tongue and makes to flee. Eriko moves to follow, but a krak grenade glances off her helm and throws her to the ground, ears ringing.

"For the Emperor!" Caelia bellowed, mostly for lack of something better to say. She saw the enemy, cowards and heretics who had delayed them so. She felt the same rage falling over her-she let it drive her forward along with Eriko. She saw the contrail of a rocket hurl past, tracers and lasbolts punching through the air at her. But it too late for them, and they were amongst them in seconds. The first screamed as the axe ripped out his guts and left them on the cobbles. Another lept back and fled, firing as she did. Briefly her vision was lit crimson literally, rather than metaphorically. She turned to chase the heretic, but suddenly there was a thunderous detonation, and Eriko was down. She clamped down on the rage and circled back to defend her sister, letting the heretics go.

"Huh. Well, they didn't last long. Chase them off Sisters, then regroup." Palais voxes.

Maria did one last scan, but these weren't the undisciplined rabble that'd linger for futile potshots and overextend their orderly withdrawal. "Sisters, I need confirmation on a kill. I believe I dropped their trigger-man for the bridge charges, please verify."

"Confirming your Kill, Sister." Caelia voiced to Maria. She confirmed Eriko was merely stunned. Then she strode forward, firing, towards the Demotrooper's position, scanning for a corpse.

(OOC: Full Auto Move and fire (full move) towards the location of the demo trooper, firing on enemies to hasten their retreat. Confirm the kill, then regroup with Palais.)
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"Damnable cowards!" Palais' voice snarls as rounds whip overhead. "Sister Maria, the Emperor protects! Keep their heads down. Squad, wait for that smoke!"

Your helms crackle with the PDF officer's voice. "Acknowledged. Fire support and smoke cover inbound. The Emperor protects!"

A few moments later, the first missile screams overhead, crashing into the enemy positions. You see a fireball engulf a roofbound heavy stubber position, sending pieces of indeterminate meat and chunks of debris raining down from above. Smoke grenades slam into the bridge just ahead of you a few moments later. Smoke begins to rise up, despite the efforts of the pounding rain to beat it back down. Palais motions for you to make for a hole in the bridge as a second rocket whips overhead. In the seconds before the smoke completely obscures your true sight, you witness the enemy stub-cannon gunner leap up and throw himself from the parked goliath truck a moment before the rocket slams into it like the first of the Emperor Himself. There is a flash of light and heat, and the vehicle is ripped open, its interiors shredded and fuel tanks cooking off. The shockwave rushes over the traitors' position, bowling cultists over. As the dust clears, you witness some of the enemies resolve themselves as they fall back, dragging wounded along with them. The PDF's lighter arms follow suit, lasgun rounds lighting up the enemies positions and sending a sniper toppling from thier perch minus a head, as the Heavy Stubbers scatter the uncamouflaged cultists charging

Maria moves up as high powered lasgun fire and heavy stubber rounds crash against her armour plating. Nothing gets through Indomitable's plate and she does not even give the enemy the grace of seeking cover. She stands tall and proud, mocking their futile efforts. She barely flinches as the first RPG flies several meters past her left, ripping a crater into the bridge. She ignores the shot crashing against her front as she scans the enemy positions. It is hard for her to make out the enemies, rendered near invisible by their cameleoline, but she spots one hostile as they duck back from a burst of PDF lasgun fire. She notes the combat rig they're decked out in, laden with explosives and primers, perhaps even what looked like a trigger device. A moment later, their camo-cloak has kicked in and they fade into the background but she memorises their position. A second target presents itself, made plain by its cavorting as it shouts and gestures with a large chainsword in the direction of the Imperial lines. THe flickering camo cannot disguise the heavy robes they wear, nor the ritualistic icons and fetishes that along with their matter, mark them as a priest.

A second RPG takes her from her scouting, the flash of its rocket almost blinding as it screams toward her. With no chance to dodge, Maria holds her ground, praying to the Spirit of her Armour to hold. There is a loud bang, a sudden impulse of force across her gut. A moment later, her auto-senses clamp down as blinding light and deafening sound surround her, tangible even with her helmet's actively attempting to dampen the storm of fire and sound.

Then the smoke clears. Still standing. Still unscatched. The pouring rain washes away the soot along her left side, revealing the scraped line along her left plastron where the warhead struck and deflected along the thick ceramite armour plates.

Faintly, likely through an accidentally pressed key, you hear Vahn Zayneth over the vox. "Sacred feth, I can't believe it. Hahaha...By the Throne..." You hear him, faint murmurs of prayers from the other mercenaries also audible. Almost casually you turn your heavy bolter foward and empty a burst toward the demolitionist's position. You're pretty sure that spray of red was you getting a hit. An additional burst of fire tears chunks out of the barricades the Cult Priest is using for cover, but fails to exact a kill.
It was not the performance she had thought they would give coming in but the Emperor never truly gave what one thought they wanted.

Only what they needed.

And as they pulled back from their positions in good order, to the sounds of fire from the local forces and Maria, Eriko couldn't help but give a smile. Quick, off-the-cuff, solution to an immediate problem yet they were pulling it off as if they had practiced the maneuver a hundred multiplied by a hundred times. It was just like a live-fire drill, something she was imminently familiar with growing up. As a child in her father's castle, as a orphan sent to the Schola, as a Hospitaller, and now as a Battle-Sister, combat was something she had been groomed for.

"This would be sufficient, yes?"

She reached a hole of sufficient size and with her free hand motioned for the others to come. At Palais' affirmative, she would be the first to drop through the hole. Arms braced around her sides, she fell like a rock and crashed into the roiling waters below. Darkness greeted her but Storm of Summers activated its visors and she saw three more vague figures fall through the water around her, landing to the riverbed before they were began to trek forward without another word.
@greendoor @Zeitgeist Blue @SirLagginton
Meanwhile, the rest of the squad drop down through one of the holes in the bridge. Their controlled fall has them crash through the roiling surface of the river and into the darkness beneath. You crash down to the bottom, shock absorbers jolting at the impact against old debris and broken patches of rockcrete. PItch darkness falls upon you, only the occasional flash of movement or beam of light visible beneath the water's surface. Unseen objects bounce and smack against your armour.

"Sisters, engage photovisors and advance," Palais calls out over the Vox. Your helmets Machine-Spirits illuminate the bottom of the riverbed in ghostly green, though even with photovisors active you struggle to make out more than a handful of meters in front of you. Objects carried by the current rush past you, everything from lost magazines and dataslates to signs and the broken remains of old bridges. This debris thuds against you as you trudge along the river's bottom. It's clear there was once a street here, but it's long gone, largely overtaken by mud that you sink into up to the poleyns. Each step is made harder and harder as the mud sucks at you, trying to drag you down into the abyss.

"Keep it up, Sisters! We're almost-" Palais begins. Then there is a sudden impression of large, dark shape, perhaps a sunken car or boat in your Photovisors, and it slams hard into Palais. Then, she's gone. The sound of the impact rings loud through your shared Vox, and for the first time in your service alongside her you hear your Sister-Superior cry out.

"Gah! Shite, shite!" You hear her curse in a distinctly impious fashion as you see her flung from the riverbed, carried by the impact and the river's force downstream. Before you can even consider rendering aid, more shapes suddenly appear from the darkness, closing in on you with great speed. But it no debris.
Eriko's eyes widen as her sisters' cries of alarm mingle with their Sister-Superior's curses.

But her hair on her nape stood on end and she swiveled to face upstream, unsheathing her greatsword just in time for several more shapes to form. One damnable mutant for each sister.
Your vision fills with webbed claws, misshapen fangs, and blubbery flesh covered in pustules and rot that seem to seep out of the twitching gills on their too-thick necks. The same mutants that Maria faced the day prior you realize as the first blows crash against your armour. Illana's jerks back as rows of shark like teeth bite down toward her throat, the snapping jaws closing in a rush of bubbles. A blubbery claw slams into her right arm before she can bring her weapon up, the force of the blow jolting up her arm. A moment later the claws scrape along the soft-seals in the armour's joints, warning flaring as corrosive fluid begins to burn at the joint. Faintly recalling that a boltgun will struggle to fire underwater, Illana grasps for her gladius blade and stabs out again and again at the creature as it claws and bites at her. Everything is a flurry of motion, bubbles and whipping claws and unclean flesh all she can see as she cuts and slashes out. She feels her blade catch flesh, and she throws her force behind the blow, digging deep into the meat of its groin. The creature's talons slash weakly at her pauldrons as she rips the blade upward, dragging it through the creature's flesh up to its neck. Unclean blood and organs spill out as the dying creature is dragged away by the current.

Caelia a few steps distant staggers back under a power blow to her torso, almost losing her footing as her sabatons sink in the mud. Nonetheless, she cuts out with furious rage, cutting the Beast across the chest with the axe bayonet of her boltgun, biting into its ribs. Before it can retreat she tries the blade free and hammers a second blow into its prodigious gut. She barely jerks the Sarissa out of its wound in time as the creature is taken by the current.

Meanwhile, Eriko feels the claws and teeth scrape against her greaves. But the blow is glancing, and does not forestall her return strike at all. Eriko cannot hear the roar of her chainsword over the noise of the river, but she sees its effects well enough. The mutant jerks back at her blade, narrowly avoiding a strike that would've bisected it. Nonetheless the monomolecular teeth rip into the blubbery meat of its chest just beneath on its gills, popping boils and shredding through meat as it skims across the creature's thick chest. It swims backward, leaving sickly clouds of toxic blood and other unnameable fluids in its wake. It flees out of the range of her chainsword, disappearing into the darkness.
She greeted her assailant with her greatsword held in front of her, rendering its momentum moot lest it impale itself on the serrated teeth. Yet it tried and for its efforts she gave it a wound surely mortal were it not for its mutant physiology.

And soon enough they were gone or dead.
Caelia breathed in deeply, letting the rage flow out. "The rest of these things dead, Sisters?" She asked rhetorically, glancing around to see Eriko and Ilanna free from their own attackers. Good, they were all alive. Then the vox crackled, the Sister Superior's voice.

She replied immediately. "Ambush by river Mutants, Sister Superior. We saw them off, no casualties."

She didn't dare to give orders for her sisters, but she strode forward and ahead, Slayer in hands.
"Dead or dying already, that's all that matters now, Sister."

Eriko did not give the mutants a second thought as she followed Caelia towards the other side of the river.

She reached out and her fingers found purchase as she began to climb to the surface. Her vox-channel open and voice panting with the effort of trudging Storm of Summers through the mud, she spoke to her other sisters. "Come on. We shan't let Sister Maria take all the fire. Retribution might have its paint scratched."

At that moment her head broke the water's surface and her vision was filled with the burning fires on the heretic side and the shooting that had not let up during their trek underwater.

There was still a battle Eriko would gladly finish.
"Huh. Well, they didn't last long. Chase them off Sisters, then regroup." Palais voxes.
"Understood Sister Superior." Caelia voiced, confirming at Eriko was merely stunned. She strode forward, firing from the hip as she did.
Yet she found herself sprawled on the ground, her head spinning, not even two dozen seconds after she had ran forward.

Embarrassing, if anyone were to see her.

She could already hear Sister Sophiya from the Schola screaming at her to get her skinny buttocks up and running again. There'd be no screaming here but she could easily just imagine the whispers, barely audible, behind her as she walked through the Mission headquarters. Chin up, back arched as if she could not hear them, or if she could then as if she did not care.

So head lolling she pushed her decidedly not-skinny buttocks out of the ground. Storm of Summer helped but the sudden movement still made her want to puke. She saw Caelia stride forward, firing from the hip as the heretics ran. Near the flag Ilana struggled with the same situation Eriko had been in.

Yet the battle was done. All it needed was a good push.

Eriko unclasped her bolter from its mag-lock. It was still unused, anticipating heretic blood, and she was about to indulge its holy inclinations.

(Prone. Then free Ready her Godwyn-De'az Bolt Gun.

Full-Auto Burst at Cultists.

BS 40 + Full-Auto Burst 20 = TN 60 without any other modifiers)
Your vision fills with webbed claws, misshapen fangs, and blubbery flesh covered in pustules and rot that seem to seep out of the twitching gills on their too-thick necks. The same mutants that Maria faced the day prior you realize as the first blows crash against your armour. Illana's jerks back as rows of shark like teeth bite down toward her throat, the snapping jaws closing in a rush of bubbles. A blubbery claw slams into her right arm before she can bring her weapon up, the force of the blow jolting up her arm. A moment later the claws scrape along the soft-seals in the armour's joints, warning flaring as corrosive fluid begins to burn at the joint. Faintly recalling that a boltgun will struggle to fire underwater, Illana grasps for her gladius blade and stabs out again and again at the creature as it claws and bites at her. Everything is a flurry of motion, bubbles and whipping claws and unclean flesh all she can see as she cuts and slashes out. She feels her blade catch flesh, and she throws her force behind the blow, digging deep into the meat of its groin. The creature's talons slash weakly at her pauldrons as she rips the blade upward, dragging it through the creature's flesh up to its neck. Unclean blood and organs spill out as the dying creature is dragged away by the current.
"Contact!" Ilana screamed at she saw the oily shadow just before slammed into her, nearly making her lose her fitting as misshapen jaws closed and gnawed at her gorget. Instinctively she brought up her boltgun to gut it via blessed bolt, only for it bat the arm away before she could properly align her sight. It slithered into sight of her autosenses, allowing Ilana to see the horror for it really was. She recognised it as Maria's attacker a mere day before, but her hatred ran deeper than that, as part of her as marrow in the bone. The deviance from humanity's holy form was extreme, bulging grotesquely from what should have been human limbs and torso, but what made Ilana hate most of all was the blackness of scale contrasted with the darkness of of the water rushing around them.

It was too much like that Night, when darkness fell to disgorge monsters from slain stars-

Ilana screamed wordlessly, drawing her gladius to ram the point into the freakish creature's gut. The creature recoiled back, blood flowing like oil within the abyssal depths of the river as Ilana took the opportunity to slam her helmet into the thing's face, once, twice, before she grasped it by the throat and plunged her gladius into its gut to tear its entrails free like an autopry at a can, dragging the blade vindictive up to the base of its neck. Kicking it away, she watch as it disappeared, far from the sight of even the machine spirit of her autosenses.

"Hostile eliminated, proceeding to objective." Ilana's voice didn't break, the drill-abbots had been too through, too exacting for such a blatant break in discipline, but she did take one last look at the river, thoughts swirling with black hate.
Behind the two Sisters, Illana rushes toward the flag. She sees the aquila sodden and soaking in the rain. She sees the seams of the poor stitching and where the banner has begun to tear from cheap cloth used. But nonetheless, she sees the twin-headed eagle, proud and uncorrupted. She steps past the bloody carcass of a fallen cultist and grabs the banner by its steel pole. Then, she sees the demolition charge attached to it. She turns trying to drag the banner away, to shield it with her body. Then the explosive goes off.

Ilana is thrown through the air and slams hard into the rockcrete, scraping along the sidewalk before she slows to a halt. She blinks away black spots in her vision as warning runes flash across her visor. Minor damage, all told, but she was lucky. The banner was less fortunate. The pole is still locked in her grip, battered and bent, but the banner itself is in tatters from the shrapnel. The remains of a half head of the aquila, eye wide, stares up at her.
She saw the charge, a block of sodden, mundane brown amidst the shadowed rockcrete, the second before it went off. In desperation she attempted to interpose herself between the flag-head and the charge, but before she could so much as grasp at the haft her world was replaced with the scream of thunder. Ilana had the brief sensation of weightlessness before reality returned to her in the form of a painful reunion with cold, hard rockcrete. She stared blankly up into the sky, stunned, with only part of the reason being her close encounter with death. The remaining part of the reason waved in tatters before her, the remaining half-head of the violated Aquila stared accusingly at her, demanding why a champion of the Emperor had failed so miserably to protect one of His holy symbols.

She had no answer to give it.

"The Aquila is lost." Ilana forced out bitterly. "The heretics chose to desecrate it with a democharge."
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She saw the charge, a block of sodden, mundane brown amidst the shadowed rockcrete, the second before it went off. In desperation she attempted to interpose herself between the flag-head and the charge, but before she could so much as grasp at the haft her world was replaced with the scream of thunder. Ilana had the brief sensation of weightlessness before reality returned to her in the form of a painful reunion with cold, hard, rockcrete. She stared blankly up into the sky, stunned, with only part of the reason being her close encounter with death. The remaining part of the reason waved in tatters before her, the remaining half-head of the violated Aquila stared accusingly at her, demanding why a champion of the Emperor had failed so miserably to protect one of His holy symbols.

She had no answer to give it.

"The Aquila is lost." Ilana forced out bitterly. "The heretics chose to desecrate it with a democharge."
You hear the violent whine of another power armour's reactor and the clatter of rasping plates and look up to see your Sister-Superior. She looks at you, then at the crater blown in the road, then back at you. She offers you a gauntleted hand.

"I think, Sister, that they were more concerned with trying to blow you up than desecration," She says, clasping you by the hand and helping you rise to your feet. She checks your armour for a moment, than claps you on the shoulder. "Well. I'm glad you're alright, Sister. I was worried for a moment. But by the Emperor, if I didn't want to slap you for not paying attention rushing in like some sort of-Well. Like I used to. Derosa would be saying there's a lesson in patience here, and she'd be right of course," She says in a soft sigh. "The Drill-Abbots would've hammered you for a stunt like this. But I share some of the blame. I should've seen that it was bait: Taunting us into their killzone and booby traps. I'm sorry, Ilana."

She shakes her head for a moment, then bends down to scrape up up the tattered remains of the banner. She looks at the water-logged piece of cloth for a moment, then chuckles darkly. "But you're alive, and we have the Aquila, so it could've worse," She says, chuckling at your look. "So it's ripped up. That's not desecration, no more than this is." She gestures at the scrapes and gouges across your armour's plate is. "I've seen the Order's most sacred banners torn to scraps by shot and blast, but they were always restitched and restored. There's no dishonour in a bit of damage. But there is in allowing it to be taken. The militia are disgraced for allowing the enemy to claim the honor of their standard, however makeshift it is. But there's no disgrace for us in it being damaged."

She lowers her head, shoulders slumping. "But there is disgrace in being idiots who play into the enemy's hands. You could've died or been crippled, your armour lost. It's only because the Emperor protects that nothing happened. After this, Sister, I think we'll find our rosaries will be a bit heavier."

Palais suddenly turns as a retort of a heavy gun rumbles somewhere down the street. She peers around the corner of the building, clearly confused. "Caelia, was that what I think it was?"

OOC: Sisters of Battle wear Rosaries made out of heavy Adamantium beads. Each heavy bead is meant to represent a sin or failing and is added in penance for the Sister's deeds.
"Confirming your Kill, Sister." Caelia voiced to Maria. She confirmed Eriko was merely stunned. Then she strode forward, firing, towards the Demotrooper's position, scanning for a corpse.

(OOC: Full Auto Move and fire (full move) towards the location of the demo trooper, firing on enemies to hasten their retreat. Confirm the kill, then regroup with Palais.)
You turn to fire on the cultist who'd aimed for your gorget but she leaps into the tenement through a side door, disappearing within. Disappointed you move up, scanning for other targets. The heretics are making retreat at good speed, covered by clouds of smoke, but they are not blind grenades. Your helm systems see through them clearly, and you manage to spot a pair of heretics as they break across the open. You fire with the Slayer of Ten Thousand as you advance, catching both of them. One's head pops satisfyingly, whilst the other you catch across the legs and drop to the ground.

There is a sudden bark of heavy weapons fire from far down the street, heavy round detonations rumbling in your ear as powerful rounds-Perhaps even shells from a man portable autocannon-rip into the road way to your left, one low shell sending up a spray of sand and tattered flak-cloth as it strikes the barricades ahead. You fall to one knee, returning a burst of fire at the weapon flash, but it's hard to tell if you struck anything. You duck into the shelter of the enemy barricade. Barbed wire prevents you from easily moving past it, but you peer over the barricades to spot the target Maria was speaking of.

There's no question that the heretic you see his demo-trooper. His satchels are laden with fuses and arming wires, blocks of plastek explosive and improvised krak charges hanging from his belt, along with an entrenching tool and several leaper mines. It's a miracle they didn't go off when he went down. His head is gone, along with his collar and a good chunk of his upper chest. One arm is hanging on by a few strings of meat and flesh, and a pace away, you see a trigger device locked in the cold dead grip of his detached hand. Whether it's for the bridge charges, or if its the only one, you don't know.

A second burst of fire whips out. This time the shells are on target. The sandbags in front of you cease to exist and for a moment all your can see is wet dirt as it patters off your armour. Then, you are smashed back by a series of heavy impacts. One jars your shoulder, a second sends you in a spin as it glances across your cuirass and a third deflects off your waist and punches a crater into the ground beneath. You shift into cover, feeling bruising beneath your plate, but your rune remains green. You see a bit of movement from a building a bit over a hundred and fifty meters down but hold fire, unable to get a clear shot. After a few moments, it's clear that the hidden heavy weapon is gone, having done its job of protecting the retreat.

[Lore (War) +40 check bare pass] You are initially surprised that the Heretics held such a weapon in reserve, but then you've not seen or heard of much heavier than a krak RPG being used by the heretics. They must be wary of risking such a valuable weapon, and you doubt they'd have many shells. The only question is where and how they got an autocannon into a quarantined district in the first place. Was it here before the quarantine? But now you have to wonder where the damned thing has gone.

Palais' voice crackles in your vox. "Sister Caelia, was that what I think it was?"

Yet she found herself sprawled on the ground, her head spinning, not even two dozen seconds after she had ran forward.

Embarrassing, if anyone were to see her.

She could already hear Sister Sophiya from the Schola screaming at her to get her skinny buttocks up and running again. There'd be no screaming here but she could easily just imagine the whispers, barely audible, behind her as she walked through the Mission headquarters. Chin up, back arched as if she could not hear them, or if she could then as if she did not care.

So head lolling she pushed her decidedly not-skinny buttocks out of the ground. Storm of Summer helped but the sudden movement still made her want to puke. She saw Caelia stride forward, firing from the hip as the heretics ran. Near the flag Ilana struggled with the same situation Eriko had been in.

Yet the battle was done. All it needed was a good push.

Eriko unclasped her bolter from its mag-lock. It was still unused, anticipating heretic blood, and she was about to indulge its holy inclinations.

(Prone. Then free Ready her Godwyn-De'az Bolt Gun.

Full-Auto Burst at Cultists.

BS 40 + Full-Auto Burst 20 = TN 60 without any other modifiers)
OOC: -15 for disoriented, -5 for fatigue, -20 for enemies running. +10 prone. TN 30.

IC: Ears still ringing from the hit across your helm, you pull your boltgun from its mag-holster and turn your sights down through the rain. Moving as they are, the protection of their cam-cloaks has faded, but speed grants them a protection in itself. Hands wavering, vision flickering, you spot a group of hostiles fleeing for the safety offered by an alleyway and open fire. It's a difficult shot in your condition, but you manage to catch the last heretic in the group across the back, the ensuing blast ripping him in half at the waist. A clear kill, even over the distance.

Scanning for additional targets, you pick yourself up. You still can't hear over the ringing, but your head is no longer pounding. As you stand you witness the road beside rip apart, chunks of rockrete raining down from-what an autocannon? Where did they even get that? You fire in the direction of the shots, a building a little over a hundred and fifty meters down the road, but you don't register any kills. Then the barricade in front of Caelia explodes, showering her in wet sand and scraps of flak cloth, heavy shells spinning her around. She regains her feet, ducking into cover. You catch a flash of movement, Caelia firing after it, but then its gone. The enemy position must have been abandoned.

[Lore (War) +40 check 1 DoS pass] You are initially surprised that the Heretics held such a weapon in reserve, but then you've not seen or heard of much heavier than a krak RPG being used by the heretics. They must be wary of risking such a valuable weapon, and you doubt they'd have many shells or the equipment to keep it in good condition. They wouldn't dare risk it by placing it in the open, or pushing it into a prolonged firefight. The only question is where and how they got an autocannon into a quarantined district in the first place. Was it here before the quarantine, or perhaps smuggled in piece by piece? But now you have to wonder where the damned thing has gone.

Your helmet visor registers a comm from the Sister-Superior across the channel, but the ringing in your ears blots it out. Thankfully, its starting to fade. You should be hearing again in a few moments.

@SirLagginton @greendoor @Zeitgeist Blue
Skirting wide of mines and wreckage she trudged back the way they'd come. She ran her fingers over the groove in her armor, halfway between annoyed and resigned at the need to consider patching already. The hand dropped the instant she recalled Eriko's vainglory and Vayneth's awe at her own...stubbornness.

"Lieutenant," she called, "My sisters are confirming the enemy's ability to take the bridge down has been neutralized, but we'll need a trained demolitionist to disarm their charges and the mines will need clearing before we can move the supply lockers forward."
There is a momentary pause before the PDF officer replies. "Acknowledged. We're moving up to secure the bridge," She says, her voice a cold rasp through her gashood.

With the last of the enemy fled, you regroup and secure the area. The cultists abandoned some equipment and their dead, but they took most of their wounded. Those that were left behind are too mortally injured to be saved, unless Eriko is willing to expend her rejuvenation system. It's clear that you didn't wipe out the unit of heretics, but given the numbers you saw, you did perhaps decimate it. You doubt they'll soon recover from the casualties they suffered. The PDF have moved to secure both sides of the bridge, but it is slow going. They have no dedicated minesweepers and rely on a scant few auspexes, and the unit only has a handful of men and women with much expertise in demolitions work.

The Lieutenant looks over the slow but steady work of her platoon to clear the bridge, standing tall and imperious in her rain slick coat. She turns to regard you as you approach, glancing at a digital chrono on her wrist.

"Lieutenant, how soon can we move?" Palais asks.

"You?" The Lieutenant asks. She glances at a digital chrono strapped across her vambrace. "Right now. We've cleared a route for your Servitors. It'll be a bit bump for the Witch-finder and his taurox, but they're built for it. But I'm afraid that I'm unable to offer any further assistance to your unit,"

Palais pauses, armour creaking as she straightens. She glances down at the officer through her fearsome helm. "And pray tell, why would that be?" Palais asks.

The officer gestures a hand toward the bridge, damaged and covered in explosives as it is, but nonetheless intact. "The explosives are well placed and rigged with at least some counter-tampering devices. It'll take at least six hours for my combat engineers to clear the explosives out, and I'd frankly prefer to hold for a dedicated EOD unit. Given that this a major arterial bridgeway, built for handling emergency use of superheavy promethium transport, it's a priority for my unit to ensure the bridge is secured and in no danger of being destroyed."

Palais glances across the long bridgeway, before returning to consider the officer. She leans forward, her armour's reactor growling violently. "And what of your assignment with us?"

The PDF officer holds her ground, though a twist in her hand reveals her nervousness. "My unit was attached to your squad, but we were not placed under your command. In my best judgement, this bridge is to be secured." She hesitates a moment, before continuing. "Per the Decree Passive, you have no authority over us."
With the last of the enemy fled, you regroup and secure the area. The cultists abandoned some equipment and their dead, but they took most of their wounded. Those that were left behind are too mortally injured to be saved, unless Eriko is willing to expend her rejuvenation system. It's clear that you didn't wipe out the unit of heretics, but given the numbers you saw, you did perhaps decimate it. You doubt they'll soon recover from the casualties they suffered. The PDF have moved to secure both sides of the bridge, but it is slow going. They have no dedicated minesweepers and rely on a scant few auspexes, and the unit only has a handful of men and women with much expertise in demolitions work.

Maria stalked back and forth across the span pointing out the charges she'd spotted and mines she'd flagged to the PDF tasked with crossing and clearing. With no dedicated personnel every auspex was of use and she enjoyed the steadiness of the work. Passing Ilana on the far end, the retributor hooked her gauntlet under the young woman's pauldron and twisted her for a better view. Over their squad frequency--some things didn't need everyone hearing it, she commented dryly, "Sister, your zeal is admirable, but I'm not the role model you want for handling enemy explosives."

The officer gestures a hand toward the bridge, damaged and covered in explosives as it is, but nonetheless intact. "The explosives are well placed and rigged with at least some counter-tampering devices. It'll take at least six hours for my combat engineers to clear the explosives out, and I'd frankly prefer to hold for a dedicated EOD unit. Given that this a major arterial bridgeway, built for handling emergency use of superheavy promethium transport, it's a priority for my unit to ensure the bridge is secured and in no danger of being destroyed."

Palais glances across the long bridgeway, before returning to consider the officer. She leans forward, her armour's reactor growling violently. "And what of your assignment with us?"

The PDF officer holds her ground, though a twist in her hand reveals her nervousness. "My unit was attached to your squad, but we were not placed under your command. In my best judgement, this bridge is to be secured." She hesitates a moment, before continuing. "Per the Decree Passive, you have no authority over us."

Maria reflexively looked at the bridge's supports, struts and perplexing width. That explained a few things. "Sister Superior," again without the rest of their odd ad hoc unit listening in, "I cannot speak to ecumenical matters, but the placement of some of these charges is devious, and the foe has proven to be resourceful. The bridge may not be our objective, but its loss on our watch would not be...good." Visions of watching the victory on Almium Magna from the sidelines floated up in imagining the darkest of outcomes. "We'll still have the Witch Hunter's guard in any case."
Maria reflexively looked at the bridge's supports, struts and perplexing width. That explained a few things. "Sister Superior," again without the rest of their odd ad hoc unit listening in, "I cannot speak to ecumenical matters, but the placement of some of these charges is devious, and the foe has proven to be resourceful. The bridge may not be our objective, but its loss on our watch would not be...good." Visions of watching the victory on Almium Magna from the sidelines floated up in imagining the darkest of outcomes. "We'll still have the Witch Hunter's guard in any case."
The officer gestures a hand toward the bridge, damaged and covered in explosives as it is, but nonetheless intact. "The explosives are well placed and rigged with at least some counter-tampering devices. It'll take at least six hours for my combat engineers to clear the explosives out, and I'd frankly prefer to hold for a dedicated EOD unit. Given that this a major arterial bridgeway, built for handling emergency use of superheavy promethium transport, it's a priority for my unit to ensure the bridge is secured and in no danger of being destroyed."

Palais glances across the long bridgeway, before returning to consider the officer. She leans forward, her armour's reactor growling violently. "And what of your assignment with us?"

The PDF officer holds her ground, though a twist in her hand reveals her nervousness. "My unit was attached to your squad, but we were not placed under your command. In my best judgement, this bridge is to be secured." She hesitates a moment, before continuing. "Per the Decree Passive, you have no authority over us."

Caelia reluctantly added her voice to Maria's over the vox. "I'm afraid I must agree with Sister Maria." Caelia said, apologetically. "Our mission is paramount, but the infrastructure that keeps the Promethium flowing is important as well. It is of strategic concern."

"I will assist in whatever judgment you make, Sister Superior." Caelia added, loping back towards the squad.