Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes

[X] City: Fox Gridania
Location: Hex 365
Name: Haalʼáłtsé (First City)
Founders: Dahóyánígíí
Inhabitants: 99% Dahóyánígíí, 1% Minskane'wil
Origin: First major settlement

The first true settlement built by the Dahóyánígíí, though build isn't really the right word seeing as how the homes are carved within the large trees of the forest. It is a very spiritual place for the Dahóyánígíí, the place where they are closest to the Spirit of the Great Forest, and considered the closest thing they have to a capital city.

[X] Landmark: Fox Gridania
Location: Hex 365
Name: Nitsarbra (Big Trees)
Discovered by: Dahóyánígíí
What it is: A grove of giant trees.

A collection of much larger than normal trees in a part of the forest that is the Dahóyánígíí homeland. It is a very spiritual place for the Dahóyánígíí, the obvious influence of the Spirits making it a sort of permanent residence for a community of Druids who have carved their homes within the trees themselves so as to live closer to the spirits of the forest.

[X] City: Fox Limsa Lominsa
Location: Hex 387
Name: Tsinaaʼeeł (Boat Place)
Founders: Dahóyánígíí
Inhabitants: 50% Dahóyánígíí, 50% other (a collection of all species within 2-3 hexes of the city)
Origin: Naval stop

A collection of islands just off the coast, laying between deep cliffs and treacherous reefs. Some Dahóyánígíí Adventurers built a supply depot on one of these islands that'd serve as a resting stop for all Dahóyánígíí explorers and traders that'd pass. In time, it would grow into a town and eventually a city spanning multiple islands and thr main trading hub of the region.

Played too much critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV.
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I'm like an hour and a bit from wrapping up. Just got in there huh?
[X] City: Fox Gridania
Location: Hex 365
Name: Haalʼáłtsé (First City)
Founders: Dahóyánígíí
Inhabitants: 99% Dahóyánígíí, 1% Minskane'wil
Origin: First major settlement

The first true settlement built by the Dahóyánígíí, though build isn't really the right word seeing as how the homes are carved within the large trees of the forest. It is a very spiritual place for the Dahóyánígíí, the place where they are closest to the Spirit of the Great Forest, and considered the closest thing they have to a capital city.

[X] City: Fox Limsa Lominsa
Location: Hex 387
Name: Tsinaaʼeeł (Boat Place)
Founders: Dahóyánígíí
Inhabitants: 50% Dahóyánígíí, 50% other (a collection of all species within 2-3 hexes of the city)
Origin: Naval stop

A collection of islands just off the coast, laying between deep cliffs and treacherous reefs. Some Dahóyánígíí Adventurers built a supply depot on one of these islands that'd serve as a resting stop for all Dahóyánígíí explorers and traders that'd pass. In time, it would grow into a town and eventually a city spanning multiple islands and thr main trading hub of the region.

Played too much critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV.
Wait a person can vote to create more than 1 city/landmark?
I thought each person only has 1 vote?
Locations as of Vote 4

0. The First City [????]

Superdungeon: The scattered remains of an ancient city.
Location: Randomly found appearing and disappearing across the planet a few times each generation.
Name: True Name Unknown, "The First City", "The Golden City", "The City of the Gods", "The Celestial City"
Founders: Unknown (Rumoured to be the gods)
Inhabitants: Beasts and Constructs
Original: Unknown (Rumoured to be the home of the gods)

Rising into the air as golden towers, spreading across fields as block after block of luxuriously appointed homes and business, or sunk deep below the earth as cellars and laboratories are the various sections of what many peoples know as "The First City"

No one knows where these ruins came from, for not even the gods are willing to tell the story, but some myths say that this city was where the Gods and the First Mortals lived until some great cataclysm broke the city. Other legends say that this was a city of powerful mages built brick by brick from magic itself in the distant past, and destroyed by the mage's own hubris. Yet others say that the city is from the future, a utopia long distant which was broken in some calamity.

Many other stories are told of the origin and fall of The First City, but none yet can say which of these is the reality.

Whatever the truth may be fragments of this city exist in the dark and forgotten corners of the world. Some fragments are known and lasting, labyrinths that have stood for centuries, drawing in foolhardy adventurers with tales of wonders and treasures. Other fragments appear only temporarily, vanishing with explorers inside, and others still seem to stay in the world only as long as their discoverer is present, having vanished forever whenever more adventurers return.

These ruins always seem strangely pristine, while nature may reclaim some of the outskirts of the more permanent city sections, much of what remains seems as if their builders had just left.

Only a three things are known for certain about these fragments of this Golden City:

One: The ruins are dangerous. While beasts that come to live in these ruins are more aggressive, powerful, and magical than beasts that live elsewhere, stranger and more dangerous things also move in those ruins. Magical creations of all kinds move through the cities, seemingly protecting the paths into buildings and rooms containing the greatest treasures. Even further inside, sections of the higher towers and lower labyrinths are protected by great golems of steel, stone, and magic. While the city doesn't seem to be deliberately seeded with traps, some mechanisms without obvious purpose can be dangerous to the unwary explorer.

Two: These ruins are all connected. Explorers adventuring into the highest levels, farthest reaches, and lowest depths often find themselves being forced to take alternate routes of return, ones that can lead to a vastly different place than where they came from, emerging in a different set of ruins. Some routes through the city seem to lead back on themselves in impossible ways, and some adventurers even report phenomena like seeing their own bodies or meeting themselves during exploration. There seems to be no way to predict this process, and any attempt to use these paths for regular travel are disrupted by the impermanence of the city fragments and the unpredictably twisting natures of their streets and paths.

Three: There are great wonders within these ruins. Starting simply there is wealth to be found: precious metals, weapons, and armours of ingenious designs. Weird and unusual devices of magical nature are also found within the city ruins, but many of these cease their function when removed from the city grounds and become instead curios of curious and luxurious design. There are also potions of unusual type that are said to cure or destroy the body, change the form of the drinker, or even alchemise materials from one form to another, but only the most learned scholars have even a hope of telling these strange liquids apart. There are rumours of something more powerful and more substantial within the ruins but these have never been substantiated.

Overall the only constant about the Celestial City is its unpredictability and danger, appearing and vanishing without rhyme or reason, and luring so many adventurers and would-be looters to their demise. Only a few sightings of the First City are reported every generation across the entire world, leaving this Celestial City documented but still legendary and mythical. While small amounts of wealth are extracted from the First City in every lifetime, many more lives and and just as much treasure are lost during expeditions within.

In some cultures the sites are taboo, allowed to vanish once again from the world without note, while in others adventurers throw themselves into the ruins, hoping to be one of the few lucky groups that emerge alive and wealthy beyond imagining.

1. Fiery Waterfalls (Firefossonas) [HEX 239]

Landmark: Firefossonas
Location: Hex 239
Name: Firefossonas
Discovered by: Easabirnir
What it is: Magical waterfalls

A set of four waterfalls, their heights ranging from sixty feet to nearly half a kilometer. They are an orange-reddish color and actively emit light. Anything flammable that passes through one of the falls is badly burnt, even if it is only immersed for a fraction of a second.

2. Schmeckle Tree City (City of Wands) [HEX 242]

City: Living In Big Shiny Tree
Location: Hex 242
Name: The City Of Wands
Founders: The Schmeckles
Inhabitants: 90% Schmeckles, 10% Assorted (Refugees)
Origin: Religious Site

A giant tree in the forest, with shining bark covered in little star patterns and a large tangled canopy. Still alive despite being hollowed out and lived in by many Schmeckles, the winds here whistle in ways akin to songs, the trees and wildlife closer to it are warped with similar features, it is something beautiful to behold at night

Believed to be the final gift of the Fairy Godmother, the Schmeckles use it as also a home for the lost and alone that need it, with some members of other species, desperate and or ostracized, living here and being considered part of the community.

Once a year they collect a bunch of pretty sticks from the canopy (Don't worry they won't run out since it's still alive, they'll regrow) and gift them to young aspiring Helpers as their staffs.Though these are also called Wands, they don't provide more than a slight magical boost, but they are pretty.

3. Rottekin Tin Mines (Bysore Island) [HEX 370]

Landmark: Bysor Island
Location: Hex 370
Name: Bysor Island
Discovered by: Rottekin
What it is: A tin rich island

The forested island of Bysor is an important part of the Rottekin's local economy as it houses a seemingly massive quantity of Cassiterite (tin) ore. While the exact amount is unknown, due to current primitive mining methods meaning much of the ore is untapped but theorized to reach leagues under the surface.

While the granite rock of the island was first valued for the presence of Topaz, Tourmaline, and Flourite, the willingness to delve deeper under the surface of the island to chase these gemstones allowed copper age Rottekin to discover the vast quantities of Cassiterite below the surface alongside the previously mentioned occasional gemstones.

The discovery of this mineral was originally met with enthusiasm by the copper age Rottekin as its black ebony complexion made it desirable for jewelry and fine decorations with a quantity that far outstripped the occasional gemstones that appeared in the granite. By the time of Tira and her descendants rule over the Rottekin the true value of the mineral had been realized in its key use in the creation of bronze.

Since then Byrsor Island has been the host of an expansive mining initiative watched over by an equally expansive garrison protecting the economically important island who's once extensive forests have been cut down to use as fuel for smelting the mined ore and green fields converted into large open pit mines scarring the earth.

4. Godswound Sea Trade City (Lover's Respite) [HEX 270]

City: Lover's Respite
Location: Hex 270
Name: Amor Requis
Founders: Thebans
Inhabitants: 22% Thebans, 22% Althedar, 22% Geodae, 34% Various (Merchants)
Origin: Trading Port

A city of love pressed into service as a city of trade, at least according to the legends. While there was a love story behind this city, the truth is that it was simply a very convenient place to conduct trade with the other races and polities. Thebans might have founded it, but it was a group effort in order to raise it into the cosmopolitan city it now is.

Countless ships docked in its harbours as captains and merchants vigorously negotiate trade, while crews, traders and even tourists come to visit the countless pleasures, especially the well-known brothels, gambling parlors and drug dens. It is a city of love, but it is also a city of iniquity, sin and pleasure. While there might be countless products and opportunities here, as storefronts sell everything from children's toys and food to swords and occult secrets, it should be said that the underground market here is endless as well.

It's recommended to keep alert, lest your belongings and possibly even your life are lost.

5. A City in the Sands (Hesjingokar) [HEX 110]

City: A City in the Sands
Location: Hex 110
Name: Hesjingokar
Founders: Ferrevar
Inhabitants: 60% Ferrevar, 20% Tor-Tua, 20% Ehkis Thermos
Origin: Tribal Confluence

At first a meeting point for various nomadic Ferrevar tribes, Hesjingokar's location next to the south-heading river and the bountiful life on the riverbanks made it a desirable point for many of the tribes to migrate to. Over time, as the tribes grew so too did permanent settlement at Hesjingokar, with the tribes dividing up the river bank into tribal claims to demarcate resource use. While primarily inhabited by sedentary Ferrevar, Tor-tua and Ehkis Thermos also call Hesjingokar home, their shared religious beliefs influencing architecture within the city.

Run by a "Vesferrakrix" (Essentially, a Ferrakrix of Ferrakrixes), and a council of Ferrakrixes (Or equivalents from the Tor-Tua and Ehkis Thermos) underneath them and each charged with the responsibility for managing a district of the city (Essentially, being the Ferrakris of a district and it's inhabitants) an always being an inhabitant of the district they manage, with the Vesferrakirx's role being to manage the individual Ferrakrixes of the districts and ensure that they're all working together harmoniously.

6. Breadbasket City (Chrysá Choráfia) [HEX 189]

City: A City of Golden Fields
Location: Hex 189
Name: Chrysá Choráfia (Golden Fields)
Founders: Asterikos
Inhabitants: 90% Asterikos 10% Easabirnir
Origin: Breadbasket (farming) and Urban Center

The breadbasket of the region where the sight of fields of grain stretch into the horizon. Wheat is in great abundance as well as other crops due to it having a river and great fertility. Wheat, rice, rye, barley, oats, quinoa, rye, beas, peas, and all sorts of lentils and legumes are present in these "Golden Fields"

The city has a history of trading surplus food to neighboring nations like the Easabirnir who are often hired as mercenaries by the Asterikos as merchant guards or shock troops for slaying great beasts. (While this pay is usually in food, some Easabirnir can be convinced to take alcohol instead)

This practice has led to a healthy minority of Easabirnir to settle within Chrysá Choráfia.

More than just the Easabirnir, this city trades with, Schmeckles, Harmonyans, Lidalle, Magicians, Gurvel, and Desqti.

7. The Glass Lakes (Nunanuet) [HEX 148/149]

Landmark: The Star(s) that Fell
Location: At the midpoint between Hex 148 and 149
Name: Nunanuet
Discovered by: Wormen/Rtubasch
What it is: Crater-lakes

Once upon a time there was a star that fell. As it crashed through the skies, one became two, and a pair of meteors collided into the desert, birthing in fire and glass a sandstorm that lasted a year. The Wormen suffered then, but HezGuFiTaLo the Limpid braved the tempest, and was the first to lay eyes on Nunanuet, a lake shaped like this:

In each of the twin pools sat the smouldering hearts of the stars, and from their warmth, Hez made the first glass. Now, long centuries after, these lost celestials have long since cooled. The lake, though, remains central to Wormen and Rtubasch culture and thought.

The impact of the meteors rendered the desert silver glass. It shattered with their impact, and over the years, the slow drag of wind and rain have transformed the lakes' bottom into an asterism of smooth, mirrored stones. Treasures one and all, the giving of a so-called star-stone is usually a sign of great affection between two fellow worms (and traditionally given by a Rtubasch mother to their declared father).

The lakes themselves have blossomed in the time since the great landing. Fed by a thousand underground streams, it is the grandest oasis in the long desert. On its shores grow thick mats of papyrus reed, date palms and apricot trees. The desert toad important in ancestor channelling is common here, and the lake is rich with perch and tigerfish. Crocodiles and soft-shell turtles haunt the banks, and freshwater abalone bury themselves in the lakebed. It is a rich and beautiful place, treated and tended by the worms as a garden.

Yet more important than flora or fauna or stones is Nunanuet's role as the eternal host of the Grand Durbar. The once-a-decade uniting of all the scattered children of Men the Auspicious happens, as it has been since BoLaTiMorHez the Desired declared it so, here, at the twin lakes. Astrologically the stars of Nunanuet, though fallen, are held to continue to have power. Their correspondence is with life, growth and family - it was therefore only natural to host the great worm reunion at the zoetic asteroids. At the Durbar, the Wormen and Worun gather at the star-isle at the centre of the western half of Nunanuet; the Rtubasch at the eastern. After two days of feasting alone, at the third dawn, all worms, great and small, draw together at the reedy shallows linking the two haves of the Great Star Lakes. Then, with singing and dancing, gifts and trade, reunions and homecomings, the greatest celebration in all the world is held – but till sunset, when all split once more, as destiny has fated the worms to do.

8. A Sand Seas of Worms (The Soulless Sands) [HEXES 121,120, 146]

Region Name: Bad Worm Eden
Location: Triangle of 121, 120 and 146
Name: The Soulless Sands
Origin: Wormen/Rtubasch

The mythological origin of the twin cultures is a desert teeming with what they consider to be ancestors of theirs that never attained the spark of sentience. Whatever enables their shared autotrophic nature seems to be in endless supply within the local grounds, leading to entire strata where it seems animalistic worms are more plentiful than sand.

For the twin cultures this region is fit only for ascetics and the mad. The local crucible of competition has led to a fauna that will at its least nightmarish immediately maul them. In the deeper parts species seem to be able to suck the life out of them as if they were base sand. Other species still struggle and treat journeys through this massive stretch of greyish desert that can explode into savage wildlife at any second like they would sailing the deep seas.

9. Radiant Mines (Mrpkrfbrqgti) [HEX431]

Landmark: Mine of Cirbrqtas (Mysteriously Warm Rocks)
Location: Hex 431, towards the southern side.
Name: Mrpkrfbrqgti (Promise of Warm Spirit/Mind)
Discovered by: Qtivsmdes
What it is: A mine full of mysteriously warm rocks.

It is said that this mine is the first great success of Ktkcir. It is located in the southmost settlement of Desqti, and is the reason why it was built here instead of more mundanely warm places. It is said that a young Lrtqti was performing a ritual to contact spirits based on the scraps of lore they managed to scramble from the people Desqti met on their great migration to the south.

That's when she heard, within her head, a mysterious voice calling her south. She managed to convince her polycule and enough Crtqti to follow the voice she heard, and eventually stumbled upon a mysterious mine which was full of rocks with mysterious properties: regardless of conditions they were in, they barely changed their temperature. In the sun, they remained steadfastly warm when they should have gone hot; when placed on ice, they still remained lukewarm, cooling surprisingly little. Unfortunately, this quality slowly decayed from the stones further they were removed from the mine. Amazingly, however, is that warmth returned to the stone when it was brought back to the mine.

After several days of debate, Desqti concluded that the mine must be a home of a spirit of warmth, whom they called Brqgti, and who was the source of the mysterious warmth. Contact with this spirit is considered a good sign that scholars of Ktkcir are on the right path, and there is still a carving made in stone at the entrance to Mrpkrfbrqgti, depicting history of finding it and testing the strange property of rocks there, and people living in the nearby settlement are more than ready to recount the tale and speculate on related mysteries.

10. Volcanic Crater Lake (Lake of the Hidden Mountain) [HEXES 281, 282, 306]

Landmark: Lake of the Hidden Mountain
Location: Hex 281-2, 306
Name: The Lake of the Hidden Warmth/The Hidden Mountain (in the centre of the Lake)
Discovered by: The rather lost Peak Drakonof Shaman Lostn'head
What it is: A warm lake

A warm lake, even in the middle of winter, that is constantly covered in a layer of mist which has a tall mountain in the centre of it. Said mountain however can only be found if luck or the spirits allow one to. With one rather stubborn Elder proving that even if you travel across the lake exactly where the mountain should be, one can not spot said mountain unless you possess certain blessings, perform various rituals or other similar spiritual actions.

Put simply it is a volcanic crater lake formed when said volcano decided to better Krakatoa and blew itself away, thus forming a very large hollow in the mountain ranges that has since filled with water which is warmed by geothermal activity in the lake's depths.

In an age before the current one, it is said that there was a Shaman named Lostn'head who was particularly renowned for both his spiritual knowledge, ability to bargain with the spirits and the fact that many of the methods for the former two involved strong herbs and brews which allowed one to see and interact with the spirit world. One day the renowned shaman wandered back into his local community after several weeks' absence, a not unusual result of some of their experimental or more potent mystical mixes, muttering about how everywhere was 'bloody cold' and 'why couldn't they all just move to the warm water or hot mountain'. Not much was taken note of this until the next winter whereupon he disappeared. Said note of importance being that the shaman reappeared in spring very much alive and not looking as if he'd spent many months alone in the cold. When he repeated the feat the next year, the community followed him.

And so the lake of Hidden Warmth was uncovered, a true treasure to the Peak Drakonofs for it was an area which remained warm, if mildly snowy, throughout the cold winters. Greatly bolstering the fortunes of those who settled around it. As for the hot mountain he muttered about, that took another few generations to find as those who followed the shaman always managed to lose him in the mists that clung to the lake's surface. Said discovery happened by chance due to several apprentice shamans attempting to conduct rituals with the spirits of the lake in the centre of the lake's waters. Repeated performances of those rituals, and later other acts or results of spiritual importance, proved that one could easily find the mountain at the centre of the lake which never stayed snow-covered for more than a day even in the depths of winter. Though said discovery caused even more confusion about just what Lostn'head found when he chanced upon the 'hot mountain' for even when a determined Eldar chased the lucky youths across the lake to find where they were going to hide their 'foolish acts' with many boats roped together to ensure the youths could not get around, the youths found the mountain whilst he found the other shore.

11. Treacherous Boreal Lowlands (Glassgrounds) [HEXES 405, 406, 407, 428]

Region Name: The Glassgrounds
Location: 406 and all surrounding hexes
Name: The Glassgrounds
Origin: The Chirek

The cold, wet lowlands at the southeastern edge of the continent are known to be treacherous, especially in winter. The wetlands freeze over quickly, and the presence of hardy flora can make a thin sheet of ice over brackish water look like a perfectly stable field. Worse, parts of the place can freeze over as early as mid autumn and remain frozen well into spring, insulated by the bog mud.

The temperature difference between the cold, bubbling waters and the surface often lead to impenetrable mists at ground level, which can develop into a thick fog in the right weather.

Travel over this land is difficult. It's easy to have one's feat slide out from underneath them in the wet, or to step in a deep puddle and have one's legs assaulted by tiny frozen shards of ice. It is these sensations that give the region its name.

12. Underground City (Deep Dwell) [HEX 204]

City: Deep Dwell
Location: Hex 204 (Underground)
Founders: Dwarren
Inhabitants: Dwarren
Origin: First City/Capital City

When the Olding led the Dwarren underground, he took them deep, deep down, into the very bedrock. The Dwarren found large caverns and settled there, and over the years have improved and expanded upon them. Now it is a web of tunnels and large halls; you can go from a large, multi-storied cavern into low ceiling tunnels in but a few steps.

At the centre is the Clan Halls of the First Queen - the Brood Mother that nominally rules the Dwarren race. This city contains many sites of cultural and historic significance: The Chamber of Words, a hall where once the Olding taught the Dwarren, now a meeting place for Queens or their envoys. The Magmatic Forges, from where the first weapons and tools were crafted, and now produce hundreds more daily. The Pits of Bone, assessable only the dead or Seekers, and where they hold their own councils.

Furtherout are satellite Clan Halls, markets and farms, both for animals and cave-growing plants. The Dwarren have turned all possible approaches into the city into death traps, with hidden pits and dead ends to confuse an attacker

13. Northernmost Port (Aestuarium) [NORTH OF HEXES 28, 29]

City: Northernmost Port
Location: Hex 29 (actually slightly to the north in the hexless area above and between Hexes 28 and 29)
Name: Aestuarium
Founders: Striga and Issash
Inhabitants: 53% Resident Striga, 22% Transient Striga (roamers and flocks), 6% Transient Issash, 3.9% Resident Issash, ~3% Sihanna, ~3% K'law, ~3% Nhek Rhuin, ~1% Wû'mé, ~1% Garshum, ~1% Ynnar, ~1% Myresh, ~1% Cnidariae, and 0.1% Lindwyrm
Origin: Political Union of river mouth based striga colonies and resident issash

Not the oldest city of the striga but the largest and fastest growing. According to legend Aestuarium was founded when four warring colonies of silva, mare, latare and pratum striga (this was before the development of elementalism or metamorphians) and their Issash allies were forced into making peace with each other by a Nest formed of children from each colony (and an Issash in a rare interspecies family) who were tired of the fighting. The historical union was likely less romantic and more a materialistic response to southern cities expanding their domain and threatening the proto-Aestuarium's independence. The frequent ocean storms and floods may also have prompted the separate communities to band together for mutual aid and protection.

Despite their founding role few Issash call the city their year round home. It is simply too crowded and social for all but the most gregarious Issash to stand for long. Nevertheless they are welcomed within the city and the Issash of the Founding nest is worshipped as a patron ancestor of the city by striga and striga cultural converts among the few resident Issash. Transient and foreign Issash tend to look upon this as weird striga nonsense at best and actively insulting at worst.

Aestuarium is built on and around a plateau overlooking the estuary. The majority of buildings are carved into the rockfaces or formed from cavities within the 60-100m tall canopy and canopy-emergent trees which mostly cover the tops of the plateau and islands. Every environment needed for its varied residents and guests to feel comfortable is represented within the city. From seas cliffs and canopy-emergent trees to grassy plains and swamps. Intertidal rock pools and underwater groves are part of the same city as tree top forges and deep lightless caves.

Cunningly designed wooden docks which rise and lower with the flood waters surround the plateau and islands. They accept cargo from ocean going and coastal ships from as far south as the Cnidariae coasts and exchange it for finished goods and jungle spices, pelts and hardwood traded from up river. Large lighthouses and signal fires are used to guide ships through the islands and sandbars of the estuary.

14. Northeastern River (Urd's River) [HEXES 116 TO 57]

Region Name: River of Urd
Location: The River running from Hex 116 to Hex 57
Name: River of Urd
Origin: Lindwyrm

This river was first discovered by Urd, a young Lindwyrm who followed the path of Tranquility.

She was captivated by the gorgeous waters and swam up the river following it to its source before finding a waterfall. The elemental power of this waterfall was obvious and she spent months attempting to swim up it. When she at last succeeded she immediately transformed into an awesomely powerful Drake.

Even today many young Lindwyrm attempt to follow her example. Though those few that make it to the top rarely gain the same power that Urd did long ago, they still gain an appreciation of the elements that helps the to move down the Path of Tranquility.

Urd still lives in the spring at the top of the waterfall and is one of the few Path of Tranquility Lindwyrms that prefers the company of other sapients to the solitude of nature, leading her to welcome not just other Lindwyrms but other species to her home.

15. Aquatic Tiered City (Cenol) [HEX: 134-I]

City: Tiered city time!
Location: Hex 134-1
Name: Cenol (The Ever Burning)
Founders: Chata
Inhabitants: 50% Chata, 35% Qtivsmdes, ~15% Various (Rotating travellers, traders and diplomats)
Origin: Forging

Cenol was founded by a lone Chata who, exiled from his family for his desire to be a blacksmith instead of following the family tradition of basket weaving, discovered an underwater volcano and set up a forge on top of it.

The centrepiece of the city is the main of seven large, granite brick pillars, the central one a full three times thicker than the other six. At its base is a complex of offices, storage rooms and sleeping quarters, built to ensure that the giant forge it serves as a smokestack that never goes without a team of smiths and apprentices working it.

The secondary purpose of the central pillar and the only of the others is to hold up the net of floating walkways and platforms that sit on the ocean surface above. This serves as a mix of foreign quarter, diplomatic centre and trading hub, as well as boasting a small fortress on top of the central pillar

16. The Goddess' City (Nasade) [HEX 404]

City: Nasade
Location: Hex 404
Name: Nasade
Founders: Ardat Lillial and Goodness Rellit
Inhabitants: 91% Ardat Lillial, 7% Magicians, 2% Other
Origin: Temple-fortress

The city of Nasada was founded 40 kilometres from the boreal frost line. According to legend, the Goddess Rellit herself pointed to the place of its construction and she also participated in the construction of its first walls.

Inside the city there are two hills on which the Palace and the Temple stand, each facing the other. The inner lake is used for water intake (naturally, there are house wells) and on its shore there is a pontiff's mansion and a nearby mansion for bishops.

The city was designed with the expectation of war and has been stormed on multiple occasions in the mythic past. A winding road to the palace, squares and crossroads shoot through from all sides, dead ends dispersing forces. It is no easier to fight inside the city than under its walls.

The inner forest is used for ritual purposes, but in the event of a siege it serves as a store of timber.

17. An Issash Community (Haaf) [HEX 28]

City: Technically not a city but they're very proud of it
Location: Hex 28
Name: Haaf
Founders: Issash
Inhabitants: Issash
Origin: Fishing-related mysticism

Haaf started as a dike to keep the ends of the auspiciously-shaped Afiss Meanders from touching and straightening out the river. It has since grown into a metropolis of artificial mounds home to dozens of permanent residents, and up to twice that temporary, with many of the "temporary" residents simply travelling between it and Aestuarium regularly. It can support this immense population by being very near the tongue-fork of the river, in the Far North.

Haaf is the site of most Issash experiments in polyparental childrearing, and produces a significant majority of Issash leather, as most wandering Issash will eat their shed skin (and, of course, the skin of whoever they eat). It also serves as a hub for storytellers.

18. Spirit-Touched City (Hofkiin) [HEX 477]

City: Hofkiin
Location: Hex 477
Name: Hofkiin
Founders: Hofkiin
Inhabitants: Spirits and Dinok Spaan
Origin: Time Travel Paradox and good location

This is the first permanent Dinok Spaan settlement with it being where troops gather, and being where many permanent residents have settled, many of them craftsmen or priests. It is said the city was founded when Hofkiin appeared to the first residents along with Bormah Tiid. He led the people to the site of Hofkiin and instructed them to settle.

There is more life here, the city's area being much more inviting to natural growth than the surrounding area. As for the Dinok Spaan themselves, Kro regenerate their mana faster. It almost seems like there's mana leaking here from the Earth. Along with the mortal Dinok Spaan, spirits also live there and in Hofkiin itself, their homes are shrines.

The Dinok Spaan also hold festivals here, blessing the city and its region with prosperity.

19. Violence Inducting Marsh (The Marsh of Madness) [HEX 191]

Landmark: The Marsh of Madness
Location: Hex 191
Name: The Marsh of Madness
Discovered by: The Swarm
What it is: A mysterious marsh enveloped in mist where a species of iridescent flowers that induce violence grow.

A long time ago, the Chosen of the Swarm received strange reports of extremely aggressive behaviour from the animals in a certain region and sent some soldiers over to investigate.

What these soldiers discovered was a marsh where iridescent poisonous flowers grew. Anyone that consumed these flowers would become filled with homicidal fury and begin killing everything around before dying from exhaustion.

When the High Priests learned of this information, many called out for the flowers to be eradicated with some even claiming that they were a curse sent by the Mad Goddess. Yet, the Chosen saw potential in these flowers and decided to utilize them as a weapon.

Nowadays, the Marsh of Madness is guarded fiercely by five hundred of the strongest male Incubators the Swarm has to offer. Anyone that gets too close to the marsh without permission is either driven off or killed. Over many generations, through careful cultivation and experimentation, the Guild of Poison has successfully managed to extract the poison from these flowers and make it even more potent, being able to take effect with only a few drops and with the unfortunate victim being able to last several hours in a killing frenzy before expiring. The Incubators have been known to coat their arrows in this poison during times of war.

20. The City of Spires and Reeds (Kihn'at-Ahls'at) [HEX 87]

City: Spires and Reeds

Location: Hex 87
Name: Kihn'at and Ahls'at
Founders: Sihahna and K'Law
Inhabitants: 41% Sihahna, 38% K'Law, 14% Striga, 7% Other
Origin: Library Fortresses

Rising above the wide, slow-moving waters of the river delta upon which it stands are the twelve imposing stone pillars of Kihn'at, the City of Spires. Since ancient times, these spires have been home to the ten oldest and most powerful of the Sihahna clans, and even now, those same clans continue to rule Kihn'at and continue their people's search for knowledge within their libraries atop each Clan-Spire.

In addition to the spires housing each clan are the Temple and Harbor Spires. The former is considered to be the centre of Sihahna spirituality, and the courtyards and gardens of the great temple at its peak are considered to be among the world's greatest centres of learning and scholarly discussion. The latter lies at Kihn'at's easternmost point, and is riddled not only with warehouses, inns, and other amenities, but is also connected to the busy docks from which ships may make the short voyage down the river and out to sea. This spire is also home to much of Kihn'at's Striga population, and is topped by a great beacon, which can be seen from many miles away.

At the base of the spires, built into their foundations and onto massive networks of wooden pilings embedded deep into the river's bottom, is the lower city of Ahls'at, the City of Reeds. Ahls'at was founded by K'Law, who settled beneath the pillars to harvest the fish which lived in their shadows. There, they began trading with the Sihahna who lived on the Spires above, and soon a mutually beneficial relationship formed. The Sihahna, physically frail, benefitted from the great strength of the K'Law. The K'Law benefitted in turn from the Sihahna's magical prowess and their ability to fly, which made them useful scouts for K'Law hunting parties.

Over many centuries, the twin cities have continued to grow together. In Kihn'at, the Sihahna clans build increasingly more and greater structures upon their spires, and dig more cavernous chambers into the spire's interiors. In Ahls'at, the city's foundations expand, year-by-year, away from the spires' bases and further into the river. Together, the two cities further cement their bonds by constructing elaborate networks of walkways, staircases, and tunnels which unite land and sky.

21. City of Shamans (Len-Shos) [HEX 315]

City: A Temple City at a River Confluence
Location: Hex 315
Name: Len-Shos (meaning "confluence", lit. "meeting of waters")
Founders: Vacla
Inhabitants: Majority Vacla, minority Gurvel and Lidalle
Origin: Gathering place for shamans

Len-Shos was originally just one of many meeting places where Vacla shamans gathered to share their knowledge, but its location, across from where the Iril flows into the Cahra, has allowed it to grow much larger than its counterparts. The city council (elected by all citizens; descended from the Vacla tradition of tribal assemblies) is still somewhat weak, and unwilling to seriously challenge the temples over disagreements, but it is growing into its own as it oversees more aspects of municipal governance not directly related to the temples or their work.

On Len-Shos's docks, aspiring students and apprentices meet traders, fishers, and Lidalle dissidents/exiles (including a few refugee mages). Gurvel residents go about their days utterly unfazed by how Vacla tower over them, having long grown accustomed to their physical differences. Dockworkers unload goods, food, and livestock; some bound for market and some donated by Vacla tribes to the temples. Shamans frequently hold Ultugist public mass rituals, filling the streets with the sounds of chants, songs, and the playing of instruments.

For several reasons, the actual permanent population of the temple grounds is fairly low, consisting mainly of elders and dedicated lorekeepers. Most shamans residing in the temples have a home elsewhere, and are only visiting to learn and share knowledge. Even among those who consider Len-Shos home, most with children live outside the temple grounds, due to a ban on the presence of infants and young children. Among the shamans, the roles of religious leader, mage, and mundane scholar remain heavily intertwined, but the distinctions are acknowledged (esp. as Ultugism sees magic as being "not of this world"), and they have slowly begun to specialize/differentiate.

22. The Plateau City (Skygarden) [HEX 298]

City: Skygarden
Location: Hex 298
Name: Skygarden
Founders: Arisians
Inhabitants: 95% Arisian, 5% Nyorra
Origin: Mythical Site

If one were to look at Mount Aris from afar its peak would look to be perpetually surrounded by cloud cover. A majority of those would be natural weather phenomena though often manipulated by the Arisians to suit their ends whether for habitation or other purposes. But situated in the those innermost ring of clouds, lies the birthplace and Holy Land of Hippogriff kind; Skygarden.

Perched atop the highest plateau of Mount Aris; the place where it is said that the first Hippogriff dared to fly, where No'va had rested upon after her battle with the Storm King, is the closest thing the Hippogriffs would have to a true City. Settlements and Homes dot the area, with the plateau itself having been surrounded by Clouds magically enchanted and enhanced to be permanently traversable even by non-Hippogriffs as seen by the small Nyorran communities that have made their home within the Plateau.

These enchantments are maintained by a cadre of ever present Arbiters, often those who have retired from Journeying and teaching to the Flocks. It is also where new upcoming Arbiters are trained and taught the long oral and magical tradition of their calling.

Of the Flocks that do inhabit Skygarden, there is rarely ever a single preeminent one that could claim unopposed dominion over the city. Governance of the City is thus decided by the elevation of the one of Matriarchs into Princessdom (for there will ever only be one Queen, Queen No'va) pending of course the approval of the city's Arbiters and the other Matriarchs. Once approved of, she (for it is almost always a she) will undergo a Trial arranged by the Arbiters reminiscent of No'va's own Flight to the Heavens. If successful the new Princess rules for Life and is tasked with ensuring the continued peace amongst the Flocks of Skygarden.

23. Underground River System (Syprun Rojeps) [HEXES 146, 157 (SCATTERED)]

Region Name: Deep underground rivers
Location: scattered in patches along the Long Desert from 146-157
Name: The Syprun Rojeps (The Old Roads)
Origin: The Wormen/Rtubasch

In the deep stones of the Long Desert, far beneath the wandering of those above, there shifts currents of ice and fire. Great tunnels, burrowed through the rock by Men the Auspicious in the times before the sun ate half the stars. These buried tunnels and lakes touch, at points, both the icy watershed of the mountains to the south, as well as the scorching fires of the Deep Earth. Though sparse in some parts of the desert, in others these flowing waters feed a great panoply of Oases and wells with waters carrying small treasures, from shards of volcanic glass to an assortment of trace minerals, to, very occasionally, chunks of strange volcanic stone rich in materials used to colour glass.

Some Wormen are even known to use well established currents to transport certain items from one Oasis to another, potentially dropping a stone into a well, then, months later pick the very same stone from the shore of an Oasis some hundred miles away. This method of transportation is not exactly reliable, however, as a package ending up at its destination is not a sure thing, nor is it being in one piece upon arrival.

The waters of The Syprun Rojeps are known to feed the lake Nunanuet, and on rare occasions shining stones from it's lakebed, as well as various other objects lost or discarded, are known to appear in bucket pulled from wells, or to choke one taking an unguarded gulp of water.

Any permanent settlements of Wormen typically arise atop areas where a number of The Syprun Rojeps converge, resulting in a great many Oases, or even just a great potential for wells.

24. Hexagonal Obsidian Pillars (Helk Lalo'sag) [HEX 451]

Landmark: Spooky Obsidian Pillars
Location: Hex 451
Name: Helk Lalo'sag (100,000 gleaming mirrors)
Discovered by: Ssa'shou'laak
What it is: A Giant's Causeway formed from shiny obsidian.

On the windswept southern shore of the main continent, one can find an area of over 50,000 interlocking hexagonal obsidian columns stretching across roughly 7 kilometers of coastline. Ranging from flats just short enough to be submerged during high tide to groups towering over 20m above sea level, salt from the sea spray carried by the winds off the ocean scour the surfaces clean of any lichen or moss that would otherwise get a foothold, though the pillars themselves never seem to be scratched or eroded by the actions of the ocean, nor is any sand or silt ever left behind when the tides recede.

Curiously, all the native fauna tends to avoid it as well, leaving nothing to mar the sheen of the glassy sides overlooking the ocean. When the truly bad storms blow in from the south it is said that the howl of the wind through the tall pillars produces a low hum more felt than heard, and a sensation that someone is not welcome there. And yet, the magically inert Ssa'shou'laak have not noticed the noise nor the feeling.

25. City of Dinosaurs (The Big One) [HEX 87]

City: Dinotropolis
Location: Hex 87
Name: The Big One
Founders: K'law
Inhabitants: 90% K'law 10% Others
Origin: Fishing

The Big One was one of many fishing villages situated along the rivers. It had the good fortune of surviving a few bad floods and sitting on somewhat higher ground above the floodplain, on the north side of the river, allowing it to safely grow over the generations. Families that made up neighbouring villages merged with it for safety, which helped it grow. That's when it got its name "The Big One" because it was the largest village of K'laws at the time. The abundance of lumber from the woods and clay from the river gave rise to a strong tradition of pottery, brick making, and carpentry. Little wooden carvings became a stable commodity in The Big One alongside pots for storage and decoration. The buildings within the village grew in size and strength. Something of a necessity given the larger size of k'laws compared to other species.

While drainage systems were organized to help direct monsoon waters into the river, ponds, and wells. Both natural and artificial ponds were used as spawning grounds for insects the k'laws found edible, adding yet another source of food to the village. Some insects and plants could also produce dyes. Previously they were hunted or cultivated in smaller numbers in food forests, but the larger infrastructure of The Big One allowed dedicated growing ponds and gardens to be constructed. This greatly increased the supply of dyes to k'law society overall and resulted in an explosion of colour. Decorative pottery developed as a popular trade, while house, furniture, statues, and clothing became almost garish overnight. K'laws' scales could range from teal to cyan to dark blue to green in colour, which let colours like red or orange to stand out against them.

The City's position meant it was a natural trade spot too. K'laws from other villages came by boat to trade with it, though it received the most visitors and future immigrants during fish spawns, which drew great numbers of fishers to the area. Soon it began hosting major ceremonies in growing public spaces in the burgeoning town. Its good position by the river coupled with surplus food, raw materials, and skilled artisans meant The Big One grew steadily in population.

Though other species have found their way into The Big One, the majority of the population still remains K'laws.

26. The Floating Garden City (Cytun'elia) [HEXES 142/116]

City: the Floating gardens
Location: Hex 142-116
Name: Cytun'elia (floating garden)
Founders: the Ynnar
nhabitants: 80% Ynnar , 18% non ethnic Ynnar, 2% Various (Visitors)
Origin: Food production

When the Ynnar settled close to what they call the Black Lake (named due to the black soil composing the bed of the lake and the tributary rivers) they did so for both the steady supply of clean drinking water and also for the nourishing black soil. (Unbeknownst to them, this richness was the influence of the Great Dragon Urd)

This combination helped the local villages to not only survive but prosper. As the settlements developed the idea of building directly over the lake was proposed. Using the black soil found in the lac to build terraces where the rich soil helps the growth of the plants. The city is divided by channels used for transportation of people and goods.

At the city's centre can be found a great bath piercing the sky like a ziggurat with gardens with many open air baths on each level. At its summit lies a single massive pool from which can be seen the entire city -an amazing sight.

More than a hundred private baths can be found inside, each decorated with mosaics and other decorations. In a building built into a separate structure of the baths can be found an aquarium with ponds and glass containing fresh water and salt water for various fish and other exotic aquatic wildlife such as the Colecheur.

While other Ynnar settlements have similar amenities, none yet can even hold a candle to the great baths of Cytun'elia

While the city was built by the Ynnar, there exists a quarter build for visitors who come to trade with the elven people. Usually trading metals and other resources for the Ynnar's plentiful surpluses of food -and other more exotic products and arts made by the species.

Fish and molluscs can be found in the lake but the Ynnar themselves are more interested in the floating algae that they try to find ways to cultivate outside the lake. The fishes are more interesting to the non herbivorous visitors, though they need to catch those fish themselves the herbivore diet of the Ynnar prevented the species from developing any interest or talent in fishing

While the surface of Black Lake near the southwestern coast is taken up by Cytun'elia, the very centre of Black Lake's bottom is taken up by a vast sinkhole which serves as an entrance to a permanent section of the First City's labyrinth. While the Ynnar attempt to dissuade visitors from braving the depths and attempting to enter the labyrinth, each year delivers a small trickle of foolhardy adventurers willing to risk their lives in the deadly labyrinth below Black Lake.

27. City of The Golden Temple (Ika Talayi) [HEX 79]

City: The Golden Temple
Location: Hex 79
Name: Ika Talayi
Founders: Evare
Inhabitants: 70% Evare, 28% Tor-Tua, 2% Ehkis Thermos
Origin: Trading Post

Ika Talayi, meaning "stone tower," originated basically by happenstance as a defensible location at the fringes of Tor-Tua expansion, and in primordial days was a watchtower guarding an approach to a powerful Evare matriarch's domain. However, in the intervening decades it has grown to far outstrip those villages in prominence. The arrival of Tor-Tua merchants and later a permanent population made the city a wealthy centre of trade and religious syncretism, leading to the development of a priestly class that envisions themselves as perfecting the true faith for both species.

The city's character took on its modern form with the transplantation of an Ehkis den centred around Lineages of goldsmiths looking to tap into the town's trading culture, who produce the city's most valuable trade good, in so doing allowing the city to solidify its place as a cultural exporter and affirm its pretensions of divine authority.

28. Sunbathed Desert (The Sunlight Sands) [HEXES 78, 79, 80, 110, 111]

Region Name: The Sunlight Sands
Location: Going from Hex 78, 79 , 80, 110 and 111
Name: The Sunlight Sands
Origin: Ehkis Thermos, Evare and Tor-Tua

The name for the surrounding deserts utilized by followers of the Mother Sun, while the name has religious origins, it has stood the test of time due to the bright yellow sand and blazing sun above.

Travellers through these lands typically stay near the rivers of the Evare and Tor-Tua people, moving through the small villages or with humble guides to the north or south, passing by areas of cactus farming. Or sometimes the farms are dedicated to the various different kinds of tubers able to grow in such a harsh climate.

Both cactus and tubers have become stable parts of the diets of the Tor-Tua and Evare, with some Ehkis Thermos also partaking if the season or weather is not primed for hunting.

The most notable aspect of these lands of course is their religious significance to the three cultures that venerate the Mother Sun, despite the birthplace of the Religion being further south in the lands of the Ehkis Thermos, the Sunlight Sands have blossomed into the true centre of this religion via the efforts of the Tor-Tua and Evare.

29. The Captive City (Hive of Huron) [HEX 191]

City: Hive Primary
Location: Hex 191
Name: The Hive of Huron
Founders: Parasitic Wasps
Inhabitants: 97% Parasitic Wasps, 3% Miscellaneous Captives

Huron was once an ordinary city, where a population of Magicians lived and thrived.

Then the wasps came.

Huron still has its denizens, but rather than its former Magician residents, it serves as the primary hive of the parasitic wasps. At the same time, captives are occasionally brought here by those same wasps, for their own purposes and to supplement the small surviving population of Magicians who serve as incubators for the Wasps.

There are rumours of darker sacrifices than mere incubation, but whatever the truth of those rumours, it is known that horrible fates befall those who enter the Hive of Huron.

30. The City of Jewels (Lida Aye) [HEX 292]

City: Golden Sister
Location: Hex 292
Name: Lida Aye
Founders: Lidalle
Inhabitants: 90% Lidalle, 8% Vacla, 2% Corvus
Origin: Mining, Gemcutting, Jewelry, Trade, Fishing (fishes and pearls), urban centre for breadbasket region

A prosperous city with unique localization at the north bank of the river mouth, Lida Aye was destined for greatness. A river, along with mining in modest mountains to the west, and fertile soil brought it great wealth, which quickly caused the city to swell with inhabitants and industry, swiftly becoming the centre of Lidalle civilization.

The religious significance of the site is also displayed through the greatest centre for containment of mages, and the biggest temple dedicated to Orilliali in the world. Many statues of heroes grace the orderly streets, and shanty towns at the port swell with goods and gossip. There is even a great lighthouse which guides ships to the port of the Golden Sister day and night.

Opals, rubies and sapphires are ferried down the river to the Lida Aye, and there made into proper gems and jewellery. River itself is rich with fish and the surrounding coast is ripe with pearls. Trade goes down the river from beyond the mountains, and comes from all across the sea.

31. The Place of Reunion (Reunion Rivnya) [HEX 227]

-The River of Reunion (Reunion River) [RIVER RUNNING HEX 203-250]

Landmark: River of Friendship
Location: Hex 227
Name: The Reunion Rivnya
Discovered by: The Nyorran Search For Friendship
What it is: Cultural Site

The reasons behind the split between the northern and southern Nyorra are long lost to history; the reasons saved for speculation from hints in the oral histories. The southern Nyorra became increasingly sedentary despite their curiosity, congregating around the great rivers and the shore, practising agriculture and learning to intuit the weather from the hints of the sky-spirits for their crops.

The northerners remained largely nomadic, taming beasts of burden with their gifts and encountering the northern desert worms. A shift in the climate, however, would push the northerners west as the pastures and cropfields they relied upon for their survival withered and died, and so they returned to the lands of their ancestors.

It was as they followed the river south that they stumbled upon a stretch of river that glimmered with a rainbow of colours, and on its other side, their mirrors.

The meeting easily could've descended into conflict over food, or simple hostility to strangers, but the histories of the Nyorra—which begin to transition to writing around this time—record that it did not. The histories propose a variety of explanations for why: mutual excitement over shiny rocks, the power of shared curiosity (that greatest of Nyorra virtues!), the sheer shock of meeting familiar faces calling back long-lost ancestral memories, or simply that several members of the respective scouting parties found each other extremely attractive.

To this day the Reunion Rivnya shines; it's a respected meeting site between the Nyorra people, the place where the greatest of friendships was born. The Nyorra deeply respect the spirit of the river as a guide for reunions and fortunate meetings. However, there's nothing particularly exploitable about the magical stones on the riverbed, which cause the river to shimmer, iridescent. Experimentation found it to be just as much a characteristic of the location as the rocks themselves, which fade with distance and time.

Over time the name has become applied to the entire run of the river.

32. Western Cats' Port City (Sipurrt) [HEX 250]

City: Sipurrt(sometimes called The Font of Heresnya)
Location: Hex 250
Name: Sipurrt
Founders: Nyorra
Inhabitants: 93% Nyorra, 7% Arisian
Origin: Fishing Villages

Sipurrt's foundation was driven by the most basic of Nyorra urges: the quest for food. Founding a city was less a conscious and directed decision and more the result of more and more households congregating and working together to get more fish, the city is largely spontaneous and unplanned, springing up around the best natural harbours of the delta of the Grand Rivnya.

It is nevertheless the largest of Nyorkinds coastal settlements by a sizable margin: A conglomerate of all the major towns scattered across the Rivnya delta, long since having grown to meet each other. Major exports include salt and salted fish.

Of course, any city so dependent on the ocean must pay close heed to the ocean spirits. It was in retrospect no surprise that the local priests steadily gave the ocean-spirit Grayclaws (named for her unending legion of claws and fangs, which grasp endlessly at sky and shore as waves) more and more attention, and paid less and less attention to the moon gods who had previously been their primary focus, but the supplanting of Lunya and Meown in their devotions came as a nasty shock to more traditional Nyorra further inland, who didn't see what all the fuss with water was about. In an attempt to resolve the matter, two of the High Priests of Rivermeowrge (the first-among-equals of the time) propagated a controversial claim that the tides themselves were the actions of the moons, not the ocean god, but this simply widened the rift as the beachcats scoffed at such brazen claims.

Theological divergence is far from the only thing Sipurrt has going on. Its combination of position, size, and local wealth makes it the trade hub of the region, with all the prosperity and diversity that brings.

Notable features include the salterns, where tide, climate, and Nyorra earth-shaping artifice combine to satisfy much of the region's demand for salt, and the shipyards, where every sort of watercraft within the reach of Nyorran artifice is built and repaired—a range that is hardly going to stay static.

Sipurrt is a home-base for no few wanderers of the sea, rich wanderers of the sea (for mostly licit reasons), and the best shipwrights. Also worthy of mention is the cities' considerable complement of novel-specialty mages, drawn to the city by the prospect of a place with a market for their rare spells. Many of them work within Sipurrt's own specialty businesses, or satisfy the particular demands of urbanization and the changes it brings…and some do something new entirely.

One other major feature, less 'notable' but arguably even more important, is the sprawl of farms and herdpaths that fan away from the city: The ocean's bounty extends well beyond the fisheries (part of that fan-sprawl give harvests of seaweed), but in recent decades the population of the place became such as to strain its fishing waters. Sipurrt's governance remains distributed and somewhat informal, but its cultural focus on the sea and its bounty let them get ahead of it, though not without issue. The other challenges of population density motivated more of the cities' new adults to settle down further afield, and the population stabilized. However, the whole episode—coupled with other challenges of opportunistic urbanization, the summer fires cared not for the coming food crunch—forced innovations in organization and hierarchy that are here to stay, and are now getting around the Nyorran lands.

33. The Gathering Spot (Teraleah) [HEX 246]

City: Teraleah (Great Gathering)
Location: Hex 246
Name: Teraleah (Great Gathering)
Founders: Althedar
Inhabitants: 90% Althedar, 10% Various(Diplomats and Merchants)
Origin: Religious and Political Gathering Space

After their encounters with the Shindarres, the Althedar called a LeahrLeah to discuss how this threat could be approached. In the course of these debates some Althedar grew so passionate about defeating the Shindarres that they formed first a Kith and then a Leah for just this purpose.

As the longest LeahLeahr in the young people's history dragged on this group continued attracting members, until it dominated the discussions.

Thus the course was set. The Shindarres would be defeated. And not just by isolated kiths and Leahr but by the united strength of the Althedar. The place where this resolution took place would be renamed Teraleah and would become the central coordinating body for these efforts.

Thus Teraleah became the first, and so far only, truly permanent Leahleahr. As such it of course became a place of not just great religious, but also political, significance. It is made up of largely dispersed groups of buildings, intended to house the various Leahr during their visits. They are also used by visiting diplomats and merchants.

It is of course built upon the coastline and the permanent population of Teraleah is quite small, only the religious warriors that live there, but swells immensely at times.

34. The Oldest Hive City (HEX 12)

City: the Oldest Hive City
Location: Hex 12
Name: The First City
Founders: the ʘeǂ!ψ (the People of the Hive)
Inhabitants: >98% ʘeǂ!ψ, 1% hiveless ʘeǂ!ψ males, <1% assorted visitors
Origin: food growth and safety

Well over 10,000 years old, this city is the ʘeǂ!ψ's longest constantly inhabited settlement, being home to countless generations of Queens, more so than the ʘeǂ!ψ themselves have managed to keep track of- for its founding predates what could be considered modern ʘeǂ!ψ society, let alone writing, by thousands upon thousands of years.

The City's main mound alone is large enough to dominate its local skyline, resembling more a large hill or a particularly small, gently sloped, mountain than the nearly flat ground that it once was. a flank of it is covered by the river, its meandering course having brought it into contact with the hive; and instead of subsuming it, was instead redirected around it. here lies the first, most important city of the ʘeǂ!ψ, home to its ruling council and its main diplomatic embassies for those deserving of meeting directly with the strongest and wisest of the ʘeǂ!ψ's Matrons.

At the river's banks, where it meets the main above ground portion of the hive, lies countless wooden structures- warehouses for temporarily storing goods brought in (or outbound, as the case may be) via barge from other hives farther up and down stream, housing for those that ply the river trades, preparation grounds for those goods that cannot spend any time at risk of rot, and the homes of technically hiveless males, being given shelter on their way from elsewhere- be it to eventually officially settle within the first city, or to move along elsewhere. higher up the mound can be found the visitors quarters- lavish and well organized buildings of wood and stone made for those who either dislike the twilight found within the tunnels, are too large to easily fit in amongst the ʘeǂ!ψ's personal dwellings, or are simply too obnoxious to be let where they might disrupt the young.

Near the very peak of the mound can be found dozens upon dozens of large stone buildings with smoky chimneys, where craftsmen play with the recently discovered bog iron from the large coastal swamps, hoping to take their craft simply that much farther. The top of this mound is dominated by the largest of the entrances to the true metropolis below. Occasionally, the exit seems to breathe, exhaling large quantities of hot, humid, sometimes slightly smokey, air even as other entrances situated throughout the city seemingly draw in breath. elsewhere, on its inland side, lie several somewhat isolated clusters of buildings; quarantine zones for travellers whenever even just rumours of a plague reach the first hive.

Beyond the easily visible and obvious above ground part of the city, lies over a dozen miles(almost five hundred square miles in area) of well cultivated, carefully irrigated, farmland- dominated by an ordered monoculture of large fruiting trees with shockingly broad leaves- fruit for the gatherers, and food for the fungus farms below; for throughout these fields lie countless smaller entrances to the giant warren of tunnels laying below, each raised to be closer to the treetops than the ground. Raised above the level of all but the most extreme of floods. each of these entrances tends to be dominated by three tunnels- one acting as the entrance for workers and drones coming in from their work above ground, one for the exiting flow of workers and drones, and a third, at the top of the mound, exhaling a stream of heated air and smoke from cooking fires, with the occasional mound letting out intermittent streams of hot, stagnant, water, as primitive pumps work to bring up water from the depths- moving stagnant, rotten, water up from the deepest tunnels of the Hive to the surface, where it might join in with the irrigated works and eventually be purified by sun, movement, and growth.

Beneath all of this, stretches a rabbit warren of tunnels and chambers, as the seeming order of the above ground areas give way to the still ever growing nest that is the majority of the Hive. Here, in the depths, layer upon layer of tunnels lay on top of one another, kept from collapsing only through the artistry of their own construction and the diligent work of the construction drones, as the expanding hive has assimilated numerous lesser hives, both inhabited and abandoned, over the long millenia, and has grown both across the land and downwards in turn.

Down here, beneath the roots and the river, lies countless stone tunnels, dug out of the ground and painted with bioluminescent cave moss, growing and purifying the air in defiance of their own environment. Here, the moss is shaped, as its different shades and compositions are woven together artfully into works of art, beautifully maintained by and maintaining the lives of the ʘeǂ!ψ in turn. There, it grows wildly, haphazardly spreading wherever there might be water and rot (and no sun), dying off where it might have otherwise clung on through deliberate action.

Elsewhere, these tunnels give away to massive chambers, filled with numerous varieties of mushroom, tended to by countless drones and their worker overseers; yet elsewhere, mainly closer to the assorted above ground entrances/exits, and nearer to the well established central portion of the hive, it gives way to much more decorated environments, as stone and moss is supplemented by wood and silk, as tunnels of travel and caverns of fungus farming give way to living quarters, recreation centres, brood pens, and the very homes of the princesses and queens themselves.

These tunnels and caverns stretch almost as far outwards as the fields above, crossing deep beneath the river, and dowards to the point where the heat below becomes almost as unbearable as the heat of the worst of the days above- down here, in these lower most chambers, things turn more towards the management of waste and the disposal of the dead than the promotion of growth, for in these conditions rot once again becomes rampant, and down in these depths it is the duty of the few who go down here to manage it, and ensure that the products that it produces are brought to where they might be of better use.

While most of the network of tunnels see at least some day to day use, even if it is just by scouts and maintenance drones ensuring that the core of the hive remains safe, entire sections still lay abandoned; sectioned off by the careful deployment of stone gates, sectioning off areas lost to flood, blight, or plague for later reclamation.

It is said that sometimes isolated work parties travelling these disused tunnels sometimes take a turn into the warrens of a different, and much older "First City".

35. The Glittering City (Always Made You Happy) [HEX 265-I]

City: Glitter Passions
Name: Always Made You Happy!
Location: Hex 265-1
Founder: Harmoyans
Origin: Harmonyans' Aesthetic Loves

When frilly dresses Welfare-Pioneers ignited a flame of curiosity, passion, and love within the Harmonyans' communities, the desire to experience the divine beauty of these outfits firsthand became overwhelming, and rather than use the telepathic network many sought to experience this clothing in person.

The area where Welfare-Pioneers gathered attracted so many Harmoyans who grew passionate about these mesmerizing outfits. Many of them chose to settle in this place, eager to learn the art of creating frilly dresses too and to share their creations with one another. This led to permanent mass settlement of this area, one that soon became a bustling showcase for frilly dresses. Thus, a new branch of Harmonyans artisans emerged, known as the Sacred Outfit Artisans.

Besides the newly formed branch of Sacred Outfit Artisan, older branches such as the Arms Artisans were also captivated by the sparkle and frills of these widely adored outfits. They began collaborating with Sacred Outfit Artisans to create outfits that complemented their own masterpieces.

Harmonyans named this area or city "Always Made You Happy!" The name captures the profound joy and happiness that fills the Harmoyans' lives when they adorn themselves in these lovely masterwork outfits.

36. The Prison of Nightmares (Shaliah's Shroud) [HEX 419]

City: Nightmare Forest Fortress
Location: Hex 419
Name: Shaliah's Shroud
Founders: Scailoh
Inhabitants: 100% Scailoh
Origin: Defence

Sometimes there are creatures in the shadows that are too powerful to be bound in pacts, beasts that defy all attempts and being placated.

When that happens the Priestesses of Shaliah turn to one of their oldest and most powerful arts, one where they bind these dangerous spirits into a nightmare prison built deep in the southern Boreal forests.

While these ritual tombs and circles bind nightmares within themselves, the Scailoh fear these creatures being disturbed, for as they were hostile before, their imprisonment is not likely to improve their temperament.

So, while belowground an ever expanding necropolis grows under the watch of Priestesses of Shailiah, above ground an equally impressive fortress has taken form to prevent the disturbance of the Necropolis' denizens who dream deep of vengeance and slaughter.

Over time the above ground fortress has been repurposed as a prison for the worst criminals of the Scailoh and neighbouring peoples and has also the home to treasures that would be at risk in any place less well defended.

37. Suntouched Hills (Elta Oas) [HEXES 362-317]

Region Name: Suntouched Hills
Location: The hills splitting the biomes from 362 to 317.
Name: Elta Oas
Origin: Narnar wanderers

A segment of the highlands split by a river from the Faraway Hills, these lands have been partially colonized by independent Huehuehue households besides the southernmost and tallest hill taken for the Narhue gathering. Wildfires happen unusually often at these forested hills, and are now encouraged by the Narnar to gather more pasture for their herds, abandoning Narnar forest gardening and grain farming.

38. The Great Boreal Port (Daraedor) [HEX 398]

City: Daraedor
Location: Hex 398
Name: Daraedor
Founders: Darahowr
Inhabitants: 60% Darahowr, 15% Scalioh, 5% Kiarsha, 20% Neo-Pavo.
Origin: Fishing.

It was the bountiful harvests of fishes in the estuary that first brought the Darahowr to the place. But in time, the location allowed it to slowly grow into a place for trade between the Eastern and Western people of the southern landmass, through both the sea and land. The city is built around a sizable temple on a raised hill, integrated with a massive storage-complex, to keep meat fresh and store goods, made easier by the long winter that characterize the region.

The rest of the city is made up of a combination of stone buildings and timber halls, depending on the prestige and wealth of the families. Outside the walls, an area cleared of trees and filled with numerous wooden structures exists, where the hunters of the Darahowr often bring in fur and pelts from deep inland, others drive herds of barely domesticated creatures all the way, while caravans from other civilizations and tribes, come to the place laden with rare goods. It is used both for winter inhabitation and trading in summer.

Some among the Neor-Pavo people have formed a pact with the creatures who live in the city, they guide ships braving the dangerous waters to the port, aid in hunting mighty sea creatures and warn of danger coming from the ocean. In return, they are allowed to establish their own communities in the city and nearby area, where they can establish permanent dwellings to farm and live in relative security. The safety of the city, compared to the dangerous sea and surrounding land, has also driven some other migrative folks to it, turning it into a cultural melting point, under the ever watchful gaze of the cold eyed draconic priests, who allow reverence for spirits and enforce order when necessary. To the Priests all mystical lore could contain fragments of the truth necessary for gaining a deeper understanding of the Dreaming Serpent.

39. The Great Bellows (Of the Great Mother) [THE GREAT PLATEAU]

Region Name: Great Bellows (of the Great Mother)
Location: The big mountain range in the northwest of the map
Name: Great Bellows of the Great Mother(Honko), The Great Bellows(Everyone else)
Origin: Honko

The mountain range known as the Great Bellows gets its name from the shape of the land that amplifies loud noises and which can spread them great distances.

The Honko take great Delight in taking advantage of this to strengthen their Honks, while many a traveller has woken from the bizarrely distorted and loud noises that propagate throughout the mountains and are seen by the Honko as the mighty Honks of their divine progenitor

40. A City on the Steppes (Goltsaiz) [HEX 313]

Location: Hex 313
Name: Goltsaiz (River Pasture)
Founders: Gurvel
Inhabitants: Majority Gurvel, minority Vacla
Origin: Stable pasture

Goltsaiz is perhaps the only area in Gurvel territory where grass is abundant all times of the year, thanks to the river that flows on the banks of the great nomadic city. The city itself is unique in that most of its population still lives in yurts rather than fixed housing, although walls topped with stupas and a central urban area have been built. Between the walls and the centre lies a ring of grassland with yurts dotting it every so often. Additionally, the river allows Goltsaiz to conduct trade with otherwise far-off settlements and nations and brings wealth into the region.

41. The City of Islands (Tsinaaʼeeł) [HEX 387]

City: Fox Limsa Lominsa
Location: Hex 387
Name: Tsinaaʼeeł (Boat Place)
Founders: Dahóyánígíí
Inhabitants: 50% Dahóyánígíí, 50% other (Mainly Sirens, Minskane'wil, Desqti, Honko, Damer)
Origin: Naval stop

A collection of islands just off the coast, laying between deep cliffs and treacherous reefs. Some Dahóyánígíí Adventurers built a supply depot on one of these islands that'd serve as a resting stop for all Dahóyánígíí explorers and traders that'd pass. In time, it would grow into a town and eventually a city spanning multiple islands and is now the main trading hub of the region.

42. The Sapphire Oasis (Tierlah) [HEX 310]

Location: 310
Name: Tierlah (The Waters of the People)
Founders: The Tierre
Inhabitants: 90% Tierre, 10% Other (Various)
Origin: Watering Hole

What was once a small Oasis in the desert has become a great eternal lake of shining sapphire under the watch of the Mage-Priestess Sororities of the Tierrean people.

Working over many centuries, these Sororities created the "Blue Ice" which lines the Oasis, and purifies, cools, and prevents the water of the Oasis from evaporating. As part of that process the Sororities had many of the great trading clans bring stone, water, and metals over the desert at great expense, expanding the simple Oasis into a great lake with well built irrigation channels which their attentions have been used to create a great garden city in the desert.

As a simple Oasis this city was host to one of many of the semi-annual gathering of the clans, but since it's establishment of THE Sapphire Oasis, it is now home to the greatest annual gathering of the Tierrean Clans, one in which many marriages are established, festivals are held, and girls petition to join the various Sororities as all have at the very least representatives at Tierlah.

The source of much of the fresh food that the Clans trade with each other, as well as the home of many of the more sedentary Tierra Sororities, Tierlah is a wealthy and beautiful jewel in the desert, with white towers rising into the skies, a great blue and pure lake, and large markets filled with goods from across the region and pulled from the sands.

As a holy place, a city of peace, none except the Sorority tasked with guarding Tierlah may walk about with weapons, and anyone found to be carrying a weapon will be ejected from the Oasis. To a Tierrean this sentence brings great dishonour to their Clan, but to an outsider this sentence is almost always one of death by exposure, so it is advised to heed the laws of this city for they are few, but strictly enforced.

43. The Pirate Haven (Myrprasht) [HEX 195]

Location: 195
Name: Myrprasht
Founders: Myresh
Inhabitants: 68% Myresh, 10% Ehkis Lamia, 7% Althadar, 7% Geodae, 8% Other ( Mainly Ynarr, Chata, Theban, Tyceran, Siren)
Origin: Fishing Village

Centuries ago the expanding Myreshi Houses discovered the existence of the seas, and along with them, the existence of fish which could sate their carnivorous appetite. The bountiful coasts filled their bellies but denied them the chance to prove their Martial Prowess and Huntress Spirits.

Until the first Raider Matriarch made her name by taking the primitive boats of the Myreshi and began raiding other smaller communities along the coasts, bringing back food, plunder, and slaves.

While early easy victories brought many imitator Houses and Matriarchs, increased resistance from coastal peoples also raised the prestige of Raider Houses who could now boast of martial feats in battle.

And while the Myreshi population of Myrprasht boomed from the influx of wealth, food, and opportunistic immigrants, the Myreshi practice of considering the children of slaves as full members of their mother's House began a secondary boom of population in the children of slaves taken in the raids who were now free members of various Raider Houses.

Today, Myrprasht is as much a trade port as a pirate Haven, the city's Grooms of Myrrah negotiated a process whereby a merchant can pay a tithe of their profits and be granted a flag which renders them immune to piracy by Myreshi Pirate Houses for a ten year span. For if a House is caught raiding a sanctioned trader they will be barred from the temples until the aggrieved party agrees that restitution is made.

Within the city the expected sex work that would be seen in a port this size is regulated and organized by Myrrah Priests and these non-Myreshi receive the same reverence and respect granted to their own males by the city's populace, something that visitors often find unusual.

A strange mix of law and lawlessness Myrprasht is a place where the merchant you had drinks with in Myrprasht docks last year could be a pirate taking your merchant vessel as a prize the next.

44. The Queen's City (Hysalia) HEX 379

Location: 379
Name: Hysalia
Founders: Kiarsha
Inhabitants: Kiarsha 95%, 5% Others (Various)
Origin: Temple Complex

When the Kiarsha first settled this region, under the direction of the ruling Queen of Queens the first stones of a great Palace Temple were laid.

Now expanded into a great city sitting astride two banks of the river that runs through Kiarsha territory, the centrepiece of Hysalia is the Palace of the Queen of Queens which holds the royal family, the senior government officials, and the towers where the greatest Archmages live under the Queen of Queens' direction.

Radiating as spokes away from the temple are nine streets paved with magic and each severs as the center of a different city district with a different purpose. In between the spokes are the slums and alleyways of the poor, buildings which are often torn down and rebuilt at the order of a pretty Queen seeking to expand her own holdings or granting some charity by rebuilding decaying structures.

The feeding and maintenance of Hysalia is the responsibility of a council of nine Petty Queens overseen by the Queen of Queens herself when she deigns to attend. Rivalries between the Petty Queens are the cause of many of the city's woes as they compete to overawe the others and steal their budgets and minor houses for their own aggrandizement.

Around the city runs a dual ring of small walls, however the defence of the city rests on the proclaimed power of the Queen of Queens herself, and the House Armies of the various Petty Queens across the Kiarsha lands who serve her.

45. Islands of Rain and Cedars (Rainbow Islands) [SOUTHEASTERN ISLANDS]

Location: Southeast Islands
Name: The Rainbow Islands, The Aurora Islands
Origin: Various

Translated into every language variously as the "Aurora" or "Rainbow" islands, the quartet of Islands off the southeast of the subcontinent are known for the atmospheric conditions which pair rainy springs and summers with plentiful rainbows and the autumn and winters with the chill and Auroras which flash in the skies above.

The smallest Island is most often known as "Drautia" after their main inhabitants. The next larger island to the south is Kaien Island "Fallen Timbers", apparently named as such for the large cedars that grow on the island.

The largest island has a variety of names, but to those that travel the southwestern seas it's "Volunti Island after a corruption section of the Desqti word for the island which is believed to refer to either the prevalence of rainbows that arc over the island, or the frequent rainshowers which proceed them throughout the year.

The southernmost island is known to sailors and the wider world as "Praktai", another Desqti corruption which seems to stem from a phrase translating as "Too Cold".

46. A Volatile Sea (The Godswound Sea) [SEA FROM 42, 71 SOUTHEAST TO ISLANDS]

Location: The sea from 42, 71 southeast to the Rainbow Islands
Name: Godswound Sea
Origin: Unknown

While the origin of the name remains mysterious, the story is not: In eons past, during a great battle between gods (Or between God and a pretender in some tellings) resulted in a great wound being left in the world as one god was slain and either lies dead or dying within the trench created by their fall.

This wound in the planet became the Godswound Sea. However many believe the blood of this slain god still boils beneath the surface, causing the great volcanic vents and eruptions that are characteristic of the sea and it's coasts.
"The First City" is an idea I've had for a while and felt that "fuck it, time to use it"

Expect the next vote to be posted in another half hour or so
Incidentally: I had a LOT of fun getting this sorted. I could vividly imagine many of these places, and they'd make kickass locations depicted in a video game or ttrpg session.
Incidentally: I had a LOT of fun getting this sorted. I could vividly imagine many of these places, and they'd make kickass locations depicted in a video game or ttrpg session.
Yeah they would, maybe I could use my city of wands for a campaign if I'm able to organize one with my family, with some polishing of course
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Vote 5: Politics and Polities

Vote 5:

We now come to Politics and Polities. Kingdoms, Leagues, Republics, States, Chiefdoms, the way that people are governed. While the ultimate goal of this quest is to have a single hegemon or empire ruling the subcontinent, the form that that state takes and the route it takes to get there is still up in the air.

In general this vote is a bit harder, a bit more competitive than the previous four. Votes for polities that share component peoples and territory will tend to go towards the polity with the most votes, though I will try to factor in the existence of the less popular polity idea with

For each vote we are going to have to answer the seven following prompts:


What is your polity named? Reminder that I will veto cringe names unless they amuse me.


A simple descriptor of what kind of state this is. "Pirate Republic", "Trade League", "Feudal Kingdom", "Aristocratic Republic", "Direct Democracy", "Shamanist Theocracy", and others will fit here, please try to keep the descriptor brief, two to three words on average.

Source of Authority:

Where does the authority come from, who has sovereignty, what is the "ruling class"? Is it priests sitting in a Synod to hash out policy? Is it rich merchants from multiple cities? Is it elder Patriarchs from noble houses in a Senate? Is it an absolute monarch appointed by god? Is it a democratic assembly?

Keep in mind the time period and what the material conditions allow.

Again please try to keep this brief, to about a sentence or so. The fine details can come in the main text of the description.

Enforcement Mechanism:

How are laws enforced. Sure a lot of societies will send cops or armed men after you, but others might rely on religious censoring of a lawbreaker… or maybe they're religious cops. Or maybe you're exiled and cut off from the community. Whatever politics there are, there is going to be some way to enforce authority.

Again please try to keep this brief, to about a sentence or so. The fine details can come in the main text of the description.

Seat of Power:

Feel free to answer this with "decentralized" if that fits, but most states have either a capital or an office from which the leaders reign. Some states have a single static capital, some have one that rotates, some have rule moves with the ruler as they travel. What is the seat of power in your polity?


Was this polity formed in a war of conquest? United by marriages? A union between likeminded peoples accomplished by diplomacy? A religiously inspired union of co-religionists? There are plenty of options to choose from that will set the tone and tenor of this country.

Again please try to keep this brief, to about a sentence or so. The fine details can come in the main text of the description.


Probably the most mechanically difficult part of the vote, please identify the tiles and peoples that are part of this polity. When selecting tiles, try to only select ones within one hex's distance of a tile fully marked as inhabited by a people.

If there is overlap, things will generally tend to go towards the polity with more votes, and I will use my own judgement to divide contested territories.


If you have questions feel free to bother me, but I'm going to bed pretty soon


[ ] Vote Name
Source of Authority
Enforcement Mechanism
Seat of Power:


Basic Example

[ ] Myreshi Khantae
Name: Myreshi Khanate
Type: Bandit Kingdom
Source of Authority: Warlord chosen at council
Enforcement Mechanism: Ritual Duelling
Seat of Power: Myrprasht, Hex 193
Origin: Conquest
Composition: Myreshi. Hexes: 169, 170, 193 and all tiles within one of that.

My vote:

[x] Myreshi Aristocratic Republic, Myrrah's Harem

Name: Myrrah's Harem, Myreshi Haremate
Type: Aristocratic Republic
Source of Authority: The Gathering of Myrrah's Harem
Enforcement Mechanism: Priestly Censorship, and withholding of access to reproduction.
Seat of Power: City of Ran's Rest, Hex 169
Origin: Interhouse Dispute Resolution
Composition: Hexes: Myreshi 169, 170, 193, and all surrounding hexes excepting 142.

Long ago disputes between the old Prides were solved with spear, claw, tooth, and blood, but the increasingly destructive nature of these conflicts as Matriarch sought to overawe Matriarch left the proto-Myreshi weak.

Yet under the worship of the Goddess of the Hunt Myrrah, the Myreshi became one people. It was her first Bride, Ashii the Godspear, and her first Groom, Ran the Lawbuilder, who united the scattered proto-Myreshi prides and transformed them into the first Houses and Temples, dividing males from females and setting down Myrrah's laws.

Those laws held that conflicts between Houses and Matriarchs must either be solved through regulated contests of martial prowess and the hunt at festivals, or for more intractable disagreements in a great council of all the House Matriarchs overseen by a trio of her wisest Groompriests.

Over time the laws have become more elaborate, more rules added for duels, rules added for sending favoured Daughters to Represent a Matriarch and her House at the Harem.

For many laws are decided at the Harem added governing what is expected from a House in times of war, that the Harem will always meet in the city of Ran's Rest (where they are overseen by the bones of Ran the Lawbringer himself), what recompense is expected when a citizen is wronged.

These laws are all gathered by the Groompriests and archived by the male priesthood who remember them so that when any Myreshi has a dispute she can come to the steps of a temple and demand that a priest speak to her the law on the matter. And in some communities, these Lawspeaker priests are as hotly demanded as their more carnal brothers, though some priests conduct both duties with grace and aplomb.

Enforcement of these laws is left for the Houses to enforce, as each Matriarch knows that if her House flaunts the laws they will be denied access to males by the Priesthood, something which can lead to the total destruction of even an ancient and stories House in short order if they do not submit or negotiate a compromise.

While the vast majority of the Harem (called as such due to the Myreshi ruling class being the Brides and Grooms of Myrrah Herself) is made up of Myreshi, the Myresh practice of the children of slaves being considered a free member of the House their mother was owned by ensures that a minority population of species from the region and around the Godswound Sea make their home within the Harem.
Alright, I just want to say that I'm up for the Dahóyánígíí being part of a larger multi-species polity, like some kind of Anti-Honko (or whatever other aggressive species/polities there are in the neighborhood) Defence League.
I should note, I'd be very happy, overjoyed even, for the Chirek to become part of multiple nearby polities. I like the idea of them as existing on the peripheries of multiple different empires rather than having one of their own.
WIP idea, currently in negotiation with otter and octopi creators.

[] Fuck the Geese

Name: The Rainbow League
Type: Triumviral Confederal Republic
Source of Authority: Appointment by member polities*
Enforcement Mechanism: Varies**
Seat of Power: Rotating between members
Origin: Anti-Honko Mutual Defence Pact
Composition: Dahóyánígíí (365, 387), Minskane'wil (386, 409), Desqti (408, 431)

*Precise method for each member species tbd.
**Same here.
WIP idea, currently in negotiation with otter and octopi creators.

[] Fuck the Geese

Name: The Rainbow League
Type: Triumviral Confederal Republic
Source of Authority: Appointment by member polities*
Enforcement Mechanism: Varies**
Seat of Power: Rotating between members
Origin: Anti-Honko Mutual Defence Pact
Composition: Dahóyánígíí (365, 387), Minskane'wil (386, 409), Desqti (408, 431)

*Precise method for each member species tbd.
**Same here.
I am down, already sent clarifications via discord.
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[X] Despotate Sunsetir
Name: Despotate Sunsetir
Type: Absolute Feudal Empire
Source of Authority: Unique. Agreement of all noble families.
Enforcement Mechanism: Penalties, Brutal Executions, Participation in dangerous rituals.
Seat of Power: Nasade, Hex 404
Origin: Treaty after the mythic war
Composition: Ardat Lillial, Hex 404 +382/381/403/426 are considered Libensraum, claim 405/427/447 +383 Chirec

The Despotate of Sunsetir was formed when the Goddess Rellit finally locked herself in her halls and did not leave the governor. His role began to be played by the Supreme Commander. Due to his advanced age and numerous injuries received in the war, he was unable to create a stable dynasty.

After his death, in order to prevent a massacre, all the lower army ranks turned to the Great Pontiff. Then the Ardat system was created.

At the head of this philosophy is one idea: "For the ruler should not be ashamed to die." In fact, any person from Ardat Lillial can come to Nasada and declare himself Ardat. At the same time, any person is able to challenge him to a ritual duel. The challenger can redirect their "faction" challenge 65 times, always to new members. For 66 times, the challenger enters the duel himself. If he wins, he deserves this title.
In the event of a clash between the holder of the Ardat title (whose Years of Silence have expired) and the challenger, an elimination battle takes place. 65 on one side and 65 on the other. In this case, the winner of the duel can go out again in the next one. Therefore, the more professional the wars of one side are, the more people the applicant will have to fight.

Magic is forbidden in this ritual.

After the 66th duel, the Grand Pontiff, for his own reasons, appoints the Years of Silence, when the title of Ardat cannot be taken away. This is a period of time from 5 to 20 years. It almost completely depends on the relationship between the Pontiff and the applicant.

It seems that the system is very bloody, but in fact, 66 duels are rarely carried out. Either the challenger is killed early, or everyone likes the challenger and no one challenges him.

Ardat rules as an absolute ruler, relying on the nobility of the feudal lords and a council consisting of people recruited by him with the necessary skills (invited specialists). In this he is supported by the Great Pontiff. There is a dualism Heart (Ardat) - Reason (Pontifex), worldly power - spiritual power. Therefore, any rebellion against one of the branches of government is considered an insult to the second. And severely punished.
With the exception of the decrees of Ardat, all feudal lords have judicial power on their lands and the right to collect taxes in favor of the Despotate, deducting a fixed percentage for themselves. They can also contain military detachments of a strictly established number. This does not cancel the standing army of the Despotate and the militia. Feudal lords are mostly hereditary, but this refers to the title, not the land. If Ardat wants, then the residence of the feudal lord will be in one region, and the land in another. It is not recommended to anger the feudal lords too much, because no one has canceled poison, curses and murderers.

Most of the penalties come in the form of fines. The most terrible criminals are given to the Priests for rituals and executions.
The most terrible punishment for the betrayal of the Priest. "Three Lines" in honor of the three horizontal strikethroughs in the genealogical book. Death to the Priest, his family, his parents, his cousins (no families) and grandparents. Also, if the betrayal was not heard from representatives of the temple in which the Priest worked, then all workers over 12 are cut off a hand of their choice.
In the case of deliberate arson, the offender burns at the stake. Executions are different.

Approximately half a century ago, several Chirek(384) Witch Covens asked Ardat Lillial for protection. For voluntary accession and generally significant remoteness, they were granted substantial autonomy.
Chirek undertake to bring a symbolic gift to the ruler once a year and also a special tax of Potions and Talismans (Talisman without strong religious overtones).
In exchange, the Ardat Lillial pledge to participate in all Chirec defensive wars, provide them with a guaranteed seat on the council, and agree to allow the Chirek to move freely across the border in that area.
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[X] As Wholesome As Politics Gets
- [X] Name: The Kind Folk
- [X] Type: Democratic council, smaller councils to manage small regions and towns
- [X] Source of Authority: Got elected, also Fairy-Godmother said so
- [X} Enforcement Mechanism: Law-Schmeckles
- [X] Seat of Power: City Of Wands, Hex 242
- [X] Origin: They wanted everyone to have a say in who leads, also Fairy-Godmother said so
- [X] Composition: Hexes; Schmeckles, 242, 245

The highest political power among the Kind-Folk are The Kindness Council, every member has a term of office lasting 4 years, before having to participate in another election to maintain their position, each citizen gets 3 votes (Which can't be used on the same candidate more than once) and must choose a candidate they believe will carry out a good job in office, the manipulation or forging of votes, is of course highly illegal
To get into the council one must pass a certain amount of votes, everyone who gets enough joins the council and has equal authority, there are smaller versions of this for towns, Mini-Councils for the further off places, though those have less authority then the main council

Law-Schmeckles are like almost every occupation in their society, a word related to the occupation said before Schmeckle, this even applies when referring to someone who is part of said occupation but isn't a Schmeckle, they're like Helper-Schmeckles but are their official duties are to enforce the law and protect citizens in their assigned patrol beats, though they are allowed to help out others with smaller stuff if available and it won't interfere with their duties too much

Their governmental system is followed since the Schmeckles don't like the sound of Socialism, Monarchy, the other forms of Democracy, Anarchy, or plain old Rule Of Strength, though they do understand there are most likely corruptible exploits in their own political system, which they feel like they can manage a bit, understanding that no societal structure can forever withstand time nor the evils of this world, and true utopias are but the stuff of fiction even in a universe as wondrous as this.....
They're still gonna try helping out though, as is taught by the Fairy-Godmother, who is the other reason why this system is followed, because she said so, she skimmed a bunch of books on politics and suggested this system, she is a better humanitarian and arcanist than a politician so most of the actual details were sorted out by the smarter Schmeckles that were there
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[X] The Solar League
Name: Solar League
Type: Centralizing Tribal Confederation
Source of Authority: Mutual bonds of culture, trade, alliance, religion, and the preeminence of Hesjingokar and Ika Talayi.
Enforcement Mechanism: Local hegemons who individually lack the resources to challenge Hesjingokar and Ika Talayi.
Seat of Power: Hesjingokar, Hex 110
Origin: Cultural Union of Hesjingokar and Ika Talayi Leagues
Composition: Hexes: Tor-Tua, Evare/Ferravar, and Ehkis Thermos, and all hexes surrounding the Ehkis Thermos.

The Tor-Tua, Evare, and Ehkis Thermos have long recognized that they were created by the Goddess as a shared cultural group; much hay is made of their shared magnetoreceptive traits as a divine marker of shared heritage that transcends biology. The path of their history stretching out of the Chalcolithic Age is characterized by a gradual reduction in inter-species warfare among these groups as tribes came to be defined on geographic location, cultural peculiarities, and their leadership far more than it was race.

Normally distant from their three neighbor species, some Ferravar could not help but be drawn into this cultural union as the cities of Hesjingokar and Ika Talayi jointly rose to prominence: one commanding a patchwork league of tribes by power of shared consensus, the other by the moral authority of the one true faith. In political conflicts long since passed, a general mutually agreed upon settlement emerged: it is consensus of the tribes at Hesjingokar that implements binding laws over the League, but the trained bureaucrats anchored at Ika Talaya that form the primary class that implements the law.

The final formulation of the League was bittersweet for the Ferravar at Hesjingokar. So many of the tribes even within their League were Solarist, and their attempts to restrain the power of the religion within the budding union of tribes was undercut. However, particularly following the intervention of those within the cultural sphere of the traditionalist Ehkis Thermos, Ika Talayi was forced to moderate and the Ferravar were granted a measure of religious toleration with the general understanding that eventually we will figure out why the Great Sun made the Small Gods.

In this way, the political and military independence of Ika Talayi was generally lost during the formation of the league, but its spirit-seers' cultural influence was solidified, and many disenchanted Ferravar still stalk the dunes. The priestly authority at Ika Talaya and the federated tribes at Hesjingokar have so far made great efforts to understand and work in concert with one another, but the dual claims to authority certainly represent a potential fracture point within the Solar League. Traditional Ehkis Thermos culture as a rule resents being subjected to authority outside "the person who my Matriarch answers to," and often find common cause with Ferravar groups. Quasi-feudal chains of mutual understanding connect them to a broad swath of terrorities which is traditionally seen as outside the tribes' heartlands.
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[X] Peak Drakonof Tribal Council
-[X] Name: The Coalition of the Communities of the Drakes and Mountains (Short name is 'The Drake's Coalition')
-[X] Type: Semi-united Tribal Council
-[X] Source of Authority: The Drake's Council of Elders
-[X] Enforcement Mechanism: Loss of Prestige, Respect, Wealth, Rights, Freedom and finally either Community or Life for the worst offences.
-[X] Seat of Power: Most prestigious and respected Elder's Lair of the current year, usually in 305 though it has been moving towards 281 in recent decades.
-[X] Origin: Gradual United Tribe Splintering, recently reunited due to Inter-Community Conflicts
-[X] Composition: Hexes: Peak Drakonof 305 and all surrounding hexes. Other than 305, strongest control is in 281 and 306 though there is fairly heavy influence in 280 despite that. Existent influence in 282, though only the strictest of judges would call it control over that territory.

Long ago all Peak Drakonofs were united in a single Community under a single Elder's Council. However such a time is only recorded in the oldest of myths and legends due to the gradual splintering of the Communities as the Peak Drakonofs spread further and further across the valleys of the mountains they call home. Indeed, it is said that eleven generations ago the Peak Drakonofs had become so disunited the most distant Communities might not even see a visit from a guest who's friend has visited those communities furthest from them.

But all this changed the Year of the Starved Fang where a severe Winter saw many Communities go hungry when Spring came and, worst of all, saw the animals of the Mountains which the Peak Drakonofs relied upon become scarce. For the conditions of that year meant it was followed by the Years of Bloodied Claw in which Community fought Community who fought yet another Community and unity was only found between those who shared blood, either by birth, marriage or battle.

However after a generation of kin slaying kin, three Communities came together and together their Elders formed the Drake's Council. As their wise Elders had foreseen, though knowledge of the world, prophetic visions and the whispers of the Spirits that an even harsher Winter would soon be upon them that that which caused the Year of the Starved Fang. One which none of the Communities that the Peak Drakonofs where fractured into would be able to survive divided. But united? United they had a chance. A slim one, but a chance none the less.

And a Chance at defying Winter's presence becoming eternal or for the final visitor to Fated'oom's halls to arrive is worth almost anything. Even co-operating with those who had been blood rivals the year before, or strangers with strange ways. So it was that the War of the Drakes Unity was fought, with Community after Community becoming a part of the Drake's Council with their respected Elders gaining a place on it, even if they had resisted. So long as the gravest of sins were given up, mercy was repaid with loyalty and the Elders of the Community accepted integration once it was clear that they had lost.

For the Mountains are a harsh place with all knowing that some things can not be allowed to occur. Lest the World itself bury them all. And the Communities which made up the Drake's Council were well aware that they had much to do and only so long before the Winter of Winters arrived to settle the bloodshed once and for all. So even as the allied Communities fought through valley after valley and year after year, the chosen Elders from each of their Elder Councils came together to organise the Great Undertaking of the Drake's Council. The storage of enough heat-fuel and food to last the united Communities for years without Spring, Summer or Autumn.

And then the Years of Winter were upon them and Peak Drakonof after Peak Drakonof starved and froze to death throughout the mountains. Yet the Drake's Council had prepared well, and managed their peoples properly such that only one in three of their population had died by the time the third year passed and Winter finally left. Since that time the Peak Drakonofs have spread throughout their ancestral valleys, regaining lands lost when the Communities which called them home were destroyed by the Winter of Winters or each other. And ever they remember that even if they are apart from each other, and the distance to another Community may take many cycles of the Moon to travel, they are still one.

With this demonstrated when, on the last Full Moon of Summer, a chosen Elder from each Community of the Peak Drakonofs that lie within the Mountains travels to whichever Community was most acclaimed at the close of the last Drake's Council, to participate in the next Drake's Council held at said community's Elder's Lair. Usually accompanied by a band of young Drakonofs looking for mates, wealthy adults wishing to make trades with other communities, and likely a few warriors and hunters wishing to boast of their prowess amongst those who share their profession.

It is also at the Drake's Council where the worst of punishments are declared. Those who have committed acts which made their life forfeit declared so their cases may be judged and approval, or warning and punishment, given by the other Elders of the Drake's Council. Usually alongside a short recitation of lesser punishments which have seen Community members be stripped of their renown, the respect of their Community, the wealth of their deeds, and for those who have heavily sinned but not to the degree of Horror as those who lose their lives, the loss of certain rights to freedom of profession, deed, travel and even on occasion imprisonment though that is rare amongst the hardy folks of the mountain compared to forced labour until they have redeemed themselves.

Then there is the most sacred yet horrific task of the Drake's Council. The Judgement of those who have proven themselves Abominations. For some acts can never find redemption or forgiveness, yet it must be as a whole that the Peak Drakonofs find those charged of such acts. For being stripped of their place in the Community of the Drakonofs as a whole, rather than just individual Communities here and there is held as the fourth worst act that can be done to a Peak Drakonof, the second worst that can be done by a Mortal, and no few individuals should have a right to perform such a deed lest they grow arrogant with their strength and shatter the unity of the Drakonofs. Or worse, bring down the fury of the Spirits and World upon them all.

AN: Should be all good.
Edit: You know, if I'd actually put the vote boxes there, let alone the X's in them!
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@Aliya @Blackgold211 Still WIP. Don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to add more to your species' parts.

[X] Fuck the Geese

Name: The Rainbow League
Type: Triumviral Confederal Republic
Source of Authority: Appointment by member polities*
Enforcement Mechanism: Varies**
Seat of Power: Rotating between members
Origin: Anti-Honko Mutual Defence Pact
Composition: Members: Dahóyánígíí, Minskane'wil, Southern Desqti; Protectorates: Sirens, Damer, The School. Hexes: 320, 342, 363, 364, 365, 386, 387, 408, 409, 431, 452.

Source of Authority: Shaman-proposed leaders with popular approval.

Enforcement Mechanism: Shaman-enforced social pressure, followed by "spiritual crippling" (magical excommunication) and exile if this fails.

The leaders of the Dahóyánígíí, whether it be on a local or confederal level, are elected in a simple yet also confusing way. First, all the local Shamans come together and pick someone they believe would be best for the position. This is usually someone from their own ranks, or a great Hero or Adventurer from the local community. Druids are rarely picked as candidates, choosing to keep themselves separate from the rest of society, but it happens on occasion. This candidate is then introduced to an assembly of all the members of the local community (or their chosen spokespeople if the community is very large), who can choose to either approve or reject them. If too many Dahóyánígíí reject a candidate, the Shamans have to go back into deliberation and choose another candidate, until one is selected who's approved by the community.

Their confederal representative is then selected from among the local leaders, and has to be accepted by a majority of the other local leaders.

Source of Authority: Grand Council of Clan Parriarchs

Enforcement Mechanism: Social ostricastion and exile (a practical death sentence)

In the not so distant past the Miskane'wil clans struggled to survive, with their poor adaptations for their environment even one more day of survival would take a supreme effort. Yet nothing drives innovation as much as desperation, with new magics and technologies discovered over the centuries more and more breathing room was afforded to the Miskane'wil people. Clans which had struggled to breach even two dozen members now found themselves with over a hundred. Interclan contact, once a one in a year event, became commonplace and with this new contact and larger populations came conflict.

Cutting the story short, it was disastrous, it was not difficult to destroy a Miskane'wil clan if you knew what to target, burning the food stores or assassinating the Parriarch was enough to doom most clans to a slow death. This brutal period did not last long however as all could see the reckless death wrought by these conflicts and with few grudges to get in the way of negotiations (almost all conflicts resulted in the complete destruction of at least one clan) the Grand Council of the Miskane'wil was born.

First meeting only once a year the Grand Council is now in session all year round, arbitrating disputes, coordinating between clans, legislating common law and electing a Grand Parriarch to the Triumvirate. Having grown to a monstrous size with over a thousand Parriarchs (or their representatives) with their attendants all living in Grutriede'sit, a small sea side fishing town by international standards it is still the largest dedicated Miskane'wil settlement.

For only a short time now has the Miskane'wil had any formal laws, with clans so small justice was an entirely internal matter punished by either social ostracization or exile, a practical death sentence for any lone Miskane'wil. Though one of the Grand Council's first actions as an actual governmental entity and not merely a forum is through the creation of common law, laws that apply to all clans and one with a standard set punishment. Though the fractured nature of the Grand Council means that only the most uncontroversial of laws can pass.

Source of Authority: Direct democracy, with elected negotiators on higher levels.

Enforcement Mechanism: Exile.

Perhaps due to their particular flavor of eusociality, or due to mere quirk of history, Desqti practice direct democracy on the level of individual settlements. However, such a system is not particularly workable on the level of multiple settlements, so Qtivsmdes developed the system of negotiators. They are chosen communally by their settlement, and are sent to negotiate with other settlements regarding matters of inter-settlement scale, with their initial position decided upon by their settlement prior. These people are not considered leaders per se, but they are entrusted to compromise during negotiations. However, there is a limit to this trust - people of the settlement can always remove negotiators from their position and pick another, who are then sent out again to negotiate a new agreement.

Desqti decided to merely introduce another layer of complexity when they were offered a position in the rainbow league. People sent out to act as "leaders" to the league are negotiators of negotiators, who answer to the sort of council of negotiators, who, in turn, answer to their home settlement.

As such, the closest thing to a seat of power for Qtivsmdes is the settlement (Plukrfqti, Crossroads of People) which hosts the council of negotiators when the time comes to decide whom to send to the League, and it is the settlement chosen when it is time for Desqti to hold the seat of power. Besides having a decent defensive position, and being close to their northern border with Minskane'wil territories, it is not otherwise remarkable.


The Sirens, the Damer and the School are not members of the League but fully autonomous protectorates that govern themselves in whatever way they see fit. They have no obligations to the League other than to provide aid in times of war, and in return the League protects them and comes to their aid if they are ever under attack by outsiders.
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[X] The Queer Republic
Name: The Prosperity League
Type: Merchant Republic
Source of Authority: Legislature elected through shares
Enforcement Mechanism: Sanctions and Boycotts
Seat of Power: Lover's Respite [Hex 270]
Origin: Trade Network
Composition: Geodae, Theban. Hexes 270, 295, 296, 271, 272

A trader's haven, it is one known for its dedication to furthering the prosperity of its leaders, with a strong patronage network dedicated to keeping the lower-classes placated. While anyone can rise, the founding member families retain control of the vast majority of shares involved, with the selling of shares being considered falling from grace while buying shares is moving up in the world. But material conditions always change and prominent merchants do frequently become major shareholders that must be appeased to rise.

The legislature functionally acts as representatives of various trading blocs and families, with negotiations being paramount when it comes to swift action. Blocs will elect their leaders and then those blocs elect an informal and weak executive who can be toppled quite easily if they do not do what they want. Thus the Prosperity League acts as an oligarchy dedicated to maintaining their power.

Enforcement of laws is done through sanctions and boycotts where if you break the law or are socially toxic, you will be prevented from buying any form of goods or services, with any who break this being customarily also sanctioned. This is coordinated through the negotiation of the oligarchs who control these places of business, thus the members of these families have a form of 'immunity' to the law, but informal customer and worker unions that are allowed to exist in order to serve as a release valve, may also begin to boycott their businesses until they serve 'justice' which usually means putting out a scapegoat for the public to unleash their anger out on.

Similarly, taxation is focused on those outside of the oligarchic families, mainly through the garnishing of their wages or tariffs on their goods. While oligarchic families do not traditionally pay taxes, they do contribute their employees, goods and currency in order to ensure that the League can create and maintain infrastructure like roads and bathhouses, hire bureaucrats and soldiers, and more. Overall, it is a mess of corruption and patronage, but it's also one where at the very least the streets are maintained and the people are placated through bread and entertainments.
This is not at all the timing I wanted for this, really wanted to get it out the second the vote started, but okay. I am making this post as an invitation to join the Friendship League(working title), a nebulous, not fully formed idea for a polity with one main rule, don't be mean to people. I'm going to add a list of people who might be interested or who I want to join(some of whom are really redundant because they already know), but anyone is welcome. I'll be making a thread in the discord channel to discuss what form it'll actually take.

SeaReader: Harmonyans
Just Some Guy: Starlight Chosen
Donald Darf: Schmeckles
natruska: Easabirnir
Another Amoeba: Ehkis Thermos
Whoever is voting for them now: Evare
SteelWriter: Tor-Tua
Patrickmm1: I'm not going to write the actual name
Aliya: Qtivvsmdes
MordredRaal: Althedar
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