Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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For instance, we do not know if doing the RA will encourage Windy and/or Copper to go more ...overt in their activities - is that a downside worth weighing in this decision? Or is it, somehow, an upside instead?
(Although my vote has not changed based on this possibility)
I was speaking more in terms of the Master and those on his level. Copper and Windy are threats, but probably closer to our level. I doubt the Master and probably Mareinette are the only entities beyond us capable of great evil. Sure we can't always rely on the Wolf, which is why we need to focus on growing Velvet's strength, but in this moment the question is more Is the effects of the Wolf greater then the evil the Master can inflict on the world. Despite the fact I don't think they are inherently evil, I do think the evil they are willing to commit in the name of their goals can be.
It easily could be that a summoned name is a lvl 6, and a name that's all in and not limited by anything is lvl 7.
That can't be right because Mareinette is all in and she's still level 6. We know she's all in because she no longer lingers in the Church, and her summoning ritual can't be repeated, just as the Master's summoning can't be repeated. I truly think the Master is special in this regard, although the reasons for it is beyond me. It's just interesting to note.
I was speaking more in terms of the Master and those on his level. Copper and Windy are threats, but probably closer to our level. I doubt the Master and probably Mareinette are the only entities beyond us capable of great evil. Sure we can't always rely on the Wolf, which is why we need to focus on growing Velvet's strength, but in this moment the question is more Is the effects of the Wolf greater then the evil the Master can inflict on the world. Despite the fact I don't think they are inherently evil, I do think the evil they are willing to commit in the name of their goals can be.
I actually don't think anything the Master will do in the Accept choice will be worse than the Wolf, mainly because that vote removes her completely until the endgame, so by definition the Master will be doing nothing until then. The only evil done is the act with Shining and Cadence, while with the Wolf it will be an active, ongoing evil.
(Just to note, the ritual way back was to make a puppet of the Master, not their summoning.
I presume Summoning the Master is theoretically possible in the right Woods location, or Bird wouldn't mention the Master refusing Summoning, but admittedly that's technically an unknown as well)
I think reason Summoning is mentioned in the Banish option is because that would, you know, actually throw the Master back into the Mansus. Which means that currently Master is in the Wake, and basically 'all in', otherwise I don't see how it's possible to permanently kill him. After all, summoned Names can be sacrificed or killed battle and it doesn't matter since their true selves are chilling in the Mansus.
Btw @BirdBodhisattva how do we learn about Mareinette friendship quest? Should we, like, wait till she asks herself, or somehow socialize with her? It's just that with other names it's been clear how to do it so far, and with her, well. Apart from gifting her some nice spiced up fillies, I have no idea what she might want.
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Apart from gifting her some nice spiced up foals, I have no idea what she might want.
Some nice spiced up Names?

(Our morality is incompatible with being her friend in truth as things stand, unless Velvet has a massive change in character so why bother? And lol at changing Mareinette's character by social, since social against the Grail Name does not seem like a good idea.

Unless we go Accept, and Velvet decides that there's nothing wrong with this sort of thing and decides to continue because Names are useful and morals are not anyway :V)
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Some nice spiced up Names?

(Our morality is incompatible with being her friend in truth as things stand, unless Velvet has a massive change in character so why bother? And lol at changing Mareinette's character by social, since social against the Grail Name does not seem like a good idea.

Unless we go Accept, and Velvet decides that there's nothing wrong with this sort of thing and decides to continue because Names are useful and morals are not anyway :V)
Well, if we will befriend her the threat of her becoming our enemy nullifies. It's also probably be easier then fighting her, since she's a Name and we were kinda humbled recently. Unless you plan RA her too, which is, well...

Besides, caring about morals have caused us too much trouble already, so I don't care anymore. If she will want to eat someone, fine. As long as it is not us, or our friends, bon appetit I guess.

(I mean, we are about to take RA, which is a worst moral option by definition, what's point to restrain ourselves after? )
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Ok I see our point, but I will not change my vote
Allow me to put it differently.

Accept kicks the can down the road by giving the Master exactly what they want. It removes them from the Quest because they have no more reason to participate: they've already won.

The Master winning in this way is not incompatible with Velvet winning by getting Glory, but consider. The alicorns have almost unlimited political power in Equestria just by being alicorns. As her son, the Master has total trust and loyalty from Candace: Bird already confirmed if we wanted to take out the Master after their bed trick we'd have to go through her first. They would have considerable magical power (Celestia casually raises the sun and moon every day and has for decades), not to mention the metaphysical ramifications. One of Moth's things is that it likes to absorb by eating things from the inside out, which is likely the Master's plan with Harmony.

We also know that the Master is NOT A NICE PONY. Bird confirmed how they will act if they get in our head. How will they act if they get into the core of Equestria?

It really feels like Accept is just signing up for a Bad End where our victory is rendered pointless (or at least bitter) by the Master eating away at the fabric of Equestria like a Moth eating a coat.


My personal comparison is this.

The Wolf is a nuke: a staggeringly powerful weapon that leaves a permanent stain on the world after it's used and will end everything if overused.

The Master is a plague. It is patient, subtle, and surgical: it has a huge capacity for death but will be selective about it. The thing is, if allowed to fully deploy a plague is worse than a nuke: the Spanish Flu killed vastly more people than both atomic bomb blasts combined. You have to cut it off early, because at a certain point it has spread too far and is impossible to stop.

Accept is letting the plague spread and hoping that it will be a mundane flu and not the Black Death.

Kill is dropping a nuke on the plague because we have no other means to contain it.

Neither option is good, but personally I'd rather not roll the dice here. Gambling on the Master being either inactive, harmless, or even just NOT EVIL hasn't gone well for us in the past.
Gambling on the Master being either inactive, harmless, or even just NOT EVIL hasn't gone well for us in the past.
Elaborating, we have absolutely no reason to assume that the behaviour that renders Offer unacceptable will cease in the Epilogue in Accept.

The behaviour in Offer is towards a pony that she likes (and is bad enough as-is), what the heck will happen when she is facing Alicorns or Harmony that they actively detest, after being extra empowered?
Or we could spend the actions on getting to Glory (after which we can throw down with her if we want); or befriending Baldomare, or befriending DoA (Names that we actually like) while we continue to get whatever we need to keep her Bound?
Well, say for yourself. I actually like Mareinette quite a lot, and right now see no reason why not try be nice to her for once. Besides, we already reached the lock, the next step is getting more powerful to kill/recruit outsider, and get on a nice side of a name seems like a good start.

But whatever, I myself will vote and push for it later, right now I see no point in this discussion.
I hope that there will not be puppet accounts or voting from people that don't actually follow the quest at the last stretch.

I can accept having the option i want lose, but losing that way? No.
I mean, we only struck back after her Name-fueled murder attempt, and she was already practicing frequent pony sacrifice, so I am still okay with our sniping at her.
You shouldn't be. We got played like a fiddle. And her "name fueled sacrifice." Was because the master fooled her as well.

All that talk of her hating us and conflict being inevitable and her being an enemy we must slay at all costs.

Puppets dancing on the Masters strings. An old play being directed for their amusement.

That never happened before, I don't see it happening now.
It has but usually the mods keep an eye out for it.
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Btw @BirdBodhisattva how do we learn about Mareinette friendship quest? Should we, like, wait till she asks herself, or somehow socialize with her? It's just that with other names it's been clear how to do it so far, and with her, well. Apart from gifting her some nice spiced up fillies, I have no idea what she might want.
Wine laced with our blood. From the tussle when we met her in the Mansus I recall our blood is particularly tasty because of the flavors all our lores gives to it. It's gourmet blood.
All that talk of her hating us and conflict being inevitable and her being an enemy we must slay at all costs.
She struck with all the (ritual) means at her disposal, then we struck back with all the (ritual) means at our disposals, that's all there is to things.

Could we have discovered the first EiB was the Master's? Doubt so, given her Moth.
But if we have discovered it, and/or asked Copper "yo, did you send us a EiB? I know I didn't send you any PtNs" I don't think Copper would have believed us anyway because of her animosity towards us (she might very well think Windy desperately scrounged the Bits together to do an EiB on Velvet, and Velvet was just trying to get a free shot at Copper by sowing doubt - something that'd have been confirmed because Copper also can't pierce the Master's Moth) so not much would have changed?
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My personal comparison is this.

The Wolf is a nuke: a staggeringly powerful weapon that leaves a permanent stain on the world after it's used and will end everything if overused.

The Master is a plague. It is patient, subtle, and surgical: it has a huge capacity for death but will be selective about it. The thing is, if allowed to fully deploy a plague is worse than a nuke: the Spanish Flu killed vastly more people than both atomic bomb blasts combined. You have to cut it off early, because at a certain point it has spread too far and is impossible to stop.

Accept is letting the plague spread and hoping that it will be a mundane flu and not the Black Death.
Because the wolf will always worse then what ever Master plan is, if Master kill a thousand creatures then the wolf will genocide every species that exist in the world, if Master destroy Equestria the wolf will turn Equestria into a barren wasteland devoid of hope, devoid of dream, if Master bring uncertainty then the wolf will scars the world with hate.

With Master there at least a chance to save "Something" of the world, but with the wolf there nothing to save, there nothing to even remember because the only thing left will be
hate, will be pain, will be rot and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Compare a Level 0 adept to a Level 1 adept.
Now compare a Level 1 to a Level 3. There is an entire Realization between them.
Now compare a Level 3 to a Level 4. There is an entire extra re-roll involved.

Now compare a Winter (or Lantern, whatever) Level 4, to a damned Moth Level 7.
We need power. I'm getting less concerned with what we need to do for power.

I'll push for as many Sacraments as we can get, potentially including winter and Grail if we reach 4/4 for them.

The Third Son will be worse than the Master.
I'll say it's not quite CERTAIN that the wolf son would be WORSE than the Master... But it's very likely.

And of course it would be a lot more relentless.

Maybe a Master fully dedicated to the goal of making everyone miserable would be worse, but then again that's not what he does.

Misery is usually just a by-product of his actions, not a goal like it would be for the Wolf (at least when he's not aiming for "dimming the lights")

Applying Attention of the Laws on Edge, alongside an Influence should grant us anywhere from an extra +30 to +60 to combat rolls. If we really want to be sure we could do The Forge's Redemption to remove our scar and grant us an extra point of Health.
Eh, maybe if we had the edge sacrament to help. MAYBE.

Or maybe a Winter Sacrament.

Or more, really.

It pisses me the fuck off each time I see such a post saying Accept is best because in this case rape is totes fine 'cause utilitarianism.

And as Aspirant points out under the utilitarianism ethos you so espouse Offer is the most morally correct option.

Tough luck. We're saying it because we believe it, just like everyone else making their arguments

I get you dislike the argument, but I assure you we dislike other arguments made (like all the previous ones for Offering ourselves) and still had to live with them.

Or in other words: we have a right to make those arguments, just like you have a right to make yours.

From my point of view, Offer Yourself is the worst course of action UNLESS we're fine basically accepting the Master's morals over our own, and are willing to give him free reign over our resources.

To me, that's the worst option of them all. Not the one that's likely to cause the most suffering on large scale though, admittedly (that might be either Wolf or banish in my opinion), but the one WE will suffer the most from, and the one that reduces our agency the most.

It's also, while not the one that makes the world the worst, definitely the option that lowers the ceiling of how "good" our final ending can turn out to be, even if we win.

We might be able to fix or mitigate wolf, we might be able to raise Cadance's and Equestrian's spirits in "Banish", we'll PROBABLY be able to mitigate ALICORN son by the time we're in the epilogue...

I don't see us being able to mitigate the decisions of our Master much when he's possessing us

Basically it's the option that gives us the least personal and long term hope, rather than the one that makes things the worst on a large scale
But with the clarification that possession is pretty much misery porn, where we have literally zero real agency or capability to influence anything that really matters, and any hope of rescue may well be nonexistent, then that option is little else but giving the Master another tool for the job.
Well, we WOULD have some agency, or it wouldn't be a quest anymore.

But we ARE giving up choices that are explicitly acting against the Master's wishes. We've seen he is willing to entertain a variety of courses of actions, up to a point.

Our agency would definitely be diminished and corrupted though.

You don't have to agree with them, but do not call them a villain or a rape apologist. We can be better than that.

I'm kind of surprised we didn't get mod actions yet, honestly.

Admittedly most of the talk has been pretty civil though. The worst exception was... Well some accusations to the Qm, and the thing about the rape being not explicit (it totally was)

I also have to ask where the idea that the Wolf is worse than the Master comes from. Last I checked an RA will be worse than the last RA not worse than all permutations of the other options.

I'm not calling him either of those things nor that he stop arguing his point, all I'm asking is that he change the manner he is doing it. The manner he is writing it. It screams condescension and an appeal to emotion/base emotional manipulation to me. Maybe I'm the only one who feels so but I still felt it had to be said.
...appeals to emotions are quite literally PROVEN to be the most effective ones. As a matter of fact appeals to rationality fail far more often than the ones to emotions.

It seems normal to me that someone would make use of them. Especially if the reason to push one course of action over another is based on emotions rather than rational thought.

The way I see it every single "I won't take accept because we'd be allowing rape" is very much an emotional appeal.

I disagree with it, I think a rape that won't cause actual suffering is less bad than killing Shining, or Wolf, or the misery velvet will feel if she gets possessed... I can speak my reasons as much as I want, but I KNOW some people decided due to emotions, and no amount of reasons will convince them otherwise.

...I digress. My point was "make all arguments you want, everyone. Just be prepared for other people making their own arguments, some of which you won't like"


Just read this.

H u h.
It's not new. Each of the Name could have been a main player, if we took their lore for the cult, as they would have been a MOTIVATED Master.

We took Moth, so the other Names are... Unable or unwilling to be players.

Baldomare sort of gave up, and spent her life with Illopony. Axe is trapped and only wishes for her freedom. Mareinette was stuck in the church. Biedde is stuck watching over the Worm Museum. And so on.

Nah, the regrettable will win anyway. Most people just too pissed at master and want to get him without any thought about consequences, or straight up delusional about the evil it will bring

I will enjoy reading it tho. As well as RA voters realize how beg they will fuck everything up, once it done.
I still hope for Accept to win, but it would be enjoyable to see the reaction of outraged/disappointed users if/when the wolf turns out to be worse than expected :V

I wonder if I'll feel happy or sad at the Master's death. Normally I'd feel satisfaction I think, but I think I would't wish the Wolf even of them

People said the same thing after the first RA vote and some did regret, some didn't. If I could go back to that vote I would still vote to tear the door down.
I probably would too, but mostly because I still don't think we would have worked quickly enough on the alternative "kill two people"

It's pretty funny how if the Master wasn't unchained for the quest to exist that all the Names would just continue to do whatever they've been doing in the Mansus for millenia, like Baldomare and Illopony playing a really dated version of Scrabble cause that's the only board game the Lodge has constantly, forever.
Meh, Baldomare obviously has her own Virtual Reality games, courtesy of her Lantern Simulations!

She's probably playing a cultist simulator sim!

... Or a romance visual novel...

And Wolf by the existing trend will slightly but measurably put the entire world into a worse state. The world entire, save for a safe haven of Velvet Covers and her immediate locale.
Technically not guaranteed to not affect Velvet and her close people, if indirectly.

Example: Evil PROBABLY nudged chrysalis to be worse. That lead to Soft Sweep's family's death (though to be fair she wasn't a Daughter yet at the time)

People are still severely underestimating Names even after the recent examples of both Baldomare and the Master.

We will at least get a slightly better idea of their power once we see what Sacraments do... We're close to our first one, and MAYBE if we could get multiple ones...

The crux of your (though saying it is only yours is wrong seeing as so many voted for it and Pit spoke out in support with the same points) argument, correct me if I'm wrong, is that in Accept the Master is gone for all intents and purposes, though still a prospective force for evil in the epilogue, and the cost is a rape in which neither party being raped is aware of it thus because the worst part of it, the trauma, is absent it is the morally and mechanically correct option when backlit by the other options. You then deride the other option that sees the Master gone, permanently this time, as morally incorrect because it will make the world a worse place in an inflated way, your literal first example for the Wolf was that it would cause more rapes.

You might not be justifying rape as a whole but you are trying to morally justify this one.

I'll point out that "wolf might make more Rapes happen" was, at least on my part, more meant to make it clear that it would make MORE atrocious acts happen for the sake of stopping ONE act on our friend (which she wont know about)

A rape is very up there in terms of horrible things that can happen to a person. I'd argue death is usually worse, and Wolf WILL cause deaths, and plenty of them. It's unavoidable.

So yeah, I'm saying that Wolf is morally worse, unless you're just saying the suffering of strangers is worth less than the suffering of friends.

Which, to be fair, IS how humans function, so it's also a valid reason to vote for one option over another.

I just want to make it absolutely clear THAT YES, BY DEFINITION, wolf maximises suffering compared to Accept. It should be obvious, even!

...aaaand I'll post this for now, and continue in 6 hours or so for the rest, still a good 9 pages behind...
we'll PROBABLY be able to mitigate ALICORN son by the time we're in the epilogue...
I disagree with this opinion, because if we could Bird would not have decided to point out that this could poison our epilogue (if the Master acts in bad ways) with all the powers our epilogue state would imply?

(It is also easier to resist the Wolf because of its monofocus or counteract through dedicated effort in the same direction, than to resist the Master because of their subtlety and willingness to change tacks every which when as this update literally demonstrates to us)
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Because the wolf will always worse then what ever Master plan is, if Master kill a thousand creatures then the wolf will genocide every species that exist in the world, if Master destroy Equestria the wolf will turn Equestria into a barren wasteland devoid of hope, devoid of dream, if Master bring uncertainty then the wolf will scars the world with hate.

With Master there at least a chance to save "Something" of the world, but with the wolf there nothing to save, there nothing to even remember because the only thing left will be
hate, will be pain, will be rot and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
I disagree with your premise, but your concerns are legitimate.

Let's say you are are right and that Kill will automatically do more collective harm than any other option simply by nature of being Regrettable. That still doesn't make Accept the best option. There are other things to pick that don't involve handing the Master their win condition.

Those other options are terrible, true, but all our options are terrible. Pick whichever one you think you can stomach. If that's still Accept then so be it, but don't be surprised or upset if our eventual victory ends up tasting a lot like Moth.