Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes

Also, here's my map from the discord, accurate as to the end of the vote, so it's not Akuz endorsed in regards to any changes she may make to species or their placement.
1:Catgirls Orcs: 169 -
2: potterace: 295 -
3:Multicellular Life Was A Mistake, RVTRN TO CORAL: 342 -
4:Striga (Magic Parrots): 29 -
5:Sensing Turtles: 78 -
6:Gurvel: 336 -
7: plan Scaric Cymbol: 419 -
8:Icy Magik Lizards: 398 -
9:Icemen: 480 -
10:Magic Bird People: 87 -
11:That Cousin Wot Doesn't Get Invited to the Reunion No More: 453 -
12:Not Wooly Mammoths: 435 -
13:Wise Old Snakes: 429 -
14:Curious Explorers: 246 -
15:What if orcas were sapient?: 476 -
16:Lindwyrm: 52 -
17:Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm?: 148 -
18:Stranger Danger Noodle: 28 -
19:Lamia: 136 -
20:The Cooler Lamia: 470 -
21:Boundless Kobolds: 279 -
22:Medusans: 481 -
23:Chusaites: 214 -
24:the Fish Hive: 342 -
25: ph'nglui mglw'nafh Wû'mé R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn: 119 -
26:Out of Place Otters: 386 -
27:Lizard Men: 477 -
28:the Hive(or: those giant leafcutter ants, to outsiders): 12 -
29:The Herculeans: 296 -
30: plan Frog Shrek: QM -
31:Saurus Lizardfolk: 87 -
32:The Vacla (Wolfwomen): 315 -
33:An Invasive species of Large Fast Breeding Geese: QM -
34: dredged Ones (Draut): 342 -
35:Generic-Ass Magic People: 310 -
36:Children of The Coast: 370 -
37:Anime Brainrot ACTIVATE (or, more seriously: Catgirl Archmages Of The West Coast): 202, 250, 251 -
38:From Mount Aris (Hippogriffs): 298 -
39:Crab People, Crab People!: 134 -
40:Chirek: 384 -
41:Typical Centaurs (The Tycerians): 341 -
42: downy Mountain Lizards: 304 -
43: plan An Unkindness Can Be Kind: 245 -
44:Neor-Pavo (aka stabbing Akuz): 460 -
45:Ice Dragon Barbarians from the Goddamn South Pole!: 478 -
46:Ferronids (Iron Kobolds): 111 -
47:We're all we've got.: 217 -
48:"Monsoon of the Winds of Destruction": 88 -
49:Children of the Light: 292, 265, 268 -
50:Schmeckles (Aka smol elves in silly pointy hats): 242 -
51:Fluffy Tail: 365 -
52:God's chosen People/Pray to RNGesus for good traits: 189 -
53:Eusocial Octopi People: 133, 431 -
54:The Devil's Chosen People/ Make sacrifices for the Lord's favor: 404 -
55:Harmonyans: 265 -
56: precious Little Flying Snakes: 385 -
57: dwarren, Aka Grudge Fodder: 204 -
58: plan obligatory elfs but not the magic archer kind.: 142 -
59: plan jellyfish vibing: QM -
60: parasitoid Wasp Swarms: 217 -

@AKuz I am sorry for disrupt you, but can my Harmonyans move to Oceanic Climate Hex 290 from Stepa (Cold) Hex 265? I plan to claim the Oceanic Climate Hex 265, but the hex is already populated (I am sure Oceanic Climate Hex 265 was not populated at that time, But maybe I make a mistake)
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Species as of Vote 1

1. Catgirl Orcs

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Mammalian (Catgirls)

Traits: Keen senses, Strong Constitution, Muscular, Obligate Carnivores, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 169 (Small), 195 (Small) and 170 (Small)

These ferocious predators with feline features hunt on the northern steppes, their high calorie requirements keeping their numbers low, and requires them to always be on the move, moving from hunting ground to hunting ground. Though their strong constitutions, keen senses, and muscular anatomy also means that they make excellent scavengers, being able to locate animals that have been brought down and driving off anything else that wants to eat the corpse.

Submitted by:


2. Potterace

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Avian

Traits: Winged, Giant, Muscular, Parthenogenesis, Obligate Carnivore

Present in Hexes: 295 (Small)

An all female species of humanoids with fluffy feathery wings that reproduce asexually when no suitable partner is found. A meat eating species, they make use of their size and strength to track down and strike big game from above and devastate their prey with their sheer mass as they descend in packs from the skies above.

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3. Striga

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Avian

Traits: Small, Keen Senses, Obligate Carnivores, Magically Sensitive

Located in Hex: 29 (Small)

Large (roughly Albatross sized) Carnivorous Psittacines who have evolved tool use, language and full sociality. Appearance varies somewhat based on location, genetics, magical alteration and a communities favoured prey species but is usually vivid contrasting colours that nevertheless provide some camouflage in their area. They use magic to both assist in prey capture and to self-modify via magical epigenetics to better catch prey, deep forest ones being better at manoeuvring through trees while seaside dwelling communities are superior at cracking open shells and catching fish for example. Due to their arms being dedicated wings they must use their beaks and feet as manipulators.

Based on these "Dragons" by Jay Eaton.

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4. Sensing Turles

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic (Turtles)

Traits: Heat Adapted, Magnetoreceptive, Small, Spiritual Senses, Herbivorous

Present in Hexes: 78 (Small), and 79 (Small)

The Magic of the world was often a fascinating force, with many species able to feel it to an extent, one of the ones with the most skill in this sense is a small Turtle like race dwelling in the sands of the north eastern section of the suspected area where life began, using this sense the Turtles would begin to create the basics of society following what the magic and supernatural of the world showed them. Natural wanderers in this day and age, they live a nomadic style of living, endlessly following the signs of what Magic and the world tell them.

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5. Gurvel

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cool Adapted, Small, Muscular, Keen Senses, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 335 (Small) and 313 (Small)

Living on the edge of civilization on the desert steppe, these lizardkin embrace a nomadic pastoral lifestyle. Despite their small stature (their average height is around 5'2), and their widespread inability to utilize magic directly, they have a hardy, muscular, scaly constitution, one needed to survive in their environment. Reptilian in biology yet almost human in appearance, the Gurvel are a unique species ready to take on the world ahead of them and conquer a vast matriarchal empire for themselves.

Based on the Au Ra from Final Fantasy 14

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6. Scaric Cymbol

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Chosen People, Winged, Cold Adaptation, Heat Adaptation, Intuitive, Magically Inert

Present in Hex: 419 (Small)

Chosen by a divine being and destined for something great, these creative yet magically disinclined people were granted resistance to extreme climates of all types and angelic wings that sprout from their backs.

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7. Icy Magik Lizards

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cold Adapted, Obligate Carnivore, Magically Sensitive, Spiritual Senses

Present in Hexes: 398 (Small)

These carnivorous draconic beings live near the boreal coasts, relying on fishing and hunting to sustain themselves,. Their adaptation to the icy environment and use of primitive magic allows them to thrive in a usually hostile environment. Their sense for the arcane and the spiritual has given them a deeply religious outlook in life.

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8. Icemen

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Magically Sensitive, Intuitive

Present in Hexes: 480

This species of thick bodied humanoids use their natural and creative grasp of magic to survive in an environment they are not well suited for.

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9. Magic Bird People

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Avian

Traits: Winged, Delicate, Herbivorous, Autotrophic, Magically Sensitive

Present in Hexes: 87 (Small)

These people resemble humans in many regards, but with feathery hair and lighter frames. Though physically frail, they are naturally skilled with the mysterious forces of magic which permeate the world, even being capable of naturally absorbing these forces as a source of energy in lieu of food, to an extent. Their wings allow them to travel long distances in search of sources of magic, natural and otherwise.

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10. (Not) Woolly Mammoths

Frame: Centauroid.
Genus: Mammalian (Elephant)

Traits: Giant, Prehensile Trunk, Efficient Metabolism, Cold Adapted, Magically Inert, Herbivorous, Keen Senses

Present in Hexes: 435 (Small)

A species of huge elephantine creatures with thick shaggy coats of fur. While they are restricted to a herbivorous diet, their stomachs can make the most out of what they eat. Their lack of magical potential is made up for with keen senses and fine motor manipulation ability with their trunks.

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11. Wise Old Snakes

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cold Adapted, Intuitive, Long Lived, Prehensile Tail, Obligate Carnivore, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 429 (Small)

Found primarily around the eastern boreal clime, these armed snakes have come out rather unlucky from an evolutionary standpoint: being obligate carnivores with high caloric requirements yet lacking strong muscles to strike with, keen senses to track with, a hardy constitution to scavenge, or any magical sensitivity to bend the laws of the world. Necessity, then, pushed their ancestors into the role of ambush hunters, launching surprise strikes in hopes of making their first attack the last. It was not long before they were crafting and wielding primitive tools to make their hunts more successful, and then rapidly advanced as their long lives gave those elders who had managed to thrive ample time to teach the next generation.

Based on Vipers from XCOM 2

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12. Curious Explorers

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Water Breathing, Winged, Keen Senses, Inefficient Metabolism

Present in Hexes: 246 (Small)

These lithe Explorers have developed the ability to range freely through both the sky and the sea. Their batlike/raylike wings propel them through the sea and over the nearby coastline. They usually live in medium-sized groups, which split into smaller Hunting/Gathering parties for weeks at a time to secure sufficient food for the whole gathering. Though they are capable of tool use, they almost always travel light and only settle down long enough for more heavyweight developments in times and places of huge plenty.

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13. Sapient Orcas

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Keen Senses, Intuitive, Efficient Metabolism, Obligate Carnivore, Short Lives

Present in Hexes: 476 (Small)

The oceans; vital to trade, to travel, and life itself, it is also home to something few have reason to encounter. These predatory creatures are intelligent in the extreme, with highly tuned senses and an efficient digestive track to compensate for their voracious appetites. Though their lives might be short, they always burn brightly.

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14. Lindwyrm

Frame: Centauroid.
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Giant, Heat Adapted, Obligate Carnivore, Inefficient Metabolism, Magically Sensitive, Long Lived

Present in Hexes: 52 (Small)

Wingless Dragons with the lower body of a snake that spend most of their live as jaguar sized ambush predator with powerful natural magic like fire breath or electric fangs before having a massive growth spurt at sexual maturity and ravenging the countryside collecting bones or treasure to attract a mate

While most don't survive this stage either depleting the countryside or being slain, those that do produce enough offspring to compensate and accumulate great magical power through trial by combat. Over their long lives they prove as willing to bargain with their Magic as they are to take with it.

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15. Desert Worms

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Draconic (Caecilian)

Traits: Heat-Adapted, Autotrophic, Parthenogenetic, Short-Lived

Present in Hexes: 148 (Small)

Camouflaged caecilians that live under the desert sands, presumably with some variety of prehensile tentacle limbs. These creatures live off sunlight and air, consuming over trace minerals while they burrow for water. They grow longer all their lives and reproduce when approaching a certain length by literally splitting in half, creating two new worm-persons.

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16. Jungle Angler Snakes

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Draconic (snek)

Traits: Heat Adapted, Giant, Muscular, Obligate Carnivore, Prehensile Tail

Present in Hexes: 28 (Small)

A humanoid body attached at the waist to a snake. Not a snake tail, a snake. It's like a unicorn if the horn was the upper half of a humanoid body and the horse was a snake. Unlike most Centauroid beings, this humanoid body is a decoy, and from a strictly cladistic standpoint they may not qualify as Centauroid at all. Their primary hunting strategy is to hide the snake underwater or in the underbrush and use the humanoid to lure humanoids or other animals that eat humanoids, though they also supplement their diet with fish. Needing to convincingly imitate humanoids has left them surprisingly social, and they're perfectly capable of communicating and cooperating with their nominal prey provided they don't get hungry enough to reconsider the arrangement. They are, however, still mostly solitary by default and only rarely form anything that could be considered a community by more than the loosest definitions. Finding enough food for a group can be a considerable challenge.

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17. Steppe Lamia

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Heat Adapted, Parthenogenetic, Strong Constitution, Magnetoreceptive, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 136

Natives to the warm steppe, Lamia are boisterous and social to a fault. They vary in exactly how reptilian their upper bodies are, with some being covered entirely in scales and some being very nearly human. The tail is a constant though, with a great variety of scale colours.

Lamia tend to form tight-knit lineages based on shared interests in place of a traditional family unit, but these groups can be solitary and tend to organize only chaotically at higher levels. Lamia are "born from the stone" and raised in nurseries that form the centre of any given lamia community.

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18. Arctic Lamia

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cold Adapted, Parthenogenetic, Strong Constitution, Magnetoreceptive, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 470 (Small)

Having created the Desert Lamia, The Great Being That Created The Snakes noticed one glaring flaw in their snake-creation plan. They didn't live far enough south. Thus, these creatures were created, and given dominion of all the places of cold the earth where less perfect serpents feared to slither. Thus it is written.

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19. Boundless Kobolds

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cold Adapted, Small, Prolific, Short Lives, Parthenogenetic

Present in Hexes: 279 (Small) and 256 (Small)

These small reptiles with shiny scales and cozy manes of fuzzy down scamper in teeming squirming hosts across deep valleys and atop frigid heights. Bundled together, tails entwined, even in the cool lands that sustain them so well. Their numbers grow in waves as every Kobold can lay their own self-fertilized egg. Protecting these clutches each season and providing for their broods and themselves often consume the short lives they live. Yet, they never lack for company and in such numbers find their cooperation in hunting, gathering, and all other tasks can bridge any gap in their individual abilities.

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20. Medusans

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Parthenogenetic, Prolific, Telepathic, Short Lives, Delicate, Herbivorous

Present in Hexes: 481 (Small)

Noted primarily for their unusual lifecycle, Medusans reproduce both sexually and asexually. The offspring of sexual reproduction becomes a sessile, filter feeding monolith, which in turn spends its entire lifespan releasing mobile Medusans.

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21. Chusaites

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Mammalian

Traits: Giant, Muscular, Strong Constitution, Inefficient Metabolism, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 214 (Small)

These large thickset and thick furred ursine creatures may not be able to use magic, and may not get the most out of their food, but their strength and constitution means that they can eat nearly everything they come across.

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22. Fish Hive

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Water Breathing, Eusocial, Parthenogenetic, Delicate, Inefficient Metabolism

Present in Hexes: 342 (Small) and 320 (Small)

This species of fish operate as a eusocial hive which reproduces asexually. Their instinctive organization makes up for their fragility and poor metabolisms which require a constant intake of food.

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23. Cephalopodians

Frame: Humanoid.
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Hermaphroditic, Magically Sensitive, Water Breathing

Present in Hexes: 119 (Small)

A strange cephalopodian people risen from the darkest depths of the oceans to inhabit the surface-world, residing in the warm and water-choked tropics to which their molluscoid forms are most suited.

Clad in colour-shifting skin as a reminder of their deep-sea ancestors and bestowed with heads of writhing tentacles and terrible pointed teeth, these creatures are attuned by birth to the strange Magicks of the world and are more than happy to work its influence through bacchanalian rituals, elaborate games and the construction of mysterious sites of worship. Unlike many other species they are not beholden to the strictures of dimorphism, marking no distinctions between individuals save those of dress and status.

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24. Otters

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Magically Sensitive, Heat Adapted, Water Breathing, Obligate Carnivore

Present in Hexes: 386

These unassuming mammals are extremely deadly, being killer predators among their favoured habitat, though the days of being an apex predator have long since passed. Adapted for the heat yet located in a subarctic climate due to an unknown phenomena in the distant past, every day is a struggle for these small humanoids against the climate itself.

If not for their magical talent this species would have died off long ago, needing a mixture of instinctive magics to merely survive most crucially among them water breathing and supernaturally insulating their aquatic homes to survive the long and harsh winters. With the failure of either of these crucial magics resulting in a swift death of hypothermia this has pressured the remaining population towards magic and a hibernation-like lifestyle.

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25. Arctic Lizard Men

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Keen senses, Strong Constitution, Cold-Adapted

Present in Hexes: 477 (Small)

Sharp of senses, heavy on endurance, and strong of stomach, these cold adapted lizard people live to the far south. Their distinctive blue and white scales protect them from cold and strife alike and their powerful eyesight enables them to detect prey from great distances, a help in the sparse environment of their arctic homelands.

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26. The Hive

Frame: Tauroid
Genus: Insectoid

Traits: Eusocial, Prolific, Small, Short Lives, Herbivorous, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 11 (Small), 12 (Small), 13 (Small), and 41 (Small)

There is something to be said for building down as well as up, and there is something to be said about highly controlled agriculture, and there is something to be said about building a functioning society in which all members help out all others within the same 'tribe', and it is that Insects did it first. these insects, granted greater minds, greater size, opposable thumbs, and an internal skeleton in addition to their external one by the magic that saturates these lands, now seek to expand out and forge an empire, just like their ancestors did in the undergrowth and treetops for the past several million years; and this time? they're building more tools with which to reshape their world.

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27. Siren Dolphintails

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Eusocial, Water Breathing, Obligate Carnivore, Short Lives, Weak Constitution, Magically Sensitive

Present in Hexes: 364 (Small) and 363 (Small)

With the top of a beautiful human woman and the bottom half of a dolphin, the Sirens have been known to sailors and traders for a long time as a fae and mysterious people, known to be open and friendly to those who are friendly and cooperative with them and magically vicious to those who have malicious intent. They are a mix of sedentary and nomadic, with the prior hives known to settle within coral reefs and the latter hives travelling and herding schools of fish. Despite living short lives, the sirens have a rich magical tradition that is passed down generation to generation.

Submitted by: Harley Quinn on discord.


28. Herculeans

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Giant, Hermaphroditic, Muscular

Present in Hexes: 296 (Small)

A race of all male-presenting hermaphrodites, they appear to be like normal human men albeit very hairy and with consistently exaggeratedly masculine facial features, along with being far larger and more muscular than any man could ever realistically hope to be.

They however have a complex system of gender, with their sex shifting throughout their lives in response to stimuli and necessity. While they are always capable of producing children either through impregnating others or being impregnated themselves, their bodies shift and change in order to make certain roles easier such as wider hips to bear children. A Herculean can stay in a single role for much of their life, it is impossible for it to be their entire lifespan unless they die quickly. These roles only begin to become apparent during puberty and develop as well as mercurially change throughout it.

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29. Amphibious Ogres

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Giant, Strong Constitution, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 145 (Small) and 143 (Small)

This large species of amphibians makes up for their lack of magical talent with their size and resistance to poison and harm. Living in the mangrove swamps that sit on the eastern edge of the continent they use their size and ability to eat a wide variety of foodstuffs to dominate their territories. Territories that they guard ferociously and regularly travel around in a semi-nomadic lifestyle.

Based on: They're literally Shreks

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30. Saurus

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Heat Adaptation, Parthenogenetic, Giant, Strong Constitution, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 87 (Small)

This species of large, tough, lizardfolk can survive comfortably in warm climes despite their lack of magical talents.

Based on: Saurus from Warhammer

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31. Vacla

The Vacla (Wolfwomen)

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Giant, Prolific, Intuitive, Obligate Carnivore

Present in Hexes: 315 (Small) and 316 (Small)

This clever race of rapidly breeding large meat eating humanoids with lupine features have minimal sexual dimorphism and live in the comfortable fields and forests of the southern continent.

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32. Muscular Geese

Frame: Centaur
Genius: Avian

Present in Hexes: 63 (Small), 93 (Small), 432 (Small), 454 (Small), 237 (Small) and 238

Traits: Giant, Prolific, Muscular, Magical Inert, Inefficient Metabolism

Powerful, large, ornery, fast breeding, and possessed of an endless appetite, their weakness is their utter lack of magical talent.

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33. Draut

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Giant, Magically Sensitive, Water Breathing

Present in Hexes: 342 (Small)

The churning depths have gifted their haunting wonder to land: the Draut. Dredged surfaceward by primordial forces, these giants defy preconceptions with billowing bodies of silklike consistency. To some, the Draut boggle the mind with their impossibility, defiant of basic biology. This sense is reinforced further with the Drauts' magic. These beauties are unprecedented in their form and that may be their undoing.

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34. Magicians

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Magically Sensitive, Spiritual Senses

Present in Hexes: 310 (Small), 379 (Small), 380 (Small), and 402 (Small)

These pointy eared humanoids have a deep affinity for the magical forces of the world, to the point that their mundane senses reach into the ineffable allowing them to experience magical forces in the same way that they experience the mundane world.

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35. Children of The Coast

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Magically Inert, Efficient Metabolism, Intuitive, Keen Senses

Present in Hexes: 370 (Small)

Curious creatures lacking fur or feather and the grace of attunement with the forces of the universe around them, their average stature and odd hooping and grunting and hearty diet of everything from the marrow scraped clean from the bones of the animals they hunt to roots dug from under the dirt betraying their greatest strength of their brain. Every generation sees slow, almost gradual, advancements allowing greater tool usage and increasingly complex problem solving. Where before single family units fought bloodily for simple hunting rights small groupings of clans have begun to form at the mouth of a great river feeding into a cold oceanic bay. The most numerous of these familial clans bear bright scarlet hair like the setting sun.

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36. Catgirl Archmages

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Keen senses, Inefficient Metabolism, Magically Sensitive, Intuitive

Present in Hexes: 251 (Small), 250 (Small), 202 (Small), 226 (Tiny)

These Humanoids with feline features make up for their overactive metabolisms with their natural grasp of magic, sharp senses, curiosity, and cleverness.

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37. Hippogriffs

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Avian (upper half of an avian, lower half of a horse) (+3)

Traits: Winged, Magically Sensitive, Magnetoreceptive, Keen Senses, Delicate

Present in Hexes: 298 (Small)

The upper half of an avianoid humanoid, and the lower half of a horse with wings, this people's keen senses extend into the realm of the magnetic fields. While they are delicate beings, this is made up for by the strength of their magical connection to the world.

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38. Telepathic Crab People

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Water Breathing, Giant, Prolific, Telepathic, Short Lives, Herbivorous, Inefficient Metabolism

Present in Hexes: 134 (Small)

This iridescently purple Able to expand their population rapidly, and communicate directly mind to mind, this species of short lived herbivores live short lives. While the armour that covers their humanoid and arthropod halves looks formidable, the need to maintain this shell forces this species

Based on: Insulamon Palawanense crabs from Real Life

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39. Chirek

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Mammalian

Traits: Nocturnal, Spiritual Senses, Obligate Carnivore, Inefficient Metabolism, Strong Constitution

Present in Hexes: 384 (Small), and 363 (Small)

Rodentine with wrinkled skin and squished faces and large ears, these nocturnal predators that stalk cold and moist riverine lowlands. A symbiosis with mildly bioluminescent flora give their skin mottled patches which glow faintly.

Relying on an uncanny sixth sense to guide them to prey in the dark, they exist in small villages hidden in valleys, groves, and near cave systems. Their strong constitutions provide them with a wide variety of potential sources of nourishment, a necessity considering their ravenous appetites, and allow them to store whatever leftovers they have to be stored well after they would become toxic to another species.

Submitted by:


40. Tycerians

Frame: Centauroid
Genus: Mammalian (Centaurs/Half-Horse-Human)

Traits:Keen Senses, Efficient Metabolism

Present in Hexes: 341 (Small)

The upper half of a Humanoid, and the lower half of a horse, these people have keen senses and an efficient metabolism. Their speed, size, and keen senses give these people the ability to feed from the higher reaches of the forests they live in, while also being able to detect, hunt down, and kill prey species.

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41. Downy Mountain Lizards

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cold Adapted, Keen Senses, Magnetoreceptive, Spiritual Senses, Inefficient Metabolism.

Present in Hexes: 305 (Small)

The ancient oral traditions suggest that the ancestors of these people were creatures called 'dragons', magically potent reptilian predators that dominate the territories around their lairs. If so, it's been some time since then. However they still possess many of the reptilian features of their supposed ancestors, though it may be hard to see the scales under the odd feathers that cover most of their skin. That said whilst the magical strength may have been lost, the senses of those supposed Dragons are seemingly fully present. Which is fortunate for their hunting efforts due to how problematic gaining sufficient food from plants is for them, something that is usually blamed on only adapting to consume vegetation comparatively recently in their species history.

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42. Corvus

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Avian

Traist: Winged, Spiritual Senses, Magnetoreceptive

Present in Hexes: 245 (Small) and 244 (Small)

The dark black plumage of this corvidae species tends to stick close to their bodies, which are surprisingly hardy for an avian people. Many of them seem to possess an almost "second sight" for the things beyond the natural of their world, on top of their natural sense of direction. They tend to eat whatever is available, though while they will scavenge they tend to prefer fresh plant matter or meat for at least half their diet. Their strong familial and community bonds mean that even if they aren't as powerful as others in the world, it is rare that they fight alone.

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43. Neor-Pavo

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Water breathing, Hermaphroditic, Small, Delicate, Prolific.

Present in Hexes: 460 (Small) and 444 (Small)

These small mischievous, friendly, and playful yet fragile aquatic beings live in the waters around the central southern portion of the continent.

Submitted by:


44. Dragonic Arctic Barbarians

Frame: Humanoid.
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Cold Adapted, Muscular, Strong Constitution, Obligate Carnivore

Present in Hexes: 478 (Small)

This species of apex predators rule the arctic with their strength and endurance. Their strong constitution allows them to eat a wide variety of creatures, even once they've begun to decay, a handy trait in such unforgiving climes.

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45. Ferronids

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Draconic

Traits: Heat Adapted, Small, Magnetoreceptive, Strong Constitution, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 111 (Small), 110 (Small), 79 (Small), and 80 (Small)

These industrious, difficult-to-kill small lizards have high iron content in their scales, giving them a metallic sheen that gets rusty when overexposed to salt air. They do however lack the mentally flexibility required for magical or spiritual thought.

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46. Sanguine Monsoons

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Parthenogenetic, Magnetoreceptive, Muscular,

Present in Hexes: 88

Naturally strong humanoids that have jet-black skin starting down from their neck. Perhaps if their differences from other species were limited to this, they could be called generic. However, their method of procreation is rather exotic. New individuals spawn from the blood of other members of this species. The more blood there is, the healthier the resulting children. The more individuals contribute their blood, the more genetic diversity there is. For these reasons, members of this race ritualize reproduction, coming down into caves specifically prepared for this (navigating with their magnetoreception) in great numbers and spilling blood in a very violent display of love and passion. Further details of the ritual may vary. Sometimes only the strongest survives this bloodshed, and sometimes the worst one can suffer is anaemia.

Submitted by:


47. Schmeckles

Frame: Humanoid.
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Small, Parthenogenetic, Long Lived, Magically Sensitive, Delicate, Inefficient Metabolism

Present in Hexes: 242 (Small)

A small simple folk with a love for pointy hats, which match their pointy ears, who live in arboreal communities made from large hollowed out trees. They make up for their insatiable appetites by a talent for cooking and baking learned over their long life spans.

Naturally cheerful, these people can often be found singing happily as they go about their day. Their reproductive process is somewhat unusual, as due to their magical nature instinctive magical rituals are part of a reproductive process that requires only a single individual, though often others from the community will participate in the process.

Submitted by:


48. Inquisitive Vulpines

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Mammalian

Traits: Keen Senses, Intuitive, Spiritual Senses, Short Lives, Delicate

Present in Hexes: 365 (Small)

These short lived and delicately built vulpine people have a deep curiosity about the world, possibly driven by their clever minds and powerful senses that extend into the realm of the supernatural.

Submitted by:


49. Starlight Chosen

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Chosen People, Strong Constitution, Nocturnal, Long Lived

This species has been granted gifts from a divine patron that make them so hardy that even their lives are extended. These gifts have also made them a nocturnal people who operate most effectively at night and whose senses reflect this.

Present in Hexes: 189 (Small)

Submitted by:


50. Eusocial Octopi

Frame: Centauroids
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Intuitive, Eusocial, Short Lives, Magically Inert, Inefficient Metabolism, Weak Constitution, Water Breathing (Free)

Present in Hexes: 133 (Small), 105 (Small), 431 (Small) and 408 (Small)

These people, whose name is largely unpronounceable to non-aquatic people, have an upper humanoid half and a lower octopodal half. These aquatic dwelling people make up for a weak constitution, short lives, difficulty processing many foods, and lack of magical ability and with eusocial organization and clever minds.

Submitted by:


51. Chosen Arcane Telepaths

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Chosen People, Telepathic, Strong Constitution, Magically Sensitive

Present in Hexes: 404 (Small)

This species of humanoid has been granted strong bodies and strong wills that grant them not just magical acuity but telepathy.

Submitted by:


52. Harmonyans

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Herbivorous, Delicate, Telepathic, Intuitive

Present in Hexes: 265 (Small)

This species of delicate plant eaters live life at a relaxed pace and seek to avoid damaging their environment. Capable of telepathy, they are also a curious and clever people who are known to be drawn towards colourful accessories which they use for personal decoration.

Submitted by:


53. Serpentine Skypeople

Frame: Centauroid (Upper avian, serpentine bottom.)
Genus: Avian

Traits: Short Lives, Weak Constitution, Efficient Metabolism, Prolific, Small

Present in Hexes: 385 (Small)

The feathery head, arms and wings of an eagle avian person attached to a serpentine tubular body. These serpentine people have managed to survive by way of a very intricate digestive system and quickened maturation at the expense of their general health. They fear the dark, either living atop trees where the skies are clear, atop other geological features, or in communities that keep fires lit until dawn.

Submitted by:


54. Dwarren

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Parthenogenetic, Prolific, Small, Nocturnal, Short Lives

Present in Hexes: 204 (Small)

The Dwarren are a short and short lived species that lives primarily underground, in caverns they themselves carve.

They have fur across their body, and a bushy beard. Dedicated and industrious, Dwarren spend all of their lives working for the betterment of the Clan. A matriarchal society, they are born from "Brood-Mothers," who are so enlarged by constant pregnancy they cannot easily move.

Submitted by:


55. Vigilant Elves

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Keen Senses, Long Lived, Strong Constitution, Herbivorous

Present in Hexes: 142

Like many herbivorous species this species revels in up close and personal violence when threatened, and since they have sturdy forms and sharp senses they are plenty effective at it. Their long lives enable them to build up a deep reservoir of skills that makes their communities a difficult target for more conventionally violent peoples.

Submitted by:


56. Placid Jellyfish

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Aquatic

Traits: Water breathing, Delicate, Weak Constitution, Autotrophic, Long lived,

Present in Hexes: 224 (Small)

A peaceful aquatic people ill suited for violent endeavours. While humanoid in body plan, they aesthetically resemble jellyfish, with bulbous heads and streamers of flesh like filigree drifting after them in the water. Their colouration and poisonous flesh help to dissuade predators who would otherwise find it easy to rip them apart. This does not help against opponents whose desires are malicious rather than ravenous however.

Submitted by:


57. Parasitic Wasps

Frame: Tauroid
Genus: Insectoid

Traits: Small, Telepathic, Winged, Magically Inert, Short Lives, Obligate Carnivore

Present in Hexes: 217 (Small) and 191 (Small)

This species are intelligent parasitoid wasps that sting living animals to deposit their eggs inside of them. The eggs burrow deep into the host and when they hatch, the larvae feast upon the creature from the inside out until the wasps are ready to emerge and continue their reproduction cycle.

Able to communicate with each other via telepathy, often all their neighbours know of them is their terrifying buzzing as they approach on the hunt.

Sometimes, the wasps will deliberately avoid killing their hosts, provided they continue being useful. These wasps are aware of how weak and despised they are, and as such, they do everything in their power to increase their numbers, so that the species may avoid extinction.

Submitted by:


58. Children of the Light

Frame: Humanoid
Genus: Homo Sapiens

Traits: Intuitive, Delicate, Long Lived, Magically Inert

Present in Hexes: 292 (Small), 265 (Small), and 268 (Small)

Humanoids whose most striking feature is a lack of face, for they have wandering lights on a mask like magical structure insead. Although they are capable of producing sounds not very different from dolphins, and can form pictures with light on their masks. This is perhaps the only magic this species is blessed with, although it doesn't help them much. Beside it, this species has skin the colour of charcoal and hair of ripe barley, though both may be lighter the more south one goes.

Another peculiar quality of theirs is their weakness. Although very nimble, they still will lose in a pure match of strength. Their most notable strength is to see in something or someone what others can not see. Where others see simply a leaf , they see an adornment, a serenity of nature, and a beauty. This applies to most things, including people. The Children may overthink things, but they also tend to create items unheard of.



1) "We're all we've got" and CORAL votes were invalid and their votes were transfered semi randomly. Coral between other eusocial aquatic species and the last randomly to the Octopi. All we've got went randomly to a homo sapiens species, Vacla.

2) I do like the concepts though, so they will still exist elsewhere in the world, but will not be part of the game.

3) The population of the subcontinent is roughly 3 million.

4) All populations in Hexes are currently "Small", which is more than enough to be a viable gene pool even if half the population is killed.

5) Each hex has an unmarked "Tiny" population around it. And beyond that an unmarked "Negligible" population. Keep this in mind for later.

6) Exact numbers are not available to you right now.

7) No new map for now because I'm worn out from this.

8) Next vote later tonight. (I had the first 5 mostly pre-written)
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57. Parasitic Wasps

Frame: Tauroid
Genus: Insectoid

Traits: Small, Telepathic, Winged, Magically Inert, Short Lives, Obligate Carnivore

Present in Hexes: 217 (Small) and 191 (Small)


Edit: tired brain can no read map, but still killer parawasps no no. Hello Elf Friends by the way.
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32. Muscular Geese

Frame: Centaur
Genius: Avian

Present in Hexes: 63 (Small), 93 (Small), 432 (Small), 454 (Small), 237 (Small) and 238
The geese are located in the north(closest civ is the one on 12), the mountains(me and the bear civ are close to it), and the island to the south east(next to them is a 1 hex civ and a 2 hec civ that is part of the octopi civ).


What's your Civ(and hex location), I'll help you, I am at 189.
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Vote 2: Kinship Structures

Vote 2:

Next, I'll be using my half-an-anthropology-degree to talk about Kinship Structures and lay out a related vote where we decide how their families are structured which will inform their culture and politics.


While most people are probably familiar with the Neolocal Nuclear families considered "traditional" in the west, other kinds of structures exist, and while these are all nuanced and complex, I'm going to be playing fast and loose with some academic terms for simplicity as I don't have the time or inclination to teach a college level course on anthropology.

For each people we must answer each of the following three questions:

  1. How is ancestry and inheritance reckoned?
  2. Where do new couples wind up?
  3. Who decides on the use of property?

The first of these refers to "Lineal Descent", as in how you trace as your ancestors. Examples include:
-Matrilineal (Lineage via the mother's side of the family)
-Patrilineal (Lineage via the father's side of the family)
-Ambilineal (Lineage via either sides of the family, chosen voluntarily)
-Fictive (Found Family basically, a voluntary non-blood relation kinship association)
-And more!

The second is basically 'what happens to the new couple after marriage', examples include:
-Matrilocal (Family moves in or near the wife's family residence)
-Patrilocal (Family moves in or near the husband's family residence)
-Neolocality (Family moves into a new residence.)
-And more!

The last is the "-archy" question, as in who decides what happens with the property in the family, and often has legal power over the family members. The two big examples are:
-Patriarchy (Family is directed by a senior male figure or figures)
-Matriarchy (Family is directed by a senior female figure or figures)
-And more!
But feel free to vibe and write new ideas.

When you write the name of your people out, if you want, you can write what that name meant to the ancestors of the current people. (Though most endonyms mean "The People", lol) This name will give me the vibe of what kinds of sounds to draw from for names and words.

Afterwards, feel free to specify a sex ratio other than the usual 50/50 split we are familiar with (Not doing so will default to regular 50/50 in most cases). This is especially important for Eusocial species where they will be specifying castes instead.

Feel free to describe other traits, or make up new ones, including differing genders, poly-gyny/andry, clan or house structures, and so forth.

The votes should indicate which people they are applying to, vote by number or name. If different votes are applied to the same species, that will indicate cultural or ethnic divisions within the species.

If there are no votes for one of the 58 species, I will assign traits based on what I think best.

A valid vote can look like this:

[ ] 1. Catgirl Orcs
Name: Myresh
lineal: Matrilineal
Local: Patrilocal
archy: Matriarchal
Sex ratio: 50/50

Or much more unique like this (I'm giving you a more extreme example so that you know what's possible, based on lions and some thoughts I had on LoZ's Gerudo):

[X] 1. Catgirl Orcs
Name: Myresh (Those who Hunt Prey)
lineal: Patrilineal
local: Matrillocal
archy: Matriarchal
Sex ratio 95% Female, 5% Male

Known to themselves as the "Myresh", or "Those who hunt prey", this species is most notable for their lopsided sex ratio which sees fifty females for every male. In order to preserve and perpetuate the species, all males are raised to be priests of their people, where their most important duty is a form of temple prostitution that funds the priesthoods and perpetuates the species.

The Myresh trace their descent via the priesthood and specific priest which fathered them. As part of this Myreshi priesthoods keep an exacting family tree of all their clientele to ensure genetic diversity as much as possible. These priesthoods also have memorized the histories of Myreshi civilizations in a noteworthy oral tradition. Fully trained priests can remember in exacting detail histories dating back uncountable millenia. These Priests have developed increasingly exacting methods of recordkeeping and archival which they jealously guard from the Matriarchs.

These priesthoods are the most enduring institutions in Myreshi society, raising all male children themselves. Despite being subject to the whims of female members of the species, the Priesthoods maintain influence as not even the most power hungry Matriarch would seek to destroy positions so vital to the survival of the species.

The various Priesthoods have different specialities, and many of them combine their various duties as storytellers and prostitutes to provide varied entertainment services to the Myreshi Households. While female Myreshi are primarily raised by their mothers and "aunts", lessons on history and religious topics are taught by priests who are invited into the households as the general rule of thumb is that women are not allowed into male spaces excepting for the purpose of perpetuating the species.

The bulk of Myreshi communities are ruled by powerful Household Matriarchs who establish themselves by being able to lead households that bring in food and resources and protect the children who are raised communally. Being a powerful huntress, warrior, or explorer is a common route to becoming a House Matriarch.

These Matriarchs control the access to males, as only they have the wealth to reliably purchase the services of priests from the male priesthoods and then provide safe spaces to raise children afterwards. Inside households, many of a Matriarch's "daughters" will be unrelated to their "Mother" or her other "sisters", as House membership is determined by matters of wealth, prestige, loyalty, romance, affinity, or a variety of other issues.

While the structure of Myreshi society means that the idea of marriage for the purpose of procreation and childrearing is alien, Priesthoods will often have jointly held offices for intimate pairs of older priests who take on additional responsibilities in exchange for no longer having to be available for reproductive duties. A similar romantic bond exists within many of the all female Households for groups of two to four "Spear Sisters".

In the rare cases of males raised within female Households they will be allowed to take administrative positions within the priesthoods, and rarer cases of female Myreshi raised within the priesthoods are expected to serve as armed protectors of her brothers, though she is still allowed to leave male spaces and travel freely.

A Matriarch who is unable to provide for her House could be deposed by her Daughters moving en masse to a different household, or deciding to oust her in favour of a different woman. That being said, the most powerful households engender a great deal of loyalty and have endured across uncountable generations, dead Matriarchs being replaced by a daughter via will or elected acclaim.

Established Households will have multiple generations of Myreshi women under one roof, or one group of roofs as the case may be. Newly formed Households often only contain one or two younger generations, and are expected to grow as their Matriarch provides access to males in cooperation with the male priesthoods.

Many Houses have their own ancient traditions that have endured the test of time, while others don't even last the lifetimes of a single Matriarch. Though at times some Houses aren't expected to last, such is the case of "War Houses" which are gathered under War Matriarchs for the purpose of war alone and then dissolved back into their component Households after the threat has passed or raid is over.
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[X] 49. Starlight Chosen
-[x] Name: Asteriskos (Little Star)
-[x] lineal: Patrilineal
-[x] local: Neolocality
-[x] archy: Patriarchy
-[x] Sex ratio: 60% Female, 40% Male

Asterikos is greek for "Little Star".

The origin of the name of the people, Asterikos is rooted in religion.The title of Asterius grants great control over the priesthood and some level of political power and will be one of the few advisors to the king.To take the title of Asterius for oneself means to make oneself the head of the priesthood, it requires a few things in order for a person to acquire the title. First they need be a adult in their 30's second they must have done great achievements and great deeds for their community and lastly have the blessing of at least half of the priesthood. Anyone found taking this title without fulfilling all 3 will be executed.

Due to the smaller number of men, the race is conducted through the male line.
Moreover, when a marriage is concluded, a man is considered the Guardian of the family and has "public power", "domestic power" belongs to the father. Also due to there being less men than women polygamy was permitted. When a family is formed, usually the firstborn (of either sex) inherits the land and house of his or her parent however there is a chance for that not to be the case should the first born not be capable of leading his or her house, one of the other children will take their place should they find the replacement competent enough. This forces the family to compete for the favor of father and those who werent chosen by the father will be given some wealth is given to them in order to make sure they survive.

Culturally, there are no prejudices about the differentiation of professions depending on gender. While it is true that men have the final say in property and has power over the family members it is taken loosely as power is shared to his wife or wives to ensure flexibility. There is no restriction of occupation to men or women.
Only a person under 15 years of age is considered a child since the people live long lives and are able to enjoy their youth more.

Priests are considered a position independent of gender. More details will be in the religion section.
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[x] Placid Jellyfish
-[x] Cnidariae
-[x] fictive
-[x] sex ratio 50/50

Being rather androgynous in appearance, sex matters little to most Cnidariae, they are organized into self selecting large family units, chosen when a youth comes of age and ruled by the eldest members. If a group of youth find no band appealing to them, then they tend to form their own band in the region, recieving little respect from the other local bands until they have grown established enough to have elders of their own. When resources or space grow scarce among local bands, they all tend to contribute members for large migrations to found new dwellings. Youth are generally raised by volunteers rather than biological parents, with the average such volunteer raising between six and twelve young at a time,.from a number of different biological parents.

Man I sure am lucky that jellyfish have such a cool phylum name
[X] Schmeckles
- [X]Name: Schmeckles (When deciding the name for their species they pulled suggestions from a big pointy hat, this won)
- [X] Lineal: Fictive
- [X] Local: Neolocality
- [X] Archy: Egalitarian
- [X] Sex Ratio: 50/50

The familial structures of this species are a bit of a mess, needing scholars called Family-Tree Schmeckles to trace back who was summoned via who, who adopted who, and to tell if someone was just an actual relative or just some family friend who was so incredibly close they were considered akin to a relative
It even more difficult than you think since children brought by the storks don't have to resemble their parent or parents in any way, so yeah, most are just confusing messes and everybody just hopes like hell they guess right about who summoned their grandpa if they haven't read the family archives in awhile
Thus dying wills are incredibly specific and must list every relatives name plus a detailed description and or portrait

Marriage itself is not exactly common since the vast majority of their species solely share platonic or familial relationships, but when unrelated Schmeckles become so close they consider each other honorary relatives, they may decide to convince their families to perform a joining, where the families come together, bond, and share whatever assets they have, becoming a single family, who moves into whose house is up to the specific families to decide and depends on their financial situations, but Schmeckles of equal financial standing prefer to just go with a quick game of Stone, Parchment, Shears, losers have to prepare their household for its new residents
Some Schmeckles have very strange last names cause of this, like "Joffrey Bangleroot-Feathershort" made from the combination of last names

Schmeckle families usually have the oldest and wisest as head of household, known as the Papa or Mama, for non-binary old wise ones they just go between the gendered titles when referring to them or just call them Pama or Mapa, besides, gender doesn't matter much to them since any member of their race can produce children with the Stork Ritual, their use of pronouns is just them mimicking the other races
Also it doesn't necessarily have to be the oldest, just who has been around long enough with the wisdom to match, some families have multiple elders after a Joining, until of course one or both of them die or step down
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[X] 51. Chosen Arcane Telepaths
-[x] Name: Ardat Lilial (False Moonlight)
-[x] lineal: Matrilineal
-[x] local: Neolocality
-[x] archy: Patriarchy
-[x] Sex ratio: 40% Female, 60% Male

Ardat is a title. The nearest translation is "Followed by pride"

The original word was taken from the name of the Sumerian demon "Ardat Lilu". In Christianity - Lilith.
The names may be associated with Babylon, the Sumerian kingdom and the Jews. Perhaps with some fantasy surroundings.

The origin of the name of the people Ardat Lilial is rooted in religion.
It is enough for us to know that Ardat is the most important title for the people. Its use is strictly regulated and in everyday speech can only occur when the name of the people is mentioned. Using Lilial without Ardat is considered disrespectful and censured.
To take the title of Ardat for oneself means to make oneself second after the gods. Extremely pretentious and requires great personal accomplishments. Anyone who doubts the justification of this action has the right to kill the "imposter". The title cannot be inherited.

Due to the smaller number of women, the race is conducted through the female line.
Moreover, when a marriage is concluded, a man is considered the Guardian of the family and has "public power", "domestic power" belongs to the wife.
When a family is formed, only the firstborn (of either sex) inherits the land and house of his parent. This forces the rest of the people to form their houses.

Culturally, there are prejudices about the differentiation of professions depending on gender. It is believed that men are not capable of truly caring for someone. At the same time, women are prohibited from using weapons. This is only allowed if you are protecting your children. This order of things goes back to religion, where a woman warrior is considered more violent and more dangerous than a man, but because of their recklessness, the people almost died out. Therefore, Women are allowed to take part only in the "last" battle. There are no prohibitions on learning magic and martial arts. Dangerous magic is taught to men, but it is rather an unspoken prohibition that can be violated.
Accordingly, women are engaged in household chores, animal husbandry and a significant part of agriculture. Men's professions are associated with crafts, war, hunting and fishing.
Trade is predominantly a women's business.
At the same time, women are considered too impulsive for the Board.
This system of division of labor by gender creates a large number of controversial professions and occupations. The nuances cause heated discussions among the priests.
For example, planting and caring for plants is considered a woman's business, while digging and harvesting a crop is a man's. Since at this stage the care of a woman is not necessary.
At the same time, men are not allowed near pets, except for killing and haymaking.
The upbringing of children is the responsibility of women. Only a person under 12 years of age is considered a child. Men have the right to teach skills, but the fate of the child is not in their hands. They are only able to give advice, the final decision is always with the woman.
Priests are considered a position independent of gender. More details will be in the religion section.
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[X] 37. Hippogriffs
-[X] Name: Arisians (Those of Aris)
-[X] lineal: Matrilineal
-[X] Local: Matrillocal
-[X] archy: Matriarchal
-[x] Sex ratio: 60% Female, 40% Male

...the need to protect your young led the Arisian familial units to settle within the upper clouds and caves of the Mount Aris Range, where their natural magical abilities allowed them to create safe areas where the cold of the mountainside failed to penetrate or in some cases to settle on the very clouds themselves. In either case they were protected from their natural predators and had begun to create a society centered around both flight and the familial unit, the first Flocks.

... centered around Matriarchs, a collection of smaller familial units called Clutches made up the Flocks. ... ...usually the strongest or the most favored of the daughters of the current matriarch would succeed their mother and the other daughters would either be forced to submit and recognize their new Matriarch or be forced out of the Flock and into exile becoming Adrift. Those Adrift would either die beg marry into or subordinate themselves to other Flocks or establish Flocks of their own with other Adrift assuming sufficient magical capability.
[X] 19. Boundless Kobolds
Name: Vranik ekess Isk (Children of the Egg)
Lineal: Ambilineal/Fictive
Local: Neolocality/Trade-locality
Archy: Gerontarchal
Sex ratio: 100% Agender (They/Them)

To the Vranik ekess Isk of the tallest peaks and deepest valleys, there are those who are born of their eggs, and there are all those who are not. It is this sense of shared lineage to Ess Turalix Isk (The Great Egg) a name for their great breadth of ancestors as a singular collective, and sometimes invoked as a name for the future eggs to which they consider themselves responsible. This dedication to eggs in particular is why at the center of their communities are the communal hatcheries which are the most well built and maintained places in any community, whether the place is a great cave, a dug burrow, a vast tent, or even more permanent artificial structure.

The Vrix Ekex Isk (Layer of their Egg) is often known to every individual Vran soon after hatching, and it is not uncommon a young Vran once hatched is drawn to them; their lineage as such is not the foremost aspect of their identity within their community. Instead ones identity is related to one's purpose in that community. To the deeds they have done, the tasks they carry out, the crafts they practice. Especially the task one is fulfilling now or has most recently becomes the defining position a Vran holds in their community. Although many Vranik will first start to learn the tasks of their Vrix Ekex Isk before seeking or being directed to other opportunities.

At first a young Vran is raised by the caretakers (Tiathik) of the communal hatchery from which they and the rest of their seasonal brood hatched, but later they are moved to a juvenile household. While Tiathik sometimes interfere in these households as part of the continued education of the young Vranik who dwell there, the Vranik are expected to learn and apply the socialization they receive elsewhere to the management of their shared household. During their time in these households the Vranik are educated primarily through working alongside Vrixik in a wide variety of tasks and crafts, most often being passed from Vrix to Vrix along lines of personal relationships or necessity. Learning the preexisting roles of the community they could join or coming to understand a new niche that could be filled by a dedicated household. When a Vran comes of age so as to become a Vrix ek Iskik (Layer of Eggs) they are expected to leave their youth household to join that of another or form one with other young Vrixik.

Each household of Vrixik is dedicated to a specific task, and the property of the household is considered to be held in common by those dedicated to that task or craft rather than to the individual Vrix who fill the household. Property in a larger sense from the smallest tool to the largest structure is considered to belong collectively to the community, a responsibility is held as to keeping this property for the benefit of future generations, or Ess Turalix Isk. The head (Lexkar) of the household is usually the most experienced and longest dedicated to the Household, this is commonly the eldest Vrix in the household, but as Vrixik can freely move between households this is not always the case. In long established households the choosing of the Lexkar tends to become more formalized usually based around performance in competitions within the household or by a process of popular acclamation, but in most cases an informal seniority is enough to proscribe the position to its holder. In cases of conflict within a household the Lexkar is often called on to mediate, but if the conflict is between Vrixik of the household and the Lexkar, mediation is pursued by involving other Lexkarik or even Tiathik. If all mediation fails the Vrixik will either elect to join another household or the Lexkar will be expected to make such a concession allowing for another to take their place.

While some households come and go entirely, some even reorganizing on a seasonal basis, there are those which remain consistent and are commonly found in all Vranik communities. Those specialized in hunting and gathering and later developments from them such as herding and farming households are always maintained and usually large enough to accomodate multiple structures. Tool production is another critical household, but often becomes split and specialized into further number of households for the production of particular tools usually separated based on the primary material they work with, though in larger communities households dedicated to the production of very precise tools or just the refinement of certain raw materials also appear. Another critical household is that of es Vortrasik (the Record Keepers) they are charged with the tabulation of all property within the community keeping a census of the community's households and their members. This information is maintained through both manners of physical storage and mnemonic methods, the latter of which being long standing tradition of the Vranik ekess Isk. As part of these duties a Vortras is present for exchanges of Vrixik and oproperty between households, the establishment of new households, and the hatching of new broods; in addition, they also make routine outings to keep track of the property of the various households, the full accounting of what the community as whole holds.

Inevitably this free mixing of Vrixik and communal holding of property means that the organization of any community is often in flux. What remains consistent is the institution known as Es Ixa Verwa ekess Isk (The Warm Circle of the Egg), a council of Lexkarik and Tiathik who coordinate together to maintain the prosperity of their community. With the Lexkarik often shifting as households are in flux the eldest among the Tiathik remain relatively consistent and thus hold the largest influence among the members of Es Ixa Verwa ekess Isk. The only Lexkar who can compare if not as an individual holder of their position, but in terms of the influence accorded to their position across the generations is that of the Lexkar ekess Vortrasik, whose maintaining of the community's records is information always of great import in Es Ixa Verwa ekess Isk meetings. As communities grow larger the number of Lexkarik overall can overcome the consistency of the Tiathik leading to more influence following into the hands of the households over the hatcheries, although their division usually means the Tiathik as a group maintain a plurality of sorts in Es Ixa Verwa ekess Isk.

However in the face of a crisis a Turalix Vrix will be selected by Es Ixa Verwa ekess Isk using the recognition of their authority to centrally coordinate the response to the crisis. The most common cause for this is conflict with another community either involving other Vranik ekess Isk or those outside the purview of Ess Turalix Isk. In either case the Turalix Vrix is expected to pursue a diplomatic solution before risking a conflict that may threaten the communal hatcheries and their unhatched broods. An expectation that means it is most often from households which specialize in records, trade, or other niches in which mediation is important that a Turalix Vrix is selected. In the face of more specialized crises the household most related to the form of crisis is typically chosen, but it is not uncommon that instead the Lexkar ekess Vortrasik is instead selected as their keeping of the records make them more immediately able to coordinate a response across the households of the community.

Outside of Es Ixa Verwa ekess Isk household traditions and rituals passed from generation to generation can become communal staples. At first these are often being matters of necessity as part of fulfilling the household's purpose, but quickly become activities meant to maintain the knowledge of the household's specialized skills, propagate them among the community, or attract young Vranik to the household so as to increase their numbers. In some cases these practices become broader encompassing the whole of the community usually becoming further removed from their original purpose and more part of the community's broader practices. This development can see it degenerate into an informal activity or hobby among individual Vranik and Vrixik or it become more formalized and turned into the center piece of a regular celebration, often seasonal in such cases.

A final and extremely common form of communal practice often outlasting multiple generations is the keeping of personal possessions. Passed from Vranik or Vrixik to others, commonly as gifts to close broodmates, cooperative household members, or appreciatively to senior Lexkarik or Tiathik. These gifts usually take the form of unusual bits and baubles. Often decorated to the tastes shared by giver and receiver. Unlike useful property formally exchanged between households or requisitioned by the Tiathik or Turalix Vrix, these possessions are not tracked and represent a series of relations and shared commonalities. Sometimes becoming the focus of cultural tales or larger practices of their own in public celebrations, most commonly they remain private affairs. A quiet understated part of the cultural life for the Vranik ekess Isk.

ek/ess/ekess/ekex: of/the/of the/of their
Lexkar/Lexkarik: Head/Heads, Speaker/Speakers, or Teacher/Teachers
Isk/Iskik: Egg/Eggs
Ixa: Warm
Tiath/Tiathik: Caretaker/Caretakers
Turalix: Great
Vortras/Vortrasik: Record Keeper/Record Keepers
Vran/Vranik: Child/Children
Vrix/Vrixik: Layer/Layers
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[X] 41. Downy Mountain Lizards
-[X] Name:
Peak Drakonofs
-[X] Lineal: Female are strictly Matrilineal. Male are both, with importance placed on the father. (Aka sister would be Sisteal of Modark, with her brother being Bro'Man of He'Man bi-Modark)
-[X] Local: Proximal Neolocality, claiming new dens though staying in proximity to a parental den.
-[X] Archy: Prestige-archy, with the most prestigious from honour, wealth or glory of the family ruling
-[X] Sex Ration: Biologically averages 40/60 Male/Female, current environmental conditions make it average 20/80 male/female with genetic locks preventing worse than 5/95 either way

These lizardfolk are a fascinating race who, despite appearing of avian descent, are able to be clearly described as a draconian race who take their name from the mountainous peaks which surround them and their claim to descend from dragons which, following the naming traditions they use to trace their ancestry, makes them the Peak Dragon-Ofs, or as mutations in language have rendered it, the Peak Drakonofs. Further examination of said naming traditions will reveal that unlike most races, they are neither named strictly for their matrilineal or patrilineal heritage. For whilst all their woman follow matriarchal traditions, the men have a mutated version of a patriarchial tradition where the name of their mother is strictly placed following their father's name. With even those orphans with no known parentage or the few lost eggs which successfully hatch bearing the name of their 'mother' Winter and, for the rare males, their 'father' Fatend'oom. An example of such a male child being called Dreth'madak of Fatend'oom-bi-Winter

It is suspected such a tradition emerged due to the rarity of the male gender amongst their people raising their importance, with the average son being outnumbered by at least four sisters. Though the emphasis on keeping track of the matrilineal descent is most likely rooted in the fact that the last four months of their life before 'birth' takes place in an egg laid by their mother, which means that keep track of who she was is of significant importance lest a woman be accused to be a 'Daughter of Voidaria', a mythological woman infamous for stealing the unhatched eggs of glorious lineages to raise as her own so as to earn prestige once the abducted children earn prestige from the blood of their true ancestors. Said accusation nearly always creating a multi-generational grudge between the two families that on many an occasion has ended in either blood or the revelation that both lineages have taken up the practice of egg-napping the children of the other family.

In fact, the latter case of egg-napping is the only time when, rather than the mother being executed by the community and all her children having her name torn from them, the mothers and lineages are preserved. If with quite a bit of discomfort by both as the two matrilineal lines will have their ancestry merged into a single family despite by the bad blood between them for as a Wise Elder of legend declared, "if none may tell who is truly the child of either mother and thus which lineage earns glory, then both lineages shall bear the glory, and shame of all". It is highly discouraged to actively plan for this outcome however as it is widely held that only a child of a grandchild can carry out such an act without it being at the command of the women who created the feud.

In a feud which has lasted a shorter time than this is desired to be healed, or if the members of the families which wish to mend the rift torn between them are young, then the usual outcome is for the community surrounding the two feuding lineages to find a more distant village which is willing to support a new family before carefully extracting those who desire to heal the feud from their families and aid their travels to the new family's future den. Said new family usually being composed of a carefully chosen young man of the community to partner with the young women of the different families, or if the feuding members already contain males, a young woman for each from the shaman lineages of the community.

However in the usual way of things, whenever a new family is formed by young Drakonofs they will instead settle nearby at least one of their parental dens. They will not stay within said parental den longer than is necessary for the construction of their new den, for doing so will impose on the prestige of both families too much outside of a significant difficulty which demands said compromise. Though there is no set time period that is held to be 'too long', most communities will state that one winter is the minimum that should be expected, with three being problematic though not disasterous as all are aware that sometimes Winter is a harsh and demanding mother.

As for said family structure of the Peak Drakonofs, it is rather strange to many species for it is not ruled by the man, with his harem following his orders, or the head wife of the harem with her sister-wives and man under her. Instead what arises is typically a group of between three and six women who have banded together around one man, with the head of family being the one which holds claim to the most prestige. Said prestige can be gained from many sources such as glorious hunts, raids and other honourable martial activities; great wealth whether than be through their own efforts, those of their ancestors or gifts from respectful and loyal descendants; or deep knowledge and skill in a subject with emphasis placed on their few mages or more common shamans.

It is commonly held that how said family structure arose is due to a quirk in the reproduction of the Peak Drakonofs. For unlike other races, once a child has been conceived by the parents, their sex is not set. Indeed, it is not set even after the mother has laid their egg. In fact, the first two months after their egg has been laid can be said to be the most crucial months of their lives for it is these months which determine whether they shall be born male or female. And this decision is solely determined by heat. For if an egg is exposed to enough heat, then at least one of the three eggs laid by the mother in each clutch shall be male and if they are left to the cold then they shall be female. Hence the importance of prestige in the family, for a prestigious mother or father is much more able to acquire sufficient fuel or naturally warm locations as to ensure that they shall have a male child, if not multiple, from a given hatching.

However it is also known that sometimes Fatend'oom intervenes and determines otherwise, for a well known legend states that in the distant past there was a year in which Winter's grasp was so strong, and her presence lasted so long, that the winter lasted a full year with spring, summer and autumn never arriving until the stars have gone through a full cycle in the skies overhead. Yet despite this making it such that no Drakonof, even those most prestigious, was able to spare any heat for those eggs laid during that Winter as it was all needed to preserve themselves, one in twenty eggs still hatched a male. With it being held that this is a gift from Fatend'oom to ensure his wife's attentions shall never doom them to a loss of males.

As for those shamans mentioned before, they are an artifact of how their legends and myths all state that in the distant past, potent magics where the bloodright of all Peak Drakonofs, able to burn forests, freeze lakes and shatter mountains with ease which all bar a rare few modern Peak Drakonofs lack, and even those few typically needing extensive rituals to achieve feats their ancestors supposedly achieved through will alone. Yet whilst natural mages may be rare amongst their lineages, all Peak Drakonofs have a strong sense for magical and spiritual locations of power in the world. With some even able to see the flows of magic and spirit away from the concentrations found in those locations.

Over generations those lineages which inherited said sight more often than not, along with a few other lineages which were merely unusually dedicated to the spiritual, have accumulated vast hordes of knowledge about how to use the world, spiritual beings and creatures possessing their own magics, to perform magnificent acts of magic themselves. Such families being the aforementioned Shamans, who are universally believed to possess great prestige. Even if some lineages are held in equal fear due to the nature of the bargains and acts their ancestral trove of knowledge requires they commit to achieve said magic.

As for the communities that have been mentioned many a time in these writings on the Peak Drakonofs? Those are usually composed of several dozen families that have settled in a given valley or stretch of river. With most communities usually laying claim to all territory within a solid day's march of the Elder's Lair found at the centre of said community. Though this is a minimum, with longer distances not uncommon and even then, all communities within a week's travel will tend to have solid relations with each other. Even if there are the occasional raid on each other for glory, honour, a prestigious male or less commonly woman, and similar matters.

The mentioned Elder's Lair is both the geographical centre of the community, their centre of trade, faith and leadership. For every week or two, the community will come together to discuss, celebrate and bargain with each other as well as any guests from other communities currently visiting. And as part of this, the three eldest members of the Community, the three most prestigious members and the most knowledgeable members apart from these in matters martial, magical and historical will come together in a Council of Nine to make judgements for the Community, create plans for the future ambitions of the community and ensure that the coming of Winter will not see the community smothered in her grasp, nor the appearance of her husband Fatend'oom end them all.

AN: How the hell is it that give me a quest submission or the like, I can easily write up several thousand words of story but if I want to write an Omake myself or, even worse, a full story myself, I'm lucky to get a few hundred? Anyway, I hope this is good enough @AKuz ?

By the way: Female names are just one word, but male names will always have an apostrophe in the middle somewhere. Hence Bro'man who was the son of He'man and their God/Spirit of Fate who is male is called Fatend'oom. Yes, his name is Fate and Doom.
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[X] A Touch of Mountain Crocodilian
-[X] Species: 41. Downy Mountain Lizards
-[X] Name: Peak Drakonofs
-[X] Lineal: Female are strictly Matrilineal. Male are both, with importance placed on the father. (Aka sister would be Sisteal of Modark, with her brother being Bro'Man of He'Man bi-Modark)
-[X] Local: Proximal Neolocality, claiming new dens though staying in proximity to a parental den.
-[X] Archy: Prestige-archy, with the most prestigious from honour, wealth or glory of the family ruling
-[X] Sex Ration: Biologically averages 40/60 Male/Female, current environmental conditions make it average 20/80 male/female with genetic locks preventing worse than 5/95 either way

These lizardfolk are a fascinating race who, despite appearing of avian descent, are able to be clearly described as a draconian race who take their name from the mountainous peaks which surround them and their claim to descend from dragons which, following the naming traditions they use to trace their ancestry, makes them the Peak Dragon-Ofs, or as mutations in language have rendered it, the Peak Drakonofs. Further examination of said naming traditions will reveal that unlike most races, they are neither named strictly for their matrilineal or patrilineal heritage. For whilst all their woman follow matriarchal traditions, the men have a mutated version of a patriarchial tradition where the name of their mother is strictly placed following their father's name. With even those orphans with no known parentage or the few lost eggs which successfully hatch bearing the name of their 'mother' Winter and, for the rare males, their 'father' Fate. Such a male child being called ___ of Fate-bi-Winter

It is suspected such a tradition emerged due to the rarity of the male gender amongst their people raising their importance, with the average son being outnumbered by at least four sisters. Though the emphasis on keeping track of the matrilineal descent is most likely rooted in the fact that the last four months of their life before 'birth' takes place in an egg laid by their mother, which means that keep track of who she was is of significant importance lest a woman be accused to be a 'Daughter of Voidaria', a mythological woman infamous for stealing the unhatched eggs of glorious lineages to raise as her own so as to earn prestige once the abducted children earn prestige from the blood of their true ancestors. Said accusation nearly always creating a multi-generational grudge between the two families that on many an occasion has ended in either blood or the revelation that both lineages have taken up the practice of egg-napping the children of the other family.

In fact, the latter case of egg-napping is the only time when, rather than the mother being executed by the community and all her children having her name torn from them, the mothers and lineages are preserved. If with quite a bit of discomfort by both as the two matrilineal lines will have their ancestry merged into a single family despite by the bad blood between them for as a Wise Elder of legend declared, "if none may tell who is truly the child of either mother and thus which lineage earns glory, then both lineages shall bear the glory, and shame of all". It is highly discouraged to actively plan for this outcome however as it is widely held that only a child of a grandchild can carry out such an act without it being at the command of the women who created the feud.

In a feud which has lasted a shorter time than this is desired to be healed, or if the members of the families which wish to mend the rift torn between them are young, then the usual outcome is for the community surrounding the two feuding lineages to find a more distant village which is willing to support a new family before carefully extracting those who desire to heal the feud from their families and aid their travels to the new family's future den. Said new family usually being composed of a carefully chosen young man of the community to partner with the young women of the different families, or if the feuding members already contain males, a young woman for each from the shaman lineages of the community.

However in the usual way of things, whenever a new family is formed by young Drakonofs they will instead settle nearby at least one of their parental dens. They will not stay within said parental den longer than is necessary for the construction of their new den, for doing so will impose on the prestige of both families too much outside of a significant difficulty which demands said compromise. Though there is no set time period that is held to be 'too long', most communities will state that one winter is the minimum that should be expected, with three being problematic though not disasterous as all are aware that sometimes Winter is a harsh and demanding mother.

As for said family structure of the Peak Drakonofs, it is rather strange to many species for it is not ruled by the man, with his harem following his orders, or the head wife of the harem with her sister-wives and man under her. Instead what arises is typically a group of between three and six women who have banded together around one man, with the head of family being the one which holds claim to the most prestige. Said prestige can be gained from many sources such as glorious hunts, raids and other honourable martial activities; great wealth whether than be through their own efforts, those of their ancestors or gifts from respectful and loyal descendants; or deep knowledge and skill in a subject with emphasis placed on their few mages or more common shamans.

It is commonly held that how said family structure arose is due to a quirk in the reproduction of the Peak Drakonofs. For unlike other races, once a child has been conceived by the parents, their sex is not set. Indeed, it is not set even after the mother has laid their egg. In fact, the first two months after their egg has been laid can be said to be the most crucial months of their lives for it is these months which determine whether they shall be born male or female. And this decision is solely determined by heat. For if an egg is exposed to enough heat, then at least one of the three eggs laid by the mother in each clutch shall be male and if they are left to the cold then they shall be female. Hence the importance of prestige in the family, for a prestigious mother or father is much more able to acquire sufficient fuel or naturally warm locations as to ensure that they shall have a male child, if not multiple, from a given hatching.

However it is also known that sometimes Fate intervenes and determines otherwise, for a well known legend states that in the distant past there was a year in which Winter's grasp was so strong, and her presence lasted so long, that the winter lasted a full year with spring, summer and autumn never arriving until the stars have gone through a full cycle in the skies overhead. Yet despite this making it such that no Drakonof, even those most prestigious, was able to spare any heat for those eggs laid during that Winter as it was all needed to preserve themselves, one in twenty eggs still hatched a male. With it being held that this is a gift from Fate to ensure his wife's attentions shall never doom them to a loss of males.

As for those shamans mentioned before, they are an artifact of how their legends and myths all state that in the distant past, potent magics where the bloodright of all Peak Drakonofs, able to burn forests, freeze lakes and shatter mountains with ease which all bar a rare few modern Peak Drakonofs lack, and even those few typically needing extensive rituals to achieve feats their ancestors supposedly achieved through will alone. Yet whilst natural mages may be rare amongst their lineages, all Peak Drakonofs have a strong sense for magical and spiritual locations of power in the world. With some even able to see the flows of magic and spirit away from the concentrations found in those locations.

Over generations those lineages which inherited said sight more often than not, along with a few other lineages which were merely unusually dedicated to the spiritual, have accumulated vast hordes of knowledge about how to use the world, spiritual beings and creatures possessing their own magics, to perform magnificent acts of magic themselves. Such families being the aforementioned Shamans, who are universally believed to possess great prestige. Even if some lineages are held in equal fear due to the nature of the bargains and acts their ancestral trove of knowledge requires they commit to achieve said magic.

As for the communities that have been mentioned many a time in these writings on the Peak Drakonofs? Those are usually composed of several dozen families that have settled in a given valley or stretch of river. With most communities usually laying claim to all territory within a solid day's march of the Elder's Lair found at the centre of said community. Though this is a minimum, with longer distances not uncommon and even then, all communities within a week's travel will tend to have solid relations with each other. Even if there are the occasional raid on each other for glory, honour, a prestigious male or less commonly woman, and similar matters.

The mentioned Elder's Lair is both the geographical centre of the community, their centre of trade, faith and leadership. For every week or two, the community will come together to discuss, celebrate and bargain with each other as well as any guests from other communities currently visiting. And as part of this, the three eldest members of the Community, the three most prestigious members and the most knowledgeable members apart from these in matters martial, magical and historical will come together in a Council of Nine to make judgements for the Community, create plans for the future ambitions of the community and ensure that the coming of Winter will not see the community smothered in her grasp, nor the appearance of her husband Fate doom them all.

AN: How the hell is it that give me a quest submission or the like, I can easily write up several thousand words of story but if I want to write an Omake myself or, even worse, a full story myself, I'm lucky to get a few hundred? Anyway, I hope this is good enough @AKuz ?

Sorry, could you please format it so that the vote name is the number and/or name from the information post? I'm going to be sorting through each individual vote in the vote closing post when the vote closes, and having names for the votes different than the species is going to make things more difficult for me.
If I had the time I'd be tempted to redo the map with the tile numbers replaced with the species number. As is I think the below two groups are my direct neighbours?
55. Vigilant Elves

23. Cephalopodians
Not sure why there's an empty one between my two tiles, maybe they just needed to spread out more.
I'll try and get a post up after work, I'll need to do some research first.
Sorry, could you please format it so that the vote name is the number and/or name from the information post? I'm going to be sorting through each individual vote in the vote closing post when the vote closes, and having names for the votes different than the species is going to make things more difficult for me.
Hope this is fixed now? I think the Schmeckles plan confused me for that. And I hope the rest of it's fine?
[X] 5. Gurvel
-[X] Name: Gürvel (The Heirs/Worldly Heirs)
-[X] Ambilineal (Matrilineal-biased)
-[X] Neolocal
-[X] Matriarchal
-[X] Sex ratio: 50/50

The Gurvel (meaning "worldly heirs"/"heirs to the world") are a nomadic species living on the steppe, tending to their livestock. Their society, although traditional and hierarchical, is also heavily fluidic. The ambilineal method of tracing one's descent allows the average Gurvel to choose which side of their family to associate with or claim descendant from, which surprisingly hasn't made aristocratic family trees all that complicated (not that they were simple to begin with).

Much of Gurvel society is ruled by women, who are the head of the average Gurvel family and the usual inheritor of their parent's belongings (typically a portion of their herds) thanks to primogeniture. After the family came the subclan and clan, which usually claimed their names and descendence from a single common ancestor and were lead by chieftains (also usually female). These chieftains came from the elite bloodlines of their clans, and managed affairs such as hunting and moving their settlements.

Males, despite the matriarchal system, do hold immense importance as religious shamans or warriors, often gaining significant power as administrators or war heroes. Ironically this has made male chieftains some of the most iconic historical figures in Gurvel society thanks to their relative rarity compared to the majority of female chieftains- the average Gurvel is far more likely to remember Ogani the Restorer rather than Khan Borte.
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[X] 45. Ferronids
-[X] Name: Evare (We Who Are)
-[X] lineal: Matrilineal
-[X] local: Matrilocal
-[X] archy: Matriarchal
-[X] Sex ratio 90% Female, 10% Male

The evare are organized into sprawling clans led by the fertile females of the species, who exercise a monopoly over tending to eggs and whelps, as well as serving as judges, priests, and other leadership roles. Non-fertile females, who make up the overwhelming majority of the species (perhaps 80%), serve as workers, soldiers, and perform various other physical or dangerous tasks. Males, virtually all of whom are fertile, are kept cloistered from the outside world and routinely cycled between clans; they often take up roles as scribes or lorekeepers, spreading stories and information wherever they go.

While all evare clans are organized by female descent, careful records are kept of which egg came from which male, and a patronym is appended to the clan name. Those who hatch at roughly the same time are known as clutchmates. Members of the same clutch and those who share patronyms often stick together or form rivalries with other clutches and lines of male descent.
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[X] 48. Inquisitive Vulpines
-[X] Name: Dahóyánígíí ("the clever ones")
-[X] lineal: Ambilineal
-[X] local: Neolocality
-[X] archy: Egalitarian Quasi-Anarchy (With Gerontocratic Tendencies)
-[X] Sex ratio: 50/50

Their curious nature has led the Dahóyánígíí to create a very loose society, where individuals are left free to experience many new things and decide for themselves how they want to live. From choosing which parent's lineage they want to adopt, to deciding how many others they want to be in a relationship with regardless of sex.* All Dahóyánígíí are considered to be equal and expected to move out of their parents' home once they become adults, so they can discover new things and find their own way in life.

Reaching adulthood is celebrated by letting kits choose a second name for themselves; Dahóyánígíí can be referred to either by their full name, that is with both their childhood and adult name, or only their adult name. It depends on whether they consider their childhood name to be a source of embarrassment or not. Only the rare Dahóyánígíí ends up regretting their choice for adult name. The ones who pick weird or ostentatious ones usually decide they'll try to live up to them.

Though many would call this an extremely free society, some Dahóyánígíí believe that they still aren't free enough. They argue that kinship should be entirely voluntary rather than still being based on blood, that marriage, no matter how free it is made, is still restrictive, and that while all are nominally equal, the old folks are always chosen to lead the Dahóyánígíí because they're considered to be "smarter, wiser and better", thus they aren't truly equal. Such grumblings are still uncommon though.

*Regarding same-sex relationships, the following story is often told:

One day, two couples, one gay and one lesbian, stood in front of the gathered assembly of Dahóyánígíí and declared, "Actually, two boys or two girls kissing eachother is hot."

And due to their curious nature, the other Dahóyánígíí went, "Wait, really? Huh, I should try this out myself."

And those who saw it, saw that it was good.
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