Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes

[X] Landmark: Bysor Island
Location: Hex 370
Name: Bysor Island
Discovered by: Rottekin
What it is: A tin rich island

The forested island of Bysor is an important part of the Rottekin's local economy as it houses a seemingly massive quantity of Casserite (tin) ore, the exact amount is unknown due to current primitive mining methods meaning much of the ore is untapped but theorized to reach leagues under the surface. While the granite rock of the island was first valued for the presence of Topaz, Tourmaline, Flourite the willingness to delve deeper under the surface of the island to chase these gemstones allowed copper age Rottekin to discover the vast quantities of Casserite below the surface alongside the previously mentioned occasional gemstones.

The discovery of this mineral was originally met with enthusiasm by the copper age Rottekin as its black ebony complexion made it desirable for jewelry and fine decorations with a quantity that far outstripped the occasional gemstones that appeared in the granite. By the time of Tira and her descendants rule over the Rottekin the true value of the mineral had been realized in its key use in the creation of bronze.

Since then Byrsor Island has been the host of an expansive mining initiative watched over by an equally expansive garrison protecting the economically important island who's once expansive forests have been cut down to use as fuel for smelting the mined ore and green fields converted into large open pit mines scarring the earth.
[X] City: Lover's Respite
Location: Hex 270
Name: Amor Requis
Founders: Thebans
Inhabitants: 22% Thebans, 22% Althedar, 22% Geodae, 34% Traders
Origin: Trading Port

A city of love pressed into service as a city of trade, at least according to the legends. While there was a love story behind this city, the truth is that it was simply a very convenient place to conduct trade with the other races and polities. Thebans might have founded it, but it was a group effort in order to raise it into the cosmopolitan city it now is.

Countless ships docked in its harbors as captains and merchants vigorously negotiate trade, while crews, traders and even tourists come to visit the countless pleasures, especially the well-known brothels, gambling parlors and drug dens. It is a city of love, but it is also a city of iniquity, sin and pleasure. While there might be countless products and opportunities here, as storefronts sell everything from children's toys and food to swords and occult secrets, it should be said that the underground market here is endless as well.

It's recommended to keep alert, lest your belongings and possibly even your life are lost.
[X] City: A City in the Sands
Location: Hex 110
Name: Hesjingokar
Founders: Ferrevar
Inhabitants: 60% Ferrevar, 20% Tor-Tua, 20% Ehkis Thermos
Origin: Tribal Confluence

First a meeting point for various nomadic Ferrevar tribes, Hesjingokar's location next to the south-heading river and the bountiful life on the riverbanks made it a desirable point for many of the tribes to migrate to. Over time, as the tribes grew so too did permanent settlement at Hesjingokar, with the tribes dividing up the river bank into tribal claims to demarcate resource use. While primarily inhabited by sedentary Ferrevar, the Tor-tua and the Ehkis Thermos also call Hesjingokar home, the religious beliefs influencing architecture within the city.

Run by a "Vesferrakrix" (Essentially, a Ferrakrix of Ferrakrixes), and a council of Ferrakrixes (Or equivalents from the Tor-Tua and Ehkis Thermos) underneath them and each charged with the responsibility for managing a district of the city (Essentially, being the Ferrakris of a district and it's inhabitants) an always being an inhabitant of the district they manage, with the Vesferrakirx's role being to manage the individual Ferrakrixes of the districts and ensure that they're all working together harmoniously.
[X] City: A City of Golden Fields
Location: Hex 189
Name: Chrysá Choráfia (Golden Fields)
Founders: Asterikos
Inhabitants: 90% Asterikos 10% Easabirnir
Origin: Breadbasket (farming) and Urban Center

The breadbasket of the region where the sight of fields of grain is in great abundance as well as other crops due to it having a river and great fertility(it has wheat, rice, rye, barley, oats, Quinoa, Rye, beans, peas, lentils/legumes, etc...).

It has a history of trading surplus food to neighboring nations like the Easabirnir who behave like mercenaries where the Asterikos hire them sometimes as guards for trading or shock troops(the Aterikos pay them with food usually since they are always in need of food though on occasion pay them with alcohol) for slaying great beasts which is why there is always a minority of Easabirnir within Chrysá Choráfia.

The nations that we trade with are Easabirnir, Schmeckles, Harmonyans, Lidalle, Magicians, Gurvel, Desqti.

With the growth of the city due to trade and enough food to make the people thrive it rapidly also became a Urban Center for the region.
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[x] Landmark: The Star(s) that Fell
Location: At the midpoint between Hex 148 and 149
Name: Nunanuet
Discovered by: Wormen/Rtubasch
What it is: Crater-lakes

Once upon a time there was a star that fell. As it crashed through the skies, one became two, and a pair of asteroids collided into the desert, birthing in fire and glass a sandstorm that lasted a year. The Wormen suffered then, but HezGuFiTaLo the Limpid braved the tempest, and was the first to lay eyes on Nunanuet, a lake shaped like this:

In each of the twin pools sat the smouldering hearts of the stars, and from their warmth, Hez made the first glass. Now, long centuries after, these lost celestials have long since cooled. The lake, though, remains, central to Wormen and Rtubasch culture and thought.

The impact of the asteroids rendered the desert silver glass. It shattered with their impact, and over the years, the slow drag of wind and rain have transformed the lakes' bottom into an asterism of smooth, mirrored stones. Treasures one and all, the giving of a so-called star-stone is usually a sign of great affection between two fellow worms (and traditionally given by a Rtubasch mother to their declared father).

The lakes themselves have blossomed in the time since the great landing. Fed by a thousand underground streams, it is the grandest oasis in the long desert. On its shores grow thick mats of papyrus reed, date palms and apricot trees. The desert toad important in ancestor channelling is common here, and the lake is rich with perch and tigerfish. Crocodiles and soft-shell turtles haunt the banks, and freshwater abalone bury themselves in the lakebed. It is a rich and beautiful place, treated and tended by the worms as a garden.

Yet more important than flora or fauna or stones is Nunanuet's role as the eternal host of the Grand Durbar. The once-a-decade uniting of all the scattered children of Men the Auspicious happens, as it has been since BoLaTiMorHez the Desired declared it so, here, at the twin lakes. Astrologically the stars of Nunanuet, though fallen, are held to continue to have power. Their correspondence is with life, growth and family - it was therefore only natural to host the great worm reunion at the zoetic asteroids. At the Durbar, the Wormen and Worun gather at the star-isle at the centre of the western half of Nunanuet; the Rtubasch at the eastern. After two days of feasting alone, at the third dawn, all worms, great and small draw together at the reedy shallows linking the two haves of the Great Star Lakes. Then, with singing and dancing, gifts and trade, reunions and homecomings, the greatest celebration in all the world is held – but till sunset, when all split once more, as destiny has fated the worms to do.
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..I don't think I'll be able to make it in time to make the Vote 4 for the Tycerians due to IRL complications coming up (exams in a few days [CRUNCH TIME!], and then a week away from the country/going abroad to attend a seminar the day after the exams) so I think I'll not be able to vote until I get back.

..or rather, I think I should be able to vote the stuff/places the Tycerians have in their tile once I return. @_@; I should be able to write down stuff (..hopefully) for them whilst in attendance on said seminar and then just simply vote. OTL Sorry QM! Dx
[X] Region Name: Bad Worm Eden
Location: Triangle of 121, 120 and 146
Name: The Soulless Sands
Origin: Wormen/Rtubasch
The mythological origin of the twin cultures is a desert teeming with what they consider to be ancestors of theirs that never attained the spark of sentience. Whatever enables their shared autotrophic nature seems to be in endless supply within the local grounds, leading to entire strata where it seems animalistic worms are more plentiful than sand.
For the twin cultures this region is fit only for ascetics and the mad. The local crucible of competition has lead to a fauna that will at its least nightmarish immediately maul them. In the deeper parts species seem to be able to suck the life out of them as if they were base sand. Other species still struggle and treat journeys through this massive stretch of grayish desert that can explode into savage wildlife at any second like they would sailing noncoastal ocean.
[X] Landmark: Mine of Cirbrqtas (Mysteriously Warm Rocks)
Location: Hex 431, towards the southern side.
Name: Mrpkrfbrqgti (Promise of Warm Spirit/Mind)
Discovered by: Qtivsmdes
What it is: A mine full of mysteriously warm rocks.

It is said that this mine is the first great success of Ktkcir. It is located in the southmost settlement of Desqti, and is the reason why it was build here instead of more mundanely warm places. It is said that a young Lrtqti was performing a ritual to contact spirits based on the scraps of lore they managed to scramble from the people Desqti met on their great migration to south. That's when she heard, within her head, a mysterious voice calling her south. She managed to convince her polycule and enough Crtqti to follow the voice she heard, and eventually stumbled upon a mysterious mine which was full of rocks with mysterios properties: regardless of conditions they were in, they barely changed their temperature. In the sun, they remained steadfastly warm when they should have gone hot; when placed on ice, they still remained lukewarm, cooling surprisingly little. Unfortunately, this quality slowly decayed from the stones further they were removed from the mine. Amazingly, however, is that warmth returned to the stone when it was brought back to the mine.

After several days of debate, Desqti concluded that the mine must be a home of a spirit of warmth, whom they called Brqgti, and who was the the source of the mysterious warmth. Contact with this spirit is considered a good sign that scholars of Ktkcir are on the right path, and there is still a carving made in stone at the entrance to Mrpkrfbrqgti, depicting history of finding it and testing the strange property of rocks there, and people living in the nearby settlement are more than ready to recount the tale and speculate on related mysteries.

Unrelated and off topic, radioactivity and fantasy radioactivity are neat. :^)
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[X] Landmark: Lake of the Hidden Mountain
-[X] Location: Hex 281-2, 306
-[X] Name: The Lake of the Hidden Warmth/The Hidden Mountain (in the centre of the Lake)
-[X] Discovered by: The rather lost Peak Drakonof Shaman Lostn'head
-[X] What it is: A warm lake, even in the middle of winter, that is constantly covered in a layer of mist which has a tall mountain in the centre of it. Said mountain however can only be found if luck or the spirits allow one to. With one rather stubborn Elder proving that even if you travel across the lake exactly where the mountain should be, one can not spot said mountain unless you perform possess certain blessings, perform various rituals or other similar spiritual actions.
-[X] What it actually is: A volcanic crater lake formed when said volcano decided to better Krakatoa and blew it's entire self away, thus forming a very large hollow in the mountain ranges that has since filled with water which is warmed by geothermal activity in the lake's depths. As for the Hidden Mountain itself? That is the 'Heart of the Mountain' that was the volcano which still lingers as a 'spiritual echo/remnant' that can be pulled into the real world with relative ease. Or is it instead crossing over into the spirit world?

In an age before the current one, it is said that there was a Shaman named Lostn'head who was particularly renowned for both his spiritual knowledge, ability to bargain with the spirits and the fact that many of the methods for the former two involved strong herbs and brews which allowed one to see and interact with the spirit world. One day the renowned shaman wandered back into his local community after several weeks absence, a not unusual result of some of their experimental or more potent mystical mixes, muttering about how everywhere was 'bloody cold' and 'why couldn't they all just move to the warm water or hot mountain'. Not much was taken note of this until the next winter whereupon he disappeared. Said note of importance being that the shaman reappeared in spring very much alive and not looking as if he'd spent many months alone in the cold. When he repeated the feat the next year, the community followed him.

And so the lake of Hidden Warmth was uncovered, a true treasure to the Peak Drakonofs for it was an area which remained warm, if mildly snowy, throughout the cold winters. Greatly bolstering the fortunes of those who settled around it. As for the hot mountain he muttered about, that took another few generations to find as those who followed the shaman always managed to lose him in the mists that clung to the lake's surface. Said discovery happening by chance due to several apprentice shamans attempted to conduct rituals with the spirits of the lake in the centre of the lake's waters. Repeated performances of those rituals, and later other acts or results of spiritual importance, proved that one could easily find the mountain at the centre of the lake which never stayed snow-covered for more than a day even in the depths of winter. Though said discovery caused even more confusion about just what Lostn'head found when he chanced upon the 'hot mountain' for even when a determined Eldar chased the lucky youths across the lake to find where they were going to hide their 'foolish acts' with many boats roped together to ensure the youths could not get around, the youths found the mountain whilst he found the other shore.

Hope this works @AKuz
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[X] Region Name: The Glassgrounds
Location: 406 and all surrounding hexes
Name: The Glassgrounds
Origin: The Chirek

The cold, wet lowlands at the southeastern edge of the continent are known to be treacherous, especially in winter. The wetlands freeze over quickly, and the presence of hardy flora can make a thin sheet of ice over brackish water look like a perfectly stable field. Worse, parts of the place can freeze over as early as midautumn and remain frozen well into spring, insulated by the bog mud.
The temperature difference between the cold, bubbling waters and the surface often lead to impenetrable mists at ground level, which can develop into a thick fog in the right weather.

Travel over this land is difficult. It's easy to have one's feat slide out from underneath them in the wet, or to step in a deep puddle and have one's legs assaulted by tiny frozen shards of ice. It is these sensations that give the region its name.
[X] City: Deep Dwell
- [X] Location: Hex 204 (Underground)
- [X] Founders: Dwarren
- [X] Inhabitants: Dwarren
- [X] Origin: First City/Capital City

When the Olding lead the Dwarren underground, he took them deep, deep down, into the very bedrock. The Dwarren found large caverns and settled there, and over the years have improved and expanded upon them. Now it is a web of tunnels and large halls; you can go from a large, multi-storied cavern into low ceiling tunnels in but a few steps.

At the centre is the Clan Halls of the First Queen - the Brood Mother that nominally rules the Dwarren race. Around at site of cultural and historic significance. The Chamber of Words, a hall where once the Olding taught the Dwarren, now a meeting place for Queens or their envoys. The Magmatic Forges, from where the first weapons and tools were crafted, and now produce hundreds more daily. The Pits of Bone, assessable only the dead or Seekers, and where they hold their own councils.

Furtherout are satellite Clan Halls, markets and farms, both for animals and cave-growing plants. The Dwarren have turned all possible approaches into the city into deathtraps, with hidden pits and deadends to confuse an attacker
[X] City: Northernmost Port
Location: Hex 29 (actually slightly to the north in the hexless area above and between Hexes 28 and 29)
Name: Aestuarium
Founders: Striga and Issash
Inhabitants: 53% Resident Striga, 22% Transient Striga (roamers and flocks), 6% Transient Issash, 3.9% Resident Issash, ~3% Sihanna, ~3% K'law, ~3% Nhek Rhuin, ~1% Wû'mé, ~1% Garshum, ~1% Ynnar, ~1% Myresh, ~1% Cnidariae, and 0.1% Lindwyrm
Origin: Political Union of river mouth based striga colonies and resident issash

Not the oldest city of the striga but the largest and fastest growing. According to legend Aestuarium was founded when four warring colonies of silva, mare, latare and pratum striga (this was before the development of elementalism or metamorphians) and their issash allies where forced into making peace with each other by a Nest formed of children from each colony (and an Issash in a rare interspecies family) who where tired of the fighting. The historical union was likely less romantic and more a materialistic responce to southern cities expanding their domain and threatening the proto-Aestuarium's independence. The frequent ocean storms and floods may also have prompted the seperate communities to band together for mutual aid and protection.

Despite their founding role few Issash call the city their year round home. It is simply too crowded and social for all but the most gregarious Issash to stand for long. Nevertheless they are welcomed within the city and the Issash of the Founding nest is worshipped as a patron ancestor of the city by striga and striga cultural converts among the few resident issash. Transient and foreign issash tend to look upon this as weird striga nonsense at best and actively insulting at worst.

Aestuarium is built on and around a platue overlooking the estuary. The majority of buildings are carved into the rockfaces or formed from cavities within the 60-100m tall
canopy and canopy-emergent trees which mostly cover the tops of the platue and islands. Every enviroment needed for its varied residents and guests to feel comfortable is represented within the city. From seas cliffs and canopy-emergent trees to grassy plains and swamps. Inter-tidal rock pools and underwater groves part of the same city as tree top forges and deep lightless caves. Cunningly designed wooden docks which rise and lower with the flood waters surround the platue and islands. They accept cargo from ocean going and costal ships from as far south as the Cnidariae coasts and exchange it for finished goods and jungle spices, pelts and hardwood traded from up river. Large lighthouses and signal fires are used to guide ships through the islands and sandbars of the estuary.

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[X] Region Name: River of Urd
Location: The River running from Hex 116 to Hex 57
Name: River of Urd
Origin: Lindwyrm

First discovered by Urd, a young Lindwyrm who followed the path of Tranquility. She was captivated by the gorgeous waters and swam up the river following it to its source before finding a waterfall. The elemental power of this waterfall was obvious and she spent months attempting to swim up it when she succeeded she immediately transformed into a Awesomely powerfully Drake. Many young lindwyrm attempt to follow her example. Though even the few that make it to the top rarely gain as much power as she did.

Urd still lives in the spring at the top of the waterfall and is one of the few ,path of Tranquility Lindwyrm that prefers the company of other sapients to the solitude of nature and welcomes even other species to her home.

Really like the addition of the path of tranquility . It adds kind of an eastern dragon vibe and gracefully moves them away from always chaotic evil which I can see why you wouldn't want.
I am thinking about creating a coral reef somewhere around 342 but possibly spanning up and down to a few other tiles as a throw back to the CORAL that got disqualified back in the first vote. Currently I am conceptualised it as a relatively highly productive ecosystem with a unique semi-symbiosis coral species specified in cross-species genetic materiel exchange. Should that be count as region or a landmark? Also, does the oceanic topography actually allows that to span multiple tiles?
I am thinking about creating a coral reef somewhere around 342 but possibly spanning up and down to a few other tiles as a throw back to the CORAL that got disqualified back in the first vote. Currently I am conceptualised it as a relatively highly productive ecosystem with a unique semi-symbiosis coral species specified in cross-species genetic materiel exchange. Should that be count as region or a landmark? Also, does the oceanic topography actually allows that to span multiple tiles?
it should be fine to span multiple hexes but that would be a big ass reef. If you want a reef that big it should probably be further north in thr tropics and sub-tropics
[X] City: Tiered city time!
Location: Hex 134-1
Name: Cenol (The Ever Burning)
Founders: Chata
Inhabitants: 50% Chata, 35% Qtivsmdes, ~15% a constantly changing mix of travellers, traders and diplomats
Origin: Forging

Cenol was founded by a lone Chata who, exiled from his family for his desire to be a blacksmith instead of following the family tradition of basket weaving, discovered an underwater volcano and set up a forge on top of it.

The centrepiece of the city is the main of seven large, granite brick pillars, the central one a full three times thicker than the other six. At its base is a complex of offices, storage rooms and sleeping quarters, built to ensure that the giant forge it serves as a smokestack for never goes without a team of smiths and apprentices working it.

The secondary purpose of the central pillar and the only of the others is to hold up the net of floating walkways and platforms that sit on the ocean surface above. This serves as a mix of foreign quarter, diplomatic centre and trading hub, as well as boasting a small fortress on top of the central pillar.
[X] City: Nasade
Location: Hex 404
Name: Nasade
Founders: Ardat Lillial and Goodness Rellit
Inhabitants: 91% Ardat Lillial, 7% Magicians, 2% Other
Origin: Temple-fortress
The city of Nasada was founded 40 kilometers from the Borellian climate. According to legend, the Goddess Rellit herself pointed to the place of its construction and she also participated in the construction of its walls.
Inside the city there are 2 hills on which the Palace and the Temple stand, looking as if at each other. The inner lake is used for water intake (naturally, there are house wells) and on its shore there is a pontiff's mansion and a nearby mansion for bishops.
The city was designed with the expectation of war and was stormed more than once in 666 years. A winding road to the palace, squares and crossroads shot through from all sides, dead ends dispersing forces. It is no easier to fight inside the city than under its walls.
The inner forest is used for ritual purposes, but in the event of a siege it serves as a store of timber.
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[x] City: technically not a city but they're very proud of it
Location: Hex 28
Name: Haaf
Founders: Issash
Inhabitants: Issash
Origin: Fishing-related mysticism

Haaf started as a dike to keep the ends of the auspiciously-shaped Afiss Meanders from touching and straightening out the river. It has since grown into a metropolis of artificial mounds home to dozens of permanent residents, and up to twice that temporary, with many of the "temporary" residents simply traveling between it and Aestuarium regularly. It can support this immense population by being very near the tongue-fork of the river, in the Far North.

Haaf is the site of most issash experiments in polyparental childrearing, and produces a significant majority of issash leather, as most wandering issash will eat their shed skin (and, of course, the skin of whoever they eat). It also serves as a hub for storytellers.
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[X] City: Hofkiin
Location: Hex 477
Name: Hofkiin
Founders: Hofkiin
Inhabitants: Spirits and Dinok Spaan
Origin: Time Travel Paradox and good location

This is the first permanent Dinok Spaan settlement with it being where troops gather and it has permanent residents, many of them craftsmen or priests. It is said the city was founded when Hofkiin appeared to the first residents along with Bormah Tiid. He pointed to the location which is abnormal. There was more life here, something different in the surrounding area. The biggest difference was Kro regenerated their mana faster. It almost seems like there's mana leaking here from the Earth . Spirits also live there like Hofkiin itself, their homes are shrines. The Dinok Spaan also hold their festivals here, blessing the city with prosperity.
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[X] Landmark: The Marsh of Madness
Location: Hex 191
Name: The Marsh of Madness
Discovered by: The Swarm
What it is: A mysterious marsh enveloped in mist where a species of iridescent flowers grow. Eating these flowers causes a creature to be consumed by bloodlust, killing every animal they can find around them, until they inevitably die from exhaustion.

A long time ago, the Chosen of the Swarm received strange reports of extremely aggressive behavior from the animals in a certain region and sent some soldiers over to investigate what was happening. What they discovered was a marsh where iridescent poisonous flowers grew. Anyone that consumed these flowers would become filled with homicidal fury and begin killing any animal around them before dying from exhaustion. When the High Priests learned of this information, many called out for the flowers to be eradicated with some even claiming that they were a curse sent by the Mad Goddess. Yet, the Chosen saw potential in these flowers and decided to utilize them as a weapon.

Nowadays, the Marsh of Madness is guarded fiercely by five hundred of the strongest male Incubators the Swarm has to offer. Anyone that gets too close to the marsh without permission is either driven off or killed. Over many generations, through careful cultivation and experimentation, the Guild of Poison has successfully managed to extract the poison from these flowers and make it even more potent, being able to take effect with only a few drops and with the unfortunate victim being able to last several hours in a killing frenzy before expiring. The Incubators have been known to coat their arrows in this poison during times of war.
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[X] City: Spires and Reeds

Location: Hex 87
Name: Kihn'at and Ahls'at
Founders: Sihahna and K'Law
Inhabitants: 41% Sihahna, 38% K'Law, 14% Striga, 7% Other
Origin: Library Fortresses

Rising above the wide, slow-moving waters of the river delta upon which it stands are the twelve imposing stone pillars of Kihn'at, the City of Spires. Since ancient times, these spires have been home to the ten oldest and most powerful of the Sihahna clans, and even now, those same clans continue to rule Kihn'at and continue their people's search for knowledge within their libraries atop each Clan-Spire. In addition to the spires housing each clan are the Temple and Harbor Spires. The former is considered to be the center of Sihahna spirituality, and the courtyards and gardens of the great temple at its peak are considered to be among the world's greatest centers of learning and scholarly discussion. The latter lies at Kihn'at's easternmost point, and is riddled not only with warehouses, inns, and other amenities, but is also connected to the busy docks from which ships may make the short voyage down the river and out to sea. This spire is also home to much of Kihn'at's Striga population, and is topped by a great beacon, which can be seen from many miles away.

At the base of the spires, built into their foundations and onto massive networks of wooden pilings embedded deep into the river's bottom, is the lower city of Ahls'at, the City of Reeds. Ahls'at was founded by K'Law, who settled beneath the pillars to harvest the fish which lived in their shadows. There, they began trading with the Sihahna who lived on the Spires above, and soon a mutually beneficial relationship formed. The Sihahna, physically frail, benefitted from the great strength of the K'Law. The K'Law benefitted in turn from the Sihahna's magical prowess and their ability to fly, which made them useful scouts for K'Law hunting parties.

Over many centuries, the twin cities have continued to grow together. In Kihn'at, the Sihahna clans build increasingly more and greater structures upon their spires, and dig more cavernous chambers into the spire's interiors. In Ahls'at, the city's foundations expand, year-by-year, away from the spires' bases and further into the river. Together, the two cities further cement their bonds by constructing elaborate networks of walkways, staircases, and tunnels which unite land and sky.
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[X] City: A Temple City at a River Confluence
Location: Hex 315
Name: Len-Shos (meaning "confluence", lit. "meeting of waters")
Founders: Vacla
Inhabitants: Majority Vacla, minority Gurvel and Lidalle
Origin: Gathering place for shamans

Len-Shos was originally just one of many meeting places where Vacla shamans gathered to share their knowledge, but its location, across from where the Iril flows into the Cahra, has allowed it to grow much larger than its counterparts. The city council (elected by all citizens; descended from the Vacla tradition of tribal assemblies) is still somewhat weak, and unwilling to seriously challenge the temples over disagreements, but it is growing into its own as it oversees more aspects of municipal governance not directly related to the temples or their work.

On Len-Shos's docks, aspiring students and apprentices meet traders, fishers, and Lidalle dissidents/exiles (including a few refugee mages). Gurvel residents go about their days utterly unfazed by how Vacla tower over them, having long grown accustomed to their physical differences. Dockworkers unload goods, food, and livestock; some bound for market and some donated by Vacla tribes to the temples. Shamans frequently hold Ultugist public mass rituals, filling the streets with the sounds of chants, songs, and the playing of instruments.

For several reasons, the actual permanent population of the temple grounds is fairly low, consisting mainly of elders and dedicated lorekeepers. Most shamans residing in the temples have a home elsewhere, and are only visiting to learn and share knowledge. Even among those who consider Len-Shos home, most with children live outside the temple grounds, due to a ban on the presence of infants and young children. Among the shamans, the roles of religious leader, mage, and mundane scholar remain heavily intertwined, but the distinctions are acknowledged (esp. as Ultugism sees magic as being "not of this world"), and they have slowly begun to specialize/differentiate.
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