Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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I really think you are overestimating the possibility of removing the stains.
Maybe we can bleach them to nothingness with Glory, or in the labyrinths of the Glory's reflection. Maybe the Harmony can remove them.
But this is obviously post-ending content.
We asked, we were told.

...they most certainly are not forbidden or unknowable or anything <.<

You don't need to say its impossible or unknowable or some junk our action economy is more than likely to prevent us from engaging with paranoia or evil.
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You don't have time to stop. You don't have time to stand still like this. You have too much to do. So you have to start walking, drop your saddle-bag inside your closet, get yourself into a presentable shape, and you have to STOP. LOOKING. AT. THE. MIRROR. IN. HORROR.

Just. One. More-


The Winter grip you have on your own mind breaks like a dam-
-and your tired legs crumble under the weight of your exhausted body-
-and your breath gets stuck inside your throat as the guilt and horror of what you have just done catches up to you-
-and your mind finally snaps as you recall how Twilight looked at you and how unrecognizable you look right now and the fact that Spike wasn't there.

You barely manage to stuff your face into a pillow, with whatever last strand of rationality you still had, before you begin screaming.
Velvet.exe has crashed. Please reboot.

Note: Rebooting might take upwards of 12 hours.

But still, almost maddeningly, you can sense… something. You have never felt anything like this before, so you don't even know how to name this sensation. It doesn't even feel familiar. And yet you can still tell that it is there.
...did the wolf give her the ability to sense other people's suffering?

Mrs. Velvet is lying on the floor, curled up and shaking. She has a partially ripped pillow next to her, which you are sure she both bit into and impaled with her horn at some point. Part of her clothes are dirty, her usually lustrous mane is all over the place, and she is both crying and drooling.

Her eyes are wide open and bloodshot, and she is heaving in panic.
In some ways it's kind of a shame Twilight didn't see us like this. It might have make her think better of us.

"Wh-a…t, did yo-ou call me?"
Did she hear the wolf calling her mother again?

Her question, that you can barely understand, comes out of her mouth in a hoarse whisper.
It's a pun!

So, she tells you. She might not even realize she is doing it, or might not even want to do it. But still, she tells you. If not what she wants you to do, then what she thinks she failed to do. If not directions, then at least hints of what is weighting her down.
And I have to wonder just how much we ended up telling her...

She didn't let you help her with her… wound. And to be honest, you wouldn't be able to help her even if she wanted. You don't know much about medicine, and those kind of things are usually left for the maids who know a bit about nursing or to Ponpon herself.
...we should give her the heartifact as soon as possible.

You have never really met her before, and you don't really remember the fillies even mentioning that name. You have no idea of who this "Twilight Sparkle" mare is, if she is even a pony at all. Because who knows.
... if we're really, REALLY lucky, Soft Sweeps might make things better.

No, you know you should leave. You know that you are neither expected here, nor wanted. In fact, you can somehow tell that… that nopony would be wanted here. That there isn't a single pony alive that would somehow make this better, should they walk into this room right now.
well, there's maybe one. Shining Armor.

possibly Celestia too, depending on her attitude at the time.

"It feels like… it just hurts, doesn't it? It feels like a wound, but also like something that is part of you now, doesn't it? Like this… this horrible wound that won't heal, and that you can't really stand, but that you are stuck with. Like it's going to be with you forever, from now on, but you can barely stand even a second of it."
...this sounds a lot like the Wolf Divided too.

"… and I just don't know. Every time I think that I just will never see my littler brother again I just… stop," you say out loud.
...well she DOES remember about her family...

You have no idea what you are doing.

But it is working, and for some reason it feels easy.

Almost natural.
...using the ability to understand and cause pain... for good.


Also, maybe nothing Good can ever come from the Wolf, but this chapter has convinced me that sometimes, even if maybe only when some degrees removed, something can be improved by the Wolf. It gives me hope for Soft, and it gives me hope for Velvet's sons.
I only sort of disagree? To try and put my opinion into words: "Nothing Good can come from the Wolf, but perhaps something Good can come from something that came from the Wolf". The awfulness of the wolf is reduced in its offspring, 'for the progenitor's actions will always eclipse that of the progeny'.

sometimes, things have to get worse before they can get better. Maybe the Wolf can help with THAT, at least, if VERY indirectly.
It definitely felt more to me like Soft Sweeps was talking from the Heart than anything particularly Wolfy. Trying to help Twilight continue on as best she can.
Well holy fuck

I just found this and mainlined it in like a week. Potentially not the best thing to be reading when in a poor headspace, but still. Absolutely amazing. The writing, the world building and merging, top tier. Sad there isn't another 670k words, but phenomenal every step of the way and honestly, looking forward to reading this as it comes out.

And it makes me want to play Cultist Simulator again.

Man, poor everybody.
Victory is earned by cunning, strength and agony.

All three of them were on display during the expedition.

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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You are Velvet Covers.

And you hate that.

You have hated that for a while now.

Although you are not really sure how long "a while" has been, by now.

Because you had nothing to help you track the time. Not even your own thoughts. At all times, your head would either be so full that it would spin and overflow, or it would be barren and empty.

You don't really remember eating or drinking anything. But you also don't remember feeling the need to do either. You had a vague sensation that you were wasting away, but you also didn't really care. Or rather, you didn't even mind.

Are you alive? Are you dead? It really doesn't matter.

But still.

As time passes.

Or at least, as you think time passes.

You also realize that you don't disappear either.

And at some point, you finally realize you are awake.

- - -

The first thing that comes to your mind is how hungry you are.

Everything is dark, around you. The darkness is pierced every now and then by flashes of clarity, whenever you blink but otherwise everything around you is dark. You think it's night, but you are not sure. And really, you have neither the energy nor the will to check the clock.

Still, all you feel is hungry. You feel hungry, and nothing else.

As if everything else you felt, and everything you could possibly feel, has already been exhausted. You don't feel weak, and you also don't feel horrified. You don't feel disgusted, or guilty, or even ashamed. You vaguely recall that you have a mountain's worth of reasons to feel bad, due to how your actions affected other ponies. Because you can't help but think you have been a bad mother, and a bad friend, and a bad wife, and just a bad pony.

Still, you can't feel anything about any of that. As if all those emotions have already hammered down on you for so long that the hammers themselves broke and crumbled away.

And now, the only things left are your instincts. The only things that really occur to you are the most basic of sensations, that come from that ancient part of your brain that never really evolved in your species.

All you feel is hungry.

You get up. The entire right side of your body hurts from where you leaned against a cabinet for… who knows how long.

You think you would be able to do a lot more things if you just put your mind into it. You think you would be able to somehow tell where everypony is in the house, if you just put a tiny bit of effort. But you don't. Or rather, it's impossible. You don't have any amount of effort you can give right now. You can't even be bothered to care.

You just feel hungry.

So, you leave your room.

You can tell it is night. And you can tell that your daughters would be scared, maybe even terrified, if they saw the way you look right now. But you really don't care.

You just drag yourself downstairs, unceremoniously raid the pantry, drink perhaps way more water than you should, and then you go back upstairs and lock yourself in your room.

And for the first time in a very, very long time, you actually crash on your bed and fall asleep.

You fall into a restive sleep, that is. Because you are sure you didn't rest at all, during your bouts of blacked-out unconsciousness from the last few days.


And now you are in the Woods.

You don't know how this happened. You certainly didn't intend to come here. And for all that you can dream your way into the Mansus without the need to do any particular actions or rituals before sleeping, you also need to want to go to the Mansus. Otherwise, you just have a dreamless sleep, waking up on the next day with a rested body and the sensation you did something wrong.

Still, you are in the Woods, and you are certain that you didn't mean to come to the Woods.

You get up, slowly, and you shake your head. Trying to get your thoughts in order, and to get your bearings.

Because doing that here is at the same time easier and harder than in the Wake.

After all, your mind is still your own. And the first thing that you think about is… well, your recent memories.

In short, you are acutely aware of your situation. Of the things you did, back in the Wake, as well as the state you were in for the last few days… the state that you still are, right now. You can tell how your mind is still reeling in exhaustion, and you can almost hear the temptation that you have inside your brain, telling you that you should slam your head against the nearest tree until your own horn breaks.

Being in the Mansus, rather than the Wake, makes it harder to get your thoughts in order. Because here, you are not in your Wake-body. Here, you don't have exhaustion or hunger to weight you down or move you to action. Here, your thoughts are much sharper and clearer, and your passions can quite literally interact with your surroundings as well as your hoofs can.

However, being here also makes it easier to put your mind in order. Because here, it is also just as easy to… ignore, all of that.

Or not ignore it, not exactly. Not in the sense that you are running away from your problems. But precisely because your thoughts are heightened, it is also easier, or at least less hard, to… parcel them out. To understand them. To interact with them, even.

Because you can feel it, your shame and your guilt and all the blood that is coating your hoofs. You can feel them almost like a cloak, weighting you down, or like roots that are growing around your legs and trying to pull you into the black dirt.

But that's what makes it easier. After all, you know how to shed cloaks, and you know how to avoid roots, and you realize that in all of the Mansus you are in the one place where anything can be lost. Even if they are, or should be, a part of you.

So, you do just that.

You let the buzzing of the Woods around you enter your brain, and fill the empty places where shame and guilt might otherwise take root.

And you let the things that shear cut away at your horror. And you don't quite forget the things you have done, but you don't quite remember them either.

And you for the longest time you wonder if you should also leave your regrets here. You wonder if you should spit them out like a seed, and plant them in the soft dirt so that they might grow into a black tree, indistinguishable from all the others around it.

But that, you decide to keep. You don't have the right to stop regretting, otherwise you feel you might lose the will to also make things right.

Still, you slowly disrobe yourself of all the things that had been covering you, until the bone-deep cold of exposing yourself so much becomes unbearable.

But thankfully, you have the warm dress of your Grail Influence to cover yourself with, and keep the worst of the chill away from your essence.

After you do all that, you finally realize you still have a question.

Because, as you look around the Woods with a hazier mind and clearer eyes, you finally remember that you are still here.

No, that's not it. Not exactly. You remember that you were brought here.

Which in turn makes you realize that… you were summoned.

And being summoned into the Woods can only mean one thing.

Or at least, that is what you think at first. But something is not right. The last few times you were summoned into the Woods were different. Because the last few times you were summoned, you felt compelled to go somewhere, or you just appeared in the designated place. Heavens, there was even one time where you were dragged, screaming and kicking, by the roots of the trees.

Still, all those other times, all those other summons, had a sense of inevitability to them. All those times, you were being beckoned by something much greater than yourself, that you had no choice but to obey.

But this time?

Well, the fact that you are mulling over these details right now already shows that something is wrong.

Already shows that this summoning is somehow lesser.

To the point that you aren't exactly sure where to go, for a few moments. In fact, you actually have to focus to figure out where this… thing, this presence that called you from your own sleep and into the Woods, is even coming from.

But as soon as you find it, you make your way deeper into the trees.

To find out what the hay is going on, if nothing else.

- - -

"Thank goodness this worked…"

That is the first thing you hear, as soon as you step into the clearing.

That is the first thing you hear Copper Secateur say, from where she is standing in the middle of the clearing. As you, Jade Whistle, Comet Feet and Windy Flakes step out of the surrounding bushes at the same time.

And you can't help but… well, the four of you can't help but look at the mare in confusion, the unspoken question of what the hay is going on clear on all your faces.

"What… Copper, what is going on?" Windy speaks up, before anypony else can.

Because this was a summons, you are sure of it. It was faint and weak, but the five of you… or at least the four of you, not counting Copper, have been summoned here.

But where is the Master? Why is Copper waiting here, instead of her?

And why does Copper look so tense?

"Everypony, I need you to listen to me," she says, and her tone makes it clear that she is trying her best to keep her voice level. Or at least to keep it from shaking any more than it already is. "We have a problem. A big problem. Two of them, in fact."

"Well, then make it three," Windy chimes in, his voice also unusually nervous. "Because just yesterday I caught wind of something bad here in Ponyville."

Windy and Copper stare at each other for several painful seconds, before the stallion nods at her and they mutely agree that she should go first.

"The way things are going, they might even be related…" Copper says, more to herself than to anypony else. "I'll cut to the chase. First of all, the Master is gone."

That makes everypony's eyes go wide in surprise, and you think you hear a shocked gasp coming from somepony. Although you have no idea who.

But still, you can also tell that… nopony really believes it? No, it's not that. You can tell that nopony thinks that can be possible. Not even Copper herself, judging by her expression.

However, for all that her face makes it clear that she agrees with you all that this shouldn't be possible, everypony can also tell that she wouldn't be saying that if something didn't happen to strain that belief.

"You said you'd cut to the chase," Comet Feet speaks up, his tone grave. "So tell us why you think that's the case."

"The Master… she… she passed by Manehattan. To be honest I was sure she was still around, given how she would pop up out of nowhere and leave just as quickly. But the very last thing she told me was that she would be… busy for a while? And that I should remember what she told me?"

Copper waves a frustrated hoof, her words starting and stopping as if she was trying to remember something, anything that could be useful.

"I just thought that was her usual nonsensical spiel. But here's the problem. Starry Dancer is… or was also in Manehattan with me, and she has been going crazy with every passing day," she says, and your eyes glance around the clearing as she says that, as if to confirm that the pegasus mare is indeed missing. "But yesterday she was normal? Not normal, but she was freakishly calm. And then she told me that the Master is gone, as if that was the most normal thing in the world."

She says that, and when she is done an uneasy silence settles around you. Broken only by Copper's own hard, nervous breathing, as she looks at each of you in turn.

"Well? Does anypony know anything about this?" she asks, "did the Master just up and appear in Ponyville or something? Did she just mean to say she would go back there?"

"You said Starry was acting weird," Comet speaks up. "You even called her insane. I don't think she's insane. But still, you said it yourself, so there's no reason we should trust her w-"

"This was DIFFERENT," the mare yells over him, much to everypony's surprise. "You weren't there, so please trust me on this. The way she said it… she was telling the truth! Like a damn moth… prophet, if that combination of words even make sense."

Comet Feet stays quiet, after that. But still, you can tell from his expression that… he believes her.

In fact, you can tell that everypony believes her.

Not because of Copper's words. Her story doesn't really add up, and you all know it. Heavens, even the mare herself realizes it.

No, you all believe her because of how disheveled she is. Because you can all tell that she believes it.

Because the Master disappearing just doesn't make sense. Less than that, it feels like it should be impossible. Everypony, Copper included, thinks so.

But for Copper to be this exasperated shows that her belief, her faith even, has been broken. And if she truly believes that the Master is gone, then she felt something… then something happened, that she can't put into words, that also corroborates her story.

So, you all believe her.

And as the meaning of her words slowly settle in, you all begin to realize what this means.

"So the Master is… gone?" Jade says, "so… what do we do now?"

Her question doesn't fall on deaf ears. But still, nopony answers. Because everypony realizes that you just don't know the answer to that question.

You purse your lips, your thoughts racing as much as everypony else's. But still, a cold weight settles inside your chest as you remember that…

"You said two problems, Copper," you say, drawing everypony's attention. "What else happened?"

You think you hear the mare say something under her breath, but you have no idea what it is. Still, she begins to speak a few moments later.

"The one mare we brought from the changeling hive, remember her? The one you said was a protégé of a Princess? That the Master wanted to keep as a bargaining chip?" the mare lets out a long sigh, before continuing, "well, she is gone. The place we kept her got raided by the guard. They killed everypony and took her, and we only found out a short while ago. That's why I just threw caution to the wind and tried this ritual to call you all."

Your eyes go wide at that, together with everypony else's. But before you can even react to her words-

"Oh no…" Windy says, his face going pale. "Oh… oh no… that is very bad news…" he says.

And everypony's attention turn towards him, because you all know that he also had a problem, about something in Ponyville.

"Everypony, this is bad," he says, his eyes darting here and there, as if he was tracing back his own memories. "Because yesterday I heard about a rumor. That there's a pony from the Guard snooping around town. That a pony of the Royal Guard came to Ponyville, not long ago, and has been seen going here and there. Very few ponies even recognized him at all, because they say he's not in uniform or anything. In fact, now that I think of it, I'm not even sure if it was just one."

"So we have ponies from the Royal fucking Guard in Ponyville?" Copper asks, what little control she had over her voice finally slipping, and her words coming out in short, panicked rasps. "And they are going around without their… they're undercover?"

"That's the only thing this can mean," Windy says, the words coming out of his mouth coated in nervousness. "Which means not only they found your warehouse, but they also traced it back here. They found out about us!"

Windy and Copper continue with their back-and-forth for a few more moments, complementing their own findings with what the other knew. And as the three of you listened to them, a heavy sense of dread fell upon the clearing as you all realize that none of you can deny the terrible conclusion that they came to.

Or at least, none of you volunteer any information that they know.

So, the only conclusion they can reach is precisely that. That the Guard somehow discovered the Cult's warehouse in Manehattan, they rescued the Cult's prisoner, and now there are undercover members of the Royal Guard going around Ponyville, no doubt trying to find your hideout.

Windy and Copper are close to panicking when they finally ask the obvious question.

"Well then, what in Tartarus do we do?!" Copper asks out loud.


And the dry, non-committing answer comes from…

Comet Feet?

You all turn to the large stallion, and you realize he almost looks annoyed at the attention.

"What… what do you mean with nothing, Comet?" Windy asks, "I mean, we have to do something."

And you can hear in Windy's voice, for a moment, what seems to be a tinge of hope.

Because maybe Comet Feet has a plan? Maybe he knows what to do?

Maybe "nothing" means that nopony else needs to do anything, because he will take matters into his own hoofs? Because none of you know how he would fare against an entire group of ponies, let alone members of the Royal Guard. But if there is one pony who might have a chance, it has to be the frightening and deadly Comet Feet.

You can hear that glimmer of hope in Windy's voice.

And you watch his expression crumble, as Comet Feet dashes it a moment later.

"I mean that I am not going to do anything," he says, getting up and turning his back to the clearing. "I am done."

He says that, and then he begins to walk away.

"Wha… W-what do you mean done?! Comet, come back here!" Copper shouts at him, her voice equal parts angry and terrified. "We are all in this together! You can't ju-"

"I said I am done. I followed the Master. And if he is not around anymore, then I have no reason to be in the Cult."

He says that, and then… he leaves. Copper's attempts at shouting at him dying on her throat, both because she knows it will not do any good, and because…


"Wha… what do we do…?" somepony whispers.

And you realize your own opportunity to leave the Cult is right before your eyes.

[The Master is gone and the Inner Circle has fractured. A TRIGGER EVENT has occurred]

[Velvet Covers is in what is probably the very last meeting of the Inner Circle as it was. You will all discuss what to do, and how to do it, and Velvet has a final chance to put her hoof on the scale.]

[After this, Velvet will cut her own ties with the Cult, and walk away herself.]

Now is the time. Copper and Windy are in panic, the Cult is fearing that it's Ponyville headquarters was discovered, and perhaps about to be raided. And nopony has any idea of what to do.

You decide to…

[] "I also have too much to lose, and I was here for the Master. If she is gone, then I have no reason to be here as well."

-You will immediately leave the gathering. Jade Whistle will follow.
-But right before you leave, you will weave your words so as to inflame panic and tension. Windy Flakes will also cut himself off from the Cult.
-Copper Secateur will be the whole remaining leadership of the Cult. You have no idea what she will do moving forward.
-You will immediately lose access to everything in the Cult. Including its assets, infrastructure, and access to your Manuscripts. All of that might be gone before you have any chance to visit the Wildhoof Club.

[] "The Cult has to leave Ponyville, and that needs to happen right now!"

-You will inflame panic and tension, and convince Copper and Windy that the Cult needs to evacuate Ponyville immediately.
-Windy Flakes will remain a member of the Cult.
-Windy Flakes will immediately begin emptying the Wildhoof Club. He and his followers will take whatever they can carry on their backs, collapse the underground areas, and torch the rest.
-They will be able to transport a small amount of resources, the original contents of the Bright Library, and whatever other damning evidence they still had with them.
-Due to panic and expediency, the Cult will lose a considerable amount of funds and resources, as very little will be transported from Ponyville to Manehattan.
-Before he leaves, Windy Flakes will reach out to you one last time. You will then reveal to him that you have too much to lose, and a whole life in Ponyville, and that you will not follow him. He will take that information to the Manehattan branch and Copper Secateur.

[] "Calm down everypony! We have no idea if these Royal Guard rumors are even true. We have to leave Ponyville, but we can't put the cart ahead of the pony."

-You will diminish panic and tension, and convince Copper and Windy that the Cult can leave Ponyville in a calm, orderly fashion.
-Windy Flakes will remain a member of the Cult.
-The Cult will begin to move its presence from Ponyville to Manehattan over the course of a whole month (one turn), and will be able to transport a considerable amount of funds and assets.
-You will have one turn to interact with the Cult's presence in Ponyville one last time, be it to steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library or perform other actions.
-However, you can only convince Copper and Windy that everything is alright if you show you are willing to "take the risk" with them. You will lock one action next turn to aid in moving the Cult.
-Due to your involvement in the Cult's moving-out, you will create more rumors/evidence/links that you are connected with the Cult.
-Before he leaves, Windy Flakes will reach out to you one last time. You will then reveal to him that you have too much to lose, and a whole life in Ponyville, and that you will not follow him. He will take that information to the Manehattan branch and Copper Secateur.

- - -

- - -

- - -

You open your eyes.

You are on your bed. In your estate. In Ponyville.

You are not in the Woods anymore. In fact, part of you feels that you are not even in the Cult anymore. Your ties with it are now broken, one way or the other.

If not because of your own actions, then because the one reason that made you terrified of leaving is now… gone?

You still don't believe it. You still think that she is just busy, or that this is a test, or that she really just meant she was leaving Manehattan and heading back to Ponyville.

But all those ideas come from the rational side of your brain. All those ideas make sense.

And that is why you know that they are wrong.

Because the Master is, first and foremost, a being of Moth.

And disappearing like this, making you wonder if she is either just watching from the shadows, or if she ever even existed to begin with, feels exactly like something she would do.

Still, the fact remains that, regardless of the reason, she is not here anymore.

Or maybe she left the Cult. Maybe she was the first to abandon it, and Comet Feet was just the second.

Regardless, you have work to do.

Your body "only" feels exhausted, as you get out of bed and prepare to take a shower. You feel hungry, and thirsty, and undignified. And you also feel your guilt, and the other things you left back in the Woods, still following you, like an echo or a shadow.

You can also sense your regret, clear as day, sinking its talons into your chest. Because you very much did not let it go.

But still, all of those things are lessened now. You took the time you needed, so they are now only as heavy or as painful as the limp on your hindleg.

Nothing but a familiar burn, that is not nearly enough to dull your thoughts or stop your legs.

With that in mind, you set out to begin your day.

- - -

"Lady Velvet, again, I-… I cannot… I really cannot say how…"

"It's okay, Shining. Really, it's… it's alright. I'm just glad that, well… that she is back."

You lay back on the cushioned couch, watching as the large unicorn in front of you almost sags in relief.

Your daughters are in school right now, so hugging them is the only thing on your list of "essential to-dos" that you haven't checked yet. But still, you have been able to catch up with what happened during your… absence.

Much to your surprise, it was Softy, and not Ponpon, who gave you a report. Granted, Ponpon was also there, but the older maid was all but encouraging Soft Sweeps to… well, to own up to her merits.

Because she really did a lot.

From what they told you, nothing terrible really happen during the last few days. Despite you being locked in your room, neither your daughters nor any of the servants said or did something they shouldn't. There were no gossips about… well, anything, and everypony was convinced (even if very worried) about the sudden "illness" that befell you.

Additionally, Twilight's presence also didn't raise many eyebrows. But mostly because Soft Sweeps, at Ponpon's suggestion, called Rarity. And your trusted friend immediately took Twilight away with her.

From what you gather, Twilight Sparkle is in Rarity's house right now. And you honestly think that is… better, than the alternative.

But more importantly, it seems Twilight Sparkle also sent a letter to Canterlot.

And that following that letter, her older brother immediately came to Ponyville.

By himself.


Without his uniform.

And you immediately understood that the… "undercover Royal Guards spotted around Ponyville" were just Shining Armor himself, going to and from Rarity's house and your own estate. The stallion, it seems, did nothing but stay with his sister, and check if you were already out of your room and available to talk.

Which means not only that the rumors that reached Windy were quite over-inflated, but that the Cult is overreacting to them. Their actions make sense from their limited perspective, of course… but then again, that is the danger in acting without information.

But all of that leads to where you are right now.

In your tea room.

Tired, but alert.

Talking to Captain Shining Armor for the first time in several months.

You… you really ought to thank Softy, for how well she handled all of this. Well, you already thanked her, but you should figure out how to thank her more. And for all that she seemed strangely happy when you absent-mindedly patted her head, you realize that you need to find something that is better than just words.

"But still, Lady Velvet, I… Twili is… she is all I have left," the captain says.

And you let him speak, because you realize he is talking to himself more than he is talking to you.

You can almost see it, the weeks of stress and fatigue, the dreadful thoughts he carried ever since he learned his little sister was missing… you can almost see all of that seeping out of him, as he talks.

"I know so many ponies lost so much more, but still… Twili is…"

He lets out a long, drawn-out sigh. And you quietly float his cup of tea closer to him.

And you only say something after the stallion accepts it.

"It's alright, Shining. Really. Twilight Sparkle is… well, she means a lot to me as well."

"But still, I-I'm thankful for you. I really, really am, but…" he says that, and then he looks at you. Drawing attention to how sickly you look. You are also sure he is thinking about how frail you are to begin with. "But I am sure that was dangerous. I know what Ca-Princess Cadence told you, but to think that you acted out on that regardless is…"

He lets his words drag on, his eyes fixed on your own. And from the way he is looking at you, you can tell that he is all but waiting for you to agree with him.

And you just stare back at him, letting the seconds tick by. A small, amused smile slowly forming on your face.

"I really mean it, Lady Velvet. What you did was… I have been involved with similar efforts, around Canterlot and other towns besides. And I know that what you did was dangerous."

He says that.

Captain Shining Armor, a stallion who has dedicated his life to placing himself in danger to protect other ponies, once again stresses those words. And then he looks at you with the expression of a stallion who is sure that what he says makes sense.

And you can also tell that he is sure that, any second now, you are going to nod at him. He is sure that you are going to nod at what he said, and admit that what you did was indeed stupid. That is was stupid, and dangerous, and that you really shouldn't have.


But all you give him in return is the amused eyes of a mother.

And the stallion lets out an exasperated sigh at that.

"Alright, alright… I should have realized you are like this ever since… well, ever since that," he says, thinking back to the time you two worked back together in the efforts to search for Princess Luna.

"I am glad we both care for Twilight Sparkle, Shining," you say, taking a sip of your tea. The fresh mint doing wonders to your battered throat. "And I am sure you care about her more than anypony else. Certainly more than I do."

The stallion gives you a… complicated smile, at your words. And you decide not to pry.

"But still, there is something I want to ask you about," he says, his tone suddenly serious. "Something… well, it's the question I wanted to ask all along. You see, Lady Velvet, I have been with Twili these last few days, and she is… quiet. She hasn't talked a lot, not even to me. But she has told me… enough. She told me… things…"

You forcibly stop your ears from perking up at that, and you feel your heart quicken at that.

Because Shining Armor is still here, talking to you amicably, so you… well, you can't be sure of what Twilight Sparkle told him. But still…

"And my sister is… well, I want you to know that she is still very confused. She said that you… that you knew that she had been taken? She even said that, well… that she saw you, and that you saw her, as she was taken away."

He says that, but he immediately raises a hoof to stop you from reacting, asking you to let him finish.

"Now, I haven't yet told her about the… changelings," he says that last word in a hush, while looking towards the closed door. "But my sister is… please, even if she is saying things, I can promise you we are both very thankful for you. But I need you to understand that Twili is… confused."

Your heart nearly jumps out of your chest, and you keep your hoofs from trembling by picking up your cup and sipping from your tea.

Because you don't know if you should feel tense… or relieved. Because even though you are desperate for details that you can't ask for, it seems that Twilight told Shining Armor about… at least parts of her rescue. But also that he doesn't believe her.

Because why would he believe her? After all, he knows about the changelings, and he has seen Twilight's state. He knows that she disappeared for several weeks, and that she is probably traumatized. And that's without even talking about her horn, given how studying magic meant everything to the young mare.

So why… why would he ever believe her? Even if she is his sister? Or maybe it is because he is her sister that he feels even more protective of her, and is more willing to see trauma and confusion where the mare is trying to tell the truth. So why would he believe her words, when she is telling some story that he savior had in fact known about her horrible predicament?

However, you can tell that the stallion's eyes are still… not alert, but tense. He still wants to know the truth. He still needs to know what happened to his sister.

"So please, Lady Velvet, I have to ask you… I need to know. What exactly happened to Twili? How did… how did you find her? What happened?"

And you answer him that…

[] You will talk to him, with more than just words. And suddenly, he will lose interest in his own question. None of this matters. All that matters is that his beloved sister is back. (You will Leash Captain Shining Armor).

[] You found Twilight Sparkle in the outskirts of Ponyville, near the Everfree Forest. (You will adopt this LIE as the truth, and you will tell it to anypony else who also asks about it.)

[] You will tell him that… (WRITE IN) (You will create another version of the events, and you will adopt that as the truth. Telling it to anypony else who also asks about it.)

The Master is gone.

Velvet Covers has determined that this is the best moment to break from the Cult. Both in the wake of Comet's own exit, and by using a similar excuse. Even if Velvet decides to aid in the Cult's departure for one last month, she will still do the same thing in the end, and tell Windy she is no longer in the Cult as soon as she is done helping him.

Regarding Shining Armor. Any vote that isn't the Leash will be "gaslighting" the whole world, claiming that Twilight is disturbed and telling confused lies. Regarding the "write-in" option, it is NOT acceptable to tell the truth, or to tell a lie that directly exposes the Cult, given how Velvet fears it would be too easy to trace the Cult back to her.

The two votes have independent significance. Voting by approval, not plans.

Twelve hours moratorium.
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[] You will talk to him, with more than just words. And suddenly, he will lose interest in his own question. None of this matters. All that matters is that his beloved sister is back. (You will Leash Captain Shining Armor).
Does this solve the issue? Like, if Shining just doesn't act on it Twilight won't bother telling anyone else? Or is that a risk we're taking?

Because I can't see a functional difference in our calculations between leashing Shining and leashing Twilight if it does solve the issue. We're still mind-controlling someone.
Does this solve the issue? Like, if Shining just doesn't act on it Twilight won't bother telling anyone else? Or is that a risk we're taking?

Because I can't see a functional difference in our calculations between leashing Shining and leashing Twilight if it does solve the issue. We're still mind-controlling someone.
Velvet is sure, on a deep and personal level, that Twilight hates her. Can't leash Twilight.

And regarding your "does this solve the issue?" question.

You don't know.

But Twilight is not in a talkative mood. Rarity is your Minion. And the only other ponies who she might be willing to talk and who could do something about it are Very Angry Sun Horse and the Princess that will trust Shining's judgment.

So if you Leash Shining, I won't ask what your cover up story is, because it won't matter. Velvet will still have her version of events, ready to be used, but that blueprint won't need to leave her mind for the foreseeable future.
But of course, using a Leash is its own problem, with its own implications. It is a resource, after all, and a fallible one at that.
Just like a lie.
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Did… did the Master just… give up? Did he decide his task was done and he had done enough? Or perhaps… perhaps he couldn't manage to keep hold of the world anymore? We know that Names can stay longer than their summoning should allow them. But they must have a reason to do so, and a strong one. If that was considered resolved…

Maybe the Master found out about our betrayals and it was so effective he immediately popped because he decided we've got this, somehow.
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I guess our cult was just too disappointing, too slow in climbing and too weak to do what he wants to be done to douse the light. I wonder if Starry disappeared with Master.

At this point, I would lean to break the cult sow panic, and leave Copper as the sole leadership only one Mare left to end knock down. This will make dismantling the cult easier as we just need to knock her down while she is alone to topple the rest. The only downside is that would probably leave Windy alone to continue his Winter experiments in Ponyville.

Because I can't see a functional difference between leashing Shining and leashing Twilight if it does solve the issue. We're still mind-controlling someone.

Leashing Shining is basically given a lot more credibility to our lie in this as it will be backed by I Shining Armor captain of royal guard and Twilight's brother 100% endorse the version of events Velvet said and think my sister is just horribly traumatized and confused at this moment and Velvet is a good mare.

A plain lie could have Shining eventually convinced by his sister given currently he is torn at this moment and just looking for confirmation to ease his conerns about our trustworthiness as Twilight totally hates us.
Velvet is sure, on a deep and personal level, that Twilight hates her. Can't leash Twilight.
We'll yes, I just meant in our personal "these are the lengths we are willing to go to and which is better" calculations.

So I'm wondering is this just a question, from you, on whether we want to use mind control or gaslighting to solve the problem, or are we measuring risks?
So the leash upside is Shining will more or less just brush off Twilight and anything she says regarding this, and tell anyone else to do the same because his sister… she didn't fare well, with what happened to her.

We can use words to convince him of much the same, but to a weaker effect.

Twilight herself probably doesn't actually hate velvet specifically despite Velvet's belief. But she is hurt. So very hurt.
As for the cult… I vote to shatter it. Copper alone is dangerous, but without Windy…

Well, I do not believe she's finished summoning neighna yet, and without Windy acting to procure reagents there's probably a good chance she will outright fail to finish the ritual. A Name summoned by someone else failing to enter the field is… a big deal.

It is a shame we won't get to heal ourselves next turn with the cadre bonus, but that is that.

Also it occurs to me, this is The Woods. The Master should be here. So… why aren't they?
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So if you Leash Shining, I won't ask what your cover up story is, because it won't matter. Velvet will still have her version of events, ready to be used, but that blueprint won't need to leave her mind for the foreseeable future.
But of course, using a Leash is its own problem, with its own implications. It is a resource, after all, and a fallible one at that.
Just like a lie.
Ah, okay. So unless we want to keep Shining on a leash semi-permanently, we'll probably want to do more back up work or something.

I'll also note that, while it would be nice if we could just lie and not have to mind control anybody, it's also worth noting both that this is a line we've already crossed, and that Shining Armor is probably the single most useful person ever to have on a leash, since the Princesses themselves can't be leashed.
Shattering the cult seems the most useful so long as we get our books back, I want those infrastructure benefits from high level lores.

The question is how can we keep track of Windy Flakes and the Books. An option that comes to mind is just hiring Windy Flakes into the Bureau after we start it up. No need to run from the police when the police head personally hires you.

Edit: Preserved for prosperity.

Name: Velvet Covers
Species: Unicorn (female)
Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges
Appearance: A tall and slender unicorn mare, with light brown coat and a long white mane.
As seen through the lenses of many Histories

by @Mage of Eyes

by @Mersy


Martial: 8 + 1 (EDGE)
Diplomacy: 11 + 1 (GRAIL) + 1 (HEART)
Stewardship: 11 + 1 (WINTER)
Intrigue: 10 + 1 (MOTH) + 1 (KNOCK)
Magic: 12 + 1 (FORGE)
Learning: 12 + 1 (LANTERN) + 1 (SECRET HISTORIES)

(On Status Level, an 8 represents a perfectly average pony, 10 is a pony trained on that particular field, 15 is a pony who can be considered an expert, and 20 is a master of the art involved)

Current/Maximum Health: 2/2
Total personal combat: +14 (+9 martial, -10 Frightened, +15 EDGE)

-Graduated: You have graduated from an institution of higher education (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship, already applied);
-Beautiful: +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant (+2 Intrigue, already applied);
-Gifted: +5 when trying to cast your racial magic (+2 Magic, already applied);
-Well Read: +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls or books (+2 Learning, already applied);
-Frightened [MALUS]: -10 to Personal Combat;
-Scarred [MALUS]: -1 base Health;
-Favored in Canterlot (Mi Amore Cadenza) [Possible Malus]: +20 for certain rolls in the city of Canterlot. You will be immediately recognized as a supporter of the crown;
-Above All Suspicion: The alicorns trust you, in a time where trust is a precious and scarce resource. Do. Not. Break. That. Trust;
-Mare Administrator: +10 when organizing projects that span large areas, or that involves the efforts of several ponies (+2 Stewardship, already applied);
-The good Velvet: You are immune to your family's complicated reputation, having sufficiently distanced yourself from it... you hope;
-Murderer: "This one's hoofs have taken a life";
-BRANDED by the SECRET HISTORIES: Your cutie mark is no longer merely that... You will be recognized by those in the know, and in turn you will now recognize them back (further effects unknown);
MOTH: Mundane darkness no longer affects you (Level 3);
SECRET HISTORIES: "Book/Artifact Search" actions upgraded, even when performed by servants, and no longer cap when performed by yourself (Level 3);
LANTERN: You may read three books per turn, or study two artifacts, and you will generate slightly less suspicion towards the family head. You now can (try to?) learn (learn... what?) from objects you can touch (Level 3);
KNOCK: Mundane locks no longer work against you, and Mansus actions now allow for two choices to be picked, or for the same choice to be picked twice (if -> else action plans are also acceptable) (Level 3);
WINTER: Physical discomforts no longer hinder you, thought they will still affect or harm you. You are unnaturally resistant to cold. You may now summon Flourishing Risen and Torn Risen from dead bodies (Level 3);
FORGE: Max level of reagent is based on Forge Level, and the combination of Lores infused may not pass your personal level on each individual Lore (Level 3);
EDGE: You are immune to ambushes, and you are able to "smell" certain kinds of nearby creatures up to a reasonable range regardless of physical obstacles between you and your mark (Level 3).
GRAIL: You gain one "Leash". A "Leashed" pony will act towards you as if they were one step higher on the "Acquaintance - Friend - Close Friend - Confidant - Minion" scale. (Level 3).
HEART: If you reach zero health, you will enter a state of "Dancing with Death" instead of immediately dying. (Level 3).

A STAIN UPON THE SOUL [2/7]: Should this counter ever reach 7/7, Velvet Covers will immediately reach the ending "The Mother of Wolves".
"Like a piece of parchment that was put too close to a fire, or wool that was grazed by a candle's flame. This one's soul is marked, now, and that mark is an ugly thing that cannot be taken back."

-[Wolf, thy name is Evil]: "An old malice has been reintroduced to Equestria, like a wind that brings misfortune or a day where the sun just doesn't shine as bright."
(Equestria is now a worse place.)

-[The Benefits of the Mother]: Velvet Covers may now perform Regrettable Actions.
(Velvet Covers may be offered additional actions to further this path.)

"Deeper now. Darker now. This one's mark has grown. But not out of ignorance or innocence, but by intention and design. And that intent, perhaps, might be worse than the mark itself."

-[Wolf, thy name is Paranoia]: "I will speak the words you taught me, in the ears and in the minds and in the souls of ponies. Until they fall upon each other in frenzied fear."
(All non-alicorn ponies, in all of Equestria, will receive a "-5 (Paranoia)" malus whenever they perform an action that requires them to cooperate with another non-alicorn pony.)

-[The Benefits of the Mother]: "The son is not required where the Mother treads, for the progenitor's actions will always eclipse that of the progeny."
(Paranoia will not affect Velvet Covers herself, or anypony near her, in a very large radius. The "location" where Velvet covers is, be it a city or an expedition or a place of import, is immune to the above Malus.)

Relevant items and temporary assets:

Current bits (money): 124
Current monthly income: 120 bits/month(?) + (Dividends from Rarity)/month
-A "Leash", currently used with: NONE
-1x "Wrong Key" (to expire at the END of turn 18)
-"An Incarnadescence" (ritual-summoned Grail Influence, +40) (to expire at the END of turn 16)
-The Daughter-of-Axes (Summons, current health 2/5) (to expire at the END of turn 17)
Artifacts only apply their effect when they are "usable", "in your person", "in range" or otherwise available to you personally, depending on their nature.

"The skin of a furred animal worked into a large blanket, or perhaps a thick carpet. The salespony insists that whoever sleeps under it (or over it) will wake up feeling refreshed."
Appraised cost: 200 bits
Special properties: +30 on tests to recuperate health or cure lasting debuffs. Applies on contact.

"A large hardcover book, or perhaps a grimoire, that displays the content of a different book every time its pages are turned. Some of the things written on it, you are pretty sure, are not true, or never happened."
Appraised cost: 200 bits
Special properties: Gives a variable bonus (from +5 to +15) for any rolls that involve "research" or "study", of any subject.

"A hoof-sized tuning fork... or at least a tuning-fork adjacent. The thing has three prongs instead of two, arranged in a triangular pattern. Striking it yields no sound, none that you can hear at least, even though the thing clearly vibrates."
Appraised cost: Unknown (not studied)
Special properties: Unknown (not studied)

HEART Level 1 (Reagent)

HEART Level 4 (Reagent)

"WRONG KEY" (Wrong Keys are explained here, since they are curios, but any Wrong Key you hold will be listed in together with your other "temporary items" and summons)

Consumable Item

-Can be used as a "Knock 3" reagent
-Single use (breaks when used)
-Can be used reactively to completely deny an enemy offensive ritual aimed at you or at ponies near your immediate physical vicinity.
-Can be used to instantly inflict a single wound to a summoned creature if used in combat.
-Breaks at the end of its fifth month of existence.
-Using a Wrong Key as a sacrifice to summon the Daughter-of-Axes will decrease the ritual cost by 50 bits, and will give you one level of [Priority] over any opposing rituals.
-([Priority] meaning that, if an opposing party attempts to summon her as well, you will not "compete" for the summoning and will always "win", as long as you successfully roll the minimum required for her summoning and have a [Priority] level greater than your foes).
BOOK, HEART Level 1. "A small book that covers a particular kind of elegant dancing".
BOOK EDGE Level 1. "The title is self-explanatory: 'Four self-defense spells every unicorn should know'. You doubt they are anything more than different variations of concentrated telekinesis."
BOOK, FORGE Level 1. "A small handbook on camping, explaining the basics of how to build a tent and start a small fire".
BOOK KNOCK Level 2. "A fairly recent, and short, book about dream interpretation. You know it is recent because it was dedicated to Princess Luna's return".
BOOK FORGE Level 3. "A real guide to beginner's level blacksmithing. The bookstore owner almost seemed excited in having this reach your hoofs via your servants."
BOOK FORGE Level 3. "The book is simply titled 'Chemistry', and your servants reluctantly admitted that was the only word they understood in it. Of course you know they were being dramatic, but that also means that the contents of the book must be way, way beyond what they teach at schools."
BOOK LANTERN Level 6. "An ancient, and enormous, hardcover tome written in an unknown language. You are not even sure what its title is, if it even has one, but the symbol laid on its front was enough for you to understand what it is about. On its cover you can clearly see the icon of a Sun, Divided." (DECIPHERED, will grant +one Lantern Lore if studied, small risk of FASCINATION.)
BOOK UNKNOWN LORE (if any). "An old book, hoof-written and bound with rusty metal pins. Found in the cavernous undergrounds of the Royal Castle. The language written in it is strange, but the alphabet itself is not. This is clearly from this age." (REQUIRES DECIPHERING, unknown if it will grant Lore-knowledge. From Current Era: "-20" malus while deciphering. Current Progress 0/50)

Cult Name
: Wildhoof Club
Your role in it: Lorekeeper (Learning Advisor)

Current Cult influence:
-Ponyville: MODERATE influence, +9 in certain rolls. Local Guard subverted.
-Manehattan: NONEXISTENT influence, +0 in certain rolls.

Lore level:

("This world is not as most ponies believe it is", but the difference between the henchman and the mastermind is that one blindly believes that fact, and the other understands it and unveils the truth)

KNOCK - Current Bonus: May access the Mansus, +20 when attempting to open something. +1 Intrigue. Mundane locks no longer work against you, and Mansus actions now allow for two choices to be picked, or for the same choice to be picked twice. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You understand that there are other Worlds, and secret paths between them. But the only one you know is the World in your dream, the Mansus, and perhaps that is the only World that matters. (Allows access to the Mansus)

Level 1: A door is not a passage, it is a thing that denies the passing of something, the opening behind a door is the true passage. And all passages share certain characteristics with wounds, as well as certain words. (+5 when attempting to open something)

-Level 2: A door always bears a price. Most of them demand their prices be paid when they are created, as is the case with wounds and portals. But the doors of the Mansus always were, they were never made, so their prices must always be paid upon passage. (Further +5 when attempting to open something. +1 Intrigue.)

-Level 3: It is not about simply opening something, no. The manner in which something is opened is also of equal importance. You have the impression that the reason as to why something is opened might be even more important, but, for now, you have learned the secret that allows you this much. (Further +5 when attempting to open something. Mundane locks no longer work against you, and Mansus actions now allow for two choices to be picked, or for the same choice to be picked twice.)

-Level 4: Some connections are unions, because they combine "here" and "there" into a single thing. Other connections are divisions, for the existence of a bridge is what transforms a single river into two separate shores. But all of those situations share the similarity of there being a path itself, and the creation of that path is what truly matters. (Further +5 when attempting to open something. Gains a single re-roll for Knock per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 0/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

LANTERN - Current Bonus: +15 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. +1 Learning. May study 3 books or 2 artifacts per turn, generate less suspicion to family head, and might be able to learn from objects you can touch.
-Level 0: You know that there is more to knowledge than the simple sciences and magics known to ponies and the other races, and although you have no idea what it is you have been warned that it can easily blind the careless. (+1 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object)

-Level 1: A physical object exists, whether if it is bathed in light or cloaked in shadows. But what of knowledge, or ideas? If those are not illuminated, if a mind does not bathe them in light, do they truly exists? (Further +4 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object)

-Level 2: You know that radiance of Glory escapes from the Mansus, sometimes, away from the Woods and into the Wake. You even think you can see it, whenever light is reflected at the correct angle from a mirror. You try not to look for such angles, or not to stare at it so intently whenever you catch a glimpse. (Further +5 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. +1 Learning.)

-Level 3: You have learned the secret that allows you to see through shadows. Even the shadows that you cannot see. (Further +5 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. May study 3 books or 2 artifacts per turn, generate less suspicion to family head, and might be able to learn from objects you can touch.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 3/4.

FORGE - Current Bonus: +15 when attempting to destroy something. +1 Magic. May craft Reagents to boost Rituals. Max level of reagent is based on Forge Level, and the combination of Lores infused may not pass your personal level on each individual Lore.
-Level 0: You have heard that nothing is truly eternal, and yet nothing can be truly destroyed. While the true meaning of that still eludes you, you have heard that fire can whisper you the answer. (+1 when attempting to destroy something)

-Level 1: What are the words that fire sings as it burns? Ponies knew those words, long ago, much like they knew how to move the clouds and how to befriend the earth so that it might bear fruits. And although they might have forgotten those particular words, you know it is possible to learn them once again. (Further +4 when attempting to destroy something)

-Level 2: Heat, you now know, is the physical representation of change. A metal bends and melts when heated not because of the temperature, but because change is being presented to it, inserted into it. You have learned, now, that it is possible to enact changes to certain things through other mediums, which are both more exotic and more effective than fire. (Further +5 when attempting to destroy something. +1 Magic)

-Level 3: A modern alchemist is no different than a foal, experimenting through trial and error in the hopes of stumbling upon something worthwhile. This, what you now know, is the correct way, in which a deeper understanding of the base elements and the base rules is used to produce the desired result. (Further +5 when attempting to destroy something. May craft Reagents to boost Rituals. Max level of reagent is based on Forge Level, and the combination of Lores infused may not pass your personal level on each individual Lore.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 1/4.

EDGE - Current Bonus: +15 to Personal Combat. +1 Martial. Immune to ambushes, and limited sensorial skills regardless of nearby obstacles.
-Level 0: You have learned that conflict is not only inevitable, but also natural. There is a certain sobriety to be gained from that realization. (+1 to Personal Combat)

-Level 1: Combat is not merely to take, or to end, or to divide. It is not only cunning, or strength, or agony. But there is also no way to describe combat without being intimate with all of those. (Further +4 to Personal Combat)

-Level 2: Every life, every living being, is but a confluence of a thousand crucial factors. Cut one, be it artery, passion or sanity, and said life will be ended. You can see them now, every so often, sticking out of those around you like a sore hoof. It chills you now, every so often, when you identify those factors on your loved ones. The factors, you see, seem to beg to be cut. (Further +5 to Personal Combat. +1 Martial)

-Level 3: Combat never ends. Or rather, you are in a combat that has been going on during your whole life, and that has not stopped or paused for even a single moment. Everypony is. It is a battle that began the moment you were born. And that will only end, in humiliating defeat, when you die. Now that you have realized this, you will never be caught unaware again. (Further +5 to Personal Combat. You are immune to ambushes, and you are able to "smell" certain kinds of nearby creatures up to a reasonable range regardless of physical obstacles between you and your mark.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 3/4.

WINTER - Current Bonus: +20 when resisting things that would harm your mind. +1 Stewardship. Physical discomforts no longer hinder you, thought they will still affect or harm you. You are unnaturally resistant to cold. You may now summon Flourishing Risen and Torn Risen from dead bodies. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You know that death is not the end, although you know not how you came to learn that. (+1 when resisting things that would harm your mind)

-Level 1: There is something curious about stillness. When the air is still you have quiet, when the mind is still you have peace, but what might happen when the spirit is still? Whatever the answer is, you know that it must not be taught with words, for if the answer breaks the quiet then it is, by principle, incorrect. (Further +4 when resisting things that would harm your mind)

-Level 2: Sometimes when your breath exits your mouth it is as cold as a midnight chill, and you know that it is because you have learned certain words. This might happen because the words wish to be spoken, or this might be because your body wishes for you to be silent. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your mind. +1 Stewardship)

-Level 3: The secret without which the first Crossings, past the crossroads and through the great mountains beyond the horizon of the Mansus, would not have been possible. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your mind. Physical discomforts no longer hinder you, thought they will still affect or harm you. You are unnaturally resistant to cold. You may now summon Flourishing Risen and Torn Risen from dead bodies.)

-Level 4: A music may only be shared after its composition is finished. A trail may only be mapped after it is completely walked. A life may only have meaning after death. The nuance, however, lies in understanding what death truly is, for a pony may die several times throughout his life. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your mind. Gains a single re-roll for Winter per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 0/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

HEART - Current Bonus: +15 when resisting things that would harm your body. +1 Diplomacy. If you reach zero health, you will now enter a state of "Dancing with Death" instead of immediately dying.
-Level 0: There is a dance that never ceases, and those who dance it cannot be ceased. You know it rhymes with heartbeats and rolls with the beating of drums, but apart from that you know nothing else. (+1 when resisting things that would harm your body)

-Level 1: What is the difference between a the stomping of a hoof against the ground during a dance and a thunderclap, apart from the scale of it? Both follow a rhythm, both accompany the motions of nature itself, both are a herald to the next one that will soon follow. (Further +4 when resisting things that would harm your body)

-Level 2: To be alive is to continue. To die is to stop. It might be possible to exist without being alive, or to exist without movement, but that form of existence is both unnatural and not right. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your body. +1 Diplomacy.)

-Level 3: Nopony ever really dies, as long as the song continues to be sung. This is the secret hymn that hearts sing, as they beat. This is the secret that allows you to sing back to your heart, when it gives up on singing. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your body. If you reach zero health, you will now enter a state of "Dancing with Death" instead of immediately dying.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 0/4.

GRAIL - Current Bonus: +15 when attempting to convince someone of something. +1 Diplomacy. You gain one "Leash", a leashed pony will treat you differently in a positive way.
-Level 0: You have heard whispers that there is never any wrong in accepting one's own nature. Your rationality denied such a thing, and yet your body agreed. There might be some deeper knowledge to that. (+1 when attempting to convince someone of something)

-Level 1: There are words that beg to be spoken, and actions that beg to be performed, and they share characteristics that are deeper and more complex than the base and carnal aspects that most might attribute to them. What further things might we discover if we learn these similarities? (Further +4 when attempting to convince someone of something)

-Level 2: You have come to realize that there is a circle, of sorts, present in the lives of all ponies. Your desires beget your cutie marks, and then your cutie marks bring forth your desires. For the longest time you have tried to understand which came first, but now you understand that the answer is "neither". The two things are one and the same. The two things are a commemoration of Birth. (Further +5 when attempting to convince someone of something. +1 Diplomacy.)

-Level 3: A pony's desire is a powerful thing. It guides their will through their lives. It guides their bodies in drawing their cutie marks. This is the secret to begin touching it. (Further +5 when attempting to convince someone of something. You gain one "Leash". A "Leashed" pony will act towards you as if they were one step higher on the Acquaintance-Friend-Close Friend-Confidant-Minion sliding scale.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 2/4.

MOTH - Current Bonus: +20 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. +1 Intrigue. Mundane darkness no longer affects you. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: Everything within our minds is a part of us, being something that was both made by us and something that makes us, even the parts we do not understand. What can be learned from them? (+1 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found).

-Level 1: There are powers that are pleased by the constant changes within us, but to truly attract their attention there must be changes to our outside as well. Even a slight cut from a lock of a mane, if done correctly, may sometimes be enough. (Further +4 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found).

-Level 2: You have learned much from dreaming, but you are also starting to learn things from being awake. The night wind sometimes whispers against the trees, the moonlight paints the land in meaningful patterns at certain hours. But you can only ever notice those things after you have given up on searching for them. (Further +5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. +1 Intrigue.)

-Level 3: This is the secret known by those who understand what it means to become truly lost. (Further +5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. Mundane darkness no longer affects you.)

-Level 4: That which is not touched by light cannot be seen. That which is not reached by thought cannot be understood. Those are the truths behind the chaotic nature of the Woods, for it is neither touched nor reached by the ultimate light of Glory. But why, then does, the Woods so desire the Glory? (Further +5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. Gains a single re-roll for Moth per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 1/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

SECRET HISTORIES - Current Bonus: +20 when attempting to find something. +1 Learning. "Book/Artifact Search" actions upgraded, even when performed by servants, and no longer cap when performed by yourself. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You have been taught that the history of this world is neither an open book nor a strand of rope, and yet it is full of knots, and parts where it has been written over by scribbles. (+1 when attempting to find something)

-Level 1: There seems to be a beginning to all of this, a place from where everything started diverging or a past that everything can agree on. Whatever its nature is, its making also carved the Mansus, and seeded the Woods. (Further +4 when attempting to find something)

-Level 2: There are several Histories, but only one Mansus, and this has taught you that no matter how tangled a web might be, there will always be a point of convergence. No matter what you search for, there will always be similarities to be found in other Histories. (Further +5 when attempting to find something. +1 Learning)

-Level 3: This is no secret at all, it is in fact something painfully obvious. The secret you have come to realize is, instead, the extends that ponies go to not realize it. (Further +5 when attempting to find something. "Book/Artifact Search" actions upgraded, even when performed by servants, and no longer cap when performed by yourself.)

-Level 4: Coincidences do not exist. Alignments exist. Cause and effect exists. The logic that determines where a lightning is most likely to strike exists. But coincidences do not exist. Not, at least, in the superstitious way that most ponies believe they do. (Further +5 when attempting to find something. Gains a single re-roll for Secret Histories per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 4/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.
List of contacts:
(These are ponies you do not share a specific pre-quest bond with. As a rule of thumb they are divided into groups. But be advised that these groups are YOUR OPINION on the matter, and their reaction to certain "situations" might diverge from what you would have excepted, depending on their own personalities and moral compasses.)

The "levels" of a contact, much as something like friendship is nearly impossible to quantify, are roughly divided like this:

An Acquaintance.
-An acquaintance is a pony who you met at random or by design, or somepony you have had a reasonable "first contact" experience with. Anypony who is not an acquaintance, or who you do not know for any other reason, is a total stranger to you, and it won't even cross your mind to try and look for them. (Well, we all know you will use your OOC knowledge to try and arrange for certain interactions, but oh well...)

A Friend
-You turn an acquaintance into a friend by spending time with them. Mechanically speaking you need only spend a turn with an acquaintance, no tests involved most of the time, just to get to know them a little better. Being lucky enough to just "bump into them" while performing other actions might also be enough.
-Friends can be called for "Write-ins", although the can deny participating in your action, and they can be expected to act on their own interests while accompanying you. Still, their skills may be called upon.
-Keep in mind, however, that bringing in somepony for an action of yours will involve their own efforts as well, if they do help you. That might mean that they can fail, and ruin your own success, or that they can share in your spotlight if you succeed, or perhaps even steal your glory and its dividends.

A Good Friend
-You turn a Friend into a Good Friend by spending more time with them, together with a little something else. Simply spending time with them will proc a situation where you will roll a test, but you may expedite that by spending bits in your action, or by doing something else of relevance.
-Good Friends can be expected to join in your actions, with "Write-ins", and can be expected to act with your interests in mind, seeing that their honest intention is to be there to help you.
-Good Friends may be introduced into the cult, without fear of things going terribly wrong if you fail at that.

-A confidant is a pony who is personally loyal to you, or who believes that they owe you a great debt, or who believes that you are worthy of being followed.
-A Good Friend may become a confidant through great effort on your part, or through a relevant action which is of great relevance to them, or that would incur debt, inspiration or loyalty.
-If you were cruel, then perhaps the term you would have used is "Minion", or perhaps the description applied would have been that "they can be expected to obey you", but that is not the case.
-Calling a Confidant to do something extremely dubious might yield varying results, but unless many wrong buttons are pushed you can expect them to keep your secrets and remain loyal.
-Upon reaching the Confidant level, you will be given the choice of automatically introducing said character into the cult.

But as it goes with friendships, and the particular antics of personalities, these are rules of thumb.
It is also important to note that this is the "mechanical" part of things. Context borne from the narrative circumstances can also be equally important.

Fellow members of the Inner Circle, as well as creatures from the Mansus, will not be classified on the scale above.

Minions - these are the ponies that you can truly claim to be yours.

-Rarity, great [GRAIL], lesser [FORGE]:
Current occult level: Initiate (Grail Level 1, Forge Level 0)
Bearer of an Element of Harmony, a hopeful (and talented, you must say) fashionista who dreams of "making it big". She is absolutely enamored with Canterlot and the glamour of other major cities, and has a little sister who's your daughter's age. She is quite zealous about her craft, a good trait for someone as talented as her, and knows a few of your personal secrets, now that you trust her. She has become, in her own opinion, deeply indebted to you after you gave her the opportunity of making her dream "come true", after you mediated a contract between her, your family and the Needle family, in which she will have her work sent over to them under the guise of a talented, but recluse, fashionista.
She HAS BEEN INDUCED into the Wildhoof Club, but is not yet privy to the deepest secrets of the cult.

Confidants – ponies you could probably trust to help you hide a body (even if after some stern scolding)

-None, currently

Good friends – ponies that will come to your aid if you ask, who you can trust that you could introduce into your cult, or who wouldn't completely cut ties with you if said attempt went horribly wrong.

-Twilight Sparkle, [LANTERN] of unknown intensity: CURRENTLY IMPRISONED BY THE CULT
Leader, from what you heard, of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. She is younger than you expected, and far too young for the weight of her achievements. She lives in a library and seems to be fascinated by all things academic. Despite her already extensive education and scholarly life, she claims to have a dream of going to a university or some other institution.

You have given her a taste of the occult, and her reaction to it was... far more extreme than you expected it to be. Luckily, it didn't reach the point of her breaking down, but you honestly fear that it might have come to that if you had not intervened, or if her friends had failed to help her if you had not come to her.

Eventually, the two of you travelled to Canterlot and you learned just how attached she is to Princess Celestia, her mentor. The result of said trip being that a rather unfortunate encounter with Princess Luna ended up being too much for the young mare to bear. She fled back to Ponyville, and you eventually found and consoled her, convincing her to keep faith on Princess Celestia no matter what.
From what you surmise, she was kidnapped or swapped by the changelings shortly after that.

Much to your grieving concern, Twilight Sparkle is currently a prisoner of the Wildhoof Club, and the location she is being kept is unknown to you.

Friends – ponies with whom you actually have a good, casual relationship with, and who might agree to join you if you call for them.

-Cheerilee: your daughter's teacher, who views her job as important mainly because it helps build the future of her students. She seems to be capable of truly dedicating herself for others.

-Filthy Rich: a wealthy stallion who has business in sales and retails at Ponyville. He is a good father, and you feel that he is a dedicated husband, but you can also tell that there is some sort of problem in his family right now...

Acquaintances – ponies who you met once, and who wouldn't be strangers to you if you met again.

-Mayor Mare: the de facto leader of Ponyville.

-Sweetie Belle: Rarity's sister. She is your daughter's age, and seems to be terribly conscientious about her lack of a cutie mark.

-Spike: Twilight Sparkle's pet dragon, who lives with her. They seem to have an almost familial relationship. DECEASED (Drained dry of his life by changelings)

-Diamond Tiara: Filthy Rich's daughter, and a friend of your own daughter.

-Silver Spoon: a grey filly of rich upbringing who is friends with your daughter.

-Apple Bloom: a yellow filly, who won the Sisterhooves Social with her sister, and is friends with your daughter. She is a member of the Apple Clan and lives in the Sweet Apple Acres.

-Scootaloo: an orange pegasus filly. You can tell at a glance that her wings are... smaller, than they should be for a filly her age. Her parents also doesn't seem to live in town, and you are not sure who takes care of her, so you let her stay in your house whenever the situation warrants.

-Fluttershy, [WINTER] of unknown intensity: An Element Bearer, carrying the Element of Kindness from what Rarity told you. But more importantly, an extremely shy and reclusive mare who lives beyond the outskirts of Ponyville. Apparently, she somehow knows Comet Feet as well.
Current occult level: Enlightened (Winter Level 0, Unknown Affinity nonexistent)
(Additional information to be edited soon.
You have, by coincidence or design, caught Fluttershy during a very distressing moment. You lacked the details to know why she was feeling like that. But you knew enough to know Comet Feet was involved, that she was worried about him, and that he left without giving her any useful details. He left her, the mare said, while saying that he would return. But from her tone, she understood that he might not.
This is what you decided to tell her:
"Comet Feet... he's strong. Stronger than anyone I know. He has become that strong because he wishes to protect those ponies that can't protect themselves. Ponies like you. When you told him he didn't have to do this... you can guess why he took it badly. It would be like if someone told you you didn't have to take care of your animals. He feels it's his purpose. I'm sorry, but you can't help him with this, and I can't tell you much more without betraying his trust... but you can help him have some peace once he gets back. I'll do my best so he can come back to you once he's done".

-Applejack: Apple Bloom's older sister and middle daughter of the current generation of the Apple Clan. A dependable and responsible orange earth pony.

Close Family:
(Allowing any of these characters to be harmed will incur in severe, possibly game-ending, penalties)

-Selene [MOTH 3] [WINTER 2] [EDGE 2] [KNOCK 2]:
Selene is your daughter, and you will brook no argument that claims the contrary.
She is Princess Luna, turned into a child by powers beyond your comprehension and entrusted into your care by... by her parents. Although to this day you do not quite understand what exactly happened on that place.
But right now, all that matters is that she is a very shy filly. To your absolute happiness she seems to be growing close to your daughter, and she is slowly opening up to your and your husband as well. However, you know that she still has a long way to go, and part of you dread on what that might entail...
But still, that is something for you to worry about in the future. What peeves you the most on the present, you must add, is that to this day she has not yet called you "Mother".

-Silky Stream:
-Your daughter, the pegasus who you absolutely adore. She has her father's eyes, and a sweet tooth you hope she will grow out of. Despite her cleverness she is still young and needs to be watched closely, but as far as you can tell she channels her earnestness towards good causes. She sees her maid and guardian, Soft Sweeps, as an older sister of sorts, and you hope that said feeling doesn't "fade" as she grows older.
-You have discovered that she seems to have inherited, at least partly, her father's "sense" to notice when something is particularly important.

-Stormchaser, great [SECRET HISTORIES], lesser [KNOCK]:
Current occult level: Initiate (Secret Histories level 1, Knock level 0)
Your husband, a pegasus weather specialist from a family of wealthy cloud merchants. Despite the fact that your marriage with him was arranged, you two have come to love each other. He has an ability, of sorts, that he has never spoken about with anypony else, apart from you that is. He can, sometimes, realize when a particular object or moment is important, and he has no other way of describing it, or explaining how it works.
After what might perhaps have been too long, you finally admitted to him everything that has happened between you and the Cult these last years. To your great happiness, he doesn't seem to hold any of that against you, and will stand with you against the Cult. And he has also (finally) agreed with you that the occult knowledge is not inherently bad, and is willing to learn about it.
However, he has made it very clear that he will stick to his moral values. And even though there are no longer any secrets between the two of you, you understand that he might not be willing to follow you down the darker paths.

-Soft Sweeps:
Your daughter's caretaker, a dedicated pegasus mare with a not so fortunate upbringing who... had a family back in Canterlot that she used to support.
An extremely loyal mare who slowly grew to become not only your daughter's guardian, but also her older sister. To the point that the two of them bonded greatly during a Sisterhooves Social.
However, during the changeling catastrophe on Canterlot, her entire family was killed.
You are not entirely sure yet how she will react to that, and how that experience might change her. But you do know that, now, you care too much about her to simply leave her alone.

You know that you will never be able to give back to her what she lost, but that doesn't stop you from considering Soft Sweeps a member of your own family (you consider Soft Sweeps to be you own daughter, and will treat her as such).

Family and Work:

-Ponpon: your personal maid, a discrete and sweet earth pony mare.

-Velvet Hill: your father, and let's stop this right here.

-Soft Charm: Your estranged mother. Your only opinion of her is that, on hindsight, you don't think she was a very good mother.

-Velvet Wings: Your older brother. Having been borne a pegasus caused him not to even be considered as a possible heir of the family, something that only became more clear when you were borne. Your relationship with him, as you grew up, slowly became more complex and forced, until the day he was old enough to leave for the wider world. You hope he understands that those complications happened by you father's design, but you have not had much contact with him ever since.

-Velvet Pride: Your younger brother. A fine unicorn, from what you have seen in the paintings, although he is not an adult yet. You have never met him in person, and you have no doubts that your father prefers it that way.

-Velvet Steppes: Your uncle, your father's younger brother. He is an affable, charming and loyal unicorn, or at the very least one who is well liked enough to be welcome in the circles of Canterlot's nobility, despite being a Velvet. He is known as the "Facilitator", but to this day you have no idea why.

-Velvet Horseshoe [DECEASED]: The founding ancestor of your family, the pony who first attained the title of nobility from Princess Celestia years ago. Tales speak of him as a ruthless stallion and, apparently, he was known by some as "Velvet Dagger". His legacy, for good or bad, lives on in his family to this day.


-Needle Pin: A mare of the Needle family, and their chosen representative when dealing with the patronage of Rarity. She seems to be a business-keen mare, but you can tell that her family's expectations on her weight heavily on her back.

-Princess Mi Amore Cadenza
The Princess of Love, and adoptive niece of Princess Celestia herself. A... surprisingly approachable pony, who you are starting to view more as a regular mare who somehow ascended into alicornhood while she was still somewhat young. She spent the years following her ascension under the tutorship of Princess Celestia, and has grown up to be a capable advisor. During Celestia's absence, you must add, she also proved to be quite willing to flex her authority, especially when trying to deal with the unruly nobility, although history will tell if that was a stroke of genius or a mark of incompetence. She is apparently in a (hidden) relationship with a stallion of the Royal Guard, and cares enough about him to directly intervene, by means of her authority if necessary, if his work risks putting him in danger.

You have been able to get closer to her, you think, and you can see just how taxing rulership can be. Especially given how complicated things turned out after Princess Celestia returned form looking for her sister. Still, the two of you talked, and you believe she has taken something you told her to heart. Enough, perhaps, to even earn you her respect and friendship: "In the end, Cadance, we're all doing the best we can with what we have, and limited by what we know. Sometime that doesn't feel like enough, but all we can do is try and do better. Sometimes we regret our choices, even while we think it was really the only choice we could have ever made. And sometimes, it helps to have a friend to talk to, someone that will listen and give some advice without judging you for your weaknesses. they can give you strength when you find yourself with none of your own."

-Captain Shining Armor: a unicorn stallion, and a captain of the Royal Guard. He is a competent and dedicated member of the guard, and has risen to his rank through his own merit. You find him quite agreeable, although he can be quite hardheaded when he thinks he must stand his ground about something, be it an opinion or anything else. He is apparently in a (hidden) relationship with nopony other than the Princess of Love herself, although by no means you disagree in Cadance's good taste. You have also learned that he is Twilight Sparkle's older brother, which means he has good looks and brains NOTHING. Which means nothing a respectable mare would care for, except that you would very much like to meet his parents.

-Princess Celestia: The Sunbringer, the Immortal, the eternal ruler of ponykind and protector of Equestria. Her titles are many, but for all of her awesome might... you still can't shake the impression that deep down she is just a mare. You know, or at least you think you know, that she was borne into this world. Much like you know, or you think you know, that she has made some sort of covenant with Harmony. But for now, you are but a mare that has met her, and that perhaps she has taken a slight interest in.

The Cult:

-The Master [???]: whoever this pony is, you only know their voice. The snap of a twig heralds their presence, and they seem to know a great deal of things.

-Comet Feet [EDGE]:
A large pegasus with a gruff expression that you could easily picture as a member of the guard. He is the pony in charge of the cult's "dirty business", although Ponyville seems to lack anypony of his caliber. He is currently living in solitude, honing his knowledge of Edge, in an abandoned house within a forest at the very limits of Ponyville. Despite his rather aggressive demeanor, though, you think he might have something akin to a sense of honor, or at least obligation, and that he might be a very dedicated pony.

-Starry Dancer [HEART]:
A pink pegasus mare. What she seems to have in good intentions she also seems to have in clumsiness, but maybe you're being too hard on her. She (supposedly) is in charge of the cult's formal talking, and she also currently owes you one. A big one.
From what you have heard and observed it seems that she is either illiterate, or has a great difficulty with reading. It also appears that she is somewhat close to the Master, or at least that she trusts them very much, or perhaps even depends on them a little.

-Copper Secateur [GRAIL]: the very first cult member you met, an earth pony mare who is in charge of scouting out recruits. She can be terribly sly when she wants to, and apparently is also in charge of other "shady businesses" in the cult. It has come to your attention that she might have a problem of sorts, although you have no idea of what it might be.

-Windy Flakes [WINTER]:
-The unicorn who owns the shop where your cult currently meets. Always has a grin on his face, and sometimes has a strange sense of humor. He is in charge of the cult's finances.
-After your cult's "acquisition" of a particularly large building, he has moved on from his shop and become the manager of the Wildhoof Club, which is also the "lair" in which your cult meets. His demeanor still remains unchanged, though, to the point where you wonder exactly how his depth on his Lore (if he even has been dedicating himself to it, that is) might be affecting him.

-Jade Whistle, great [LANTERN], lesser [HEART] [CONFIDANT-LEVEL BOND]:
Current occult level: Disciple (Lantern Level 3, Heart Level 1)
An earth pony mare who seems a bit aloof, her expression always neutral. She is in charge of the more "occult" doings within the cult.
You have learned that she had a younger brother, who perished after a horrible accident in the Everfree Forest. Her mother and father left shortly after that, although with different definitions of "leaving" being applied to them...
She is an extremely observant and intelligent mare, and for the longest time she lived alone in her house. Because of that, and several other reasons of course, she developed a serious problem in connecting with other ponies.
However, after much effort from both of you, you finally managed to... perhaps help her take a step forward and away from her past. She tells you that she recently rekindled with another old friend of hers, and you trust her when she says that she is trying to move on from her past.
Although she made it very clear that she will not step a hoof anywhere near her old house, which she nearly burned down at one point.

-Baldomare: not a part of your cult proper, but an extremely interesting mare who lives in the Mansus, with her lover Illopony. She is currently living in your estate, and has claimed a room on the topmost floor "to better watch the sunrise". You have come to learn that she is a very good storyteller.
On the Lores, and their applications:
Lores can be applied in two ways, by Knowledge and by Application. Both apply in the Mansus and in the Wake.

KNOWLEDGE bonus is the measurement of how intimate you are with said Lore, how well you understand it, or how much of its power you carry.
-Your Knowledge bonus is always your Lore level times 10, OR the level of your strongest Aspect-related Artifact available (also times ten).
-Your Knowledge bonus is applied to surpass hurdles in the Mansus (something blocking your in the Mansus, a Mansus-borne curse, etc).
-Your Knowledge bonus is also applied when performing Rituals (but more on this up ahead).
-Yes, you may completely neglect leveling up an Aspect if you carry around an Artifact of sufficiently high level as a "focus", both for Mansus traversing and Ritual performing. But an Artifact is a physical object, and knowledge is not.

APPLICATION bonus is the measurement of how well you can apply your Lore knowledge in practical circumstances.
-It is the specific bonus that you gain with your current Lore level, which can be seen in your Character Sheet.
-These bonuses are applied to "broadly described" tests, and may also come in the form of status boosts or more.
-These practical bonus are more easily boosted, with certain rituals or by summoning Influences (more on this up ahead, on the Two Aspect Ritual Circle).
-An Artifact whose level is greater than your own Lore Level will NOT "unlock" the equivalent Application Bonuses. You are merely using a tool which you do not fully understand for its power, but you know not how to properly apply it in practice, save in the most brutish of manners.

Current known trend of the Application bonus:
-Level 0, an entry point: you gain +1 on specific tests.
-Level 1, a subtle hint: you gain +5 on specific tests.
-Level 2, a lesson learned: you gain further +5 on a specific test, and +1 on a status.
-Level 3, a realization: you gain further +5 on a specific test, and you undergo a subtle change of mind and body.
-Level 4, a confident certainty: you gain further +5 on a specific test, and one dice Re-Roll per month, for a test which involves said Lore.
-Level 5, a Sacrament: ???

On tests related to Lores:
Most Lore tests have a "base" CD (which most of the time will be 50), and an "Expected Level" CD. This will be more clear once you check the Ritual section, but the basic idea is as follows:

The BLANK DOOR, for example, had a CD of 70.
It had a base CD of 50, and it expected you to have a WINTER Lore (its chief Aspect) of level 2, since it is the entryway to the second level of the Mansus. Hence, 50+20=70.
Of course, understanding it also applied your LANTERN application bonus, so you brute-forced your way in. But that's the Mansus' problem, not yours.

This "base CD" will become greater under certain circumstances, as you will see ahead. But you will always be told what the CD of a Hurdle is (or at LEAST what its chief Aspect is), so it is usually a good way to know what you can expect to see on the other side of said Hurdle, or what the nature of said Curse is.

Great, but how do you improve your Lore level?
An example: Say you are studying a book or an Artifact. If the artifact is a HEART Level 3, and you current Lore of HEART is 0, then this means you are looking for a Level 0 scrap of Lore.
So this is how the test will look like:

CD: 50 (base CD) + 0 (ten times the Level of scrap you want) = 50

And the bonus you will apply is: YOUR CURRENT "LEARNING" + 30, because the Artifact is Level 3.

Notice that while attempting to LEARN a scrap of Lore, your own level didn't help you. This is because your level is your own current understanding, and you aren't trying to apply it, you are trying to increase it.
Your level will only be mentioned if your own level is higher than the source you're studying. In which case it will do nothing but bite you, since you can't learn anything from a source of knowledge whose Lore level is inferior to yours.

Studying something of the same Lore level is still fine, though. But keep in mind that you are better rewarded from studying from your superiors, as for every two full levels your source of knowledge is over you, you gain one additional scrap of Lore if you succeed in studying it.

And finally, there are the Influences, which can be quickly explained.
An Influence is, basically, a "blessing" of a certain Aspect. It is something that covers you and accompanies you for a while.
Influences will give you both a Knowledge and Application bonus, that can be of +10, +20, +30 or +40. These bonus apply for every roll, EXCEPT for Ritual rolls. Influences will allow you to draw on the laws more easily when applying what you know, or they will shield you from the Hurdles of the Mansus or Mansus-borne Curses, but their effect are too overbearing for the delicate execution of rituals.
And also because Influences can be gained via rituals, so you will all just start a "vicious cycle" of self-buffing Influences if you are allowed to.

But beware, Influences are a "mantle" around you, they are a small dose of Aspect-strength, or a legitimate overload of the thing. They might affect how you think, and they might have certain effects on your social interactions. Remember "That Old Yearning"? That was a Moth influence.
But who needs social interactions when you can have power, right?

- - -


Rituals will, invariably, have several different CD, all of which you must pass in order to complete it. Each CD will be of a different Aspect, depending on the effect of the ritual.
But you cannot be expected to be a master of every single Aspect. And even if you are, you cannot trust your knowledge alone to see you through, not when the stakes are dire and the needs are urgent.
So you can always "boost" your rituals... through a certain price, of course.
It is possible, depending on the complexity of the Ritual Circle, to offer it more incentives to bind the laws of the Mansus, through the correct use of sacrifices.

Sacrifice the life of a sapient creature, and the passing of its essence shall boost the Ritual.
-Pony life: boosts every Aspect by a factor of +10.
-Changeling life: KNOCK +20, GRAIL +30, MOTH +40
-Gryphon life: ???
-Dragon life: ???
"Blood has always been the currency of the world. Any world."

Destroy an artifact, and its Level will be applied (with a factor of +10 per level) on the Ritual.
"This thing gently emanates the energy of an Aspect, but we need more than 'gentle' for this. Wring it for its every last drop."

Consume a reagent, and its Level will be applied (with a factor of +10 per level) on the Ritual.
"Ink for the pen and fuel to the flame, grease for the cogs and gifts to the Name!"


Single Aspect Ritual Circle

"This is the simplest configuration in which we may draw the attention of the laws of the Mansus, although its uses are extremely limited. It is not so much of a ritual circle as it is a magnifying lens, through which we may look more easily into the Mansus, or perhaps through which it may see us more easily."

This Ritual Circle has no need for sacrifices.

"The Attention of the Laws"
-CD: None, instant success
-Cost: None.
-Duration: Lasts until the end of the turn when it is cast.
-Effect: You may pick a single Aspect, and double its Application Bonus for a single action. Casting this more than once, on the same Aspect, will not accumulate effect, but merely allow you to apply it in two different actions. Casting this on different Aspects allows for the two "doubled Aspects" to be applied on the same action.

"Rite of Childhood's End"
-CD: None, instant success
-Cost: A bundle of crocheted blankets, knitted with love. To be mercilessly torn and burnt by the lead ritualist.
-Duration: Instantaneous. Transformation ritual.
-Effect: There is nothing good about this ritual. It is a thing to be done in desperate times only, and its effect is akin to waking up on a cold morning, from a dream of happiness long lost. This will instantly wake Princess Luna, no matter how unprepared she is. And this will be the end of the dream called Selene. (Not a ranged Ritual. Selene must be present.)

Two Aspect Ritual Circle

"Two concentric circles, the second more complex than the first, but not so much that they do not complement each other. Like a sun eclipsed by the moon, or like the dance of life and death, the centerpiece circle maintains its function as a "magnifying lens", but it is used instead to draw the laws of an Aspect for a lesser function, a "base" for the ritual. The outer circle, which allows for more complex application, uses that base for the intended purpose."

This Ritual Circle allows for ONE sacrifice.

"The Forge's Redemption"
-CD: GRAIL 60, FORGE 100
-Cost: 20 bits on simple materials.
-Duration: Permanent.
-Effect: Permanently removes a "Lasting Wound" or other body-affecting malus.
-Failing this ritual risks you suffering a Wound.

"The Incision of the Heart"
-CD: EDGE 60, HEART 100
-Cost: 20 bits on simple materials.
-Duration: Permanent.
-Effect: Permanently removes a "Lasting Mental Debuff" or any other mind-affecting malus.
-Failing this Ritual risks a non-permanent Mental Malus.

"The Path Through Nightmares"
-CD: KNOCK 60, MOTH variable
-Cost: 50 bits on materials.
-Duration: Instantaneous. Offensive Ritual.
-Effect: Sends your target into a nightmare, with escape CD set to your MOTH roll. Every failed attempt at escape causes a psychological wound and gives the target a +10 bonus for the next attempt. May be "dosed" to stop at a certain point, as in "before target goes insane" or "as soon as target is sufficiently frightened/intimidated".
-Failing this Ritual yields no maluses, bar frustration.

"The End is Beautiful"
-CD: LANTERN 60, WINTER variable
-Cost: 50 bits on materials.
-Duration: Instantaneous. Offensive Ritual.
-Effect: Target rolls against your WINTER CD. Divide the difference between your roll by 17, rounded DOWN. Target takes that number as Wounds.
-Failing this Ritual is... impossible. Somepony, somewhere, will die.
-It is extremely unadvised to cast this Ritual more than once per month.

"The calling of Influence"
-CD: Any aspect, as follows:
Desired Effect+10+20+30+40
-Cost: 30 bits on simple materials.
-Duration: Until the end of the NEXT turn. Can be "banished" by will, permanently, if you are worried about talking to someone.
-Effect: The "Desired Effect" bonus will apply to ANY Roll that involves said aspect, except on rolls related to Rituals.
-Failing this Ritual yields no maluses, bar frustration.
-This ritual may only affect the pony casting it (a pony may not cast this ritual to give an Influence to another pony)

"The Reflection of the Tapestry"
-Cost: 35 bits on materials.
-Duration: Instantaneous/Permanent.
-Effect: Choose a "Subject" or "Location" to learn about. LANTERN roll provides information based on its value, subtracted by any defenses (mundane or otherwise) that the target might possess. Information given is incrementally better at every +20 rolled over the target's basic "resistance". Undefended targets have a basic resistance of "0".
-Failing this RItual yields no maluses, bar frustration.
-Information given can always be trusted to be true, even if frustratingly hard to interpret.
-It is possible to search for an "Item" (artifact of specified level) in order to reveal where it might be found. It is possible to target a known dungeon to scout it. Application of ritual is open and vague.

Three Aspect Ritual Circle

"Despite the great size of the Third Configuration, very few parts of it are fixed and common to all rituals. Those that are unavoidably draw the lines of Knock, and other things that are required for passages to be formed. The rest of the area that is left must be used to specify exactly who, or what, you are summoning. And once you realize just how wrong things can go, the space that is left feels small."

The Three Aspect Circle allows for TWO sacrifices

Base rules for summoned creatures
-As a rule, all creatures have a "General bonus". Unless stated otherwise, that bonus will apply to all tests that creature performs.
-As a rule, all creatures last THREE MONTHS.
-IF a creature has a bonus that applies to a specific circumstance, it will be noted. If that is the case (like a specific bonus for combat) than that bonus will apply instead of said "General Bonus"
-A creature CAN apply the "Application Bonus" based on their Lore. That bonus compounds with their own "General Bonus" and has the same description as your own. (Edge for combat, Moth for sneaking, etc).
-Summoned creatures do not accompany you into the Mansus.
-Any other details or particularities will be noted on a per-creature basis

The following is the information you currently know about creatures you are capable of summoning:

Mansus creatures:
"It is surprisingly silent, as it moves. And even though its eyes are dead and rotting, one can tell that there is a certain cunning to them. Soon, although not terribly soon, the Wood-boughs that have flourished on its insides will take root, and it will stop moving forever. But until that happens... it will obey."

Flourishing Risen

Summoning details:
-Summoning a single Risen of either kind is a FREE ACTION. (Summoning additional Risen costs 1 action per two extra dead bodies. 1 Action for a total of 3, 2 for a total of 5, etc.)
-Summoning a Flourishing Risen requires the use of a dead body.
-Summoning a Flourishing Risen does NOT require a Ritual Circle.
-They exceptionally last only TWO months.

Health: 1/1
General bonus: +5
Aspects: MOTH 2, WINTER 2
[MONSTROUS APPEARANCE]: Cannot be used for Social Actions.
[UNINTELLIGENT]: Will perform badly at Actions that require academic knowledge. (This creature is still cunning, and will not walk into traps or act foolishly)

"Whenever it moves, its bones creak like broken glass. Sharp bone fragments protrude from its dead skin, and you have no doubt that the creature is quite able at using them to cut up flesh. But there is no feeling in it, no lingering malice or any other need inside the vessel. It will follow, and it will obey, until its bones can hold it together no longer."

Torn Risen

Summoning details:
-Summoning a single Risen of either kind is a FREE ACTION. (Summoning additional Risen costs 1 action per two extra dead bodies.1 Action for a total of 3, 2 for a total of 5, etc.)
-Summoning a Torn Risen requires the use of a dead body.
-Summoning a Torn Risen does NOT require a Ritual Circle.
-They exceptionally last only TWO months.

Health: 1/1
General bonus: +5
Aspects: EDGE 2, WINTER 2
[MONSTROUS APPEARANCE]: Cannot be used for Social Actions.
[UNINTELLIGENT]: Will perform badly at Actions that require academic knowledge. (This creature is still cunning, and will not walk into traps or act foolishly)

"A self-perpetuating manifestation of hate, this thing is not much of a creature as it is a force of nature. Controlling it is easy, but not simple, for this is a creature that may only spread its malice, and destroy everything around it. It is especially vicious towards ponies, and its mere presence is enough to bring forth a small snowstorm."


Summoning requirements: WINTER 90, KNOCK 60, EDGE 70.

Summoning cost: 60 bits.

Summoning details:
-This creature affects its surroundings in an unsubtle manner, and it must be given an active and violent order every turn, or else it must be unsummoned;
-For an additional 15 bits on summoning costs, a Windigo may be summoned inside a sealed vessel. It may be kept indefinitely inside its vessel (its "summoning period" will not count down) for an additional 20 bits per turn to maintain the binding.
-An unbound Windigo may not be re-bound (or at least, not without efforts that would be greater than to simply banish it and summon a new one)

Health: 3
General bonus: +20
Actions that will harm ponies: +30
Aspects: EDGE 5, WINTER 5
[Malice and Pain]: Windigos operating together provide a bonus to each other, scaling with the number of Windigos.
[Incorporeal]: If a Windigo survives a battle, it will heal back to full health.

[In Service To Our Father]: If a certain quantity of Windigos is present, they will immediately break free from their bindings.

[VIOLENT]: Must be ordered to perform a violent action, or be unsummoned/banished.
[MONSTROUS APPEARANCE]: Cannot be used for Social Actions.
[UNINTELLIGENT]: Will perform badly at Actions that require academic knowledge. (This creature is still cunning, and will not walk into traps or act foolishly)

"They are always mares, their coats are always bleached-white, and they always look oh so real. But upon closer scrutiny, one begins to see the more disturbing details. Like how their expressions always mimics your own, or how they almost don't leave hoofprints on the floor as if they were light. But they look normal enough. And when in the presence of other ponies, perhaps because they can mirror them, they feel even more natural."

Mare-in-the-Light [INCOMPLETE INFORMATION, you must successfully summon one for a complete status file]

Summoning requirements: LANTERN 80, KNOCK 60, EDGE 60.

Summoning cost: 60 bits.

Summoning details:

General bonus: [CURRENTLY UNKNOWN]
"Specialty" bonus: [CURRENTLY UNKNOWN]
Aspects: LANTERN 5, EDGE 3
[LIGHT SNATCHER]: May be sacrificed to reduce one level of Fascination from one character.

[Other traits negative, unknown]

"Pleasant to talk to, and with a face that is surprisingly young for the voice she speaks with. There is a light in her eyes, although the ignorant will simply think that to be a piercing and observant gaze, and she doesn't seem to have a shadow. It is also curious how nopony can ever remember if she is a pegasus, unicorn or an earth pony. You think she can choose."


Summoning requirements: LANTERN 100, KNOCK 80, SECRET HISTORIES 60.

Summoning cost: 100 bits.

Summoning details:
-Baldomare is willing to extend (reset) her summoning period if you gift her an UNREAD book of Level 5 or higher. "Of course it has to be unread, dear. What use do I have to a book that has already been read?"
-Baldomare is capable of CHANNELING the highest intensity of Influence in her Lores, and gifting it to you for a full month.
-Baldomare is considered to be a Minion, and does not mind being sacrificed for Rituals.

Health: 2/2
General bonus: +30
"Search actions" bonus: +50
[NAME]: There is, or was, a hierarchy within the Mansus. She has reached high within its ranks.
[RITUALIST]: Unlike most Names, she is willing to perform any Ritual, even if they do not involve one of her preferred Lores.
[ONE WHO IS VERY GREAT]: Baldomare is willing to offer you Sacrament in the Lores of Lantern and Secret Histories, should you fulfill her requirements.
[WEIGHT OF PRESENCE]: Baldomare grants a full level up to the Wildhoof Club for her preferred Lores.

[NONCOMBATANT]: Baldomare refuses to engage in any sort of fighting, and has adjusted her health to reflect that. "I barely ever wear a body! So why would I want to feel pain on the rare occasions I do?"
[UNIQUE]: Baldomare is a unique creature. She may refuse summons at will, and will refuse re-summons for three full months should she be unsummoned for any reason (including if she is killed).

"She claims that she was the Daughter of 'another', before, but that she had to bind herself to a new patron once her Mother 'did what she did'. Always wearing a cloak upon her body, and a scowl upon her face, you have slowly come to realize that, perhaps, her problem is that she simply isn't good with words. Or with ponies. Most likely with both, to tell the truth. You are also pretty sure that she has scales underneath that cloak, instead of fur, but you will definitely not pry. Especially given how she seems to hide that great horn-topped axe so easily underneath that cloak. And considering her Lore nature, you wouldn't be surprised at all if the inside of her cloak is a lot larger than it appears."


Summoning requirements: KNOCK 120, EDGE 60, WINTER 60.

Summoning cost: 100 bits.

Summoning details:
-The Daughter-of-Axes is capable of crafting THREE "Wrong Keys" to you, in a single turn. however, she is only willing to do that ONCE per summoning period.
-The Daughter-of-Axes is capable of CHANNELING the highest intensity of Influence in her Lore, and gifting it to you for a full month. She is also capable of CHANNELING a lower-intensity Influence of her secondary Lore, although both of you consider that to be a waste of her time.
-The Daughter-of-Axes is considered to be a Minion, and does not mind being sacrificed for Rituals.

Health: 5
General bonus: +30
"Expedition actions" bonus: +50 (applies to any expedition roll that is NOT combat [or social] related)
Aspects: KNOCK 6, EDGE 3
[NAME]: There is, or was, a hierarchy within the Mansus. She has reached high within its ranks.
[ONE WHO IS VERY GREAT]: The Daughter-of-Axes is willing to offer you Sacrament in the Lore of Knock, should you fulfill her requirements.
[WEIGHT OF PRESENCE]: The Daughter-of-Axes grants a full level up to the Wildhoof Club for her preferred Lore.
[CRAFTER]: Is capable of producing "Wrong Keys" (three in a single action, but only once per summon).

[PROUD]: Will refuse to cast any rituals that do not involve Knock.
[UNIQUE]: The Daughter-of-Axes is a unique creature. She may refuse summons at will, and will refuse re-summons for three ONE full month should she be unsummoned for any reason (including if she is killed).
[UNINTERESTED]: Will refuse any gifts to stay in the Wake (however, her cooldown for re-summoning is a single full month)
[ANTISOCIAL]: All her bonus, regardless of circumstance or situation, fall down to a flat "+10" if she attempts to engage in any social action (even her usual +50 expedition bonus, if the hurdle being faced is social in nature).

"WRONG KEY" (Wrong Keys are explained here, since they are curios, but any Wrong Key you hold will be listed in together with your other "temporary items" and summons)

Consumable Item

-Can be used as a "Knock 3" reagent
-Single use (breaks when used)
-Can be used reactively to completely deny an enemy offensive ritual aimed at you or at ponies near your immediate physical vicinity.
-Can be used to instantly inflict a single wound to a summoned creature if used in combat.
-Breaks at the end of its fifth month of existence.
-Using a Wrong Key as a sacrifice to summon the Daughter-of-Axes will decrease the ritual cost by 50 bits, and will give you one level of [Priority] over any opposing rituals.
-([Priority] meaning that, if an opposing party attempts to summon her as well, you will not "compete" for the summoning and will always "win", as long as you successfully roll the minimum required for her summoning and have a [Priority] level greater than your foes).
The Wildhoof Club

Basic information:
The Wildhoof Club is your cult's current public front, acting both as a gathering place for its members to use, even on broad daylight, as well as the more "proper" way for your cult to acquire (read: launder) bits.
But despite its dubious background purposes, it is really a place meant for ponies to mingle and spend their free time, and efforts will be made to keep it as unassuming as possible... for a clubhouse, that is.
It remains to see, however, if such a thing normally seen in larger cities will attract the attention of small Ponyville. But at least every converted member has membership, so it won't be empty or deserted.

Current status and capabilities:

-Jade Whistle's Cadre: +15 to rituals performed using the cult's assets. Each Level of cult Lore increases this bonus by its own value, cumulatively. (Level 1 -> +1, Level 2 -> +3 total, Level 3 -> +6 total, etc)

-The Red Bar/The Heartbeat House: +10 for converting followers from Ponyville's general population.
"A restaurant/bar by day, a nightclub by night. The Red Bar is the very first thing a pony sees upon entering the Wildhoof Club, and is of free access to non-members of the Club itself. The Heartbeat House itself is a hall with a large dancing floor, and both places are illuminated by curiously picked shades of red after nighttime."

The Bright Library: Currently only applying Lore bonuses.
"Lady Velvet Covers, Loremaster of the cult, habitually arrives with a new book. It is always an apparently normal book, but attached to it is a short missive from her. And just like how a combination of apparently normal words can reveal a previously hidden secret, her simple missives help unveil the truth of this world from an otherwise uninteresting text."
-Level 1 – "A handbook that tells the tale of a thief"
-Level 2 – "An absolutely boring encyclopedia about how the tunnels, on the mountain in which Canterlot is perched, were dug. Reading this will be a challenge…"
-Level 3 - "An encyclopedia about poisonous snakes, with several artful illustrations"

-Level 2 – "It's a book. About food. It has food on the cover, so that's what it is. If your daughter ever finds it, that's what you'll tell her. If your husband finds it, however…"
-Level 3 - "A novel telling the forbidden romance between a foreign spy and a soldier. The writing is not as spicy as the theme would suggest, but the details is goes into to describe the conflict they feel is intriguing."

-Level 3 – "A curious scroll, a copy from the original of course, detailing the appearance of King Sombra, centuries ago."

-Level 2 - "A book about ingenious farming equipment, and how they function". (EFFECT DOUBLED)


-Level 1 - "A poetry book. Amateur work, really, but one of them talks about masks…".

-Level 2 - "A book on the benefits of Meditation, and why you should try it".

-Level 3 - "A posthumous, and rather contentious, biography of the legendary pegasus called Flash Magnus".

-Level 2 - "A novel about a mare who fell in love with a drummer, the romantic parts all written in rhyming poetry".
-Level 3 - "A study about yak culture. The part about their history and folklore is of little use. The chapters about their songs, however…".
-Level 2 - "An essay on how even the unlikeliest rumor might become the truth, if it is repeated with sufficient insistency. Written in the form of a manual." (MANIFEST, not a book that was read)
If you hate math, the rule of thumb is: "I need one level one book for my cult to reach level one, then I need two level two books for the cult to reach level two, then..." ad eternum.

But if you don't hate math, the rule is as follows:

The members of the Outer Circle obey the "Scrap of Lore" mechanic, so they all start at Level 0 (thanks to the Master's presence) and need the required amount of scraps of Lore to advance on levels.
But in their case, all books, regardless of level, are helpful, in the following way:
A book will give the amount of scraps that is equal to "(THE BOOK'S LEVEL / THE LEVEL THEY ARE AIMING FOR)". And books will "rearrange" their bonuses in order to always give out the greatest bonus possible.

An example.

-Your cult is level 0 on Forge, because of the Master's presence.
-If you study a level 2 Forge book, the book will give TWO scraps of Lore towards Level 1 (because it is a level 2 book being used to go for the level 1 of forge on the cult).
-The "excess" scrap of lore is discarded, since only you only need 1 scrap, and the cult is now Level 1 on Forge.
-Then you study a level 1 Forge book.
-Now, the level 1 Forge book will be "slotted" towards helping the cult to reach level 1 on Forge (because level one book divided by level one objective) and the cult has level 1 on Forge.
-And the level two book is now "slotted" towards helping the cult reach level 2 on Forge, so you now have ONE out of TWO scraps for the cult to reach level on Forge.

-The Illegal Fighting Pits: NOT BUILT
"Windy Flakes is out of his damned mind..."

-The White Room: Allows for the conservation of bodies, and the detainment of lesser prisoners.

Cult Information:

-The Club is currently being funded by the Gleam and the Rich families, having a larger set of starting funds to draw from. They will, of course, expect dividends.

-Current conversion of Ponyville: MODERATE +9 on some rolls done within Ponyville. Local Guard subverted.
-Current conversion of Manehattan: NONEXISTENT +0 on some rolls done within Manehattan.
-Current conversion of XXXX: There are currently no other cities with Cult activity.

-Presence of the Master: All Lores, for all followers, start as Level 0.
-Lessons of the Master: All Lores, for all followers, upgraded to Level 1.
-Unsuited for Combat: Cult members suffer a -2 -1 on EDGE Lore level.
-Manehattan Converts: Decreases "Unsuited for Combate" debuff by 1.
-The Bright Library: Bonus applied down below, and explained as ( [Level 0 calculus] + [Level 1 calculus] + [Level 2 calculus]... ).

MOTH: Level 1 ( [The Master] + [1/2] )
LANTERN: Level 1 ( [The Master] )
FORGE: Level 2 ( [The Master] + [4/2] )
EDGE: Level 0 ( [The Master] + [3/2] )
WINTER: Level 1 ( [The Master] + [2/2] )
HEART: Level 2 ( [The Master] + [2/2 + 2/2] + [3/2] )
GRAIL: Level 2 ( [The Master] + [2/2 + 3/2] )
SECRET HISTORIES: Level 1 ( [The Master] + [3/2] )
KNOCK: Level 2 ( [The Master] + [Daughter-of-Axes] + [1/3 + 2/3 + 3/3] )

"Generic" followers are the run-of-the-mill cultists. Loyal to the cult, and to you as long as you are on your Master's good graces, and their rules are as follows:
-They always have only a single Lore in which they are focused.
-They can be called for Expeditions or other small tasks, which are of interest to the cult.
-They have, as a rule, the same level as the cult's general Lore level (specified on the spoiler above, dictated by the cult's achievements and infrastructure).
-Any number of them may be called on an expedition, provided that you can accommodate the price. Write-ins involving non-expedition actions, where you will call for their help, will be judged case by case. Specifically because their actions within their home city must be extremely dosed, so as to avoid suspicion.

"Named" followers follow a different rule, as follows:

-Enlightened: Major Lore is level 0, Minor Lore is not applied.

-Initiate: Major Lore is level 1, Minor Lore is level 0.

-Disciple: Major Lore is level 3, Minor Lore is level 1.

-Seeker: Major Lore is level 4, Minor Lore is level 2.

-Exalted: Major Lore is Level 5, Minor Lore is level 3.

-In order for a "Named" follower to reach a level, they must learn directly from you. You must have enough Lore levels to satisfy their desired level-up, and spend a PERSONAL action on said level-up.

-Should the Bright Library have enough levels to satisfy a Confidant leveling-up needs, they will automatically attempt to level up every turn on their own, without action expenditure. (This will involve a dice roll against a hidden test)

-Confidants can still be ordered to level up on their own in order to "bypass" said test. This order will use the Bright Library's level, since it involves their own dedication in poring over the available reading material without your supervision or interference.

-A pony can only go up a single level per turn.

-There will be other hurdles involved, especially when attempting to turn a "Named" follower into an Exalted.

-Further leveling, or other tamperings, will be elaborated upon later.
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