Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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As a random aside, Rarity is supposedly getting integrated into the Cult society and learning all its quirks and foibles. I can't wait for the moment when she uses one of the turns of phrase or makes some pseudo-religious gesture or comment, and Velvet just gives her a "I'm sorry, what?" Look. It will be beautiful and hilarious and I want it so bad.
…What does ETA stand for? You seem to be using it in place of edit, but the only ETA I know of is Estimated Time of Arrival.
Don't worry. It wasn't murder, he's still alive.
Of course you realize that actually makes it worse, right? It's just half a step removed from what the WORMS do.

Our only two consolations:

1)He deserves... part of it.
2)It won't go on forever. At some point he'll be allowed to die.

Eh, they're all influenced by circumstances such as culture—raping and pillaging was a thing for a reason—and I can point out that killing and murder are two different things. For me, the latter is when you end a life without any sort of provocation, or at least less than a certain amount. Slavery is also the theft of free will, which is a very important thing for me personally, so it rates a bit higher. You do, however, make a point that rape is probably the least mutable or excusable of them.

Then again, they're all fucking horrible, and the individual levels of harm any might do to a person vary. So we should probably leave off trying to argue which is worse.

While I'm not justifying it, "raping and pillaging" in war kinda have a different weight. they were, at least in the past, basically something EVERYONE did. and, like with killing, "it's not murder if your country ordered you to do it".

We can still see it as wrong, but... it's a different kind of wrong.

Also I'd say that slavery is the theft of freedom, but not really of free will. A slave can, in theory, always rebel. they'll probably die, but they have that choice at least.

Mind-control/Mind-editing are what I'd classify as theft of free will. Like in 1984, where the main character in the end is brainwashed into loving the Big Brother.

(...and I haven't even read that book, mostly because I already know most of the plot...)

…No, I'm fairly certain he was dead by the end of that. His corpse probably just became the incubator for the Windigo.
no, I'm fairly sure he's alive. The Wolf won't let him die yet.

If I had to guess he'll only die once the Windigo is dismissed.

I am already mourning our action economy for next turn :(

There's just so many things that we should do.
rarity lesson, twilight lesson/aftercare/socializing, possibly Fluttershy, possibly Stormchaser, possibly dealing with aftermath of the expedition, books (at least one action), possibly Lantern/Moth lessons...

Jade also needs to check Selene, Rarity should focus on establishing herself in the cult (taking advantage of her new grail)...

I have a sneaking suspicion we'll be getting recruited to the expedition.
I have no idea what makes you think that :whistle:


Even I can tell that's bait.
the emoji kinda gave it away :p

But it's also kinda true. If it was up to Stormchaser we'd never talk about anything cult-related. If we want something to happen we either have to start it ourselves, or do something he just can't ignore, like removing our wound or turning Selene into Luna ;)

uh, the one I knew was Expected Time of Arrival, which kinda didn't make much sense there.
While I'm not justifying it, "raping and pillaging" in war kinda have a different weight. they were, at least in the past, basically something EVERYONE did. and, like with killing, "it's not murder if your country ordered you to do it".

We can still see it as wrong, but... it's a different kind of wrong.
That's what I meant by them all being influenced by culture. Our culture tells us that things are different in war, but… if that's the case they're all subjected to it. Also it's really not and that's a horrible fucking excuse, but that's a different argument entirely, and not really one to have here.
Also I'd say that slavery is the theft of freedom, but not really of free will. A slave can, in theory, always rebel. they'll probably die, but they have that choice at least.

Mind-control/Mind-editing are what I'd classify as theft of free will. Like in 1984, where the main character in the end is brainwashed into loving the Big Brother.
There's a reason I considered them to be the IRL and fantasy equivalents of each other. Namely, slavery is an attempt to do what Mind control does, and while it's never quite so effective, the difference is only in whether you actually succeed. Hell, slavery can sometimes be even worse because then you realize your situation and have to live with the knowledge that your freedom has been stolen. Which does horrible, horrible things to a mind.
Also it's really not and that's a horrible fucking excuse, but that's a different argument entirely, and not really one to have here
just to clarify, I meant how "a soldier killing in war" (especially other soldiers") is not a murder, just like an executioner killing someone given the death penalty is not a murder.

I wasn't trying to justify civilian casualties of soldier, just... well, pointing out how it's a matter of law that they're not the same.

There's a reason I considered them to be the IRL and fantasy equivalents of each other. Namely, slavery is an attempt to do what Mind control does, and while it's never quite so effective, the difference is only in whether you actually succeed. Hell, slavery can sometimes be even worse because then you realize your situation and have to live with the knowledge that your freedom has been stolen. Which does horrible, horrible things to a mind.
Fair. And this reminds me of a couple of sci-fy settings (though admittedly the two that come to my mind are from quest on QQ... though the author actually wrote a book based on one of those settings, and it's actually not bad) in which they make you wonder if maybe mind-editing is not as bad as normal slavery. Sure, it's abhorrent, but... if you're going to enslave someone, isn't it slightly better if they're happy doing it?

I'm still not sure what I think about it, honestly.
The safety of a pillow fort
Selene could not stop shaking.

Mrs. Velvet had insisted on this. A sleepover with Silky's and hers friends. Servants were encouraged to stay as well, if they wished, even inviting their own children in on the fun. Silky was flying around with a pillow, smacking someone playfully. There were so many treats, in so many colors, she couldn't believe they all existed. A servant brought out a pile of board games, and a few had already been mashed together for one gigantic game of "Battlecruiser-Hint-Surgery". There was laughter, and music, and shrieks of joy, and spooky stories.

But she couldn't stop shaking. Wrapped in a blanket, she hoped no one else would notice, or if they did, would pass it off as just her being cold. In a way, she was. It clung to her spine in a vice grip, and tapped its way up to her heart, her lungs, and balled itself inside her stomach.

But it wasn't because it was too cold inside. No, it was a chill that came from the sudden knowledge that something horrible was happening, just inside town, just down the road, just outside her home. It was the chill that chased her from Mr. Stormchaser's memories. It was the chill that came when she saw not-Mrs. Velvet.

And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

It was the chill that had haunted her for the past two weeks, at first like a slight winter breeze, then finally like a blanket of snow had sank into her bones. It gnawed away at her, digging hooks beneath her fur, willing her to flee. To run away from The Thing - Things? - lurking out of sight. At the same time, she knew, somehow, that this was the safest place she could be.

She was inside. She was surrounded by friends and family, safe from Danger. She--

"Selene!" A weight crashed into her, toppling her and the weight to the floor, tangled in the too-big blanket.

Silky's head popped up. "Come on! We're making a pillow fort!" With that, she hopped out of the blanket, then flew around Selene.

A deep breath, and Selene smiled as she pushed down the squirming terror that nipped at her. She nodded, taking up one end of the blanket while Silky took up the other with a whoop.

She'd promised Mrs. Velvet she'd take care of Mr. Stormchaser and Silky.

That meant she couldn't tell them what they felt.

What she sensed.

But it was better this way.

Wasn't it?
Fair. And this reminds me of a couple of sci-fy settings (though admittedly the two that come to my mind are from quest on QQ... though the author actually wrote a book based on one of those settings, and it's actually not bad) in which they make you wonder if maybe mind-editing is not as bad as normal slavery. Sure, it's abhorrent, but... if you're going to enslave someone, isn't it slightly better if they're happy doing it?

I'm still not sure what I think about it, honestly.
My opinion is that by the point you've reached that level of cruelty, there's little point worrying about what's worse or not. Or rather, if you're worried about how evil you're being, you shouldn't do either of those things.
just to clarify, I meant how "a soldier killing in war" (especially other soldiers") is not a murder, just like an executioner killing someone given the death penalty is not a murder.

I wasn't trying to justify civilian casualties of soldier, just... well, pointing out how it's a matter of law that they're not the same
And to clarify myself, law has jack and shit to do with morality. I specifically used a different definition because of that. War is just a greater scale of the usual factors.
As a random aside, Rarity is supposedly getting integrated into the Cult society and learning all its quirks and foibles. I can't wait for the moment when she uses one of the turns of phrase or makes some pseudo-religious gesture or comment, and Velvet just gives her a "I'm sorry, what?" Look. It will be beautiful and hilarious and I want it so bad.
...Come to think, did we actually explicitly tell her that we're the Loremaster or is she just assuming that we're an ordinary cult member and those stories are about someone else?
...Come to think, did we actually explicitly tell her that we're the Loremaster or is she just assuming that we're an ordinary cult member and those stories are about someone else?
I… have no idea. Probably? She was inducted by our invitation, so we probably dropped our title or had it dropped by the people we introduced her to. If nothing else she was inducted already aware of the Lores, and at Level One, so people probably asked questions about that, which might have brought it up when she mentioned our name. At least a few people should be able to connect "Velvet Covers" with the Loremaster, even if they assume it's just an alias.
I… have no idea. Probably? She was inducted by our invitation, so we probably dropped our title or had it dropped by the people we introduced her to. If nothing else she was inducted already aware of the Lores, and at Level One, so people probably asked questions about that, which might have brought it up when she mentioned our name. At least a few people should be able to connect "Velvet Covers" with the Loremaster, even if they assume it's just an alias. would be pretty funny if she came to us, asking if we know this legendary Loremaster and if she's even real... :rofl: would be pretty funny if she came to us, asking if we know this legendary Loremaster and if she's even real... :rofl:
I was going to make a joke about how Velvet has unfortunately never met them before but that they sound like a really cool mare, but then I remembered that time we actually met Velvet back in Canterlot. would be pretty funny if she came to us, asking if we know this legendary Loremaster and if she's even real... :rofl:
Heh. That would be fun.

On a separate but no less hilarious note… did anyone else notice that Selene outclasses the Cult in three of her four Lores? I mean, technically Comet and Windy beat her out for Winter and Edge, but just discounting the Inner Circle because they're not really fair. She's got more Edge, more Winter, and more Moth, with equivalent Knock to boot. And starting next turn she'll have at least Councillor level in one of them. Our kid could kick the asses of a third of the Cult in their own Lore.
Selene could not stop shaking.
I love this. This is almost exactly what is happening. And you literally saved me the effort of writing that part (which I was going to).
Thank you kindly for sharing this with us, this is awesome!

On a separate but no less hilarious note… did anyone else notice that Selene outclasses the Cult in three of her four Lores?
The benefits of being the Loremaster's daughter, I suppose. Being an alicorn also helps, obviously.

The Master's summons
"Alright, lights out everypony," you say, a doting smile on your face as you look at the small crowd of foals safely tucked in within the confines of the pillow fort, the thing itself dominating most of Silky's room. "Now, I hope everypony sleeps well. You can all ask Silky or Selene if you need to know where anything is."

"Goodnight Mrs. Velvet!" the answer comes in a chorus, so loud and excited that you can barely make out Silky's slightly different response of 'mommy' from the group.

Of course, you know none of them are about to sleep. They are too excited, none of them look tired at all, and most importantly they all had way too much sugar just a few hours ago.

You know it. They know it. And they know you know it. But still, you will make a point of very loudly closing your door as soon as you return to your room, and you told the servants who will be staying the night to only check on them if they hear something breaking. So, you know that for the foals the night is only beginning.

But frankly, you wouldn't have it any other way. Let them enjoy themselves, you say. Selene needs it, the house could certainly use a bit more of excitement for the weekend, and…

And this way, you have an excuse both to have them around where you know they will be safe, as well as an excuse to ask Soft Sweeps to stay the night for the next few days.

Because you know it will happen soon… so very soon. And you have absolutely no idea how things will go out. So, if nothing else, you will at least make sure that the ponies you care for are close at hoof.

Thank goodness Stormchaser is also home, having taken this last month off after you got hurt.

"Sweet dreams everypony," you say, giving everypony a last glance (even if your eyes stayed on Selene, shivering as she was, for a bit longer) before you close the door.

And then, you very loudly stomp your way to your room, closing the door to your bedroom a lot louder than you usually w-


Goodness gracious, Silky couldn't even wait that long? You let out a small chuckle.

Well, let them have their fun.

"Put them to bed, dear?" you hear your husband ask, and as you turn to face him you see him already lying on bed, calmly reading from a book with the light of the lantern from his bedstand.

"Theoretically, yes," you say, watching him smile as he puts the book down, turning to look at you as well.

"You think they'll cause too much trouble?" he asks-

-just in time for the two of you wince, as you hear a loud… dry noise, that very much sounded like a foal crashing against the ground.

You will wrestle your worry to the ground, doing your best to suppress the need to run back there and make sure none of them are hurt.

"Well… we taught the fillies not to play with matches, so I think the house will at least be standing when we wake up tomorrow," you say, trying your best to smile through the muffled yelps the two of you can hear in the distance.

"I think that's the best we can ask for," he says, tapping the bed next to him shortly after, "now come on over, Mrs. Velvet. The bed feels awfully cold without you," he says, a suggestive smile appearing on his face.

"Oh?" you say, knowing exactly what he means with the expression he is wearing. "Whatever you mean by that, Mr. Stormchaser?"

You say that, with clearly feinted innocence, but you still walk towards the bed. Towards his side of the bed, mind you, not walking around it to get up on your side as you usually do.

"Why, nothing at all darling. It's just that the foals are going to be so loud tonight, I'm not sure we will be able to sleep anytime soon… or that anypony will be able to hear anything over the noise they are making, mind you."

You let out a soft chuckle at that. Your first, second and third reaction being to just tell him to behave.

That is, until he made that excellent point of argument just now. After all, the foals will be awful loud tonight just like he said, and even though there are so many of them just on the other end of the corridor…

"Now that you mention it, it does sound awfully unfair that they are the only ones who get to… have fun themselves tonight."

You float the locket away from your neck, sending it to your bedstand without a second thought. But even that is enough for a sweet aroma to fill your room, the smell of petals flowing through the air as if a sweet breeze had just come from somewhere nearby.

Stormchaser's smile grows wider as you place a hoof on his side of the bed, and with a soft push of your good hindleg you make a short jump to climb it-


- - -

Conscience comes back to you in a starting fit, and you flail your legs wildly as you realize you can't breathe or see anything.

A few panicked seconds later you can finally tell which way is up, and you realize that the thing that is pressing against your face is in fact the ground. You get on your hoofs moments later, coughing and shaking your head as you try to understand what in the Tartarus just happened, and where you are.

But the answer comes to you almost instantly. As you realize you are coughing out black dirt. As you feel the faint touch of that oh so distant light against your fur, shining down from the very top of the world. As the impenetrable smell of the first forest of the world reaches your nostrils.

You look around, more out of habit than a real need to get your bearings. Because you already know where you are, and you already know that "getting your bearings" here is not really something that can, or should, be done.

Because you are in the Woods.

Or rather, you have been brought into the Woods. You have been summoned, and by a very powerful summons indeed.

And what is more…

The Woods. It is agitated.

"Goodness gracious," you mumble to yourself, your ears perking up as you realize the things you are hearing aren't just the sounds of the wind or of the tree branches scraping against each other.

No. You are hearing screams. Screams, and shouts, and unnatural noises that sound too much like the clicking of claws and the howling of beasts mixed into one. The resulting cacophony almost, but not quite, drowning out the constant sound of the howling winds, as it shakes the trees and blows away loose leaves.

You hear yells. Pony yells. Your body tensing up as you realize those are the sounds of ponies who are panicking.

The yells, you can tell, are almost always being followed by the sound of something… of something else. Something that sounds like a beast with too many legs giving chase, insect claws scraping against the ground as they stampede after a fleeing pony.

Your thoughts begin to race as you try to understand what is happening. As you try to understand why this is happening.

"Talk about a rude awakening. I'm not sure I've ever seen this place so riled up before. Oh, hello there Velvet dear, do you think you will be called as well?"

Until you hear a familiar voice, coming from somewhere behind you. Saying something that finally makes everything click inside your head.

"Baldomare?" you say as you turn to face her.

And as you do that, you feel a slight sense of vertigo.

Baldomare is standing in front of you. However, she is standing at the very bottom of the dark-blue Mansus-stone stairways, the same stairways that would lead a pony towards the Blank Door.

You are absolutely sure the stairs were not there before, but you can see that Baldomare is standing there, avoiding the branches of nearby trees just like they avoid her, as if she is making a point of not wanting to step hoof on the black soil of the Woods.

Which in turn makes you wonder what exactly just happened. You wonder if it was you, or the stairs, that was moved to this place.

Or maybe, you think, it was the Woods that moved you both.

"Of course it's me, dear," she says, bringing her hind down and sitting on one of the steps of the stairs as she talks to you. "Well, it is me as much as it's me who is also in the Wake," she mentions idly.

And you realize that Baldomare is… well she looks as real as you remember her. But that's the thing, she looks as real as you remember her in the Wake, during all the weeks you have seen her.

But you have a faint feeling that she is not nearly as… as what, as radiant? As shining? Well, she is not nearly as herself as you think she was in the Blank Plains.

As if the Baldomare sitting on the stairs before you is merely a reflection of her, or… or a mirage.

"Or a courtesy," she says, nodding to you as if she could read your thoughts. "After all, you were brought here to talk about me, so there's no reason for me not to be present."

She says that, and you can't help but tilt your head slightly.

"Wait, what do you mean talk about you?"

But instead of answering, Baldomare begins to make a slightly annoyed face, as if she was looking at something particularly annoying.

And you realize that she is not looking at you, but instead slightly over your shoulder.

You almost, almost, turn around to face what she is looking at. But you immediately hold yourself.

After all, you know that there will be nothing there if you turned to look.

And yet… you suddenly feel as if you are being watched by something with many eyes… all of them looking down at you, from way, way up high.

The howling of the wind, and the sound of distant screams, becomes even louder. To the point that you can't even hear Baldomare sigh, for all that you can clearly see her doing that.

"Little little Velvet…"

The voice that you hear, a whisper cutting through the cacophony of the woods, is one that you don't recognize. It is not a pony voice, for all that you might know exactly who is speaking.

You are not entirely sure how to react, but the voice continues before you even have the chance. A mixture of anticipation and eagerness covering its words like a sickly sweet honey.

"The time has come, as I promised… but I require something more of you…"

You purse your lips at that, your thoughts racing as you understand exactly what your Master means.

She did this. She did all of this. She brought you here, you have no idea how, so it wouldn't surprise you in the slightest if she had also brought every last member of the cult that she wished.

Which means the probably already knows about all of your preparations. And that she is choosing what she wants. That she is choosing who she wants.

"But not your body, no… that is too frail, too wounded... Still too hurt from the thing that has stained your soul… Worry not, little Velvet, I do not call for your presence…"

You can practically feel as the all-too-many eyes shift away from you, snaking their sight through the root-covered dirt until it reaches the stairs to the House.

Baldomare's expression becomes disgusted as your Master's attention focuses on her.

"The Name, Velvet… give me the Name… her blinding light is required for the shadowy places I shall take our followers… Give me the reins of her bindings, even if temporarily, and you will be rewarded…"

[The Master has NOT called for you to join the assault on the Changeling Hive. But wishes for you to pass on Baldomare's bindings to her, so she may take her to the expedition as her own minion.]


[] Obey. (Baldomare's contract will be passed on to the Master for the duration of the expedition. You will be rewarded.)

[] Object. (You will NOT give the Master Baldomare's contracat, but will order her to go to the expedition as your agent.)

[] Demand. (You will NOT give the Master Baldomare's contract, but will instead demand to be taken to the expedition together with her, and whoever else the Master is calling upon.)

[] Refuse. (You will deny your Master. WRITE IN whatever you will tell your Master instead, seeing how this is clear disobedience.)

Regarding the "passage of contract".
-If you decide to "Obey", Baldomare's contract will be passed to the Master, and WILL be returned to you as soon as she returns from the expedition. So, unless Baldomare dies or is banished, this will not interfere with your ability to control her come next turn.
-Ordering Baldomare to "go to the expedition, and obey the Master as if she was you" is just empty talk. Baldomare will either go as your minion, or as the Master's minion. The certainty of an eldritch contract of binding is the crucial difference between those two things. (That is the difference between "Obey" and "Object").
-Baldomare has not expressed her opinion in any of this... with words, that is.

Why is this relevant?
-A pony's contract to a summoned minion is what makes the creature into a "minion". The summoned creature is required (and in many cases forced) to obey the summoner because of those bindings.
-Baldomare has told you that Names such as herself (and other sapient or higher-intelligence summons) are something of an exception. But the fact remains that her summoned body is still contracted to you, or to whoever else holds the binding.
-In practical terms, passing the bindings to the Master will mean that (theoretically) the Master will be able to:
--Order Baldomare to do anything she desires (you do not know how a creature with the Master's powers would empower the binding contract).
--Banish Baldomare.
--Be sure that Baldomare will not act against her will during the expedition.
--Order Baldomare not to tell you what happened during the expedition, once she returns to you (you do not have the knowledge to know if that is possible, would work, or could be circumvented by Baldomare herself. But this is a point of worry Velvet can think of).

Other points of note.
-You are currently at ONE health point. (Your healing will only occur at the beginning of the next turn).
-You have written your father a letter promising not to leave Ponyville.
-You do not know how long the expedition will last. (This is also valid in the sense that you do not know how long the OTHER ponies called will be away)
-You have no idea about what other assets or ponies the Master has called upon.

Beware of consequences.

Four hours moratorium, further forty-four hours of voting, total forty-eight hours of voting period.
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Thank you for the update and the heart attack, yeesh.

Actually, Stormchaser is probably having a heart attack right about now, huh.

Tentatively leaning toward object. Continuing to toe the line of being helpful but not spineless. Plus, keeping Baldomare happy is kinda important. There are only so many level 6 book bribes out there.
Do we really need 48 hours for this vote?:???:
I'll call it early if it is too obvious to be leaning to one result. But absolutely not before a full twenty four hours from now, to give all timezones the chance to read.
But worry not. As I said, this is the first of a vote-intensive period, so I'll aim for alacrity as well.
Mmm… on the one hand, I really want to get something out of this. On the other, offending the Baldomare probably isn't a good idea. And on the third, the Master is almost certainly a bigger and badder nasty, so sacrificing the Baldomare's regard for hers would probably be worth it. But on the fourth there is a lot that the Master could do with a Lantern Name, and she knows about Selene at the very least.
"The Name, Velvet… give me the Name… her blinding light is required for the shadowy places I shall take our followers…
Hmm… interesting choice of words, there.

Leaning towards Object. But the reward is certainly tempting. Still, Baldomare clearly would prefer not to be given over.

I really wish we were actually free to go along, but while we're still wounded and under our Father's order? Yeah, no. Also, I am immensely worried by this:
Beware of consequences.
The last time we denied the Master, it was with the promise of a clever trick that we lived up to. This? This would be a rebellion, however small, in front of a good few other members of the Cult.