It's after breakfast the first mortar shells hit the courtyard of the sanctum. You feel a soft rumble as you set your dishes in place, the quiet rumble of the explosions a moment later. A few moments pass, filled with the clatter of dishes before the next round of detonations shakes violently through the building, flakes of dust kicked from the ceiling landing across the shoulders of your robes.

"That last one must have struck the roof," A Sister from Jessira's commandery comments with a yawn.

Maria woke with the rest and went through the motions of morning ritual without much conscious thought. She wasn't tired, at least not physically, but the day before had drained her and it felt good to feel nothing. Even the rumbles over breakfast couldn't dislodge her sense of detachment, though she did manage to avoid cracking a tooth on a bit of dislodged masonry that blended in quite perfectly with her porridge. Spitting it out in to a hand she surreptitiously dropped it on the floor.

"Likely," she offered, a polite nothing of conversation to the yawning sister.

The armory is a bit of controlled chaos, enginseers and Battle-Sisters cracking open whole crates of munitions, others performing the arduous task of mounting Sisters in power armor. As you are wrapped in ceramite and servo muscle, the psalms of awakening are sung, the reactor and servos stoked to life, and the Machine-Spirit comes haltingly to life, bits of dust rain down at you from the ineffectual mortar shells that strike the Sanctum Imperialis.

When at last you pull free from your moorings, you make your way down the halls to the room your superiors have taken as their command center, to find the carapace clad PDFers attempting a staring contest with some of the Celestians (And losingly, badly), their officer visible speaking to Palatine Rathitta and Cannoness Jessira inside. From inside you can raise out raised voices and the crackle of comms Though you struggle to hear much over the background noise, you do make out a few snippets (Greendoor perception check success).

The retributor didn't look for Alicia in particular out of the scurrying (and clanking) enginseers as the Sisters donned their plate, but it was one face she wouldn't have minded seeing. Depending on the disposition of Indomitable's machine-spirit she was either the quickest to the ready or the slowest--there were no half measures with the armor, just as she would have it. The smell of oil, dust, and the musky pungency of incense was a comforting funk that let her further avoid thoughts of her new burden to bear. It was like a disabled Exorcist, just sitting there, looming over everything and like as not to explode if poked wrong. Not that she would--poke it, or explode that was. Palais was foremost in her prayers on that front, followed closely by the oh so volatile ex-hospitaller.

"Do we have an internal blueprint of the Carmine Tower, Legatine?" Her eyes flick towards Lethicia then back down. "If we could determine where Vennedes' command center is, assuming Eneresh shall be by her side and a way through without fuss, then we could assault the command center unopposed. Grapnels would be sufficient. Maybe jump packs like Sister Ilana is fond of using."

"Psycrystals and psyocculums to determine Eneresh's location." She pushes a finger into the tower, causing the hololith to flicker violently, yet she continues her musings undeterred. "Demo charges or melta to breach the walls. Assault from an unexpected angle. Eliminate and subdue all opposition then extract using the breach we created. Vennedes' forces will soon crumble and disperse without a central figure to lead them, especially when rumors begin to circulate of what had happened to her."

She stands up straight, a small smile on her lips. "Yet no one shall be the wiser but us."
@SirLagginton @greendoor

"They're anarchists Sister. I believe central leadership rather anathema to them."

It felt harsh the moment the words left her lips. It wasn't. It was accurate. She glanced over at Palais, then Lethicia. It would have been preferable to be holding that suicide bomber again.

"Your main thrust is good." It was a strain to sound warm enough that it wasn't chiding, but Maria felt as if she was pulling it off. "It's likely any occupants have altered the internal structure to suit their defensive needs since the last mapping, but a general view is useful. We should recall that if these besiegers are like the heretics our demi-squad encountered with Witch-Finder Zayneth they will exploit any breach we create and do not secure, and any weakness in the renegade defenses as a result of our advance in order to tear the witch to shreds." She made a half-aquila to the man, pausing to think a little.

"An attempt at parlay followed by direct assault, or some way in from below unseen--if the plans show anything of the sort exists seems wisest. An exterior ascent carries the risk of disrupting our cohesion, and falling. Or both. I wish to be my sisters' keeper as best I can, but it has been a long while since I strapped on a grav-chute, and would prefer not to in this rain."

Maria felt a raw edge creeping in to the back of her throat so she fell silent and drowned it with some recaf. It still felt like everyone was looking at her...damn, her manners.

"Lest I forget myself though: thank you for this assignment Legatine. To see a thing through to its end, and the chance to atone for is blessed work. Thank you."

Recaf now, and only recaf to pass her lips for the rest of the briefing, she swore it.
"They're anarchists Sister. I believe central leadership rather anathema to them."

It felt harsh the moment the words left her lips. It wasn't. It was accurate. She glanced over at Palais, then Lethicia. It would have been preferable to be holding that suicide bomber again.
"The presence of Vennedes says otherwise, Sister." Eriko snapped at Maria's sarcasm.

A moment of charged silence passed between them before Eriko's fingers reached up to rub at her temples. She had told Palais that she'd act better but Maria had just reminded her why it was a test to her patience.
"The presence of Vennedes says otherwise, Sister." Eriko snapped at Maria's sarcasm.

A moment of charged silence passed between them before Eriko's fingers reached up to rub at her temples. She had told Palais that she'd act better but Maria had just reminded her why it was a test to her patience.

Maria's eyes darted to Palais over the rim of her cup, but she just kept taking slow, considered sips. The warm rim never really left her lip, as though bracing it there gave her a shield. There was a slight shift in her pauldrons, the hint of a shrug, but she didn't engage with the ex-hospitaller any more. She felt a penance coming, like the sense of creeping dread before a tunnel collapse or the approach of an angel.

Ought to just take a vow of silence and be done with it.
The end of Eriko's impromptu confession and the attack foiled by Squad Morena marked the beginning of a quiet night, uninterrupted by nothing more than the occasional Sister awake at night and in the halls. Either they were patrolling like Eriko and Palais, or they were on some other errand like a late prayer or meal. In any case, this left the two mostly alone and Eriko found herself with an opportunity to speak with her Sister-Superior.

"I was able to eat evening supper wih a few of ours Sisters.We spoke of who we were before the Mission, among other subjects." Eriko says as they walk through a suspended walkway between two towers. She glances outward, to the walls of the sanctum-Imperialis and beyond, the world's moon hanging heavy with fog.

"Yet it occured to me that I still yet do not know as much about the Sisters of my own squad. Caelia is eager to tell anyone about her Velorumite heritage to anyone who would lend her their ear, but neither Ilana or Maria are so ready to do so."

When the pair reach the end of the walkway, Eriko pushes on the door and holds it open.

"Each for different reasons," she continues once Palais steps inside. "While Maria is charasterictically tight-lipped, Ilana is--," and she hesitates clearly, searching for a diplomatic enoigh word before shaking her head. "Not as well as she should be. Of course, I doubt any of the three would care to speak with me outside of missions."

She turns to look at her Sister-Superior and her eyes linger on Palais' burn scars. "But they are not here while you are. How about you, Sister-Superior? What is a daughter of the Kavarea Void Lords doing with the Adepta Sororitas? What is a former Dominion leading a squad of the 6th Mission?"
"Same as most, I imagine. Parents died in service, the Schola took me, I enjoyed righteously burning things for the longest time, before someone inexplicably decided I have leadership abilities and promoted me to Sister-Superior," Palais' says, grinning mischievously. "Perhaps having to put up with you lot is the Emperor's punishment for some misdeed I failed to pay penance for."

"I don't really remember my parents. They were officers aboard the Cruiser Kaevling's Shield, and perished in battle against Xenos raiders. A torpedo strike, if I recall correctly," She waves a hand dismissively. "I was a fine Dominion serving under Sister-Superior Derosa. If I'm honest, I never expected to be promoted, but the will of the Emperor is as mysterious as it is wonderful to behold."
Another rattle of the building sends a cloud of dust drifting downward into the mass of Sisters, and Eriko does her best to cover her own food from the chalky substance.

"Annoying little heretics," Eriko says to herself, her words dripping with disgust and loud enough for those around her to hear. "If they mean to ruin breakfast then they are doing a good job of it."
You receive a few blank looks from Sisters outside of Squad Palais.

"And I thought we'd been too long on garrison duty." You hear a Sister from Jessira's Commandery say to another. "I mean, we're not even on corpse starch yet."
Then the briefing begun and she listened.

"These guerillas," Eriko says, shaking her head lightly. "They pose no threat to us in direct combat but their explosives would make short work if we are not careful. And there is also the matter of when we are extracting Eneresh. Between letting her live or killing her, the heretics might choose to deny us their prize if they see us taking off with her, and these guerillas seem the most adept at such a task." Her hand sweeps across hololith, towards Outpost Vigilance. "It would be best to eliminate them before approaching Carmine Tower. Yet we would need to find them first when we arrive at Outpost Vigilance with the supplies."
Palais nods her head. "I'm inclined to slay the witch and be done with it-"

"I would request she be taken alive," Zayneth voice interrupts, but there is nothing of a request in his nasally tone.

Palais gives him a warning look that makes the man raise a hand in apology. She continues. "-If we do capture Eneresh, they could make things a lot harder for us. But I don't think they'll be easy to draw out. Going looking for them is just asking for them to grab our rogue psyker whilst we're chasing ghosts."
Eriko tapped the dataslate in her hand.

"We could use some orbital surveillance, whatever Dreverarch's military could provide." Then she reaches out with a hand and zooms out, showing both the Carmine Tower fortifications and the 'Vigilance' forward outpost. "It would be useful to have real-time intelligence on the area of operations. If the surveillance could create tags for us and identify the worse fighting then it may be possible to evade wastes of our time and energy."

She looks down at her handheld dataslate then pauses in thought before speaking up. "While we are in transit to Vigilance it would also be a good idea to use the orbital surveillance to obtain intelligence on the Enforcer and Hospitaller posts both. Hopefully, vox troubles indeed."

Then she returned her attention to the flickering hololith, leaning forward as if she could gleam some secret from the projection.

"Do we have an internal blueprint of the Carmine Tower, Legatine?" Her eyes flick towards Lethicia then back down. "If we could determine where Vennedes' command center is, assuming Eneresh shall be by her side and a way through without fuss, then we could assault the command center unopposed. Grapnels would be sufficient. Maybe jump packs like Sister Ilana is fond of using."

"Psycrystals and psyocculums to determine Eneresh's location." She pushes a finger into the tower, causing the hololith to flicker violently, yet she continues her musings undeterred. "Demo charges or melta to breach the walls. Assault from an unexpected angle. Eliminate and subdue all opposition then extract using the breach we created. Vennedes' forces will soon crumble and disperse without a central figure to lead them, especially when rumors begin to circulate of what had happened to her."

She stands up straight, a small smile on her lips. "Yet no one shall be the wiser but us."

(OOC: Study the the Carmine Tower hologram. Try to identify if there are areas where Squad Palais could take to breach the tower that would lead to less resistance, like a backdoor. Also find where the command center of the tower is, if it is in one of the higher floors or in the basement. See if a grapnel and line ascender would be useful in either breaching the walls or climbing the tower to the command center.)
The Legatine's lips draw into a thin line. "The PDF are being somewhat obstinate, but I don't doubt I can talk some sense into them. You'll have that surveillance if you need it," She says. "With the rainstorm, our orbital surveys are reliant on prey-sense, so keep that in mind. And with how built up the terrain is, it's easy for the enemy to hide from our eyes in the void. Still, any large concentrations of bodies or obvious fighting should be evident."

She pauses, tapping at a dataslate. "We've requested internal blueprints, but they're having trouble finding the schematics-Records are still a mess from the Choir War. The Administratum's send us some partial files, and we have some intel from surviving enforcers of the prior two raids. There's three locations Vennedes is likely using as a base of her operations. A bunker cum barracks in the basement, the fortified PDF or enforcer post meant to control the building from a central location, and the top floor. It's usually used for well, civilian meetings, but it's a great vantage point, and built with that idea in mind. Easily made into a command center."

Palais makes a motion toward the bottom floors. "If the basement is flooded, it's unlikely they're down there. Unless they're hoping to hide out there, I suppose. Mrph."

"Well, it's not a bad plan," Zayneth muses. "But the last Enforcer assault tried similar. I know you're better equipped, but still, not an easy plan to pull off. The windows are designed as firing slits, so you'll need to breach through the walls-Given they're reinforced, you'll probably want a melta charge. Honestly, I'd even aim for a doorway. There's a few gantries and balconies. They're covered from multiple angles and lead to reinforced doors, but those should still be easier to breach than the walls proper. Of course, you'd be on your own for that. I'm not going to try and climb the side of a building in this weather. Too slippery,"

"You could try a Thunderhawk insertion, but we're still clearing out a landing zone for our aircraft. The mortars have interrupted the progress on that," The Legatine notes, before waving a hand at several listed locations across the district. "Still! If you want to make a try of that, there's several landing sites we've identified in the district."
@SirLagginton @greendoor

"They're anarchists Sister. I believe central leadership rather anathema to them."

It felt harsh the moment the words left her lips. It wasn't. It was accurate. She glanced over at Palais, then Lethicia. It would have been preferable to be holding that suicide bomber again.

"Your main thrust is good." It was a strain to sound warm enough that it wasn't chiding, but Maria felt as if she was pulling it off. "It's likely any occupants have altered the internal structure to suit their defensive needs since the last mapping, but a general view is useful. We should recall that if these besiegers are like the heretics our demi-squad encountered with Witch-Finder Zayneth they will exploit any breach we create and do not secure, and any weakness in the renegade defenses as a result of our advance in order to tear the witch to shreds." She made a half-aquila to the man, pausing to think a little.

"An attempt at parlay followed by direct assault, or some way in from below unseen--if the plans show anything of the sort exists seems wisest. An exterior ascent carries the risk of disrupting our cohesion, and falling. Or both. I wish to be my sisters' keeper as best I can, but it has been a long while since I strapped on a grav-chute, and would prefer not to in this rain."

Maria felt a raw edge creeping in to the back of her throat so she fell silent and drowned it with some recaf. It still felt like everyone was looking at her...damn, her manners.

"Lest I forget myself though: thank you for this assignment Legatine. To see a thing through to its end, and the chance to atone for is blessed work. Thank you."

Recaf now, and only recaf to pass her lips for the rest of the briefing, she swore it.
"The presence of Vennedes says otherwise, Sister." Eriko snapped at Maria's sarcasm.

A moment of charged silence passed between them before Eriko's fingers reached up to rub at her temples. She had told Palais that she'd act better but Maria had just reminded her why it was a test to her patience.
If your superiors-Or Vahn Zayneth-Recognize the tone of your words, they choose not to comment. Perhaps you are fortunate that ribbing one another has long been a past time of even the most pious warriors. A frown creases Vahn Zayneth's lips, the witch-finder looking between you with narrowed eyes.

"You're both right, in a way," Legatine Lethicia says, gently. "Vennedes in a figurehead, rather than a true leader in the traditional sense. Her control over her followers is limited and indirect, but they're still motivated by her example nonetheless. If she were to surrender or be eliminated, then I would expect it would cripple their morale, at the very least."

Vahn returns Maria's half Aquila. "I'm more concerned with these 'elites' than the scum we chased off, but they were an example regardless. These heretics will be happy to let us clear the way for them."

Lethicia nods at Maria's thanks. "Sister Ilana uncovered Eneresh's location. It's only fitting your squad be given the opportunity to bring her to judgement."
The night is restful, despite the interruption and brief spates of wakefulness for your time at watch. The comfort of a soft bed, the steady rhymn of the storm and your own exhaustion manage to lull you to sleep with ease.

The morning is dark. Literally. A glance out the window shows black skies overhead, a pouring rain so thick and heavy it almost feels like a physical presence. Yet, the Dreverarch PDF troops that patrol the perimeter seem at utter ease despite the downpour, and the scant civilians you can see through the storm seem to be going on with their day as readily as yesterday.

The interior of the sanctum-Imperialis is much less peaceful as Sisters and the Ministorum staff assigned to your Mission and the Commandery rush to and fro. As you make your way down to the ground floor for morning prayer, you spot a group of heavily armored PDF troops in segmented suits of ochre armaplas plates stomping their way past some of the Ministorum support staff, headed by what seems to be an officer of some rank judging by his cap, practically chasing the Palatine to the doors of the chapel. When prayers are ended, they scramble after the Palatine. Some Sisters passing by you in the halls are at a near-run, and as you sit down for bowls of steaming oats prepared by the Mission's cooks, a squad of Sisters in full plate scramble in to snap up supplies of ration bars.

It's after breakfast the first mortar shells hit the courtyard of the sanctum. You feel a soft rumble as you set your dishes in place, the quiet rumble of the explosions a moment later. A few moments pass, filled with the clatter of dishes before the next round of detonations shakes violently through the building, flakes of dust kicked from the ceiling landing across the shoulders of your robes.

"That last one must have struck the roof," A Sister from Jessira's commandery comments with a yawn.

"We should commend them for their accuracy." Caelia says, dryly, setting her dish down, trying to stabilize the stack of bowls with her hands.

Another rattle of the building sends a cloud of dust drifting downward into the mass of Sisters, and Eriko does her best to cover her own food from the chalky substance.

"Annoying little heretics," Eriko says to herself, her words dripping with disgust and loud enough for those around her to hear. "If they mean to ruin breakfast then they are doing a good job of it."

"A few mortars ruined your breakfast sister Eriko?" Caelia teased. "More to avenge ourselves upon them for."

Whatever the room may have once been used for, it would have been spacious, not the back half dominated by a small, portable hololith projector. Legatine Lethicia greets you with a warm smile that brightens up her pallid features, and proffered recaf, tea and dataslates. She is wearing her full honor covered armor save for the helm, and her refractor field, both of which sit on the lip of the flickering projector. The youthful women taps at the brass augmetic in her throat. A cough to clear it leaves a curiously metallic twang in the air.

Another figure are also there to greet you, clad in a fine grey coat and wide brimmed hat covered in religious symbols that mark him as a witch-hunter. A lanky figure, with an angular face like a hunting bird. He tips his hat at Sister Ilana.

"Good morning, Sisters. I hope you slept well, despite the ruckus the locals are making?" The Legatine asks. "No? Good, good. Anyway, for those of you who haven't met him in person, this is Vahn Zayneth, an experienced witch-finder whom some of you have already had the opportunity of meeting. He'll be accompanying you for today's operation, alongside a group of the local...What do the call the guilder sellswords? It was something catchy like Brassnecks?"

Vahn nods, content to remain quiet.

"Good, got it in one,"Lethicia continues. "He knows the local area and people well, including Eneresh. Given your quarry today, you'll likely make some good use of him. You'll be going after that wayward witch, Eneresh."

A Witchhunter? A useful ally-Caelia had never seen one in the field before-she hoped this Vahn Zayneth would prove worthwhile. She nodded her helmed head to the witch finder.

Palais blinks at that. "She's been upgraded to priority tasking?"

Lethicia nods her head. "Indeed, we're sending you right after her, but I'll get to that in a minute. First, based off gathered information-Some by those here among us-" She says, motioning a hand toward Zayneth and Ilana. "We believe she is currently holed up along one of the major leaders of the riots, Vennedes, in a tenement referred to as the 'Carmine Tower'. It's some sort of fortified housing block. Based off a Velorum pattern. Hardened structure, easily defensible, internal command post for a unit of enforcers or PDF. Not actually red, despite the name and the color on the projector. I believe it's more that a lot of people have killed each other over it, which is a good deal less cheery."

Vahn leans forward, motioning at the imposing structure visible on the flickering hololith. "That's correct. It was part of some abortive fortification plan before the Choir War. What's important is that the enforcers that were meant to keep control of the place are long gone. These days, it's basically prime bragging rights for whatever scum gang or militia group hold it. It's been a sight of some savage sieges over the years-including two enforcer raids, which went badly-Though it's rarely fallen to external force. Of course, they weren't the Emperor's Daughters."

"Almost reminds me of home." Caelia remarks-such fortified structures were extremely common on fortress worlds. She didn't sound overly concerned.

The Legatine pauses a moment, a brief flicker of a grimace appearing across her pale features before disappearing just as quickly. "Given the fortifications of the Carmine Tower, breaching the tower may be difficult, even with the poor equipment of Vennedes' people. If necessary, the Thunderhawk 'Angel's Penance' is on station for a strike. Don't hesitate to call for reinforcements if you need them either-If anything like the courtyard happens again, pull back and call for reinforcements. Am I clear?"

Palais puts her hand over her heart. "No charging into a horde of Daemons for glory and honor? Just stab me in the heart, Legatine."

In her armor, Caelia shudders slightly at the mention of Daemons. Her heart rate accelerates slightly.

"A final warning...Keep an eye out for any cult elites in the vicinity of the Carmine Tower, Sisters," She says, sliding a dataslate over. On it is a set of pictures: A heavily muscled heretic covered in strange tattoos, a military grade autogun with suppressor and red-dot sight, a set of high explosive tube-charges and a breaching charge, a half visible cameleoline cloak that blends in with the wall behind, a set of curious contacts that you realize are photocontacts after a moment, a light flak vest, and climbing gear. "These are pictures of the intact heretic corpse recovered from the attack last night. The team was professional, and managed to evade both the PDF patrols and infiltrate the exterior fence and barbed wire. Squad Morena only uncovered them because they'd been issued an auspex, Emperor be thanked. We believe them to have been experienced guerillas from some the indigenous anti-Imperial tribes that come from the deep swamp. Outpost Vigilance reports sightings of similar individuals around their perimeter, so I ask you remain alert."

"We owe them for their cowardly attempt on us, Legatine." Caelia says, nodding. "Made us get out of bed and didn't even have the decency to die on our swords."

She decides to not mention that Sister Illanna had hardly gotten out of bed at all.

"We could use some orbital surveillance, whatever Dreverarch's military could provide." Then she reaches out with a hand and zooms out, showing both the Carmine Tower fortifications and the 'Vigilance' forward outpost. "It would be useful to have real-time intelligence on the area of operations. If the surveillance could create tags for us and identify the worse fighting then it may be possible to evade wastes of our time and energy."

She looks down at her handheld dataslate then pauses in thought before speaking up. "While we are in transit to Vigilance it would also be a good idea to use the orbital surveillance to obtain intelligence on the Enforcer and Hospitaller posts both. Hopefully, vox troubles indeed."

Then she returned her attention to the flickering hololith, leaning forward as if she could gleam some secret from the projection.

"Do we have an internal blueprint of the Carmine Tower, Legatine?" Her eyes flick towards Lethicia then back down. "If we could determine where Vennedes' command center is, assuming Eneresh shall be by her side and a way through without fuss, then we could assault the command center unopposed. Grapnels would be sufficient. Maybe jump packs like Sister Ilana is fond of using."

"Psycrystals and psyocculums to determine Eneresh's location." She pushes a finger into the tower, causing the hololith to flicker violently, yet she continues her musings undeterred. "Demo charges or melta to breach the walls. Assault from an unexpected angle. Eliminate and subdue all opposition then extract using the breach we created. Vennedes' forces will soon crumble and disperse without a central figure to lead them, especially when rumors begin to circulate of what had happened to her."

She stands up straight, a small smile on her lips. "Yet no one shall be the wiser but us."

Caelia is surprised.

To be sure, she didn't agree with all that Eriko had said, but it was a solid enough plan.

"I must agree with Sister Maria that we cannot assume so centralized a command-nor that Grapnels or Jump packs would be viable in this weather." Caelia says, trying to sound as reasonable as possible.

"However, I agree with much of the rest-Witchhunting gear, demolition gear, assault from unexpected area-which having the blueprints will help with regardless of modifications." Caelia continues. "All good suggestions, Sister."

She looked down at the briefing slate, frowning. "Carrying munitions lockers would leave us very vulnrable. We should seek some form of support for the resupply portion of the mission-perhaps some loading servitors to carry the coffers?"
@SirLagginton @greendoor

"They're anarchists Sister. I believe central leadership rather anathema to them."

It felt harsh the moment the words left her lips. It wasn't. It was accurate. She glanced over at Palais, then Lethicia. It would have been preferable to be holding that suicide bomber again.

"Your main thrust is good." It was a strain to sound warm enough that it wasn't chiding, but Maria felt as if she was pulling it off. "It's likely any occupants have altered the internal structure to suit their defensive needs since the last mapping, but a general view is useful. We should recall that if these besiegers are like the heretics our demi-squad encountered with Witch-Finder Zayneth they will exploit any breach we create and do not secure, and any weakness in the renegade defenses as a result of our advance in order to tear the witch to shreds." She made a half-aquila to the man, pausing to think a little.

"An attempt at parlay followed by direct assault, or some way in from below unseen--if the plans show anything of the sort exists seems wisest. An exterior ascent carries the risk of disrupting our cohesion, and falling. Or both. I wish to be my sisters' keeper as best I can, but it has been a long while since I strapped on a grav-chute, and would prefer not to in this rain."

Maria felt a raw edge creeping in to the back of her throat so she fell silent and drowned it with some recaf. It still felt like everyone was looking at her...damn, her manners.

"Lest I forget myself though: thank you for this assignment Legatine. To see a thing through to its end, and the chance to atone for is blessed work. Thank you."

Recaf now, and only recaf to pass her lips for the rest of the briefing, she swore it.
"Parley... with those who sheltered an unclean witch?" Ilana stared at Maria incredulously for a brief, uncertain moment, feeling that her perception of the galaxy had been pulled inside out. To hear that tough, stubborn and abrasive Maria of all people would treat with those who sheltered the unclean witch, even if on the recommendation of the Legatine. She unconsciously gritted her teeth, scarcely noticing the pressure on enamel as she briefly struggled with her own biases. Finally, she sighed. "While I cannot but help but feel doubtful of any course of action that assumes any sort of good faith on the part of Eneresh and by proxy, Venedes, I accept that in the small likelihood that they do accept the parley with good grace it would save us much inconvenience over the course of this mission."

"Maria's point that any breach we are in position to exploit the heretics would be as well. To that end I would recommend the deployment of a gunship to deal with any feeling deluded enough in their false faith to risk the charge to our breach. As I'm sure you yourself would quite readily attest that the presence of heavy weaponry makes for a splendid distraction. And though to ascend closer to Emperor on wings of flame is both honour and obligation, I must concur that the use of jump packs on this mission is of doubtful utility." Ilana trailed off with a hint of disappointment. She felt deprivation in a sense, as it was flying in the sky that she felt closest to the Emperor's benevolence, free from the horrors of an imperfect galaxy. But she would be behooving both herself and her liege in refusing to face the facts. In this rain and with the architecture of the building she couldn't see much of a way she could accomplish much through an attempted insertion through the air.
If your superiors-Or Vahn Zayneth-Recognize the tone of your words, they choose not to comment. Perhaps you are fortunate that ribbing one another has long been a past time of even the most pious warriors. A frown creases Vahn Zayneth's lips, the witch-finder looking between you with narrowed eyes.

"You're both right, in a way," Legatine Lethicia says, gently. "Vennedes in a figurehead, rather than a true leader in the traditional sense. Her control over her followers is limited and indirect, but they're still motivated by her example nonetheless. If she were to surrender or be eliminated, then I would expect it would cripple their morale, at the very least."

Vahn returns Maria's half Aquila. "I'm more concerned with these 'elites' than the scum we chased off, but they were an example regardless. These heretics will be happy to let us clear the way for them."

Lethicia nods at Maria's thanks. "Sister Ilana uncovered Eneresh's location. It's only fitting your squad be given the opportunity to bring her to judgement."
"As Maria has said already, I thank you for this opportunity to atone for our failings in not being able to bring in the witch proper. The Emperor truly looks upon us with kindness to grant us this second chance." Ilana nodded at Zayneth. "With such spoken, I believe the august Witch Hunter has given a salient point. Do we have any further data on these 'elites' that that cult is sending? If they match the professionalism of the intruders the night before-" And Ilana pointedly did not dwell upon her disappointed response compared to her sisters. "-then their presence might be of concern. If not to us, then at least to the Witch Hunter and his retinue."
You receive a few blank looks from Sisters outside of Squad Palais.

"And I thought we'd been too long on garrison duty." You hear a Sister from Jessira's Commandery say to another. "I mean, we're not even on corpse starch yet."
"A few mortars ruined your breakfast sister Eriko?" Caelia teased. "More to avenge ourselves upon them for."

Eriko only sits straighter at the comments made her way, her nose up in the air, as she spoons her porridge. "One must take life's simple pleasures when one can. They are only too flitting." She lifts her spoon, porridge along with a piece of masonry on it, which she eyes with hate and disgust before flicking it away.

"A prime example."

Caelia is surprised.

To be sure, she didn't agree with all that Eriko had said, but it was a solid enough plan.

"I must agree with Sister Maria that we cannot assume so centralized a command-nor that Grapnels or Jump packs would be viable in this weather." Caelia says, trying to sound as reasonable as possible.

"However, I agree with much of the rest-Witchhunting gear, demolition gear, assault from unexpected area-which having the blueprints will help with regardless of modifications." Caelia continues. "All good suggestions, Sister."

She looked down at the briefing slate, frowning. "Carrying munitions lockers would leave us very vulnrable. We should seek some form of support for the resupply portion of the mission-perhaps some loading servitors to carry the coffers?"
"As Maria has said already, I thank you for this opportunity to atone for our failings in not being able to bring in the witch proper. The Emperor truly looks upon us with kindness to grant us this second chance." Ilana nodded at Zayneth. "With such spoken, I believe the august Witch Hunter has given a salient point. Do we have any further data on these 'elites' that that cult is sending? If they match the professionalism of the intruders the night before-" And Ilana pointedly did not dwell upon her disappointed response compared to her sisters. "-then their presence might be of concern. If not to us, then at least to the Witch Hunter and his retinue."

"Squad Morena was alerted due to her auspex," Eriko says, rubbing her chin in thought as she stares at the hololith. "Therefore it would only be prudent to bring one this mission."

She nods in acknolwedgement at Caelia's comment before she continues. "Witches. This cult wants them. We want them. If that is so then we should expect either or both the Apostates our squad has encountered to make an appearance and if they possess the same cursed abilities as our last encounters..." Eriko's words trail off and a fine eyebrow raises as she looks at her squad. No doubt the dybbuks are front and center on her mind.

"Then it would be prudent to prepare for them as well."
"A few mortars ruined your breakfast sister Eriko?" Caelia teased. "More to avenge ourselves upon them for."
"One must take life's simple pleasures when one can. They are only too flitting." She lifts her spoon, porridge along with a piece of masonry on it, which she eyes with hate and disgust before flicking it away.

"A prime example."

Maria plowed through her porridge with stolid efficiency, finally scraping the edges down and mashing what dust rested on the surface in to the mix.

"You could eat quicker," she murmured, swallowing the last mouthful and licking her spoon clean, "Though if you don't want it, I wouldn't object."
A Witchhunter? A useful ally-Caelia had never seen one in the field before-she hoped this Vahn Zayneth would prove worthwhile. She nodded her helmed head to the witch finder.
He returns the nod, tipping the brim of his wide hat.
"We owe them for their cowardly attempt on us, Legatine." Caelia says, nodding. "Made us get out of bed and didn't even have the decency to die on our swords."

She decides to not mention that Sister Illanna had hardly gotten out of bed at all.
Lethicia chuckles. "Yes, that was quite uncouth of them. If you find any, let them know of our displeasure, would you?" She says.

"We'll lodge a personal complaint," Palais says, face straight. "I'm sure they'll be dying to apologize."
"Parley... with those who sheltered an unclean witch?" Ilana stared at Maria incredulously for a brief, uncertain moment, feeling that her perception of the galaxy had been pulled inside out. To hear that tough, stubborn and abrasive Maria of all people would treat with those who sheltered the unclean witch, even if on the recommendation of the Legatine. She unconsciously gritted her teeth, scarcely noticing the pressure on enamel as she briefly struggled with her own biases. Finally, she sighed. "While I cannot but help but feel doubtful of any course of action that assumes any sort of good faith on the part of Eneresh and by proxy, Venedes, I accept that in the small likelihood that they do accept the parley with good grace it would save us much inconvenience over the course of this mission."
Lethicia motions toward you, a firm gesture. "You are just in your hate, Sister Ilana. But our duty calls for their apprehension when possible, so that they may be redeemed in the service of the God-Emperor. It was once believed Eneresh could serve and that may yet be true. If it is, it is our duty as the Chamber Militant of the Holy Ordos Hereticus to take her for the Tithe," She says, her voice a low and distorted growl. She coughs to clear her throat. Her next words are clear and warm. "If not, she must be brought to justice. Either way, no more people will be hurt and the Emperor's will will be done."

"And if Eneresh can still found able to serve, so too might Vennedes and her people. The line between crime and heresy can be thin, but there is a line, Sister. If they have not crossed it, I would give them the chance to redeem their sins in the Emperor's eyes. If they have, I don't need to tell you your sacred duty. Just remember to pack enough promethium."

Palais laughs. "Just enough to burn down the entire building."
"As Maria has said already, I thank you for this opportunity to atone for our failings in not being able to bring in the witch proper. The Emperor truly looks upon us with kindness to grant us this second chance." Ilana nodded at Zayneth. "With such spoken, I believe the august Witch Hunter has given a salient point. Do we have any further data on these 'elites' that that cult is sending? If they match the professionalism of the intruders the night before-" And Ilana pointedly did not dwell upon her disappointed response compared to her sisters. "-then their presence might be of concern. If not to us, then at least to the Witch Hunter and his retinue."
Lethicia folds her arms across their chest. "They seem to be members of native clans who dwell in the swamp lands. Veteran warriors who have long resisted Imperial rule."

Vahn motions for leave to speak. With an affirmative nod from Lethicia, he leans forward on the hololith and speaks. "They're mostly just survivors of the cities that haven't survived Dreverarch's hospitality as well as this one. Someone's city or mining expedition gets lost in the swamps, and a few millennia later their descendants are raising banners to some tribal god or another. Either that or they're descended from exiles and redicivists fleeing for safety. In the end, you get the swamp clans. Many worship the God-Emperor and even work with the cities, such as Irushan Empire who have been aiding efforts to tap into high quality promethium bogs in their area. Others, like the 'elites' you're likely facing have been actively resisting efforts of the Imperium to spread the faith probably as far back as the Great Crusade. Even the best equipped clans struggle for equipment compared to the Dreverarch PDF, so they've learned how to fight superior firepower. Don't expect as much discipline as an Astra Militarum soldier, but they're cunning and utterly deadly nonetheless. I know from experience. More than once, I have had to collect shamans and hedge witches that these clans protect, and they have proven savage foes. Especially after the Choir War. So much wargear for them to salvage."

A contemplative look crosses his face as he rubs his chin. "I do find it curious they're working with the citydwellers though. That's not unknown but it is uncommon."
"Squad Morena was alerted due to her auspex," Eriko says, rubbing her chin in thought as she stares at the hololith. "Therefore it would only be prudent to bring one this mission."

She nods in acknolwedgement at Caelia's comment before she continues. "Witches. This cult wants them. We want them. If that is so then we should expect either or both the Apostates our squad has encountered to make an appearance and if they possess the same cursed abilities as our last encounters..." Eriko's words trail off and a fine eyebrow raises as she looks at her squad. No doubt the dybbuks are front and center on her mind.

"Then it would be prudent to prepare for them as well."
"I don't think the one Maria shot is going to be in a hurry to meet us again. He's probably nursing his bruises. If he's even conscious yet," Palais notes. "They had to drag him out, afterall. As much as I'd like to introduce them to my chainsword, I doubt we'll have the opportunity. Still, Sister Eriko, I agree we can expect someone of similar statue to be leading this attack. Perhaps even another sorcerer, like the one we faced at the bridge."

Vahn smiles. It is a lean, hungry thing. "A sorcerer? I would enjoy the opportunity."
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Maria plowed through her porridge with stolid efficiency, finally scraping the edges down and mashing what dust rested on the surface in to the mix.

"You could eat quicker," she murmured, swallowing the last mouthful and licking her spoon clean, "Though if you don't want it, I wouldn't object."
Eriko stared at Maria as if the other woman was eating a live rat with her bare hands. Then she placed her spoon down, her appetite gone.

"On second thought I've had my fill for the morning. If you are that famished then you could have my portion." Helpfully, she pushed the bowl towards Maria.

Lethicia motions toward you, a firm gesture. "You are just in your hate, Sister Ilana. But our duty calls for their apprehension when possible, so that they may be redeemed in the service of the God-Emperor. It was once believed Eneresh could serve and that may yet be true. If it is, it is our duty as the Chamber Militant of the Holy Ordos Hereticus to take her for the Tithe," She says, her voice a low and distorted growl. She coughs to clear her throat. Her next words are clear and warm. "If not, she must be brought to justice. Either way, no more people will be hurt and the Emperor's will will be done."

"And if Eneresh can still found able to serve, so too might Vennedes and her people. The line between crime and heresy can be thin, but there is a line, Sister. If they have not crossed it, I would give them the chance to redeem their sins in the Emperor's eyes. If they have, I don't need to tell you your sacred duty. Just remember to pack enough promethium."

Palais laughs. "Just enough to burn down the entire building."
Eriko nods as her superiors discuss Eneresh. "Parley first. Burn later. Then something non-lethal would be useful for us. Perhaps you could bring a neural whip, Ilana? If it is justice you wish to see then the pain of the lash multiplied a dozen times in one strike could suffice."

Lethicia folds her arms across their chest. "They seem to be members of native clans who dwell in the swamp lands. Veteran warriors who have long resisted Imperial rule."

Vahn motions for leave to speak. With an affirmative nod from Lethicia, he leans forward on the hololith and speaks. "They're mostly just survivors of the cities that haven't survived Dreverarch's hospitality as well as this one. Someone's city or mining expedition gets lost in the swamps, and a few millennia later their descendants are raising banners to some tribal god or another. Either that or they're descended from exiles and redicivists fleeing for safety. In the end, you get the swamp clans. Many worship the God-Emperor and even work with the cities, such as Irushan Empire who have been aiding efforts to tap into high quality promethium bogs in their area. Others, like the 'elites' you're likely facing have been actively resisting efforts of the Imperium to spread the faith probably as far back as the Great Crusade. Even the best equipped clans struggle for equipment compared to the Dreverarch PDF, so they've learned how to fight superior firepower. Don't expect as much discipline as an Astra Militarum soldier, but they're cunning and utterly deadly nonetheless. I know from experience. More than once, I have had to collect shamans and hedge witches that these clans protect, and they have proven savage foes. Especially after the Choir War. So much wargear for them to salvage."

A contemplative look crosses his face as he rubs his chin. "I do find it curious they're working with the citydwellers though. That's not unknown but it is uncommon."
"A question to ask them if we bring one into custody," Eriko notes. "I can imagine the politics between the cult and the swamp clans could prove actionable intelligence to Dreverarch's PDF."

She shakes her head slightly. "Something to keep in the back of our minds, but all our objectives take precedence. We have non-lethal options if it comes down to that."

"I don't think the one Maria shot is going to be in a hurry to meet us again. He's probably nursing his bruises. If he's even conscious yet," Palais notes. "They had to drag him out, afterall. As much as I'd like to introduce them to my chainsword, I doubt we'll have the opportunity. Still, Sister Eriko, I agree we can expect someone of similar statue to be leading this attack. Perhaps even another sorcerer, like the one we faced at the bridge."

Vahn smiles. It is a lean, hungry thing. "A sorcerer? I would enjoy the opportunity."
Eriko shares Vahn's smile. "Indeed, finally a perfect opportunity to show these degenerates the wrath of the Emperor. Blessed arms to destroy their Warp pets and blessed armour to ward us against their powers." She flexes her hand in anticipation. "My squad has yet to settle the score with them."
Eriko stared at Maria as if the other woman was eating a live rat with her bare hands. Then she placed her spoon down, her appetite gone.

"On second thought I've had my fill for the morning. If you are that famished then you could have my portion." Helpfully, she pushed the bowl towards Maria.

Maria stabbed her spoon down in to the offered bowl and dragged it across the table. It truly wasn't so bad, and...

"We should be thankful for every mouthful sister, especially when breaking our fast." She spoke in staccato bursts, already erasing any sign of the few bites Eriko had taken with her own excavating spoonfuls. "Field rations ought to be in adequate condition--I'll add some to my requisition for you."

A contemplative look crosses his face as he rubs his chin. "I do find it curious they're working with the citydwellers though. That's not unknown but it is uncommon."

There was truly no excuse for falling away from the God-Emperor's light in hardship and isolation. She studied the hovering image of the 'elites' more carefully now. An auspex for sure, it would be useful on its own but doubly so against such betrayal. Ambush, traps, probably more of those improvised bombs--she'd miss the Viatorem, but this would be no job for such a noble conveyance.
Maria stabbed her spoon down in to the offered bowl and dragged it across the table. It truly wasn't so bad, and...

"We should be thankful for every mouthful sister, especially when breaking our fast." She spoke in staccato bursts, already erasing any sign of the few bites Eriko had taken with her own excavating spoonfuls. "Field rations ought to be in adequate condition--I'll add some to my requisition for you."
Eriko hummed as she contemplated Maria's offer.

"No thank you," she said. "The offer is noted and appreciated but a slightly empty stomach will not bother me much. Use your requisition for today's work."
Lethicia folds her arms across their chest. "They seem to be members of native clans who dwell in the swamp lands. Veteran warriors who have long resisted Imperial rule."

Vahn motions for leave to speak. With an affirmative nod from Lethicia, he leans forward on the hololith and speaks. "They're mostly just survivors of the cities that haven't survived Dreverarch's hospitality as well as this one. Someone's city or mining expedition gets lost in the swamps, and a few millennia later their descendants are raising banners to some tribal god or another. Either that or they're descended from exiles and redicivists fleeing for safety. In the end, you get the swamp clans. Many worship the God-Emperor and even work with the cities, such as Irushan Empire who have been aiding efforts to tap into high quality promethium bogs in their area. Others, like the 'elites' you're likely facing have been actively resisting efforts of the Imperium to spread the faith probably as far back as the Great Crusade. Even the best equipped clans struggle for equipment compared to the Dreverarch PDF, so they've learned how to fight superior firepower. Don't expect as much discipline as an Astra Militarum soldier, but they're cunning and utterly deadly nonetheless. I know from experience. More than once, I have had to collect shamans and hedge witches that these clans protect, and they have proven savage foes. Especially after the Choir War. So much wargear for them to salvage."

A contemplative look crosses his face as he rubs his chin. "I do find it curious they're working with the citydwellers though. That's not unknown but it is uncommon."

"I look forward to showing them the error of their swamp gods then, by the blessed Bolter and sword." Caelia says, folding her arms. "Still, perhaps they will prove more a challenge than the rest of the rabble then."

"A question to ask them if we bring one into custody," Eriko notes. "I can imagine the politics between the cult and the swamp clans could prove actionable intelligence to Dreverarch's PDF."

She shakes her head slightly. "Something to keep in the back of our minds, but all our objectives take precedence. We have non-lethal options if it comes down to that."

Caelia taps the hilt of her shock maul. "I'll keep it mind, Sister."

"I don't think the one Maria shot is going to be in a hurry to meet us again. He's probably nursing his bruises. If he's even conscious yet," Palais notes. "They had to drag him out, afterall. As much as I'd like to introduce them to my chainsword, I doubt we'll have the opportunity. Still, Sister Eriko, I agree we can expect someone of similar statue to be leading this attack. Perhaps even another sorcerer, like the one we faced at the bridge."

Vahn smiles. It is a lean, hungry thing. "A sorcerer? I would enjoy the opportunity."
@Zeitgeist Blue

"A shame I did not bring my Chainsword. I have heard this Swamp Warrior you fought was quite Tenacious Sister Eriko." Caelia says, smiling within her warhelm.

She frowned within her warhelm at the mention at Witches, but outwardly nodded along with the Witchhunter. "As would I."
Lethicia motions toward you, a firm gesture. "You are just in your hate, Sister Ilana. But our duty calls for their apprehension when possible, so that they may be redeemed in the service of the God-Emperor. It was once believed Eneresh could serve and that may yet be true. If it is, it is our duty as the Chamber Militant of the Holy Ordos Hereticus to take her for the Tithe," She says, her voice a low and distorted growl. She coughs to clear her throat. Her next words are clear and warm. "If not, she must be brought to justice. Either way, no more people will be hurt and the Emperor's will will be done."

"And if Eneresh can still found able to serve, so too might Vennedes and her people. The line between crime and heresy can be thin, but there is a line, Sister. If they have not crossed it, I would give them the chance to redeem their sins in the Emperor's eyes. If they have, I don't need to tell you your sacred duty. Just remember to pack enough promethium."

Palais laughs. "Just enough to burn down the entire building."
Ilana made the sign of the aquila in contrition. "I spoke out of turn Legatine. Though Vennedes and her ilk have strayed from His light, it is also the duty of the faith to redeem those capable of it, and here I erred."
Eriko nods as her superiors discuss Eneresh. "Parley first. Burn later. Then something non-lethal would be useful for us. Perhaps you could bring a neural whip, Ilana? If it is justice you wish to see then the pain of the lash multiplied a dozen times in one strike could suffice."
Ilana hummed as she mulled over Eriko's suggestion. "Stun shells worked well against that heretic at the checkpoint, and by the Emperor's grace it will be enough against Eneresh and her ilk should it come to that. I am a better shot than I am any sort of CQC combatant unfortunately."
Ilana made the sign of the aquila in contrition. "I spoke out of turn Legatine. Though Vennedes and her ilk have strayed from His light, it is also the duty of the faith to redeem those capable of it, and here I erred."
"Zeal is a virtue, Sister. You have nothing to apologize for," Lethicia replies. "It is merely a matter of how to implement it."

@Zeitgeist Blue @greendoor @Mina

Already armored, it does not take you long to ready the holy arms of battle. Laden with weapons and ammunition, you venture out into the rows of garages to where teams of Sisters and enginseers ready the Mission's holy vehicles. A sudden detonation shakes the street just outside the garage gates and kicks up a wave of filthy water that sprays into the garage and washes over your lower legs. Palais scoffs as the filth runs off your hydrophobic armor, leaving your sabatons and greaves spotless and shining.

"Can't even dirty our armor!" She laughs, before motioning at the open hatch of a Rhino Razorback. "There's our ride, Sisters," She says as another shell lands up the courtyard, sending a PDF team leaping into a muddy ditch.

A Sister you don't know gives you a cursory greeting as you begin to board the vehicle. As you do, you make out a sudden flash of light in the dark clouds outside the bay, followed by the thunderous retort of a battlecannon detonation. One of your Order's thunderhawks speaking its voice.

"Finally," Your driver mutters as, at last, the mortars fall silent. But the Little Cog district remains quite alive.

The pounding rain rattles against the Rhino's thick ceramite roof, audible even over the rumble of the vehicle's steady engine. It is a measured ride, the Razorback seeming a staid beast compared to the ever eager Viatorem. Roads flood in the storm, leaving the vehicle trudging through waist deep water in places. Twice, Maria and Caelia are forced to disembark to push the Rhino out of thick mud, and you can only imagine that given the number of cracks and crunches you hear as the Razorback rolls over other obstacles that if you were in a lesser vehicle, you'd have a great deal more trouble. Certainly, the rugged PDF trucks following in your wake are repeatedly slowed, though to their drivers' credit, never stopped for long.

But the storm does not seem to put a damper on the mood of the population. If anything, it has riled them up. You can hear the explosions and gunfire outside the vehicle, and the vox is alive with reports of heavy combat as Sisters and PDF units engage mobs of cultists dug in across the district, or try to direct mobs of self-proclaimed Frateris Militia. At the least the Arbitrators are reporting lessened pressure along the quarantine; perhaps it is thanks to your efforts at redirecting the rioters?

As you listen to a PDF lieutenant cursing over the vox about heavy casualties and demanding support, the Rhino starts to slow. The driver pokes her head around the corner.

"Sister-Superior, disembark's about 300 meters up, but we've got a de-tracked Rhino at 50. Permission to stop and render assistance?" She asks.

Palais sighs, but nods. "We can continue the rest of the way on foot," She says, rolling her Sabbat-Pattern helm in her gauntlets. The back hatch opens up, the din of the rain seeming almost overpowering as the thick hail of rain pounds against the ramp. Palais gives you all a wan smile at the rain, then raises up and locks her helmet.

"O divine machine-spirits, demideus Omnissiah espiritum, I beseech thee to shield my fragile flesh from harm," She intones as her helmet hisses shut. You dismount, weapons raised. Ahead, a Rhino side leans deep into a great crater torn into the road, already half filled with murky water. The vehicle's left track is a tattered mess, its sacred hull blackened and pitted from a powerful explosive, and you see a pair of carmine clad Sisters trying to push the vehicle out of the flooding hole whilst others surround the vehicle in defensive positions. Smaller craters pockmark the road, and two dents are visible along the side of the Rhino. Dead men and women clad in civilian rain coats, industrial work gear, and improvised tactical gear lay soaking in the rain, streams of red washing out from their tattered bodies, their chilling hands clutching stubbers and improvised explosives. Limbs have been pulled off, bones shattered, skulls caved in, and throats ripped out, whilst others perished clutching deep gashes or spilled entrails. This was clearly a close quarters fight.

"Hail Sisters! Squad Selveria at your service. We ah, our suspect must have missed a mine or something." One of the Sisters calls out, cradling her boltgun, the point of a monoblade snapped off in her plastron. Somewhere in the tenement behind, you hear a brief crack of a lasweapon, followed by the roar of a chainsword. A few boltgun rounds follow, their double-boom echoing over the rainswept courtyard. "Sister-Superior Selveria took a demi-squad to clear out the building-We were taking RPG fire from there during the ambush. Praise the Throne that besides our noble Rhino, no one was hurt."

Palais makes the sign of the aquila. "Emperor be praised, though I pray the Machine Spirit recover quickly. I wish we could have lent aid, but it's clear you didn't need us," Palais says, giving a brief glance. Through the winding warren of streets ahead, you can just barely make out the tip of the squat Carmine tower, its fading scarlet paint barely visible in the mist. In another direction, near the harbor, you can make out the smoke and glow of a significant fire from near where the Pellager ghetto was.

"The Razorback's got some recovery gear and will try to help. You need any further aid?" Palais asks.

The Sister gives a thumbs up back. "No, Sister-Superior. We're alright, but you ought to watch your step out there, 'lest you lose a leg as our vehicle lost its tread. Oh, if you're heading to the Carmine Tower, there's a river ahead. Looked like there'd been some pretty heavy fighting between some of the civilian militias and somebody over it. Main bridge looked halfway to collapse."

Palais glances behind you as the PDF cargo-8s roll to a halt. PDF troopers begin to disembark into the rain without complaint, pulling the thick raincoats over their segmented armor tight. The officer in charge starts shouting for thr servitors to be unloaded.

"Well, we're proceeding on foot anyway. Let's get those munitions lockers out Sisters. Take up formation."
@Zeitgeist Blue @greendoor @Mina

Already armored, it does not take you long to ready the holy arms of battle. Laden with weapons and ammunition, you venture out into the rows of garages to where teams of Sisters and enginseers ready the Mission's holy vehicles. A sudden detonation shakes the street just outside the garage gates and kicks up a wave of filthy water that sprays into the garage and washes over your lower legs. Palais scoffs as the filth runs off your hydrophobic armor, leaving your sabatons and greaves spotless and shining.

"Can't even dirty our armor!" She laughs, before motioning at the open hatch of a Rhino Razorback. "There's our ride, Sisters," She says as another shell lands up the courtyard, sending a PDF team leaping into a muddy ditch.

A Sister you don't know gives you a cursory greeting as you begin to board the vehicle. As you do, you make out a sudden flash of light in the dark clouds outside the bay, followed by the thunderous retort of a battlecannon detonation. One of your Order's thunderhawks speaking its voice.

"Finally," Your driver mutters as, at last, the mortars fall silent. But the Little Cog district remains quite alive.
Eriko cradles the chainsword in her hands, lifting it so that the water may not muddy it further. Prayers and litanies hang in slips of scroll-paper along the grip and guard and she had witnessed the final steps in sanctifying the great blade. In reverence she would not have it dirtied until it tasted the blood of Mankind's enemies and so when they were motioned to board the Razorback she did so with relief.

The pounding rain rattles against the Rhino's thick ceramite roof, audible even over the rumble of the vehicle's steady engine. It is a measured ride, the Razorback seeming a staid beast compared to the ever eager Viatorem. Roads flood in the storm, leaving the vehicle trudging through waist deep water in places. Twice, Maria and Caelia are forced to disembark to push the Rhino out of thick mud, and you can only imagine that given the number of cracks and crunches you hear as the Razorback rolls over other obstacles that if you were in a lesser vehicle, you'd have a great deal more trouble. Certainly, the rugged PDF trucks following in your wake are repeatedly slowed, though to their drivers' credit, never stopped for long.

But the storm does not seem to put a damper on the mood of the population. If anything, it has riled them up. You can hear the explosions and gunfire outside the vehicle, and the vox is alive with reports of heavy combat as Sisters and PDF units engage mobs of cultists dug in across the district, or try to direct mobs of self-proclaimed Frateris Militia. At the least the Arbitrators are reporting lessened pressure along the quarantine; perhaps it is thanks to your efforts at redirecting the rioters?
Cradling the greatsword on her lap, she sat across from Palais behind the driver's seat and as the Razorback began its journey her eyes closed, letting her thoughts fade into the background as the sounds from the streets and radio reports washed over her. She heard the gunfire and her Sisters. She heard the Arbites reports, less now than it was yesterday, and she allowed herself a small smile at that minor accomplishment.

Like a stone in a creek, it cleaned her.

The way to their destination was a bumpy one, running over obstacles in brute force, getting stuck in mud and water, her sisters disembarking to push the Razorback forward. Eriko found her center in staying as still as could be, focusing on her breathing instead of the background distractions.

As you listen to a PDF lieutenant cursing over the vox about heavy casualties and demanding support, the Rhino starts to slow. The driver pokes her head around the corner.

"Sister-Superior, disembark's about 300 meters up, but we've got a de-tracked Rhino at 50. Permission to stop and render assistance?" She asks.

Palais sighs, but nods. "We can continue the rest of the way on foot," She says, rolling her Sabbat-Pattern helm in her gauntlets. The back hatch opens up, the din of the rain seeming almost overpowering as the thick hail of rain pounds against the ramp. Palais gives you all a wan smile at the rain, then raises up and locks her helmet.

"O divine machine-spirits, demideus Omnissiah espiritum, I beseech thee to shield my fragile flesh from harm," She intones as her helmet hisses shut. You dismount, weapons raised. Ahead, a Rhino side leans deep into a great crater torn into the road, already half filled with murky water. The vehicle's left track is a tattered mess, its sacred hull blackened and pitted from a powerful explosive, and you see a pair of carmine clad Sisters trying to push the vehicle out of the flooding hole whilst others surround the vehicle in defensive positions. Smaller craters pockmark the road, and two dents are visible along the side of the Rhino. Dead men and women clad in civilian rain coats, industrial work gear, and improvised tactical gear lay soaking in the rain, streams of red washing out from their tattered bodies, their chilling hands clutching stubbers and improvised explosives. Limbs have been pulled off, bones shattered, skulls caved in, and throats ripped out, whilst others perished clutching deep gashes or spilled entrails. This was clearly a close quarters fight.

"Hail Sisters! Squad Selveria at your service. We ah, our suspect must have missed a mine or something." One of the Sisters calls out, cradling her boltgun, the point of a monoblade snapped off in her plastron. Somewhere in the tenement behind, you hear a brief crack of a lasweapon, followed by the roar of a chainsword. A few boltgun rounds follow, their double-boom echoing over the rainswept courtyard. "Sister-Superior Selveria took a demi-squad to clear out the building-We were taking RPG fire from there during the ambush. Praise the Throne that besides our noble Rhino, no one was hurt."

Palais makes the sign of the aquila. "Emperor be praised, though I pray the Machine Spirit recover quickly. I wish we could have lent aid, but it's clear you didn't need us," Palais says, giving a brief glance. Through the winding warren of streets ahead, you can just barely make out the tip of the squat Carmine tower, its fading scarlet paint barely visible in the mist. In another direction, near the harbor, you can make out the smoke and glow of a significant fire from near where the Pellager ghetto was.

"The Razorback's got some recovery gear and will try to help. You need any further aid?" Palais asks.

The Sister gives a thumbs up back. "No, Sister-Superior. We're alright, but you ought to watch your step out there, 'lest you lose a leg as our vehicle lost its tread. Oh, if you're heading to the Carmine Tower, there's a river ahead. Looked like there'd been some pretty heavy fighting between some of the civilian militias and somebody over it. Main bridge looked halfway to collapse."
"Heavy fighting?" Eriko repeats before she looks up in the sky. Heavy clouds and rain obscured her vision, but somewhere up there was the orbital surveillance they had requested. As she sent a signal to the orbital surveillance team, she turned her attention back to the stranded Sister and raised a hand to catch her attention. "Where the civilian militias on this side of the river or the other one, Sister? We have eyes in the sky but only thermal imaging. If we know which group is which then we could break through the enemy's flank easily."

Then she looked around them, at the bodies strewn haphazardly on the street, and waved a hand at the scene. "Cultists, Sister? Perhaps they are whom the civilian militia are fighting. If so then we'll make sure to let them know they pay for the inconvenience their comrades caused you."
Palais glances behind you as the PDF cargo-8s roll to a halt. PDF troopers begin to disembark into the rain without complaint, pulling the thick raincoats over their segmented armor tight. The officer in charge starts shouting for thr servitors to be unloaded.

"Well, we're proceeding on foot anyway. Let's get those munitions lockers out Sisters. Take up formation."
Turning her visor towards Maria, she stepped aside, gesturing for the other woman to lead the way.

"Sister Maria. Yours is the honor of wielding the Explosive Auspex. Now seems the perfect situation to ask for its assistance."
"Heavy fighting?" Eriko repeats before she looks up in the sky. Heavy clouds and rain obscured her vision, but somewhere up there was the orbital surveillance they had requested. As she sent a signal to the orbital surveillance team, she turned her attention back to the stranded Sister and raised a hand to catch her attention. "Where the civilian militias on this side of the river or the other one, Sister? We have eyes in the sky but only thermal imaging. If we know which group is which then we could break through the enemy's flank easily."
"Aye. A great deal of gunfire and explosions. I'm afraid it was sometime ago that we passed, and we didn't get a good view. Nobody wears uniforms, so it's hard to tell, but I believe the ones on this side to be Imperial. It seems to have quieted some now, though." In the distance, you make out the occasional echo of a gunshot. It's hard to tell if it comes from the riverside or perhaps elsewhere in the winding streets, and it blends in with the distant booms of mortar shells striking the carmine tower. A howl of a chainsword echoes from the much closer tenement building you're beside, along with short lived pops of stub guns.

"There was that Aquila banner I saw being raised on this side, Eloheim," Another sister comments, cradling her flamer. "And I think I saw someone with what looked like a burning rose knit into their shirt? Might be wrong. I think the red might've just been blood."

The Eloheim nods. "Well, in any case we didn't see who they were shooting. Could be cultists, or could be other militia. Could be the militia are actually disguised cultists, I guess." She gives a shrug. From the building inside you hear a howl of a heavy gun, perhaps a stubber, followed by the whump of a frag grenade and cries of pain, followed swiftly by silence.

Palais sighs. "What I wouldn't give for another honest battle, like on Almium Magna. Well, perhaps with less of the Mechanicus stealing the glory."
Then she looked around them, at the bodies strewn haphazardly on the street, and waved a hand at the scene. "Cultists, Sister? Perhaps they are whom the civilian militia are fighting. If so then we'll make sure to let them know they pay for the inconvenience their comrades caused you."
"We weren't sure at first, but they have the marks under their clothing, shouting the warcries. They're lost and damned," The Sister replies. "One moment they were acting like ordinary civilians, the next they're charging at us."

Palais makes a noise. "They're not far behind behind our supposedly non-cult militia at the riverside, are they?"

"I suppose not," The Eloheim comments. "Yes, that seems a bit concerning."

As the PDF form up in defensive positions across the street, lasguns locked on the building Selveria is clearing, the servitors trudge up to the rhino to collection the munitions lockers. Your vox then crackles with a brief update from the orbital satellite that they're having some minor technical issues and need to rebless the thermal imagers before they can do an indepth scan. They do confirm that the bridge seems to have taken damage however, and there's ongoing fires on it. They note that a shanty town build over the river seems to offer a second, alternative route across. Maria, recalling the map from the hololith, realizes it isn't far from the Hospitallers last reported position.
"Sister-Superior, disembark's about 300 meters up, but we've got a de-tracked Rhino at 50. Permission to stop and render assistance?" She asks.

Palais sighs, but nods. "We can continue the rest of the way on foot," She says, rolling her Sabbat-Pattern helm in her gauntlets. The back hatch opens up, the din of the rain seeming almost overpowering as the thick hail of rain pounds against the ramp. Palais gives you all a wan smile at the rain, then raises up and locks her helmet.

"O divine machine-spirits, demideus Omnissiah espiritum, I beseech thee to shield my fragile flesh from harm," She intones as her helmet hisses shut. You dismount, weapons raised. Ahead, a Rhino side leans deep into a great crater torn into the road, already half filled with murky water. The vehicle's left track is a tattered mess, its sacred hull blackened and pitted from a powerful explosive, and you see a pair of carmine clad Sisters trying to push the vehicle out of the flooding hole whilst others surround the vehicle in defensive positions. Smaller craters pockmark the road, and two dents are visible along the side of the Rhino. Dead men and women clad in civilian rain coats, industrial work gear, and improvised tactical gear lay soaking in the rain, streams of red washing out from their tattered bodies, their chilling hands clutching stubbers and improvised explosives. Limbs have been pulled off, bones shattered, skulls caved in, and throats ripped out, whilst others perished clutching deep gashes or spilled entrails. This was clearly a close quarters fight.

"Thank the Emperor. Dying to a mine is no proper way to go to his side." Caelia says. "Shame about the noble Rhino's damage. Though it will serve again, hopefully."

"Hail Sisters! Squad Selveria at your service. We ah, our suspect must have missed a mine or something." One of the Sisters calls out, cradling her boltgun, the point of a monoblade snapped off in her plastron. Somewhere in the tenement behind, you hear a brief crack of a lasweapon, followed by the roar of a chainsword. A few boltgun rounds follow, their double-boom echoing over the rainswept courtyard. "Sister-Superior Selveria took a demi-squad to clear out the building-We were taking RPG fire from there during the ambush. Praise the Throne that besides our noble Rhino, no one was hurt."

Palais makes the sign of the aquila. "Emperor be praised, though I pray the Machine Spirit recover quickly. I wish we could have lent aid, but it's clear you didn't need us," Palais says, giving a brief glance. Through the winding warren of streets ahead, you can just barely make out the tip of the squat Carmine tower, its fading scarlet paint barely visible in the mist. In another direction, near the harbor, you can make out the smoke and glow of a significant fire from near where the Pellager ghetto was.

"The heretics grow bold, to try to ambush a squad of Battle Sisters." Caelia comments dryly. "Congratulations on showing them their error, Sister."

The Sister gives a thumbs up back. "No, Sister-Superior. We're alright, but you ought to watch your step out there, 'lest you lose a leg as our vehicle lost its tread. Oh, if you're heading to the Carmine Tower, there's a river ahead. Looked like there'd been some pretty heavy fighting between some of the civilian militias and somebody over it. Main bridge looked halfway to collapse."

"Enough to not take the weight of warplate?" Caelia asks, about the bridge.

Palais sighs. "What I wouldn't give for another honest battle, like on Almium Magna. Well, perhaps with less of the Mechanicus stealing the glory."

"Perhaps the enemy getting their hands on some real ordinance would be worth the trade if they stood up and fought with it like the Almium heretics." Caelia says, dryly.

Maybe it would be. It'd be over quicker, at the very least.

Palais glances behind you as the PDF cargo-8s roll to a halt. PDF troopers begin to disembark into the rain without complaint, pulling the thick raincoats over their segmented armor tight. The officer in charge starts shouting for thr servitors to be unloaded.

"Well, we're proceeding on foot anyway. Let's get those munitions lockers out Sisters. Take up formation."

"Sister Maria. Yours is the honor of wielding the Explosive Auspex. Now seems the perfect situation to ask for its assistance."

Caelia unslings the Slayer of Ten Thousand, and assumes her position at the flank of the formation. She nodded to Maria, giving her support to Eriko's suggestion.
Palais sighs. "What I wouldn't give for another honest battle, like on Almium Magna. Well, perhaps with less of the Mechanicus stealing the glory."

"Domine libra nos," Maria murmured as she stepped down from the Rhino, and swung her bolter up to inspect the receiver. She'd held off on opening the sacred unguents in the vehicle proper, depending on the chymistry the smell could be devilishly hard to remove. Now with a quiet prayer off comms she squatted down and started the ritual application to the slides and reattached the feed from her backpack.

"The less said of all that the better."

Turning her visor towards Maria, she stepped aside, gesturing for the other woman to lead the way.

"Sister Maria. Yours is the honor of wielding the Explosive Auspex. Now seems the perfect situation to ask for its assistance."
As the PDF form up in defensive positions across the street, lasguns locked on the building Selveria is clearing, the servitors trudge up to the rhino to collection the munitions lockers. Your vox then crackles with a brief update from the orbital satellite that they're having some minor technical issues and need to rebless the thermal imagers before they can do an indepth scan. They do confirm that the bridge seems to have taken damage however, and there's ongoing fires on it. They note that a shanty town build over the river seems to offer a second, alternative route across. Maria, recalling the map from the hololith, realizes it isn't far from the Hospitallers last reported position.

"It is an impeccably maintained, wide-band, deep scan auspex of noble make Sister Eriko, and I will call upon it in due time."

The Retributor took out her cartograph instead, confirming her recollections and noting the position. "Sister Superior, the river route should provide us with more cover and a proximate route to our sisters of Pure Water, and if the construction is like that of the sprawl around the Luminator's blockade it will take our weight quite well.
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"Thank the Emperor. Dying to a mine is no proper way to go to his side." Caelia says. "Shame about the noble Rhino's damage. Though it will serve again, hopefully."
The Eloheim holds her palm out comfortingly. "It's merely a lost track, Sister. In no time, the Chariot of Saints will be once more unto the fray!"
"The heretics grow bold, to try to ambush a squad of Battle Sisters." Caelia comments dryly. "Congratulations on showing them their error, Sister."
The Sister pauses for a moment. "Ah, Sister? When we were with you yesterday, didn't we get ambushed twice?"

Another Sister nods. "There was the bridge, and then the earlier one with the bomb and snipers..."

"Slept poorly too, huh?" The Eloheim asks, shrugging. "In any case, these scum did learn to contemplate their heresy in the end."

Judging by the shattered bones and torn out throats of the heretics, their deaths were not swift.
"Enough to not take the weight of warplate?" Caelia asks, about the bridge.
"'Twas hyperbole, Sister. It was holding up to the weight of a burning truck just fine. Power armor is of no concern."

A stubber pops in the building behind, followed by the howl of a hungering chainsword.
"It is an impeccably maintained, wide-band, deep scan auspex of noble make Sister Eriko, and I will call upon it in due time."

The Retributor took out her cartograph instead, confirming her recollections and noting the position. "Sister Superior, the river route should provide us with more cover and a proximate route to our sisters of Pure Water, and if the construction is like that of the sprawl around the Luminator's blockade it will take our weight quite well.
OOC: It is Lumenator. 40k lights are spelled Lumen, not Lumin.

IC: Palais cocks her head at your suggestion, humming under her breath. "Fair point, Sister. Though, it'd divert us from the main road and the enforcer post too. Eloheim, where do the roads diverge?"

"It's right in front of the bridge. You can see both your options from there," The Eloheim replies.

Palais nods, motioning ahead with her chainsword. "Then let's see what the bridge looks like first. Give Sister-Superior Selveria my regards."

"Of course, though, I'll warn you she had been rather hoping no one would witness our embarrassment," The Eloheim replies as another burst of boltgun fire rings out from the tenement. A moment later a woman in industrial work gear is thrown screaming from the seventh floor. They bounce off the rockcrete street, their broken body slumping into a deep and rapidly reddening puddle.

Palais gives a nod, glancing back at the PDF platoon behind. Fully disembarked and in combat positions, they sweep for contacts when not checking their gasmasks or making strange hand gestures at one another. The Servitors stand tall, soaking in the rain as their metal limbs clutch at the munitions lockers. Satisfied, Palais turns, raising her chainsword forward.


The PDF are quite content to let the Adepta Sororitas take the lead, which your squad takes to with aplomb. The bridge isn't too far, though the trek is slowed by flooding and debris. Though no sniper fire or distant rifle fire answers you as you march through the streets, the signs of conflict are everywhere in spent shell casings and distant gunfire. Twice, Maria's auspex pings hidden explosives. One an IED that would perhaps be enough to tear through the hull of a supply truck, the other an improvised snare wire attached to rusting fragmentation grenades. No real danger to Sororitas, but the PDF and Servitors? Certainly. In any case, it was enough to slow you more. You also do not go unnoticed. People in civilian dress hurry across streets and dart through alleyways, only halting to pick at abandoned vehicles or bodies, and curious eyes watching you from the shadows of tenements and shanties. All that witness you do so with awe plain on their features. Whether any are foes, however, you cannot be sure.

In any case, it isn't long until the bridge looms ahead. Though the rusted superstructure is intact, it is clear the wide bridge has suffered as much from battle damage as from poor maintenance. Craters and gashes have been ripped into the rockcrete, exposing the support beams or even opening up entirely into the coursing river below. Guttering fires rise from the blackened hulks of dead vehicles across it, and shredded carcasses litter the rockcrete. Across the bridge on the other side of the river, you make out little movement besides the fluttering banner of a ragged Aquila banner hanging from a lamp pole. On this side, however, right at the edge of the riverside you make out a band of armed men and women in a mixture of civilian wear and improvised combat gear sheltering in the shadow of a half collapsed hotel. They shy away from you, their nervousness evident even over this distance.

"Militiamen, perhaps?" Palais wonders, even as she glances down the side road, which trails along the edge of the river for a several hundred meters, past a pair of collapsed bridges before eventually leading to what looks like some sort of shanty town cum bridge platform rising avove the water. All along the road you make out stairways heading down to lower platforms just above the river-sewage access, perhaps, or for boat docking. Though water splashes regularly across them, these seem to remain above the water.
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"Militiamen, perhaps?" Palais wonders, even as she glances down the side road, which trails along the edge of the river for a several hundred meters, past a pair of collapsed bridges before eventually leading to what looks like some sort of shanty town cum bridge platform rising avove the water. All along the road you make out stairways heading down to lower platforms just above the river-sewage access, perhaps, or for boat docking. Though water splashes regularly across them, these seem to remain above the water.
"They have at least had the good grace to not attempt to tear down His Aquila." Ilana reverently made the sign of the aquila in the direction of the banner. The rain came in thick and fast, which somewhat blurred even the holy machine spirit's sight. More and more she understood the Sister-Superior's intense dislike of the planet. "However, it's more than likely it is because that the bridge has proven itself a rather lethal obstacle." She paused for a moment, considering. "By your leave Sister-Superior, it may be worth it to approach the locals for any intelligence on the state of affairs ahead of us. They may have heard something on the state of the Enforcer and Hospitaller posts, particularly the latter given the nature of their holy mission, and if perchance they do bear the stain of heresy on their souls then I posit it is better to deal with them now than where they could harm those without the blessing of power armour."
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The Sister pauses for a moment. "Ah, Sister? When we were with you yesterday, didn't we get ambushed twice?"

Another Sister nods. "There was the bridge, and then the earlier one with the bomb and snipers..."

"Slept poorly too, huh?" The Eloheim asks, shrugging. "In any case, these scum did learn to contemplate their heresy in the end."

Judging by the shattered bones and torn out throats of the heretics, their deaths were not swift.

Caelia shook her head, emberassed at the slip up. She was glad they could not see her face.

"Looks like they had plenty of time." She quickly said, her helm looking down at one with exposed intestines coiled about the gutters.

"'Twas hyperbole, Sister. It was holding up to the weight of a burning truck just fine. Power armor is of no concern."

A stubber pops in the building behind, followed by the howl of a hungering chainsword.

"I don't want to assume anything about the local infrastructure's integrity. Surprises are not fun around here." Caelia clarifies dryly, a sudden crack of autogun fire from the building resounding behind her. "Still, thank you Sister."

In any case, it isn't long until the bridge looms ahead. Though the rusted superstructure is intact, it is clear the wide bridge has suffered as much from battle damage as from poor maintenance. Craters and gashes have been ripped into the rockcrete, exposing the support beams or even opening up entirely into the coursing river below. Guttering fires rise from the blackened hulks of dead vehicles across it, and shredded carcasses litter the rockcrete. Across the bridge on the other side of the river, you make out little movement besides the fluttering banner of a ragged Aquila banner hanging from a lamp pole. On this side, however, right at the edge of the riverside you make out a band of armed men and women in a mixture of civilian wear and improvised combat gear sheltering in the shadow of a half collapsed hotel. They shy away from you, their nervousness evident even over this distance.

"Militiamen, perhaps?" Palais wonders, even as she glances down the side road, which trails along the edge of the river for a several hundred meters, past a pair of collapsed bridges before eventually leading to what looks like some sort of shanty town cum bridge platform rising avove the water. All along the road you make out stairways heading down to lower platforms just above the river-sewage access, perhaps, or for boat docking. Though water splashes regularly across them, these seem to remain above the water.

"Only one way to find out, Sister Superior. I agree with Sister Ilanna-we should approach them and deal with them decisively if necessary." Caelia comments, Slayer of Ten Thousand resting ideally in her hands, content at the possibility of near violence.

"If they prove hostile, we don't want to leave them behind us anyway." She adds.
"It is an impeccably maintained, wide-band, deep scan auspex of noble make Sister Eriko, and I will call upon it in due time."
Hidden behind her helmet, Eriko rolls her eyes. However, her body's shift away from Maria is more telling of her exasperation.

"Of course," she says, drily. "How silly of me. The auspex."
"Militiamen, perhaps?" Palais wonders, even as she glances down the side road, which trails along the edge of the river for a several hundred meters, past a pair of collapsed bridges before eventually leading to what looks like some sort of shanty town cum bridge platform rising avove the water. All along the road you make out stairways heading down to lower platforms just above the river-sewage access, perhaps, or for boat docking. Though water splashes regularly across them, these seem to remain above the water.
"They have at least had the good grace to not attempt to tear down His Aquila." Ilana reverently made the sign of the aquila in the direction of the banner. The rain came in thick and fast, which somewhat blurred even the holy machine spirit's sight. More and more she understood the Sister-Superior's intense dislike of the planet. "However, it's more than likely it is because that the bridge has proven itself a rather lethal obstacle." She paused for a moment, considering. "By your leave Sister-Superior, it may be worth it to approach the locals for any intelligence on the state of affairs ahead of us. They may have heard something on the state of the Enforcer and Hospitaller posts, particularly the latter given the nature of their holy mission, and if perchance they do bear the stain of heresy on their souls then I posit it is better to deal with them now than where they could harm those without the blessing of power armour."
"Only one way to find out, Sister Superior. I agree with Sister Ilanna-we should approach them and deal with them decisively if necessary." Caelia comments, Slayer of Ten Thousand resting ideally in her hands, content at the possibility of near violence.

"If they prove hostile, we don't want to leave them behind us anyway." She adds.
Eriko nods her agreement with the two younger Sisters.

"It'd only cost us a few minutes to ascertain whether they prove hostile to Imperial forces." She shrugs, one hand resting on her greatsword's hilt behind her head. "Though looking at them now I don't see how they could be a threat. No, I think it is what waits for us at the end of the roads which should guide our decision."

Then she slides her greatsword from its magnetic sheathe and with one arm points it straight down the to the bridge. Men and women cringe back at Eriko's motion, as if the greatsword's spirit was slicing through them itself instead of patiently waiting for it to be summoned.

"The Legatine suspects the silence from the Hospitaller post merely caused by poor comms." She slides her greatword to point to the side road. "But it is the Enforcer post which worries the Legatine the most. Weeks out of contact now. If I were to decide it would be to ignore these rabble and make haste to where we are needed," and her helmet's visor hastily flicks towards Palais.

"But of course, the decision is not mine alone."
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"They have at least had the good grace to not attempt to tear down His Aquila." Ilana reverently made the sign of the aquila in the direction of the banner. The rain came in thick and fast, which somewhat blurred even the holy machine spirit's sight. More and more she understood the Sister-Superior's intense dislike of the planet. "However, it's more than likely it is because that the bridge has proven itself a rather lethal obstacle." She paused for a moment, considering. "By your leave Sister-Superior, it may be worth it to approach the locals for any intelligence on the state of affairs ahead of us. They may have heard something on the state of the Enforcer and Hospitaller posts, particularly the latter given the nature of their holy mission, and if perchance they do bear the stain of heresy on their souls then I posit it is better to deal with them now than where they could harm those without the blessing of power armour."
Eriko nods her agreement with the two younger Sisters.

"It'd only cost us a few minutes to ascertain whether they prove hostile to Imperial forces." She shrugs, one hand resting on her greatsword's hilt behind her head. "Though looking at them now I don't see how they could be a threat. No, I think it is what waits for us at the end of the roads which should guide our decision."

Then she slides her greatsword from its magnetic sheathe and with one arm points it straight down the to the bridge. Men and women cringe back at Eriko's motion, as if the greatsword's spirit was slicing through them itself instead of patiently waiting for it to be summoned.

"The Legatine suspects the silence from the Hospitaller post merely caused by poor comms." She slides her greatword to point to the side road. "But it is the Enforcer post which worries the Legatine the most. Weeks out of contact now. If I were to decide it would be to ignore these rabble and make haste to where we are needed," and her helmet's visor hastily flicks towards Palais.

"But of course, the decision is not mine alone."

"Only one way to find out, Sister Superior. I agree with Sister Ilanna-we should approach them and deal with them decisively if necessary." Caelia comments, Slayer of Ten Thousand resting ideally in her hands, content at the possibility of near violence.

"If they prove hostile, we don't want to leave them behind us anyway." She adds.
Palais' fingers tap across the ignition of her chainsword for a brief moment, then she gives a firm nod. "Let's go say hello."

The mob of ragged figures shifts uneasily as you approach, their civilian rags and industrial work gear soaked through by the rain, but your presence seems more pressing than the weather. One of them steps forward, the calloused hands gripped around her hammer shaking with trepidation, her eyes wide with fear. Before Palais can say anything, the woman throws herself to her knees before your Sister-Superior.

"Have mercy upon us, milady! As unworthy as we are!" She cries, a few of the other men and women following her example and falling pleadingly to the ground. Some freeze in place, like an animal caught in the headlights of a truck, whilst others slink back, nervousness wrought in their features. Palais shakes her head as the rain patters against her helmet.

"So, what am I supposed to be offering mercy for, again?" She asks, her voice rendered harsh by her suit's vox.

The woman hesitates, lowering her eyes. "W-We heard about Father Tibim's commands, and we tried, I mean, we followed them. Attacked the heretics like he told us, but we just, we couldn't beat them. There was so much screaming, so much blood..." She trails off, shaking.

"And then you ran," Palais says, for it is not a question.

"Y-Yes, we did. And we lost, well, they..." He hesitates, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. Her shoulders slump. "They took our banner. We tried and tried to get it back, but we-we couldn't."

Palais glances across the flowing river to the other side where the tattered aquila flag visible through the rain. Her fingers clench, chainsword guttering for a moment before she releases the pressure. Your Sister-Superior points her sword onward. "You lost that banner? You let the enemy take the Aquila from you?"

The woman on her knees can only nod her head, a pleading look on her face. Behind, you hear some of the PDF troopers muttering among each other. You can make out the words clearly enough through your auto senses: Cowards.

"Can you tell me about the heretics?" Palais asks, her voice tight.

"I didn't see much. Just explosions, and las fire. Saw old Brigitte, cut right in half by some big gun of theirs," The woman says, stumbling over every world.

Some of the PDF branch off at her words, moving to look down their sights for contacts, whilst a sergeant pulls out his magnoculars for a better view. The crowd trembles in the rain, staring at your carmine armor. In the distance, the banner flutters mockingly, the aquila tattered and bloody, yet still waving.
Hidden behind her helmet, Eriko rolls her eyes. However, her body's shift away from Maria is more telling of her exasperation.

"Of course," she says, drily. "How silly of me. The auspex."

Maria took a long, deliberate series of breathes and then began her prayers over the device again. When she finished the flash of irritation was gone.

"Sister Eriko, this is not pedantry. I would not call you 'the ex-hospitaller' when you are my sister. The spirits of our equipment deserve the same consideration for the sake of their good functioning. It can be the difference between life and death."

The woman on her knees can only nod her head, a pleading look on her face. Behind, you hear some of the PDF troopers muttering among each other. You can make out the words clearly enough through your auto senses: Cowards.

"Can you tell me about the heretics?" Palais asks, her voice tight.

"I didn't see much. Just explosions, and las fire. Saw old Brigitte, cut right in half by some big gun of theirs," The woman says, stumbling over every world.

Some of the PDF branch off at her words, moving to look down their sights for contacts, whilst a sergeant pulls out his magnoculars for a better view. The crowd trembles in the rain, staring at your carmine armor. In the distance, the banner flutters mockingly, the aquila tattered and bloody, yet still waving.

"Cut how," Maria interjected, not deigning to so much as look at the miserable souls. Her boots crunched as she stepped up next to the sergeant and peered in the same direction. She was done with the militia. Not everyone was called to martial service, and these wrecks ought not to have forced the issue. "Do you mark the range sergeant?"

Depending on the weaponry hidden opposite them the sight of the weighted down servitors may provide the foe sufficient motivation to try for the distant targets. "We may want to keep the lockers out of sight. If I was watching our column across the river, those would be targets worthy of a risky barrage. High risk, but high reward."