Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes

[X] Lou'sat League: Spurred on by contact with the foreign idea, a number of Elders knowledgeable of the "Great Spirits" venerated across the entire Lou'sat League have begun sharing sharing knowledge and coordinating between poleis, forming a proto-centralized priest class. At their head is Laal'shak'oou, who spent the equinox within Helk Lalo'sag.
I wonder how different species with different forms of magic would react to the arcane practices of others

"Wait... so you just wave your hands and say a bunch of silly words to conjure stuff?"
"No communing with spirits"
"No blood sacrifices"
"No absolute need for certain tools such as wands, staves, ingredients, or symbolic elements to help guide the spell?"
"Wh- why did you say gasp?"
[X] Skygarden Flight: Trade with Neighbors sees better Magic and Tools be adopted by the Hippogriffs. To further support trade Skystar founds two settlements on the rivers near the Nyorra (Hex 252) and Dwarren (Hex 276) named Stormcloud and Thunderclap respectively. Nyorran mages and magic tutors more common in Skygarden working alongside Arbiters
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I actually I just had a wonderful little idea for a potential future action
A magical academy!
Mix it with the grand library (Grand library is not worth much, the books are mostly pictures) contained within the Tree Of Wands and we've got ourselves a Hogwarts for the Keebler Elves
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[X] Mammuts: Favorable weather leads to a large population boom of mammuts and as a result many moving into the interior toward the northeast in order to find less crowded land
[] Ynnari: Reseachs ways to kill calamity wyrms, weapons, weaknesses, tactics and ways to raise more tranquility wyrms, how is the question to answer, to not just reduce the numbers of evil wyrms but raise the numbers of non violent ones and make peaceful relations with them.


The update happenned while I'm on vacation so I don't have access to the computer where I put my notes for the plan I made about how I wanted to evolve my civ for another two weeks. So I'm improvising but I think the how to deal with lyndwyrm school or a school of philosophy about how our actions is what matters not some divinity not sure in which order and I lack the notes for the exact philosophy so I hope I'll be back home before the next vote.

I have the intention to create a republic rather than an empire and not a roman military one, I while create a republic where people have a voice where we will develop medecin and share it, where we will raise the value of life and happiness. No idea what would be the effects on state capacity but roleplaying sometimes inply not taking the choice that max your stats. I'll be trying to raise social technology over empire building at least that's the plan when I started and right now.
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[X] Dinok Spaan Republic: The D.S.R begin to create more cities with the help and permission of spirits. These cities are connected by leylines, resulting in surplus geomantic energy being distributed across the Web. This results in improvements everywhere and also allows the inklings of geomantic rituals.

Does anyone wish to ally with the D.S.R? I can put an action for that next turn.
Confederation of Wings and Claws is the closest. I suspect that the civ would be fairly open to it.
[] Ynnari: Reseachs ways to kill calamity wyrms, weapons, weaknesses, tactics and ways to raise more tranquility wyrms, how is the question to answer, to not just reduce the numbers of evil wyrms but raise the numbers of non violent ones and make peaceful relations with them.


The update happenned while I'm on vacation so I don't have access to the computer where I put my notes for the plan I made about how I wanted to evolve my civ for another two weeks. So I'm improvising but I think the how to deal with lyndwyrm school or a school of philosophy about how our actions is what matters not some divinity not sure in which order and I lack the notes for the exact philosophy so I hope I'll be back home before the next vote.

I have the intention to create a republic rather than an empire and not a roman military one, I while create a republic where people have a voice where we will develop medecin and share it, where we will raise the value of life and happiness. No idea what would be the effects on state capacity but roleplaying sometimes inply not taking the choice that max your stats. I'll be trying to raise social technology over empire building at least that's the plan when I started and right now.
I like it and its very in line with my own thoughts on how to deal with the calamity wyrms. I don't want to genocide anyone.

My own thoughts for the Striga has all the cities commiting to the defence effort and using their proven anti-dragon tactics alongside the rest of the elemental pact. If I can find the word space for it I want to add yet another striga morph which would be entirely pelagic and only surface to breath.
[X] The actions of the Scorched Sun Cult cause unprecedented moral offense. Collectively declaring them to possess Bad Vibes, hundreds of Lamia warbands and even entire tribes relocate north to subdue the northern territories, the Calamity Lindwyrms, and their Ehkis minions, resulting in the species' single largest migration to date.
[X] The first Blue Sibling to see one of those barbaric Honko masterfully ride the sands among one of their giant near-siblings cannot believe their senses. Rtubasch adore the strange and some of the tribes form a genuine friendship with whatever bands reach their sands.
[X] Gravewyrms: In response to outsider aggression, the 'gravewyrms' begin to reluctantly form covens in order to further their knowledge of necromantic arts and to share the burden of horde control. Select covens begin experimenting with new forms of necrotic constructs; stitching together useless forms to build a greater whole.

Hiya! New to the quest so if it's not alright for me to make a vote for an established species I'm happy to acquiesce my vote to the original creator
Omake - Darkness from a Fiercer Place -FatLeek
Darkness from a Fiercer Place – Dominion Omake

Warizan Nawkev missed his home. His bark beetle, ever so eager to eat bugs and chittering at every possible danger. The kindness of his mother, who always baked the best bread, and gave him the tastiest cookies in the Dominion, just for him. The protectiveness of his father, who was once upon a time fighting alongside the local Venerant at the borders. He always told the best stories, ever so boisterous and colorful. But Warizan knows he won't hear his loud laughter that he at times found so obnoxious in this jungle. A place where all was devoured and spewed out as bones and ash.

Humid hellhole, where only four-legged savages were lying in wait for Lidallet soldiers, where serpents killed brave warriors with abominable warping, washing off the blood that they spilled with words of righteousness. Where even worse things are now lurking, thirsting for the blood of them all.

Now, there was only him, after he ran from camp like a coward. Away from his friends and comrades. It was supposed to be his first battle, but the primal terror that he felt at the sight of bloodthirsty barbarians decided otherwise. He ran into the trees like a fool, and now there was a beast just around the corner, just a short distance from his hiding place. Just him gripping a spear in his trembling hands, while the monster was getting closer, and closer.

He wasn't a hero, he knew at least that. His father was one. Piarchoqi in famed Lida Aye were among their ranks. They wouldn't run from battle like he did. They would defend their fellow soldiers, even die if need be. They would vanquish the beast without cowering behind a boulder.

But then, the priest at the temple always told that Orilliali also wasn't a hero at first. And one isn't born a legend but becomes one. He was never exactly pious, but maybe that's it. The test that God has put before him, is to see if he is worth something. Anything. Another chance, after failing everyone at first.

He took a shuddering breath, looked to the right intent to make his last stand, and then he saw the best. Nine eyes were looking at him, each of a different hue of green. The wrinkly head was covered in drooling maws, each filled with teeth made for tearing apart innocent and guilty alike. Body vast, making it slow, and its stride wanting.

Warizan saw his chance. Adrenaline filled his body to the brim, making him move swiftly to the other side of the rock. Beast flailed back. Its tail, which surprisingly also had a maw on it, tried to snatch him. He yelped during dodging it and made a strike on the base of its tail, hoping it would in some way disable it. Daily training in the army had born fruits. The tip of his weapon pierced the monster's hide with some difficulty, yet it did nonetheless. Luckily, after his strike, the tail was now being dragged uselessly against the ground. Black ichor stained verdant understorey, making it wilt instantly. Warizan now knew even victory could bring him death.

Beast roared with all his maws in outrage, moving his main bulk after Lidal. Warizan was running and striking, giving the monster even more severe wounds, but the cloying monstrosity just won't stop! Lidal was cursing his fate, which outsiders would hear as agitated whistling. Then, in the chase through the forest, he heard the waves beating against a stone.

Beast was chasing Warizan with reckless abandon and fury, its mouth screaming in something that sounded almost like a language. Warizan ran towards the sound of the sea, wanting to, by some miracle, make the beast fall to its demise.

Here they were, man and monster. One giving chase to another. Warizan ran right next to the cliff, closer and closer, tempting the beast by slightly slowing down. Then, an unstable piece of rock fell into the abyss, and the monstrosity lost balance. A black shape fell into the sea, seven surviving eyes looking at the warrior hatefully. Warizan soon was watching the large carcass flowing among the waves. He did it. He won.

Exhausted Warizan lay down, with his worn spear next to him. His armor was stained by the blood of the monster in some places. The sound of the sea crashing upon the cliffs and the foreign cold wind calmed him soon enough for realization to come. He didn't know where he was. He couldn't return home. If his liege won or even survived the battle, Warizan was a dead man walking.

Maybe... he could remain in this place. Everything wants to kill him here, but he also isn't exactly defenseless. He killed the beast. Maybe he can kill some more. Maybe he could forgive himself if he killed more.
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Hiya! New to the quest so if it's not alright for me to make a vote for an established species I'm happy to acquiesce my vote to the original creator

It's somewhat encouraged actually >: V

You can vote for whatever you want, and while some questers have peoples they've voted for since the start, there's no ownership Per Se. As long as you stick to the rules of the vote go ahead, it's riot voting after all, so it all happens.
I like it and its very in line with my own thoughts on how to deal with the calamity wyrms. I don't want to genocide anyone.

My own thoughts for the Striga has all the cities commiting to the defence effort and using their proven anti-dragon tactics alongside the rest of the elemental pact. If I can find the word space for it I want to add yet another striga morph which would be entirely pelagic and only surface to breath.

Soo no modifications needed? In that case

[X] Ynnari: Reseachs ways to kill calamity wyrms, weapons, weaknesses, tactics and ways to raise more tranquility wyrms, how is the question to answer, to not just reduce the numbers of evil wyrms but raise the numbers of non violent ones and make peaceful relations with them.
[X] Drake's Coalition: Though the population boom continues, the Elders change it's focus. Now the steady, reliable, productive and strong families are influenced to settle the western borders whilst the rest lay claim to the unknown east. For stability is desired along the borders. And perhaps trade as well?
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[X] Wormen/Rtubasch: Segments forge great glass idols, chimeric representations of the stars, as mascot-totems. Filled with starlight magic, and the faith of the Worms, these effigies become animate, their personalities concordant with their corresponding celestial sphere. Occult patrons, their chief worshippers gain considerable supernatural power and religious authority.
[X] Drake's Coalition: Even as the population boom which has driven expansion of their lands continues, the Elders of the Drake's Coalition spring into action. Not one but two new Peoples have been encountered to the west and tensions have flared. So the Elders put in effort to influence the expansion so that reliable, productive and strong families settle in the west to firm the borders there whilst the unknown eastern lands are free for the wildspirited. And perhaps the minor trade which occurs on the western border can be expanded?
88 words, limit exceeded by 38.
[X]Qtivsmdes: As a result of influx of a llsoftw of new useful information, both northern and southern Desqti start to increase their record keeping capacity, placing such facilities under care of Lrtqti due to them being located in the most secure places of a settlement already.
[X]Mammut: Commanding A sheer weight of musclepower unmatched on the land, and access to vast forests and gryphon hides, The Two-Based Trunk's gargantuan ships deliver mammoths to cut icebergs into boats, and sail them north to cool mammoths as they expand ranges northwards.
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[X] The Solar League: With the expansions to the Solar League's territories, several Tor-Tua communities across the Talon river work towards increasing crop yields and understanding how the flow of the river effects their farming efforts. There is also a smaller effort in learning to make defense's with earth.
[X] Myreshi Haremate: Myreshi Huntresses begin pushing en masse into the interior of the Eastern Peninsula, chasing plentiful game. While other peoples are present, their disorganization makes their presence an incentive for expansion rather than a deterrent. Settlements follow in the Huntress's wake, causing the region being dubbed exactly that: Huntresses' Wake.
[X] Prosperity League: The oligarchs focus on extending their trade networks farther afield and establishing firm frequent contact with as many polities as they can for the purposes of trade and new markets to buy and sell wares of all sorts, with new embazaars being established where possible through profitable deals.