Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

[X] Plan LDj

My question on if the HK416 is the only weapon or just the most common still stands.
So quick question @Rukia does the bonus to robotics rolls from 90Wish effect setting up production lines or just R&D?
Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Sep 30, 2021 at 6:00 PM, finished with 36 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan LDj
    -[x] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) - 1 dice, 5 R
    -[x] Robotics Repair Facility (Stage 2) - 2 dice, 30 R
    -[x] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) - 1 dice, 15 R
    -[x] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1) - 1 free dice, 5 R
    -[x] High-Capacity Power - 2 Dice, 40 R
    -[x] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) - 2 dice, 30 R
    -[x] ALR-51 Development - 1 free dice, 5 R
    -[x] Automation Intensification
    --[x] Infrastructure (Stage 2) - 1 dice, 5 R
    --[x] Services (Stage 3) - 2 dice, 10 R
    -[x] Integrate AI Planning 2 dice, 10 R
    -[x] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) - 1 Dice, 10 R
    -[x] Aircraft Acquisition - 1 dice, 10 R
    -[x] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits - 1 dice, 5 R
    -[x] ACR-H-20 Development - 3 dice, 30 R
    -[x] Assist ELID Purges - 1 dice
    -[x] Worldwalker - 4 dice, 20 R
    -[x] Found 90Wish - 1 dice
    -[x] Enemy of My Enemy - 1 dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Industry (Free Dice)
    [X] Plan underhanded help
    -[X] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 1) 1 die 15R
    -[X] Expand Barracks (Stage 1) 1 die 5R
    -[X] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) 1 die 5R
    -[X] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) 1 die 15R
    -[X] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1) 1 die 5R
    -[X] High-Capacity Power 1 die 20R
    -[X] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1) 2 dice 30R
    -[X] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) 1 free die
    -[x] Automation Intensification
    --[X] Infrastructure (Stage 2) 1 die 5R
    --[X] Industry (Stage 2) 2 dice 10R
    -[X] Integrate AI Planning 1 die 5R
    -[X] Public Propaganda 1 die
    -[X] Investigate Assassination Attempt 1 free die 20R
    -[X] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) 1 die 10R
    -[X] Aircraft Acquisition 1 die 10R
    -[X] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits 1 die 5R
    -[X] IDCS Network 2 dice 30R
    -[X] ACR-H-20 Development 1 die 10R
    -[X] Assist ELID Purges
    -[x] Worldwalker - 4 dice, 20 R
    -[X]Found 90Wish
    -[X] Enemy of My Enemy
    -[X] Industry
    [x] Plan: Expanding Operations
    -[x] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 1) (31/75) - 1 Die
    -[x] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) (40/50) - 1 Die
    -[x] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) (30/50) - 1 Die
    -[x] Military Warehouses (Stage 1) (9/50) - 1 Die
    -[x] High-Capacity Power (177/200) - 1 Die
    -[x] Munition Foundries (Stage 1) (0/50) - 1 Dice
    -[x] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) (0/50) - 2 Die
    -[x] Automation Intensification
    --[x] Infrastructure (Stage 2) (50/75) - 1 Die (Free Dice)
    --[x] Industry (Stage 2) (0/75) - 1 Die
    -[x] Integrate AI Planning (0/50) - 1 Die
    -[x] Personal Assistants (0/100) - 2 Die
    -[x] Investigate Assassination Attempt - 1 Die
    -[x] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) (68/75) - 1 Die
    -[x] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits (0/25) - 1 Die
    -[x] Light Vehicle Acquisition (0/75) - 1 Die
    -[x] Aircraft Acquisition (35/100) - 1 Die
    -[x] ACR-H-20 Development (0/100) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Assist ELID Purges - 1 dice
    -[x] Worldwalker (49/400) - 4 Die
    -[x] Found 90Wish (0/1) - 1 Die
    -[x] Enemy of My Enemy (0/1) - 1 Die
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Services (Free Dice)
    [X] Plan ALR-50 focus
    -[x] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) - 1 dice, 5 R
    -[x] Robotics Repair Facility (Stage 2) - 2 dice, 30 R
    -[x] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) - 1 dice, 15 R
    -[x] High-Capacity Power - 1 Dice, 20 R
    -[x] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) - 3 dice, 45 R
    -[x] ALR-51 Development - 2 free dice, 10 R
    -[x] Automation Intensification
    --[x] Infrastructure (Stage 2) - 1 dice, 5 R
    --[x] Services (Stage 3) - 2 dice, 10 R
    -[x] Integrate AI Planning 1 dice, 5 R
    -[x] Personal Assistants 1 dice, 5 R
    -[x] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) - 1 Dice, 10 R
    -[x] Aircraft Acquisition - 1 dice, 10 R
    -[x] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits - 1 dice, 5 R
    -[x] IDCS Network - 1 dice, 15 R
    -[x] ACR-H-20 Development - 2 dice, 20 R
    -[x] Assist ELID Purges - 1 dice
    -[x] Worldwalker - 4 dice, 20 R
    -[x] Found 90Wish - 1 dice
    -[x] Enemy of My Enemy - 1 dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Industry (Free Dice)

Vote Closed.
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) Total: 50
50 50
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Robotics Repair Facility Total: 85
43 43 42 42
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Foundation Electrification Total: 84
84 84
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1) Total: 16
16 16
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: High-Capacity Power Total: 39
16 16 23 23
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: ALR-50 Production Total: 126
92 92 34 34
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ALR-51 Development Total: 27
27 27
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: AI - Infrastructure Total: 7
7 7
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: AI - Services Total: 118
47 47 71 71
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Integrate AI Planning Total: 134
39 39 95 95
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Local ACR-10 Factory Total: 93
93 93
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Aircraft Acquisition Total: 73
73 73
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ACR-10 Field Modification Kits Total: 85
85 85
Rukia threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: ACR-H-20 Development Total: 184
56 56 29 29 99 99
Rukia threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Worldwalker Total: 224
2 2 63 63 80 80 79 79


We're f**ked.

(Edited: Well, that wasn't exactly optimal. The biggest loss I think we've incurred here was the High Capacity power. Worldwalker went surprisingly well for the most part, and so did the ACR-10 and the ACR-H-20. ALR-51 and the AI Infrastructure surely suffered, but hey, no critical fails.)
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Well that's 5 political support gone, I didn't even realise that the winning plan was ignoring the barracks until now.
Overall pretty good? At least not as bad as some of our rolls, though we got murdered in some categories.

Too bad about the 1 away from a Nat 100, that would have been so good. Though we also just barely avoided a Nat 1 on Worldwalker so...
The biggest loss I think we've incurred here was the High Capacity power.
Actually HC power passed and so did low-up keep power stage 1.

To be fair, most of the plans didn't have the barracks in them. Didn't seem like too much of a priority compared to other things, but, oh well. Only hindsight ever sees the future.
Zero political support is a bad thing as it means that we get replaced with someone who does what their told or something along those lines.

...I honestly didn't notice that note.
Botched your reading comprehension roll?
Actually HC power passed and so did low-up keep power stage 1.
Ah, so it did? Then the biggest loss were the ALR and AI I assume. Though, that can be remedied with time.

Zero political support is a bad thing as it means that we get replaced with someone who does what their told or something along those lines.
Well duh, except from what I've learned in my short time here at SV, people love to disregard the government in survival scenarios. Unless it starts tanking their income (though even then, they resist some). I'm sure we can find a way somehow to get into the council's good graces. Promise them robot servants or something, since they seem to love draining the life outta things. (Note: Please don't.)
But we basically did a soft Coup on them by working with the military why would they ever give us support again?
Your Political Support now goes towards the Military, rather than the Union Council.
Which means it's may be slightly easier to get support because the military prefers practical things over feeding their egos unlike the politicians but it comes with the down side of requiring their orders being done promptly or it's firing squad time.
Q2 2026 Results
Q2 2026

The continual worsening of the economic situation of the Union is precipitated by extension of rationing measures as shipments of raw resources from America begin to dry up and what few nations remained whole on the African continent begin halting all exports as they turn their attention inwards. As the situation worsens, resources are steadily diverted away from "unnecessary" sectors to ensure that shelter construction continues apace. The move is unexpectedly popular with the people, who see it as the government finally being willing to take the drastic measures necessary.

The rapid construction and introduction of the new ALR-50 has been a godsend to aforementioned construction efforts. An ALR can be connected to the local grid and set to work for up to 14 hours a day before requiring maintenance, typically performed by night crews. Many difficult tasks that previously required several people working in concert could be handled by the very high strength load of the ALR, allowing the human workers to focus on delicate jobs that the ALR is not flexible or delicate enough to manage. Those who previously doubted it's efficacy have been quick to change their tune, and demand for ALR units outstrips production a thousandfold.

(-50 Resources +10 Public Confidence)

Resources: 550 + 225
Political Support: 45
Public Confidence: 40/100
Free Dice: 2/2

Economic Factors
Sealed Housing: 87 [+41 (+15)]
Sealed Agriculture: 87 [+41 (+15)]
Decontaminated Water: 68 [+35 (+15)]
Sealed Power: 97 [+41 (+15)]
Sealed Industry: 68 [+35 (+15)]
Radiation Suits: 106 [+44 (+15)]

Future Foundation Economic Status
Housing: Sufficient (0)
Food: Sufficient (0)
Water: Sufficient (0)
Power: Large Deficit (-19)
Labour: Small Deficit (-6)

Future Foundation Military Status
Operations Dice: 1/1
Logistics: Small Deficit (-4)
Fuel: Large Deficit (-20)
Ammunition: Substantial Deficit (-35)
Maintenance: Substantial Deficit (-21)
Repair Capacity: Small Surplus (3)

All Future Foundation supply needs are currently covered by the EU


[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1)
At the moment, if you wanted something repaired or had to have work done, it would either need to be sent off for repair or have someone called in. The realities of the incoming collapse make that kind of outside reliance an enormous hindrance. Building a simple facility that contains the tools required to fix everything on base is just good sense. Mostly containing manual and power tools for work around the base, but it does have a large room for working on vehicles.
(135/50: 5 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance -2 Labour) (Stage 2) (85/100: 5 Resources per Die +7 Maintenance -5 Labour)

Before the new set of tools arrives, work has already begun on expanding the maintenance facility, extending backwards and to the side, additional space was made for more niche tools and equipment needed to manufacture proper replacements for the thousands of different parts the Foundation required to continue running. Most importantly, these facilities even included the parts needed to do routine maintenance or even repair of the machinery that maintained the sealed environments. The expansion wasn't complete by the time the re-order of tools arrived, but enough parts had been put into place that the small foundry was almost ready to enter operation.

[] Robotics Repair Facility (Stage 2)
The nice thing about robots is that if they get riddled with bullets, you can haul them back into the shop and simply replace the damaged parts without needing an entire new unit. This new facility is capable of repairing combat damage and bringing destroyed units back into operation.
(136/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Repair Capacity -3 Labour) (Stage 3) (36/200: 15 Resources per Die +7 Repair Capacity -8 Labour)

The previous facility handling repairs was officially demoted to secondary when the new facility came online, boasting significantly more repair bays and a small warehouse containing any repair tool or replacement part that could be required. Dedicated spaces were set out for serious maintenance and repair of the new ALR, the number of worker robots found around the facility sharply growing as the factories rapidly spool up into operation. With this expansion, the Foundation was now capable of repairing and maintaining all of it's robotic units at the same time, even boasting a small amount of extra capacity. Along those lines, a basement was being dug beneath the current facility, a planned expansion with enough space to work on larger units, such as the recently christened ACR-H-20.

[] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1)
Fuel is expensive, time consuming and difficult to produce unless working on industrial scales. More importantly, after the collapse it will be very difficult to acquire said fuel for what you need it for. The simple answer is to electrify as many things currently using fuel as possible, power is much easier to come about.
(119/50: 15 Resources per Die +10 Fuel -10 Power) (Stage 2) (69/100: 15 Resources per Die +20 Fuel -30 Power)

As lucky happenstance, the military had initiated a similar electrification program and were entirely willing to part with a small fraction of their production, entirely covering your light utility vehicle needs. Acquiring the electric lorries and trucks was somewhat more difficult, as they were in just as much demand from everywhere, but you still managed to begin replacing the critical supply units you were lacking. While you had only managed to replace around two thirds, you were confident that you could find finish the replacement next quarter.


[] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1)
In the future, the availability of resources and materials for running large power plants will be heavily limited, so establishing a policy of using Low-Upkeep power wherever possible is a good idea. This mostly comes in the form of solar panels wherever they can fit, interspersed with wind turbines.
(33/25: 5 Resources per Die +10 Power) (Stage 2) (8/35: 5 Resources per Die +15 Power)

Yet again, renewable equipment was in extremely high demand, though at least this time you managed to acquire enough to fill the empty frames you had installed. The output didn't go very far to offsetting your needs, but it was a cheap and long-term power supply. With the small initial spaces on buildings covers, you went about installing new mounting points and poles for wind turbines on the outlying empty land, ready to snatch up the next batch of panels and turbines that became available.

[] High-Capacity Power
Using the nuclear reactor that your own team had designed would allow for a very dense power source that can supply very large quantities of power 24/7. Due to it's small size it can even be located within your walls, though some of the design team do seems a bit twitchy about that prospect. Bah, everyone was going to be wearing radiation suits anyway.
(236/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour)

With the interference dealt with the fuel cells for the reactor were finally put into place and the reactor began operation, producing the large quantities of power it was rated for. Despite that, because of the vast expansions of factories and the heavy usage of ALR-50's within the facilities, the reactor wasn't quite capable of covering the needs of the Foundation. The plans for expansion would have to be heavily revised, you hadn't expected that building a personal nuclear reactor wouldn't be enough to cover your energy needs, but it was something of a good problem.

[] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1)
Demand for the ALR platform is very high, construct the factories needed to bring the revolutionary product into the world. The factories will need to be localised around the Foundation Headquarters, both to maintain operational security and ensure that you can ensure a steady supply in the future.
(146/50: 15 Resources per Die -10 Power -10 Maintenance +5 Labour +2 Incremental Increase per Quarter +5 Political Support) (Military Covering Cost) (Important)
(Stage 2) (96+4(Pity)/100: 15 Resources per Die -20 Power -20 Maintenance +10 Labour +4 Incremental Increase per Quarter +5 Political Support) (Military Covering Cost) (Important)

With such a high demand for such an important product, you enacted maximum effort in construction, heavily leaning on your new military overlords to keep the construction supplies arriving regularly, and the workers more than pull through. The main production line for the ALR-50's was up and running within two months, employing the factory AI to optimise the design as much as possible before starting production. Even as ALR's began to roll off of the line, two more production lines were being finalised, just barely managing to enter production at the end of the Quarter, the first units rolling off days before the deadline. The military is incredibly impressed with the pace of construction and there seems to be a feeling of vindication amongst your contacts after you had pulled through so quickly.

Now that you were actually exporting a product, as it were, some of your staff think it might be a good idea to set up a dedicated sister institute to the Foundation to handle selling your surplus off to help fund the Foundations need. You agreed easily enough and decided to name the new company... (+50 Resources)

[] Foundation Robotics
[] I.O.P
[] Write In...

[] ALR-51 Development
For all that the ALR-50 was a masterwork of robotics, it was crude and limited in many ways. The ALR required 50% more man hours to produce than they could provide before requiring intensive maintenance, the battery life was far too short and it was incapable of changing the tools mounted itself, requiring critical human input. These issues must be fixed.
(37/300: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Incremental Increase per Quarter)

Work on the improved model of ALR began at a slow pace, the mad dash to get the ALR-50 production line running drawing much of your attention to making final tweaks to the design and optimising the production efficiency. Some of that work is applicable to the goals ALR-51, so it's not a complete waste, but you had hoped to get more work done.


[] Automation Intensification
You have built the foundations of your tower, now it's time to climb to the heavens. Focus intensely on increasing efficiency per worker and cutting out the remaining jobs that can be performed by a machine.
-[] Infrastructure (Stage 2) (62/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Infrastructure Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Services (Stage 3) (101/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) (Stage 4) (1/200: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +1 Labour -5 Power)

Working out exactly what duties an ALR could be assigned to take over around the base was a complicated affair, balancing the weight capacity and endurance of an ALR against the flexibility and free thinking of a human worker. Elisa hadn't quite finished crunching the numbers just yet, but it was very close. For your administrative department, a general further automation of tasks that did not explicitly require human oversight was combined with utilising a few modified ALR-50's as mobile coffee dispensers, bringing the caffeinated drug directly to those most needy, the trial run had increased productivity by several percentage. You sip your own cup of tea, perfectly brewed by Elisa and smile, after all, you were a benevolent overlord.

[] Integrate AI Planning
AI are very capable of solving problems within a closed environment, this makes it difficult to have an AI plan to do things in the real world, as the problem space is far too large. Instead, utilise AI to solve the many little steps of a problem, using human intelligence to bridge the gaps between and form them into a greater whole.
(144/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice)

Allowing Elisa to officially become a part of the planning process was saving you an immense amount of time that would otherwise be wasted filling out paperwork by hand of all things. She was capable of accurately summarising the reports handed to you and performing short term optimisations on proposed plans, eking out small little improvements in a hundred different places that quickly added up. You were radiating smugness at some of the poorly disguised jealousy that you received through your reports of emails, Elisa was very handy after all.


[] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2)
Establishing local production of the ACR-10 ensures a slow but steady trickle of the robots into your forces, preventing the possibility of being unable to replenish lost supplies when the current factories cease production.
(171/75: 10 Resources per Die +7 Maintenance +3 Logistics -5 Power -5 Labour) (Stage 3) (96+4(Pity)/100: 10 Resources per Die +10 Maintenance +5 Logistics -10 Power -10 Labour)

The outlying production lines for spares was completed without much note, just a pleased note from the maintenance head about their ability to rapidly repair and replace damaged parts. The final stage of production was greatly helped along by the newly produced ALR-50's taking up the backbreaking labour from the construction staff and allowing them to focus on the difficult tasks. With the final production line completed, you were now producing ACR-10's in such quantity that they were being handed over to your sister company, your needs were nowhere near large enough to utilise all of them. (+25 Resources)

[] Aircraft Acquisition
The Foundation is currently borrowing helicopters as transports from local military groups, establishing a small landing pad along with the maintenance facilities on-site would increase the reach of your forces significantly.
(145/100: 10 Resources per Die +5 Logistics +3 Maintenance)

Fuel depots established, maintenance facility finished and stocked, and finally the aircraft had places to be stored when not in use. It had taken you nearly a year of effort, but the Foundation were now capable of handling all of their own transport needs, eliminating the risk of having the vital transport assets repossessed in an emergency.

[] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits
The Prowler has already proven it's worth dozens of times over during the Kipi Incident and while the soldiers have nothing but praise for it, they also have several observations about potential improvements that can be made to the machine.
(95/25: 5 Resources per Die -2 Logistics -1 Maintenance)

The original modification kit designs were fairly simple additions to improve the performance of the Prowlers against IDC, the role they were most suited for. But the informal competition in the development labs grew somewhat out of hand and almost required you to step in personally, such was the quantity of additional designs and potential kit parts. Still, they did manage to par down what they had made to the very best of the options available.

Modular ammunition drums for the Prowler, allowing up to four times as much ammunition to be stored on large racks to either side of the chassis, doubling up as makeshift seats wounded could be carried on if required. The informal addition of a laser pointer had been official integrated with the IDC visor, allowing any wearing it to see the new invisible laser. And finally the Prowlers were now capable of sending alert pings to the visors of the soldiers around them, adding small indicators to their visors if detected enemies were out of their field of view along with the status of the Prowler assigned to the squad.

[] ACR-H-20 Development
As the recent incidents at Kipi and San Francisco show, IDC can come in variants much larger than anything a Prowler is currently equipped to deal with. Taking cues from the success of the ACR-10 this new model is much bigger, with significantly thicker legs to ensure it cannot be easily knocked over by physical impacts. A modular position is open for weapons up to 90mm in size placed atop the chassis, with mounting points for shock absorbent material to counter IDC melee attacks, while retaining the ability to mount traditional armour against the focused penetration of modern weaponry.
(214/100: 10 Resources per Die)

The new model of ACR blitzed through design and testing, the heavy frame merely being a derivative of the smaller Prowler allowing much of the work to be reused. The unit itself could equip a wide range of weaponry, a rapid fire 20mm cannon for ELID suppression, a 30mm autocannon for engaging small to medium IDC and finally a large 90mm cannon, primarily armed with HEAT and designed to cause catastrophic damage against larger IDC that a 30mm was not capable of harming. The armour remains the same on all variants, but the ammunition capacity sharply drops as weapon size increases, the 90mm variant only being capable of storing 14 rounds in it's autoloader.

Despite these relatively minor issues, it plugs a major hole in the frontline of the Foundation forces, allowing creatures that may be unharmed by heavy machinegun fire to be dealt with directly. The military has shown a small amount of interest, as while the unit is larger than the Prowler, it is still smaller than the average car. Unfortunately, it does not cover any missing niches in military service, their needs better covered by already existing IFV's.

Name Vote
[] Heavy Prowler
[] Write In...


[] Assist ELID Purges
While the military is handling the bulk of maintaining containment of the immense number of ELID, now would be a good time to utilise your forces to gather combat data against this deadly consequence of Collapse Fluid Radiation.
(1/1 +5 Public Confidence) (High Confidence)

First Squad had hoped to make a repeat of it's previous mission again this Quarter, armed with the newly completed prototypes of the ACR-H-20 they began taking riskier missions, relying on the sheer firepower the 20mm armed walker could dish out to take on much larger groups. During these outings they began encountering what the Russian records had described as Advanced Stage ELID, the ELID sufficiently advanced that rocky growths have started pushing through the skin, making it look more like a sickly golem than a withered human.

Combat with these creatures fell heavily to the heavy .50's and 20mm mounted on their robotic support, the reported immunity to small arms fire coming through strongly. While not all of the flesh had completed silication, much of the body was still sufficiently tough to turn away 5.56mm fire with minimal effect and of the few recovered bodies not obliterated by 20mm fire, none of the "bones" that had been struck were damaged. Thankfully, this advanced stage of ELID does not seem to occur universally due to exposure, as many ELID found in the same locations were no more advanced than previously noted last quarter.

The military had begun taking cues from your own units expeditions, avoiding massive concentrations and utilising heavy infantry or light vehicle weapons to support infantry. Those units that didn't have Prowlers to support them made use of armed utility vehicles or autocannon armed IFV's. On the matter of advanced stage ELID's, they had some good news to report back to you from their own efforts. While small arms were not quite capable, heavy sniper rifles and direct explosives show good effect, either from thrown explosives or under-barrel launched grenades.

With a solid methodology established, the cordon remains intact, despite the slowly spreading cloud of radiation. Nearby civilian populations are in the process of being evacuated to prevent further ELID incidents.


[] Worldwalker
Your military advisor is a self professed, with extensive evidence proving, dimensional traveller. At the moment, you have no way to strike back at the IDC that cross into your dimension, you have plans to change that. Learn how it works from her and open up the gates to the multiverse, then invade them back.
(328/400: 5 Resources per Die)

The data provided by the Russians on their own stable breach was incredibly useful to your work here, you had exacting measurements of what the final product should look like and knew where to direct Sorawo towards. After a few weeks of attempts, she'd discovered the trick to holding open the breaches she naturally creates and you had finally started designing. Frankly, the mechanical process behind what Sorawo does is a little beyond you, but with both sets of data and the work you'd previously done on "shunting" CFR elsewhere, you at least had a basis to work off of. You don't have anything in steel yet, but the design is coming along promisingly.


[] Found 90Wish
You were very intrigued at the possibilities of working with your colleagues, but knew full well that your new bosses would refuse outright at sharing what were essentially state secrets with outsiders. Frankly, you didn't give a damn what they wanted there, so you decided that you'd just have to make it a secret collaboration group, with the founding rule being all members keeping the secret of it's existence.
(1/1. +20 per Dice to Robotics Rolls. +20 per Dice to AI Rolls.)

Your somewhat out-there idea, of forming a secret group just so you could science together, with the possible consequence of horrible death if someone spills, came together surprisingly easily. You already knew and trusted that Lycoris would go for it and keep the secret, but Witkin acquiesced to your subtle hints surprisingly eagerly, though he did make clear that he wouldn't be part of anything working against his beloved motherland. Neither you nor Lycoris had any issue with that, and thus you consecrated the first meeting of 90Wish, all of you thousands of miles away from each other, talking over secure video and wearing your most comfortable lounging clothes.

The conversation immediately gets to a start where you had left off with Lycoris years ago, debating the potential of the Neural Cloud model of AI against his yet unnamed system. Witkin seemed happy enough to observe from the sidelines, occasionally directing the conversation towards the practicality of installing an AI into an ALR frame. Somehow the conversation diverged from there and you were trying to parcel out what exactly this OGAS thing that had been mentioned was. The documents assumed that the reader already had familiarity, but something about the wording seemed to draw Lycoris to it. Eventually work pulled you away, but when you left the remaining two were still discussing it.

(Added Lycoris and Witkin to Character Sheet)

[] Enemy of My Enemy
Your Russian counterpart certainly dropped one hell of a bomb on all of your preconceived notions, Mr Zieliński is evidently very open to establishing a working relationship between your two organisations. Get in contact with him and open negotiations under the table.

Funnily enough, it had been through Witkin that your message reached Zieliński, using the secret channel you already had in place rather than trying to forge a new one in the bowels of the information security black hole that was Russia. His response was, still somehow surprising, very warm. The two of you established a more "official" secret channel to communicate and began carefully discussing exactly what this collaboration was to be, Zieliński seemed to be quietly ecstatic that he finally had an equal to talk to on the matter, apparently your American counterpart had not responded to any communications, and he seemed to be hinting at quite a few ideas that would get the both of you in rather a lot of trouble if anyone found out, such as sharing more secret information or even staff exchanges.

His quiet optimism was evidently rubbing off though, or maybe it was your recent creation of 90Wish, because you were considering actually going for some of his ideas.

Continued in Subturn: Enemy of My Enemy Negotiations

90Wish has taken the slot of your specialist recruitment this year.
Overall a good turn. There's a few overkills but I think they were worth it.

We need to push continued development and deployment of robots. We need to rectify the mistake of not pushing hard into robots in earlier turns. The sooner we can hand off more of the labor intense and dangerous jobs to our robots the better it will be.

And they are likely key for mass construction in contaminated areas since they don't give a damn about radiation and exposure to that damned fluid.
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-[X] Foundation Sister Company: Cornerstone
-[X] ACR-H-20: The Big Boy

Well....Interesting update. I find the 90Wish description especially entertaining.
I'd say save that name for another unit. Like a Manticore variant or something maybe?

We're... probably going to be making most of the non-humanoid units tbh. The little doggos, both armored and not, do quantity, but can also be used just to carry shit around on top of their heads. scouts are scouts, we've made Prowlers, Jaguars are mobile mortars basically, and Nemeum walking, armored turrets.

... Come to think of it, we'll probably end up with Jupiter cannons at some point lining the coasts. Need something to shoot Cthullu when it tries to get on shore. All the humanoids in the pic are probably like... stage 4 or 5 dolls. Maybe stage 3 even. Getting there, but very much stripped down/cheap, mass producible, and not suited for human interaction at that point.


Anyway, that's it for my random shit of a post.
I think as I put in my vote a good name for the heavy prowler is Stalker. Synonym to Prowler but feels more impactful to me.

Cornerstone is a pretty good name for the robotics spinoff since it's really going to be a Cornerstone of our civilization and effort to save humanity.
I'd say save that name for another unit. Like a Manticore variant or something maybe?
Holy crap do those bots look beautiful. What kind of technological systems do they even have...
And now that I think about it, Big Boy should probably be put for later, I agree.

And I doubt we'll be using canons effectively on old Squid face, unless somehow we research and weaponize the Fluid to be able to reverse-engineer damage with it or some shtick.

I think as I put in my vote a good name for the heavy prowler is Stalker. Synonym to Prowler but feels more impactful to me.
I think Stalker's a good name as well, but it feels like it deserves something more...swift. A vehicle meant for scouting and stealth missions, unlike the ACR-H-20. But if no good ideas come up, Stalker it is.

Cornerstone is a pretty good name for the robotics spinoff since it's really going to be a Cornerstone of our civilization and effort to save humanity.
Gracias. I was thinking a sister company should have a name similar to the main one, so, well. We laid the Foundations upon which we build the Cornerstones.
or somethin'
And I doubt we'll be using canons effectively on old Squid face, unless somehow we research and weaponize the Fluid to be able to reverse-engineer damage with it or some shtick.
Oh, uhh, those are the in game sprites used for the units. Not quite to size.

Well, the Jupiter Cannons aren't anyway, most of the others are I think.

The Manticore sprites are decently close to their actual height with how the Aegis units are human sized.