Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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that... seems kinda not on topic? none of us mentioned either of those in that reply chain?
Ah. Was more addressing
that gives us a benefit and technically advances towards victory
because there is a significant chance said benefit would be useless to us, like the "here have a Changeling to sacrifice for Lore scraps" 'benefit' from last time (why would the Master have another Apple prepared?)

As an aside,
Still too hurt from the thing that has stained your soul…
while the Master knows of the Wolf, RAs will always succeed so it won't matter lol
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because there is a significant chance said benefit would be useless to us, like the "here have a Changeling to sacrifice for Lore scraps" 'benefit' from last time (why would the Master have another Apple prepared?)
Wasnt the apple a memory? it is not too out there for them to have something similar, they had milenia to collect them.

Though it is true that it could be anything, from a book equivalent to a sacrament or even information about an expedition site or about the other members of the inner circle. I wouldnt put it past the Master to have tricked us into an occult war against Copper only give us information that can be used against her as a "reward" immediately afterwards. Hopefully it wont be something like "this is the city where I put a windigo jar that went unused so that I could use it afterwards. Do remember to spend the money to renew the bindings or it will break loose"
it could be anything
information that can be used against her as a "reward" immediately afterwards
she already is offering you a "suitable reward"
As mentioned, minion Starry would be suitable, and fit with Starry not being mentioned in the Master's monologue.

Why would the Master make our life easier wrt the Occult War, when the Master was the one that started it into existence to beign with?
Alright goddamnit. Looks like offering ourselves is a worse option than I had considered probable beforehand. Damnation, this is a rough choice, but...

[X] Accept her offer.

Sorry Cadence, your ideal future and unsullied form is not worth the damage to the world a further Regret would cause. Though I fear my vote, now cast, is but a leaf in the wind of a more powerful winter storm, leading us further into a pit impossible to leave.

This is more or less my opinion on it now after thinking about it more. It's... we really don't have any good options. We lost, and we lost hard. I think Accept is our best path forward, even with the betrayal of our friend that implies (and is).

I suspect we're going to really, really regret voting to Kill here. But I do understand the level of spite involved too.
As mentioned, minion Starry would be suitable, and fit with Starry not being mentioned in the Master's monologue.

Why would the Master make our life easier wrt the Occult War, when the Master was the one that started it into existence to beign with?
Well, last time we lent them Baldomare and they gave us an apple that we could use tomextend Baldomare's summoning. Since we are lending Mareinette...

Master: Here, have a foal. You like those, right? You can gift it to the Name.
[X] Accept her offer.

Kind of a shame since I wanted more Master and more horror but well, not surprising. I do like the Wolf but in this one case it doesn't really seem worth it - although granted I'm a more mechanics focused player, so. Last time the RA was great because it saved a good chunk of AP from having to find, murder then hide two ponies but this time there's no such AP consideration, plus we'd be missing out on a gift (which I'm pretty curious about).

Also, I really want to know who/what the Master is at some point. There's been implications that we know already, either OOC or IC but frankly I can't think of anything.
I truly does not understand why everyone chose the REGRETTABLE ACTION over Accept master offer, Cadence will not know about it, she will not be harmed mentally or physically, the only thing she know is that shining and her have XXX and she having a child with him, and the thing Velvet knows is that child is the master and a problem in the future, she will feel awful about it sure but she rather sacrifice Cadence then chose the WOLF that will **** her family one way or another.
chose the WOLF that will **** her family one way or another.
-All your problems will be solved, and none of the ponies you care for will be negatively affected. However, [THIS IS A REGRETTABLE ACTION]

Perhaps such voters don't want to betray Cadance's trust in that manner, or simply just want the Master dead (especially given how even full cooperation in Offer has been painted by Bird)?
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I truly does not understand why everyone chose the REGRETTABLE ACTION over Accept master offer, Cadence will not know about it, she will not be harmed mentally or physically, the only thing she know is that shining and her have XXX and she having a child with him, and the thing Velvet knows is that child is the master and a problem in the future, she will feel awful about it sure but she rather sacrifice Cadence then chose the WOLF that will **** her family one way or another.
I find the double rape of our friends shining and cadence to be something I can not stomach
What the heck are we going to do with a Starry minion, and why on earth would the Master have other random gifts prepared when this was clearly done in opportunism?

We don't currently have enough scraps for a Moth Sacrament, nor does the Master have the time to give us one before she leaves in Accept?
We're... one scrap away. That's the closest of any lore but Secret Histories! And there are two other Sacraments (one quite distasteful, admittedly) that a Minion we don't care too much about could help with.

(Writing those words is funny and sad. Poor, poor, Starry.)

In the meanwhile:
  • Corpses for Risen for Biedde + Guarding
  • Send to get some bits. Robbery? Moth 3/4 should make that feasible and low-risk.
  • Get details on Manehattan branch and send to spy on Copper
  • Send to look for Windy
Are we Cadence's friend? We keep saying it, and I believe it. But friends don't help their friends get raped. "But she was asleep during it so there's no trauma!" is no excuse and you know it.
If we are Cadence's friend, Accept is unacceptable. If she's just an useful pony we've become closer to for the benefits it brings us, Accept is the logical choice.
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If anything, I think the only option that gives a Level 4 Moth scrap would be experiencing the Master planting their Seed within us?
I'm not saying we'll get that scrap this turn. But we are very, very, close to the Sacrament! Maybe we'll get a Moth scrap from Luna's reawakening, maybe we can get it from the Temple of the Wheel expedition, maybe we'll stumble upon a book in the Depths of Canterlot... Many possibilities.
Starry has Heart and only Heart, which is useless for anything we actually want to do?
Huh? I believe that was once the case, much as Copper began with Grail and Windy with Winter. Do you really think it still is, for any of them? Copper described her as "a damned Moth prophet" last we heard! I don't think you have the Master control you and not leave with quite a bit of Moth.
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But friends don't help their friends get raped.
Again, to be very fair, while what you say is true; if Cadance knows the other alternatives Velvet has (but she doesn't and can't), will she accept the Accept option?

It's not a guaranteed no IMO so

Do you really think it still is, for any of them?
Yes, because a single Lore pony was a sign of mental instability/Problems before someone helped them get over it, and I see less than 0 reason for their mental health to have changed for the better over the months?

"a damned Moth prophet"
...or that could be the Master speaking?

I don't think you have the Master control you and not leave with quite a bit of Moth
By that logic everyone in the Inner Circle would have Winter by now from the Worms reveal?
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Again, to be very fair, while what you say is true; if Cadance knows the other alternatives Velvet has, will she accept the Accept option?

It's not a guaranteed no IMO so
tbf if we are placing the idea of "what would she choose in our place" then for that idea would it not be the most fair to also place velvet in her situation, its easier to self sacrifice than it is to sacrifice a friend
Well, that was true until the Bird clarification that it's basically "surrender all autonomy except for whatever dregs the Master feels like giving you, oh and you get to commit every which atrocity the Master thinks is advantageous to do"..
ah by that i meant more on the accept rather than wolf,like if the choice was coming down between those two for her, I do not think Cadence would let velvet go through what the master has planned over goin wolf is what i meant by saying self sac is easier, like i could believe her choosing to let the act happen to herself, I do not think she would allow it to happen to velvet, sorry i could have worded that better. its why i mentioned the place swap
...or that could be the Master speaking?
I don't think you're remembering the Trigger Event correctly, in which we got our most recent glimpse (through another's eyes) of Starry.
"I just thought that was her usual nonsensical spiel. But here's the problem. Starry Dancer is… or was also in Manehattan with me, and she has been going crazy with every passing day," she says, and your eyes glance around the clearing as she says that, as if to confirm that the pegasus mare is indeed missing. "But yesterday she was normal? Not normal, but she was freakishly calm. And then she told me that the Master is gone, as if that was the most normal thing in the world."
"This was DIFFERENT," the mare yells over him, much to everypony's surprise. "You weren't there, so please trust me on this. The way she said it… she was telling the truth! Like a damn moth… prophet, if that combination of words even make sense."
You can argue that was an influence or not definitive proof. I agree we know basically nothing for certain about her. But I'd be extremely surprised if she was still pure Heart, and moderately surprised if she wasn't primary Moth at this point.
By that logic everyone in the Inner Circle would have Winter by now from the Worms reveal?
We did all get Winter scraps from it? But it seems to me there's a huge difference between following the Master in a single ritual and giving your body over to be frequently possessed by her! The latter seems like it could definitely change one's primary Lore.
This is certainly an interesting place to catch up with the Quest for the first time. I've been semi-binging over the last several days, but I cannot say I quite expected *this* to be my first chance to vote.

I haven't been following the discussion very closely, but I do have several thoughts.

Firstly: Regrettable Actions are *bad*. Whatever good Velvet does in performing one will inevitably be smaller than the evil it creates. Reread The Regrettable Action and The ways that the Wake will change, then consider that the first Action was performed in (relative) ignorance. Taking another such Action after understanding the nature and magnitude of the consequences can only be worse, certainly morally and likely also practically for the world. I get that it's tempting, but the whole point of it is to be tempting. It's not a bad-end in and of itself, but it will make whatever end this game reaches *worse*. Like, this is absolutely the most Evil choice, whatever crimes it prevents.

Secondly: Trade is asking to Bad End the Quest in the long run.

Third: It is a law of this universe that Shining Armor is not allowed to be happy. Look at the Chrysalis response vote: Either he dies, Cadance dies, or his parents die. Furthermore, Twilight has been... maybe not quite doomed from the start, but close to it, at least, as Celestia's student in a quest where the initial goal was "let's traumatize the alicorns" and as an inexperienced scholar in a horror universe. I am not convinced that saving him here leads to him staying saved.

With all that in mind, I think my preference order goes something like:

Banish - SA's fate is tragic here, and making the Master an enemy in truth is dangerous. But it doesn't kill the quest in short order or deeply harm the world like the last three options. I also think this is the option SA would pick, given full knowledge of the options and their consequences. (Maybe he'd rather us Trade, given that he probably would hate Velvet given full knowledge, but eh, as far as I'm concerned that's off the table)
Refuse - This really, really sucks for SA and Cadance, even if she will take a long time to realize it (I assume the truth will out in the fullness of time). It leads some interesting directions suddenly being the Master's "boss", though, and is potentially better for the world in the long term than the latter 3.
Accept - Here we potentially compromise the long-term health of the world by giving a very dangerous pony exactly what she wants. If we win, though, especially by reaching the Glory, we probably can mitigate that harm. Cadance would almost definitely prefer this to SA dying outright, and definitely over him being possessed for the rest of his life. It's also probably the best route for us personally in the short to medium term - only Wolf competes on getting rid of problems, and while that might give us some mechanical benefit, this definitely will
Wolf - This is a Regrettable Action. Please don't do something Regrettable.
Trade - Let's not lose the Quest here.

Interestingly, having written this, I do feel better about Accept than I did before I started writing. Like, the Master will be extremely dangerous in a decade or two this way, but if Velvet fails, the Master reincarnated as an alicorn probably has a better chance of saving *something* of ponykind than basically anyone else. I don't like her as a backup option, and I'd be very concerned he'd be in the way if we went for a Harmony ending, being an alicorn and all, but if we reach the Glory before he's able to act, well... I think things turn out okay.

So all that said, given approval voting:

[X] Refuse her "offer".
[X] Show her your true colors.
[X] Accept her offer.
I don't think you're remembering the Trigger Event correctly
I meant "the Master speaking through her", but fair enough that does seem more likely I suppose

We did all get Winter scraps from it?
If we did, Jade would have Winter 1 already (which she does not)?

But I am surprised she decided to teach you that, even if she probably forgot how it… feels.
Or maybe she did? Perhaps she thought you would enjoy it like her? After all, horror and thrill are close sisters, and… well, it does not matter.
That still sounds like Heart to me, but

The latter seems like it could definitely change one's primary Lore.
is not impossible?
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Interestingly, having written this, I do feel better about Accept than I did before I started writing. Like, the Master will be extremely dangerous in a decade or two this way, but if Velvet fails, the Master reincarnated as an alicorn probably has a better chance of saving *something* of ponykind than basically anyone else. I don't like her as a backup option, and I'd be very concerned he'd be in the way if we went for a Harmony ending, being an alicorn and all, but if we reach the Glory before he's able to act, well... I think things turn out okay.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Accept is the best option in the short and long term, since it solves the immediate problem and the threat it provides isnthe future is also an opportunity (Alicorn Master may very well end up being influenced by Harmony at some point, with Cadence as a mother), unlike Wolf which is unambiguously just a bad thing.
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