Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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In which Standard Operating Procedures are made New
In which Standard Operating Procedures are made
(@BirdBodhisattva please give this another title if you think it suits it better, I'll edit the above to match. This ping will self destruct once the threadmark has been added accordingly)

1. The master list of other branch sites on this tables are not to be edited or removed without an Alicorn's permission.

2. Three ponies are to independently compile a list of names and cutie marks of ponies who will be Dreaming in three days or less, and when they will be doing so.
They are to cross check their work when done, and to finish before sundown. Then they are to remove the old lists and to leave the new lists here in triplicate.
(If you are said employee and don't know how to make them properly, please leave this room and accept retraining now)

3a. No, this is not a waste of hoofpower in the slightest, nor is it paranoia: Watchpony forbid we miss a pony that is Dreaming in their coming of age ceremony......

3b. No, intentionally leaving names out is NOT permitted. Her attention is here, she will find out, and...

4. Lastly, I know we sometimes we need to get our laughs from somewhere in this line of work, but calling what you see in the Dream as the Firewall or the Immune System is really not appreciated.

5. Should your curiosity burn too brightly, please direct any questions to your seniors or the other items that may be present here, and thank you for having the patience to read this carefully until the end.

You did read it carefully right? Right?

You already know why( wolves) and why( Worms) , but I'm not telling you, just in case.

(Also, go look for Baldomare or your department head for a complimentary bottle of wine and/or some time off if you need it - we know it's a lot to take in)
Congratulations on opening this door, and reaching the end of the path presented to you!

Q: Can I find her to get more answers( shake her down) ?
No, this is (usually) a bad idea. Though, feel free to press your pens on the book and wait for the results.

PS, you may want to bring a few more pens you won't miss when writing here.
She also apologises for the inconvenience, as she sadly does not have Neighnia's abilities.
- Princess Luna

Why is this procedure like this? Because ...while She should be aligned with all ponies, a million is a statistic? Because...because... why are my pens all out of ink already?

Hm, why is Dreaming a coming of age ceremony if that place is so horrible, if you could also it by accident ...forget I asked this question.

She's sorry, She Regrets it, and you are more than welcome to take over and kill Her as long as you can fix things afterwards, but until then this conversation is over, there is no book on the table and it is now time to go do other things.

How does She know the Princesses? Maybe she was their mother?
Who is She? Who knows? The Loremaster?
Is She benevolent? Probably?
Was She ever a pony? Yes, and now She understands how it is like to be asked too many random questions in one go.

Why not bar ponies with crimes from the Mansus, when She has no hoof to stand-
"Velvet Vision, why in Tartarus does the instruction sheet tell us to ask our questions to items on the table?
And when I actually checked those items, why is one locked and the other blank?"

"Have you been Climbing?"
"No, why would I want to visit such a place more often?"
"Why would you want to know the answers to these questions? (Or was it just mundane administrative ones?)"
"Congratulations on the Brand. Have you tried opening the box?"
"Why does the box open only now? What kind of locking mechanism is this, that uses whether you are Branded as a criteria to open? Also, I need a drink."
"Were you sleeping during the Knock part of the Lores 101 class, the one that said locks don't have to be physical to exist?"
"Is that pony ok?"
"They're fine, though it did take some intervention to ensure that. And before you ask, the 'blank' space is because Lantern-bombing ponies is commonly viewed to be a bad thing."
"Twilight Twister, I wonder what question(s) you wrote there now that you can see the things there ...really?
Just between you, me (and Her), do you really think that having Her interfere more in Wake affairs is a good idea, without the temperance of the Alicorns?"

I wanted to go for an SCP style, but it doesn't quite fit the narrative I wanted to build/explore about the possible mitigation of this particular RA, and sprinkling in some mentions of Paranoia.
Hopefully my use of color is better this time?

Hour!Velvet would totally be Thaumiel/Keter all things considered though, with an surprisingly simple and difficult Containment Procedure by SCP standards lol
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We need to make all ponies aligned with Velvet. Quickly start plotting on how to overthrow Celestia and become supreme ruler! For the safe Dreams and the good of Ponykind!
divide ourselves into two just to get more AP.
No! Bad! No Velvet-Divided! :V
(Won't that just end with two almost-divided bodies running in separate directions instead, or Velvet and Velvet fighting for control?)

getting to Glory means Velvet ascends to an Hour
Even if that doesn't happen, becoming a Name immediately still means we can forcibly push the clock back for anything other than Worms as long as we have sufficient support, so I don't think the distinction matters.

Besides, it's not like going from mortal to Hour is unprecedented in CS, given the Colonel and all?
Time to throw more things at the wall to see what sticks:
@BirdBodhisattva I wonder what the Lantern DC through RoTT is to learn the (Lore) contents of a book that is not otherwise defended against scrying? DC100 enough? :V

More seriously, can we leverage narrative Paranoia and nervousness to give the Bureau a (sometimes botched) AotLs for their job?
Something along the lines of "luck rituals" ala the SH AotL we did when searching for Luna, which could be placed during the yet-to-be-written Bureau loyalty action?

For example, we could justify the SH AotL by saying: Oh, I have this ritual when I want to find things - bury something in a way you'll never find it again, to 'roll' the failures out of the way first.
(And we can't get Sunbeamed for this because this is obviously faulty logic, and if said ritual happens to actually work it's not like Velvet could've known beforehand, right?)
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If we ascend to long do we give up or stop progressing some of our lores? I'm really invested in this whole arch sage thing we got going on.
Hell just making it to long is a significant power boost.
My worry with getting to Long is that there's the Crime of the Sky, which I'm not sure that Velvet even has any inkling about. Although that might be something to be dealt with in the epilogue, or even a spinoff-sequel.

Time to throw more things at the wall to see what sticks:
You have one of the most contradictory usernames I have ever seen. Personally, I'm not going to bother making fleshed-out plans until we have more information, but I can restate the priorities I am focusing on: the Sacraments, the Cult, and reaching an Ending.
I think the big thing there is seeing what happens with Selene, I think seeing that will give us a lot of information about how we need to proceed as far as endings go.
In which a brief on Lore of The Prison is provided. New
In which a brief on Lore of The Prison is provided.

The Book of Dreams by Snowbeak, third of his name, of the Black Mountain clan.
book description
A compilation of folk tales about sleep and dreams.

study begin text
Relatively modern tales describe the Realm of Dreams as place of nightmares. Retellings of the older tales are dominated by descriptions of grief and ruins.

study end text
The Guardian of Dreams is dead. She sacrificed herself to imprison the greatest evil that walked The Wake.

study reward
On the World
Motherhood and Justice, by Stern Justice of the High Court of the Swallowed Isles.
book description
A treatise on judicial practices regarding cases connected with motherhood.

study begin text
The statistics shows that the amount of imprisoned pony mothers is disproportionally high when compared to other races and among pony tribes the unicorns have it the worst.

study end text
As much as love of a mother is a boon for her child, it is a danger for everyone else. The most terrible crimes in all the Histories are connected to mothers for they cannot stop.

study reward
On the Prison
The Foundational Myths of the World, by Golden Fingers, the head of the foreign office of trade of the Empire of Hands.
book description
A very detailed and comprehensive comparative study of the foundational myths of different cultures of the world.

study begin text
There are deep parallels in chronology of most foundational myths. However, there is also a divide. Unlike myths of younger cultures, myths of older cultures almost universally include a period of a reign of Light that ended by swift fall into darkness. They call the modern Era "The Godless Twilights".

study end text
The Old Gods are dead. The False Gods are dead. The Butcher of Gods is imprisoned and rots. This rot is deadly and foolish can harness its power.

study reward
On the crimes of the Prisoner, a Dread
Blood rituals in cultural context, by Kumo, a scholar of Black Isle Hive.
book description
The largest and most comprehensive account on the role of blood rituals in society.

study begin text
Blood rituals are a type of magic available to everyone. Easily abusable, they are tightly regulated in all cultures.

study end text
The Mansus is the site of the largest and the longest blood ritual ever conceived. This ritual is the heart of the current World.

study reward
On blood of the Prisoner, a Dread, a Restlessness.
Emotions as source of power, by Greta, a scholar of Night Chain Hive.
book description
The book is dedicated to sorceries and rituals powered by emotions.

study begin text
Love is the most suitable emotion to power wards, shields and prisons.

study end text
The Prison that is Mansus was built by love and is fueled by love.

study reward
On love of the Prisoner, the Rite of Silken Heart, a Dread, a Resstlessness, an Old Unhappy Far-off Things.
Acts of Love, by Flurry Heart, the Undying Queen of the Elder Hive
book description
Disconnected sketches of personal life of various people of power.

study begin text
The book contains accounts on how those of great power were ruined because of love of their lessers

study end text
Children of The Mother loved lesser creatures of their world. The Mother repeatedly denied that love. Her children eventually grew tired of this and conspired to end Her reign.

study reward
On children of the Prisoner, a Dread x2, a Restlessness, an Old Unhappy Far-off Things.
Emergency Contingencies, by Sunset Shimmer, the Undying Queen of the Iron Liches.
book description
This world will end and this book describes societies awaiting it.

study begin text
The book describes many societies of undying and their purposes.

study end text
The Mansus is a prison. One day its prisoner will die and the Mansus will have purpose no longer. Because of it, it will fall. The world must be prepared to build a new Mansus.

study reward
On death of the Prisoner, a Dread x2, a Restlessness x2.
Lore of the Prison
scrap levelscrap namescrap contents
1On the WorldThe Wake is a prison because Mansus is a prison. Only Dreamlands are free, but they mourn their beloved half of the False Light. They grew the Second Woods on their borders and those seeking entry are lost in the nightmares dwelling in the Woods.
2On the PrisonThe most important prisoner of the Mansus is known as The Mother. The crimes of The Mother were acts of love. No aspirant capable of love can pass the Outer Gates to enter the Mansus. No aspirant with progeny can pass the Middle Gates. The aspirants that passed the Inner Gates are forbidden to leave the Mansus.
3On the crimes of the PrisonerThe love of The Mother ended the Sixth World, ruled by the False Light. The love of her children ended the Seventh World, filled with darkness. Attention of The Mother is invoked to end.
4On blood of the Prisoner,The cage of The Mother is adorned with spikes. They bite The Mother and open her veins. The blood of The Mother trickle down the Mansus all the way out to the Tomb of the False Light where it clots and dries.
5On love of the PrisonerThe Mansus feeds on the love of The Mother it extracts from her trickling blood. This love corrupts and enslaves those who can respond to it and may ends those who can't. Even Worms.
6On children of the PrisonerThe cage of the Mother is made by children of The Mother from their own bones. This was an act of love. The Mother dares not to destroy what little remains from her children and cherishes her cage.
7On death of the PrisonerThe Second Woods feed on the blood of The Mother. Their roots slowly creep into the Mansus. One day they will reach The Mother and because of her love she will let them devour her. This will be the end of the Eighth World.
The Rite of Silken Heart
Forge 4; Heart 4

The Rite of Silken Heart excises ability of the aspirant to have earthly attachments. The rite is started by opening veins and draining a quarter of the blood circling in them. The blood is then dried and ritually burned. The ashes are fused with mineral components prepared beforehand and cast into a glass pendant. The pendant is then ritually shattered. The ritual converts a passion card and a health card into two decrepitude cards and two dread cards. On failure, one health card is converted into a decreptitude card and two dread cards.
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My worry with getting to Long is that there's the Crime of the Sky, which I'm not sure that Velvet even has any inkling about. Although that might be something to be dealt with in the epilogue, or even a spinoff-sequel.
The Crime of the Sky only applies between two immortals, so a Long/Name/Hour Velvet wouldn't have to worry about doing it with Stormchaser unless he ascended too.
My contemplation after sleeping on it is thus - I am now exasperatedly bemused at what I now see as unwarranted optimism (in a horror quest no less) of the idea "getting to Glory means Velvet ascends to an Hour".

Seriously? Straight to an Hour position? With that much power that Wolf-Divided has shown?
Keep in mind that the Glory is unguarded, which is something quite literally without precedents (assuming Forge of Days is not still there... though she might, and in that case who knows what will happen).

And also consider that for all we know, the Forge of Days is still there, beyond the Tricuspid Gate, and will probably be none too happy someone unsealed it.
well, we have to assume she won't just kill us, or this would be an automatic game over. so, IF she's still there, I have to assume she'll have a reason to allow us to "win".

Maybe all of this was a test? Maybe she created Harmony, and EXPLICITLY created a lock meant to be bypassed by an Alicorn Outsider at some point in the future? Maybe she planned to remove the lock from the inside somehow at some point, and will just be surprised and/or impressed if a MORTAL manages?

Maybe she hid close to the Glory to avoid an assault from the other Hours?

As a matter of fact, we kind of know why the Tricuspid is barred... but why did all other Hours die or go inactive? What happened to the Sun-in-Rags, the Meniscate, the Madrugad? Where they "consumed" in recreating the Sun-in-Splendour?

And what of all the other hours, like the Witch-and-sister, the Velvet, the Grail? It sounds unlikely they all just died from the destruction of Vak and the ascension of the Moth. Was it just all out war until so few survived? Surely at least some Names and Long should have decided not to fight...

We can only guess.

To be fair, we don't actually know how the Quest will end in a Glory Victory aside from the broad "Velvet gets enough power to beat the Worms". Heck, we aren't even sure if breaking the Tricuspid lock is the final step to winning, or if we still need to take care of what's left of the Gods-from-Light.

not necessarily BEAT the Worm. we might just re-establish wards to keep them out.

After all, not even the Old Hours were fully capable of killing all the Worms.

First impression is that Lores (so Glory or Moon) would establish defenses, while Harmony... well, it's either "hiding" like the Master wanted, or maybe empower its light to burn them off.
After looking at my previous art I posted in this thread I realised it looked kinda bad so I did another to show how I interpret the Birth of a Son, I chose to have the Son emerge from the point where the first Wolf wounded Velvet so long ago.
Still not my best work but better than what I posted before.
Sidenote: Don't know how to show agony on ponies as I have not drawn ponies before so I defaulted to smug.

@BirdBodhisattva Another, slightly better fanart for ya.
So, it occurs to me that sacraments do not advance us towards winning.

They are tools, sure, but they are also a gigantic AP sink that isn't finding and killing an outsider. So we should drop omnilore and pick sacraments based entirely on what we actually need to have to kill.

...still, it hurts the Completionist in me.

I think completionism is actually a trap. The more time we spend not winning, the more things can go wrong, and the more we will lose.

Let mansus burn behind us. We know the only think that matters is the climb ahead, right? So thinks everyone who climbs past the blank plains.

Bird doesn't come up with situations to put us in, to force out picking a Regrettable action. Moreover, he doesn't need to, we have three enemy cultist leaders, we have the Mareinette, we have Discord, we have plenty of problems/mysteries that could turn into problems that we need to resolve and if we allow any single one to fester then a Regrettable action will become available. Regrettable's are options, never the "answer" to any situation, have a little more faith in him.

Sorry? The author absolutely comes up with these situations. He writes the actions of all our enemies and determines what our options are. The fact that I admire a well-balanced moral dilemma doesn't mean I ignore that there is a person doing the balancing.

Nah birds not making stuff to tempt us, just the normal consequences of actions in the world

The normal consequences of actions in the world are what Bird decides they will be.

This isn't a roguelike.

So we are going to have more chances to choose an RA, because that's the story that is being told, and to make it an actual dilemma the other options are going to be horrific. But that's a task the author takes on, not a situation the author has no choice in.

but the Mansus (and the Wood) are not evil.

1)Mansus is not evil. Woods were not evil. they're, at worst, moral agnostic/amoral.

Yeah gonna have to disagree with you there. Good and evil aren't just labels you can slap on top of arbitrary logic. They are the codification of intuitions we all have. So I can judge something evil without needing to bow to its own internal view of the situation.

And Mansus, with the woods included, have not been shown to have anything good in them.

It might be the fact that this is a horror game, but every location has been dangerous in one way or another, none have had anything nice or kind or relaxing, and every time we've learned more it's been accompanied by trauma.

This might be a case of what has been shown through horror lense rather than what is "really" there, but tbh that style of argument feels a lot like flat earthers.

So I don't really feel bad for breaking parts of it. It isn't worth preserving.

At best, it is worth remaking. But mansus is not Glory- it's the thing that prevents Glory.
By their very nature the lores are important in a cultist sim quest. We don't actually know how we're gonna find/kill/whatever the outsiders yet, and as such we don't know which lores/sacraments are essential, just that we need them to keep advancing our lores, and expanding our powers/die roll numbers. Nor do we exert a lot of control over which lores we find scraps for most of the time. While we shouldn't go crazy with trying to get all the sacraments fast, we're going to want to keep working on them as they come up barring a more specific plan forward, which we don't have yet, and the paths we're seeing so far won't let us rush things anyway.
Sorry? The author absolutely comes up with these situations. He writes the actions of all our enemies and determines what our options are. The fact that I admire a well-balanced moral dilemma doesn't mean I ignore that there is a person doing the balancing.

He doesn't come up with situations designed specifically to force us to use a Regrettable action, the comma I put in there fucked up the sentence a little but I was talking about the claim that bird rigs situations/votes specifically to force us into RA's which is blatantly not the case.
Lores are also a gigantic timesink that do not advance us towards the goal we have. If you are doing a project, you want to only have the tools you need to compete it, not every possible tool, especially if tool collection keeps you from working on the project.

He doesn't come up with situations designed specifically to force us to use a Regrettable action, the comma I put in there fucked up the sentence a little but I was talking about the claim that bird rigs situations/votes specifically to force us into RA's which is blatantly not the case.

In one sense, sure. In another sense? That's what this entire quest IS. A struggle to do the things that get us to survival out of a set of choices that are all bad. If the setting is created by the author and the setting forces these sorts of choices, then it seems pretty dumb to say that the author isn't doing it, his creation is.

It's not a bad thing. A lot of the best quests are like this. (Petals of Titanium was almost worse.)
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So, it occurs to me that sacraments do not advance us towards winning.

They are tools, sure, but they are also a gigantic AP sink that isn't finding and killing an outsider. So we should drop omnilore and pick sacraments based entirely on what we actually need to have to kill.

eh, yes and no. Sacraments give us options that are likely to help with near everything. there hasn't been a single realization that hasn't been very useful at times, and we assume Sacraments are Realizations on steroids.

...actually, I suppose teh Heart Realization has never been used, but that's because we've avoided going to zero health. It's still nice to have that extra bit of insurance.

In any case, as we proceed we are likely to get to the lvl 4 caps. As we do, it's only sensible to unlock the sacraments, especially if they're not too expensive.

I expect it won't be worth it to pursue the lvl 6 though, unless we get lucky with books or have no other uses for our Names...

I think completionism is actually a trap. The more time we spend not winning, the more things can go wrong, and the more we will lose.

Let mansus burn behind us. We know the only think that matters is the climb ahead, right? So thinks everyone who climbs past the blank plains.

well, to a point it certainly is. But the Mansus has been fascinating, and each and every location has offered us something of value... except maybe the Dry Well?

Sorry? The author absolutely comes up with these situations. He writes the actions of all our enemies and determines what our options are. The fact that I admire a well-balanced moral dilemma doesn't mean I ignore that there is a person doing the balancing.
The point is he doesn't write updates from the perspective of "how do I have things happen so that I might insert an RA option here", but "ok, this is how I feel things should happen, given Velvet's plans and what I know the other characters are doing in the background. Is there any problem that could be "solved" by an RA AND that the Wolf would be "willing" to "help" with?"

The normal consequences of actions in the world are what Bird decides they will be.

This isn't a roguelike.

So we are going to have more chances to choose an RA, because that's the story that is being told, and to make it an actual dilemma the other options are going to be horrific. But that's a task the author takes on, not a situation the author has no choice in.
You're missing the point, that Bird is writing the story from the perspective of "These are all the elements in play, how should they naturally develop?"

In a way, his approach is to try and have the characters and situations happen by themselves, with him "narrating" more than "deciding" what happens, because things happen as they HAVE to when the characters behave in a consistent manner.

Which is to say, we get a chance to use RAs only when it makes sense for us to get such a chance, and not when the Author would just like us to do one.

Yeah gonna have to disagree with you there. Good and evil aren't just labels you can slap on top of arbitrary logic. They are the codification of intuitions we all have. So I can judge something evil without needing to bow to its own internal view of the situation.

And Mansus, with the woods included, have not been shown to have anything good in them.

It might be the fact that this is a horror game, but every location has been dangerous in one way or another, none have had anything nice or kind or relaxing, and every time we've learned more it's been accompanied by trauma.

This might be a case of what has been shown through horror lense rather than what is "really" there, but tbh that style of argument feels a lot like flat earthers.

So I don't really feel bad for breaking parts of it. It isn't worth preserving.

At best, it is worth remaking. But mansus is not Glory- it's the thing that prevents Glory.
The Mansus is no more evil than a predator animal would be. Morality just doesn't apply.

Nobody is FORCED to enter the Mansus and go through its dangers. It's a choice the cultists made because they want power.

If they didn't want the power, they'd be welcomed to go on and have normal, peaceful lives.

To climb the mansus is to face a series of challenges, and to learn and grow from them.

Unless you fail. But everyone who climbs should understand there's dangers in the climb.

and the Mansus is not "the thing that prevent Glory". It's the path to Glory. The obstacles are meant to protect it from threats, including the "evil" gods (Gods from Nowhere, implied to be worse than any of the NORMAL Hours, representing such things as pestilence, domination, cancers, parasites and so on) and the Worms.

Now, there ARE evil things in the Mansus. The main ones we saw in Quest would be the Wolf (obviously) and Mareinette. The Master too, up to a point.

And remember that, as Baldomare said, "The Mansus and the Wake are the same thing". Would you call the world evil because it has diseases, predators, wars, tyrants, corrupt politicians, criminals and so on?

By their very nature the lores are important in a cultist sim quest. We don't actually know how we're gonna find/kill/whatever the outsiders yet, and as such we don't know which lores/sacraments are essential, just that we need them to keep advancing our lores, and expanding our powers/die roll numbers. Nor do we exert a lot of control over which lores we find scraps for most of the time. While we shouldn't go crazy with trying to get all the sacraments fast, we're going to want to keep working on them as they come up barring a more specific plan forward, which we don't have yet, and the paths we're seeing so far won't let us rush things anyway.
I wonder... we're going to get the SH sacrament in a turn or two, at this rate. Should we bother trying to reach SH 6 at all?

The trend is clear that each level is worth more than the previous one (though lvl 2 is kinda disappointing in that it offers nothing new), so lvl 6 might be worth a lot... but then again, it presumably requires 6 scraps, and at this point our only reliable source is Baldomare, and we need her for scrying, Lantern lessons/Sacraments, summoning Maids, possibly Memory of Light and so on...

And if we happened to find a lvl 5 or 6 SH book we'd likely want to give it to her rather than read it ourselves anyway...

Lores are also a gigantic timesink that do not advance us towards the goal we have. If you are doing a project, you want to only have the tools you need to compete it, not every possible tool, especially if tool collection keeps you from working on the project.
Except we have multiple projects/dangers we have to deal with, and no one single tool is enough for all of them. And having all the high level rolls has helped us a lot, saving us lots of actions in the Mansus as we failed very few challenges (blank door the first time, gift of agony first time, Running away from Mareinette) and only the first time it actually slowed us down by ONE turn.

it has also helped in making the summons easy and reliable, saving us on multiple rerolls...

And each level is worth more than the previous ones. lvl 3 was a useful power, lvl 4 was a reroll, now lvl 5 is going to be an even MORE useful power, and they open options for us, which we need.
He doesn't come up with situations designed specifically to force us to use a Regrettable action, the comma I put in there fucked up the sentence a little but I was talking about the claim that bird rigs situations/votes specifically to force us into RA's which is blatantly not the case.
Honestly, the claim that Bird tries to force us into Regrettable Actions is absurd on its face simply because, if he was, then he would have to be pretty bad at it, considering that we've only taken two under our own will in the nearly million words this quest has run for.
The co-operation that was replaced by paranoia when we broke the door sounds like it was a good thing.
a co-operation born of distrust and reliance. Ponies cooperated because to stand alone was to die.

That said, it wasn't good or evil. it simply was. And, in time, it's possible that changes in the Wake would have resulted in/been reflected as the Door crumbling or changing on its own.

The Mean (wolf) doesn't justify the end (Destroying the Door), because we created far more problems on the large scale with that action than we solved. But then again, for Velvet that was not a rational decision, it was an act of outrage. The door offended her, the wife and mother of pegasi, and she committed a terrible crime of passion.

rationally. she should have just killed a couple guys.

Honestly, the claim that Bird tries to force us into Regrettable Actions is absurd on its face simply because, if he was, then he would have to be pretty bad at it, considering that we've only taken two under our own will in the nearly million words this quest has run for.

It kinda depends on how you look at it. % wise, we took... 2 out of 5 options presented to us? We did Door and Kill Master, we avoided Temple (but we knew it was an easy expedition, so it was never a serious option) and have ignored Sacraments/gifts (which are generic enough and "always-available" enough that they don't really tempt us
Yeah gonna have to disagree with you there. Good and evil aren't just labels you can slap on top of arbitrary logic. They are the codification of intuitions we all have. So I can judge something evil without needing to bow to its own internal view of the situation.

And Mansus, with the woods included, have not been shown to have anything good in them.

This is a very big assertion to make considering several factors:

1) We've barely explored the Mansus, at most we've spent a few actions exploring the Woods, a few for the Blank Plains, but we've barely touched the Shatterd Staircase and the Church. Now that is because we decided to rush for the Glory but it isn't fair to judge all the locations we've met considering we haven't explored most of them beyond a cursory expedition or two. It's like saying acquiring new summons isn't worth it because their all combat focused because the only two we've acquired, Mares-In-The-Light and Wendigoes are both Edge aligned. It's very silly to make judgements on places you barely know. We literally just got a glimpse into how much the starting location of the Mansus contains.

2) The Mansus is already in a heavy state of disrepair, it's been damaged and injured in a significant way not once but twice (Assuming the Intercalate occurred as in canon), the Woods are the Woods and meant to be entryways to the Mansus and therefore couldn't afford to be too friendly to new cultists, the Blank Plains were once an afterlife, the Shattered Staircase is goddamn shattered after two gods threw a third one onto it, the Church has been drained of all the pleasures that once quenched its thirst. None of these locations were nice when they were whole mind, but they were built with a purpose and they are all incapable of fulfilling said purpose to their full extent, not anymore.

3)As Pittare said, the Mansus is not meant to be welcoming to visitors. It's a mountain, a trial, it's the entirety of the Wake condensed into a much more finite space (And that is saying something considering the impossible geometry of the Mansus). If you seek Power you have to earn it at the Mansus, but no one would punish you for stopping at the Woods, nor is there any punishment for simply learning what Lore scraps you can get from the Wake. Claiming the Mansus, not individual Hours or Names or Locations but the entirety of it, as being evil simply because it's hazardous to unaware intruders when it contains the power to control reality is...strange, at least in my opinion.

In one sense, sure. In another sense? That's what this entire quest IS.

Missing the point again, I am explicitly talking about the claim that Bird's intention is to force the voterbase into picking Regrettable actions by deliberately going out of his way (by warping the story and/or setting) to put us in situations where we have to pick them lest we get horribly punished by it.
a co-operation born of distrust and reliance. Ponies cooperated because to stand alone was to die.

That said, it wasn't good or evil. it simply was. And, in time, it's possible that changes in the Wake would have resulted in/been reflected as the Door crumbling or changing on its own.
Originally it was that, yes.
But looking at the wake, it looks like ponies grew beyond that.